Agency and Contact Information Instructions Department of Financial Services – Version 2.0

Department of Financial Services
Draft Payroll Process Model – Version 2.0
Agency Feedback
Agency and Contact Information
Agency Name (Please enter the name of the responding Agency)
Date Submitted
Agency Point of Contact Information (Please provide one point of contact)
Phone Number
Email Address
Please utilize the below tables to provide your agency’s feedback on the draft Payroll Process
Area Level 2 Standardized Business Process Model – Version 2.0. The draft process flow and
narrative are posted on the Florida PALM website at the below link.
<Insert link>
Within the Overview of Process Model Sections below is a description of the Sections of the
Process Model, including the definition of the icons and intended document contents.
All agencies are encouraged to review the Process Model and to share any potential impacts to
their current process and any anticipated benefits such as increased efficiency and accuracy, and
decreases in time. During your agency’s review of the document, consider the following
 Are the steps / activities my agency uses represented in this flow?
 Are the reports and information produced or collected by my agency documented?
 Are the integration points needed by my agency to exchange data identified?
 Are there any pertinent policies, Rules or Statutes that should be referenced in the process
 Are there control points or internal control activities that need to be modified or added?
 Is the narrative clear or are there areas of ambiguity? If yes, please indicate where and
what information is needed.
 Are there any activities or tools the Project can provide to assist agencies in adopting new
After careful consideration of the process flow and narrative, insert your agency’s feedback into
the applicable table within the Agency Comments by Process Model Section below that
corresponds to the appropriate Section within the Process Model. You will notice that some of
the tables cover more than one Section of the Process Model. If your agency does not have
feedback for a Section, please check the radio button next to the statement “Check this box if
your agency has no comments for these Sections.”
Please provide your completed document via email to by
5:00pm on Wednesday, June 15, 2016.
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Department of Financial Services
Draft Payroll Process Model – Version 2.0
Agency Feedback
Overview of Process Model Sections
For each of the State’s ten Process Areas, the Level 2 Standardized Business Process Model is
divided into 13 sections:
1. General Information – provides context for the reader.
2. Authors and Contributors – the names of the authors and any significant contributors
who provided input during the Level 2 creation process.
3. Scope – a brief description of what is covered in the document.
4. Assumptions – includes references to facts/information and considerations impacting
the standard Process Model for the applicable Process Area.
5. Standardized Process Area Overview – provides an overall Process Area description
and Process Flow steps. This section also explains how a certain Process Area
integrates with other Process Areas.
6. Process Area Details – identifies a process step, provides a description of a specific
step in the process, and references to any laws, rules, or policies associated with the
process step.
7. Integration – provides a description of how the Process Area integrates with Florida
PALM and other key agency business systems. Integration points are identified in the
narratives using the letters “IP” with a designated reference number. The format is “IP”
with a sequential identification number (IP 1). Integration Points are identified on the
Process Flow diagrams using the following symbol:
Int Pt
The Level 2 Business Process Standardization Process Flow diagrams include
Integration Points with systems and entities outside of the Florida PALM system and, in
some cases, other process activities that will occur outside of Florida PALM. Gray
shading is used in the Process Flow diagrams to indicate when the activity represented
by the step is occurring outside of Florida PALM. In the case of Integration Points, if the
data transmitted via the Integration Point is generated by the external system/entity for
upload to Florida PALM, the step is shaded gray. If the data is generated by Florida
PALM for transmission to the external system/entity the step is not shaded and appears
Int Pt
Int Pt
8. Control Point – a step in a business process at which a control can be applied to
prevent, eliminate, or reduce a risk factor to an acceptable level. Control Points in
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Department of Financial Services
Draft Payroll Process Model – Version 2.0
Agency Feedback
general are minimally required elements/steps that must be in place in a business
process in order for the business process to complete successfully. These Control
Points drive and constrain the execution of activities in the business process, which tell
you what should be achieved in the business process.
A Control Point (CP) can be a step in the process that needs to occur to complete
execution of the business process (e.g., workflows, approvals). A Control Point can also
be one that is executed independent of the business process (e.g., post-audit). Control
Points that are part of the business process execution are illustrated within the
respective Process Flow diagrams while Control Points that are independent of business
process execution are illustrated near the relevant business process steps in the
Process Flow diagrams. The numbering of Control Points in flow will reflect the
sequencing in relation to other steps in the process. The numbering of Control Points
outside of the flow will be independent.
