MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
6:30 p.m., District Office
December 20, 2010
Call to Order:
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by Nancy Merrill, President of
the Board of Directors, at 6:30 p.m. in the boardroom of the district office.
Pledge of Allegiance:
Jane Krohn led the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Roll Call:
All board members were present.
Mr. Cassell moved and Mr. Nickson seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the regular
board meeting of November 15, 2010, and the special board meetings of November 30, and two
special board meetings on December 6, 2010 as printed. Motion carried.
Recognition and Appreciation – Departing Board Member and Board President
Mr. Nelson recognized board member Cathy Dahlquist for her five years of service on the board.
He expressed his appreciation to her husband, Jeff, and children, Jeffrey and Hannah, for sharing
her with us as it takes time away from home to serve. Mrs. Dahlquist was thanked for the great
job she has done. She was presented with a picture of the board for her new office at the state
legislature, and a plaque commemorating her service. Mrs. Dahlquist thanked Mr. Nelson for all
he’s done for the district. She said the vote she is most proud of is when Mr. Nelson was hired.
Mrs. Dahlquist stated that her board member colleagues work great as a team and she will miss
them. To the public, she remarked that being a board member is a great opportunity for anyone
who wants to serve kids and the community.
Mrs. Merrill was thanked for her service as board president the past year. She was presented
with the presidential gavel. Mrs. Merrill thanked Mr. Nelson and Mrs. Aaby for their assistance
during her year as president.
Board Reorganization
Mrs. Merrill stated that it is the practice of this board to rotate the leadership positions so
everyone gets the experience. She began the reorganization process by opening nominations for
board president. Mrs. Dahlquist moved to elect Mr. VanHoof as president for 2011. Mr. Cassell
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The board reorganized at the board table with Mr. VanHoof assuming the president’s position.
Mr. VanHoof remarked that all of our board presidents have done a great job while he has been
on the board.
Mr. VanHoof opened nominations for board vice-president. Mrs. Dahlquist moved and Mrs.
Merrill seconded to elect Corey Cassell as vice-president for 2011. Motion carried.
Mr. VanHoof opened the nominations for legislative representative, sharing that he had served in
that position. Now we will be visiting Mrs. Dahlquist when we go to Olympia! Mrs. Merrill
moved and Mr. Cassell seconded to elect Tim Nickson as legislative representative for 2011.
Motion carried.
Board Communications
Mrs. Merrill stated that there hadn’t been a board meeting since the WSSDA Conference in
Spokane. She commented that it is a wonderful opportunity to learn and hear what’s happening
around the state. Mrs. Merrill also encouraged people to attend a high school musical whenever
the opportunity arises as it is outstanding entertainment.
Mr. VanHoof said that an orientation was held this evening for the District #2 board director
position. Two of the candidates were present at the meeting and were introduced: Bryan Garton
and April Schroeder. Tamarah Knapp Hancock is the third candidate. The applications will be
reviewed at the January 3rd board work study and interviews will take place on January 6th. A
director will be appointed to fill the position. Mr. VanHoof wished the candidates well in the
Mr. Nickson commented that it was great to see how the PLCs are using creative ways to
increase the acceleration of student learning. All are trying different methods and are learning
from each other. He encouraged them to continue to be creative.
Mrs. Dahlquist shared that while her colleagues were attending the WSSDA Conference in
Spokane, she was in Olympia. The legislature voted large cuts to the education budget. The state
is in a world of hurt financially and all are sorting priorities. Mrs. Dahlquist is an advocate of
education and believes we need to keep kids first as a priority. She is excited by the opportunities
as a legislator and said there is a lot of work to do. She hopes to be appointed to the education
Mr. Cassell gave an update on the EHS Robotics Club. After two rounds of qualifying
competition, one of the teams will be competing at the state level on January 16th at Sammamish
High School. He hopes they will be going on to the world competition in St. Louis!
Lauren Carey shared that she attended the WSSDA Conference as a board student representative
and found it to be fun and a great learning experience. She said it was a nice opportunity to meet
with other student representatives as well. Mr. VanHoof commented that quite a few student
representatives attend from other districts and the board was glad to have Lauren there.
