Current Cost Financial Statements for 2010 including Openreach Undertakings Statement by Ofcom Ofcom Statement on BT’s Current Cost Financial Statements 2010 gain; and - excluding the duct asset holding gain from the reporting of unit FAC, DLRIC and DSAC costs against each service (although the mean capital employed used to prepare these unit costs are unadjusted and reflect the higher duct and copper asset values). Introduction 1 2 Relevant, reliable and timely regulatory financial information informs many of our decisions. We require this information in order to monitor and enforce various obligations that are placed on BT in markets where they are found to have significant market power (“SMP”) and as a source of data for setting and monitoring charge controls. It is also an important tool for other communications providers, because (amongst others) it provides assurance that BT is complying with its cost-orientation and no undue discrimination obligations. Under SMP services Condition OA6(c), BT is required to publish with the regulatory financial statements (RFS) any written statement made by Ofcom and provided to BT commenting on the data in, the notes to or the presentation of any or all of the RFS and/or the Accounting Documents. This condition was originally imposed on BT because Ofcom felt it was important to be able to bring aspects of the RFS to stakeholders’ attention, in particular to highlight issues of concern or interest, but also, for example, to indicate areas for more detailed review of the RFS following publication. We believe these changes will be of assistance to users of the RFS in interpreting these results where the holding gain significantly distorts underlying profitability. Improvements to BT’s Current Cost Financial Statements 2010 8 BT’s 2010 RFS include a number of improvements vis-à-vis last year including: a. Additional disaggregation and disclosure of regulated services in the growing Alternative Interface Symmetric Broadband Origination (AISBO) market and leased line markets; b. The introduction of a new methodology to identify which TISBO circuits fall within or outside of the new geographic market definition that excludes the central and east London area (CELA); c. An updated method for the attribution of new 21CN core network costs reflecting BT’s announcement in April 2010 that it has decided to halt further voice lines migration to the 21CN voice platform. 3 Ofcom believes that there are important aspects of BT’s 2010 RFS where we believe our comments will be helpful to users. Current cost accounting - valuation of assets 4 BT’s 2010 RFS show a significant increase in the net replacement cost of duct and copper access network assets vis-à-vis 2009. In Section 4 – Basis of preparation, BT describes how these values were derived and in particular the assumptions and estimates used to calculate duct asset values. They show a holding gain (increase in value) of £1,880m. 5 Establishment of an appropriate value of BT’s asset base is critical to the reliable Maintaining the current reporting obligations 9 We believe it is important that the current reporting requirements remain fit for purpose and therefore continue to discuss with BT how the RFS need to change to secure that. As in previous years, we will identify and work with BT to improve the 2010/11RFS, for example to reflect our market review decisions and technological developments. measurement of returns on mean capital employed (‘ROCE’), monitoring compliance with BT’s cost orientation obligations and setting regulated charges. 6 7 Later this year we plan to publish a consultation setting out charge control proposals for wholesale line rental and unbundled local loops. BT’s 2010 valuation of duct assets could have implications for these and other charge controls. We therefore intend to undertake an assessment of the methodology, methods and calculations adopted by BT that is expected to feed into this consultation. In order to ensure the RFS remain transparent and meaningful following this revaluation, and following discussions with us, BT has enhanced the presentation of market level statements in the RFS by: - Presenting market returns both including and excluding the duct revaluation holding Ofcom 28 July 2010 Contents Current Cost Financial Statements Contents Page Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Section 1 - Introduction to Current Cost Financial Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Section 1.1 - Introduction: Regulation in the UK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Section 1.2 - Regulatory Financial Reporting Obligations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Section 1.3 - Regulatory Financial Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Section 1.4 - Regulatory Financial Review (Annex 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Section 2 - Statement of Responsibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Section 2.1 - Statement of Responsibility (Annex 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Section 3 - Audit Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Section 3.1 - Report of the Independent Auditors (Annex 23). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Section 4 - Basis of Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Section 4.1 - Introduction to the Basis of Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Section 4.2 - Other Aspects to the Basis of Preparation (Annex 22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Section 5 - Summary of Financial Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Section 5.1 - Consolidated Performance Summary (Annex 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Section 6 - Attribution of Wholesale Current Cost and Mean Capital Employed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Section 6.1 - Attribution of Wholesale Current Costs 2010 (Annex 5A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6.1.1 - Notes on Wholesale P&L sector costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6.2 - Attribution of Wholesale Current Costs 2009 (Annex 5A)(Re-presented). . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6.3 - Attribution of Wholesale Current Cost Mean Capital Employed 2010 (Annex 6A) . . . . . . Section 6.3.1 - Notes on Wholesale MCE sector costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6.4 - Attribution of Wholesale Current Cost Mean Capital Employed 2009 (Annex 6A) (Re-presented). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 25 26 27 28 29 Section 7 - Review of Access Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Section 7.1 - Financial Performance in Access Markets (Annex 7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 7.2 - Access Markets Review (Annex 10 & 14). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 7.2.1 - Access Markets Group Level Review (Annex 10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 7.2.2 - Access Market Level Financial Review (Annex 14) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 7.3 - Wholesale analogue exchange line services (Annex 11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 7.4 - Wholesale ISDN2 exchange line services (Annex 11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 7.5 - Wholesale business ISDN30 exchange line services (Annex 12). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 7.6 - TISBO (up to and including 8Mbit/s)(Annex 11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 7.7 - TISBO (above 8Mbit/s up to and including 45Mbit/s)(Annex 11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 7.8 - TISBO (above 45Mbit/s up to and including 155Mbit/s)(Annex 11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 32 32 33 38 39 40 41 47 49 1 Current Cost Financial Statements Page Section 7.9 - AISBO (up to and including 1Gbit/s)(Annex 11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Section 7.10 - Wholesale local access (Annex 11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Section 8.1 - Financial Performance in Other Wholesale Markets (Annex 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 Section 8.2 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets (Annex 10 & 14) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Section 8.2.1 - Market Group Level Review (Annex 10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Section 8.2.2 - Market Level Financial Review of Other Wholesale SMP Markets (Annex 14) . . . . .59 Section 8.3 - Call origination on fixed public narrowband networks (Annex 13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 Section 8.4 - Local-tandem conveyance and transit on fixed public narrowband networks (Annex 13) 67 Section 8.5 - Single transit on fixed public narrowband networks (Annex 13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 Section 8.6 - Technical areas (Interconnect Circuits)(Annex 11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Section 8.7 - Fixed call termination (Annex 13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 Section 8.8 - Wholesale trunk segments (Annex 11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 Section 8.9 - Technical areas (Point of Handover)(Annex 11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Section 8.10 - Wholesale Broadband Access (Annex 12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Section 9 - Reconciliation Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Section 9.1 - BT Reconciliation Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Section 9.1.1 - BT Reconciliation Statement 2010 (Annex 19) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Section 9.1.2 - BT Reconciliation Statement 2009 (Restated)(Annex 19). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Section 9.1.3 - BT Reconciliation Statement MCE (Annex 20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 Section 10 - Openreach Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Section 10.1 - Openreach P&L Statement 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 Section 10.2 - Openreach P&L Statement 2009 (Re-presented) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86 Section 10.3 - Openreach MCE Statement 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 Section 10.4 - Openreach MCE Statement 2009 (Re-presented) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 Section 10.5 - Reconciliation of Openreach P&L Statement 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 Section 10.6 - Reconciliation of Openreach P&L Statement 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 Section 10.7 - Openreach Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91 Appendix 1 - Other Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Appendix 1.1 - Network Activity Statements (Annex 15). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 Appendix 1.1.1 - Network Activity Statement - Consolidated 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 Appendix 1.1.2 - Network Activity Statement - Consolidated 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96 Appendix 1.2 - Calculation of FAC based on component costs and usage factors (Annex 16). . . . . . . . .99 Appendix 1.2.1 - Calculation of FAC based on component costs and usage factors 2010 . . . . . . . . .99 Appendix 1.2.2 - Calculation of FAC based on component costs and usage factors 2009 (Re-presented). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105 Contents Current Cost Financial Statements Page Appendix 1.3 - BT Network Services Reconciliation (Annex 17) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Appendix 1.3.1 - BT Network Services Reconciliation 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Appendix 1.3.2 - BT Network Services Reconciliation 2009 (Re-presented) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Appendix 2 - Price Control Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Appendix 2.1 - Price Controls in Wholesale Markets (Annex 24)(Unaudited) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Additional Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 2 Section 1 - Introduction to Current Cost Financial Statements Section 1 - Introduction to Current Cost Financial Statements Section 1 Introduction to Current Cost Financial Statements 3 Section 1 - Introduction to Current Cost Financial Statements Section 1.1 1.1 –- Introduction: Section Introduction: Regulation Regulation in in the the UK UK Electronic communications regulation in the UK is conducted within a framework set out in various European Union (EU) directives, regulations and recommendations. The framework is currently under review and new directives are expected to take effect by 2011. Ofcom Ofcom (the Office of Communications) was set up under the Office of Communications Act 2002 to provide a single, seamless approach to regulating the entire communications market. Its principal duties are to further the interests of citizens in relation to communications matters and to further the interests of consumers in relevant markets, where appropriate by promoting competition. Ofcom regulation takes the form of sets of conditions laid down under the Communications Act 2003 (Communications Act), and directions under these conditions. Some conditions apply to all providers of electronic communications networks and services; others apply to individual providers, which Ofcom has designated as universal service providers or having significant market power (SMP) in a particular market. Conditions applying to all providers Although these general conditions are concerned mainly with consumer protection, they also include requirements relating to general access and interconnection, standards, emergency planning, the payment of administrative charges, the provision of information to Ofcom and numbering. A separate condition regulates the provision of premium rate services. The Electronic Communications Code applies to all communications providers authorised to carry out street works and similar activities for network provision. It requires electronic communications providers with apparatus on or in the public highway to make financial provision to cover any damage caused by work they carry out, and for the removal of their networks in the event of liquidation or bankruptcy. Significant market power (SMP) designations Ofcom is also required by EU directives to review relevant markets regularly and determine whether any communications provider has SMP in those markets. Where Ofcom finds that a provider has SMP, it must impose appropriate remedies that may include price controls. At 31 March 2010, as a result of previous market reviews, BT was deemed to have SMP in a number of markets. These markets are listed in Section 1.2 - Regulatory Financial Reporting Obligations. Where a provider has SMP, the Communications Act enables Ofcom to impose one or more obligations in relation to each market, including: • Accounting separation - which requires the operator to maintain accounting systems such that the financial results of each SMP market can be separately presented and that costs relating to products and markets are allocated in a transparent and appropriate way. Accounting separation is also used to ensure that there is no undue discrimination. • Cost accounting – Wholesale cost accounting obligations apply where there is an obligation in relation to price controls, cost orientation or cost recovery. Wholesale activities include products and services sold to other communication providers such as the provision of network access, the 4 use of the network and the availability of various facilities. Obligations may include price controls for specified SMP products, cost-orientation of prices for SMP products and the recovery of costs for the purpose of demonstrating transparency. • Publication - The annual Current Cost Financial Statements