Geophysical Monograph Series Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas Vol. 55 Geophysical Monograph 55 THE INFLUENCE OF NORTH ON PACIFIC STREAMFLOW ATMOSPHERIC IN THE CIRCULATION WEST Daniel R. Cayan ScrippsInstitutionof Oceanography,A-024, University of California-San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0224 David H. Peterson U.S. GeologicalSurvey, MS-496, 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025 Abstract.The annualcycle andnonseasonal variabilityof streamflow over westernNorth America andHawaii is studiedin termsof atmospheric similar,but the E1 Niffo signalalsoincludesa tendencyfor greaterthan normal stream flow in the southwestern United States. These indices are its varianceat mostof the stations,there is alsoa distinctannualcycle in theautocorrelation of anomalies thatis relatedto the interplaybetweenthe annualcyclesof temperatureandprecipitation.Of particularimportance to theselag effectsis the well-knownrole of waterstoredas snowpack, whichcontrolsthedelaybetweenpeakprecipitation andpeakflow andalso introduces persistence intothenonseasonal streamflow anomalies, withtime scalesfrom 1 month to over 1 year. The degreeto which stream flow is relatedto winter atmospheric significantlycorrelatedwith streamflowat oneto two seasons in advance of the December-Augustperiod, which may allow modestly skillful forecasts.It is importantto notethatstreamflow variabilityin someareas, suchas BritishColumbiaand California, doesnot respondconsistently to thesebroadscalePacificatmospheric circulationindices,but is relatedto regionalatmospheric anomalyfeaturesover the easternNorth Pacific. Spatially,streamflowanomaliesare fairly well correlatedover scales of severalhundredkilometers.Inspection of the spatialanomalies of streamflow in this studysuggestan asymmetryin the spatialpatternof positive versusnegativestreamflow anomaliesin the westernUnited States:dry patternshave tendedto be larger and more spatiallycoherentthan wet circulationoverthe North PacificandwesternNorth America is testedusing patterns. forcingelements.This studyusesseveraldecadesof monthlyaverage stream flow beginningas early as the late 1800's over a network of 38 stations.In additionto a strongannualcyclein meanstreamflowand correlations with time averaged,griddedsealevelpressure(SLP), which beginsin 1899. Streamflowfluctuationsshow significantlarge-scale correlations for thewinter(DecemberthroughFebruary)meanSLP anomaly patternsoverthe North Pacificwith maximumcorrelations rangingfrom 0.3 to about0.6. For streamsalongthewestcoastcorridorthecirculation patternassociated with positivestreamflowanomaliesis low pressure centeredoff the coastto the westor northwest,indicativeof increasedwinter stormsandan anomalouswesterly-to-southwesterly wind component.For streamsin the interiorpositivestreamflow anomalies are associated with a positiveSLPanomalystationed remotelyoverthecentralNorthPacific, and with negativebut generallyweakerSLP anomalieslocally. Oneimportant influence onstreamflow variabilityis thestrength of the AleutianLow in winter. This is represented by the familiarPacific-North America(PNA) index and alsoby an indexdefinedhereinthe "CNP" (CentralNorthPacific).Thisindex,beginning in 1899, is takento be the averageof the SLP anomalysouthof theAleutiansandthewesternGulf of Alaska.Correlations betweenPNA or CNP andregionalanomalies reflect streamflow thealternations in strength andposition of themeanNorthPacific stormtrackenteringNorthAmericaaswell asshiftsin thetradewindsover thesubtropical NorthPacific.Regionswhosestream flow is besttunedto the PNA or CNP include coastalAlaska, the northwesternUnited States, andHawaii;the lattertwo regionshavethe oppositesignanomalyas the former.Thepatternof streamflow variations associated withE1Niffo is This paper is not subjectto U.S. copyright.Publishedin 1989by the American Geophysical Union. 375 Introduction Most of the surface water west of the Continental Divide in North Americais suppliedby North Pacificair masses[Rasmusson, 1967;Klein and Bloom, 1987]. The bulk of this precipitationoccursduringthe cool season[HsuandWallace, 1976]fromextratropicalstormsthatare carried in the westerlyflow. The seasonalmigrationof this stormtrack provides a markedannualcycleand resultsin a distinctgeographical pattern,with precipitationgenerallydecreasingfrom north to southand from coastal rangesto theinterior.Thisdistribution is compounded by topography, which can either enhancethe precipitationin a given region or diminish it, depending onitsorientation relativeto theflow [e.g., Weaver,1962;Pittock, 1977]. Atmosphericpatternsinvolvedin westerncool seasonprecipitationare oftenbroadin scalewith up anddownstream connections, sothatsystematic deviationsin the atmospheric flow overthe North Pacificare involvedin North Americanprecipitationanomalies.In the centralNorth Pacificthe time-meansurface pressure configuration, calledtheAleutian-Gulfof Alaska Low, is generallylower duringwinterswith frequentcyclonepassages and higherduringwinterswhenthesecyclonepassages are lessfrequent,less intense,or divertedto anotherlocation.Marked year-to-yearchangesin thisactivitymakesthisregionthe seatof largestmonthlyandseasonal scale variabilityin the northernhemisphere[Namias, 1975]. The dynamicsof the atmospheric flow producean organizedspatialpattern:averagesof a Geophysical Monograph Series 376 Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas Vol. 55 CAYAN AND PETERSON Sea Level Pressure Streamflow Anomalies 2 ß':. ":.'• ' '::ß;""¾... " •":'!' ';"4 ' • .' '.., '.';i' ,. ß ß:?!' '' :..o:..:..: ' ':•:1• • ¾" :i'i:':: '.:•.. ':':.• ß ......... - .':;i' December '"'i'. ,.January ' '. February March '"":.:.. '. •s '" - 15 i:!:!:i:! Above average IIIIII Below average Fig. 1. Streamflow anomalyfor December-March andwintermeanSLPfor pairsof winters(a) 1963-1964and1976-1977and (b) 1955-1956and 1968-1969whenatmospheric circulationpatternoverNorth Pacificwassimilar.For anomalies in theupper or lowerquartileof a givenstream'smonthlydistribution seePeterson et al. [1987a].1000mbis subtracted fromSLP, contour interval is 5 mb. few daysand more showthat stormactivityaroundthe hemisphere is arrangedin cellsthatcorrespond to thetroughs(or negativeanomalies of pressureor geopotential) of atmospheric quasi-stationary planetarywaves whichusuallyhavedimension of severalhundred to thousands of kilometers [see,e.g., Madden,1979]. This wavycharacterof the atmospheric flow givesriseto remotecorrelations of theanomalypatternscalled"teleconnections,"which are pronouncedfeaturesof time-averaged circulation [Namias, 1981; Wallace and Gutzler, 1981; Blackmonet al., 1984]. As will be shownthislargepeakwinteratmospheric structure providesa loose organizationto the streamflowanomaliesthat carriesthroughthe runoff season. Many authorshave demonstratedhow the climaticconditionsin North America are related to the circulation far afield over the central North Pacific. In particularthe precipitationalong the Pacific coastof North America is stronglyaffectedby the orientationof the North Pacificstorm track [e.g., Namias, 1978a;Yarnal andDiaz, 1986]. Meteorologists have Geophysical Monograph Series Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas ATMOSPHERIC struggled to measure,describe,andforecastprecipitation; thedifficultyhas beenits spottyspatialmake-upandepisodicnaturethat are symptomsof complexgoverningdynamics.Fortunately,a significantportion of the precipitation variabilitycanbe specified fromtheanomalous time-averaged atmospheric circulation,usingregression techniques [Klein, 1963; Walsh et al., 1982; Weare and Hoeschele,1983; Cayanand Roads,1984; Klein andBloom,1987].Spatialaveraging of theprecipitation appears to improve theresultantrelationswith thecirculationrangingoversynoptictime scales to monthly and seasonalphenomena.Numerousstudieshave relatedthe time-averaged atmospheric circulationto precipitation, but very few have examineditslinkageto stream flow, possiblybecause of complications that mightbeintroduced by surfaceprocesses suchasevapotranspiration. These processes renderstream flow to be onlya fractionof theprecipitation input to a watershed[see, e.g., Court, 1974]. This fraction varies with temperature, soil, andsoilcover,andwith meteorological properties;values typicallyrangefromgreaterthan70 percentfor highlatitudetundraregions to lessthan3 percentfor deserts[Sellers,1965]. In Californiarunofftotaled overthe stateis estimatedto be 35 percentof thetotalprecipitation input [Stateof California, 1979]. There are, however,incentivesfor studying streamflow variability. Streamflow is a more usableform of water thanthe precipitation,and streamflowrepresents a naturalspatialand temporal averagethat filters the noisierprecipitationfield. In additionstreamflow samples highelevation,severetopographic regionswheredirectprecipitationmeasurements are oftensparse,andthusis capableof representing the regionswheretheinputof wateris oftengreatest.An interestingissuethat underliesthis study is the extentto which the atmosphericcirculation "signal" can be distinguished in the monthlystreamflowvariability. Streamflows have fluctuatedconsiderablyover the instrumentalrecord [e.g., Roden, 1967; Langbeinand Slack, 1982; Bartlein, 1982; Meko and Stockton, 1984] and the socio-economic,physical, and biological significance of this year-to-yearvariabilityis great. The impactof this variabilityis particularlystrongin thewesternUnitedStates,wherewater resources arelimited.While mostof theareaeastof the MississippiRiver receives,on average, an excessof 30 inches(76 cm) of precipitation annually, much of the West is limited to considerablyless. With the exceptionof the coastalNorthwest,the surficialwater supplyis largely derivedfrom high elevationprecipitation thatis distributedin the form of streamflow.A better graspof how interannualstreamflowvariability is driven by the climate systemis a first steptowardpredictionand better management of the watersupply.Also, to the extentthatstreamchemistry is flow related,an associated conn•tion with the streamflowvariability is thebudgetof chemicalspeciesin riversaffectedby interannualfluctuationsin flow driven by climate[Peterson,et al., 1987a; Petersonet al., 1987b].Thesenaturalvariationsneedto beunderstood in orderto quantify man-caused effects. Visual examinationof anomalousstreamflowmaps [Holmes, 1987] suggests that similar streamflowanomalypatternsemergefrom similar winteratmospheric circulationovertheNorthPacific.As an example,the dependence of streamflowon circulationtypeis demonstrated in Figure 1, showingDecember-March streamflowanomalieswithin two pairs of winters,eachpair sharinga distinctatmospheric circulationpattern.The remarkable difference between thetwopairsof mapssuggests a ratherstrong effectof winter North Pacificatmospheric circulationon streamflowin the West. This studyis aimedat demonstrating the link betweenclimateforcing and westernstreamflow.We shalladdressthe following two issues: (1) What is the seasonalbehavior of streamflowanomaliesand how is it relatedto atmospheric elementssuchastemperature andprecipitation? and (2) What is thelink betweentheNorthPacificwinteratmospheric circulation and the streamflow anomalies over western North America? The text is arrangedas follows:datasetsemployedare described,the seasonal cycleof streamflowoverthedomainis discussed, an analysisof the linkage with the large scalewinter circulationis presented,foreshadowing of anomalous streamflowfrom seasonal atmospheric indicesis discussed, anda view of someregionalscalecorrelations withinthe streamflow network is shown. CIRCULATION AND STREAMFLOW Vol. 55 IN THE