Control Points are identified in the narratives using the letters “CP” with a designated
reference number. The format is “CP” and then a sequential identification number (AE
Control Points are indicated on the Level 2 Process Flow diagrams using the following
symbol. The description of the Control Points can be found in the narrative section of the
specific Process Area in the respective Step Description.
9. Reporting – reflects a list of reports needed for the Process Area. A description of the
report is provided along with:
 The frequency or trigger for producing the report, which may be On-Demand,
Periodic and/or Annual
 Report classification which can be management, operational or transparency
 The audience for whom the report is intended
 Reference to any laws, rules or policies associated with the report
Reports are identified in the narratives using the letter “R” with a designated reference
number. The format is “R” and then a sequential identification number (R 1). Reports are
identified on the Process Flow diagrams using the following symbol:
10. Accounting Events – An Accounting Event is a transaction or change recognized on
the financial statements of an organization or accounting entity. Accounting Events can
be driven by business events or the need for accounting adjustments. A business event
occurs when transactions such as purchasing, payments, or revenue receipts are
processed. An accounting adjustment occurs when changes in an organization’s or
accounting entity’s accounting records, such as adjusting an account on the financial
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Department of Financial Services
Draft Payroll Process Model – Version 2.0
Agency Feedback
An Accounting Event occurs as a single financial transaction or multiple financial
transactions, which are processed and are posted to the subsidiary ledgers and the
General Ledger (i.e., provides the effect on the ledgers). Accounting Events show when
and where they occur within a process in order to facilitate moving the execution of the
business process forward to completion.
Accounting Events are identified in the narratives using the letters “AE” with a
designated reference number. The format is “AE” and then a sequential identification
number (AE 1).
Accounting Events are indicated on the Level 2 Process Flow diagrams using the
following symbol. The description of the subsidiary ledgers and General Ledger entries
for an Accounting Event can be found in the narrative section of the specific Process
Area in the respective process step description.
11. Key Performance Indicators/Measures – describes quantifiable and meaningful
performance measures that support the Process Area.
12. Future Enhancements – reflects needs or desired functionality that would make steps
in the Process Area more efficient.
13. Standard Business Process Flows – contains the Visio diagram depicting the
standardized business processes for each Process Area.
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Department of Financial Services
Draft Payroll Process Model – Version 2.0
Agency Feedback
Agency Comments by Process Model Section
Sections 6.1 General Information and 6.2 Authors and Contributors
☐ Check this box if your agency has no comments for these Sections.
Sections 6.3 Scope and 6.4 Assumptions
☐ Check this box if your agency has no comments for these Sections.
Section 6.5 Standardized Process Area Overview
☐ Check this box if your agency has no comments for this Section.
Section 6.6 Process Area Details and Standardized Business Process Flows
Use these tables to capture feedback on both the Process Area Details (narrative) and the Standardized
Business Process Flows (flows). Be sure to include reference to the appropriate process step, where
General Feedback (Input overall or non-specific feedback for this Section in this table)
☐ Check this box if your agency has no comments for this Section.
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Department of Financial Services
Draft Payroll Process Model – Version 2.0
Agency Feedback
Section 6.6 Process Area Details and Standardized Business Process Flows
Use these tables to capture feedback on both the Process Area Details (narrative) and the Standardized
Business Process Flows (flows). Be sure to include reference to the appropriate process step, where
Process Flow Page 1 of 5: PAY – Employee Records
☐ Check this box if your agency has no comments for this process flow.
Process Flow Page 2 of 5: PAY – Payroll Processing and Production
☐ Check this box if your agency has no comments for this process flow.
Process Flow Page 3 of 5: PAY – Payroll Processing and Production (continued)
☐ Check this box if your agency has no comments for this process flow.
Process Flow Page 4 of 5: PAY – Post-Production Payroll Adjustments
☐ Check this box if your agency has no comments for this process flow.
Process Flow Page 5 of 5: PAY – Tax Reporting
☐ Check this box if your agency has no comments for this process flow.
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Department of Financial Services
Draft Payroll Process Model – Version 2.0
Agency Feedback
Section 6.6 Process Area Details and Standardized Business Process Flows
Use these tables to capture feedback on both the Process Area Details (narrative) and the Standardized
Business Process Flows (flows). Be sure to include reference to the appropriate process step, where
Sections 6.5 Control Points, 6.9 Reporting, and 6.10 Accounting Events
☐ Check this box if your agency has no comments for these Sections.
Sections 6.11 Key Performance Indicators/Measures and 6.12 Future Enhancements
☐ Check this box if your agency has no comments for these Sections.
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