satisfy the obligation relating to publication of financial information for SMP markets. The publication of information relating to SMP markets is intended to provide public assurance that BT has complied with its cost accounting and accounting separation obligations. Ofcom also imposes certain audit requirements in respect of the published Financial Statements. In September 2009, Ofcom published its Fixed Narrowband Retail Services Market Review statement. The review concluded that BT no longer has Significant Market Power (SMP) in the supply of retail fixed narrowband analogue access and retail calls markets in either the residential or business sectors. As a result, BT’s financial reporting obligations in these markets were revoked. In September 2009, Ofcom also published its Review of the Fixed Narrowband Services Wholesale Markets statement. The review introduced three main reporting changes in the Regulatory Financial Statements. Firstly, the wholesale residential and business analogue exchange line markets will be defined as one wholesale analogue exchange line market. Secondly, the wholesale residential and business ISDN2 exchange lines will be defined as one wholesale ISDN2 market. Thirdly, BT will no longer be required to report on the local tandem conveyance and transit market in the Regulatory Financial Statements for the year ending 31 March 2011. Significant market power charge controls As a result of SMP designations, the charges BT can make for a number of wholesale services are subject to regulatory controls. The Review of the Fixed Narrowband Services Wholesale Markets concluded that BT retains Significant Market Power (SMP) in the markets for analogue and ISDN2 exchange lines, wholesale fixed call origination and geographic call termination. The Review of BT’s Network Charge Controls in wholesale narrowband markets, published on 15 September 2009, concluded that new network charge controls (NCC) should be applied to call origination, call termination, interconnection circuits and Project Management, Policy and Planning (PPP) services, from 1 October 2009 and run for four years until 30 September 2013. Wholesale geographic call termination charge controls for geographic call termination on BT’s network will take the form of a three year RPI plus 3.75% formula. Wholesale call origination charge controls for call origination on BT’s network will take the form of a three year RPI plus 2.75% formula. Charge controls will also apply to the technical area of interconnection services necessary for the provision of both wholesale call origination and geographic call termination, and to the component in the charges for these services to cover Project Management, Policy and Planning (PPP). Interconnect services charge controls will take the form of a three year RPI plus 3.75% formula. PPP charge controls will be a three year RPI plus 1.5% formula. On 2 July 2009, Ofcom published their final statement on the Leased Lines Charge Control (LLCC) with regard to a new charge control framework for wholesale traditional interface and alternative interface products and services. The statement covered the Partial Private Circuit (PPC) products provided by BT Wholesale (referred to as "Traditional Interface/TI" products) and wholesale ethernet access and Section 1 - Introduction to Current Cost Financial Statements backhaul services provided by Openreach (referred to as "Alternative Interface/AI" products by Ofcom). The controls in the LLCC statement apply for the period 1 October 2009 to 30 September 2012. Partial private circuits (PPC) charge controls apply to certain wholesale leased lines that BT provides to other network operators. The previous controls were set in 2004, and were to apply from 1 October 2004 to 30 September 2008. These controls were extended to apply until 30 September 2009 due to delays in the latest consultation. In the LLCC statement for PPCs, the revenue neutral starting charge adjustments will allow rebalancing between terminating PPCs and trunk PPCs. The baskets allow flexibility to adjust individual service charges to reflect commercial objectives. In relation to wholesale ethernet services published by Openreach, the LLCC statement imposed a control that is a three year RPI minus formula, starting 1 October 2009, covering three separate baskets as follows: • RPI-7% for Wholesale low bandwidth AISBO (up to including 1Gbit) with sub caps for connections and rentals of RPI+5% and RPI for Backhaul Extension Services (BES). • Accommodation Services - nominal price increase of 3% in 2009/10 followed by RPI+4.5% in 2010/11 within a controlling sub cap +/- 10% on each charge. • RPI for ancillary services. In addition to the above controls, Openreach was required to reduce the price of the standard 1Gbit BES rental service by 17% from 1 August 2009. On 22 May 2009, Ofcom published their final statement on the Openreach Financial Framework Review: A New Pricing Framework for Openreach. Ofcom concluded that new price controls were required for MPF and SMPF rental services and the control would comprise two elements: price ceilings for 2009/10 and RPI+5.5% and RPI+1% respectively in 2010/11. Ofcom decided not to set the charge control beyond two years as this would extend the controls beyond the expected requirements of the Wholesale Local Access Review. In addition, Ofcom have introduced new controls on MPF, SMPF and Co-mingling services comprised 3% (2009/10) and RPI+4.5% (2010/11). On 26 October 2009, Ofcom published their final statement on Charge Controls for Wholesale Line Rental and related services. This concluded that the current controls on Residential and Business Wholesale Line Rental (WLR) would be replaced by a single control, for a Core WLR Rental service. In addition, new price controls would be introduced for WLR line transfers and new connections. The new charge controls will apply until March 2011 and will be phased to allow Openreach an appropriate amount of time to make the necessary changes to their systems. Please refer to Appendix 2.1 for details relating to charge controls. BT’s Undertakings In response to Ofcom’s 2005 strategic review of telecommunications, BT proposed a number of legally binding Undertakings under the Enterprise Act 2002 (Enterprise Act). These Undertakings, which included the creation of Openreach, were accepted by Ofcom and came into force in September 2005. The Undertakings are intended to deliver clarity and certainty to the UK telecommunications industry about the way BT will provide ‘upstream’ regulated products to support effective and fair competition in related ‘downstream’ markets. This, in itself, should lead to a reduction in the need for regulation in those competitive downstream markets over time. 5 The Undertakings also set up certain financial reporting requirements which BT has to comply with. These reporting requirements have been described in Section 1.2 - Regulatory Financial Reporting Obligations, Section 2.1 – Statement of Responsibility and Section 10 - Openreach Information. Next generation access regulation In March 2009, following consultation, Ofcom published a policy statement setting out a regulatory framework for next generation access (NGA). This gave sufficient regulatory certainty for BT to proceed with the initial phase of super-fast broadband roll out and BT will continue to work with Ofcom as these plans develop. In June 2009, the UK Government published its ‘Digital Britain’ report setting out the importance of the digital economy to the nation’s economic future and how it will drive future industrial capability and competitiveness. The report contained 78 separate recommendations, with the key areas being: Universal Service Commitment, Next Generation Access, Peer to Peer/copyright issues, Spectrum and Ofcom duties. Prior to the May 2010 election, there were plans to create a fund of £200m that would be available via competitive tender to bidders in order to deliver the Government’s universal service commitment to provide a 2Mbit/s broadband connection. Whilst the plans for a levy on fixed line rental to fund the investment have since been scrapped, BT believes alternative sources of funding are under consideration. Section 1 - Introduction to Current Cost Financial Statements Section 1.2 1.2 –- Regulatory Section Regulatory Financial Financial Reporting Reporting Obligations Obligations The prescribed form and content of the published Current Cost Financial Statements is reviewed regularly by Ofcom, in the light of changes in the regulatory regime and the needs of stakeholders. The relevant Ofcom documentation is listed below and together forms “the Final Statements and Notifications” under the requirements of which the Current Cost Financial Statements for 2010 have been prepared. • “The Regulatory Financial Reporting Obligations on BT and Kingston Communications” issued 22 July 2004 • “Changes to BT’s Regulatory Financial Reporting Framework” of 31 August 2005 • “Changes to BT’s Regulatory Financial Reporting and Audit Requirements” issued 16 August 2006 • “Changes to BT’s Regulatory Financial Reporting and Audit Requirements” issued 30 May 2007 • “Changes to BT’s 2007/08 Regulatory Financial Statements” issued 26 June 2008 • “Changes to BT and KCOM’s Regulatory Financial Reporting – 2008/09 update” issued 15 June 2009 • “Changes to BT and KCOM’s regulatory and financial reporting 2009/10 update” issued 4 June 2010 In addition to the information in the Current Cost Financial Statements, Ofcom also requires BT to provide additional detailed information to enable Ofcom to regulate effectively and efficiently. This additional information is not published by either BT or Ofcom nor is it subject to any independent examination. The markets in which BT has SMP and reporting obligations in the period covered by the Current Cost Financial Statements for 2010 are listed below. These markets have been grouped into groups of markets as defined by Ofcom. Wholesale Access markets: • • • • • Wholesale analogue exchange line services* Wholesale ISDN2 exchange line services* Wholesale business ISDN30 exchange line services Traditional interface symmetric broadband origination (up to and including 8Mbit/s)* Traditional interface symmetric broadband origination (above 8Mbit/s up to and including 45Mbit/s)* • Traditional interface symmetric broadband origination (above 45Mbit/s up to and including 155Mbit/s)* • Alternative interface symmetric broadband origination (up to and including 1Gbit)* • Wholesale local access* Other Wholesale markets (including technical areas): • Call origination on fixed public narrowband networks* • Local-tandem conveyance and transit on fixed public narrowband networks* 6 • • • • • • Single transit on fixed public narrowband networks* Technical areas (Interconnect Circuits)* Fixed call termination* Wholesale trunk segments* Technical areas (Point of Handover)* Wholesale broadband access (Market 1 and Market 2). The Financial Statements for the market include Market 3 with financial information for each sub-market shown by way of note. Wholesale markets which have both cost accounting and accounting separation requirements have been marked with * in the list above. For these wholesale markets, the Current Cost Financial Statements also include details of costs and charges for individual services within each market. The remaining wholesale markets have accounting separation requirements only. In Ofcom’s statement “Changes to BT and KCOM’s regulatory and financial reporting 2009/10 update” issued 4 June 2010, Ofcom removed BT’s reporting obligation for all Retail markets. Openreach The Current Cost Financial Statements for 2010 also include financial information to meet the requirements set out in the Undertakings (section 5.31); specifically the need to disclose the results of Openreach separately and to reconcile the results to the Openreach segmental information shown in BT Group’s Annual Report effective from the 2007 financial year. Section 1 - Introduction to Current Cost Financial Statements Section 1.3 1.3 -- Regulatory Regulatory Financial Financial Overview Overview Section This Section provides an overview summarising this year’s underlying returns on Mean Capital Employed (MCE) derived from the Current Cost Financial Statements. BT is required to revalue its assets each year under the Financial Capital Maintenance (FCM) concept of Current Cost Accounting (CCA). Any significant changes in the CCA valuation significantly impact the published returns on mean capital employed (MCE) making it difficult to understand the underlying returns in the Markets. In 2009/10 there has been a significant change in the valuation of duct (fully explained in Section 4 - Basis of Preparation) and continued volatility in copper prices. The key results below exclude all CCA holding gain/losses (duct, copper, etc.) and other adjustments while including supplementary depreciation. The reason for making these changes is to put underlying returns for 2008/09 and 2009/10 on a comparable basis. The numbers below are not published elsewhere in these Statements. Shown below are the returns on this comparable basis: • Overall Access market returns on MCE excluding the one off impacts of current cost adjustments have declined from 11% in the year 2008/09 to 9% in the year 2009/10. Returns on MCE on copper products have declined year on year from 9% to 8%. These copper product returns are not separately shown in these Statements. Price reductions on Ethernet services have seen the returns on MCE decline from 34% last year to approximately 14% in 2009/10. • Overall Other Wholesale market returns on MCE excluding the current cost adjustments (explained in Section 4 Basis of Preparation) have declined year on year to 16% (23% 2008/09). Returns on MCE on broadband have fallen significantly from 35% to 13% year on year for the market as a whole. Returns on MCE on Wholesale Trunk have fallen from above 68% to about 45% year on year, reflecting price cuts that occurred half way through the year. Returns on MCE in the combined Wholesale Trunk and TISBO markets have remained constant year on year at 16%. This group of products known and regulated as Partial Private Circuits is not shown as a combined market in these Statements. Returns on the combined market are expected to fall once the full year impact of the Trunk price reductions take effect. Further detail on these results is provided in the Regulatory Financial Review (see Section 1.4). 7 Section 1 - Introduction to Current Cost Financial Statements Section 1.4 1.4 -- Regulatory Regulatory Financial Financial Review Review (Annex Section (Annex 4) 4) The Regulatory Financial Review is intended to assist the user’s understanding of the Current Cost Financial Statements, and focuses on those matters that are relevant to the users of the information, including accounting policies that are key to understanding performance. The review explains the main factors that underlie each market or groups of markets; in particular those that have changed or are expected to change in the future. The review includes explanations of new products and services. This is to assist a user of the Financial Statements in understanding the dynamics of the products and services in each market, the main influences on financial performance and how these interrelate. These regulatory financial reviews have been provided at the level of groupings of markets and then by individual markets in Sections 7 to 8. 