Accounting Upgrade Enhancement Priorities

Accounting Upgrade Enhancement Priorities
November 28, 2012
Task Force Ranking
1. Credit Memo Enhancements: All enhancement requests were lumped together as one large enhancement
and need requirements defined.
• Change Display if Vendor is not in Status that cannot be used on Future Transactions. Alert the
user if the Vendor is in a Status that will Fail on Future transactions.
• New report showing which vendors we have credit with and for how much. Should show the
balance as of a certain date. Occurrence date should be used. Date parameter on the report.
Detail/Summary parameter. Include Dates in the body of the report
• "Planning on changing the view that credit memo uses to include either invoice number or input
reference number. We will need to modify views to include the new fields. This also requires a
change to the check writing program.
• Need process to reverse credit memo balances when the vendor is in a bad state and re-create
with new user supplied vendor number.
2. Printer Friendly Views for:
- Cost center (Dept and staff) To Be Released 12/6
- General Ledger (staff)
- Grant (Deparment and user)
- Project (Department and user)
- Transaction Search
- Employee Salary (Department User)
3. - Reference PO on General receipts - to account for Expenditure reduction, refunds, duplicate payment,
Finance's EFT rejects
- Adjust Encumbrances
- Remove Uniface Encumbrance Form if possible
4. Audit Query: Finish a veiw to Audit changes made to various activity. Change to use the views instead of
the base tables.
High Benefit/High Effort – Priority
5. Cost Center Query Results: Show the cost center name rather that the object code name when he is
combining cost centers to one budget in the BAT. See the Budget 0120 on the attached.
High Benefit/Low Effort
#6 Mingle Story #673
High Benefit/High Effort – Priority
High Benefit/High Effort – Priority
High Benefit/High Effort – Priority
Task Force Ranking
6. Employee Salary Query - Add more search options such as Cost Center User Fields or Appropriation Group
Task force approved to search by: appropriation, Grant, Responsible Person, subprogram code, user field.
7. Cost Center Query: Suggest that there be single underlines under the Totals within Cost Center and Totals
Outside Cost Center. And, that those two rows be totaled for a Grand Total for the Cost Center with a
double under line.
Task Force Recommendation: We will not remove the double lines, unless we can put in logic where if
there are more than one total line exists at the bottom that the double lines could be removed from the
existing and just have double lines on the grand total. If not grand total exists, the leave the double line
with the totals.
8. Project Search: Return key does not execute search. The reason is that the fields have character masks
and do not recognize the return key. What is the solution?
9. Encumbrance Query: Department View and Accounting View - Want option to search by PCS
Task Force: Add parameters (Exclude closed PO's = cancel or closed) Default checked
10. The legend menu - when opened causes the screen to pop to the top, which effectively hides the menu
they just opened.
Expand/collapse all link at the top of the left-nav menu does not expand and collapse the legend menu as it
does the other sub-menus.
Task Force:
It came out in the discussion that they do not like the way that the menu items work in Accounting for all
the areas listed, not just Legend. They would like all menu items to close automatically when another
menu item is opened. Currently all the menus stay open unless you click on an open group to close it. I’m
wondering if this has been discussed as a standard and whether or not we have any options in changing
how it currently works. Question for Standards Committee
11. Business Expense: Provide validation on the date such as:
Only allow a year = current calendar year or can be one year greater than current calendar year. Can't be
less than current calendar year.
E.g. if August 2011 then don't allow a year of 2010 but allow 2011 or 2012. It wouldn't allow calendar year
E.g. if January 2012 then don't allow year of 2011 but allow 2012 or 2013. It wouldn't allow calendar year
High Benefit/Low Effort
High Benefit/Low Effort
High Benefit/Low Effort
High Benefit/Low Effort
High Benefit/Low Effort
High Benefit/Low Effort
Task Force Ranking
12. AC0513CP report - Add a parameter option to not print the parent cost center.
High Benefit/Low Effort
After evaluation by developer it was determined that this would need to be a new report because of the
way the AC0513CP is built.