WEST 377 Data and Data Processing Data employed in this study include monthly and seasonalmean atmospheric andstream flow instrumental records.The streamswereselected to providereliablerecordsoverthelongestpossibleperiod.Monthlyaveragestreamflowfrom 38 stationsover westernNorth Americaand Hawaii wereobtainedfromtheU.S. GeologicalSurveyandCanadaarchive[Department of Interior, 1975]. The 38 streamsinclude 29 from the western conterminousUnited States, 3 from British Columbia, 4 from Alaska, and 2 from Hawaii. Most of the streamflowrecordsbeginbetween1900 and the 1930's;thelongestseries,SpokaneRiver at Spokane,Washington,begins in 1891. The four Alaskan streamshave no data until the late 1940's, with the exceptionof Gold Creek at Juneau,whichhasa shortsegmentof early datafrom 1917-1920. Somestreamr•ords havea several-yeargap; such gapsoccurmostlyin 1900-1935. However, becausewe foundno obvious inconsistencies of theseearlier(pregap)datawiththelongerandmorerecent data segments,the pregapdata were includedin the analysis. The 38 streams are described with associated statistics in Table 1. The largestriver in the setis FraserRiver (at Hope, British Columbia),which hada long-term annual meanof 2720(m3 s- 1),andthesmallest riversof thesetwereArroyoSecoin southern Californiaat 0.28 (m3 s-1), and Kalihi River in Oahu,Hawaii,at 0.17 (m3 s-1). Most of the North American rivers which drain into the North Pacific Ocean in this set are describedby Roden[1967]. Nonseasonal (anomalous) variabilitychanges considerablybetweentheserivers. In relative terms the streamwith the smallestvariabilityis FraserRiver, a large northernriver fed by ample snowmelt,whose annual mean flow ranged between 71 percent and 135 percentof its long-term mean. In contrastArroyo Seco, a small ephemeralstreamin southernCalifornia occasionallypulsedby floods, rangedfrom0 percentto 628 percentof its long-termmeanflow. In general thesestreamsexhibitedminimumannualdischarges from 20 percentto 60 percentof their long-termmeanandmaximumannualdischarges from 150 percentto 250 percentof their long-termmean. Estimatesof the averageannualflow per unit areafor the watersheds, obtainedby dividingthe meanannualdischargeby the total area of the drainagebasin, are also presented in Table 1 to directlycomparetherunoffwith theannualprecipitation. Theseannualflow per unit areavaluesare highestfor the northern coastal streams withvaluesfrom200cmyr-1 to over350cmyr-1 and lowestin theinteriorSouthwest withvaluesaslow as 1 cmyr-1 In this studythe primarydatarepresenting the atmospheric circulation is seasonal meansealevelpressure(SLP) overtheNorth Pacificandwestern North America. Although upper level geopotentialfields, such as the 700 millibar (mb) height, are often employedin diagnosticstudiesof the atmosphericcirculation[e.g., Klein and Bloom, 1987; Namias, 1978a], we usedSLP. Sealevel pressurehasa long r•ord length,beginningin 1899,whilecommonly usedgeopotential fieldsdonotbeginuntilafterWorld War II in about1947. Sealevelpressure hasbeenshownto be anadequate indicatorof atmospheric circulation,especiallyovertheextratopical oceans duringwinter[Davis, 1978;EmeryandHamilton,1985]andis reasonably well correlatedwith precipitationover the westcoast[Cayanand Roads, 1984]. Numerousstudieshavedemonstrated theusefulness of monthlyand seasonal meansasa representation of thecollectiveanomalous synoptic scale eventsthat comprisea givenperiod [e.g., Namias, 1978a, Davis, 1978]. MonthlyaverageSLP for the period1899 through1974, documented by Trenberth and Paolino, [1980] was obtainedfrom the National Center for Atmospheric Research.It wasupdatedfrom dataarchivedat ScrippsInstitutionof Oceanography obtainedfromtheNationalMeteorological Center from 1975 through1985. Questions havebeenraisedaboutthe veracity of partsof theSLP dataduringtheearlierperiod,butthesemainlyconcern the regionover Asia andthe higherlatitudesnorthof 55 øN. [Trenberth andPaolino,1980;Jones,1987]. Sealevelpressure datawerenotavailable for December1944 andwere missingfor scatteredgrid pointsacrossthe North Pacificduringothermonths.Seasonal meanswere constructed by averagingthethreeappropriate months.Winteris definedasthe average of December,January,and February, and so on for the other seasons. Geophysical Monograph Series 378 ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATION Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas AND STREAMFLOW IN THE WEST ß o ß Vol. 55 Geophysical Monograph Series Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas CAYAN Vol. 55 AND PETERSON 379 Geophysical Monograph Series 380 ATMOSPHERIC Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas CIRCULATION AND STREAMFLOW IN THE Regionalaverageprecipitationdatafor the conterminous UnitedStates andAlaskariver basinswasobtainedfrom theNationalOceanographic and AtmosphericAdministration (NOAA) divisionalmonthlyaveragedataset [e.g., Karl and Knight, 1985; Cayanet al., 1986] for 1895 through1985 for divisionsin theconterminous Unitedstatesandfrom 1931through1982 for Alaska[Diaz, 1980]. Representative monthlyprecipitation for thethree Canadianstreamswasconstructed by averagingselectedstations with long precipitationrecordsextractedfrom the NationalCenterfor Atmospheric Researchmonthlymeansurfacedataset. No precipitationanalyseswere carriedoutfor thetwo Hawaiianstreams because regionalaverageprecipitationandtemperature datawerenotconveniently availablefor theHawaiian streambasins,and becauseof concernthat precipitationat singlestations might be corruptedby local effectssuchas topography. Becauseprecipitation and streamflowobservations oftendeviatefrom a normaldistribution,theyare sometimes transformedto minimizethese non-normal effects[e.g. KleinandBloom,1987].Also,because instrumental recordsmayhavepickedupa non-natural component because of man-caused effects,theyaresometimes treatedby removingpartof theirlow frequency content(e.g., by removingthe lineartrend [Namias,1978b]).To guard againstdrawingimproperconclusions that mighthavearisenfrom either of theseproperties,the analyses hereinwere carriedout on two versions of the streamflowtime series.One versionwas first detrendedby removing eachmonth'slineartrendindividually,thenlog transformed,andthen "anomalized"by removing long-term monthlymeansof theresultant series. The secondversionwastheoriginalmonthlydatawith onlymonthlymeans subtractedbut no trendsremovedand with no transformations.Comparisonof the two setsof analysesyieldedsimilarresults,suggesting thatthe trendremovalandthe log transformation were not necessary. Inspection of the monthlytrendsshowedthemto be relativelysmallfor mostof the stationsincluded.The Sacramento River at Verona showsa ratherlarge increasing trend,butthisis thought to resultfromthefortuitous timingwith the recordstartingat thebeginningof a prolongeddry spellfrom the late 1920'sto themid-1930'sandtherecordendingjust aftera remarkablywet periodin theearly 1980's.Furthermore,manyof the analyses employthe time-averaged anomalies of December-August streamflow, a 9-month period thathasconsiderably lessskewness thantheseriesfromanindividual month. For thesereasons nearlyall of theanalyses shownherearethosethatused the original nontreateddata. To studyanomalousbehaviorin this systemthe annualcycleof each of the variableswasremovedby subtracting the long-termmonthlymean. For streamflow the entirelengthof recordwasusedto construct the longterm mean. This periodrangedfrom 36 to 96 yearsfor the 38 streams. A careful accountof precautionsnecessaryfor interpretingstreamflow recordsis presented by Roden[ 1967].For SLP andtheprecipitation, the 40-yearperiodfrom 1946-1985wastakenas the climatological base.To investigate thewintercirculationinfluenceon theresultingstreamflow,the December-August (winterthroughsummer)totalstreamflowis employed for severalof the analyses.Thisperiodaccountsfor thebulk of the streamflow in the basinsconsidered here, sincewesternstreamstypicallyundergo a low flow interludein fall. For most of the streamsthe average December-Auguststreamflow was80 percentor moreof the annualmean flow; overall it rangedbetween67 percent (Gold Creek, Alaska) and 96 percent(Cosumnes,Merced, and Kings Rivers). This seasonality is apparentin Figure2 showinghistories of streamflow throughthe 12months for eachyearat UmpquaRiverin coastal Oregon,JohnDay Riverin interior Oregon,andWeberRiver in northernUtah. Thesethreerivers,representinglow, moderate,andhighelevationwatersheds, arealsousedto illustrate variouspropertiesof the streamflowin the followingsection.Average WEST I Umpqua River, Oregon I I John Day River, Oregon I • E•200•-••----•...• iWeber River, Utah I ,• Fig. 2. Time historyof monthlystreamflowfor Umpqua,JohnDay, and Weber Rivers. Monthsandyearsas indicated.Mean annualand monthly streamflowvaluesare presentedin Tables 1 and 2, respectively. anomalies in Figure3. The statistical significance of the cross-correlation andcompositinganalysescarriedoutin this studydependson the number of independentsamplesin the streamflowtime series.The numberof independentsamplesis lessthan the numberof monthsof observations becauseof autocorrelationin the streamflow.The time betweenindependent sampleswas estimatedby integratingthe autocorrelation function [Leith, 1973].Thisintegraltimescaleis onlya roughapproximation, owing to the limitedrecordlengthof the sampleandbecausethe autocorrelation structure varies with season for most streams. In this case the autocorrelation andtheresultantintegraltime scaleshownin Table 1 werecomputedfrom the detrendedlog transformedstreamflowanomalies.For the 38 stations consideredthis integraltime scalerangedfrom 1 to 21 months(Table 1). For mostof the stationsthe integraltime scalewas 1 year or less.For 6 stations,it wasgreaterthan 12 months,andfor 17 stations,it was6 months or less.With the abovecautionsin mind, we diminishthe effectivelength of recordwhenapplyingtraditionaltestsas a gaugeof the significanceof the correlationcoefficients.For example,given a recordfor 1930-1985 elevations of the three watersheds are 756 m, 1341 m, and 2771 m, (56 winter seasons)having 18 monthsbetween independentsamples (37 independent samples), thencorrelation coefficients with absolute values respectively. Many of the analysesare carriedout on the streamflow,in the form of in excessof 0.3 are significantat the 95 percentconfidencelevel. Thus in the analysesthat follow, the 0.3 level is usedthroughoutas a coarse cross-correlations and composites.An idea of the anomalystructurefor severalof the streamsis providedby the time seriesof the standardized thresholdof significantcorrelations. Vol. 55 Geophysical Monograph Series Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas CAYAN 41Ct•ena •lver' I 41Kenai R•ver, Vol. 55 AND PETERSON 381 2- Alaska 0 I I -2 "•"'1'[11 • ,•,lrHl'•,, i•' i• i,r! , •,11,,l•,',r,l,l•,l'," Annual .mean flow =39 cms t ß 2 Alaska , ! , , ' "[["'Jll"l[ 'qrlPl['l 'p'I'[' "q][" [[']'""!'[."l'l"l['r'"• ..... I[[1"[l -2 4F Fraser River, . BritshColumbia i , i : i . I i 81cms"] , , -I : .... I,.,,,b,k,,,,[, t,:: ,.,It,,. ,I,,I,, : ,d[,,lh,,k,l,d,.I,,,,,,,I d&,.. I,[,,,-1 o [ [ ' ! • I' '[1' '1'[I I'11"'1 'l'q[m'" '""P'"lr ,'[•l[qll['q'r]•"l"?]Pl ]']]'[ '[ ..... I•1["1 '[ I"[•I "['[1' -2L : •'• I : : : 2721 cms'• L Spokane ß .' ' ' [ 4,- Washingion 01•,11'1 •1"' •"l"Ul'l• r,l•', ,,I,•, 1.... •'"lq,lr'•[' '?71,"'1• '•'q'r'•lll"•'•'l"U'l •'"tl'l"q' I'•'1 '"•,1•1 '•l,?"q" ',['f',lr'•'q","• ,i, / -2• ' ß , i 41Snake River, . E41 t[II1[ [ daho 2 ' ..•-2 : ' ' / 1950ms-• : lit l i, •,[,,, k,lb,,: , i I,.,[.• ....•[,[, ,,.,did[, .....[[,t[kd,,k,[,l[ ,,.,[I II ' :1'['l I'[']]'['l'['[ '[Iq'l[qllq[•q[1[P'[l[[ Iq'"" Ul'"'rl"['. [['"'[' "'lq[[[ '[qql' I'II'M I 'ql"l[ r"r' I :r '• q!