Superintendent Report
Mr. Nelson began his report with recognition of the most recent National Board recipients. He
stated that the certification program is a very rigorous one. We have 35 recipients in the district
now which is the equivalent of 14% - well above the state average. It is a year-long process
which includes writing, videos, and test-taking. He said every staff member feels very good at
the end! The eight recipients being recognized at this meeting were: Doug Wolff, Tara Myers,
Mark Hanson, Jane Krohn, Will Osborn, and Kris Hughes. The two not in attendance were
Oressa Phelps and Kim Taylor. The district supports this program whole-heartedly. The
enhanced $5,000 stipend has been reduced for next year. The program provides rich professional
development and the first time passing rate is 40-50%. Our staff is well above that. The process
requires commitment, time and effort, and a great deal of reflection on practices. Mr. Nelson
stated that the recipients are notified of the results on the website. Mr. VanHoof stated that the
board was kept updated by Mr. Nelson while they were at the WSSDA Conference as he
received information from candidates and building principals. Mrs. Merrill asked what the
teachers have changed in practice since completing the program. Ms. Krohn responded that she
was in constant reflection: What am I doing? Did it make a difference? How are they
responding? She said it was a powerful, difficult process and being a “heart” teacher, the
technical writing was difficult. Ms. Krohn added it takes a village to pass. Mr. Wolff stated that
they were required to do two 15-minute video entries and then write a 12 page paper to go with
them. Mrs. Dahlquist asked Mr. Wolff if he felt he had an advantage teaching video production.
Mr. Wolff said he did. Mr. Osborn stated that he became more intentional in his planning: how
could he get his students to explore more, how to react to it, and get kids to use different
protocols. Mr. Wolff stated that this was a more difficult process than completing his Masters
program. The difference was that the Masters program was theoretical while this was practical.
Mr. Nelson concluded by saying how incredibly proud he was and that we are lucky to have
them in our district. The board congratulated the recipients as they were presented with
certificates and roses. Mr. Nelson thanked them for taking time to come and said it was a thrill to
be able to honor them.
Mr. Nelson stated that the Alumni Luncheon is scheduled for tomorrow, 12 – 1 p.m. in the
library, with the Class of 2010 there to share with our students. A variety of colleges will be
represented, including the Culinary Arts program. It will be a mini-reunion with students home
for break. We hope to have 6-12th grade students in attendance. Pizza, which was donated by the
Schools Foundation, and ice cream, donated by Meadosweet, will be served. Mr. Nelson said he
hopes attendance will build. His second child left home in August for college and is back for
Christmas. He knows firsthand that they go through a transition.
Mr. Nelson shared that Nancy Merrill’s picture is in the WSSDA Direct newsletter as she was
elected to the WSSDA Board of Directors. Chris VanHoof was elected to the Interscholastic
Activities Committee representing District 2. We are very proud to have our board members
serving at the state level.
Tri-Party Agreement Update
Mr. Nelson used a PowerPoint presentation to give an update on the Tri-Party Agreement which
will come to the board in the business part of the agenda for action. The agreement is between
the City of Black Diamond, Yarrow Bay and Enumclaw School District. This process began in
2007 when we didn’t have a need for a capital facilities plan. Mr. Nelson reviewed the history of
the process and the agreement including information regarding impact fees and the mitigation
The timeline of the agreement was reviewed. Public meetings began in October 2009.
Community meetings were held asking for public input on November 5th and 12th, 2009.
Information has been posted on the website. The board chose not to move for adoption until the
master plans went before the hearing examiner. A few minor changes have been made to the
agreement and it was brought to the board for review at the December 6th, 2010 workshop.