8 Section 2 - Statement of Responsibility Section 2 - Statement of Responsibility Section 2 Statement of Responsibility 9 Section 2 - Statement of Responsibility Section 2.1 2.1 -- Statement Statement of Responsibility (Annex Section of Responsibility (Annex 2) 2) The Undertakings require BT to present the financial results of Openreach, including the following: British Telecommunications plc (“BT” or the “Group”) is required to prepare Current Cost Financial Statements in accordance with the Final Statements and Notifications as described in Section 1.2. Under the Financial Capital Maintenance (FCM) concept of Current Cost Accounting BT has revalued its assets in 2010. The approach taken in the Current Cost Financial Statements has been described in Section 4.1. The Current Cost Financial Statements include comparative information for the year ended 31 March 2009 first published on 13 August 2009 subject to certain restatements and re-presentations detailed in Section 4.1. The Current Cost Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with the Primary Accounting Documents and Secondary Accounting Documents (namely the Detailed Attribution Methods, the Detailed Valuation Methodology and the Long Run Incremental Cost Model: Relationships and Parameters). In so far as there is any inconsistency in the Primary and Secondary Accounting Documents, BT ensures that the Current Cost Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with the Primary Accounting Documents in the following order of priority: • • • • • the Regulatory Accounting Principles; the Attribution Methods; the Transfer Charging System; the Accounting Policies; and the Long Run Incremental Cost Methodology. The Current Cost Financial Statements are reconciled to the BT Group’s Annual Report and that reconciliation is demonstrated and explained. BT confirms that the Current Cost Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2010 which are prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Final Statements and Notifications have been prepared in accordance with the Primary and Secondary Accounting Documents dated 28 July 2010. BT confirms that the Current Cost Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2009 which are prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Final Statements and Notifications have been prepared in accordance with the Primary and Secondary Accounting Documents dated 13 August 2009 subject to certain restatements and re-presentations as detailed in Section 4.1. BT confirms that the Detailed Attribution Methods, the Detailed Valuation Methodology and the Long Run Incremental Cost Model: Relationships and Parameters all dated 28 July 2010 are appropriate to implement the principles contained in the Primary Accounting Documents dated 28 July 2010, including the Transparency Principle. Openreach BT is also required in accordance with the Undertakings to separately present the financial results of Openreach within BT’s Current Cost Financial Statements as explained in Sections 1.1 and 1.2. The Undertakings are attached at Annex A of Part 2 of Ofcom’s “Final Statements on the Strategic Review of Telecommunications, and undertakings in lieu of a reference under the Enterprise Act 2002”, issued on the 22 September 2005. 10 • Openreach financial information such as headline revenue, cost of sales (or gross margin), SG&A, EBITDA, depreciation, operating profit and capital expenditure, revenues broken down into the broad product groups that Openreach provides and further split between internal and external sales, separately identified payments to other parts of BT for products that form inputs to Openreach products (e.g. electronics); and • Reconciliation of Openreach’s revenue and operating profit (and other such items as may be agreed between BT and Ofcom) with information about Openreach shown in BT Group’s Annual Report. The Openreach Financial Statements have been presented in Section 10. These Statements include comparative information for the year ended 31 March 2009. The form, content and basis of preparation of the financial results of Openreach follow those used in the preparation of the Current Cost Financial Statements of BT as described above, except where differences are agreed with Ofcom. BT confirms that the Openreach Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2010 which have been prepared in accordance with the Primary Accounting Documents dated 28 July 2010, comply with the requirements of the Undertakings dated 22 September 2005. Phil Moses CFO Openreach and Regulatory Finance 28 July 2010 Section 3 - Audit Report Section 3 - Audit Report Section 3 Audit Report 11 Section 3 - Audit Report Section 3.1 - Report of the Independent Auditors (Annex 23) Report of the Independent Auditors to British Telecommunications plc and Ofcom issued in accordance with the Final Statement and Notification entitled “The regulatory financial reporting obligations on BT and Kingston Communications” issued by Ofcom on 22 July 2004 as amended by the annual “Notifications” of changes to regulatory financial reporting issued by Ofcom following consultation as set out below. 1. We have examined the Current Cost Financial Statements for 2010 (the "Financial Statements") which include information in respect of economic markets (the "Market Financial Statements") and Openreach (the "Openreach Information"). 2. The Market Financial Statements are prepared by British Telecommunications plc (the "Company") under the current cost convention in accordance with: • the Final Statement and Notification entitled "The regulatory financial reporting obligations on BT and Kingston Communications" issued by Ofcom on 22 July 2004 as amended by the Final Statement and Notification entitled "Changes to BT's regulatory financial reporting framework" issued by Ofcom on 31 August 2005, and the Explanatory Statements and Notifications entitled "Changes to BT's regulatory financial reporting and audit requirements" issued by Ofcom on 16 August 2006, "Changes to BT's regulatory financial reporting and audit requirements" issued by Ofcom on 30 May 2007, "Changes to BT's 2007/08 regulatory financial statements" issued by Ofcom on 26 June 2008, "Changes to BT and KCOM's regulatory financial reporting 2008/09 update" issued by Ofcom on 15 June 2009 and "Changes to BT and KCOM's regulatory and financial reporting 2009/10 update" issued by Ofcom on 4 June 2010 (together the "Final Statements and Notifications"); • the Primary Accounting Documents; • the Secondary Accounting Documents, namely the Detailed Attribution Methods and the Detailed Valuation Methodology; and • The treatment of holding gains and associated backlog depreciation on duct and associated structures as described in section 4.1 on page 17 and 18. 3. The Openreach Information is prepared by the Company under the current cost convention in accordance with: • the undertakings given to Ofcom by the Company pursuant to the Enterprise Act 2002 on 22 September 2005 (the "Undertakings"); • the Explanatory Statement and Notification entitled "Changes to BT's regulatory financial reporting obligations" issued by Ofcom on 30 May 2007 , "Changes to BT's 2007/08 regulatory financial statements" issued by Ofcom on 26 June 2008, "Changes to BT and KCOM's regulatory financial reporting 2008/9 update" issued by Ofcom on 15 June 2009 and "Changes to BT and KCOM's regulatory and financial reporting 2009/10 update" issued by Ofcom on 4 June 2010 (together the "Explanatory Statement and Notifications"); and • the Primary Accounting Documents. 4. The Market Financial Statements comprise the following statements for the year ended 31 March 2010 for the Markets and Technical Areas listed on page 6: • The consolidated performance summary on page 22; 12 • The statements of Attribution of Wholesale Current Costs and Mean Capital Employed on pages 24, 26, 27 and 29; • The statement of financial performance in Access Markets on page 31; • The Market Summary statements for Access Markets on pages 38 to 55; • The statement of financial performance in Other Wholesale Markets on pages 57; • The Market Summary statements for Other Wholesale Markets on pages 65 to 79; and • the related notes set out in Sections 4, 7, 8 and 9 on pages 32 to 37, 58 to 64 and 81 to 83, and Appendix 1 on pages 93 to 117, other than the LRIC Floors and LRIC ceilings. 5. The Openreach Information comprises the following information for the year ended 31 March 2009 on pages 85 to 90: • The Openreach P&L Statement; • The Openreach MCE Statement; and • The Reconciliation of Openreach P&L. 6. The Market Financial Statements and The Openreach Information include comparative information for the year ended 31 March 2009 first published on 13 August 2009 which have been represented as described in "Comparability of current and prior year results" on page 17. All comparative information for the year ended 31 March 2009 is prepared by the Company to comply with the Final Statements and Notifications, and in accordance with the Primary Accounting Documents and the Secondary Documents dated 13 August 2009 as amended, where applicable, in accordance with "Comparability of current and prior year results" on page 17. Respective responsibilities of the Company and auditors 7. The Company is responsible for preparing and approving, as described on page 10 of the Financial Statements. Our responsibilities, as independent auditors, are established in the United Kingdom by the Final Statements and Notifications, the Undertakings, the Auditing Practices Board and our profession's ethical guidance. 8. Our responsibility is to audit the Financial Statements in accordance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) issued by the Auditing Practices Board. This report, including the opinion, has been prepared for and only for the Company and Ofcom and for no other purpose. We do not, in giving this opinion, accept or assume responsibility for any other purpose or to any other person to whom this report is shown or into whose hands it may come save where expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing. 9. We report our opinions as to whether: • the Market Financial Statements as a whole; Section 3 - Audit Report 11. We report our opinions as to whether the Re-presented Market Financial Statements as a whole for the year ended 31 March 2009 are fairly presented in accordance with the Primary Accounting Documents dated 13 August 2009 subject to the re-presentation changes described in "Comparability of current and prior year results" on page 17, and comply with the requirements of the Final Statements and Notifications. • each of the market group statements comprising the statement of financial performance in Access Markets on page 31 and the statement of financial performance in Other Wholesale Markets on page 57 (the "Market Group Statements"); • each of the Market Summary Statements for the markets and technical areas listed below(the "FPIA Markets") o Wholesale analogue exchange line services on page 38; 12. In addition, we report if, in our opinion, the "Introduction to accounts", setting out the basis upon which the Financial Statements have been prepared, is not consistent with the Financial Statements, if the Company has not kept proper accounting records, if we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our examination, or if information specified by the Final Statements and Notifications is not disclosed. o Wholesale business ISDN30 exchange line services on page 40; o Traditional interface symmetric broadband origination (up to and including 8Mbit/s) on page 41; o Traditional interface symmetric broadband origination (above 8mbit/s up to and inc. 45Mbit/s) on page 47; o Alternative interface symmetric broadband origination on page 51; 13. We read the other information presented with the Financial Statements and consider the implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the Financial Statements. The other information comprises the Regulatory Financial Overview on page 7, the Access Markets Review on pages 32 to 37, the Review of Other Wholesale Markets on pages 58 to 64, the Price Control Statements on pages 119 to 121, the Openreach Notes on page 91 and the Glossary and Additional Information on pages 123 to 127. o Wholesale local access on page 55; Basis of audit opinion o Traditional interface symmetric broadband origination (above 45mbit/s up to and inc. 155Mbit/s) on page 49; o Wholesale trunk segments on page 72; o Wholesale broadband access on page 76; and • the Openreach Information on pages 85 to 90. are fairly presented in accordance with the Primary Accounting Documents and comply with the requirements of the Final Statements and Notifications and the Undertakings. In respect of the Market Financial Statements as a whole, each of the Market Group Statements and each of the FPIA Markets, we also report whether, in forming that opinion, having reviewed the Primary and Secondary Accounting Documents, the Secondary Accounting Documents are appropriate to implement the principles contained in the Primary Accounting Documents. 10. We also report our opinion as to whether each of the Market Summary Statements for the selected markets listed below (the "PPIA Markets ") o Call origination on fixed public narrowband networks on page 65; o Local-tandem conveyance & transit on fixed public narrowband networks on page 67; o Single transit on fixed public narrowband networks on page 68; o Technical areas (interconnect circuits) on page 69; and o Fixed call termination on page 71. are properly prepared in accordance with the relevant procedures, defined in the Primary and Secondary Accounting Documents, and comply with the requirements of the Final Statements and Notifications. We also report whether, in forming that opinion, having reviewed the Primary and Secondary Accounting Documents, anything has come to our attention that would lead us to conclude that the principles and procedures contained in the Primary and Secondary Accounting Documents have not been properly applied in the preparation of the PPIA Markets. 13 14. As explained in "Basis of preparation" on pages 16 to 20, the Company has, by agreement with BT Group plc, its ultimate parent company, prepared the Financial Statements by disaggregating balances recorded in the general ledgers and other accounting records of BT Group plc and its subsidiaries ("the Group") maintained in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 and used, in accordance with that Act, for the preparation of the Company's statutory consolidated financial statements for the years ended 31 March 2010 and 31 March 2009 ("the Statutory Financial Statements"). 15. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP audited the Statutory Financial Statements on which they expressed unqualified audit opinions. In conducting our subsequent examination of the Financial Statements, and in providing the opinions in paragraph 19 below, we have not performed any additional tests of the transactions and balances which are recorded in the general ledgers and other accounting records beyond those already performed for the purpose of the audits of the Statutory Financial Statements. 