• : :1 i 525cms umpqua River, Oregon : : : ,,11 I,,,11,, •JLJ,, ,,.,It,I, ,,,., •1,. , , , ,Jll;..i,,[I,l,l,,h. I,J,l,: II,,It[,,,,I ,,,,kd•,, '" ß -u 0 , • -2 •-' , 'r'"'•'l'•[]"[l"'•[["r "'P'•I"III'IpI"I• rql"["l"•llflrl]•l[ll'r[l' I'•rp• i,,,,q11,1•,i,,,p,r,q[i-l, •1•r'[ll,l,qq" ,[[ | : ' :'" 215cms-• Weber River, "• ----4f d,k, ,.,..., b.,.•J.,i,,,,I,, .....,I ,.,.,,,i,[,I,. ,,,,. [ .,tdi,.,I,,.,.. ß Pit"["""[' [''"""]'• '"]""'["'1"]q'I'ql[ r'i" '•'•"q]'"' ' , øt: : ,,q, 'r'" ',,,r', ,"?,,w' ,,':,,r,•r,,," ' r,',-'," 'r,", -• 2 Utah •-- -2 ' • 4l-Sacramento River,' o') 2[--California ' E ß " 6.3cms 02 1, I"[rr,'l,'l"]r'[,' • I I I , , , f[?][l[]['[,[l[l['l[l'l[Ip•'ill[I]"r'[[q[Im/"'["l" '[' !','[r?["[',,' 'r[ 4[- Merced R[ver, Ca,ifor.a -ø2 t' ' 11': ,['", : ,", I •,', i ..... '•..d. ",,,'",",r.?rr?r'",' .... ,,.... ,'['r.""l','r' ". ,,q", 'l",,' ?['r iqf ,i10cms• [.'I, l ' 2• California . t ,.[11 I.IL.,I, 4rArrøyøSecø' [ L i Ilk[,.,,,, illif111,r,ll,qllllNiii]qrlq..iql.lnlllql.q,#,ll, llq, 11 'qlll' 'll!' Illlllllllll['.[llllfl'lllq-l-r#-l•qll#'lr'l'rll ,,ql'I .],rll[[. I'11[111'lq '1i ,illI ,llI / : i i 0 3 cms 4r-Salt River, ii,,•.,.,i.,• I..L,,.,•.',,.'•,,',,I .I•..... 02• III 4I-' Wailua River, 2[-.-Hawaii 2• Arizona • II. , III,I -• , 1890 , I , • , I , , , I • , , I , , ,l ' i 1900 1910 1920 : 1930 : 1940 1950 : 1960 1970 1.4 cms-I 1980 1990 Fig.3. Timeseries ofmonthly streamflow anomalies forselected stations. Anomalies arestandardized bydividing bystandard deviation foreachmonth. Long-term meanannual streamflow (m3 s-•) isnoted foreachseries. Streamflow"Climatology" amongvariousbasinsprovidesinsightintothephysicalfactorsaffecting their streamflowproperties. Most of the streamsin thisnetworkexhibita strongseasonal variation in meanstreamflow,whichfollowsthe climateforcingelementssuchas precipitation andtemperature. In fact,theannual cycleissucha prominent featureof hydrologyin thewestthatit permeates the statistical character of anomaliesas well as the meanfields. Comparisonof the annualcycle The meanannualcycleof streamflowandprecipitation is represented in Figure4 by the amplitude andphaseof its firstharmonic(periodicat 12months), patterned aftera similaranalysis of globalprecipitation by Hsu andWallace[1976].Very simply,thisanalysis presents eachbasin'sannual harmonic(havinga periodof 12 months)of precipitation andstreamflow Geophysical Monograph Series 382 Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATION AND STREAMFLOW Vol. 55 IN THE WEST usingan arrow, whoselengthis proportionalto the amplitudeof the cycle and whose direction indicatesits phase. The amplitudeand phase are obtainedby fitting a 12-monthsinewaveto the long-termmonthlymeans dividedby the annualaverageof the 12 monthlymeans.In this rendition the amplitudeis the ratioof varianceof the fittedannualharmonicdivided by the actualvarianceof themonthlymeansabouttheannualaverage.Thus stationswith amplitudescloseto 1 havemuchof their climatologicalvariability in the annualcycle, while thosewith smallamplitudesrequireother harmonicsfor a gooddescription.The directionof the arrowspointto the monthwhen the annualharmonichas its maximum(positive)value. For example,a stationwhoseannualharmonicis maximumin Januarypoints up, as denotedby the dial on the figure. For the mean precipitation, represented by thedashedarrowsof Figure4, theannualharmonicisprominentalongthe westcoast,with amplitudesrangingbetween0.4 and 0.9. The annualharmonicof precipitationis not very strongat severalbasins intheinteriorwestern UnitedStates, particularly thosein Arizona,Colorado, Idaho,andMontanawithamplitudes lessthan0.4. Thetimingof maximumprecipitation throughtheyearvariesconsiderably overtheregionas shownby the directionof the dashedarrows[seealsoPyke, 1972; Hsu andWallace,1976]. Maximumprecipitation occursin summerin thethree northern Alaskan basins, in fall in southernAlaska and central British Columbia,in early-to-latewinteralongthewestcoast,andvariesbetween spring,summerandfall in theinteriorwesternUnitedStates.Thisanalysis doesnotinclude precipitation forthetwoHawaiianstream basins, butLyons [1982] reportedthat mostHawaiianrainfall stationshavea modestannual cycleof precipitation thatpeaksin northernhemisphere winter.Turning to thestreamflow, represented by thesolidarrowsin Figure4, theannual harmonicrangesfrom 0.2 to almost1.0 over mostof the basins.Several streams havean annualharmonicthatis somewhat strongerthanthatof theprecipitation, probablyowingto theinfluence of temperature through thesnowstorage andmeltingprocess. Thephaselagbetween meanstreamflowandprecipitation isreadilyseeninthisfigure,withstreamflow lagging by 0 to severalmonths.Thisdelayis greatest in northern andhighelevationbasinswith an appreciable snowpack. Virtuallyall of thesestreams exhibit a maximum in the annual harmonic between midwinter and late summer. Estimated Annual Cycle: "'::•!:•.,•:. .............. :'::'•'"'"'i• ...... :j:.Li•.'.'....., .:.•;:,:.... For comparison with theharmonicanalysistheobserved phaselag can be seenfrommonthlymeanprecipitation andstreamflow in the Umpqua, JohnDay, andWeberRiversin Figure5. Meanprecipitation for bothcoastal Precipitation and Streamflow I and interior Oregonis maximumin December,but while the streamflow lagsby only about1 monthalongthe coastat UmpquaRiver, it lagsby about4 monthsat JohnDay River. The WeberRiver regionhasa broad precipitation maximumin winter, but the coldtemperatures in this high elevation watershed produce a sharply delayed streamflow peakin May-June (seealsoFigure 2). Similarplotsshowthat basinsin the northand in the rotenorhavepeakstreamflowwhichlagsone-to-several monthsaftermaximumprecipitation, apparently because of thesnowpack. On theotherhand basinsalongthe southerncoastandthosein Hawaii andsouthernArizona are too warm for storageof precipitationin the form of snow,and they exhibit a nearly immediateresponse(0-1 month)of the streamflowto precipitation. Thesevariationsin thelag betweenprecipitation andrunoff is well knownto hydrologists andalsodepends on otherphysicalcharac- "."/.v,•?....•, 4["'"•'•/ Oahu Hawaii ':'(;'.Peak inAnnual Cycle k ••.•;i" ,, • ø. •- Strea flo o i:...:....... I I January / • 38 I ", -•i;:::•'•:•'i;. i6 '- Canada ................ •::/'-"•' L 10•'-'"'"' 11'k United States October-•--Apri' / ',/V 14 9,' 12• l/i:i:!/ J13 •"•'"' July J 161, 19= 33 '.•... ........ ..•4 35/ Fig. 4. Normalizedamplitudeand phaseof the annualcycle of monthly precipitation(dottedarrows)and streamflow(solidarrows). Normalized amplitudeindicatedby lengthof thearrows,givenby scale.Phaseis given by directionof arrow(anarrowpointingup indicates maximumin January, onepointingto therightindicates maximumin April, etc.). Stationnumbers refer to numberingof stationsin Table 1. teristicsof a watershed.Analysesof the basinsincludedhere confirm that the delayincreases asthe temperature decreases, whichis in manycases affectedby increased elevation.In additionto pervadingthe annualcycle theexpected delaybetween precipitation andstream flowis apparent in the anomalystructureof streamflow,as demonstrated below throughthe autocorrelation. Besidesthe meanthe higherorderstreamflowstatistics alsoexhibita discernible annualvariation,as illustratedby the standarddeviationand the 1-monthautocorrelation at Umpqua,JohnDay, and Weber Rivers (Figure5), andlistedfor severalother"representative" stations (Table2). For mostbasinsthe variance(standarddeviation)of thesetwo streamsis highest in months havinggreatest meanstreamflow. To compare thevariancebetweenstations andwithintheyearthecoefficient of variation,defined astheratioof thestandard deviation tothemean,wasalsocomputed. This coefficientis smallestfor large northernstreams,suchas FraserRiver, showing valuesof 0.2 and0.4 andishighestfor smallstreams suchasSalt River, showingvaluesof 0.7 to 2.0. Severalstreams havea maximumcoefficientof variation justbeforeorjustafterpeakflow,implyingthatyear-toyearfluctuations in timingof theriseor fall in flowis animportant factor in determining the relativeamountof stream flow variance.In additionto showing monthlystatistics, Table2 alsoshowssomeanalogous statistics calculatedfrom annualstreamflowvalues.Becausehigherfrequency monthly variations arediminished whentheannualmeaniscomputed, the coefficient of variationof theannualmeans is smallerthanthatreflecting monthlydata,rangingfrom0.13 at FraserRiverto 1.32atArroyoSeco. In Californiatheseannualvaluesaresomewhat higherthanvaluesderived Geophysical Monograph Series Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas CAYAN for cool seasonprecipitation,which typically range from 0.3 to 0.5 [Granger,1977].The skewness of monthlystreamflowis usuallypositive, asit is for precipitation.Its patternoverthe year is morevariablethanthe lower order moments,asthe skewness canbe dominatedby relativelyfew extremehighstreamflowevents.Skewness is relativelyhighduringmonths thathavegenerallyconsistent streamflow exceptfor occasional extremeflood events. Geographically,drier areas to the south that are irregularly punctuated by floodshavehighskewness, suchasat SanPedroRiver (mean annualrunoffperunitarea1.2 cmyr-l) in southern Arizona.Thehigh skewnessin Southweststreamsmainly resultsfrom late summerthunderstormsandtropicalstormactivityandearly winterfrontalsystems or cutoff lows (D. Meko, R. WebbandJ. Betancourt,personalcommunications) that occurinfrequentlyenoughto yield heavyrunoff duringmonthswhen it is normallylight. Skewnessis low for streamswith a high baseflow that are not markedby floods.This is typicalof wetterareasto thenorthwhich havehigh meanprecipitationandrelativelysmalleranomalous variability, suchasSkykomish River(mean annual runoffperunitarea252cmyr- l) in the Pacific Northwest. The relatively high persistenceof streamflow distinguishesit from precipitation andmakesit a potentially valuableindexof shortperiodclimate variability. The persistence of streamflowanomalies,represented by the Umpqua River, Oregon I I I I I I I I I 1905-1985 1.0 I I I I 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 [Oregon ] ] [ [ [ 1929-1985 [ [ [ 1.0 5.0 "Jøh• nD]ay,Riv[er, . 4.0 ", ', 3.o. lT - / ,•½ [/,.I/ l\ ', 2.O - 0.8 ' / . \ 0.4 • _. o 1.o 0.2 o o WeberRiver,Utah i I i _ I 1904-1984 i .'.''''t0.8 ' - Streamflow ]t0'6 . r [--- Precipitation II I"A••o.4 -I I I I I i [/0 ............ I I I I I I 0.2 Jan Mar May July Sept Nov Jan Fig. 5. Monthly long-term mean "streamflow" (solid line), standard deviationof monthly"streamflow"(bars),1-monthlag autocorrelation of streamflowanomalies (o),andmonthlylong-termmeanprecipitation (dotted line) for Umpqua, JohnDay, and Weber Rivers. Streamflowhas been dividedby the area of the watershedto make meanand standarddeviation unitscomparableto precipitation.One-monthlag autocorrelation plotted underleadingmonth,e.g., the one labeled"January" is for Januaryto February, etc. Vol. 55 AND PETERSON 383 autocorrelation, exhibits a marked annual variation at most basins and displaysseveralclimaticinfluences.An understanding of the autocorrelation behaviorcan be derivedfrom a nonstationarystreamflowmodel, such as by MossandBryson[1974], wherethe flow in a river duringa given periodis the resultof two kindsof components: (1) directrunoff andbase flow from within-periodprecipitationoccurringin the basinand (2) water releasedfrom storageof pre-periodprecipitation in thebasin.Sincepr•ipitationanomalieshavelittle persistence on monthlyand longertime scales (autocorrelations of monthlypr•ipitationat 1- and2-monthlagshavevalues less than 0.25 for nearly all pairs of monthsat severalclimatological divisionsthat were examined),mostof the month-to-month persistence of streamflow anomaliesresultsfrom releasesinto the river from storagethat havetime scalesof a monthor longer.The MossandBryson[ 1974] model considersthesereleasesto be in the form of groundwater thatpercolated into a stream,but in the basinsconsideredhere, a majorportionof storage mustarisefromsnowandice. Thepersistence strengthens bothasthesteadinessof releasesfrom storageand as the importanceof storagereleases relativeto the directprecipitation.In severalbasinsthe precipitationminimum during the late springthroughsummercoincideswith and follows the period of maximumstreamflow.Consequently,if late springstreamflow is higherthannormal,thenthe subsequent flow in the summermonths still tendsto remainhigherbecausethis flow is virtually all drawn from storedwater.Similarly,negativeanomalies tendto persistfrom lower-thannormalspringflows. Thusthe components of this systemcanbe thought of as "signal" and "noise" in a predictionscheme,whoseskill is indicated by theautocorrelation of anomalous streamflow. The unsteady,atypical releasesfrom storage,suchas (1) an unusuallyearly springmelt due to anomalously hightemperatures and(2) thedirectprecipitation components of stream flow in thetargetmonth,actasnoise.Steadyreleases fromstorage, suchasthe normalseasonal meltingof the wintersnowpack,is the signal, andthe autocorrelation is high duringmonthswhen(on average)this signal is high relativeto the unsteadycomponent. The seasonalstructureof the anomalypersistence can be clearly seen from the 1-monthlag autocorrelation andmeanmonthlyflow at Umpqua, JohnDay, andWeberRiversin Figure5. All threerivershavea minimum in autocorrelation duringthe periodwhenmeanflow is rising. The autocorrelationis sensitiveto the characteristics of eachbasin,seenby the shift in timing from winter to late springaspeakprecipitationandpeak runoff shifts.UmpquaRiver, the coastallow elevationbasinwith little snowpack andthuslittle storage,hasa January-Februarydip in 1-monthlag autocorrelationwhen nonpersistent, high varianceprecipitationinput to the streamis greatest.This is confirmedby the cross-correhttions between precipitationand streamflowduringwinter months(not shown)whichare generallygreaterthan0.7 at Umpqua.Furtherinland,the higherelevation JohnDay watershedshowstheeffectof snowmelt,with an April-May peak in runoff and a pronouncedautocorrelation minimumin February-March when precipitationis still high and streamflowis rising sharply.CrosscorrelationsbetweenJohn Day streamflowand both precipitationand temperature(not shown)are bothpositiveduringthis periodof the year. Finally, Weber River, fed by high elevationRocky Mountainsnowmelt, haspeakstreamflowin Juneanda sharpdip in autocorrelation in April-May, when streamflowis rising rapidly. Cross-correlations of Weber River streamflowand temperature(not shown)are positiveand relatively high (0.3 to 0.5) during late spring, again supportingthe interpretationthat streamflowis significantly affectedby eithertemperature hastening or delaying the snowmeltthen. All three basinsshow high 1-monthlag autocorrelations duringtheperiodof yearafterprecipitation hasfallenoff. This reflectsthe "uncontaminated" influenceof the storageof waterin thebasin. The apparentinfluenceof climatesuggested by the progressionof the lag structureat thesethree stationsis reinforcedfrom inspectionof the autocorrelationsof the entire set of streams,which revealsa surprisingly consistent organizationaccordingto elevation(temperature)andseasonal mean precipitation. Geophysical Monograph Series 384 ATMOSPHERIC Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas CIRCULATION AND STREAMFLOW Vol. 55 IN THE WEST ß ß . Geophysical Monograph Series Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas CAYAN AND PETERSON Vol. 55 385 Geophysical Monograph Series 386 ATMOSPHERIC Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas CIRCULATION AND STREAMFLOW IN THE WEST Relationof Streamflowto North Pacific Atmospheric Circulation Vol. 55 Patterns North Pacific CirculationVersusStreamflow It mightbeexpected thatthestrongest linksto atmospheric circulation wouldoccurduringwinterwhenNorthPacificstormsaremostactiveand anomalous atmospheric variations aregreatest. Thedeepening of theNorth Pacific Low and the increase in variance of associatedvariables is indicated by thestandard deviation of seasonal SLPin thecentralNorthPacific,whose maximum value south of the Aleutian Islands increases from 2 mb in sum- mer to 6 mb in winter [Namias, 1975]. The effect of winter atmospheric circulationon streamflowis shownin Figures6 and 7 by mapsshowing the cross-correlation betweenthe anomalyof December-August (9-month cumulation) streamflow at a givenbasinandwinterSLP acrosstheNorth Pacific.Sincethespatialvariation in thestandard deviation of SLPissmall, the contourson thesemapscan be qualitativelyinterpretedas anomalous geostrophic windswith cyclonicor counterclockwise flow aroundnegative centersand anticyclonic or clockwiseflow aroundpositivecenters [Stidd, 1954]. Very generally,regionsof cyclonicflow anomalies are associated with anomalously highprecipitation andanticyclonic flow with low precipitation. Inspection of SLPcross-correlations andcomposite maps from the otherseasons showsthat winter SLP hasthe strongeststatistical connectionto December-August streamflowfor virtually all basinsconsidered,butthattheSLP anomalyin fall (preceding)and,for somebasins, spring(during)alsomakesignificantcontributions (for brevity,correla- the northeastPacific.The enhanced southerlyto southwesterly cyclonicflow associated with the anomalouslow to the west or northwestrepresentsan aggregrateof weathersystems thatproducestrongeradvectionof moisture and vorticity as well as increasedupslopeverticalmotionalongthe west coastmountaintopography,whichis generallyalignedfrom southto north. The oppositepatternof anomalous highpressureoff-shoreindicatesa lack of storminess, reducedmoisturetransport,andsuppressed upwardvertical motion. The north-southsequenceof maps from Alaska to southern Californiaclearly indicatesthe sensitivityof the coastalstreamflowto the placementof the low; the anomalous correlationcenter"migrates" southward along the coastas the basinlocationis taken from north to south. Atmosphericpatternsfavoringhighstreamflow in the interiorbasinsof theWest (shownin thetopfourmapsof Figure7) differ sharplyfromthose seenin Figure 6 for the coastalbasins.Severalof the interiorbasinshave highestpositivecorrelations with positiveSLP anomalies locatedremotely WinterSeaLevelPressure vs. • Positive December-August Streamflow Correlation • Negative Kenai River at Cooper Landing, tions for theseother seasonsare not shownhere). For severalbasinsthe SLP anomalypatternsdisplayed by fall are similarto winter,albeitsomewhatweaker,suggesting thatthe samephysicalmechanisms operate.For near-coastal low-to-moderate elevation basins in the southern half of the domainthereare significantcorrelationpatternswith springSLP. These are similar to onesfoundfor winter, and also similarto patternslinking atmospheric circulation withprecipitation shownby otherresearchers [e.g. Klein andBloom,1987].Thisimpliesthat,for thesesouthern lowerelevationbasins,springprecipitation is an importantinfluenceon stream flow, andthatit is produced by similaratmospheric circulation anomalypatterns asin winter. However,correlations with springSLP are weakfor several basinsin thenorthandin higherelevations.Sincein springthereis nonnegligibleprecipitation throughout westernNorthAmerica,andprecipitation is still relatedto the circulation[e.g. Klein andBloom, 1987], it is likely thatothermechanisms competeto diminishthe relationof streamflow with the atmospheric circulation.One competing mechanism is the temperature field, whichwouldlikely increaseor decreasestreamflow independent of precipitation, sincetemperature andprecipitation areonly %o SproatRivernear Alberni,BritishColumbia •r•ltshceRnl•,%;l•foa;n ia _ (24 weaklycorrelated in theNorthwest duringspring(J.Namias, personal communication); fromthiswe mightinferthatthecirculation patterns associated withtemperature anomalies arenearlyindependent fromtheonesassociatedwithprecipitation anomalies. In support of thisinterpretation is theobservationthat the cross-correlation of streamflowwith precipitationis weakenedandthecross-correlation of streamflowwith temperature is posi- tiveduringspringmonths for severalof thebasins.Analyses arenotshown for brevity.A multivariateanalysisof the circulation,precipitation, temperature,andstreamflowis requiredto betterisolatethesemechanisms. Thereis a remarkablyconsistent patternin thenorth-to-south sequence of coastalbasinSLP cross-correlation maps(Figure6). An anomalous low pressure centerto thewestor northwest in winterprovides heavierprecipi••søaY•eSn•n •'•rr nia tationandhigherstreamflow onthecoast,whileananomalous highpressure centerthereresultsin reducedprecipitationand stream flow. This pattern is consistent with 700-mbheightversusprecipitation relationfor periods Fig. 6. Cross-correlationbetween winter North Pacific SLP and of 1 dayto 1 monthalongthewestcoastduringwinternotedby Klein and December-August streamflowanomalies at five coastalstreams(location collaborators[Klein, 1963; Klein et al., 1965; Klein and Bloom, 1987]. at dots) from Alaska to SouthernCalifornia. Correlationsare contoured The synopticinterpretation of thehighstreamflowphaseof thiscirculation at 0, +0.3 and +0.5, with shadingto indicatemagnitude. patternis thatit indicatesincreased storminess thatis carriedonshorefrom Geophysical Monograph Series Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas CAYAN to the westand somewhatlower positivecorrelationswith negativeSLP anomalieslocally.The westernpositivecenteris a remoteteleconnection ratherthana directregional(low) forcingpattern.This type of patternis displayedby the northernthreebasinsin Figure7 (Susitna,Alaska;Clark Fork, Montana;andWeber,Utah). Onlythesouthernmost basin,SaltRiver, Arizona, showsa winter SLP cross-correlation patternsimilarto thoseof the coastalbasins(Figure6). Correlationwith a positivepressureanomaly in the centralNorth Pacificimpliesbotha southerlydisplacedstormtrack acrossthe easternNorth Pacific and into the West, and probablymore activity from stormsfrom NorthernCanadaand Alaskathat drop into the West, east of the Cascades.For Clark Fork and Weber River basins, there are local negativecorrelationswith SLP, but they are relativelysmall in spatialscaleand in magnitude.This resultis consistent with Klein et al. 's [ 1965] observation thatin partsof the interiorwesternUnitedStates,daily Vol. 55 AND PETERSON 387 precipitation in winteris notfavoredby southwesterly flow asin thecoastal region,but ratherby flow with an anomalous northeasterly to southeasterly component.Further, he points out that precipitationin this region is associated with a localtroughproducingpositivevorticity,andnot a more remoteupstream regimecharacterized by vorticityadvection, asis precipitation in coastalregions.Klein et al. [1965], andWeare andHoeschele[1983] found, in contrastto the west coast, that in the Rockies and in the Great Basina smallerfractionof the precipitationvariancecouldbe accounted for by upper level geopotentialheightanomalies.The streamflow-SLP resultsare consistent with their findings,suggesting that local influences suchas topography,surfaceheating,and friction contributesignificantly to theprecipitation variability[CayanandRoads,1984].A strikinginfluence of topographycan apparentlybe seenby comparingthe SLP relationsof the two Alaskanstreams,seenin thetwo top mapsof Figure6 andFigure 7, respectively. Despitetherathercloseproximityof thetwo basins(Kenai River drains the northern Kenai Peninsula in the northern Gulf of Alaska Winter SeaLevelPressure vs. 8 Positive December-August Streamflow Correlation •3Negative -,....:..: •...:-.:.,:...:.,..::•::./:.:.