Cover1_Cover1 2012 9/20/12 3:31 PM Page 1 Annual Financial Report For the Years Ended June 30, 2012 and 2011 A member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system METROPOLITAN STATE UNIVERSITY A MEMBER OF THE MINNESOTA STATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES SYSTEM ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2012 and 2011 Prepared by: Metropolitan State University 2nd FL New Main 700 E. 7th St. St. Paul, MN 55106-3000 Upon request, this publication is available in alternate formats by calling one of the following: General number (651) 201-1800 Toll free: 1-888-667-2848 For TTY communication, contact Minnesota Relay Service at 7-1-1 or 1-800-627-3529. METROPOLITAN STATE UNIVERSITY ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2012 and 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Page Transmittal Letter ................................................................................................................................... 5 Organizational Chart ............................................................................................................................ 11 FINANCIAL SECTION Independent Auditors’ Report .............................................................................................................. 14 Management’s Discussion and Analysis .............................................................................................. 16 Basic Financial Statements Statements of Net Assets ............................................................................................................... 24 Metropolitan State University Foundation – Statements of Financial Position ............................ 25 Statements of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets ................................................... 26 Metropolitan State University Foundation – Statements of Activities .......................................... 27 Statements of Cash Flows ............................................................................................................. 28 Notes to the Financial Statements ................................................................................................. 30 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION SECTION Schedule of Funding Progress for Net Other Postemployment Benefits ............................................. 53 SUPPLEMENTARY SECTION Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards .................................................................. 56 1 This page intentionally left blank 2 INTRODUCTION 3 This page intentionally left blank 4 5 6 7 8 9 This page intentionally left blank 10 Gary Seiler Interim Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs 11 Trenda Boyum-Breen Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Murtuza Siddiqui Vice President Administration & Finance/ Chief Financial Officer Jesse Bethke-Gomez Vice President for University Advancement Sue K. Hammersmith President Steven J. Rosenstone Chancellor BOARD OF TRUSTEES Organizational Chart Truly Webb Affirmative Action Officer Thomas Cook Executive Assistant to the President & Director, Government Relations The financial activity of the Metropolitan State University is included in this report. The University is one of 31 colleges and universities included in the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Annual Financial Report which is issued separately. The University’s portion of the Revenue Fund is also included in this report. The Revenue Fund activity is included both in the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Annual Financial Report and in a separately issued Revenue Fund Annual Financial Report. All financial activity of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities is included in the state of Minnesota Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. 12 FINANCIAL SECTION 13 14 15 MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS (Unaudited) INTRODUCTION The following discussion and analysis provides an overview of the financial position and activities of Metropolitan State University, a member of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system at June 30, 2012 and 2011, and for the years then ended. This discussion has been prepared by management and should be read in conjunction with the financial statements and accompanying notes, which follow this section. Metropolitan State University is one of 31 colleges and universities comprising Minnesota State Colleges and Universities. The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system is governed by a 15 member Board of Trustees appointed by the governor. Twelve trustees serve six-year terms, eight representing each of Minnesota’s congressional districts and four serving at large. Three student trustees – one from a state university, one from a community college and one from a technical college – serve two-year terms. The Board of Trustees selects the chancellor, vice chancellors, and college and university presidents, and has broad policy responsibility for system planning, academic programs, fiscal management, personnel, admissions requirements, tuition and fees, and policies and procedures. The University is a comprehensive public institution of higher learning with over 11,000 students, 95 percent of which are transfer students. The average age of the student on campus is 32 years old and is enrolled at the University with an average of four transcripts. Approximately 90 percent of students work while attending school, most full time. The University employs about 1,000 faculty and staff members, including approximately 550 parttime community faculty who are often practitioners in the fields in which they teach. Metropolitan State University offers certificate programs; baccalaureate, masters and doctorate degrees, and the University participates in the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum. The University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. The largest programs based on enrollment are individualized programs, business, accounting, information and computer science, nursing and criminal justice. Our individualized program, which enables students to customize degree requirements to fit their individual academic aspirations, is one of the unusual opportunities offered at Metropolitan State University. The Urban Teacher Program, which was developed in collaboration with Minneapolis Community and Technical College, Inver Hills Community College, and the Minneapolis and St. Paul Public Schools, is a unique program designed to increase the number of teachers of color in urban schools. The University’s Minneapolis campus is co-located with Minneapolis Community and Technical College. This relationship continues to provide an exciting opportunity to collaborate with a partner school on programming to benefit our combined student population, by providing a learning bridge for the students who are transitioning from a two-year system to a four-year state university. The University’s School of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice is co-located in the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Education Center on the Brooklyn Park campus of Hennepin Technical College. This facility provides the unique environment needed for criminal justice and law enforcement training, including an on-campus simulation center and forensics laboratory, and specialized SKILLS program. Metropolitan State University continues to partner with Saint Paul College and Minneapolis Community and Technical College in “The Power of You” program. This is a program that makes the first two years of college available tuition free and is available to individuals who have graduated from a public school in Minneapolis or St. Paul beginning in 2007 and are current residents of either of these cities. 16 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS The University’s financial results during fiscal year 2012 are reflected herein. Assets totaled $78.1 million and $83.5 million in fiscal years 2012 and 2011, respectively, compared to liabilities of $21.3 million and $27.4 million, respectively. Net assets, which represent the residual interest in the University’s assets after liabilities are deducted, are comprised of $33.5 million and $34.9 million, respectively, in capital assets net of related debt, restricted assets of $1.6 million and $2.9 million, respectively, and unrestricted net assets of $21.7 million and $18.3 million, respectively. USING THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The University’s financial report includes three financial statements: the statements of net assets; the statements of revenues, expenses and changes in net assets; and the statements of cash flows. These financial statements are prepared in accordance with applicable generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as established by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) through authoritative pronouncements. STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS The statements of net assets present the financial position of the University at the end of the fiscal year and include all assets and liabilities of the University as measured using the accrual basis of accounting. The difference between total assets and total liabilities (net assets) is one indicator of the current financial condition of the University, while the change in net assets is an indicator of whether the overall financial condition has improved or declined during the year. Capital assets are stated at historical cost less an allowance for depreciation, with current year depreciation reflected as a period expense on the statement of revenues, expenses and changes in net assets. A summary of the University’s assets, liabilities and net assets as of June 30, 2012, 2011 and 2010, respectively, is as follows (in thousands): Current assets Restricted assets Noncurrent assets Total assets Current liabilities Noncurrent liabilities Total liabilities Net assets $ $ 2012 36,521 101 41,478 78,100 8,909 12,417 21,326 56,774 $ $ 2011 35,245 1,445 46,829 83,519 11,111 16,285 27,396 56,123 $ $ 2010 29,544 2,271 56,116 87,931 11,110 18,874 29,984 57,947 Current assets consist primarily of cash and cash equivalents totaling $32.9 million at June 30, 2012, an overall increase of $0.8 million in unrestricted cash and cash equivalents over the prior year. This increase is the result of increases in tuition and fees. Current liabilities consist primarily of salaries and benefits payable, unearned revenue, accounts payable and restricted accounts payable, current obligations for repayment of debt, and compensation benefits. Current liabilities declined over the prior year, due primarily to decreases in salaries and benefits payable and unearned revenue. 