Also included in the presentation were: the Major Themes of the Agreement; Projected Students;
the Lawson Hills and the Villages Developments; Terms of the Agreement; the School Sites;
Conveyance of School Sites (we have control over our capital facilities plan and impact fees)
Mitigation Fees (these are locked in no matter if the city or state does away with impact fees);
information regarding the individual school sites; Due Diligence (began with the end in mind by
setting strong values and vision first); and then a review of the Major Themes of the Agreement
which were Long-term Infrastructure, Sustainability and Security; Neighborhood School
Locations; and Flexibility for the Future. Our district does not have a public relations person, but
we have tried to present a very transparent process with meetings, website information, and the
presentation has been consistent. Ms. Stiffarm and Mr. Nelson attended as many of the hearings
as possible and have kept the board apprised.
Mr. VanHoof asked if anyone present wished to address the board as a whole to please come to the front
on either side of the board room, state their name, address, whether they have children in the district, and
if they are a taxpayer in our district. Speakers will have three minutes to present. He also asked that
those who address the board complete an information card so the board minutes will be accurate.
Rich Ostrowski, Black Diamond, asked the board to delay the vote on the agreement to allow for a
public hearing. His concerns were in regard to the impact fees and additional dwellings in the plan.
Joe May, Black Diamond, requested the board postpone the vote on the Tri-Party Agreement until it
could be publicly vetted. He stated that in November 2009, a scheduled public hearing was cancelled.
Mr. May commended the board for the agreement that has been negotiated as land acquisition is
important. He expressed concern over the possibility that the developer may not build enough dwellings
to warrant a school and the lack of a phase review mechanism.
Cindy Proctor, Enumclaw, stated that she is committed to the district and that Mrs. Merrill and Mr.
Nelson have been responsive to her emails. She shared her background in building low-income housing.
Ms. Proctor said that the Tri-Party agreement has great points but is concerned about infrastructure
issues and the long-term commitment that is irrevocable. She suggested doing a phase at a time and
reviewing the agreement at each phase. Time was called as Ms. Proctor wished Mrs. Dahlquist good
luck. Mrs. Merrill clarified that she was communicating for the entire board with her emails, always
speaking on their behalf.
Vicki Harp, Black Diamond, shared her background as a former Enumclaw student with grandchildren
in our schools. She is devoted to and has supported our schools. Ms. Harp stated that many people in
Enumclaw do not know what is going on. She suggested a public hearing in order to give citizens an
opportunity to have their say.
Brock Deady, Black Diamond, has four children who graduated in the district. He stated that he wants to
know more about the plan before it is forced into the community. Mr. Deady would like the opportunity
for feedback.
Judith Carrier, Auburn, stated that she doesn’t vote in the Enumclaw School District or in Black
Diamond, but the boundary of the Villages is on Green Valley Road. She expressed her concern over the
impact on the road by the development. Ms. Carrier agreed with the people who have spoken and
requested a delay on the vote until the development agreements have been finalized and the public is
aware of the agreement.
Glennis Richardson (no information card on file), Auburn, is a resident of the Enumclaw School
District. She stated that her taxes have increased and her property has depreciated. Without a public
hearing, she would not feel inclined to support an increase in taxes. Ms. Richardson stated that she
didn’t understand the rush to vote on the agreement.
Mr. VanHoof thanked those who presented.
Payroll and Vouchers:
Mr. Madden presented the list of top ten expenditures in the district as follows: McKinstry
Company LLC; Muckleshoot Indian Tribe; Puget Sound Energy; Associated Petroleum
Products; Food Services of America; City of Enumclaw; KCDA; Overlake Hospital; Speech
Connections, Inc; and NW ESD 189.
Mr. Madden shared a list of the local businesses with which the district did business this month
in the amount of $31,315. The district is pleased to support local businesses and purchase their
products. Mrs. Merrill asked Mr. Madden to clarify the money that goes to the Muckleshoots.
Mr. Madden explained that the district has an agreement with the Muckleshoot Tribal School. It
makes them eligible for basic education funds and benefits us as well. The increase this year is
because their FTE has grown. It is a terrific school and we like the relationship with them. Mr.
VanHoof stated that the board members receive their informational packet Thursday, prior to the
board meeting, and have the opportunity to review the vouchers and ask questions.
After reviewing all vouchers, Mr. Nickson moved and Mrs. Merrill seconded to approve general
fund vouchers in the amount of $665,166.88; capital projects fund in the amount of $118,484.09;
associated student body fund in the amount of $54,640.58; and ratification of the general fund
payroll warrant for October in the amount of $2,743,494.62.