•:...:..:.: :.•,.: • :..,... :...::.:::...:::..,..-,.v:..:: .:.:....•.: .. ,.:.:.:...,:..:.......:.....•...,::,::.. .............• ..... Susitn•"F•ive,r -24'•'%• •il" and SusitnaRiver drainsthe TalkeetnaMountainsjust a few hundredkm to thenortheast), thelinksto thecirculation areastonishingly different.Increasedstream flow in KenaiRiver resultsfrom a deepened AleutianLow andanomalous southerly winds,whileincreased streamflow in SusitnaRiver is associatedwith high SLP centeredwell to the southbut little evidence for a localor regionalcirculationmechanism.ChenaRiver, whichis even farthernorthandinlandof theAlaskaRange,displays a correlation to SLP (not shown)whichresemblesthatwith Susitna.In fact, the recordof streamflow at ChenaRiver hasa weak negativecorrelationwith that at Kenai. This contrastappearsto be a symptomof Alaska'scomplexclimate,with the fall andwintermaritimestormsthatproducesubstantial precipitation alongthe immediatecoast,not as apparentin the interior,whichis dominatedby summerconvective precipitation (S. A. Bowling,personalcommunication). Glacialmeltcontributing to theflow mayalsocomplicate the relation of SLP to stream flow in some of the watersheds An evenlarger spatialscaleperspectiveof the influenceof circulation on hydrologicalvariabilitycanbe seenfrom the HawaiianstreamflowversusSLP correlations,(bottompanel, Figure 7) in contrastwith thosefor :::-34:-- North American streams. The Wailua River, located on the east side of •0• 0. Weber River nearOakley,Utah Kauai, HawaiianIslands,lies in a precipitationregimethat is dominated by the interplaybetweentopographyand the wind [Solot, 1950]. High streamflowin WailuaRiveris stronglyassociated with positivewinterSLP anomaliesto its north in the central North Pacific and negativeSLP anomalies to its southwest. Accordingto Lyons[ 1982],thisSLP configurationyieldsa mostprominentmechanism for precipitation in theHawaiian Islands:strongernortheasterly tradewinds,whichproduceheavyprecipitationon the easternsideof Kauai, dueto orographiclifting of the moist subtropicalair mass.In contrasthigh streamflowin SouthernCalifornia and Arizona is associatedwith negativeanomalousSLP centeredto the Northwestor westthatindicates strongsouthwesterly flow, discussed above. Comparisonof the Wailua cross-correlation with the one favoringhigh streamflowin Clark Fork andWeberRiver in the upperpanelsrevealsa remotelyconnected similarity;thesamewintercirculation regimesthatresult in high or low streamflow in Hawaii tend to result in similar conditions over the northwestern United States. This teleconnection is further illustrated below. Weakand StrongWinterNorth Pacific CirculationVersusStreamflow Cross-correlations discussedabove suggestthat strongnegativeSLP anomaliesin the centralNorth Pacificproducelow streamflowin much of the Northwestandin the Hawaiianstreams.Conversely,positiveSLP Fig. 7. Cross-correlation betweenwinter SLP over the North Pacificand December-Auguststreamflow anomaliesat four interior westernNorth America streamsfrom Alaskato Arizona, plusonestreamin the Hawaiian Islands.Correlationsare contouredat 0, + 0.3 and + 0.5, with shadingto indicatemagnitude. anomalies over the central North Pacific are associated with a circulation that favorshigh stream flow in theseregions. The well-known PNA index [Horel and Wallace, 1981; Wallace and Gutzler, 1981] is stronglyrelatedto anomalousSLP in the centralNorth Pacific,but alsoincludesatmospheric valuesfartherafield over the sub- Geophysical Monograph Series 388 ATMOSPHERIC Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas CIRCULATION AND STREAMFLOW Vol. 55 IN THE WEST tropicalNorth Pacific, westernCanada,and southeastern United States. For this studya PNA index [Horel and Wallace, 1981] was constructed fromseasonal 700 mbheightvaluesoverthe 1947-1986period.Thisversion of the PNA is given by TABLE 3. Central North Pacific (CNP) Index: Strongand Weak Winter Cases [Sea-levelpressure(SLP) anomalyaveragedover 170ø E.-150 ø W., 350-55 ø N.] PNA = H(170ø W., 20ø N.) - H(165ø W., 45ø N.) + H(115ø W., 58ø N.) - H(90ø W., 30ø N.) (1) Strong Winter* Anotherphenomenon relatedto atmospheric circulation overtheNorth Pacificis a prevalence of anomalously deepcentralNorthPacificlowsin northernhemisphere winterduringthe "maturephase"[Rasmusson and Carpenter, 1982]of theE1Niffo/Southern Oscillation (ENSO)[Bjerknes, 1969;Namias,1985].In the availablehistoricalrecordtheseeventshave occurred irregularly at anintervalof 3-10 years[QuinnandNeal, 1986]. E1 Niffo/SouthernOscillationepisodeshave accompanied impressive extratropical atmospheric andoceanic anomalies, astherecent1982-1983 eventremindsus [Quiroz,1983].The centralNorthPacificteleconnection is one of the strongest extratropical responses to ENSO [Dicksonand Livezey1984;Namias,1985].Forthepresent studytheSouthern OscillationIndex(SO1),provided bytheNOAAClimateAnalysis Center,isused Weak SLP Winter* SLP .............................. 1903 ................ 1.3 .............................. 1907 ................ 1.3 .............................. 1909 ................ 0.9 .............................. 1910 ................ 1.4 .............................. 1911 ................ 1.6 1915 ................ 1.1 .............................. 1916 ................ 1.6 .............................. 1922 ................ 1.2 1912'* 1926'* ............. ............. -0.5 -1.4 ............................. 1927 ................ -0.7 ............................. 1929 ................ -0.9 ............................. asan indexfor ENSO. It hasbeennoted[Douglaset al., 1982;Esbensen, 1931'* -1.5 1984]thatthePNA often,butnotalways,occursduringENSOepisodes; .............................. 1932 ................ 1.5 .............................. 1933 ................ 0.6 ............. it can also occur separately. To furtherexploretherelationof streamflowto atmospheric circulation 1934 ................ -1.0 over the central North Pacific, an SLP index, abbreviated "CNP," 1936 ................ -1.6 was ............................. ............................. ............................. constructedby averagingthe SLP over the region 350-55ø N. and .............................. 170ø E.-150 ø W. This index is similar to the PNA index, but CNP is 1939 ................ -0.5 ............................. availablefor a longerperiodthanPNA (CNP is availablesince1899,while PNA beginsin 1947).Thereare25 "strong"and25 "weak" CNP winters, definedasstandardized indexvaluesgreaterthanor equalto -0.5 andless thanor equalto +0.5, respectively (Table3). To characterize themagnitude of strongand weak CNP casesthe averageCNP for the 25 strongCNP 1940'* ............. -2.3 ............................. 1941'* ............. -1.8 ............................. 1942'* ............. -1.0 1944 ................ -0.7 casesis less than -7 mb, while it exceeds + 7 mb for the 25 weak cases. 1946 ................ -0.6 In bothof thesecomposites the strongest anomalycenteris foundat about 50ø N., 165ø W. It is interesting thattheseextremewinterstendto cluster in runs,asdiscussed herelaterin regardto low frequencyvariability(also seeEbbesmeyeret al. [thisvolume]for remarkablelow frequencyeffects on the Puget Soundestuary). The interrelation amongSO1,PNA, andCNP is shownbytheirseasonal cross-correlations (Table4). The significantcorrelations appearto be SO1 andPNA duringwinterandspring,SO1andCNP duringwinter, andPNA andCNP duringwinter, spring,andfall. It is alsointeresting to notethat SO1 and PNA correlationsare of the samemagnitudeas SO1 and CNP correlations for everyseason exceptspring.Duringwinterandspring,PNA is significantly (90 percent)correlated(•, = -0.41 and -0.31, respectively) withSO1over1947-1986.Duringwinter,butnotspring,CNP is correlated at aboutthe samemagnitude(•, - 0.40 and0.16, respectively) with SO1 albeitwith more statisticalsignificancesincethe 1931-1986 samplesize is larger. PNA andCNP are stronglycorrelated,especiallyduringwinter, spring,andfall (•, = -.90, -0.75, and -0.69, respectively). Thisis somewhat surprisingsincePNA includesthreecentersin additionto the central North Pacific region of the CNP. These high correlationsindicatethe reliability of the teleconnection from the centralNorth Pacific;therefore the greatimportanceof the role of the centralNorth Pacificin formingthe PNA. Teleconnection mapsof Namias[1981], and Wallaceand Gutzler [1981] providegreaterdetailsof thePNA structure.We concludethatCNP, formed from the more historicallyextensiveSLP field, is an adequate surrogatefor the PNA during winter and fall. To testtherelationof streamflow variabilityto theseatmospheric indices maps of cross-correlations between winter CNP, PNA, and SO1 and December-Auguststreamflowanomaliesare shownin Figure 8. There is interdependence amongthesethreeindices,asindicatedby similarspatial patternsin theirrespectiveanomalypatterns,theirtemporalvariations,and the resultantcorrelationswith streamflow.As suggested by the individual .............................. 1948 ................ 0.8 .............................. 1949 ................ 1.5 .............................. 1950 ................ 1.3 .............................. 1952 ................ 1.0 1937 ................ .............................. 1953 ................ ............................. 1943 ................ -1.1 2.2 0.6 ............................. ............................. ............................. .............................. 1955 ................ 1.0 .............................. 1956 ................ 1.4 1957 ................ 0.6 .............................. 1958'* ............. -0.7 ............................. 1961 ................ -1.3 ............................. 1963 ................ -1.4 ............................. 1964'* -0.7 ............................. ............. .............................. 1966 ................ 0.9 .............................. 1969 ................ 1.5 1970'* ............. -1.5 ............................. .............................. 1971 ................ 0.7 .............................. 1972 ................ 1.4 1977'* ............. 1978 ................ -2.2 -1.2 .............................. -0.7 1981 ................ -1.7 .............................. ............. 1986 ................ ............................. 1979 ................ 1980 ................ 1983'* ............................. 1.1 ............................. ............................. 1982 ................ -1.8 ............................. -1.9 ............................. 0.7 *Winter is definedsuchthatWinter 1912is averageof (December1911, January1912, February 1912). **Northernhemisphere wintercorresponding to E1Niffo eventdefined by Quinn et al. [1986] of magnitudegreaterthanor equalto 2. Geophysical Monograph Series Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas CAYAN TABLE 4. Cross-Correlation Between Seasonal SOI, PNA, and CNP Circulation Indices SOI SOI PNA and and and PNA CNP CNP Winter .............................................. -0.41 0.40 -0.90 Spring.............................................. -0.31 0.16 -0.75 Summer ............................................ -0.10 0.13 -0.21 Fall .................................................. -0.23 0.20 -0.69 Number 39 54 of Pairs ................................. 