ADVERTISED BIDDING FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OVER $50,000 INSTRUCTIONS Construction Projects with an estimated construction cost over $50,000 must be Publicly Advertised for Bid. Funding: The College/University must take appropriate action to confirm that funds are available in an active Cost Center for use for the project. Contract Documents Preparation: The College/University must have Drawings and Specifications (the Contract Documents) prepared for advertised bid projects by a qualified Architect and/or Engineer registered in the state of Minnesota. The College/University must provide the “Division Zero” documents for inclusion in the Bidding Documents. The most current version Section 00 72 00, AIA A201-2007, General Conditions of the Contract as amended by the Owner is located at the following unpublished web site: See “Instructions to College/University - Preparing the Division 0 Documents” for additional requirements. The Architect and/or Engineer shall incorporate the Labor Standards and Wage requirements and include the prevailing wage information for the county of record of the project in the Bidding Documents. This information shall be obtained from the website: (Make sure A/E downloads Prevail Wage Rates from the Department of Labor & Industry on the day that they post the ad on QuestCDN) See also “MnSCU073 - Prevailing Wage Procedures” for additional requirements in the Project Management Manual section 11.1. Bidding Documents Distribution: The College/University shall have the Architect/Engineer post copies of the Bidding Documents on MnSCU’s Online Document Distribution web site, QuestCDN. Instructions for the Architect/Engineer for posting to QuestCDN are included in the eManual as document BA.10 under Project Phases Advertisement for Bids: The Advertisement for Bids may also be published in one or more of the following publications: the Minnesota State Register, the Department of Administration’s web site, regional and local newspapers or other similar publications. The College/University should work with the Architect/Engineer to arrange for publishing the Advertisement. C110.10 Page 1 of 3 3/24/16 The Minnesota State Register publishes state government official notices online. To use this service, refer to their website at for a printing order form to use to request publication. Their deadline is Tuesday at 12:00 noon for ads that are published the following Monday, or Tuesday if there is a State holiday. To use the Department of Administration’s web site, refer to “Solicitation Announcements” at The College/University, may also consider publishing advertisements in regional and local newspapers or other similar publications. Pre-Bid Meeting: The College/University shall conduct a Pre-Bid Meeting. The date, time, and location of this Pre-Bid Meeting shall be stated in the Advertisement for Bids. Bid Opening: Bids will be received up to the time of the bid opening. The bid opening must be at least seven (7) calendar days after the date that the Advertisement for Bids is published. (Typically advertisements will be 2-3 weeks depending on size and complexity of the project) All bids over $50,000 must be sealed when they are received and must be opened and read out loud in public at the hour stated in the notice. Only read the name of the firm and the base bid. All original bids and all documents pertaining to the award of a contract must be retained and made a part of a permanent file or record and remain open to public inspection. See Division 0 document, Section 00 45 36, for requirements for Affirmative Action. The College/University shall determine whether any Bidders are claiming Targeted Group (T.G.), Economically Disadvantaged (E.D.) or Veteran Owned status on their bid form. If yes, the College/University may call the Department of Administration, Materials Management Division, at (651) 296-2600 to determine if a Contractor is a certified T.G. Contractor or E.D. Contractor or go to the MMD website; to do a search. If Bidder is claiming the Veteran-Owned preference, they must attach documentation, sign and return the Veteran-Owned Preference Form. If there are certified T.G., E.D. or Veteran Owned Bidders, their bid(s) shall be adjusted for comparison purposes with the other bids received in accordance with the applicable preference bidding requirements. Preference only applies to the first $1,000,000 of construction cost. Contact your Program Manager at the System Office if you have questions regarding calculations for determining the low Bidder. Withholding for Non-Minnesota Contractors: For contracts with Non-Minnesota Contractors, when the contract amount exceeds $100,000.00, the Contractor must provide the College/University with a copy of the Exemption from Surety Deposits for Non-Minnesota Contractors (Form SD-E) signed by the Minnesota Department of Revenue. If the Contractor does not provide this form, the College/University must withhold eight percent (8%) from each payment. C110.10 Page 2 of 3 3/24/16 Preparation of Contract Forms and Issue Letter of Award: After bids have been received, the A/E should provide a written recommendation of award to the College/University following verification of bid with the low bidder. The College/University determines which firm has the lowest responsive bid that complies with the Contract Documents. If sufficient funds are available and the College/University decides to proceed with the Project, the College/University prepares and forwards the contract forms and instructions to the Contractor with the Letter of Award. See C110.20, “MnSCU110 Instructions to College/University Preparation of Form MnSCU110, Construction Contract for Advertised Bid Project” for additional requirements. C110.10 Page 3 of 3 3/24/16