16. Having regard to the above: (i) we conducted our examination of the Financial Statements in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) issued by the Auditing Practices Board. Our work included examination on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the Financial Statements. In respect of the Market Financial Statements as a whole, each of the Market Group Statements, each of the FPIA Markets and the Openreach Information it also included an assessment of the significant estimates and judgements made by the Company in their preparation; (ii) we planned and performed our examination of the Financial Statements so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the Market Financial Statements as a whole, each of the Market Group Statements, each of the FPIA Markets and the Openreach Section 3 - Audit Report Information are fairly presented in accordance with the relevant Primary Accounting Documents and, on that basis, are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the Financial Statements; [c] each of the FPIA Markets for the year ended 31 March 2010, fairly presents in accordance with the Primary Accounting Documents dated 28 July 2010 the results, mean capital employed and costs incurred by each of the markets and complies with the requirements of the Final Statements and Notifications; (iii) we planned and performed our examination of the PPIA Markets so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that each of the PPIA Markets are properly prepared in accordance with the procedures, defined in the relevant Primary and Secondary Accounting Documents. However, as explained in the introduction to the Primary Accounting Documents, the Primary Accounting Documents contain only the high level principles of attribution. The Secondary Accounting Documents contain only the procedures describing how these high level principles are applied. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the PPIA Market Statements. [d] except in respect of the Single transit on fixed public narrowband networks market as described in paragraph 18 above, each of the PPIA Markets for the year ended 31 March 2010 have been properly prepared in accordance with the procedures, if any, defined in the Primary and Secondary Accounting Documents all dated 28 July 2010 and complies with the requirements of the Final Statements and Notifications; 17. In forming our opinions on the Market Financial Statements as a whole, each of the Market Group Statements and each of the FPIA Markets we also reviewed the Company's Secondary Accounting Documents which describe how the principles contained in the Primary Accounting Documents are implemented. Our review consisted of reading the Secondary Accounting Documents and considering whether each of the significant attribution and valuation methodologies described in these documents are consistent with the principles described on pages 18 to 19 of the Primary Accounting Documents. 18. Consistent with the basis of preparation of the Statutory Financial Statements, the Market Financial Statements are presented in figures rounded to the nearest whole million pounds. Where the total costs, revenues, assets or liabilities of a market are very small relative to the overall size of the Group we are unable to form an opinion as to whether those Market Statements are properly prepared in accordance with the principles set out on pages 1 to 3 of the Primary Accounting Documents. As agreed with the Company and Ofcom, the Market Summary Statement for Single transit on fixed public narrowband networks on page 68 is unaudited and we do not express an opinion on this market. Opinion 19. In our opinion: [a] the Market Financial Statements as a whole for the year ended 31 March 2010, which have been prepared in accordance with the Primary Accounting Documents dated 28 July 2010, fairly present in accordance with the Primary Accounting Documents dated 28 July 2010 the results, mean capital employed and costs incurred by the Company and comply with the requirements of the Final Statements and Notifications; [b] each of the Market Group Statements for the year ended 31 March 2010, fairly presents in accordance with the Primary Accounting Documents dated 28 July 2010 the results, mean capital employed and costs incurred by the Company and complies with the requirements of the Final Statements and Notifications; 14 [e] the Re-presented Market Financial Statements as a whole for the year ended 31 March 2009 are fairly presented in accordance with the Primary Accounting Documents dated 13 August 2009, and comply with the requirements of the Final Statements and Notifications as amended, where applicable, in accordance with "Comparability of current and prior year results" on page 17; [f] the Openreach Information for the year ended 31 March 2010, which has been prepared in accordance with the Primary Accounting Documents dated 28 July 2010, fairly presents in accordance with the Primary Accounting Documents dated 28 July 2010 the results, mean capital employed and costs incurred by the Company and complies with the requirements of the Undertakings and the Final Statement and Notifications; and [g] In the context of (a) and (b) and (c) above, the Secondary Accounting Documents all dated 28 July 2010 are appropriate to implement the principles contained in the Primary Accounting Documents dated 28 July 2010. Other matter – Ofcom Statement on BT's Current Cost Financial Statements 2010 20. Our opinions on the Financial Statements are based on the available information up to the date of our report. In Section 4.1 of the Financial Statements BT describes the basis of valuation of duct and its associated structures and how the CCA adjustments arising from this valuation are treated in the Financial Statements. We are aware that, as described in their "Statement on BT's Current Cost Financial Statements 2010", Ofcom are planning to undertake an assessment of the methodology and calculations adopted by BT in the valuation of duct and copper access network assets which will feed into their next consultation on the charges for Wholesale Line rental and Unbundled Local Loop services. This assessment and consultation may potentially give rise to changes in methodologies used for preparing the Regulatory Financial Statements in the future. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors London, 28 July 2010 Section 4 - Basis of Preparation Section 4 - Basis of Preparation Section 4 Basis of Preparation 15 Section 4 - Basis of Preparation Section 4.1 4.1 –- Introduction Section Introduction to to the the Basis Basis of of Preparation Preparation Insofar as there is any inconsistency between any or all of the Primary Accounting Documents, the Primary Accounting Documents shall have the order of priority as listed above. The ultimate holding company of the BT Group is BT Group plc (referred to together with its subsidiary and associated undertakings and joint ventures as the “Group” or “BT”). Substantially all the businesses and activities of the Group are carried out by British Telecommunications plc (the “Company”), its subsidiaries, associated undertakings and joint ventures. The economic Markets defined by Ofcom’s Final Statements and Notifications do not correspond to the way in which the Group is organised for management and accounting purposes. The Current Cost Financial Statements are therefore produced by overlaying the requirements of the regulatory reporting framework on the management and accounting structure of the Group. BT’s Current Cost Financial Statements are not statutory accounts within the meaning of the Companies Act 1985. The Company has, by agreement with BT Group plc, prepared the Current Cost Financial Statements in accordance with the Accounting Documents, by disaggregating balances recorded in the general ledgers and other accounting records of the Group. As far as possible, revenues, costs, assets and liabilities are directly associated with a product group or component using information held within the Group’s accounting records and are directly attributed to that item. Where no such direct association is possible, the remaining revenues, costs, assets and liabilities are apportioned between two or more markets, services or components using a fully allocated accounting system and employing apportionment bases that reflect as far as possible the causality of the revenue, cost, asset or liability. The basis of preparation and accounting policies adopted by the Group is detailed in BT Group’s Annual Report dated 12 May 2010. BT’s Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2010 on which the auditors made an unqualified report, did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006 and has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Accounting Documents means together the Primary Accounting Documents, the Secondary Accounting Documents and the Wholesale Catalogue. The Primary Accounting Documents set out the framework under which the Statements are to be prepared. The Secondary Accounting Documents (namely the Detailed Attribution methods (DAM), the Detailed Valuation Methodology (DVM) and the Long Run Incremental Costs: Relationships and Parameters (R&P) set out more detailed descriptions of the policies, methodologies, systems, processes and procedures for deriving and calculating the costs, revenues, assets and liabilities underlying the Current Cost Financial Statements. The Primary Accounting Documents set out the: 1. Regulatory Accounting Principles - which means the principles applied or used by BT in the preparation of the Current Cost Financial Statements, for example, that all costs should be fully allocated. 2. Attribution Methods - which means a high level summary of the practices used by BT to attribute revenue (including appropriate Transfer Charges), costs (including appropriate Transfer Charges) assets and liabilities to activities or, insofar as those activities have been aggregated to wholesale segments in a given Market or Technical Area (as applicable), to each wholesale segment. 3. Transfer Charge System Methodology - which means the methodology of the system employed by BT that enables an activity to use a service from another activity and to account for it as though it had purchased that service from an unrelated party (including accounting for it at an appropriate amount). 4. Accounting Policies - which means the manner in which the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 and Article 4 of the IAS Regulation and BT’s accounting policies whenever not superseded by the Regulatory Accounting Principles, are applied by BT in each of the Current Cost Financial Statements. This document details the accounting policies adopted in preparing the underlying financial information. 5. Long Run Incremental Cost (“LRIC”) Methodology - means the long run incremental cost principles, procedures and processes which form the framework under which long run incremental costs are determined by BT. This document sets out the principles followed to derive the long run incremental network costs. 16 The amounts of revenue, cost and capital employed attributed to markets, services and components depend critically on the methods of attribution adopted. Typically, in a fully allocated accounting system, a range of attribution methods is available. In selecting appropriate attribution methods and appropriate non-financial data for use within the attribution models employed in the production of these Current Cost Financial Statements, BT has had to make certain estimates and exercise its judgement, having regard to the regulatory accounting principles, including cost causality and objectivity, in order to comply with the requirements of the Primary Accounting Documents. BT seeks to review and update non-financial data used within the attribution models at least annually. Certain non-financial data employed for the purposes of the Current Cost Financial Statements has been determined by sampling techniques appropriate to that data. BT reviews and updates attribution methods and non-financial data sources on an ongoing basis and, where deemed appropriate, will make improvements. Depending on the nature of the change, this may require Ofcom’s prior consent. The Final Statements and Notifications continue to require significant granularity in the Current Cost Financial Statements. When preparing financial statements at a very granular level it is not always possible to develop a directly cost causal and objective method of cost apportionment and these Financial Statements have been prepared on the basis of the methodologies BT considers to be the most appropriate. However, in respect of the very small wholesale services within certain of the wholesale markets, BT is aware that, in following the generic methodologies for attribution of common costs set out in the Detailed Attribution Methods, anomalies may exist in the year on year cost trends in certain services. However, costing methodologies and non-financial data sources will be subject to ongoing review, and where deemed appropriate, improvements made. BT’s costing systems used in the preparation of the Current Cost Financial Statements to attribute revenues, costs, assets and liabilities to SMP Markets take as their starting point the general ledgers of the Group which are maintained to the nearest penny. This level of granularity is maintained throughout the costing process. However, to be consistent with the presentation of the results of the Group in the Statutory Financial Statements, the results for each SMP Market are presented in figures rounded to the nearest whole million pounds. Due to the level of granularity of reporting (such as the disaggregation of costs by sector within each profit and loss account) and in order to present the most appropriate view of individual sector costs and the appropriate return for each market it has been necessary to introduce separate “rounding” figures in the profit and loss accounts. The same principle has been adopted in all statements in order to achieve internal consistency. Section 4 - Basis of Preparation Charges from Wholesale Markets to Retail Residual CCA adjustments The Mean Capital Employed statements for the Wholesale Markets include balances relating to the charges from the Wholesale Markets to Retail Residual. Retail Residual is deemed to settle these charges in the same 43-day period as other operators, as agreed with Ofcom. (a) The Current Cost Financial Statements for the Group are prepared under the Financial Capital Maintenance convention in accordance with the principles set out in the handbook “Accounting for the effects of changing prices”, published in 1986 by the Accounting Standards Committee. The Network Statements of Costs on a current cost basis show component unit costs on a 24-hour basis. However, charges to Retail Residual and other Communications Providers (CPs) for call conveyance services vary by the time period, e.g. day or evening, during which the service was purchased. The charges for other Wholesale Services to Retail Residual and other CPs do not require adjustment for the time of day at which they are purchased. Set out below is a summary of the treatment of the CCA adjustments within the Current Cost Financial Statements: Comparability of current and prior year results There have been a number of changes in the year that impact on the comparability of the current and prior year results. These are due to: (a) Changes to BT’s financial reporting obligations as set out in the Final Statements and Notifications and listed below and explained in Section 4.2: • • • • • • • The Fixed Narrowband Retail Services Market Review Statement; Review of the Fixed Narrowband Services Wholesale Markets Statement; Full Implementation of the Business Connectivity Market Review (BCMR) Statement; Improvements to Leased Line Reporting; Improvements to Openreach Reporting; Improved disclosure of AISBO services; Changes to the attribution of Twenty-First Century Network (21CN) costs following a change in network roll-out strategy; and • Other minor changes to the presentation of the Current Cost Financial Statements. (b) Changes to the presentation of the CCA revaluation adjustment in respect of duct as explained below. • Changes in fixed asset values are referred to as holding gains or losses arising during the year and are attributed between all SMP Markets, Technical Areas, Components and Wholesale Services on the same basis as the associated assets. The one-off exception to this for 2010 is the treatment of the holding gain arising on duct described in the CCA Revaluation Adjustment section below, which is attributed between SMP Markets and Technical Areas, but