Overview of Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Impulse Radio UMIACS/LTS Seminar March 17, 2004 Dr. Jay Padgett Senior Research Scientist Telcordia Technologies/ Applied Research Wireless Systems and Networks jpadgett@telcordia.com What is Ultra Wide Band? Ÿ FCC definition of UWB signal: bandwidth is at least 20% of center frequency, or a bandwidth of at least 500 MHz Ÿ Bandwidths can exceed 1 GHz Ÿ Example: Pulsed UWB signal (pulse width: 0.5 ns). Pulse energy spectrum 0 Signal is a sequence of short pulses Φ(f) / Φmax (dB) 2 -10 -20 τ = 0.5 ns -30 -40 -50 0 1 2 3 4 f (GHz) Ÿ The large UWB passband spans the operating frequencies of many existing licensed services Ÿ Interference concerns: UWB to narrowband systems (main concern of FCC, NTIA), narrowband-to-UWB interference (UWB design issue) 5 3 Brief FCC / UWB History Ÿ FCC motivation: encourage development of potentially useful new technology without causing harmful interference to existing services and devices Ÿ Sequence of FCC Notices and Orders – Notice of Inquiry in September 1998 – Notice of Proposed Rule Making, June 2000 – First Report and Order, April 2002: made legal unlicensed operation of UWB devices subject to certain restrictions – Reconsideration Order and Further NPRM, March 2003: responsive to Petitions for Reconsideration filed in response to the first R&O Ÿ FCC categorizes its approach to legalizing UWB “conservative” with respect to preventing harmful interference to other devices and services. FCC has promised further evolution to UWB Rules Ÿ Allowed UWB emission levels are less than or equal to the level allowed for unintentional radiators such as computers and other electronic devices (-41.3 dBm/MHz). FCC General UWB Emission Limits UWB emission limit in dBm/MHz 4 -40 −41.3 dBm 1.99 GHz UWB Passband (3.1 to 10.6 GHz) -50 −51.3 dBm −53.3 dBm -60 −61.3 dBm −63.3 dBm -70 Indoor Handheld −75.3 dBm -80 960 MHz 1.61 GHz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Frequency in GHz 9 10 11 12 5 Applications: DARPA’s NETEX Program Objective: Develop military UWB sensors and communications systems for operation in extreme environments Ÿ Phase I: Gain understanding of effects of UWB system operation on existing narrowband spectrum users – Testing (NAVAIR/Pax River): 16 legacy system, 39 modes, 1600 tests completed. – Modeling/Simulation (Telcordia) details below – UWB propagation and channel modeling (Virginia Tech) Ÿ Phase II: (DARPA/ATO BAA 03-20, Industry Day April 7 ‘03) – Push UWB physical layer design to the point where it is capable of reliably supporting advanced LPD, ranging, location and networking protocols – Develop algorithms, protocols, and distributed control for robust, scalable ad hoc UWB networking – Demonstrate 20-node hand held radios, 50-node video network, and 50-node radar sensor integrated into high data rate short range network. http://www.darpa.mil/ato/solicit/NETEX/documents.htm 6 UWB: An Undesired Result 7 UWB Interference Modeling victim receiver or measurement instrument (e.g., spectrum analyzer) impulse response receiver (baseband equivalent) response UWB impulse train x(t ) = g (t ) ∞ ∑ g (t − T ) k = −∞ y (t ) hb (t ) k ? t What is the effective interference power due to the UWB signal, as seen by the non-UWB receiver? t H(f ) G( f ) f f 8 Victim Receiver Model and Interference Filtering f0 fIF1 RF ~ fIF2 IF1 ~ LO1 Detector/ Demodulator Circuitry IF2 LO2 Receiver Passband UWB Pulse Energy Spectrum −f0 f0 IF Impulse Response (envelope shown) UWB Pulse Sequence HIF(f ) f Time Hopping PSD Example: Partial-Frame 2-ns Dithering -10 -20 filter output power, dBm 9 -30 -40 M = 10 time hopping bins εc = 2 ns bin separation Puwb = 10 dBm R = 10 MHz pulse rate BIF = 1 MHz IF bandwidth -50 -60 0 1 2 3 f0 (filter center frequency), GHz 4 5 Closeup – with Simulation Results 10 -10 filter output power, dBm -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 1.4 M = 