17 Net assets represent the residual interest in the University’s assets after liabilities are deducted. The University’s net assets as of June 30, 2012, 2011 and 2010, respectively, are summarized as follows (in thousands): Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Restricted Unrestricted Total net assets $ $ 2012 33,513 $ 1,569 21,692 56,774 $ 2011 34,953 2,878 18,292 56,123 $ $ 2010 41,089 2,964 13,894 57,947 Invested in capital assets, net of related debt - represents the University’s capital assets net of accumulated depreciation and outstanding principal balances of debt attributable to the acquisition, construction or improvement of those assets. Restricted - primarily includes debt service, donations received for specific purposes, capital projects and faculty contracts. Changes in net assets for fiscal years 2010 through 2012 are presented as follows: Net Assets (In Thousands) 45,000 40,000 Invested in Capital Assets (net) 35,000 30,000 Restricted expendable, bond covenants 25,000 20,000 15,000 Restricted expendable, other 10,000 Unrestricted 5,000 - 2012 2011 2010 CAPITAL AND DEBT ACTIVITIES One of the critical factors in continuing the quality of the University’s academic programs and student life is the development and renewal of its capital assets. During fiscal year 2012 the University updated its master facilities plan to maintain its complement of existing facilities while systematically addressing new construction needs. Capital assets as of June 30, 2012, totaled $41.4 million, net of accumulated depreciation of $22.6 million. The Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Education Center (LECJEC), a $15.6 million collaborative project between the University, Hennepin Technical College and Minneapolis Community and Technical College was completed in time for fall 2010 classes. The LECJEC is located on the Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, campus of 18 Hennepin Technical College. As of July 1, 2010, ownership of the LECJEC transferred from the University to Hennepin Technical College. This transfer of ownership resulted in a reduction of the University’s fiscal year 2011 capital assets of $13.4 million, reduction in prepaid assets of $0.3 million, decrease in short- and long-term debt of $4.45 million, and decrease in net assets restricted for capital projects of $9.2 million. In the 2011 legislative session, the University was awarded $3.44 million in general obligation bonds for design of a new Science Education Center on the St. Paul campus. The design project is expected to be completed during fiscal year 2013. On July 1, 2011, the University executed an amendment to the operating lease agreement with Minneapolis Community and Technical College (MCTC) to transfer ownership of the Minneapolis parking ramp, a revenue bond-funded project to MCTC. The result of this ownership change was a transfer of capital assets of $12.1 million, decrease in accumulated depreciation of $7.4 million, decrease in nonoperating cash of $1.5 million, decrease in short- and long-term debt of $4.0 million, and decrease in net assets restricted for capital projects of $0.6 million. Additional information on capital and debt activities can be found in Note 5 and Note 7 to the financial statements. Capital Assets, Net of Depreciation (In Thousands) 60,000 Land 50,000 Construction in Progress 40,000 Buildings and Improvements 30,000 Equipment 20,000 Library Collections 10,000 - Total 2012 2011 2010 19 STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS The statement of revenues, expenses and changes in net assets present the University’s results of operations for the year. When reviewing the full statements, users should note that GASB requires classification of state appropriations as non-operating revenue. Summarized statements for the years ended June 30, 2012, 2011 and 2010, respectively, follow (in thousands): 2012 Operating revenue: Tuition, fees and sales, net Restricted student payments Other revenue Total operating revenue $ 2011 30,232 $ 2010 134 30,366 29,122 $ 1,376 45 30,543 27,496 1,385 47 28,928 Nonoperating revenue: State appropriations Capital appropriations Other Total nonoperating revenue Total revenue 20,524 702 17,729 38,955 69,321 21,650 3,797 17,444 42,891 73,434 22,695 8,309 16,293 47,297 76,225 Operating expense: Salaries and benefits Services and other expenses Depreciation Financial aid, net Total operating expense 46,850 16,200 2,313 739 66,102 45,829 15,063 2,367 1,820 65,079 43,615 15,835 2,299 2,092 63,841 Nonoperating expense: Interest expense Other Total nonoperating expense Total expense 359 2,209 2,568 68,670 527 9,652 10,179 75,258 623 48 671 64,512 Change in net assets Total net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year 651 56,123 56,774 (1,824) 57,947 56,123 $ 11,713 46,234 57,947 — $ $ Tuition and state appropriations are the primary sources of funding for the University’s academic programs. Tuition rates increased by 5 percent in fiscal year 2012. The state appropriation decreased in fiscal year 2012 by $1.1 million due to continuing reductions in state funding for higher education. One way to examine a teaching institution’s focus on its mission is by reviewing the percentage of its operating expenses dedicated to instructional costs. Instructional costs are defined as costs of direct instruction plus costs for academic support (i.e. academic advisors, college support staff, library, academic computing, etc.). From the perspective of the higher education industry, the higher this percentage is, the more mission-focused the institution is considered to be, with 50 percent as the threshold. The chart below displays this information for Metropolitan State University for fiscal years 2012, 2011, and 2010. Metropolitan State University has consistently exceeded this threshold each of those years, investing 68 percent of its operating budget into direct instructional activities during fiscal year 2012, indicating that the University continues to stay focused on the core teaching mission of the institution. 20 Operating Expenses by Functional Classification 70% 60% Instruction / Academic Support 50% Institutional Support 40% Student Services 30% 20% Scholarships & Fellowships 10% Other 0% 2012 2011 2010 FOUNDATION The Metropolitan State University Foundation is a component unit of Metropolitan State University. As such, the separately audited financial statements for the Foundation are included, but shown separately from those of the University in compliance with the requirements of GASB Statement no. 39. Additional information regarding the Foundation can be found in Note 18 to the financial statements. The Foundation helps the University raise funds, provides financial support to students, and assists the University fund projects consistent with the University’s mission. ECONOMIC FACTORS THAT WILL AFFECT THE FUTURE Looking toward the future, management believes that the University is positioned to continue to remain in a relatively sound financial condition and level of excellence. Unlike more traditional institutions, Metropolitan State University’s focus has always been on adult students, which are projected to be a growth market in higher education. With nearly 100,000 students in attendance at metropolitan-area community and technical colleges, the University is positioning itself to be the provider for upper level courses for those students. As the most diverse public university in the state, Metropolitan State University has worked hard to become an institution of choice for communities of color and recent immigrants, and thus is well-positioned to take advantage of the demographic projections in those groups. An ongoing challenge for the University will be staying financially accessible, given the shifts in funding sources for public higher education in Minnesota. In the year 2000, the state paid about 65 percent of the cost of education for our students, with tuition and other revenue covering the other 35 percent. In fiscal year 2012, the University’s base appropriation declined to 30 percent of total revenue, and tuition and other revenue accounted for 70 percent. The more reliant the University must be on tuition as its primary source of income, the more difficult it will be to remain affordable. With a projected state deficit of approximately $1.1 billion in the 2014-2015 biennium, the prospects for improvement in state funding towards higher education are unlikely, unless there is funding reprioritization at the Legislature. Tuition rate increases are likely to be capped; however, MnSCU will be seeking 21 additional funding from the Legislature. Looking into the future, the University expects enrollment growth to remain steady at approximately 5 percent. In summary, the University will face budget challenges in the upcoming 2014-2015 biennium and beyond as it attempts to cope with the enrollment growth, as well as with reduced state appropriation. REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION This financial report is designed to provide a general overview of Metropolitan State University’s financial position for all those with an interest in the University. Questions concerning any of the information provided in this report or requests for additional financial information should be addressed to: Murtuza Siddiqui CFO/Vice President for Administrative Affairs Metropolitan State University 700 East 7th Street St. Paul, MN 55106-5000 22 This page intentionally left blank 23 METROPOLITAN STATE UNIVERSITY STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS AS OF JUNE 30, 2012 AND 2011 (IN THOUSANDS) Assets Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Grants receivable Accounts receivable, net Prepaid expense Other assets Total current assets Current Restricted Assets Cash and cash equivalents Total current restricted assets Noncurrent Restricted Assets Other assets Total noncurrent restricted assets Total restricted assets Noncurrent Assets Capital assets, net Total noncurrent assets 2012 $ Total Assets 2011 32,916 950 1,635 1,013 7 36,521 $ 32,142 691 1,331 1,079 2 35,245 101 101 1,434 1,434 101 11 11 1,445 41,478 41,478 46,829 46,829 78,100 83,519 Liabilities Current Liabilities Salaries and benefits payable Accounts payable Unearned revenue Payable from restricted assets Interest payable Funds held for others Current portion of long-term debt Other compensation benefits Total current liabilities Noncurrent Liabilities Noncurrent portion