EXCELLENCE TODAY FOR TOMORROW SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT – February 2006 Recently, we used our Global Connect telephone messaging system to reach all RTMSD parents to ask for their support in contacting state legislators regarding proposed property tax reform. We want to thank our parents for their tremendous support. We have heard from our lawmakers in Harrisburg that the phones and emails from RTM were definitely hitting the mark and making a difference! As you know, there has been a great deal of legislative effort in the Special Session to develop a school property tax solution. We are most pleased that the back-end referendum exceptions are continuing to be refined. If a new property tax cap is going to be imposed on school districts, the exceptions must provide schools with the flexibility for expenditures that are beyond our control. Special education costs are mandate driven as are retirement costs for our employees. In addition, our school board can not control the spiraling cost of healthcare. We applaud the House effort on the exception language included in the Saylor/Veon amendment and we hope the Senate will join in supporting this language. We are also urging lawmakers in Harrisburg to assure that we have an adequate timeframe to implement any new school property tax legislation. We will host an important Community Information meeting on Property Tax Reform on Wednesday evening, March 8th at Springton Lake Middle School at 7:00 p.m. At this meeting we will review with our community members the current details of the proposed legislation and the impact these changes may have for our students and educational programs. We are also asking our community members to stay abreast of the issues by checking our website for updated information. Additional letters to our Congressmen will go a long way in helping our voices to be heard. Town Meetings on Redistricting I would like to remind our community of two very important meetings which will be held this week on March 1 and March 2nd at Springton Lake to review the details of our proposed elementary school redistricting plans. The information presented each night will be the same so parents may attend one or both of the meetings. We will also videotape the content of the meeting to air on our cable channel in the coming weeks. Following these meetings, we will gather community feedback and through the Parent and Administrators’ Advisory Committees narrow the field of proposals to no more than 2. This recommendation of the selected model will be presented to the School Board at the Legislative Meeting on March 23. If all goes well, we are aiming for official decision on this matter no later than the end of April. Facilities Educational Master Plan We would like to inform the community that we are preparing to seek approval to complete a district-wide study of our facilities’ needs that will be comprehensive and will be long-range. This plan will pull together data from many current sources and investigate, via many channels, including focus groups, our needs for the future in Rose Tree Media Schools. Though these are uncertain times from a budgetary perspective, we know that we must be planful and forward-thinking in ensuring that our school houses will meet the safety, security, and educational needs of our students in years to come. We eagerly anticipate this project and we will keep our community informed as we move forward. Technology Excitement As you may have noticed, we have begun on a path of utilizing technology more efficiently to assist us in providing better and more services to all. A good example of a simple, yet far-reaching change, has been the use of the Global Connect telephone messaging system. Tonight, with Board approval, we will be embarking on another new path to offer a Virtual Employment Center to professional employees interested in working in our district. We have showcased this model, which was designed and copyrighted by Lower Merion School District, to our administrators and Board members and we are most eager to get this up and running. The new system will insure that every applicant is afforded a “preliminary interview” online. Instead of our wading through piles and piles of paper applications, we will now be able to be more efficient in selecting those candidates who are the best match for positions in our district. It is our goal to begin using this new system online by early April. We know that this will enable us to insure that candidates’ applications are all screened objectively and maintained in a database that will serve us well as we move forward.