39 Two-tailedtestvalueat 95% significance...10.311 [0.271 10.311 Vol. 55 AND PETERSON 389 level asthosefor the periodfollowing.This suggests thattheseteleconnectionsandtheir attendantphysicalmechanisms are stablefeatures.A second virtueof theCNP is its simplicityof representing themostimportantwinter circulation mode in the central North Pacific, the PNA [Davis 1978; BarnstonandLivezey, 1987; Namiaset. al., 1988] with regionalaverage SLP anomalies. The "mature" winter phase[Rasmusson and Carpenter, 1982] of the ENSO is associated with low pressurein the centralNorth Pacificin winter. The SO1versusstreamflowanomalycorrelationpatternis similar to that of CNP andPNA, but with two differences.In thisanalysisthe SO1correlation alongthe Alaskancoastis weaker than that with CNP and PNA, althoughYarnalandDiaz [1986]reportedsignificant correlations of coastal Alaskanprecipitationwith ENSO activity. The weaknessof this relation probablyarisesfrom the variabilityin the longitudeof the North Pacific low, whichcanbe seenfrom the broadloci of anomaloustroughsaccom- panyingstrongE1Niffo duringwinter(Peterson et al., [1986],Figure8). streamflowversusSLP results(Figure 7), when PNA or CNP indices indicateanomalouslow pressurein the centralNorth Pacific, there is a tendencyfor lightstream flow overthenorthwest coastintothe interiorfrom Idahosouthwardinto Utah, light streamflowin the two Hawaiianstreams, and high streamflowfor stationsalongthe Alaskancoast.The opposite streamflowanomalyscenariois associated with anomalouslyhighpressure in the central North Pacific. However there is almost no correlation between PNA or CNP and streamflow in California, in the Southwest, in British Columbia, and interior Alaska. The relationof streamflowwith strongandweakcentralNorth Pacific winterlowscanbereconciled usingatmospheric teleconnections [Namias, 1981; Wallace and Gutzler, 1981]. Teleconnections (cross-correlations) showthatanomalously low 700-mbheightin thecentralNorthPacific(centerednear 50ø N., 170ø W.) duringwintertendsto be accompanied by positiveheightanomalies overthewestcoast,as well as positiveheight anomalies in thesubtropical NorthPacific;a patternof anomalies of oppositesignis connected withpositive anomalies atthiscenter.Because monthly scaleatmosphere featuresarealmostbarotropic(anomalyfeaturesnotverticallytilted)in winterovertheextratropical oceans[WallaceandGutzler, 1981],theinterpretation of SLPanomalies is nearlyequivalenttothe700-mb anomalies.Inspectionof SLP composites (not shown)for strongandweak CNP patternsconfirmsthattheSLPteleconnection patternis very similar. Theseteleconnections canbe translatedin termsof the large scalecirculation,thecarryingcurrentfor NorthPacificstorms. WhenthecentralPacific low is well developed,NorthPacificwinterstormstendto be carriednorthward toward northernBritish Columbiaand Alaska, makingthat region wet while the northwesternUnited Statesis dry. Conversely,whenthe low is weak, theGulf of Alaskalow to theeastis usuallyactive,andthe opposite precipitation andstream flow anomalypatterntendsto occur.The meannegative SLP anomaliesin the centralNorthPacific,corresponding to enhanced storminesssouthof the AleutianIslands,are associated with a high pressureanomalyridge downstreamover the Northwest,with the stormtrack routed north into the Alaskan coast instead of into the Pacific coast further south (see Klein [1957] and Reitan [1974] for storm tracks). In the subtropical North Pacific the flow is anomalouswesterly (west-to-east)in association with the gradientbetweenthe deepcentralPacific low to the north and anomaloushigh pressureto the south. This flow anomaly represents reducedtradewindsandan associated diminutionof precipitation and streamflowon the easterncoastalslopesof the HawaiianIslands. The relativeweaknessof the southernpositionof the teleconnection center downstreamoverthe westcoastmeansthatthetendencyfor highpressure (lack of storminess)is not very reliable; hencethere is not a strongCNP relationshipover Californiaand the Southwest. CNP appearsto be a usefulindexfor more thanone reason.It is encouragingthatfor winterthe correlations of CNP with streamflowareabout the samein magnitudeandmakea similarspatialpatternasthoseof PNA with streamflow.This reflectsthe fact that the pre-1947 (before PNA) relationsof streamflowwith CNP (not shown)hold up at aboutthe same A morewesterlypositionof thistroughfavorsthewinter stormtrackmoving intotheAlaskancoast,while a moreeasterlypositionis associated with stormsenteringthe westcoastfarthersouth.Furtherinsightinto the types of northernhemisphere circulationpatternsthatappearwith ENSO is provided by Fu et. al., [1986], and Livezey and Mo [1987], who suggestthat the configurationof tropicalPacificheatingmay helpto determinethe pattern of extratropicalresponse. Interestingly,SO1is significantlyrelatedto precipitation andstreamflow over the southwesternUnited States,while PNA and CNP are not. Stream- flow anomalies in theSouthwest from southernCaliforniathroughArizona and southernColoradotendto be positive(wet), while thosein the Pacific Northwestare negative(dry) duringthewarm easterntropicalPacificphase of ENSO. Thereis an importantdistinctionbetweenthe resultswith streamflow andtheresultsof a previousinvestigation of therelationbetweenENSO andNorth Americanprecipitationby RopelewskiandHalpert [1986] who founda suggestion thatthe E1Niffo phaseof ENSO wasassociated with lighterthanaverageprecipitation in thePacificNorthwest,butthistendency was not strongenoughfor them to considerit to be reliable. Part of the reasonfor thisweakness maybe the waveringof timingof thelight precipitationbetweenfall and spring.However, in basinswith higherelevations streamflowis not as sensitiveto thesetiming changesas is the precipitation, sincesnowmeltfrom the cumulativeprecipitationis a significantpart of the streamflow.In the Southwestheavyrunoff appearsto resultfrom activelow mid-latitudestormsthattap subtropicalPacificmoisture,which is often transportedby the subtropicaljetstream.This heightenedactivity occursoverseveralmonthsfromfall throughspring,asdiscussed by Douglas and Englehart[1981], Ropelewskiand Halpert [1986], and Andradeand Sellers,[1988]. Increasedfall-through-spring precipitation in the Southwest duringthe E1Niffo phaseof the SouthernOscillationcontributes to the observedabovenormalstreamflow.A simplifiedview of stormtracksand the associated broad scalestreamflowanomalypatternduringthe mature phaseof ENSO is shownin the bottompanel of Figure 9. Not all basinsin this network are well related to PNA, CNP, or SO1. As shownpreviouslyin Figure 6, the SLP patternmostreliably correlated with anomalousprecipitationand streamflowin California is an SLP anomalycenteredto the northwestat about(40ø N., 130ø W.). The winter 700-mb heightteleconnection patterncenteredat this origin [seeNamias, 1981] showsa similar patternto the California SLP correlationmap. In comparisonwith the central North Pacific teleconnectionthe California patternis moreregionallyconfined,andweaklyrelatedto anomaliesin the AleutianLow region. A similarcomparisonis foundfor the atmospheric circulationpatternandthe regionalteleconnection pattern[Namias, 1981] associated with streamflowanomaliesalongcoastalBritishColumbia.The moreregionalresponses helpto explainthe lack of a statisticalconnection betweenstreamflowin theseareasand strongor weak atmosphericcirculationin thecentralNorth Pacific.Saiddifferently,CaliforniaandBritish Columbiaare closeto the nodeof the atmosphericlong wave patternthat emanates from the central North Pacific so that small variations in the Geophysical Monograph Series 390 ATMOSPHERIC Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas CIRCULATION AND STREAMFLOW .,..•• IN THE WEST ,,.•• •._.•k.,, = • -•, "% /% ,,.•• ,..•.•.%• %, • •_ /% •._ • ••,/' •,•% -•. • • • • •,.,"¾'• • - q•.•-o.3 '7• •._ • ••0 ' Hawaii • ....0.3 _...... . Correlation of %,, Atmospheric Indices /% withDec-Aug /' Streamflow Anomalies Hawaii 0 ¸ •3 Hawaii 0 0........ 3 0 0.0 0.3 ' 0 ••3 Correlation ,•;Po• •'• ....... • Vol. 55 •: •::::::55•:5 •sign reversed)•'• Fig. 8. CorrelationbetweenDecember-AuguststreamflowanomaliesandwinterCNP (left), PNA (middle)and SOI (right). SignonPNA wasreversed(negative valuesrepresent deepAleutianLowphase)for easiercomparison withotherindices.Contours at 0, +0.3, +0.5. positionof the remotecirculationanomalycentercanyieldeitherpositive or negativestreamflowfluctuations. An a posterioriperspective of the effectof theatmospheric circulation on streamflow is providedby comparingthe annualstreamflowat eachof four selectedrivers with the appropriatearea averagewinter SLP index Weak Central North Pacific Low • Strong Central North index of winter SLP stationed to the northwest of California centered at (40ø N., 130ø W.), the regionof maximumcorrelationin Figure6, This indexis foundeduponcorrelations with Californiaprecipitation[e.g. Klein and Bloom, 1987] as well as resultsfrom this study.The Kenai (coastal Alaska), Clark Fork (Idaho), and Wailua (Hawaii) rivers are eachpaired to the winter CNP, while the Cosumnes(California SierraNevada)is related to winter SLP northwestof the California coast.To emphasizethe lower : Hawaii _Pacific Low•NA) Hawaii ElNifo S Anomalies :i:i:i:i: High I IIIILow I (Figure 10). Three of the streamschosenhere are takenfrom the regions that were most sensitiveto the central North Pacific low. In addition, an Hawaii ,// 4:[•.• Subtloplcal jet frequencyportion of the variability the annual time serieshave been smoothed with a 1-2-1weightedrunningmeanf'fiter.The variations in annual streamflow,whichare of order20-40 percentof the climatologicalmean, are correlatedto theseSLP indices(winter seasononly) at the 0.4 to 0.6 level. Many of themajorfeaturesin thestreamflowvariabilityare strongly relatedto the winter SLP fluctuations.For example,the deficitflow in the NorthwestandHawaiiduring1939-1946wasa periodof unusually frequent deep winter lows in the central North Pacific (6 of these8 years have "strong" low wintersin Table2). The relativelyhigh flow in the Northwestbetween1948-1957 was a period of weak winter lows in the central North Pacific(7 of these10 yearshave "weak" low wintersin Table 2). Duringthisperiodthe PacificNorthwestalsohadgenerallyhighprecipitation, andsnowdepth[WaltersandMeier, thisvolume;Ebbesmeyer et. al., thisvolume].For KenaiRiver alongthe Alaskacoastthe latterperiodwas one of relativelylow streamflow,but thereis no streamflowavailablefor the earlier period. Heavy runoff in the California Sierra Nevadaduring 1978-1983wasa periodfeaturingnegativeSLP in theeasternNorthPacific alongthe Californiacoast,andscrutinyof time seriesof Southwest streams plottedin Figure3 showsthatthisperiodstandsout as oneof the heaviest streamflowepisodes in theinstrumental record(seealsoKay andDiaz [1985] for a discussion of effectsof this regime on Great Salt Lake). AtmosphericIndicesLeadingStreamflowat SeasonalTimeLags Fig. 9. Schematicof winteratmospheric flow andassociated streamflow anomaliesduringweak centralNorth Pacific low, strongcentralNorth Pacific low, and duringnorthernhemispherewinter "mature" phaseof E1 Niffo. It is of interestto determinehow well streamflowcanbe predictedfrom theselarge scalecirculationindices.As a simplefirst cut at this issue correlationsof seasonalSOI, PNA, and CNP versusDecember-August Geophysical Monograph Series Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas Vol. 55 CAYAN AND PETERSON 391 Atmospheric Indices andAnnual Streamflow 11o ] [ • [ [ [ [ 100 Kenai River, Alaska 90-CNP (s,gn reversed) CNP 24O •', 160 • 120 • • [ ] [ [ • ,,-/', ,'- '"' ,' • • ,• -t,,.J\ [ -•0 1-2 v J-4 _ t',•,'\ ,. •i [ 0-059_[ 4 - ' ,l ",.k,(/ • •' / • ,,,.. Y% ,, w • •,•,j [ / \i /'•/".._q ,' •',' %/'i ,,,,..,,',,/ ./• • / • 8O • [ ,, , ½,./,\ /•,,•/,,,',•• '• '• /• / • '"" '" ..