is excluded from Components and Wholesale Services (see below). • A supplementary depreciation adjustment on fixed assets arising from differences between historic cost account (HCA) and current cost account (CCA) valuations is also attributed between the various Markets, Technical Areas, Components and Wholesale Services. • Other CCA adjustments (e.g. once-off changes in valuations due to a revised methodology) are included in the current cost valuations and are also attributed between all Markets, Technical Areas, Components and Wholesale Services on the same basis as the associated assets. The exception to this is the treatment of the other CCA adjustments arising on duct, which is attributed between SMP Markets and Technical Areas, but is excluded from Components and Wholesale Services. • The inflation adjustment to ordinary shareholders’ funds is not relevant to the SMP Markets, Technical Areas and Wholesale Services for which Current Cost Financial Statements are prepared. In addition, no CCA adjustment has been made to the valuation of goodwill as this is also not relevant to the SMP Markets, Technical Areas and Wholesale Services. (b) The CCA valuation of assets is affected by external factors such as changes in market prices and changes to BT’s CCA policies and practices. For the year ended 31 March 2010, this resulted in a net decrease in the operating costs in SMP Markets and Technical Areas in these Financial Statements of about £2,400m, which is mainly attributed to: • The valuation of the duct assets has increased due to a change in the unit cost assumed for building duct as part of a programme to build the network. • The valuation of the copper access network assets has been increased significantly by the rise during the year of the price of copper, which is a key element of the cost of copper cable. (c) Improvements to the presentation of the Technical Areas (Interconnect Circuits) market. (d) The prior year BT Reconciliation Statement 2009 (Annex 19) has been restated to reflect the changes in BT’s Annual Report for Share Based Payments. (e) The prior year comparatives have been re-presented to reflect the following: • The removal of reporting obligations for certain SMP markets as explained in Section 4.2; and • The removal of reporting obligations for Retail Markets as explained in Section 4.2. There were no other restatements or re-presentations. The presentation of the CCA revaluation adjustment has been described below. All other changes which impact the comparability of the current and prior year results in these Current Cost Financial Statements have been described in Section 4.2. 17 CCA Revaluation Adjustment In the Regulatory Financial Statements, BT revalues its assets under the Financial Capital Maintenance (FCM) concept of Current Cost Accounting. The approach to the valuation is set out in detail in the Detailed Valuation Methodologies. For assets valued on an absolute valuation basis the volumes of assets in use are multiplied by the current replacement cost. In the case of duct and its associated structures (manholes, joint boxes and cabinets) the current replacement cost is based on the current contractual price which BT pays for the construction of these assets. The contractual price is reduced by the application of a discount factor to Section 4 - Basis of Preparation reflect the efficiencies, including economies of scale, revisions in working practices and the effects of competitive tendering. These efficiencies could be achieved if the duct network were being replaced as a whole over a reasonable period of time in order to reflect the scenario which would apply to a new market entrant. As disclosed in the Detailed Valuation Methodology dated 13 August 2009, in 2008/09 and prior years the degree of discount applied was 45%. The size of the discount is necessarily a matter of judgement and was supported by the views of a number of senior managers within BT based on indirect evidence from tenders for work in related areas. During 2009/10 BT moved to a single national supplier for civil engineering. The civil engineering supplier provides services to BT in a way that supports analysis of the effects of increasing the size of the contract. This new data has facilitated a more detailed assessment of the benefits which would be available to BT from a planned, geographically focused, national construction process compared to the current pattern of smaller, more scattered jobs. This analysis demonstrated that the reduction in contract prices which could be achieved is limited to 14.5% against the new civil engineering services contract prices. Part of the difference between this and the discount factor applied in 2008/09 is accounted for by the reduction in prices negotiated during the tender for the new contract. The application of this revised management estimate to the valuation of assets at 31 March 2010 results in a holding gain, net of backlog depreciation, on BT’s duct assets of £1,880m. The FCM approach to current cost accounting requires that the holding gain is included in the profit and loss account with the result that CCA costs are reduced in the year the gain occurs and returns correspondingly increase. Whilst this large holding gain has been recognised in 2009/10 it does not represent a genuine periodic change in the valuation of the duct assets. BT believes that it results in an artificial upwards distortion of returns in the year. In accordance with the FCM concept these CCA adjustments are included in the Consolidated Performance Summary, the Market Summary for each SMP market and the reconciliation statements. These adjustments are shown in the last two columns and include the words “excl. reval. adj.” e.g. Section 7.1 – Financial Performance in Access Markets (Annex 7) where the last two columns read “Return excl. reval. adj. (h)” and “ROCE excl. reval. adj. (h)”. However, BT has agreed with Ofcom that: • alternative information will also be supplied – the Consolidated Performance Summary, Attribution of Wholesale Current Costs and the Market Summary for each SMP market also show a calculation of the return excluding the duct holding gain and related backlog depreciation to provide a more meaningful view of the underlying rate of return. • all service and component unit cost information shown in the notes to each Market Summary and Appendices 1.1 to 1.3 for 2010 exclude this holding gain and related backlog depreciation. Regulatory Valuation of Copper-Based Local Access Network Assets In August 2005, Ofcom introduced an alternative methodology for determining its view of the current cost regulatory asset value of the copper-based local access network. This methodology, which results in a lower valuation, is used only by Ofcom for regulatory purposes and is not reflected in the methodologies employed by BT in producing the Current Cost Financial Statements or required within the asset values of BT Group’s Annual Report. 18 However, as agreed with Ofcom, the Current Cost Financial Statements for 2010 have not implemented the Ofcom methodologies and therefore have not adjusted the value of copper assets to Ofcom’s assessed Regulatory Asset Valuation. Section 4 - Basis of Preparation Section 4.2 4.2 –- Other the Basis of Preparation (Annex Section Other Aspects Aspects to of Basis of Preparation (Annex 22) 22) 1. Key changes as a result of certain regulatory decisions The notes below refer to key changes as a result of Ofcom’s statement “Changes to BT and KCOM’s regulatory and financial reporting 2009/10 update” issued 4 June 2010 that impact the Current Cost Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2010. (a) Fixed Narrowband Retail Services Market Review Statement In September 2009, Ofcom published its Fixed Narrowband Retail Services Market Review statement. The review concluded that BT no longer has Significant Market Power (SMP) in the supply of retail fixed narrowband analogue access and retail calls markets in either the residential or business sectors. As a result, BT’s financial reporting obligations in these markets were revoked and BT is no longer required to report the financial results of any retail market. The Retail Residual results for the prior year have been re-presented in the BT Reconciliation Statements to reflect these changes in 2010. (b) Review of the Fixed Narrowband Services Wholesale Markets Statement In September 2009, Ofcom published its Review of the Fixed Narrowband Services Wholesale Markets statement. The review introduced three main reporting changes in the Regulatory Financial Statements: • The wholesale residential and business analogue exchange line markets will be defined as one wholesale analogue exchange line market. • The wholesale residential and business ISDN2 exchange lines will be defined as one wholesale ISDN2 market. • BT will no longer be required to report on the local tandem conveyance and transit market in the Regulatory Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2011. The corresponding results for the prior year in the wholesale analogue and ISDN2 exchange line markets have been re-presented in 2010. (c) Full Implementation of the Business Connectivity Market Review (BCMR) Statement In December 2008, Ofcom published its BCMR statement removing regulation on markets for low and high bandwidth TI terminating segments in the Central and East London Area (CELA). However, due to the timing of the BCMR statement and the complexities involved in geographic reporting, the results relating to the CELA continued to be reported within the relevant SMP markets in 2009. These changes have now been fully implemented in the 2010 Current Cost Financial Statements. • Removed the estimated costs of other single payments, resilience and third party equipment and infrastructure charges (“support costs”) from the costs of unrelated services in the TISBO, AISBO and Wholesale Trunk Segments markets. • Separately reported the trunk and distribution sub 2Mbit/s revenues in the TISBO (up to and including 8Mbit/s) market. • Separately reported enhanced maintenance revenues and costs in the Wholesale Trunk Segments market. Following Ofcom’s Leased Lines Charge Control Statement, published in July 2009, BT is reporting five “Points of Handover” services in the Technical Areas (Point of Handover) market. The prior year has not been restated. (e) Improvements to Openreach Reporting BT has reviewed the allocation of costs between Openreach regulated and non regulated services in the Current Cost Financial Statements for 2010. BT has identified the following cost categories as being wholly allocated to non regulated services: • Time Related Charges (TRC) are used to price work that is outside the normal scope of Openreach Services. This includes work carried out on new Housing Estates where an agreement is made with the Builders/Councils/Housing Associations to install dropwire while the building work is in progress as opposed to waiting for the first occupier to order a line. It also includes any repair work that is out of Openreach area of responsibility e.g. a fault that is caused by something beyond the Network Terminating Equipment. In 2009/10 BT was able to identify costs that were specifically associated with this work and point the costs to the TRC service that is included in Other Openreach Markets & Activities (with no SMP reporting obligations). • Special Fault Investigations relates to faults on LLU lines that are reported at the request of a Communications Provider and where no fault is discovered on the Openreach Network. Openreach offers this service to locate where the fault has occurred and charges the CP. The costs associated with this work are booked to the normal repair account codes and could not be separately identified in 2008/09. In 2009/10 a man hour analysis has been used to work out what proportion of repair costs is proper to the SFI service and the appropriate costs have been moved to reflect this. • Openreach have identified volumes of fibre circuits plus CCTV specific costs and pointed them to the Redcare service that is in the Other Openreach Markets & Activities (with no SMP reporting obligations). The prior year has not been restated for any of the above. (f) Improved disclosure of AISBO services In the BCMR statement, Ofcom also set out its view over the reporting for Netstream. Although it was not possible to reflect the changes to Netstream reporting in 2009 these changes have been implemented in the Current Cost Financial Statements for 2010. In the Current Cost Financial Statements for 2010, BT will be reporting on Wholesale Extension (WES) 2, Ethernet Backhaul Direct (EBD) and Ethernet Access Direct (EAD) services in the AISBO Market. As a result, some AISBO services will have revenues and costs significantly below the £10m guidance threshold for reporting. The prior year has not been restated. (d) Improvements to Leased Line Reporting (g) Other minor changes to the presentation of the Current Cost Financial Statements To improve the transparency of the 2010 Current Cost Financial Statements, BT has: The presentation of the Financial Statements has been simplified by two changes: • Deletion of Return on Turnover information. 19 Section 4 - Basis of Preparation • The column for “Internal sales – services only provided internally” has been combined with the column for “Internal sales – services also provided externally” to provide one “Internal sales” column. (h) Presentation of Technical Areas (Interconnect Circuits) market In addition to the above changes, detailed in the “Changes to BT and KCOM’s regulatory and financial reporting 2009/10 update” issued 4 June 2010, it was agreed with Ofcom to improve the presentation of the Technical Areas (Interconnect Circuits) market to better reflect the services sold to Communications Providers. The prior year has not been restated. 2. Twenty-First Century Network (21CN) BT has now completed the new 21CN core network which is a unified software driven platform. It helps in meeting our customers’ needs faster and more efficiently whether they are delivered over copper or fibre. It also reduces the time it takes to get new services to market, eliminating duplication and reducing costs. To date, BT has enabled ADSL2+ broadband services for over 10 million UK homes and businesses and has so far migrated or provided new broadband services to over 1.25 million end users as at the end of March 2010 on the new service. It is also providing new Ethernet services to fixed and mobile operators and business customers across the widest Ethernet footprint in the UK market. BT announced on 21 April 2010 that it has decided to halt further voice lines migrations to the 21CN voice platform. This has been reflected in the cost methodologies for this year’s Current Cost Financial Statements. The 21CN voice platform and the end users connected to it will be fully maintained. In 2008, BT introduced components to capture 21CN related costs in the Current Cost Financial Statements. This is aimed at providing transparency to the costs and where they are being attributed to ensure an effective reporting regime as the new network comes into use. BT has developed parallel legacy and 21CN costing methodologies such that the 21CN costs are exhausted to legacy services based on the relative usage of legacy assets. The change in migrating further voice lines announced by BT on 21 April 2010 means that there is a corresponding alteration in the allocation of costs to voice for the relevant 21CN assets compared to prior years. As 21CN evolves it is likely that changes to the design and architecture and usage of the network will necessitate updates to the cost allocations in order to properly reflect these and any future changes. 