of long-term debt Other compensation benefits Total noncurrent liabilities 3,120 1,575 2,540 325 25 717 607 8,909 4,325 1,309 3,172 532 54 63 1,001 655 11,111 7,248 5,169 12,417 11,327 4,958 16,285 Total Liabilities 21,326 27,396 33,513 1,569 21,692 34,953 634 2,244 18,292 Net Assets Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Restricted expendable, bond covenants Restricted expendable, other Unrestricted Total Net Assets $ The notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 24 56,774 $ 56,123 METROPOLITAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS OF JUNE 30, 2012 AND 2011 (IN THOUSANDS) 2012 Assets Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Investments Pledges and contributions receivable Other receivables Total current assets $ Noncurrent Assets Investments held for endowment Other assets held for endowment Total noncurrent assets Total Assets $ Liabilities and Net Assets Current Liabilities Accounts payable Scholarships payable Total Liabilities $ Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total Net Assets 1,368 588 74 3 2,033 2,736 130 2,866 4,899 49 82 131 2011 $ $ $ 330 2,009 2,429 4,768 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ The notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 25 4,899 1,581 521 480 4 2,586 2,842 55 2,897 5,483 122 54 176 353 2,544 2,410 5,307 $ 5,483 METROPOLITAN STATE UNIVERSITY STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2012 AND 2011 (IN THOUSANDS) 2012 Operating Revenues Tuition, net Fees, net Sales, net Restricted student payments, net Other income Total operating revenues $ Operating Expenses Salaries and benefits Purchased services Supplies Repairs and maintenance Depreciation Financial aid, net Other expense Total operating expenses Operating loss Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses) Appropriations Federal grants State grants Private grants Interest income Interest expense Grants to other organizations Total nonoperating revenues (expenses) Income Before Other Revenues, Expenses, Gains, or Losses Capital appropriations Capital grants Transfer of assets Donated assets and supplies Gain (loss) on disposal of capital assets Change in net assets Total Net Assets, Beginning of Year Total Net Assets, End of Year $ The notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 26 27,452 1,867 913 134 30,366 2011 $ 26,272 1,878 972 1,376 45 30,543 46,850 8,669 2,533 1,406 2,313 739 3,592 66,102 (35,736) 45,829 8,975 1,547 1,200 2,367 1,820 3,341 65,079 (34,536) 20,524 13,061 2,931 1,194 198 (359) (24) 37,525 21,650 13,335 2,984 898 227 (527) (24) 38,543 1,789 4,007 702 (2,184) 345 (1) 651 3,797 (9,629) 1 (1,824) 56,123 56,774 $ 57,947 56,123 METROPOLITAN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2012 AND 2011 (IN THOUSANDS) Temporarily Restricted Unrestricted Support and Revenue Contributions Unrealized gains Investment income (loss) Net assets released from restrictions Total support and revenue $ 137 10 9 1,185 1,341 Expenses Program Services Program services Total program services Supporting services Management and general Fundraising Total supporting services Total expenses Change in Net Assets Net Assets, Beginning of Year Net Asset Transfer Related to Application of UPMIFA Net Assets, End of Year $ 27 17 3 (1) 19 $ 2011 Total 860 $ 1,436 13 15 (70) 322 803 1,773 - - 1,127 1,127 715 715 40 175 215 1,342 - - 40 175 215 1,342 40 168 208 923 353 (22) 330 The notes are an integral part of the financial statements. $ 2012 Total 1,127 1,127 (1) $ 706 (79) (1,184) (557) Permanently Restricted (557) $ 2,544 22 2,009 19 $ 2,410 2,429 (539) 850 5,307 4,457 $ 4,768 $ 5,307 METROPOLITAN STATE UNIVERSITY STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2012 AND 2011 (IN THOUSANDS) 2012 Cash Flows from Operating Activities Cash received from customers Cash paid to suppliers for goods or services Cash payments for employees Financial aid disbursements Net cash flows used in operating activities $ 29,717 (15,567) (47,892) (739) (34,481) 2011 $ 30,793 (14,239) (45,349) (1,836) (30,631) Cash Flows from Noncapital Financing Activities Appropriations Federal grants State grants Private grants Agency activity Grants to other organizations Net cash flows provided by noncapital financing activities 20,524 12,726 2,931 1,194 (38) (24) 37,313 21,650 13,296 2,984 898 15 (24) 38,819 Cash Flows from Capital and Related Financing Activities Investment in capital assets Capital appropriation Inter-capital transfer of restricted cash Proceeds from sale of capital assets Proceeds from borrowing Proceeds from bond premium Interest paid Repayment of bond principal Net cash flows used in capital and related financing activities (1,804) 479 (1,536) 1 431 51 (394) (720) (3,492) (7,776) 3,797 2 1,647 605 (467) (989) (3,181) Cash Flows from Investing Activities Investment earnings Net cash flows provided by investing activities 101 101 Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents 134 134 (559) Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Year 5,141 33,576 Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of Year $ The notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 28 33,017 28,435 $ 33,576 METROPOLITAN STATE UNIVERSITY STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2012 AND 2011 (IN THOUSANDS) 2012 Operating Loss $ Adjustment to Reconcile Operating Loss to Net Cash Flows used in Operating Activities Depreciation Donated and leased equipment not capitalized Change in assets and liabilities Accounts receivable Accounts payable Salaries and benefits payable Other compensation benefits Unearned revenues Other liabilities Net reconciling items to adjust operating loss Net cash flow used in operating activities $ Non-Cash Investing, Capital, and Financing Activities Capital projects on account Amortization of bond premium Capital assets net of related debt transfer $ 29 (35,736) 2011 $ (34,536) 2,313 345 2,367 (94) 278 (1,205) 163 (555) 10 1,255 (34,481) 184 750 84 480 67 (27) 3,905 (30,631) 343 98 (640) $ $ 621 217 (9,629) METROPOLITAN STATE UNIVERSITY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2012 AND 2011 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING POLICIES Basis of Presentation — The reporting policies of Metropolitan State University, a member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system, conform to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in the United States as prescribed by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). The statements of net assets; statements of revenues, expenses, and changes in net assets; and statements of cash flows include financial activities of Metropolitan State University. Financial Reporting Entity — Minnesota State Colleges and Universities is an agency of the state of Minnesota and receives appropriations from the state legislature, substantially all of which are used to fund general operations. Metropolitan State University receives a portion of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities’ appropriation. The operations of most student organizations are included in the reporting entity because the Board of Trustees has certain fiduciary responsibilities for these resources. Discretely presented component units are legally separate organizations that raise and hold economic resources for the direct benefit of a college or university in accordance with GASB Statement No. 39, Determining Whether Certain Organizations are Component Units. Metropolitan State University Foundation is considered significant to the University and is included as a discretely presented component unit and separately identified in Note 18. Complete financial statements may be obtained from Metropolitan State University Foundation, 700 East Seventh Street, St. Paul, MN 55106-5000. Basis of Accounting — The basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenses are recognized and reported in the financial statements. The accompanying financial statements have been prepared as a special purpose government entity engaged in business type activities. Business type activities are those that are financed in whole or in part by fees charged to external parties for goods or services. Accordingly, these financial statements have been presented using the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized when earned and expenses are recognized as they are incurred. Eliminations have been made to minimize the double counting of internal activities. Interfund receivables and payables have been eliminated in the statements of net assets. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities applies all applicable Financial Accounting Standards Board statements issued prior to November 30, 1989, and GASB statements issued since that date. Budgetary Accounting — University budgetary accounting, which is the basis for annual budgets and the allocation of state appropriations, differs from GAAP. University budgetary accounting includes all receipts and expenses up to the close of the books in August for the budget fiscal year. Revenues not yet received by the close of the books are not included. The criterion for recognizing expenses is the actual disbursement, not when the goods or services are received. The state of Minnesota operates on a two year (biennial) budget cycle ending on June 30 of odd numbered years. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities is governed by a 15 member Board of Trustees appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the state senate. The Board approves the University biennial budget request and allocation as part of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities’ total budget. Budgetary control is maintained at the University. The University President has the authority and responsibility to administer the budget and can transfer money between programs within the University without Board approval. The budget of the University can be legally amended by the authority of the Vice Chancellor/Chief Financial Officer. The state appropriations do not lapse at year end. Any unexpended appropriation from the first year of a biennium is available for the second year. Any unexpended balance may also carry over into future biennia. 