-. 200 /'• /' '\ ',',,, / ',,,;; ',' \,", •" '" "' ' ',,v / ,,,,, ClarkForkMontana,"', 28O [ ,/'.. ..... ',, / \/\ - "/'..'"o /,", - "! ;..., ,-,'"/' / "., 70 60 50 32O [ P=ø'55-1- •, • ,,,..,, '- •0 C• 1.8 1.6 ,,, 1.4 ,,, _ . 1.2 1.0 h ,, ..'.... / ,, . . , • 0.8 V 40 Cos•mn•s River, California -CA SUP Index (sign reversed) 30 20 ,-, [ i 890 [ 1900 ..,, - ,, [ [ '[ Z 1910 •,,I .....Winter sea level pressure Annualstreamflow • /• . z • "• i vj 1920 ?,, 1930 I • ,'i [ •,I• '"[ .,,, L' [ i • r' • • , 1940 • / ' 195• , , 1960 1970 , p=u , i •4 • 2 -2 [ 1-4 1980 Fig. 10. AnnualstreamflowandanomalousSLP indicesshowingrelationshipto winter CNP for Kenai, Clark Fork, andWailua Riversandto SLP anomalies averagedaround(40ø N., 130ø W.) for Cosumnes River. Smoothing by 1-2-1 weightedrunning mean filter. streamflowis shownin Table 5. To quantifythe effectsof seasonallag relationships, precedingfall (fl-1) PNA and CNP andprecedingsummer (sm-1) andfall SOI were consideredaspredictorsin additionto winter and spring(duringthe December-Augustperiod) valuesof all three indices. The activecentralPacificperiodis primarily a cool seasonphenomenon [BarnstonandLivezey, 1987], so summerPNA andCNP predictorswere not employed,but SOI is characterizedby a time scaleof about 1 year (Rasmussonand Carpenter[1982]), so summerSOI was included.Also, lower frequencyatmospheric behaviormightconstitute a betterlongrange predictor,so the averageof theseindicesfor two seasonsas well as the value for a singleseasonwas consideredas a singlepredictor. The resultsareencouraging for at leasttwo reasons: (a) predictors preceding the December-Auguststreamflowperiodaccountfor nearlyas much varianceasthoseduringwinter (thebeginningof the streamflowperiod), and(b) theapparentskilllevels,whilemodest(amountof varianceaccounted for is 5-25 percent),rivalsthe skill achievedby state-of-the-art long range predictionmodels[Namias, 1980b; Nicholls, 1980]. Predictorsfrom all seasonsindicatesignificantskill for severalstreams.Springpredictors are generallylower than thosefrom winter. Table 5 showssignificant correlationsof SOI with streamflowfrom asearly asthe previoussummer. In fact, summerSOI correlationswith December-Auguststreamfloware aboutthe sameasthosefrom winterSOI. Theseresultsagainpointoutthe reliableconnectionof hydrologyin the West to the centralNorth Pacific atmosphericactivity that occurs over regionally favored areas. The mechanism leadingto theskill at theselagsis apparentlypersistence of the atmosphericcirculation,whichdeploysthe North Pacificwinter stormsas describedearlier;the basinsthatexhibitthe strongest correlationswith the precursoryindices are virtually the same ones that exhibit significant correlationswith the winter circulation.The centralPacific Low anomaly is probablyamongthe mostpredictable northernhemisphere wintercirculationfeatures[e.g., Namias, 1985; Dicksonand Livezey, 1984]. BarnstonandLivezey [1987; Table4b] havepointedoutthatthereis some tendencyof PNA to persistfrom fall to winter, and ENSO is known to have a high seasonalautocorrelation.More details of long-range predictabilityusingENSO asa possiblepredictorare discussed by Madden [1981], Namias and Cayan [1984], and Nicholls [1985]. The changein correlationassociatedwith averagingover two seasonsappearsto yield modestlyhigher correlationsfor fall plus winter CNP, particularlyfor streamsin the northwesternUnited States;the changein correlationsfor summerplusfall SOI predictorswasinsignificant.From this samplingthe use of summerSOI or fall SOI individuallyas predictorsis evidentlyas skillfulasusingthe averageof the two. Somewhatsurprisingis the result thattheearlierseason predictors,summerSOI andfall PNA, achievednearly aswell astheindicesfromtheseason closerto thestreamflowperiod,which wouldallowfor longerforecastleadsif it holdsuponanindependent sample. Spatial Scalesof High versusLow Streamflow The cross-correlationsof streamflow anomalies with atmospheric circulationrevealconsiderable spatialcoherenceandsuggestpossibleoutof-phaseremoteconnections of the streamflowanomalies.To quantifythe spatial responseof anomalousstreamflowto its climatic forcings the December-Auguststreamflowanomaliesat each individual stationwere orderedfrom lowestto highestandyearsof the lowestandhighestextreme Geophysical Monograph Series 392 ATMOSPHERIC Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas CIRCULATION AND I I I I STREAMFLOW Vol. 55 IN THE WEST I II II Illll I I I I II T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geophysical Monograph Series Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas CAYAN quartiles wereidentified. Depending ontherecordlengthof a givenstation, the numberof casesenteringinto the low or highquartilerangedfrom 9 to 20. Composite December-August meananomalies wereconstructed for all stations fortheyearsof the(a) low and(b) highquartileof a givenstation. Frommapsof thecomposite thespatialdistribution of anomalies associated withlow or highstreamflow at thegivenstationcanbe seen.Also, these two composites illustratewhetherthe spatialpatternof low streamflow anomalies at thegivenstationis differentfromhighstreamflow anomalies there.Thesemapsare contoured at 0.5 standard deviationintervalsand shadedto indicatesignificantlow or high compositeanomaliesat the 95 percentconfidence level, assuming normallydistributed, independent data.In thiscasesignificance wasestimated usinga t-testof thedifference betweenthe meanstreamflowover the yearsin the quartileandthe mean overtheentiresamplefor thatstream(i.e., a testof thenull hypothesis). This testwastailoredto eachstationindividuallydueto the varyingnumber of data for different stations. Vol. 55 AND PETERSON 393 Streamsin the Northwestare representedby Wilson River in coastal OregonandSpokaneRiver in easternWashington(Figure 11). The compositeSLP patternfor high anomalousstreamflowat SpokaneRiver (not shown)is similarto the patternassociated with weak atmospheric circulation in the North Pacific, as seenfrom the CNP, PNA, and SOI. Nearly the oppositepatternis associated with strongcirculationover the North Pacific.High streamflowat SpokaneRiver is accompanied by high streamflow at WailuaRiver in Kauai,andlow streamflowalongthesouthern Alaska coast(represented by Gold Creek) and in streamsin the Southwestfrom SouthernCaliforniathroughArizona. Accompanying low streamflowin Spokane River,thelow flow in theNorthwestextendssouthward intonorthern California and Utah, and includesboth Hawaiian streams.Although thereis a tendencyfor low streamflowin Spokane Riverto haveassociated highstreamflowin theSouthwest andin coastalAlaska,composite anomalies in theseregionsdo not meetthe 95 percentsignificancelevel as they did in association with thehighflow quartileat SpokaneRiver. For Wilson River thepatternsthatissuefrom theheavyandlight streamflowanomaly compositeare nearlymirror images.High andlow streamflowin Wilson River extends eastward to Clark Fork in Montana and southward to Smith • •. ,,/"" • "••_.,.,-• . •"•'/o -•.,••,• "'"• :ii• 0'5Hawaii 5 • ••5 .:•'•5•:. x. , 5 'x,,•/"• Streamflow /o Anomalies Hawaii High Oo. I Low 111111o" River in coastalnorthernCalifornia,andhasopposinglow andhigh streamflow anomaliesin Arizona. In general, the spatialinterrelationsof the streamflowvariability reflect the patternsestablishedin the precipitation field [see,e.g. Sellers, 1968; McGuirk, 1982]. An interesting differenceemergesin the streamflowanomalycomposite for California and stationslocatedhundreadsof kilometersto the east, which is illustrated by Sacramento Riverin theCaliforniaSierraNevadaandGrin Riverin Utah(Figure12). The composites derivedfromthesestations show a tendencyfor negativestreamflowanomaliesto be more extensivethan thosefor positivestreamflowanomalies.From the negativeDecemberAugustcomposites for Sacramento River and for GreenRiver the region of 95 percentsignificantanomaliesspansthe domainfrom Californiato Utah, all of which exc•d 0.5 standarddeviations.In contrastresultsfor highcomposites showthatpositiveanomaliesof bothbasinsare moreconfined. Significantpositivestreamflowanomaliessurroundingpositive anomaliesat Green River are limited to the region eastwardof Nevada, whilethosesurrounding positiveanomalies at Sacramento Riverextendfrom Nevada westward.It is noteworthythat interior basinsin the Northwest mayshowa similartendency,aslow stream flow anomalies at Spokane River (Figure 11) apparentlyhavea larger southwardextentthanhigh streamflow anomaliesthere. At Wilson River, however, no such asymmetries appear. Does the asymmetryin the streamflowanomalypatternsresult from fundamentaldifferencesbetween wet and dry atmosphericcirculation '::•:::•. ,I o.s• regimes?The streamflowanomalycomposites imply that atmospheric patternsproducingheavyprecipitationand high runoff in Californiaare oftendistinctfromonesproducing heavyprecipitation in UtahandColorado. •0.5• :•::.. Wilson River, Oregon High ."::•.•g• E0w II1' Fig. 11. Compositeof December-Auguststream flow anomaliesat all streamsfor thehigh(left) andlow (right)quartileDecember-August cases at Spokane(above)and Wilson (below)Rivers. Contoursof intervalsof 0.5; regionsexceeding95 percentsignificancelevel are shaded. On the otherhandcirculationsresponsible for extremelydry conditionsin Californiaapparentlyoftenaffecta broaderregionthat extendswell into the interior. In fact, there doesappearto be prominentcontrastsin the respectivemean circulationpatterns, as revealed by compositeSLP anomaliesaccompanying thepositiveandnegativeflow anomalies at Green andSacramento Riversin Figure 13. Positivestreamflowanomalycirculationsfor the Sacramentoand GreenRivers are disparate:high streamflow in SacramentoRiver is associated with negativeSLP anomaliescentered to the northwest (the characteristiccoastal basin pattern discussed previously),andhighstreamflowin GreenRiver is associated with a broad regionof positiveSLP anomaliesin the centralNorth Pacificcenteredin theGulf of Alaska(typicalof theinteriorpatternalreadydiscussed). Meanwhile,meancirculations corresponding to low streamflow in thetwo regions are more similar:bothare associated with negativeSLP anomaliessouth of the AleutianIslandsandpositiveSLP anomaliesin the subtropics and to theeastalongthe westcoast,althoughpositiveanomaliesin the eastern Pacificare more stronglydevelopedin the Sacramento River composite. Geophysical Monograph Series 394 Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATION AND STREAMFLOW Vol. 55 IN THE WEST Summaryand Conclusions ,'•. ,,/"'- '•1,•,/' • N. /'-, Streamflow •'--•_•.• .•./'•,•o Anomalies • ••0 •--- •awaii ' , in relation to climate variables.In particulareffectsof anomalous largescaleatmospheric circulation in winter on the resultantstreamfloware investigated.Streamflow wasrepresented by 38 streamsthatcovera largeareafromAlaskato southwesternUnited Statesand alsoHawaii. Althoughthis is a sparsearray it appearsthatthe ability of streamflowto integratethe spatialandtemporal distribution of precipitation withina basinmakesthisnetworka usefulindex of shortperiodclimatefluctuations overthisbroadregion.Thisis particularly importantin remotelocationswith severeterrainandhighelevations. Most of thesestreamsexhibit a strongannualcycle. Monthly mean streamflowlagsmeanprecipitationby zero to severalmonths,depending on the climateand probablythe physicalcharacteristics of a givenbasin. The resultingannualcycleis not only apparentin the climatological mean streamflowbut alsopervadesmostof its otherstatistics.Comparedwith precipitation, streamflow is stronglyautocorrelated withanomalytimescales rangingbetween1 andabout20 monthsoverthe38 stations. Althoughsnow datawerenotavailable,cursoryexamination of thegeneralsettingof each particularwatershedconfirmsthe well knownpropertythatthestreamflow persistence is governedby the capacityof a watershedto storeprecipitation as snow.If the watershedis cold enough(usuallythismeanshaving highenoughelevation),snowpack canprovidea memoryof winterconditionsthroughtherunoffseason untilfall rainsbegin.Duringtherisinglimb of the annualstreamhydrographat the onsetof the precipitationseason, the relativerole of storedwater in supportingstreamflowdeclinesand, accordingly, theautocorrelation is low. Later,throughvariations in thetiming of the snowmelt,it appearsthat fluctuations in temperature diminish the autocorrelation. Finally, duringthe fallinglimb of the annualstream hydrograph whenprecipitation hasdiminished,the relativerole of stored waterin support of streamflow increases and,therefore,theautocorrelation strengthens. - Hawaii Green River, •-•.......... •?