20 Section 5 - Summary of Financial Performance Section 5 - Summary of Financial Performance Section 5 Summary of Financial Performance 21 Section 5 - Summary of Financial Performance Section 5.1 - Consolidated Performance Summary (Annex 3) For the year ended 31 March 2010 Markets Access Markets Other Wholesale Markets Residual Activities Wholesale residual activities Retail residual activities Adjustments Total Markets & Activities Re-presented for the year ended 31 March 2009 Markets Access Markets Other Wholesale Markets Residual Activities Wholesale residual activities Retail residual activities Adjustments Total Markets & Activities Turnover £m CCA operating costs £m CCA return before taxation £m MCE £m Return on MCE % CCA return before taxation excl. reval. adj. (h) £m Return on MCE excl. reval. adj. (h) % 4,618 1,671 6,289 1,193 1,110 2,303 3,425 561 3,986 12,080 2,560 14,640 28.4 % 21.9 % 27.2 % 1,812 376 2,188 15.0 % 14.7 % 14.9 % 2,799 17,291 20,090 2,572 17,217 19,789 227 74 301 1,135 3,416 4,551 20.0 % 2.2 % 6.6 % 146 74 220 12.8 % 2.2 % 4.8 % 0 0 0 0 26,379 22,092 4,287 19,191 Turnover £m CCA operating costs £m CCA return before taxation £m 923 648 1,571 12.5 % 11,121 2,705 13,826 8.3 % 24.0 % 11.4 % Section 7 Section 8 736 2,585 3,321 42.0 % (30.2)% (14.2)% 3,255 17,706 20,961 2,946 18,486 21,432 4 3 1 0 27,533 26,432 1,101 17,147 22 2,408 n/a Supporting information 3,773 1,224 4,997 (h) See Section 4 - Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 22.3 % 0 Section 7 Section 8 Return on MCE % MCE £m 4,696 1,872 6,568 309 (780) (471) n/a Supporting information n/a 6.4 % Section 6 - Attribution of Wholesale Current Cost and Mean Capital Employed Section 6 - Attribution of Wholesale Current Cost and Mean Capital Employed Section 6 Attribution of Wholesale Current Cost and Mean Capital Employed 23 Section 6 - Attribution of Wholesale Current Cost and Mean Capital Employed 326 16 24 114 - 5 2 - 2 47 62 470 13 3 - 6 75 66 636 37 5 1 11 5 4 9 6 Total Markets General Management 3 5 Wholesale Residual 64 16 305 20 Total Other Wholesale & SMP Markets 18 306 31 8 1 Sub-total Other Wholesale & SMP Geographic Markets 11 65 2 Wholesale broadband access market 3 (4 or more principle operators) and non geographic 259 £m Wholesale broadband access market 2 2 to 3 principal operators General Support £m Wholesale broadband access market 1 BT only operator 2 £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m 17 15 81 113 149 112 567 n/a n/a 22 22 37 18 360 - n/a 92 92 126 74 670 79 - - 119 119 198 194 1,028 Sub-total Other Wholesale & SMP National Markets 2 27 £m Technical areas (Point of Handover) 44 7 £m £m Wholesale trunk segments 9 6 £m £m Fixed call termination 6 211 Technical areas (Interconnect Circuits) 170 Network Support Single transit on fixed public narrowband networks Provision/Maintenance Local-tandem conveyance and transit on fixed public narrowband networks £m Call origination on fixed public narrowband networks TISBO (above 8Mbit/s up to and including 45Mbit/s) £m Total Access Markets TISBO (up to and including 8Mbit/s) £m Wholesale local access Wholesale business ISDN30 exchange line services £m AISBO (up to and including 1Gbit/s) Wholesale ISDN2 exchange line services £m TISBO (above 45Mbit/s up to and including 155Mbit/s) Wholesale analogue exchange line services Section 6.1 - Attribution of Wholesale Current Costs 2010 (Annex 5A) £m £m £m £m 9 2 1 36 4 2 - 15 8 3 1 34 15 8 2 Operating Costs of Wholesale Services: Finance and Billing Accommodation Bad Debts Other Costs Depreciation - Land & Buildings - Access - Switch and Transmission - Other related Sub Total Depreciation Sub total HCA Operating Costs CCA Adjustments: Holding (gain)/loss 16 1 1 9 1 - 3 3 34 3 - - 1 1 1 - 6 n/a n/a 6 6 12 7 53 192 14 21 90 6 6 21 43 393 46 16 1 8 45 8 1 125 33 13 67 113 238 80 711 2 - - - - - - - 2 (1) - - - - - - (1) n/a n/a - 0 (1) - 1 (48) (1) 0 2 - - 2 (3) (48) 1 - - - 1 - - 2 n/a n/a 4 4 6 1,872 1,830 18 2 2 10 1 1 1 13 48 7 2 - 1 7 1 - 18 - - 22 22 40 10 98 465 15 14 47 5 2 53 50 651 2 1 n/a 1 3 3 1 11 33 9 31 73 84 17 752 72 6 27 100 15 17 49 6 292 33 10 1 8 34 23 4 113 9 2 71 82 195 124 611 115 7 9 41 5 6 42 28 253 16 3 1 4 12 4 2 42 - - 159 159 201 159 613 670 30 52 198 26 26 145 97 1,244 58 16 2 14 56 31 7 184 42 11 283 336 520 310 1,798 83 132 548 51 45 321 364 3,342 178 45 4 47 139 55 12 480 92 39 674 805 1,285 2,667 7,294 (2,357) (65) (40) (218) (20) (16) (217) (236) (3,169) (52) (32) - (10) (55) (63) (2) (214) n/a n/a (65) (65) (279) (143) (3,591) (8) (2) (3) 6 23 205 (3) - - (1) (4) (3) (1) (12) n/a n/a (2) (2) (14) 1 192 89 9 8 95 48 815 27 13 - 4 28 26 1 99 - - 19 19 118 47 980 Supplementary Depreciation 185 4 - Other Adjustments 532 16 18 Roundings Total CCA Operating Costs 2,074 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 158 38 110 411 38 34 205 199 1,193 150 26 4 40 108 15 10 353 92 39 626 757 1,110 2,572 4,875 (552) (14) (4) (8) 0 1 (10) (64) (651) 4 1 0 1 5 2 0 (655) 186 5 0 (8) (2) (3) 5 23 206 (3) 0 0 (1) (4) (3) (1) (117) (2) 5 14 1 1 21 (14) (91) 6 1 0 1 7 2 0 CCA Adjustments excl. reval. adj. (h): Holding (gain)/loss Supplementary Depreciation Other Adjustments Roundings CCA Operating Costs excl. reval. adj. 13 0 0 (2) (2) 11 (15) (12) 0 0 (2) (2) (14) 1 193 17 0 0 (4) (4) 13 0 (78) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,315 72 133 546 50 44 337 309 2,806 185 47 4 48 147 56 11 498 92 39 666 797 1,295 2,653 6,754 (h) See Section 4 - Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 24 Section 6 - Attribution of Wholesale Current Cost and Mean Capital Employed Section 6.1.1 - Notes on Wholesale P&L sector costs Section 6.1.1 - Notes on Wholesale P&L sector costs Other Costs The notes below are intended to provide a brief description of the sectors reported in the Attribution of Wholesale Current Cost statement and the key drivers of these sectors to aid the user of the Current Cost Financial Statements 2010. Further details of these sectors can be found in the Detailed Attributions Methods (DAM) which outlines in detail the key bases, descriptions and drivers of the network components. Other Costs are dominated by payments to other UK communications providers, but also include payments to overseas administrations and internal product transfer charge costs. The key drivers include the pence per minute charging of the other operators for BT traffic on their network. Provision/Maintenance Depreciation is analysed between land and buildings, access, switch and transmission and other (including network power, computers and software). The key drivers are the surveys of BT’s asset base that allocate the depreciation charge through classes of work on the basis of surveys and engineering models and direct mapping of BT classes of work (COW) to network components and then onto the appropriate service based on usage factors and actual service volumes. Provision/Maintenance includes costs of network provision, installation and maintenance. The most material cost relates to D side copper which is allocated on the basis of the number of lines. Network Support Network Support contains costs of activities necessary to support the running of BT’s network (plant support costs such as group property). The key drivers for the apportionment of network support costs include pay, the relative floor space occupied by fixed assets and the current cost replacement value of assets. General Support Wholesale General Support includes planning, development, supplies, transport, computing, customer service, personnel & administration, customer support and other general support costs. The key drivers for the apportionment of general support include pay costs and various activity surveys. General Management General Management includes operator services, costs of general management activities and other general expenses. The key drivers for the apportionment of general management include analysis of call minutes (for operator services), various activity surveys and pay costs. Finance and Billing Finance and Billing includes costs associated with activities of a financial nature, such as budget building, management reporting, and billing and collection costs. The key drivers for the apportionment of finance and billing include various activity surveys and pay costs. Accommodation The wholesale accommodation sector includes exchange and office building costs. Wholesale accommodation costs are mainly apportioned based on the usage of floor space and different utilities. Bad Debts Bad debts include costs associated with writing off amounts that cannot be collected from customers. The key driver is revenue. 25 Depreciation Section 6 - Attribution of Wholesale Current Cost and Mean Capital Employed Local-tandem conveyance and transit on fixed public narrowband networks Single transit on fixed public narrowband networks Technical areas (Interconnect Circuits) Fixed call termination Wholesale trunk segments Technical areas (Point of Handover) Sub-total Other Wholesale & National Markets Wholesale Broadband Access Market 1 BT only operator Wholesale Broadband Access Market 2 2 to 3 principal operators Wholesale Broadband Access Market 3 (4 or more principal operators) and non geographic Sub-total Other Wholesale & Geographic Markets Total Other Wholesale Markets Wholesale Residual Total Markets £m £m £m £m £m £m £m 16 5 1 6 16 5 - 49 22 14 56 92 141 126 650 10 5 - 2 9 1 - 27 - - 20 20 47 25 415 31 5 2 8 22 6 - 74 - - 92 92 166 111 877 514 44 5 1 9 19 8 - 86 - - 89 89 175 149 838 39 3 - - - 1 1 - 5 n/a n/a 6 6 11 6 56 347 48 17 1 8 48 9 - 131 29 11 61 101 232 62 641 Total Access Markets £m Wholesale local access £m AISBO (up to and including 1Gbit/s) £m TISBO (above 45Mbit/s up to and including 155Mbit/s) £m TISBO (above 8Mbit/s up to and including 45Mbit/s) £m TISBO (up to and including 8Mbit/s) £m Wholesale business ISDN30 exchange line services £m Wholesale ISDN2 exchange line services £m Wholesale analogue exchange line services Re-presented for the year ended 31 March 2009 Call origination on fixed public narrowband networks Section 6.2 - Attribution of Wholesale Current Costs 2009 (Annex 5A)(Re-presented) £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m Provision/Maintenance 231 10 9 43 4 4 4 78 383 Network Support 230 7 9 37 3 3 24 30 343 General Support 339 12 21 90 11 10 34 83 600 General Management 284 11 19 99 11 11 31 48 19 1 1 11 1 1 1 4 173 12 19 81 6 7 9 40 Operating Costs of Wholesale Services: Finance and Billing Accommodation Bad Debts Other Costs Depreciation - Land & Buildings - Access - Switch and Transmission - Other related Sub Total Depreciation Sub Total HCA Operating Costs 0 - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - 0 n/a n/a - 0 0 - 0 (6) - - - - - - (2) (8) 3 - - - 1 - - 4 n/a n/a 2 2 6 2,245 2,243 14 1 1 9 - - - 11 36 6 1 - - 7 1 - 15 - - 21 21 36 10 82 452 18 16 47 5 1 46 31 616 3 1 n/a 1 3 3 n/a 11 28 10 39 77 88 12 716 66 7 25 106 22 20 38 7 291 40 13 2 13 39 35 2 144 18 5 56 79 223 71 585 102 5 10 52 5 5 10 21 210 20 6 1 8 19 6 - 60 - - 93 93 153 144 507 634 31 52 214 32 26 94 70 1,153 69 21 3 22 68 45 2 230 46 15 209 270 500 237 1,890 1,904 84 130 575 68 62 197 351 3,371 224 58 8 55 184 75 2 606 97 40 535 672 1,278 2,961 7,610 102 CCA Adjustments: Holding (gain)/loss 136 3 (3) (13) (2) (1) (13) 18 125 (6) (3) - - (5) (5) - (19) - n/a (4) (4) (23) - Supplementary Depreciation 144 3 - (13) (4) (3) 2 16 145 (4) (1) - (2) (5) (7) - (19) - - (30) (30) (49) (3) 93 Other Adjustments 139 4 (3) (10) (1) - (17) 15 127 3 (1) - - 3 (3) - 2 n/a n/a 1 3 (10) 120 Roundings Total CCA Operating Costs 1 0 - - 1 4 - - - 5 1 1 - 6 - 4 1 13 - - 2 2 15 (2) 18 2,323 94 124 540 65 58 169 400 3,773 218 54 8 59 177 64 3 583 97 40 504 641 1,224 2,946 7,943 26 Section 6 - Attribution of Wholesale Current Cost and Mean Capital Employed Fixed call termination Wholesale trunk segments Technical areas (Point of Handover) Sub-total Other Wholesale & SMP National Markets Wholesale broadband access market 1 BT only operator Wholesale broadband access market 2 2 to 3 principal operators £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m 62 103 90 89 56 17 60 18 36 15 1 n/a n/a n/a 3 6 1 12 4 20 8 24 13 62 108 93 94 48 13 n/a 117 n/a 92 17 1 8 3 n/a 9 2 168 0 12 411 212 350 152 6 82 n/a n/a n/a 39 - 2 22 n/a n/a n/a 11 - 199 71 114 11 329 464 207 175 0 114 11 379 464 375 175 12 525 223 729 616 124 97 60 246 99 421 486 956 4,496 846 5,327 569 2,263 1,951 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a 0 0 n/a 0 Total Non-current Assets 7,979 267 297 1,284 146 134 1,139 974 12,220 400 146 11 81 405 239 23 1,305 127 35 1,188 1,350 2,655 1,533 16,408 Current Assets Stocks Debtors - Internal - External n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Total Markets Technical areas (Interconnect Circuits) £m Wholesale Residual Single transit on fixed public narrowband networks £m 457 4,224 774 4,556 247 1,113 849 Total Other Wholesale & SMP Markets Local-tandem conveyance and transit on fixed public narrowband networks £m 125 405 313 15 18 98 Sub-total Other Wholesale & SMP Geographic Markets Call origination on fixed public narrowband networks Investments Wholesale broadband access market 3 (4 or more principle operators) and non geographic Total Access Markets £m 16 378 374 n/a 246 125 Wholesale local access £m 10 9 31 n/a 65 19 AISBO (up to and including 1Gbit/s) £m 10 33 35 n/a 52 16 TISBO (above 45Mbit/s up to and including 155Mbit/s) £m 110 38 256 380 343 157 TISBO (above 8Mbit/s up to and including 45Mbit/s) £m 17 12 95 65 10 70 28 TISBO (up to and including 8Mbit/s) £m 16 102 92 27 9 21 Wholesale business ISDN30 exchange line services £m 153 3,667 3 3,266 195 310 385 Wholesale analogue exchange line services Non-current Assets Land & Buildings Access - Copper Access - Fibre Access - Duct Switch Transmission Other Wholesale ISDN2 exchange line services Section 6.3 - Attribution of Wholesale Current Cost Mean Capital Employed 2010 (Annex 6A) 0 - - 1 1 1 34 35 285 86 18 3 38 1 78 8 5 1 12 - 58 1 52 10 546 110 24 11 10 - 1 - 7 1 20 1 19 1 1 - 82 14 39 n/a 21 n/a 55 6 115 6 197 20 (94) 396 649 526 371 21 39 86 6 12 59 62 656 35 10 1 8 21 20 1 96 218 336 1,210 Liabilities falling due within one year - Internal - External n/a (382) n/a (17) n/a (29) n/a (118) n/a (10) n/a (9) n/a (75) n/a (79) 0 (719) n/a (53) n/a (10) n/a (1) n/a (10) n/a (28) n/a (10) n/a (2) 0 (114) Total Liabilities falling due within one year (382) (17) (29) (118) (10) (9) (75) (79) (719) (53) (10) (1) (10) (28) (10) (2) (114) (11) 4 10 (32) (4) 3 (16) (17) (63) (18) 0 0 (2) (7) 10 (1) (18) 271 307 146 11 79 398 249 22 1,287 166 56 (10) Total Current Assets Net Current Assets/Liabilities Total Assets less Current Liabilities Provisions for liabilities & charges Roundings Mean Capital Employed 7,968 1,252 142 137 1,123 957 12,157 382 21 62 122 n/a - n/a (155) 0 (155) 0 (269) n/a (714) 0 (1,702) 0 0 (155) (155) (269) (714) (1,702) 39 21 (93) (33) (51) (378) n/a - 1,095 (44) 1,155 (20) (492) 15,916 (5) (1) (2) (3) (7) (77) (4) - (2) (2) - (28) - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - 0 - - - 0 0 - 0 7,937 268 302 1,227 141 135 1,120 950 12,080 372 142 11 77 388 247 22 1,259 166 56 1,079 1,301 2,560 1,135 15,775 27 (16) 2,604 (3) (25) (16) 1,317 - (31) (10) 39 (141) Section 6 - Attribution of Wholesale Current Cost and Mean Capital Employed Section 6.3.1 - Notes on Wholesale MCE sector costs Section 6.3.1 - Notes on Wholesale MCE sector costs Transmission The notes below are intended to provide a brief description of the Fixed Asset sectors and Working Capital reported in the Attribution of Wholesale Current Cost Mean Capital Employed statement and the key drivers of the sector to aid the user of the Financial Statements. Further details of these sectors can be found in the Detailed Attribution Methods (DAM) which outlines in detail the key bases, descriptions