The University of North Carolina

The University of North Carolina
Charles E. Perusse –Vice President for Finance
Telephone: (919) 962-4598 • Fax: (919) 962-0008 • E-mail:
September 18, 2012
2013-15 BUDGET MEMORANDUM – Number 4
The Chancellors
President, UNC Hospitals
Affiliated Entities
Charles Perusse
SUBJECT: Preparation of the 2013-15 Operating Budget Priorities:
Expansion Budget
Budget Memorandum Number 4 provides instructions for the
preparation of institutional requests for the development of the
University’s 2013-15 expansion budget. As you know, expansion
budget requests for the University are the responsibility of the Board
of Governors. Your requests are submitted to UNC-GA and
presented to the Board of Governors as part of the University-wide
request. It is important that the recommendations be focused and
in-line with the priorities of the Board of Governors, the Governor,
and the General Assembly.
To help develop the request, please submit your three highest
priorities for expansion funds by Monday, October 15, 2012.
Your top three priorities should be prioritized in order and total
no more than 3% of the state appropriations shown in your
2012-13 Worksheet I base budget. Additionally, the priorities
for expansion funds must be consistent with the President’s five
goals for the strategic plan, UNC: Our Time, Our Future (see
Your submission for expansion priorities will need to contain a
detailed budget for each item, as well as a narrative describing the
need. For each priority, please identify any funds that you may have
already reallocated to jump start the initiative and describe how the
proposal addresses the goals for the strategic plan. Also, please
note that requests for funding related to new degree programs
should only be for programs that have already been approved by the
Board of Governors.
MEMO TO: Chancellors
Page Two
September 18, 2012
As in the past, we ask that you and your staff submit expansion budget
requests via our web-based expansion budget system.
The information
submitted through the expansion budget system is considered the “official”
submission from your campus. By September 26, 2012, please designate the
individual who will be finalizing your campus entries in the system and email
that information to Angelisa Riggsbee Angelisa
will then ensure that appropriate system access is in place and forward a copy
of the expansion budget system manual. If you have questions regarding the
web-based system, please address them to Kristen Crosson or Angelisa
All of your requests will be summarized and vetted. At the end of the campus
submission process, we will meet with the Chancellors to review the highest
priority requests. System-wide expansion requests, as in the past, will be
handled centrally by UNC-General Administration and may include requests
for need-based financial aid, salary increase funds and campus safety.
If you have any questions related to the expansion budget process, please
contact Jonathan Pruitt ( or Kristen Crosson
The calendar for preparation of the 2013-15 Expansion Budget Priorities is
shown below.
September 19-26, 2012
September 19, 2012
October 1, 2012
October 15, 2012
October 29, 2012
December 17, 2012
Designate Individual(s) to Enter Campus Budget Priorities in
Web-Based System
UNC Expansion Budget Web-Based System Opens for
Discussion at Chancellors’ Administrative Council Meeting
Deadline for Submission of Campus Priorities
Discussion at Chancellors’ Administrative Council Meeting
Discussion at Chancellors’ Administrative Council Meeting
Thank you for your assistance.
Strategic Goals – UNC: Our Time, Our Future
cc: Chief
Academic Officers
Finance Officers
Information Officers
Research Officers
Student Affairs Officers
Government Relations Council
UNC: Our Time, Our Future North Carolina’s long‐term economic competitiveness will depend on its ability to develop and retain the talent needed to drive innovation. The bar of global expectations is rising, and economic data clearly demonstrate that more highly educated workers earn more on average and are less likely to be unemployed. The University of North Carolina is committed to help increase educational attainment levels in North Carolina, in accord with our State’s changing workforce needs and shifting demographics. Success will require that we adapt to serve students of varying ages, backgrounds, and educational pathways. In this era of limited resources, it also will require a heightened focus on performance and accountability. 1. Set Degree Attainment Goals Responsive to State Needs 9 Work with business and other State leaders to develop degree attainment goals (by level and field) that are responsive to current and future workforce needs and the State’s changing demographics. 9 Assess degree offerings in the context of current workforce requirements and anticipated State needs. 9 Develop and implement a plan to increase graduation rates among community college transfers, individuals with some college credit, and those seeking to earn a new or different degree. Also improve access and support for veterans and active military personnel. 2. Strengthen Academic Quality 9 Continue to strengthen standards for admission and University polices governing satisfactory academic progress. 9 Increase the focus on preparing graduates with the core competencies needed to succeed. 9 Improve academic advising to reduce enrolled time to degree. 9 Identify most effective ways to assess and assure student learning. 9 Enhance use of technology in the classroom and in distance education opportunities. 3. Serve the People of North Carolina 9 Leverage UNC expertise and resources to make North Carolina more globally competitive. 9 Expand applied and translational research, particularly in areas that align with the State’s economic strengths and priorities. Help campuses streamline and grow the commercialization and/or translation of University research. 9 Provide improved preparation, support and professional development for PK‐12 teachers. 9 Help meet the growing healthcare needs of the State through research, training, and outreach. 9 Utilize cultural resources to strengthen North Carolina’s creative economy. 4. Maximize Efficiencies 9 Continue ongoing academic program review to eliminate unnecessary duplication and low‐
productivity programs. 9 Develop cost‐effective tools and collaborative strategies to broaden convenient access to online courses and other distance education programs across the University and State. 9 Encourage and implement more shared services in areas where costs can be reduced and services improved. 9 Strengthen space utilization practices. 5. Ensure an Accessible and Financially Stable University 9
Continue to embrace the State’s Constitutional mandate of low tuition and fees. Implement a balanced approach to enrollment and performance‐based funding. Identify appropriate, viable, and sustainable sources for financial aid. Enhance private fundraising, other external funding support, and private partnerships. Develop plan to address current and future capital and repair and renovation needs. 