30 Capital Appropriation Revenue — Minnesota State Colleges and Universities is responsible for paying one third of the debt service for certain general obligation bonds sold for capital projects, as specified in the authorizing legislation. The portion of general obligation bond debt service that is payable by the state of Minnesota is recognized by Minnesota State Colleges and Universities as capital appropriation revenue when the related expenses are incurred. Individual colleges and universities are allocated cash, capital appropriation revenue, and debt based on capital project expenses. Cash and Cash Equivalents — The cash balance represents cash in the state treasury and demand deposits in local bank accounts as well as cash equivalents. Cash equivalents are short term, highly liquid investments having original maturities (remaining time to maturity at acquisition) of three months or less. Cash and cash equivalents include amounts in demand deposits, savings accounts, cash management pools, repurchase agreements, and money market funds. Restricted cash is cash held for capital projects. The Revenue Fund holds restricted cash for capital projects and debt service. The Revenue Fund is used to account for the revenues, expenses, and net assets of revenue producing facilities. It has the authority to sell revenue bonds for the construction and maintenance of revenue producing facilities. All balances related to the state appropriation, tuition revenues, and most fees are in the state treasury. The University has one checking account in a local bank. The activities handled through the local bank include financial aid, student payroll, auxiliary operations, and student activities. Investments — The Minnesota State Board of Investment invests the University’s balances in the state treasury, except for the Revenue Fund, as part of a state investment pool. This asset is reported as a cash equivalent. Interest income earned on pooled investments is allocated to the colleges and universities. Cash in the Revenue Fund is invested separately. The Fund contracts with the Minnesota State Board of Investment and U.S. Bank, N.A. for investment management services. Investments are reported at fair value. Restricted investments are investments held in the Revenue Fund for capital projects and debt service. Receivables — Receivables are shown net of an allowance for uncollectible accounts. Prepaid Expense — Prepaid expense consists primarily of deposits in the state of Minnesota Debt Service Fund for future general obligation bond payments. Capital Assets — Capital assets are recorded at cost or, for donated assets, at fair value at the date of acquisition. Estimated historical cost has been used when actual cost is not available. Such assets are depreciated or amortized on a straight-line basis over the useful life of the assets. Estimated useful lives are as follows: Buildings Building improvements Equipment Library collections 35-40 years 15-20 years 3-20 years 7 years Equipment includes all items with an original cost of $10,000 and over for items purchased since July 1, 2008, $5,000 and over for items purchased between July 1, 2003 and June 30, 2008, and $2,000 and over for items purchased prior to July 1, 2003. Buildings, building improvements, and internally developed software include all projects with a cost of $250,000 and over for projects started since July 1, 2008, and $100,000 and over for projects started prior to July 1, 2008. All land and library collection purchases are capitalized regardless of amount spent. 31 Funds Held for Others — Funds held for others are primarily assets held for students and student organizations. Long Term Liabilities — The state of Minnesota appropriates for and sells general obligation bonds to support construction and renovation of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities’ facilities as approved through the state’s capital budget process. The University is responsible for a portion of the debt service on the bonds sold for some University projects. The University may also enter into capital lease agreements for certain capital assets. Other long term liabilities include compensated absences, early termination benefits, net other postemployment benefits, and workers’ compensation claims. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities may finance the construction, renovation, and acquisition of facilities for student residences, student unions, and parking facilities through the sale of revenue bonds. These activities are accounted for and reported in the Revenue Fund included herein. Details on the Revenue Fund bonds are available in the separately audited and issued Revenue Fund financial report. Copies are available from the Financial Reporting System Director, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, 30 7th St. E., Suite 350, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-7804 Unearned Revenue — Unearned revenue consists primarily of tuition received, but not yet earned, for summer session. It also includes amounts received from grants which have not yet been earned under the terms of the agreement. Operating Activities — Operating activities as reported in the statements of revenues, expenses and changes in net assets are those that generally result from exchange transactions such as payments received for providing services and payments made for services or goods received. Nearly all of the University’s expenses are from exchange transactions. Certain significant revenue streams relied upon for operations are recorded as nonoperating revenues, including state appropriations, federal, state and private grants, and investment income. Tuition, Fees, and Sales, Net — Tuition, fees, and sales are reported net of scholarship allowances. The University does not conduct retail sales. See Note 11 for additional information. Restricted Student Payments — Restricted student payments consist of fee revenue restricted for payment of revenue bonds. See Note 11 for additional information. Federal Grants — Metropolitan State University participates in several federal grant programs. The largest programs include Pell, TRIO, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, and Federal Work Study. Federal Grant revenue is recognized as nonoperating revenue in accordance with GASB Statement No. 33, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Nonexchange Transactions. Expenditures under government contracts are subject to review by the granting authority. To the extent, if any, that such a review reduces expenditures allowable under these contracts, the University will record such disallowance at the time the determination is made. Capital Grants— The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities receive federal, state, and private grants which are restricted for the acquisition or construction of capital assets. Use of Estimates — To prepare the basic financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, management must make estimates and assumptions. These estimates and assumptions may affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities, at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. The most significant areas that require the use of management’s estimates relate to allowances for uncollectible accounts, scholarship allowances, workers’ compensation claims and compensated absences. Net Assets — The difference between assets and liabilities is net assets. Net assets are further classified for accounting and reporting purposes into the following three net asset categories: • Invested in capital assets, net of related debt: Capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation and outstanding principal balances of debt attributable to the acquisition, construction or improvement of those assets. 32 • Restricted expendable: Net assets subject to externally imposed stipulations. Net asset restrictions for Metropolitan State University are as follows: Restricted for bond covenants — revenue bond restrictions. Restricted for other — includes restrictions for the following: Capital projects — restricted for completion of capital projects. Debt service — legally restricted for bond repayments. Donations — restricted per donor requests. Faculty contract obligations — faculty development and travel required by contracts. Net Assets Restricted for Other (In Thousands) 2012 2011 Debt service $ 969 $ 1,481 Donations 34 81 Faculty contract obligations 566 682 Total $ 1,569 $ 2,244 • Unrestricted: Net assets that are not subject to externally imposed stipulations. Unrestricted net assets may be designated for specific purposes by action of management, the System Office, or the Board of Trustees. New Accounting Pronouncements — In December 2010, the GASB issued Statement No. 60, Accounting and Reporting for Service Concession Arrangements. The objective of this statement is to improve financial reporting by establishing recognition, measurement, and disclosure requirements for Service Concession Arrangements (SCA’s) for both transferors and governmental operators, and by requiring governments to account for and report SCAs in the same manner, which improves the comparability of financial statements. In addition, it is designed to alleviate the confusion that can arise when determining what guidance should be applied in complex circumstances not previously specifically addressed in GASB literature. The requirements of this statement are effective for Minnesota State Colleges and Universities for the year ended June 30, 2013. The effect GASB Statement No. 60 will have on the fiscal year 2013 basic financial statements has not been determined. 2. CASH, CASH EQUIVALENTS AND INVESTMENTS Cash and Cash Equivalents — All balances related to the appropriation, tuition, and most fees are in the state treasury. In addition, the University has a checking account in a local bank. The activities handled through the local bank include financial aid, student payroll, auxiliary, and student activities. Minnesota Statutes, Section 118A.03, requires that deposits be secured by depository insurance or a combination of depository insurance and collateral securities held in the state’s name by an agent of the state. This statute further requires that such insurance and collateral shall be at least 10 percent greater than the amount on deposit. Cash and cash equivalents are categorized to give an indication of the level of custodial credit risk. Category 1 includes cash and cash equivalents insured or collateralized with securities held by the state or its agent in Minnesota State Colleges and Universities’ name. Category 3 includes uncollateralized cash and cash equivalents. All the University’s cash and cash equivalents are classified as Category 1. At June 30, 2012 and 2011, the University’s bank balance was $2,518,358 and $2,311,518 respectively. These bank balances were adjusted by items in transit to arrive at the University’s cash in bank balance. 