Motion carried.
Consent Agenda:
Donation of $1,000 to EHS from the Class of 1959 to be used for the library
Donation of $698.25 from the Salmon Homecoming Alliance to the Native American
Program for travel expenses
Donation of $1,500 from the Enumclaw Schools Foundation to FDK scholarships
Donation of $1,321.88 from Enumclaw Band Boosters to the EHS orchestra program
Field trip: Boys varsity basketball to Coeur d’Alene, ID for the Spokane Showcase
December 3-4, 2010
Personnel Report
The consent agenda was presented by Mr. VanHoof. Mrs. Merrill moved to approve the
following items on the consent agenda and thanked the community for their generosity. Mrs.
Dahlquist seconded the motion.
Donation of $1,000 to EHS from the Class of 1959 to be used for the library
Donation of $698.25 from the Salmon Homecoming Alliance to the Native American
Program for travel expenses
Donation of $1,500 from the Enumclaw Schools Foundation to FDK scholarships
Donation of $1,321.88 from Enumclaw Band Boosters to the EHS orchestra program
Field trip: Boys varsity basketball to Coeur d’Alene, ID for the Spokane Showcase
December 3-4, 2010
Personnel Report
New Hire:
Doris Neds, teacher, Kibler, effective 12.6.10
New Hires:
Amy Pellett, paraeducator, EMS, effective 10.4.2010
Dennis McNeill, bus driver, transportation, effective 12.6.2010
Supplemental Contract:
Celeste Bettencourt, assistant swim coach, EHS, effective 11.15.2010
Motion carried.
Second Reading:
Policy 3141: Nonresident Students
Policy 3143: District to be Notified of Juvenile Offenders
Policy 4215: Use of Tobacco on School Property
Policy 4315: Release of Information Concerning Sexual and Kidnapping Offenders
Policy 5005: Employment: Disclosures, Certification Requirements, Assurances and Approval
Policy 5050: Employment Contracts
Policy 5406: Leave Sharing
Mr. Nelson stated that these policies were before the board last month and recommended
delaying approval of Policy 4215 as an update regarding the use of nicotine patches was received
last week. It will be on the agenda next month with the updated language. There were no
questions or comments regarding the remainder of the policies.
Mrs. Dahlquist moved to approve Policy 3141: Nonresident Students; Policy 3143: District to be
Notified of Juvenile Offenders; Policy 4315: Release of Information Concerning Sexual and
Kidnapping Offenders; Policy 5005: Employment: Disclosures, Certification Requirements,
Assurances & Approval; Policy 5050: Employment Contracts; and Policy 5406: Leave Sharing
and amended the agenda to remove Policy 4215 from action. Mr. Cassell seconded and the
motion carried.
Second Reading:
Policy 3245: Students & Telecommunication Devices
Mr. Nelson stated that this policy is before the board as an informational item for a second
reading as the board had requested additional information. He reported that the middle schools
are working to make discipline consistent between the two schools. Surrounding districts are
relying on policy 3207 which includes a single line regarding phones. They are not using the
full-blown policy. The district’s building principals feel this policy is one that would support
them for structure and guidance. It will, most likely, come back frequently for updates as
electronics change. White River, Sumner and Tahoma haven’t adopted the policy. It will be on
the agenda as an action item next month. Mrs. Merrill asked the student representatives if they
had any thoughts about the policy. Lauren Cary stated that students currently use their phones
during passing time. An administrator would have to authorize use if it’s not during lunch, before
or after school.
First Reading:
Policy 4040: Public Access to District Records
Mr. Nelson presented Policy 4040 for first reading. Language and references have been updated
regarding electronic records. This is a simple legal change and will be on the agenda for action
next month.
Resolution #959: Cancellation of Outstanding Warrants
Mr. Madden explained that these are checks that haven’t been cashed. The business office has
been in communication with these people and some of the checks will be reissued. He requested
cancellation of these warrants. Mr. Nickson moved and Mr. Cassell seconded to approve
Resolution #959: Cancellation of Outstanding Warrants. Motion carried.
