Waves What is a wave? • A disturbance that travels in a medium (or vacuum for electromagnetic waves) transferring energy and momentum from one place to another. Types of Waves • Mechanical waves – Require a material medium to travel through – Sound, water • Electromagnetic waves – Can travel through a vacuum – Light Transverse Waves • The particles move perpendicular to the wave motion. http://www.schulphysik.de/suren/Applets/Waves/Twave01/Twave01Applet.html Longitudinal Waves • The particles move parallel to the wave motion. http://www.schulphysik.de/suren/Applets/Waves/Lwave01/Lwave01Applet.html Describing Waves • Wavelength (λ) – Shortest distance between two points that are in phase on a wave • Frequency (f) – Number of vibrations per second – Number of crests passing a fixed point per second • Period (T) – Time for one complete wavelength to pass a given point – Time for a particle to undergo one complete oscillation • Amplitude (A) – Maximum displacement of a wave from its rest (equilibrium) position Wave Equation • When a source of a wave undergoes one complete oscillation the wave it produces moves forward one wavelength (λ) • Since there are f oscillations per second, the wave progresses fλ during this time • Therefore the velocity of a wave (c) is given by c f Sound Waves • Sound waves are produced by vibrations • The vibrating source moves the nearby air particles sending a disturbance through the surrounding medium as a longitudinal wave • Sound is a mechanical wave and thus requires a medium Speed of Sound • The speed of sound depends on two things: – The medium it is traveling in • Sound travels faster in in a more dense medium – The temperature of the medium • Sound travels slower as the temperature decreases Speed of Sound in Various Media Electromagnetic Waves • Produced when electrons undergo an energy change – Radio waves are produced by accelerating electrons through an antenna – Gamma rays are produced by particle decays or other annihilation events • Velocity = 3.0x108 ms-1 • Consist of a time-varying electric field and its associated time-varying magnetic field em wave propagation • Since the human eye is sensitive to the electric field component, the amplitude of an electromagnetic wave is usually taken as the wave’s maximum electric field strength Electromagnetic Spectrum • • • • • • • Radio (λ~1mm-100km) Microwave (λ~1mm-30cm) Infrared (λ~1µm-1000µm) Visible (λ~440nm-700nm Ultraviolet (λ~100nm-400nm) X-ray (λ~30pm-3nm) Gamma (λ<1pm) Wave Characteristics • Wavefront – A surface that travels with a wave and is perpendicular to the direction in which it travels • Ray – A line showing the direction in which a wave transfers energy and is perpendicular to the wave front Intensity of a Wave • The loudness of a sound wave or the brightness of a light depends on the amount of energy that is received by an observer • The intensity (energy) is proportional to the square of the amplitude: I A2 • Loudness and brightness are intensities perceived by the observer and are related to frequency • The intensity of the wave decreases as the distance between the source and the observer increases • The wave spreads out over an area resulting in the relationship I x 2 Principle of Superposition • When two (or more) waves meet the total displacement is the vector sum of the individual displacements • Having interacted, the waves continue on their way as if they had never met at all Interference • When waves add together to give a total displacement LESS than the original waves it is called destructive interference • When waves add together to give a total displacement GREATER than the original waves it is called constructive interference Polarization • Transverse waves have a unique property call polarization • Polarization of a transverse wave restricts the direction of the oscillations to a plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/polarizedlight/filters/ Polarization of Light • Étienne-Louis Malus (1809) showed that when unpolarized light reflected off a glass plate it could be polarized • Sir David Brewster (1812) showed that when unpolarised light was incident on an optically dense surface (like glass) at a specific angle (called Brewster’s angle), the light is completely polarized www.ryerson.ca/~kantorek/ELE884/Polarization.htm • Edwin Land (1928) developed a material with a molecular structure that only allows a specific orientation of the electric field to go through (called a Polaroid J sheet) Malus’s Law • Consider a polarized light whose electric field Eo makes an angle θ with the transmission axis of a second polarizer (analyser) • We can split the electric field into its horizontal and vertical components • In this case only the vertical component can pass through giving E Eo cos • Transmitted intensity is proportional to the square of the electric field so… I I o cos 2 Io - Incident intensity Practical Uses of Polarizers • • • • Polarized sunglasses LCD panels Stress analysis of some plastics Some chiral (asymmetric) molecules are optically active Reflection • http://www.schulphysik.de/suren/Applets/Waves/TwaveRefTran/TwaveRefTranApplet.html • 1 Dimensional wave fixed end Reflected wave is inverted • 1 Dimensional wave free end Reflected wave