33 The University’s balance in the treasury, except for the Revenue Fund, is invested by the Minnesota State Board of Investment as part of the state investment pool. This asset is reported as a cash equivalent. The following table summarizes cash and cash equivalents: Year Ended June 30 (In Thousands) Carrying Amount Cash, in bank $ Cash, trustee account (US Bank) Total local cash and cash equivalents Total treasury cash accounts Grand Total $ 2012 2,163 — 2,163 30,854 33,017 2011 1,999 716 2,715 30,861 $ 33,576 $ The cash accounts are invested in short term, liquid, high quality debt securities. Investments — The Minnesota State Board of Investment manages the majority of the state’s investments. All investments managed by the State Board of Investment are governed by Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 11A and 356A. Minnesota Statutes, Section 11A.24 broadly restricts investments to obligations and stocks of United States and Canadian governments, their agencies and registered corporations, other international securities, short term obligations of specified high quality, restricted participation as a limited partner in venture capital, real estate, or resource equity investments, and the restricted participation in registered mutual funds. Generally, when applicable, the statutes limit investments to those rated within the top four quality rating categories of a nationally recognized rating agency. The statutes further prescribe the maximum percentage of fund assets that may be invested in various asset classes and contain specific restrictions to ensure the quality of the investments. Within statutory parameters, the Minnesota State Board of Investment has established investment guidelines and benchmarks for all funds under its management. These investment guidelines and benchmarks are tailored to the particular needs of each fund and specify investment objectives, risk tolerance, asset allocation, investment management structure, and specific performance standards. At June 30, 2012 and 2011, Metropolitan State University held no investments. Custodial Credit Risk — Custodial credit risk for investments is the risk that in the event of a failure of the counterparty, the University will not be able to recover the value of the investments that are in the possession of an outside party. Board procedure 7.5.1 requires compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 118A.03 and further excludes the use of FDIC insurance when meeting collateral requirements. Credit Risk — Credit risk is the risk that an issuer or other counterparty to an investment will not fulfill its obligations. The University’s policy for reducing its exposure to credit risk is to comply with Minnesota Statutes, Section 118A.04. This statute limits investments to the top quality rating categories of a nationally recognized rating agency. Concentration of Credit Risk — Concentration of credit risk is the risk of loss attributed to the magnitude of a government’s investment in a single issuer. The University’s policy for reducing this risk of loss is to comply with Board procedure 7.5.1 which recommends investments be diversified by type and issuer. Interest Rate Risk — Interest rate risk is the risk that changes in interest rates will adversely affect the fair value of an investment. The University complies with Board procedure 7.5.1 that recommends considering fluctuation interest rates and cash flow needs when purchasing short term and long term investments. 34 3. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE The accounts receivable balances are made up primarily of receivables from individuals. At June 30, 2012 and 2011, the total accounts receivable balances for the University were $2,604,238 and $2,180,609, respectively, less an allowance for uncollectible receivables of $968,950 and $849,453, respectively. Summary of Accounts Receivable at June 30 (In Thousands) 2012 2011 Tuition $ 1,351 $ 1,296 Financial aid 393 392 Fees 146 97 Sales and services 38 68 Third party obligations 321 15 Other 355 312 Total accounts receivable 2,604 2,180 Allowance for uncollectible accounts (969) (849) Net accounts receivable $ 1,635 $ 1,331 The allowance for uncollectible accounts has been computed based on the following aging schedule for fiscal years 2012 and 2011: Age Less than 1 year 1 to 3 years 3 to 5 years Over 5 years Allowance Percentage 15 45 70 95 4. PREPAID EXPENSE Prepaid expense consists primarily of funds which have been deposited in the state’s Debt Service Fund for future general obligation bond payments in the amounts of $969,592 and $1,032,112 for fiscal years 2012 and 2011, respectively. Minnesota Statutes, Section 16A.641, requires all state agencies to have on hand on December 1 of each year, an amount sufficient to pay all general obligation bond principal and interest due, and to become due, through July 1 of the second fiscal year. Also, included in prepaid expense for fiscal years 2012 and 2011 was $43,526 and $46,682, respectively, stemming from prepaid software maintenance agreements and prepaid contractual support. 35 5. CAPITAL ASSETS Summaries of changes in capital assets for fiscal years 2012 and 2011 follow: Year Ended June 30, 2012 (In Thousands) Beginning Balance Increases Decreases Capital assets, not depreciated: Land $ Construction in progress Total capital assets, not depreciated 3,935 $ 78 4,013 — $ 1,224 1,224 Completed Construction — $ — — — $ (254) (254) Ending Balance 3,935 1,048 4,983 Capital assets, depreciated: Buildings and improvements Equipment Library collections Total capital assets, depreciated 67,138 2,511 1,610 71,259 — 197 175 372 12,063 327 363 12,753 254 — — 254 55,329 2,381 1,422 59,132 Less accumulated depreciation: Buildings and improvements Equipment Library collections Total accumulated depreciation 25,617 1,798 1,028 28,443 1,902 208 203 2,313 7,431 325 363 8,119 — — — — 20,088 1,681 868 22,637 Total capital assets depreciated, net Total capital assets, net $ 42,816 46,829 $ (1,941) (717) $ Year Ended June 30, 2011 (In Thousands) Beginning Balance Increases 4,634 4,634 $ Decreases 254 36,495 — $ 41,478 Completed Construction Ending Balance Capital assets, not depreciated: Land $ Construction in progress Total capital assets, not depreciated 3,322 $ 13,972 17,294 Capital assets, depreciated: Buildings and improvements Equipment Library collections Total capital assets, depreciated 61,205 2,270 2,062 65,537 — 259 161 420 — 18 613 631 5,933 — — 5,933 67,138 2,511 1,610 71,259 Less accumulated depreciation: Buildings and improvements Equipment Library collections Total accumulated depreciation 23,664 1,640 1,411 26,715 1,953 181 233 2,367 — 23 616 639 — — — — 25,617 1,798 1,028 28,443 Total capital assets depreciated, net Total capital assets, net $ 38,822 56,116 $ 36 613 $ 5,473 6,086 (1,947) 4,139 $ — $ 13,434 13,434 (8) 13,426 $ — $ (5,933) (5,933) 3,935 78 4,013 5,933 42,816 — $ 46,829 6. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Accounts payable represent amounts due at June 30, 2012 and 2011, for goods and services received prior to the end of the fiscal year. Summary of Accounts Payable at June 30 (In Thousands) 2012 2011 Purchased services $ 866 $ 499 Interagency agreements 171 32 Capital assets 18 89 Supplies 201 103 Financial aid — 33 Other payables 319 553 Total $ 1,575 $ 1,309 In addition, as of June 30, 2012 and 2011, the University had payable from restricted assets in the amounts of $324,568 and $532,212, respectively, which were related to capital projects financed by general obligation bonds. 7. LONG TERM OBLIGATIONS Summaries of amounts that are due within one year are reported in the current liability section of the statements of net assets. The changes in long term debt for fiscal years 2012 and 2011 are as follows: Year Ended June 30, 2012 (In Thousands) Beginning Balance Increases Decreases Liabilities for: Bond premium General obligation bonds Revenue bonds Total long term debt $ 877 7,467 3,984 $ 12,328 $ 51 431 — 482 $ $ $ 98 763 3,984 4,845 Ending Balance $ 830 7,135 — 7,965 $ Year Ended June 30, 2011 (In Thousands) Beginning Balance Increases Decreases Liabilities for: Bond premium General obligation bonds Revenue bonds Total long term debt $ 489 10,776 4,215 $ 15,480 $ 605 1,647 — $ 2,252 37 $ $ 217 4,956 231 5,404 Current Portion $ $ Ending Balance $ 877 7,467 3,984 $ 12,328 — 717 — 717 Current Portion $ — 758 243 $ 1,001 The changes in other compensation benefits for fiscal years 2012 and 2011 follow: Year Ended June 30, 2012 (In Thousands) Beginning Balance Increases Liabilities for: Compensated absences Early termination benefits Net other postemployment benefits Workers’ compensation Total other compensation benefits $ $ 4,315 — 889 409 5,613 $ $ 563 4 369 40 976 Decreases $ $ Year Ended June 30, 2011 (In Thousands) Beginning Balance Increases Liabilities for: Compensated absences Early termination benefits Net other postemployment benefits Workers’ compensation Total other compensation benefits $ $ 4,117 86 645 284 5,132 $ 611 — 345 283 $ 1,239 475 — 137 201 813 Decreases $ $ 413 86 101 158 758 Ending Balance $ 4,403 4 1,121 248 $ 5,776 Current Portion $ $ Ending Balance $ 4,315 — 889 409 $ 5,613 491 4 — 112 607 Current Portion $ $ 475 — — 180 655 Bond Premium— Bonds were issued in fiscal years 2012 and 2011 resulting in premiums of $50,625 and $604,951, respectively. Amortization is calculated using the straight-line method and amortized over the remaining average life of the bonds. General Obligation Bonds— The state of Minnesota sells general obligation bonds to finance most of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities’ capital projects. The interest rate on these bonds ranges from 2.0 to 5.5 percent. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities is responsible for paying one third of the debt service for certain general obligation bonds sold for capital projects, as specified in the authorizing legislation. This debt obligation is allocated to the colleges and universities based upon the specific projects funded. The general obligation bonds liability included in these financial statements represents the University’s share. Revenue Bonds — The Revenue Fund is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 136F.98 to issue revenue bonds whose aggregate principal shall not exceed $300,000,000 at any time. The proceeds of these bonds are used to finance the acquisition, construction and remodeling of buildings for dormitory, residence hall, food service, student union, and other revenue producing and related facilities at the state universities. Revenue funds currently outstanding have interest rates of 4.25 percent to 6.5 percent. On July 1, 2012, the Revenue Fund assets and liabilities of the Minneapolis Parking Ramp were transferred to Minneapolis Community and Technical College. Compensated Absences — University employees accrue vacation leave, sick leave, and compensatory leave at various rates within limits specified in the collective bargaining agreements. The liability for compensated absences is payable as severance pay under specific conditions. This leave is liquidated only at the time of termination from state employment. Early Termination Benefits — Early termination benefits are benefits received for discontinuing services earlier than planned. See Note 8 for additional information. 