--• •-•-• Utah Thisstudydescribes aspects of temporalandspatialvariabilityof monthly streamflow in western North America and Hawaii 0.5 "::•:•::.. o.5 I •'•' )'n?111111 %* I• Hawaii% River, Sacramento I• Ha•ii High California , •Streamflow • :•1.0,;• Fig. 12. Compositeof December-Auguststreamflowanomaliesat all streamsfor thehigh (left) andlow (right)quartileDecember-August cases at Green (above)and Sacramento(below) Rivers. Contoursof intervalsof 0.5; regionsexceeding95 percentsignificancelevel are shaded. •0% __ Composite WinterSeaLevelPressure Anomalies (mb) December-August streamflow %0J Green River, Utah I ";'i!!¾ ¾":; :11:':!?"::;i?.: :"': ::': :": ;¾0 '¾":;'!'!::•. • ..:.¾':: !?' W / J \ 09q, Low quartile••'-• , • Low quartile ) High quartile ' / •'u / / High quartile _ o• • Negative I Fig. 13. Composite winterSLP anomaly(mb)for high(left) andlow (right)quartileof December-August casesat Greenand SacramentoRivers; contoursat 1 mb intervals;regionswith absolutevaluesgreaterthan 1 mb are shaded. Geophysical Monograph Series Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas CAYAN Effectsof large scaleatmospheric circulationanomalieson streamflow are importantenoughto be clearlyseendespitecomplications that may be introduced by physicalcharacteristics of individualwatersheds. Topographic controls on the circulation can complicatethe pattern of streamflow variability, however, as evidencedby the remarkablelack of correlation betweeninteriorandcoastalAlaskanstreams.Correlationpatternsof streamflow with the SLP field were clearestin winter when the atmospheric circulationis most variable and tendsto exhibit largestscaleanomalies; significantconnections to the SLP field were foundat all of the basins.In contrastto the contemporaneous relationslinking precipitationto the atmospheric circulation,thereis a noticeablelag wherebyspring-summer streamflowis relatedto winter SLP in severalof the higherelevationor northernbasins.This likely resultsfrom meltingof the snowpackin these watersheds. BecausewinterSLP-streamflowcorrelationpatternsresemble thoserelatingthemeancirculationto precipitation[e.g., Klein andBloom, 1987], we interpretthe connectionbetweenwinter circulationand streamflow to reflecttheprecipitationsuppliedto thewatershed via theanomalous stormactivity.There are hintsthatthis simplerelationlinkingcirculation andprecipitation to streamflowbreaksdownin spring,though,whensnowmelt is affectedby temperature. For mostbasinsin the West, SLP grid pointshavingstrongestcorrelationswith streamflow were locatedimmediatelyalongthe west coastor to west over the ocean,confirmingthe influenceof atmosphericactivity overtheNorthPacific.The patternof winteratmospheric circulationrelated to streamflowfluctuations fell intotwo ratherdistinctpatterns:onefor basins near-the-coast and the otherfor basinsin the interior. Both high and low elevation basins near the Pacific coast exhibit connections that tend to be regionalin scale,with high streamflowrelatedto negativeSLP anomalies to the northwestor the west bringingan active stormtrack, anomalous southerlyto westerlyflow, and an amplesupplyof moistair. In contrast correlations of stream flow basins in the interior west with North Pacific SLP producedteleconnections; e.g., the largestcentersare remoterather thanlocal,wherebywatersheds frominteriorAlaskato Utahhaveincreased streamflowin association with anomalously highSLP overthecentralNorth Pacific.Because thisteleconnection reachessouthintothe subtropical high, Hawaiianstreamsare alsopositivelycorrelatedwithpositiveSLP anomalies in thecentralNorthPacificdueto enhanced wintertradewindprecipitation. Two largescaleindices,thewell-knownPNA indexandthe CNP, a longer historicalsurrogatefor PNA madefroma simpleareaaverageof the SLP anomaliessouthof the AleutianIslands,representa major ingredientof theseteleconnections. Sinceatmospheric activityover the centralNorth Pacifictendsto be excitedduringENSO events,it is not surprisingthat streamflow is alsocorrelatedwith the SOI. The spatialpatternsof streamflow anomaliesassociated with SOI resemblethosefoundfor precipitation by otherinvestigators (e.g., DouglasandEnglehart[ 1981],YarnalandDiaz [1986], Ropelewskiand Halpert [1986], and K. Redmondand R. Koch, personalcommunication).There is someencouragingevidencethat these relations can be used to forecast streamflow anomalies one to two seasons in advance,probablybecause theassociated atmospheric patternsmayhave largeamplitudes andevolveslowly.TheSOI seems to havepredictivevalue at leasttwo seasons in advanceof theDecember-Auguststreamflowperiod (from the previoussummer)andthe PNA exhibitsapparentskill from the precedingfall. It is importantto notethatall strongcentralNorth Pacificlow casesdo not havethe sameprecipitation/streamflow patternsover westernNorth America.Similarly,all ENSOcasesdonotproduce thesameeffects[Namias andCayan, 1984]. There were markeddifferencesbetween1976-1977 and 1982-1983,for example,eventhoughbothof thesewinterswereE1Niffo's andhadunusuallystrongNorth Pacificlows. This is an illustrationof how a singleareaaverageof the meancirculationis too simplisticto capture variationsfromonecaseto thenextor betweenregions.A betterspecification of precipitationand streamflowcouldbe madeby accountingfor the longitudinal positionof thelow, whichisrelatedto themeridional component of the geostrophicflow anomaly. Some regionsin the West are not Vol. 55 AND PETERSON 395 statisticallywell related to the central North Pacific circulationmode. Regionally,we found no significantcorrelationswith either PNA or SOI for streamflowin interiorAlaska, BritishColumbia,California, and Nevada. Theseregionslie betweenthe strongcentersof activityof thestrongcentral North Pacific teleconnectionpattern, and streamflowanomaliesin these regionsare stronglycorrelatedwith otherregionalatmospheric patterns. The large scaleof atmospheric circulationanomaliesis reflectedin the spatialpatternof stream flow anomalies.While stream flow is high/lowin southernAlaskaandnorthernBritishColumbia,it tendsto be low/highin streamsin CaliforniaeastwardthroughColorado.Similarly, whenstreams have high/low flow in the Pacific Northwest,thosein Arizona are often low/high. Thesepatternsseemconsistent with resultsof previousstudies [e.g., Langbeinand Slack, 1982' Meko and Stockton,1984; Lins, 1985] of streamflowfrom differentstationarraysthatcoveredpartof thedomain considered here.Thereappearsto be an asymmetryin the east-westextent of dry, as opposedto wet, streamflowregimesin the California-throughColoradoregion.Comparison of low andhighquartilesof streamflowcases from the available record shows that while low stream flow in the South- westoftenincludesa broadregionfrom Californiaeastwardto Colorado, thehighflow casesfor Californiaweremoreconfinedto the far west.High flows in Coloradoand Utah are usuallyclusteredin the southernRockies andnot as stronglyto the west.Therewasa hint thatthe spatialscaleof low stream flow in the interiornorthwestalsotendsto be largerthanthat for highflow. Theseanomalypatterndifferencesappearto resultfrom an asymetryin thecirculations causinglow versushighprecipitation. Thisnonlinearbehavior,if real, is noteworthy because of thedifferentscalesimplied for droughtversuswet conditionsin the Southwest. Perhapsthe greatestsocialand economicimpactsof thesefluctuations resultfromperiodsof prolongedhighor low streamflow,andit is important to view modernday variationsin the contextof the fluctuationsover the entire availablerecord. During the earlier part of the recordcan be seen a persistent episodeof theunusuallyhighstreamflowthroughout the Southwest during the early 1900's (e.g., see Weber River anomalyplot in Figure 3), while prolongedlow flows showup in all streamsin the northwesternUnitedStatesduringthe mid-1920'sthroughthe early 1940's. The CNP indexprovidesa simplemeansof analysisandinterpretation of regional climatevariabilityinfluenced b•ytheNorthPacificatmospheric teleconnection and is well relatedto low and high streamflowepisodesat sensitive regionsin thisdomain.Largespatialvariationscanalsobe interpretedfrom thepointof view of the North Pacificcirculation.Interestingly,the out-ofphasetendencybetweencoastalAlaskanstreamsand thosein the Pacific Northwestare similarto behaviorof the massbalancesof glaciersin these sameregions[Waltersand Meier, this volume]. Other physicaland biologicalsystemsin the regionshowthe influenceof thesedecadalclimatic variations[e.g., Ebbessmeyeret. al., this volume;Venrick et. al., 1987]. Also, althoughthisstudyhasfocusedon westemNorthAmericaandHawaii, previouswork [e.g., RopelewskiandHalpert, 1986]hasdemonstrated that large scaleatmosphericmodessuchas ENSO are connectedto precipitation fartherdownstreameastof the Rockies,and it seemslikely that the remainderof theNorthAmericastreamflowlink to NorthPacificatmospheric forcingwill emergein a similaranalysisover a larger streamnetwork. Acknowledgments. Discussions with Nick Graham,Art Douglas,Roy Walters,TonyBarnston,SueAnn Bowling,andChetRopelewskiwere very useful,aswerecomments by Bill Klein, Henry Diaz, JeromeNamias,Dave Meko, andtwo anonymous reviewers.Carefuleditingandsuggestions by JurateLandwehrimprovedthemanuscript significantly. We alsothankTom Rossof the U.S. GeologicalSurveyfor streamflowanomalymaps.Much credit goesto Ray Herndonfor dataprocessing,Emelia Baintoand Tam Vu for calculations,computerplottingand editing, and to Marguerette Schultzand JeanneDiLeo-Stevensfor excellentartwork. Mary Ray and MarthaNicholspreparedillustrations andtables,providedexperteditorial help, and skillfully processedseveralversionsof the manuscript. Geophysical Monograph Series 396 ATMOSPHERIC Aspects of Climate Variability in the Pacific and the Western Americas CIRCULATION AND STREAMFLOW IN THE WEST DRC greatlyappreciates fundingforthisworkfromtheNational Climate ProgramOffice throughthe ExperimentalClimate ForecastCenter program,Grant NA86-AA-D-CP104; NationalScienceFoundation, Grant ATM86-12853; the United States Geological Survey, Grant 14-08-0001-G1483;theUniversityof CaliforniaWaterResources Center, ProjectNumberW-720; andthroughtheUniversityof CaliforniaINCOR Program between Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory,andLos AlamosNationalLaboratory.The authors alsothanktheU.S. GeologicalSurvey,NationalScienceFoundation, the National ClimateProgram Office,andtheMonterey BayAquarium forfundingthePACLIM Workshop Series,whereideasfor thisworkoriginated. References nectionsin the 700 mb geopotentialheightfield duringthe northern hemispherewinter, MonthlyWeatherReview,v. 112, p. 2016-2032, 1984. 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