Document 13996691

Delaware State Housing Authority Presenta)on at the Access to Healthy Communi)es in Delaware s Built Environment May 8, 2012
Delaware State Housing Authority
18 The Green
Dover, DE 19901
(302) 739-4263 ■ (888) 363-8808
Visit us at
Delaware State Housing Authority OUTLINE: DSHA at a Glance DSHA Programs Promo3ng Healthy Communi3es Recommenda3ons Moving Forward 6/18/12
DSHA at a Glance Homeownership
Key Activities:
Key Activities:
• First-Time Homebuyer
• Housing
• Second Mortgage Assistance
• Rental Subsidies
• Foreclosure Mitigation
• Asset Management
• Home Rehabilitation
DRAFT V1 1-­‐26-­‐12 3
DSHA at a Glance STRATEGIC PLAN PRIORITY: Promote inclusive, sustainable communi3es with access to efficient, coordinated programs and services. 6/18/12
Promo)ng Healthy Communi)es DSHA PROGRAMS •  Low Income Housing Tax Credit –Qualified Alloca3on Plan (QAP) •  Public Housing •  Live Near Your Work 6/18/12
Promo)ng Healthy Communi)es TAX CREDIT -­‐ QAP •  State Strategies for Policies and Spending –  Threshold requirement – Proposals must be located in a Level 1, 2, or 3 Investment Area •  Impacted vs. Non-­‐Impacted Areas –  Incen3ves for proposals located in non-­‐impacted areas Reviewing more DSHA programs to determine best applica:on in impacted vs. non-­‐impacted areas 6/18/12
Promo)ng Healthy Communi)es TAX CREDIT -­‐ QAP •  5% of units required to be fully ADA accessible –  Incen3ves to go over and above up to 20% •  Sites and Neighborhood Standards –  Proximity to community services and ameni3es –  Promote infill –  Access to transit • 
Via executed MOU with DART submi^ed with applica3on Details improvements Maintenance responsibility 7
Promo)ng Healthy Communi)es TAX CREDIT -­‐ QAP •  Community Compa3bility –  Community design –  Connec3vity to adjacent neighborhoods or trail systems •  Development Ameni3es – 
Community buildings Community gardens Exercise or walking trails Solar panels, green roofs 6/18/12
Promo)ng Healthy Communi)es PUBLIC HOUSING •  518 units at 10 sites in Kent and Sussex Coun3es –  Playgrounds and basketball courts at all sites –  Mifflin Meadows – full size basketball court, new playground and a bike path throughout the site –  Enhance and upgrade as funds permit 6/18/12
Promo)ng Healthy Communi)es PUBLIC HOUSING •  Terrific onsite 4-­‐H program at almost all sites – 
UD Coopera3ve Extension partnership 120 kids par3cipate Healthy snacks Arts, crafs, Wii-­‐fit program 10
Promo)ng Healthy Communi)es LIVE NEAR YOUR WORK •  Partnership between state, local jurisdic3on and local employers to encourage homeownership near place of employment – 
Closing cost assistance grant 20 Employers 3 Jurisdic3ons Assists approximately 10 families a year 11
Recommenda)ons Moving Forward PLAN UPFRONT FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING •  Prevent Displacement •  Preserve and Extend Affordability •  Gain Control of Well-­‐Located Land 6/18/12
Karen E. Horton
Principal Planner
Delaware State Housing Authority
18 The Green
Dover, Delaware 19901
Telephone: 739-4263  Fax: 739-6122
Toll Free: 888-363-8808
Thank you! ♦ Putting Housing to Work ♦ 6/18/12