10 εc = 2 ns Puwb = 10 dBm R = 10 MHz BIF = 1 MHz Model Simulation 1.5 f0 (filter center frequency), GHz 1.6 Simulation – Zero Span – 1.46 GHz -10 -20 -30 -10 -20 filter output power, dBm filter output power in dBm 11 -40 -50 -30 -40 -50 -60 1.4 M = 10 εc = 2 ns Puwb = 10 dBm R = 10 MHz BIF = 1 MHz Model Simulation M = 10, εc = 2 ns, Puwb = 10 dBm R = 10 MHz, BIF = 1 MHz 1.5 1.6 f0 = f1.46 GHz (filter center frequency), GHz 0 -60 0 20 40 60 time in microseconds 80 100 Simulation – Zero Span – 1.47 GHz 12 -10 -30 -10 -20 filter output power, dBm filter output power in dBm -20 -40 -30 -40 -50 -50 -60 1.4 M = 10 εc = 2 ns Puwb = 10 dBm R = 10 MHz BIF = 1 MHz Model Simulation M = 10, εc = 2 ns, Puwb = 10 dBm R = 10 MHz, BIF = 1 MHz 1.5 1.6 (filter center frequency), GHz f0 = f1.47 GHz 0 -60 0 20 40 60 time in microseconds 80 100 Simulation – Zero Span – 1.48 GHz -10 -20 -30 -10 -20 filter output power, dBm filter output power in dBm 13 -40 -30 -40 -50 -50 -60 1.4 M = 10 εc = 2 ns Puwb = 10 dBm R = 10 MHz BIF = 1 MHz Model Simulation M = 10, εc = 2 ns, Puwb = 10 dBm R = 10 MHz, BIF = 1 MHz 1.5 1.6 f0 =f 1.48 GHz (filter center frequency), GHz 0 -60 0 20 40 60 time in microseconds 80 100 Simulation – Zero Span – 1.5 GHz 14 -10 -30 -10 -20 filter output power, dBm filter output power in dBm -20 -40 -30 -40 -50 -50 -60 1.4 M = 10 εc = 2 ns Puwb = 10 dBm R = 10 MHz BIF = 1 MHz Model Simulation M = 10, εc = 2 ns, Puwb = 10 dBm R = 10 MHz, BIF = 1 MHz 1.5 1.6 f0 =f (filter 1.5center GHz frequency), GHz 0 -60 0 20 40 60 time in microseconds 80 100 Example: PSD of a Swept-PRF Signal 15 r(t) r (t ) = r + at T T − <t≤ 2 2 a = 2rd T v (t ) = t r(t) pulse rate M ∑ δ (t − T ) n n = − M +1 V(f )= M ∑e − j 2πfTn n = − M +1 rd r T − 2 T 2 t Tn = ( − r + r 2 + 2a n + T 2 4 a ) Swept PRF PSD and Approximation 16 4 Swept PRF 100 MHz average PRF 100 kHz sweep rate 4 MHz PRF span (98 to 102 MHz) 1 watt total average power 1.05 GHz pulse bandwidth (rectangular spectrum) milliwatts 3 exact first-order analytic approximation 2 1 0 0 200 400 600 frequency (MHz) 800 1000 Closeup of Swept PRF Spectrum 17 1.0 Swept PRF 100 MHz average PRF 100 kHz sweep rate 4 MHz PRF span (98 to 102 MHz) 1 watt total average power 1.05 GHz pulse bandwidth (rectangular spectrum) milliwatts 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 exact first-order analytic approximation 0.0 580 590 600 frequency (MHz) 610 620 Individual Tones of the Swept PRF PSD 18 1.0 Swept PRF 100 MHz average PRF 100 kHz sweep rate 4 MHz PRF span (98 to 102 MHz) 1 watt total average power 1.05 GHz pulse bandwidth (rectangular spectrum) milliwatts 0.8 0.6 exact first-order analytic approximation 0.4 0.2 0.0 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 frequency (MHz) 592 593 594 595 19 UWB Effects on Receiver Performance Ÿ N u is the ratio of the pulse rate to the IF bandwidth Ÿ There are 3 primary interference cases: – N u ≤ 1, which gives pulsed interference to the detector – N u > 1 with constant pulse rate, which can give a tone within the passband – N u > 1 with dithering or modulation, which can give a noise-like signal Ÿ The first two cases were explored for fixed-frequency digital communications receivers and for an analog FM receiver. The third case, in the limit, gives results similar to those of Gaussian noise, which are well-known. Ÿ With Nu > 1, there can also be a combination of a tone and noise (as seen previously). Ÿ Results are calculated based on the average UWB interference power within the receiver passband. Modeling the Test Procedure for an FM Receiver 40 Nu = PRF ÷ IF bandwidth Nu = 0.1 30 Baseband SINAD (dB) 20 Nu = 1.0 Nu = 0.01 Gaussian noise 20 ∆f = 2.4 kHz fm = 1 kHz BIF = 30 kHz Bbb = 3 kHz 10 0 -10 0 10 20 Carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR), dB 30 Analysis vs. dB-Average Test Results (FM) CIR for 10 dB SINAD receiver upset, dB 21 20 Gaussian noise 15 10 5 0 dB average from measurements