Tri-Party Agreement with Enumclaw School District, City of Black Diamond and Yarrow
Mr. VanHoof stated that the board has heard Mr. Nelson’s presentation as well as public
comments. After discussion, Mrs. Merrill moved and Mr. Cassell seconded a motion to approve
the Tri-Party Agreement. Mrs. Merrill stated that the public comments were compelling. Mr.
Nelson thanked the public for attending, stating that he knows they are passionate about the
issue. He clarified that the public hearing that a citizen referenced in the public comment section
that was cancelled was not a school district hearing but a City of Black Diamond hearing. The
district chose to delay voting on the agreement after the public meeting in order to go through the
MPD process. The community did make public comments at the hearings and those comments
are in the minutes on the website. It was made clear that the district valued the security of land
and not just the impact fees. Agreements in surrounding districts were researched. Mr. Cassell
commented that this process is unlike adopting curriculum when we see immediate results. The
board may not see the fruition of this agreement which sets us up well for the future. He
reiterated that the board did delay on approving the agreement. Mrs. Merrill asked how the
board’s vote tonight would prohibit the Black Diamond council from having a public hearing.
Mr. Nelson answered that we can’t make decisions for the council. He stated that the board held
him to a strong value of being transparent and keeping the agreement before the public. Mrs.
Merrill said the agreement was tweaked based on information received from Mr. Ostrowski. The
language was already there and was made more specific. Mr. Cassell commented that this may
seem like it was rolled out the back door, but it has been a long, two-year process with public
disclosure. There have been multiple opportunities for public comment. The agreement has not
changed except for small tweaks. For those who are affected by this, Mr. Cassell said the board
understands their feelings and appreciates their willingness to share. A lot of thought and work
by very knowledgeable people, the board and Mr. Nelson have gone into this. The board doesn’t
take it lightly. Mr. VanHoof stated that the meetings in Black Diamond were well attended and
thanked Mr. Nelson and Ms. Stiffarm for their continued work on this. He concurred that a lot of
time and effort were spent on the agreement. Mrs. Dahlquist commented that she made her
resignation effective at the end of the month as she wanted to be here for this meeting. She has
been involved in the process since its inception and needed to be at this meeting with her
colleagues to take ownership. She respects the request for a postponement, the board hears the
concerns voiced, and have been working on this for a long time. It is time to move forward. Mr.
Nickson recused himself from the vote as his wife was an appellant during the SEPA process.
The motion carried 4-0, with Mr. Nickson’s recusal.
General Fund Report:
Mr. Madden presented the general fund report. 22.36% of the 2010-11 budget has been expended
with 26.93% of revenues received. Mr. Madden shared a graph to show expenditure
The beginning of the year fund balance was $5,149,683.00. Total resources available:
$16,597,060.00. Expenditures to date: $9,915,307.00. Transfer amount to debt service for
energy: $42,800.00; grant carry-over: $200,000.00; inventory: $30,000.00; unreserved
designated: $294,000.00; reserve of 5% per board policy: $2,216,844.00; and unreserved
contingency: $350,000.00. Unreserved ending fund balance: $3,548,109.00.
Capital Projects beginning fund balance was $795,724.49 with an ending balance of
The Debt Service Fund beginning fund balance was $3,087,873.87 with an ending balance of
ASB Fund beginning fund balance was $235,602.06 with an ending balance of $437,308.60.
Transportation Fund beginning fund balance was $628,516.46 with an ending balance of
Mr. VanHoof asked Mr. Nelson if an executive session was necessary. Mr. Nelson stated that he would
not need an executive session and wished the board a merry Christmas!
No executive session was needed.
The board debriefed the meeting. Mr. VanHoof thanked Mrs. Dahlquist for her five years on the board,
two years as president, and said she is going to do great things in Olympia.
He wished everyone a merry Christmas, happy holidays, safe travels, and encouraged everyone to keep
shopping in town. Will Holland encouraged people to attend the basketball games.
This meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m.
President, Board of Directors
Secretary, Board of Directors