38 Net Other Postemployment Benefits — Other postemployment benefits are health insurance benefits for certain retired employees under a single employer fully insured plan. Under the health benefits program retirees are required to pay 100 percent of the total premium cost. Since the premium is a blended rate determined on the entire active and retiree population, the retirees are receiving an implicit rate subsidy. See Note 9 for further details. Workers’ Compensation — The state of Minnesota Department of Management and Budget manages the self insured workers’ compensation claims activities. The reported liability for workers’ compensation of $248,151 and $409,135 at June 30, 2012 and 2011, respectively, is based on claims filed for injuries to state employees occurring prior to the fiscal year end and is an undiscounted estimate of future payments. Principal and interest payment schedules are provided in the following table for general obligation and revenue bonds. There are no payment schedules for compensated absences, early termination benefits, net other postemployment benefits, or workers’ compensation. Long Term Debt Repayment Schedule (In Thousands) General Fiscal Years Obligation Bonds Principal Interest 2013 $ 717 $ 332 2014 718 297 2015 657 263 2016 625 231 2017 566 201 2018-2022 2,352 622 2023-2027 1,051 184 2028-2032 449 37 Total $ 7,135 $ 2,167 8. EARLY TERMINATION BENEFITS Early termination benefits are defined as benefits received for discontinuing services earlier than planned. The Inter Faculty Organization (IFO) contract provides for this benefit. The following is a description of the benefit arrangements, including number of retired faculty receiving the benefit, and the amount of future liability as of the end of fiscal years 2012 and 2011. Inter Faculty Organization (IFO) contract The IFO contract allows faculty members who meet certain eligibility and combination of age and years of service requirements to receive an early retirement incentive cash payment based on base salary at time of separation, as well as an amount equal to the employer’s contribution for one year’s health insurance premiums deposited in his/her health care savings plan at time of separation. The cash incentive can be paid either in one or two payments. There was one retired faculty member who received $4,000 of future liability for fiscal year 2012. There was no future liability in fiscal year 2011. 39 9. NET OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS The University provides health insurance benefits for certain retired employees under a single employer fully insured plan, as required by Minnesota Statute 471.61 Subdivision 2B. Active employees who retire when eligible to receive a retirement benefit from a Minnesota public pension plan and do not participate in any other health benefits program providing coverage similar to that herein described, will be eligible to continue coverage with respect to both themselves and their eligible dependent(s) under the health benefits program. Retirees are required to pay 100 percent of the total premium cost. Since the premium is a blended rate determined on the entire active and retiree population, the retirees are receiving an implicit rate subsidy. As of July 1, 2010, there were approximately 7 retirees receiving health benefits from the health plan. Annual OPEB Cost and Net OPEB Obligation — The annual other postemployment benefit (OPEB) cost (expense) is calculated based on the annual required contribution (ARC) of the employer, an amount actuarially determined in accordance with the parameters of GASB Statement No. 45, Accounting and Financial Reporting by Employers for Post Employment Benefits Other Than Pensions. The ARC represents a level of funding that, if paid on an ongoing basis, is projected to cover normal cost each year and amortize any unfunded actuarial liabilities (or funding excess) over a period not to exceed 30 years. The following table shows the components of the annual OPEB cost for 2012 and 2011, the amount actually contributed to the plan, and changes in the net OPEB obligation: Components of the Annual OPEB Cost (In Thousands) 2012 2011 Annual required contribution (ARC) $ 361 $ 339 Interest on net OPEB obligation 42 31 Adjustment to ARC (34) (25) Annual OPEB cost 369 345 Contributions during the year (137) (101) Increase in net OPEB obligation 232 244 Net OPEB obligation, beginning of year 889 645 Net OPEB obligation, end of year $ 1,121 $ 889 The University’s annual OPEB cost, the percentage of annual OPEB cost contributed to the plan and the net OPEB obligation for fiscal years 2012 and 2011 were as follows: Year Ended June 30 (In Thousands) Beginning of year net OPEB obligation Annual OPEB cost Employer contribution End of year net OPEB obligation Percentage contributed 40 $ $ 2012 889 369 (137) 1,121 37.13% $ $ 2011 645 345 (101) 889 29.28% Funding Status — There are currently no assets that have been irrevocably deposited in a trust for future health benefits. Therefore, the actuarial value of assets is zero. Actuarial Valuation Date July 1, 2010 Actuarial Value of Assets (a) — (In Thousands) Actuarial Unfunded Accrued Actuarial Accrued Liability Liability (b) (b - a) $ 2,709 $ 2,709 Funded Covered Ratio Payroll (a/b) (c) 0.00% $ 35,364 UAAL as a Percentage of Covered Payroll ((b - a)/c) 7.66% Actuarial Methods and Assumptions — Actuarial valuations involve estimates of the value of reported amounts and assumptions about the probability of occurrence of events far into the future. Examples include assumptions about future employment, mortality, and healthcare cost trends. Amounts determined regarding the funded status of the plan and the annual required contributions of the employer are subject to continual revision as actual results are compared with past expectations and new estimates are made about the future. Projections of benefits for financial reporting purposes are based on the substantive plan (as understood by the employer and the plan members) and include the types of benefits provided at the time of each valuation. The actuarial methods and assumptions used include techniques that are designed to reduce the effects of short term volatility in actuarial accrued liabilities, consistent with the long term perspective of the calculations. In the July 1, 2010 actuarial valuation, the entry age normal actuarial cost method was used. The actuarial assumptions included a 4.75 percent discount rate, which is based on the estimated long term investment yield on the general assets, using an underlying long term inflation assumption of 3 percent. The annual healthcare cost trend rate is 6.25 percent initially, reduced incrementally to an ultimate rate of 5 percent after twenty years. The unfunded actuarial accrued liability is being amortized as a level dollar amount over an open 30 year period. 10. LEASE AGREEMENTS Operating Leases — The University is committed under various leases primarily for building space. These leases are considered for accounting purposes to be operating leases. Lease expenses for the years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011, totaled $1,295,413 and $1,229,887 for fiscal years 2012 and 2011, respectively. Metropolitan State University’s Minneapolis campus is co-located with Minneapolis Community and Technical College (MCTC). The University has an agreement with MCTC to reimburse MCTC for a share of facilities expenses. The University has also extended and increased leased space for the Midway Campus through July 30, 2013. The University has an operating agreement with Hennepin Technical College (HTC) to lease space at the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Education Center, located on the campus of HTC. The agreement allocates operating expenses between the University and HTC based on square footage allocated to each institution. The operating agreement is effective until July 1, 2015. Future minimum lease payments are as follows: Year Ended June 30 (In Thousands) Year Amount 2013 $ 1,311 2014 175 2015 73 2016 76 Total $ 1,635 41 Income Leases — Metropolitan State has an income lease with the Saint Paul Public Library Dayton’s Bluff Branch that commenced on July 1, 2004 and continues through June 30, 2014. The University has an income lease with Verizon for a lease for cell phone tower located on campus. The current lease commenced February 6, 2004 and continues through February 5, 2014. Future expected income receipts for existing lease agreements are as follows: Year Ended June 30 (In Thousands) Year Amount 2013 $ 110 2014 101 Total $ 211 11. TUITION, FEES, AND SALES, NET The following tables provide information related to tuition, fees, and sales revenue: Description Tuition Fees Sales Restricted student payments Total Gross $ 40,460 2,214 913 — $ 43,587 Year Ended June 30 (In Thousands) 2012 Scholarship Allowance Net $ (13,008) $ 27,452 (347) 1,867 — 913 — — $ (13,355) $ 30,232 $ $ Gross 36,984 2,193 972 1,376 41,525 2011 Scholarship Allowance $ (10,712) $ (315) — — $ (11,027) $ Net 26,272 1,878 972 1,376 30,498 12. OPERATING EXPENSES BY FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION The following tables provide information related to operating expenses by functional classification: Year Ended June 30, 2012 (In Thousands) Description Academic support Institutional support Instruction Public service Research Student services Auxiliary enterprises Scholarships & fellowships Less interest expense Total operating expenses Salaries 11,208 3,625 16,724 41 604 4,181 5 — — $ 36,388 $ Benefits 3,656 1,157 4,008 16 164 1,137 324 — — $ 10,462 $ 42 $ $ Other 4,341 5,880 4,759 33 284 1,498 1,718 739 — 19,252 $ $ Interest 113 37 159 — 6 41 3 — (359) — $ $ Total 19,318 10,699 25,650 90 1,058 6,857 2,050 739 (359) 66,102 Year Ended June 30, 2011 (In Thousands) Description Academic support Institutional support Instruction Public service Research Student services Auxiliary enterprises Scholarships & fellowships Less interest expense Total operating expenses Salaries 10,096 3,864 16,691 47 880 3,915 218 — — $ 35,711 $ Benefits 3,185 1,175 4,122 12 164 1,114 346 — — $ 10,118 $ $ $ Other 4,459 4,356 5,284 20 412 1,929 970 1,820 — 19,250 $ $ Interest 153 58 239 1 12 58 6 — (527) — $ $ Total 17,893 9,453 26,336 80 1,468 7,016 1,540 1,820 (527) 65,079 13. EMPLOYEE PENSION PLANS Metropolitan State University participates in three retirement plans: the State Employees Retirement Fund, administered by the Minnesota State Retirement System; the Teachers Retirement Fund, administered by the Teachers Retirement Association; and the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Defined Contribution Retirement Plan. State Employees Retirement Fund (SERF) Pension fund information is provided by the Minnesota State Retirement System, which prepares and publishes its own stand alone comprehensive annual financial report, including financial statements and required supplementary information. Copies of the report may be obtained directly from Minnesota State Retirement System at 60 Empire Drive, Suite 300, St. Paul, Minnesota 55103-3000. The SERF is a cost sharing, multiple employer defined benefit plan. All classified employees are covered by this plan. A classified employee is one who serves in a civil service position. Normal retirement age is 65. The annuity formula is the greater of a step rate with a flat rate reduction for each month of early retirement, or a level rate (the higher step rate) with an actuarial reduction for early retirement. The applicable rates for each year of allowable service are 1.2 percent and 1.7 percent of the members’ average salary, which is defined as the highest salary paid in five successive years of service. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, as an employer for some participants, is liable for a portion of any unfunded accrued liability of this fund. The statutory authority for SERF is Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 352. For fiscal year 2010 the funding requirement for both employer and employee was 4.75 percent. For fiscal years 2011 and 2012 the funding requirement was 5 percent for both employer and employee. Actual contributions were 100 percent of required contributions. Required contributions for Metropolitan State University were: (In Thousands) Fiscal Year Amount 2012 $ 382 2011 372 2010 321 43 Teachers Retirement Fund (TRF) Pension fund information is provided by the Minnesota Teachers Retirement Association, which prepares and publishes its own stand alone comprehensive annual financial report, including financial statements and required supplementary information. Copies of the report may be obtained directly from Minnesota Teachers Retirement Association at 60 Empire Drive, Suite 400, St. Paul, Minnesota 55103-3000. The TRF is a cost sharing, multiple employer defined benefit plan. Teachers and other related professionals may participate in TRF. Normal retirement age is 65. Coordinated membership includes those who are covered by the Social Security Act. The annuity formula is the greater of a step rate with a flat reduction for each month of early retirement, or a level rate (the higher step rate) with an actuarially based reduction for early retirement. The applicable rates for coordinated members are 1.2 percent and 1.7 percent for service rendered before July 1, 2006, and 1.4 percent and 1.9 percent for service rendered on or after July 1, 2006. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, as an employer for some participants, is liable for a portion of any unfunded accrued liability of this fund. The statutory authority for TRF is Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 354. For fiscal years 2010 and 2011 the funding requirement was 5.5 percent for both employer and employee coordinated members. For fiscal year 2012 the funding requirement was 6 percent for both employer and employee coordinated members. Beginning July 1, 2011, both employee and employer contribution rate increases will be phased in with a 0.5 percent increase, occurring every July 1 over three years, until it reaches a contribution rate of 7.5 percent on July 1, 2014. Actual contributions were 100 percent of required contributions. Required contributions for Metropolitan State University were: (In Thousands) Fiscal Year Amount 2012 $ 269 2011 241 2010 256 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Defined Contribution Retirement Fund General Information — The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Defined Contribution Retirement Fund includes two plans: an Individual Retirement Account Plan and a Supplemental Retirement Plan. Both plans are mandatory, tax deferred, single employer defined contribution plans authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 354B and 354C. The plans are designed to provide retirement benefits to Minnesota State Colleges and Universities unclassified employees. An unclassified employee is one who belongs to Minnesota State Colleges and Universities specific bargaining units. The plans cover unclassified teachers, librarians, administrators, and certain other staff. The plans are mandatory for qualified employees and vesting occurs immediately. The administrative agent of the two plans is Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association College Retirement Equities Fund (TIAA-CREF). Separately issued financial statements can be obtained from TIAA-CREF, Normandale Lake Office Park, 8000 Norman Center Drive, Suite 1100, Bloomington, MN 55437 Individual Retirement Account Plan (IRAP) Participation — Every employee who is in unclassified service is required to participate in TRF or IRAP upon achieving eligibility. An unclassified employee is one who serves in a position deemed unclassified according to Minnesota Statutes. This includes presidents, vice presidents, deans, administrative or service faculty, teachers, and other managers and professionals in academic and academic support programs. Eligibility begins with the employment contract for the first year of unclassified service in which the employee is hired for more 44 than 25 percent of a full academic year, excluding summer session. An employee remains a participant of the plan, even if employed for less than 25 percent of a full academic year in subsequent years. Contributions — There are two member groups participating in the IRAP: a faculty group and an administrators group. For both faculty and administrators, the employer and employee statutory contribution rates are 6 percent and 4.5 percent, respectively. Contributions are made under the authority of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 354B. Required contributions for Metropolitan State University were: Fiscal Year 2012 2011 2010 (In Thousands) Employer Employee $ 1,260 $ 940 1,168 873 1,094 813 Supplemental Retirement Plan (SRP) Participation — Every unclassified employee who has completed two full time years of unclassified service with Minnesota State Colleges and Universities must participate upon achieving eligibility. The eligible employee is enrolled on the first day of the fiscal year following completion of two full time years. Vesting occurs immediately and normal retirement age is 55. Contributions — Participants contribute to the SRP portion of the plan 5 percent of the eligible compensation up to a defined maximum annual contribution as specified in the following table: Member Group Inter Faculty Organization Minnesota State University Association of Administrative and Service Faculty Administrators Eligible Compensation $6,000 to $51,000 6,000 to 50,000 6,000 to 60,000 Annual Maximum $2,250 2,200 2,700 The University matches amounts equal to the contributions made by participants. The contributions are made under the authority of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 354C. Required contributions for Metropolitan State University were: (In Thousands) Fiscal Year Amount 2012 $ 547 2011 509 2010 491 45 14. SEGMENT INFORMATION A segment is an identifiable activity reported as a stand-alone entity for which one or more revenue bonds are outstanding. A segment has a specific identifiable revenue stream pledged in support of revenue bonds and has related expenses, gains and losses, assets, and liabilities that are required by an external party to be accounted for separately. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities issues revenue bonds to finance the University parking ramp. On July 1, 2011, assets and liabilities of the Minneapolis Parking Ramp were transferred to Minneapolis Community and Technical College (MCTC). Activities of that project are reported by MCTC. Metropolitan State University Portion of the Revenue Fund (In Thousands) 2012 CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF NET ASSETS Assets Current assets Restricted assets Noncurrent assets Total assets Liabilities Current liabilities Noncurrent liabilities Total liabilities Net Assets Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Restricted Total net assets CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS Operating revenues Operating expenses Net operating income Nonoperating revenues (expenses) Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year $ $ — $ — — — 733 914 4,631 6,278 — — — 328 3,766 4,094 — — — $ 1,100 1,084 2,184 $ — $ 1,376 — (1,133) — 243 ( 2,184) (208) (2,184) 35 2,184 2,149 $ — $ 2,184 CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS Net cash provided (used) by Operating activities $ Investing activities Capital and related financing activities Net decrease in cash Cash, beginning of year Cash, end of year $ 46 2011 — $ — (1,618) (1,618) 1,618 — $ 400 7 (448) (41) 1,659 1,618 15. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS The Metropolitan State University’s Minneapolis campus is co-located with Minneapolis Community and Technical College (MCTC) and shares physical plant, institutional and academic support, and student services cost. The University and MCTC have an agreement to share costs using relevant cost bases. This agreement articulates a cost allocation methodology which ensures that equitable and complete costs are absorbed by both schools. In fiscal years 2012 and 2011, the University’s shared cost expense was $437,312 and $539,997, respectively. The University recorded $0 and $238,656 in shared costs payable to MCTC at June 30, 2012 and 2011, respectively. The University leases space from Hennepin Technical College (HTC) in the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Education Center, a partnership between the University, Minneapolis Community and Technical College, and HTC. As of July 1, 2010, ownership of the building was transferred to HTC, and the University and HTC executed an operating agreement to share costs based on each institution’s share of the usable square footage of the building. The University recorded $216,347 and $226,725 in shared costs payable to HTC at June 30, 2012 and 2011, respectively. The University also recorded shared costs receivable from HTC of $102,074 and $93,062 at June 30, 2012 and 2011 respectively, for reimbursable information technology services. On July 1, 2011 the University executed an agreement with Minneapolis Community and Technical College (MCTC) to transfer ownership of the Minneapolis parking ramp, a revenue bond funded project, to MCTC. The ownership transferred capital assets of $12.1 million less accumulated depreciation of $7.4 million, nonoperating cash of $1.5 million, and short and long term debt of $4.0 million, to MCTC from the University. This net change of $2.2 million is shown as a transfer of assets on the financial statements. 16. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES During fiscal year 2011, the University completed construction on the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Education Center, located on the campus of Hennepin Technical College. As of July 1, 2010, ownership of the building was transferred to Hennepin Technical College. Total cost of the project was $15.6 million, of which $14,959,709 had been expended as of the end of fiscal year 2012. As of June 30, 2012, the University had $177,958 in remaining obligations for the building project. During fiscal year 2012, construction was completed for the Smart Classroom project on the St. Paul campus. Total cost of the project was $5.9 million, of which $5,108,351 had been expended as of the end of fiscal year 2012. Residual commitments for the project total $751,649. In fiscal year 2011, the University received bond funds for design of the Science Education Center on the St. Paul campus. Total cost of the project is $3.4 million, of which $877,154 had been spent as of June 30, 2012. Residual commitments to the University total $2,566,846. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities is in negotiations with the faculty bargaining units for the 2011-2013 contract period. Furthermore, the legislative sub-committee on employee relations rejected the settlements reached by the State with MAPE and AFSCME for the same period. As a result, these contracts have not been approved nor implemented. It is possible that the full legislature will consider and approve the settlements during the regular legislative session. Whether there will be retroactive pay owed to state employees as a result of negotiated settlements, and the impact such settlements may have on the fiscal year 2012 financials, remains unknown. Therefore, no provision for related expense or liability, if any, has been reflected in these financial statements. 17. RISK MANAGEMENT Minnesota State Colleges and Universities is exposed to various risks of loss related to tort; theft of, damage to, or destruction of assets; error or omissions; and employer obligations. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities manages these risks through state of Minnesota insurance plans including the state of Minnesota Risk Management Fund, a self insurance fund, and through purchased insurance coverage. 47 Automobile liability coverage is required by the state and is provided by the Minnesota Risk Management Fund. The University also purchases optional physical damage coverage for their newest or most expensive vehicles. Property coverage offered by the Minnesota Risk Management Fund is as follows: Coverage Amount Institution deductible Fund responsibility Primary reinsurer coverage Multiple reinsurers’ coverage Bodily injury and property damage per person Bodily injury and property damage per occurrence Annual maximum paid by fund, excess by reinsurer Maintenance deductible for additional claims $25,000 Deductible to $1,000,000 $1,500,001 to $12,000,000 $12,000,001 to $500,000,000 $500,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $25,000 Metropolitan State University retains the risk of loss and did not have any settlements in excess of coverage in the last three years. The Minnesota Risk Management Fund purchased student intern professional liability insurance on the open market for the University. Student intern professional liability per occurrence Student intern professional liability annual aggregate $1,000,000 $5,000,000 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities participates in the State Employee Group Insurance Plan, which provides life insurance and hospital, medical, and dental benefits coverage through provider organizations. Workers’ compensation is covered through state participation in the Workers’ Compensation Reinsurance Association, which pays for catastrophic workers’ compensation claims. Other workers’ compensation risks are covered through self insurance for which Minnesota State Colleges and Universities pays the cost of claims through the state Workers’ Compensation Fund. A Minnesota State Colleges and Universities workers’ compensation payment pool helps institutions manage the volatility of such claims. Annual premiums are assessed by the pool based on salary dollars and claims history. From this pool all workers’ compensation claims are paid to the state Workers’ Compensation Fund. The following table presents changes in the balances of workers' compensation liability during the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011. (In Thousands) Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2012 June 30, 2011 Beginning Liability $ 409 284 Additions $ 40 283 48 Payments & Other Reductions $ 201 158 Ending Liability $ 248 409 18. COMPONENT UNITS In accordance with GASB Statement No. 39, Determining Whether Certain Organizations Are Component Units, the following foundation affiliated with Metropolitan State University is a legally separate, tax exempt entity and reported as a component unit. The Metropolitan State University Foundation is a separate legal entity formed for the purpose of obtaining and disbursing funds for the sole benefit of the University. The University does not appoint any members of the board and the resources held by the Foundation can only be used by, or for, the benefit of the University. The Foundation’s relationship with the institution is such that exclusion of the Foundation’s financial statements would cause the University financial statements to be misleading or incomplete. The Foundation is considered a component unit of the University and its statements are discretely presented in the University’s financial statements. The Foundation’s financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as prescribed by the FASB Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 958-205, Presentation of Financial Statements. Net assets, which are classified on the existence or absence of donor imposed restrictions, are classified and reported according to the following classes: • • • Unrestricted Net Assets: Net assets that are not subject to donor imposed stipulations. Temporarily Restricted Net Assets: Net assets subject to donor imposed restrictions as to how the assets will be used. Permanently Restricted Net Assets: Net assets subject to donor imposed stipulations that they be maintained permanently by each foundation. Generally, the donors of these assets permit the foundation to use all or part of the income earned on any related investments for general or specific purposes. The University received $253,775 and $287,787 in fiscal years 2012 and 2011, respectively, from the Foundation for scholarships. In addition, the University received $457,355 and $399,518 for program support for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011, respectively. The University pays the salaries and benefits of certain individuals providing services to the Foundation. The estimated value of these salaries and benefits was $471,000 and $558,560 for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011, respectively. Investments —The Foundation’s investments are presented in accordance with FASB ASC 958-320, Investments-Debt and Equity Securities. Under ASC 958-320, investments in marketable securities with readily determinable fair values and all investments in debt securities are reported at their fair values in the statements of financial position. Schedule of Investments at June 30 (In Thousands) Investments 2012 Money market & certificate of deposit $ 420 Fixed income/bonds/US treasuries 977 Balanced mutual funds 1,200 Equity based mutual funds 568 Alternative investments 159 Total investments $ 3,324 $ $ 2011 824 694 1,138 642 65 3,363 Endowment Funds— The Foundation’s endowment includes both donor-restricted funds and funds designated by the Foundation Board of Trustees to function as endowments. As required by generally accepted accounting 49 principles, net assets associated with endowment funds, including funds designated by the Board of Trustees to function as endowments, are classified and reported based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions. Changes in endowment net assets as of June 30, 2012 are as follows: Schedule of Endowment Net Assets As of June 30, 2012 (In Thousands) Net assets, beginning of year Change in value of trusts Amounts appropriated for expenditures Other transfers Net assets, end of year Temporarily Unrestricted Restricted $ (5) $ 474 — (79) — (64) (22) 22 $ (27) $ 353 Total Net Permanently Endowment Restricted Assets $ 2,410 $ 2,879 20 (59) — (64) (1) (1) $ 2,429 $ 2,755 Changes in endowment net assets as of June 30, 2011 are as follows: Schedule of Endowment Net Assets As of June 30, 2011 (In Thousands) Net assets, beginning of year Change in value of trusts Amounts appropriated for expenditures Other transfers Net assets, end of year Temporarily Unrestricted Restricted $ (21) $ 270 — 296 — (76) 16 (16) $ (5) $ 474 50 Total Net Permanently Endowment Restricted Assets $ 2,356 $ 2,605 55 351 — (76) (1) (1) $ 2,410 $ 2,879 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION SECTION 51 This page intentionally left blank 52 METROPOLITAN STATE UNIVERSITY SCHEDULE OF FUNDING PROGRESS FOR NET OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS Actuarial Valuation Date July 1, 2006 July 1, 2008 July 1, 2010 Actuarial Value of Assets (a) — — — Schedule of Funding Progress (In Thousands) Actuarial Unfunded Accrued Actuarial Accrued Funded Liability Liability Ratio (b) (b - a) (a/b) $ 3,245 $ 3,245 0.00% 2,323 2,323 0.00 2,709 2,709 0.00 53 Covered Payroll (c) $ 29,010 29,905 35,364 UAAL as a Percentage of Covered Payroll ((b - a)/c) 11.19% 7.77 7.66 This page intentionally left blank 54 SUPPLEMENTARY SECTION 55 56 57 This page intentionally left blank 58