analysis -5 1 2 3 4 5 Test Waveform (TW) Number 6 UWB into a Noncoherent FSK Receiver 0 10 Nu=0.01 Nu=0.02 Nu=0.05 -1 Nu=0.10 10 BER 22 Nu=1.00 -2 10 -3 10 Equivalent AWGN BER 1 SIR exp − 2 2 -4 10 -20 -10 0 10 SIR (dB) 20 30 Coherent PSK – Comparison of Rates 10 10 10 BER 23 10 10 10 10 0 Blue : N u = 0.05 Green : N u = 0.1 -1 Red : N u = 0.25 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -5 I/N = -30 dB I/N = 0 dB I/N = 30 dB 0 5 SINR (dB) 10 At low SINR, BER ≅ N u 2 At low BER, SINR ≅ −10 log N u 15 UWB/Legacy NB Coexistence Example 24 duwb Maximum UWB path distance (meters) 1000 f0 = 300 MHz Buwb = 200 MHz dnb = 20 meters Fnb = 10 dB Fuwb = 1 dB (Eb/N0)uwb = 10 dB A(f0) = 0 dB GTX,uwb = 2 dB GRX,uwb = 2 dB GTX,uwb->nb = 2 dB GRX,nb = 2 dB LTX = LRX = 1 dB Dithered pulses 800 600 400 I/N = 0 dB I/N = 5 dB I/N = 10 dB I/N = 15 dB I/N = 20 dB 200 0 1 10 100 Rb UWB data rate (kb/s) 1000 Aggregate Interference – Closed form CDF 99 P { Z < z } [percent] Distribution of normalized aggregate interference power 25 90 Nearest single interferer 70 50 30 γ = 4.0 γ = 3.5 γ = 3.0 10 1 Multiple interferers 0.1 -10 0 10 20 10 log z • Uniformly random distribution of interfering transmitters • Equal power • No exclusion zone 1 ∞ Γ(kν ) Γ(1 − ν ) FZ ( z ) = Pr (Z < z ) = 1 − ∑ sin kπ (1 − ν ) , z > 0 ν π k =1 k! z k ( FZ ( z ) = exp − z −ν ) z > 0 (nearest interferer) 30 These curves show the average percentage of handsets blocked on the downlink as a function of UWB deployment density and transmit power spectral density Probability density functions for minimum UWB to PCS handset distance Pb (percent) blocking probabilityaveraged over cell area and UWB-to-PCS distance IS-95 PCS Blocking vs. UWB Density 100 80 Non-uniform distance distribution γ = 3.5 ΦTXuwb = −50 dBm/MHz 60 −55 dBm/MHz 40 −60 dBm/MHz 20 −65 dBm/MHz 0 0.00 0.7 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 Truncated uniform (d0 = 1 meter) Uniform Non-uniform 0.5 0.4 ρ = 0.1 active UWB transmitters/m2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 1 2 3 r (meters) 4 5 6 Pb (percent) blocking probabilityaveraged over cell area and UWB-to-PCS distance ρ (active UWB transmitters/m2) 0.6 fd(r) probability density function for distance to nearest UWB transmitter 26 100 80 Uniform distance distribution γ = 3.5 ΦTXuwb = −50 dBm/MHz 60 −55 dBm/MHz 40 −60 dBm/MHz −65 dBm/MHz 20 0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 ρ (active UWB transmitters/m ) 2 0.20 27 C/I with Aggregate Interference Ÿ Desired signal to NB receiver Rayleigh-faded (terrestrial multipath). Ÿ UWB transmitters uniformly randomly distributed spatially, no fading of interfering signals (short distances). Ÿ May be an “exclusion zone” surrounding victim receiver within which there will be no UWB transmitters. Rayleigh-faded signal path Desired NB transmitter narrowband receiver dmin exclusion zone (no UWB transmitters within this area) C/I CDF with Aggregate UWB Interference and no Exclusion Zone 28 99.99 γ = 2.5 γ=3 γ = 3.5 γ=4 99.9 Pr(Cnb/IUWB < Λ), percent 99 Monte Carlo, γ = 3 Nearest interferer, γ = 3 90 70 50 30 10 2 γ Cnb 2 Λ Γ1 − P r < Λ = 1 − exp − I X γ UWB nb 1 0.1 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 γ >2 10 20 Λ , dB X nb normalization : X nb = Cnb γ αPtx (πρ a ) 2 29 The Larger Picture: UWB – Challenges, Questions, and Opportunities Going Forward Ÿ Design of UWB radios that can operate adaptively in the presence of strong in-band narrowband signals. Ÿ UWB networking: MAC layer design, ad hoc routing protocols, QoS management, especially with narrowband interference. Ÿ Applications – what is UWB best suited for (military and commercial)? – Radar/localization – Data networking? – Sensors? – Integrated applications (e.g., localization + communications). Ÿ Can UWB be used to provide high data rate hotspots with connectivity to CMRS networks? Ÿ Can UWB be used to increase the accuracy of E-911 indoors?