is not inverted • 2 Dimensional reflection – The angle of incidence (measured from a line normal to the surface) is equal to the angle of reflection (measured from a line normal to the surface) Refraction • When a wave travels from one medium to another – Frequency of the wave remains constant – Velocity of the wave changes – Some of the wave is reflected Snell’s Law • Relates the incident wave to the refracted wave n1 sin2 v2 n2 sin1 v1 • n is the index of refraction Diffraction • Italian priest Francesco Grimaldi published the first detailed observation and description of diffraction in 1665 (two years after his death) • When waves pass through a narrow gap or slit, or when their path is partially blocked by an object, the waves spread out into what one would expect to be a shadow region www.practicalpedal.com/photographcfo/Diffraction-in-Physics.html physics2life.blogspot.ca/2008_10_01_archive.html www.gearthblog.com/blog/archives/2012/01/wave_mechanics_in_google_earth.html Tom leigh1 www.flickr.com/photos/tomleigh/3287584946/ maykan.wordpress.com/tag/science-fiction/ • A distinctive pattern appears a distance away from the slit (or barrier) when the wave hits a wall cronodon.com/Atomic/Photon.html • There is a bright spot in the middle with alternating dark and bright spots on either side www.a-levelphysicstutor.com/wav-light-diffr.php laser.physics.sunysb.edu/~mkorn/lecture/ interventions-mesures-physiques-evreux.e-monsite.com/pages/optique/diffraction-par-une-fente.html • This happens because the paths of the wave from each end of the slit (or side of the barrier) are different lengths than the path from the middle resulting in areas of constructive and destructive interference hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/%E2%80%8Chbase/phyopt/sinvar.html Path Difference • When the path length of two coherent waves differs by one-half wavelength, the result will be total destructive interference www.physicsclassroom.com/Class/light/u12l3b.cfm • When the path length of two coherent waves differs by one wavelength, the result will be total constructive interference www.physicsclassroom.com/Class/light/u12l3b.cfm Double Slit Interference • If a wave passes through two slits, then the wave will diffract through both slits resulting in two coherent (in phase) waves • These two waves will overlap creating areas of constructive and destructive interference www.mghs.sa.edu.au/Internet/Curriculum/Science/Stage2/Physics/stage2Physics.htm • For light, we can observe this pattern on a screen sciencesummit.wordpress.com/2011/05/12/davisson%E2%80%93germer-experiment/ • Thomas Young performed this experiment in 1801 – Therefore, double slit diffraction with light is often referred to as Young’s experiment • When light is used, the light is passed through a single slit first such that it is coherent (a laser could also be used) img.wikinut.com/img/8zlnmjhvlc1fv1f./jpeg/0/The-Double-Slit-Experiment.jpeg GIPHOTOSTOCK/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY www.sciencephoto.com/media/157198/enlarge tsgphysics.mit.edu/pics/P%20Interference/Q2-P10-Laser-Diffraction-and-Interference-still.jpg • Notice that two patterns exist – A series of equally spaced bright and dark spots and a pattern like the single slit • This happens because there is still a diffraction pattern from each slit and this pattern is superimposed on the interference pattern from the two waves • If we add more slits the bright fringes get narrower www.unistudyguides.com/wiki/Interference_and_Diffraction Diffraction Grating • A diffraction grating is a natural consequence of the effect on the interference pattern when the number of slits is increased • Diffraction gratings are used to produce optical spectra • Typically contain 600 slits (or lines) per mm with very small spacing between the slits www.rapidonline.com/Education/Diffraction-Grating-Slide-600-lines-per-mm-52-9005 www.looseinthelabscience.com/index.php/cat-supplies/cat-light/defraction-grating-glasses.html reflectingreflecting.blogspot.ca/2009_11_01_archive.html webinarsunleashed.com/v/account/themes/2.0/assets/ckeditor/plugins/pagebreak/images/diffraction-grating-film www.askamathematician.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Diffraction-grating.jpg reednightingale.com/projects/physical/laserSpirograph/DSCN0025.JPG Thin Films • When light is incident on a thin film (oil, soap) part of the light reflects off the surface and some of the light is refracted into the film • When the refracted light hits the bottom of the film it is once again both reflected and refracted • This process can occur several times for the same incident wave www.ualberta.ca/~pogosyan/teaching/PHYS_130/FALL_2010/lectures/lect34/lecture34.html • When the light reflects off the top of the film it undergoes a phase shift of 180° (or π radians) • Depending on the thickness of the film this will result in either constructive or destructive interference at the surface John (ex-user Guinnog) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin-film_interference#mediaviewer/File:Dieselrainbow.jpg www.tuks.nl/Mirror/labman.phys.utk.edu/Thin%20films.htm www.tufts.edu/as/tampl/projects/micro_rs/theory.html www.flickr.com/photos/gianpiero1966/14835899563/