13. AC0531CP-Transactions by Fund/GL/CC/Object:
Customer ID from Payee rather than account payment is applied to is being displayed on this report.
Campuses need to know the student that it was applied to.
The user group agreed to modify the program to include student Tech ID and add a new column with an
indicator that the payment was received from an outside agency.
The collection agency customer id can be seen in Web AC, transaction search and hovering over ar data
icon. is this sufficient?
Low Benefit/Low Effort
Task Force ranked this as LB/LE and will be looked at if time allows. They also suggested layering the data
output on the left to allow for more room.
14. Department View Reports: When reviewing cost center activity, you need four reports: AC0513CP,
Low Benefit/Low Effort
AC0519CP, AC0531CP and the HR2240CP. You exclude staff payroll on the AC0519CP and AC0531CP and
use the HR2240cp instead. It is the easiest and most efficient way to analyze cost center activities.
Unfortunately, the HR2240CP is not available for Department Query users.
Task force did not approve this request but instead changed it to Add totals at the bottom by cost center to
dept user salary query for each area (budget, encumbrance paid). Ranked as LB/LE
15. Grant and Project Search – allow wildcard searching options or search with no parameters
Low Benefit/Low Effort
16. General Ledger Query: Search for a G/L that returns one rows so the app goes directly to the query page.
Click back and refresh and accept warning to get back to search page. Search page automatically does
search returning to query page. If the system is slow, the user can start doing entry on parameter page
before it returns to query page
17. Department View: Users should have their own home page with different links that take them to
documentation that is pertinent to them. Also, it would be really cool if we could give the school a link
that they could opt to use and maintain themselves that would send them to a url for the school such as
the Business Office. The business office could use this link to put instructions to their department users
that is specific to their school. Need a list of links that are needed for department users (see Kathy and
Teri). Build a new page or put security tags in existing page to only display the links appropriate for them.
Low Benefit/Low Effort
Low Benefit/Low Effort
Task Force Ranking
18. Business Expense Unpostable: Here is the scenario, the person works for another State Agency (e.g. DNR)
and doesn't work for MnSCU. MnSCU is paying their bus exp amount for some reason. This should only be
implemented in Bus Exp (not in SEMA4 Data Correction). Even if they don't have Person record then need
to show the wrench icon (Add Tech ID functionality) so the user can add the person.
Task Force: Ranked this as HE/LB so it will not be looked at as part of the Accounting Upgrade Continuous
Improvement Project.
19. Uniface AC Security - Review remaining Uniface AC Security groups and remove any incompatible role
issues and deactivate groups as needed.
Low Benefit/High Effort
20. PO Payment Correction for Direct Payments - Allow for a PO payment correction when the original
payment was NOT made from a Purchase Order and later you want to connect it.
Question for Task Force: Also, should PO corrections be allowed to be reversed?
The AC Upgrade Task Force denied this request
21. Management reports for institution level financial reporting - This project would create a direct
connection to ISRS to utilize the most accurate possible data at any point in time. Possible Data
Management project.
Task force would like to ask the FUG if this is still a valid request.
22. Employee Salary Query - You have the ability to search for a Tech Id via the chooser. However, the search
on the pop-up chooser is not limited to employees. Hence, when searching for an employee you gets lots
of non-employees.
Has not had task force review. It was ranked as High Effort by Dvlp.
23. Vendor Change Review - When a user is doing a purchase order payment, they have the ability to change
the vendor (See Purchase Order Payoff Entry story). They could potentially change the vendor to
themselves or a friend and misappropriate funds. This story provides a review process which should be
completed by an independent person. The user will see all transactions that have had a vendor change.
The system will display the accounting serial number, the old vendor, the new vendor and the ability to
indicate they have reviewed and approved the vendor change.
Need FUG Input
This process was built as a part of the original AC Web application but was not: assigned to a security role;
incompatible roles identified; tested
Low Benefit/High Effort
Needs Task Force Priority
Need to evaluate to determine
what is remaining for this item.