and drivers of the network components. This sector contains the asset values for transmission. Transmission includes Core Transmission Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH), Plesiosynchronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH), Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Cables and Repeaters. The Core Transmission is used to link exchanges. The key drivers are the surveys of BT’s asset base that allocate the depreciation charge through classes of work on the basis of surveys, engineering models and direct mapping of COW to network components and then onto the appropriate service based on usage factors and actual service volumes. Land & Buildings This sector contains the asset values that are booked to BT Classes of Work (COWs) for land and buildings, including freehold, long leases and short leases. The sector includes corporate offices, and network buildings owned by BT. Asset values are mainly apportioned based on the usage of floor space and the usage of the different utilities. Access - Copper This sector contains the asset values for access copper (all the copper cables in the access network and all other necessary equipment required to carry signals between the user and the exchange.) This is split into “Main” and “Distribution” Copper. The key drivers are the surveys of BT’s asset base that allocate the depreciation charge through classes of work on the basis of surveys, engineering models and direct mapping of COW to network components and then onto the appropriate service based on usage factors and actual service volumes. Access - Fibre This sector contains the asset values for access fibre. The key drivers are the surveys of BT’s asset base that allocate the depreciation charge through classes of work on the basis of surveys, engineering models and direct mapping of COW to network components and then onto the appropriate service based on usage factors and actual service volumes. Access - Duct This sector contains the asset values for duct. Duct is a pipe, tube or conduit through which underground cables are passed. The key drivers are the surveys of BT’s asset base that allocate the depreciation charge through classes of work on the basis of surveys, engineering models and direct mapping of COW to network components and then onto the appropriate service based on usage factors and actual service volumes. Switch This sector contains the asset values for switching equipment. This equipment is located in BT exchanges. The key drivers are the surveys of BT’s asset base that allocate the depreciation charge through classes of work on the basis of surveys and engineering models and direct mapping of COW to network component and then onto the appropriate service based on usage factors and actual service volumes. 28 Other This sector contains the asset values for a range of assets used by BT Businesses including categories such as Software, Motor Transport and 21CN. The key drivers are the surveys of BT’s asset base that allocate the depreciation charge through classes of work on the basis of surveys, engineering models and direct mapping of COW to network components and then onto the appropriate service based on usage factors and actual service volumes. Working Capital The figures for debtors and creditors include an approximation of the internal “notional” debtors and creditors that would be incurred if trades between BT’s lines of business were undertaken to a third party and at arm’s length. They are based upon the average trading terms of BT Group’s external trades. External debtors reflect BT’s external debts being allocated to services and products. Section 6 - Attribution of Wholesale Current Cost and Mean Capital Employed Investments Total Non-current Assets Current Assets Stocks Debtors - Internal - External Technical areas (Point of Handover) Sub-total Other Wholesale & National Markets Wholesale Broadband Access Market 1 BT only operator Wholesale Broadband Access Market 2 2 to 3 principal operators £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m 124 284 166 26 12 84 432 4,186 775 3,735 307 1,130 928 62 n/a 99 116 147 104 14 n/a 60 22 43 10 1 n/a n/a n/a 5 13 13 12 5 20 11 44 17 60 n/a 100 115 148 100 17 n/a n/a 102 n/a 124 14 n/a n/a n/a n/a 7 - 166 0 5 381 269 526 258 4 81 n/a n/a n/a 102 - 2 28 n/a n/a n/a 31 - 192 91 n/a 113 13 182 389 198 200 0 113 13 315 389 364 200 5 494 282 841 647 92 73 8 140 103 223 415 888 4,459 788 4,369 692 2,194 1,990 n/a 7,748 Total Access Markets n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a 0 0 n/a 0 280 290 1,195 200 213 871 696 11,493 528 149 32 109 523 257 7 1,605 187 61 980 1,228 2,833 1,054 15,380 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a - 0 n/a 0 n/a n/a 2 2 2 39 41 19 4 42 3 76 8 7 1 12 - 59 3 42 16 558 170 26 1 11 - 1 - 8 - 21 1 30 - - 97 2 33 n/a 19 n/a 70 10 122 10 219 12 (57) 443 720 625 436 23 45 84 8 12 62 58 728 27 11 1 8 22 30 0 99 33 19 82 134 233 425 1,386 n/a (623) n/a (22) n/a (29) n/a (139) n/a (15) n/a (13) n/a (59) n/a (120) 0 (1,020) n/a (58) n/a (16) n/a (2) n/a (14) n/a (45) n/a (14) n/a - 0 (149) n/a - n/a - n/a (172) 0 (172) 0 (321) n/a (738) 0 (2,079) Total Liabilities falling due within one year (623) (22) (29) (139) (15) (13) (59) (120) (1,020) (58) (16) (2) (14) (45) (14) 0 (149) 0 0 (172) (172) (321) (738) (2,079) Net Current Assets/Liabilities (187) 1 16 (55) (7) (1) 3 (62) (292) (31) (5) (1) (6) (23) 16 0 (50) 33 19 (90) (38) (88) (313) 281 306 500 273 7 1,555 220 80 890 Total Current Assets Liabilities falling due within one year - Internal - External Total Assets less Current Liabilities Provisions for liabilities & charges Roundings Mean Capital Employed n/a Total Markets Wholesale trunk segments £m 8 340 286 n/a 172 65 Wholesale Residual Fixed call termination £m Total Other Wholesale Markets Technical areas (Interconnect Circuits) Sub-total Other Wholesale & Geographic Markets Single transit on fixed public narrowband networks £m 13 10 23 n/a 101 66 Wholesale Broadband Access Market 3 (4 or more principal operators) and non geographic Local-tandem conveyance and transit on fixed public narrowband networks £m 11 38 31 n/a 86 34 Call origination on fixed public narrowband networks £m 90 26 271 295 379 134 Wholesale local access £m 13 9 114 58 12 69 15 TISBO (above 8Mbit/s up to and including 45Mbit/s) £m 16 103 75 32 9 45 TISBO (up to and including 8Mbit/s) AISBO (up to and including 1Gbit/s) Non-current Assets Land & Buildings Access - Copper Access - Fibre Access - Duct Switch Transmission Other Wholesale business ISDN30 exchange line services £m 157 3,764 2 2,801 237 302 485 Wholesale analogue exchange line services TISBO (above 45Mbit/s up to and including 155Mbit/s) Re-presented for the year ended 31 March 2009 Wholesale ISDN2 exchange line services Section 6.4 - Attribution of Wholesale Current Cost Mean Capital Employed 2009 (Annex 6A)(Re-presented) 301 135 7,561 1,140 193 212 874 634 11,201 497 144 31 103 (39) (3) (4) (18) (1) (1) (1) (10) (77) (10) (4) - (1) (9) (1) - (25) - - (5) (1) (1) 1 - - - 3 (3) 4 2 (1) (1) - (2) - 2 1 (1) 1,123 192 211 873 627 491 142 7 1,532 221 7,517 277 301 11,121 29 30 101 491 270 79 (17) 1,190 (17) 2,745 741 (693) 14,687 (42) (8) - 0 2 3 (127) 2 873 1,173 2,705 736 14,562 Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7 Review of Access Markets 30 Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.1 - Financial Performance in Access Markets (Annex 7) For the year ended 31 March 2010 Wholesale analogue exchange line services Wholesale ISDN2 exchange line services Wholesale Business ISDN30 exchange line services TISBO (up to and including 8Mbit/s) TISBO (above 8Mbit/s up to and including 45Mbit/s) TISBO (above 45Mbit/s up to and including 155Mbit/s) AISBO (up to and including 1Gbit/s) Wholesale local access Total Access Markets Re-presented for the year ended 31 March 2009 Wholesale analogue exchange line services Wholesale ISDN2 exchange line services Wholesale Business ISDN30 exchange line services TISBO (up to and including 8Mbit/s) TISBO (above 8Mbit/s up to and including 45Mbit/s) TISBO (above 45Mbit/s up to and including 155Mbit/s) AISBO (up to and including 1Gbit/s) Wholesale local access Total Access Markets Internal Turnover £m 1,857 92 217 338 32 79 281 0 2,896 Internal Turnover £m 2,077 110 262 340 39 99 279 0 3,206 External Turnover £m 563 59 103 316 15 19 208 439 1,722 External Turnover £m 470 53 88 294 18 5 212 349 1,489 Roundings Turnover £m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Roundings Turnover £m 2 (1) (2) (1) (1) 0 3 1 1 Total Turnover £m 2,420 151 320 654 47 98 489 439 4,618 Total Turnover £m 2,549 162 348 633 56 104 494 350 4,696 CCA HCA Costs Adjustments £m £m 1,798 (1,640) 83 (45) 132 (22) 548 (137) 51 (13) 45 (11) 321 (116) 364 (165) 3,342 HCA Costs £m 1,904 84 130 575 68 62 197 351 3,371 (h) See Section 4 - Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 31 (2,149) CCA Adjustments £m 419 10 (6) (36) (7) (4) (28) 49 397 Roundings £m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Roundings £m 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 5 Total CCA Operating costs £m 158 38 110 411 38 34 205 199 1,193 Total CCA Operating costs £m 2,323 94 124 540 65 58 169 400 3,773 Return on MCE % 28.5 % 41.7 % 69.7 % 19.8 % 6.6 % 47.8 % 25.4 % 25.4 % Return excl. reval. adj. (h) £m 1,105 79 187 108 (3) 54 152 130 ROCE excl. reval. adj. (h) % 13.9 % 29.6 % 62.1 % 8.8 % (2.4)% 39.7 % 13.5 % 13.7 % 12,080 28.4 % 1,812 15.0 % Mean Capital Employed £m 7,517 277 301 1,123 192 211 873 627 Return on MCE % 3.0 % 24.6 % 74.3 % 8.1 % (3.8)% 22.3 % 37.3 % (8.0)% 11,121 8.3 % Return £m 2,262 113 210 243 9 64 284 240 Mean Capital Employed £m 7,937 268 302 1,227 141 135 1,120 950 3,425 Return £m 226 68 224 93 (9) 46 325 (50) 923 Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.2 - Access Markets Review (Annex 10 & 14) Section 7.2.1 - Access Markets Group Level Review (Annex 10) Section 7.2.1 - Access Markets Group Level Review (Annex 10) Overall in the WLR Access markets, there is a reduction in copper lines due to the difficult macroeconomic conditions, continuing migrations to MPF and a shift to mobile alternatives. The slowdown in the economy has led to an increase in business closures and fewer new business expansions and startups. Meanwhile, the LLU operators migrated significant numbers of lines previously using WLR and SMPF to full MPF. The cumulative impact of reduced copper lines and product mix change has been to reduce revenue by circa £80m (2%). Overall returns in TISBO markets have increased whereas returns in the wholesale trunk market have decreased. Prior to the Leased Lines Charge Control (LLCC), BT had already made amendments to some wholesale trunk and TISBO prices. Ofcom made some adjustments to these prices via the LLCC. The overall effect was a rebalancing between wholesale trunk and TISBO. Both TISBO and the wholesale trunk market are now subject to price controls as a result of the LLCC. The charges resulting from the LLCC are the subject of an appeal in front of the Competition Appeal Tribunal, where one Communications Provider has appealed against Ofcom’s decision. The Alternative Interface Symmetric Broadband Origination (AISBO) market has continued to show growth in WES and EAD products due to the increased demand from mobile operators and a general migration from older technologies including the products within the TISBO market. Revenues have remained flat due to the full impact of price reductions made in February 2009 now being reflected in the annual revenue. Additionally in January 2010 there were price reductions in line with the LLCC Statement. Historic costs have remained flat; this is mostly a combination of lower provision and maintenance costs, reduced fault rates on the copper network and reduced depreciation on legacy switch and transmission assets which is offset by investment in BT’s 21CN network. CCA adjustments have decreased by around £2,550m; this is primarily caused by the large holding gain arising from (i) the revaluation of duct (see Section 4.1 Basis of Preparation) and (ii) the rise in copper commodity prices compared to the large holding losses arising from large decreases in copper commodity prices in 2008/09. Access Markets Openreach Level Review A calculation of the return for all Openreach markets has been performed and is described as part of the Openreach Notes in Section 10.7. This explains the return before and after adjusting for a number of significant items. 32 Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.2.2 - Access Market Level Financial Review (Annex 14) Section 7.2.2 - Access Market Level Financial Review (Annex 14) Market: Wholesale ISDN2 Exchange Line Services Market: Wholesale Analogue Exchange Line Services Definition The links between an end user and the remote concentrator unit by means of ISDN2 technology. Definition Digital ISDN2 exchange lines are basic rate ISDN lines, which provide a means to deploy a wide range of digital services over a standard local loop. A single ISDN2 line supports two 64Kbit/s channels for voice and data calls, plus a 16Kbit/s channel for signalling. The links between an end user and the remote concentrator unit by means of analogue technology. An analogue exchange line provides a single 64Kbit/s channel, designed originally to support voice traffic, but also capable of supporting data modems with bandwidths of up to 56Kbit/s, DSL Services and facsimile traffic. These are the most common types of exchange lines. Key Regulatory Changes Key Regulatory Changes Ofcom published its Wholesale Fixed Narrowband Market Review on 15 September 2009. This review determined that there are no longer two separate markets for Residential and Business analogue exchange line services, rather there is a single market for wholesale analogue exchange line services. Ofcom also published two Statements setting the Wholesale Line Rental (WLR) Charge Controls on 26 October 2009 and 23 February 2010. These Statements set out the charge controls for WLR Analogue services for the period 23 November 2009 to 31 March 2011. Given the change in market definition, Ofcom determined that it would set a single charge control to a core rental service rather than setting separate controls for residential and business lines. Openreach is required to make changes to its residential analogue product such that it can also be used for business users (to be referred to as the WLR Core rental service) during 2010/11. The charge controls that applied to WLR Analogue during 2009/10 included charge ceilings of £100.68 to the WLR residential rental services, £67 to connections and £3 to the WLR transfer charge. Ofcom also re-introduced the charge ceiling of £110 for WLR business exchange lines services, which will expire when the WLR Core rental service is introduced in 2010/11. The cost orientation obligation was also removed for service levels beyond the WLR Core rental product. On 24 December 2009, Carphone Warehouse lodged an appeal with the Competition Appeal Tribunal contesting certain parts of Ofcom’s WLR Charge Control Statement of the 26 October 2009. If successful, this could affect both future year WLR analogue prices in 2010/11. Key Market Changes Residential rental lines have decreased significantly in 2009/10 as a result of the continuing migrations from WLR to MPF by Sky and TalkTalk and the poor economic conditions. Business rentals have also declined in 2009/10 as a result of the current economic climate where there has been an increase in business closures and end users within the SME market have looked to cut costs by moving to mobile or alternative technologies. New Connections have increased year on year due to a proactive commencement by large non-BT Communication Providers (CPs) of WLR new provides at the end of 2008/09 (previously BT Retail (BTR) had completed 95% of all Basic new connections). The Growth Incentive Offer will have stimulated the market with a lower connection price being backed by focused marketing activity by the CPs. 33 Ofcom published its Wholesale Fixed Narrowband Market Review on 15 September 2009. This review determined that there are no longer two separate markets for Residential and Business ISDN2 exchange line services, rather there is a single market for wholesale ISDN2 exchange line services. BT continues to be found to have SMP in the wholesale ISDN2 market. The only material change to the existing obligations has been a change to the time period associated with price notifications, which has decreased from 90 to 28 days for services other than the ISDN2 rental service. Key Market Changes ISDN2 rental base has declined year on year as end users move to suitable alternatives such as IP networks and V-Sat technology. During the current economic climate SME end users who used ISDN2 as a back-up to their primary service have simply ceased the product rather than pay for two services. Demand for new connections has reduced significantly. Market: Wholesale Business ISDN30 Exchange Line Services Definition The links between a business end user and the remote concentrator unit by means of ISDN30 technology. Digital ISDN30 exchange lines are primary rate ISDN lines, which provide a means to deploy a wide range of digital services over a 2Mbit/s bearer. A single ISDN30 line supports thirty 64Kbit/s channels for voice and data calls, plus a 64Kbit/s channel for signalling. ISDN30 lines are used only by business customers, and always in conjunction with a business PBX (Private Branch Exchange). Key Regulatory Changes There have been no regulatory changes affecting these products in the 2009/10 period. Ofcom did not reach a conclusion on the ISDN30 market as part of its Wholesale Fixed Narrowband Market Review during 2009/10 and will separately review the market during 2010/11. Should Ofcom introduce new regulation, this may impact financial reporting for 2010/11. Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Key Market Changes Demand for ISDN30 continued declining in 2009/10 although at a more accelerated rate driven by the current economic conditions and changes in technology with Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Trunking providing a more cost effective alternative. Basket & services Value of X Sub Caps TI - Low bandwidth connection and rental. 3.25 RPI-0% sub-cap on sub-basket of TISBO terminating segments. RPI + 5% sub-cap on each charge (excluding POH charges). Market: Traditional Interface Symmetric Broadband Origination (up to and including 8Mbit/s) RPI – 0% sub-cap on each charge (POH charges only). Definition Traditional Interface Symmetric Broadband Origination (TISBO) services include: • Wholesale terminating segments (PPCs). • Radio base station (RBS) backhaul (including the Core Conveyance element). • Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) backhaul which consists of LLU backhaul trunk and LLU backhaul link. LLU backhaul links are regarded as a symmetric broadband origination service and should therefore be included within the TISBO or AISBO markets, depending on the technology in use – bandwidth considerations being taken into account in the case of the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) technology. • Netstream 16 Long Line (including the Core Conveyance element). Ofcom also views SDSL as a symmetric broadband origination service and it is therefore included within the TISBO market. Ofcom has concluded that BT has SMP in the low, high and very high bandwidth TISBO markets outside Central and East London Area (CELA) as well as in the Trunk market at all bandwidths. Consequently, it has imposed regulation on all relevant circuits and technical areas that fall within these markets, including RBS backhaul circuits. Key Regulatory Changes On 8 December 2008 Ofcom published its Final Statement on the Business Connectivity Market Review. Ofcom found BT to continue to have SMP in the low bandwidth TISBO market. Ofcom increased regulation in the trunk market by imposing a charge control and requiring prices to be notified at 90 days. In addition, Ofcom changed the definition of trunk segments from one based on links between two BT SDH Tier 1 nodes to one based on routes between defined major urban areas. This new methodology was backdated to 8 December 2008 and impacts upon prices for 2009/10. Ofcom imposed additional Service Level Agreement/Service Level Guarantee requirements from December 2008. Following a separate Consultation, Ofcom published on 2 September 2009 its Statement on the Leased Lines Charge Controls. Ofcom imposed the following RPI – X% charge control on low bandwidth TISBO services as a remedy to its finding of SMP for BT (note that there is a single overall TI basket comprising connection and rental for low bandwidth, high bandwidth and very high bandwidth TISBO services as well as rental for Trunk services): 34 POC end and third party end equipment charges. RPI-0 No charge can increase more than 5% in nominal terms. All relevant ancillary services used in the provision of TI services in scope of the TI Basket. RPI-0 None. These controls run from 1 October 2009 to 30 September 2012. In addition, Ofcom determined starting charges for terminating and trunk segments. They also required the introduction of separate Point of Handover rental charges to replace the current local end uplift factor included in the rental price of external local ends. To balance the introduction of the new separate Point of Handover charges, Ofcom required a corresponding reduction to external local end prices. The values of X in the charge control apply to BT’s prices after these adjustments have been made. On 2 September 2009, Cable & Wireless lodged an appeal with the Competition Appeal Tribunal contesting certain parts of Ofcom’s Leased Line Charge Control Statement. If successful, this could affect both future year wholesale line prices and prices for wholesale leased lines in 2010/11. Key Market Changes For PPCs there continues to be migration of external customers from 64K/bit circuits to 2M/bit circuits. In addition the demand for Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) circuits has started to decline as customers migrate to 21CN services. Price changes in the market took place in September and October 2009 and again in March 2010 to enable compliance with the charge control Statement and obligations. In the Mobile Market, as evidenced by the increase of 2Mbit/s circuits, we are seeing growth of bandwidth from mobile customers to enable them to use new mass market mobile broadband services, music downloads, other bandwidth-hungry applications and mobile TV. RBS prices changed in line with changes to PPC pricing. Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Market: Traditional Interface Symmetric Broadband Origination (above 8Mbit/s up to and including 45Mbit/s) Basket Value of X Sub Caps Definition TI-High bandwidth connection and rental (outside CELA). 3.25 RPI - 0% sub-cap on sub-basket of TISBO terminating segments. Traditional Interface Symmetric Broadband Origination (TISBO) services include: • Wholesale terminating segments (PPCs). • Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) backhaul which consists of LLU backhaul trunk and LLU backhaul link. LLU backhaul links are regarded as a symmetric broadband origination service and should therefore be included within the TISBO or AISBO markets, depending on the technology in use bandwidth considerations being taken into account in the case of the SDH technology. • Netstream 16 Long Line (including the Core Conveyance element). Ofcom also views SDSL as a symmetric broadband origination service and it is therefore included within the TISBO market. Ofcom has concluded that BT has SMP in the low, high and very high bandwidth TISBO markets outside the Central and East London Area (CELA) as well as in the Trunk market at all bandwidths. Consequently, it has imposed regulation on all relevant circuits and technical areas that fall within these markets, including RBS backhaul circuits. Key Regulatory Changes In December 2008 Ofcom published its Final Statement on the Business Connectivity Market Review. Ofcom found BT to continue to have SMP in the high bandwidth TISBO market (but only outside the Central and East London Area “CELA”) as well as in the market for trunk segments at all bandwidths. Ofcom increased regulation in the Trunk market by imposing a charge control and requiring prices to be notified at 90 days. It also changed the definition of trunk segments from one based on links between two BT SDH Tier 1 nodes to one based on routes between defined major urban areas. This new methodology was backdated to 8 December 2008 and impacts upon prices for 2009/10. RPI + 5% sub-cap on each charge (excluding POH charges). RPI – 0% sub-cap on each charge (POH charges only). POC end and third party end equipment charges. RPI-0 No charge can increase more than 5% in nominal terms. All relevant ancillary services used in the provision of TI services in scope of the TI Basket. RPI-0 None. These controls run from 1 October 2009 to 30 September 2012. In addition, Ofcom determined starting charges for Terminating and trunk segments. They also required the introduction of separate Point of Handover rental charges to replace the current local end uplift factor included in the rental price of external local ends. To balance the introduction of the new separate Point of Handover charges, Ofcom required a corresponding reduction to external local end prices. The values of X in the charge control apply to BT’s prices after these adjustments have been made. On 2 September 2009, Cable & Wireless lodged an appeal with the Competition Appeal Tribunal contesting certain parts of Ofcom’s Leased Line Charge Control Statement. If successful, this could affect both future year wholesale line prices and prices for wholesale leased lines in 2010/11. Key Market Changes Ofcom also imposed more stringent Service Level Agreement/Service Level Guarantee requirements which will impact future years. Following a separate Consultation, Ofcom published on 2 September 2009 its Statement on the Leased Lines Charge Controls. Ofcom imposed the following RPI – X% charge control on high bandwidth TISBO services as a remedy to its finding of SMP for BT (note that there is a single overall TI basket comprising connection and rental for low bandwidth, high bandwidth and very high bandwidth TISBO services as well as rental for Trunk services): Despite some PPC migration from the lower bandwidth market and deregulation in CELA, significant competition has affected this market resulting in falling volumes and revenue. In addition customers are looking for 21CN alternatives where possible. There were price changes in this market in October 2009 and March 2010 to meet the charge control obligations. In the Mobile Market, in which only Netstream is offered at this bandwidth, we are seeing growth of bandwidth from mobile customers to enable them to use new mass market mobile broadband services, music downloads, other bandwidth-hungry applications and mobile TV. 35 Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Market: Traditional Interface Symmetric Broadband Origination (above 45Mbit/s up to and including 155Mbit/s) Basket Value of X Sub Caps Definition Very high bandwidth connection and rental (outside CELA). 3.25 RPI – 0% sub-cap on sub-basket of TISBO terminating segments. Traditional Interface Symmetric Broadband Origination (TISBO) services include: • Wholesale terminating segments (PPCs). • Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) backhaul which consists of LLU backhaul trunk and LLU backhaul link. LLU backhaul links are regarded as a symmetric broadband origination service and should therefore be included within the TISBO or AISBO markets, depending on the technology in use bandwidth considerations being taken into account in the case of the SDH technology. • Netstream 16 Long Line (including the Core Conveyance element). Ofcom also views SDSL as a symmetric broadband origination service and it is therefore included within the TISBO market. Ofcom has concluded that BT has SMP in the low, high and very high bandwidth TISBO markets outside Central and East London Area (as well as in the Trunk market at all bandwidths). Consequently, it has imposed regulation on all relevant circuits and technical areas that fall within these markets, including RBS backhaul circuits. Key Regulatory Changes In December 2008 Ofcom published its Final Statement on the Business Connectivity Market Review. Ofcom found BT to continue to have SMP in the very high bandwidth TISBO market (but only outside the Central and East London Area “CELA”) as well as in the market for trunk segments at all bandwidths. Ofcom increased regulation in the Trunk market by imposing a charge control and requiring prices to be notified at 90 days. It also changed the definition of trunk segments from one based on links between two BT SDH Tier 1 nodes to one based on routes between defined major urban areas. This new methodology was backdated to 8 December 2008 and impacts upon prices for 2009/10. RPI + 5% sub-cap on each charge (excluding POH charges). RPI – 0% sub-cap on each charge (POH charges only). POC end and third party end equipment charges. RPI-0 No charge can increase more than 5% in nominal terms. All relevant ancillary services used in the provision of TI services in scope of the TI Basket. RPI-0 None. These controls run from 1 October 2009 to 30 September 2012. In addition, Ofcom determined starting charges for terminating and trunk segments. They also required the introduction of separate Point of Handover rental charges to replace the current local end uplift factor included in the rental price of external local ends. To balance the introduction of the new separate Point of Handover charges, Ofcom required a corresponding reduction to external local end prices. The values of X in the charge control apply to BT’s prices after these adjustments have been made. On 2 September 2009, Cable & Wireless lodged an appeal with the Competition Appeal Tribunal contesting certain parts of Ofcom’s Leased Line Charge Control Statement. If successful, this could affect both future year wholesale line prices and prices for wholesale leased lines in 2010/11. Key Market Changes Ofcom also imposed more stringent Service Level Agreement/Service Level Guarantee requirements which will impact future years. Following a separate Consultation, Ofcom published on 2 September 2009 its Statement on the Leased Lines Charge Controls. Ofcom imposed the following RPI – X% charge control on very high bandwidth TISBO services as a remedy to its finding of SMP for BT (note that there is a single overall TI basket comprising connection and rental for low bandwidth, high bandwidth and very high bandwidth TISBO services as well as rental for Trunk services): 36 Despite some PPC migration from the lower bandwidth market and the removal of SMP in CELA at this bandwidth, significant competition and uncompetitive pricing has affected this market resulting in falling volumes and revenue. In addition customers are looking for 21C alternatives where possible. There were price changes in this market in March 2010 to meet the charge control obligations. In the Mobile Market, in which only Netstream 16 Longline is available to customers at this bandwidth, we are seeing growth of bandwidth from mobile customers to enable them to use new mass market mobile broadband services, music downloads, other bandwidth-hungry applications and mobile TV. Section 7 - Review of Access Markets In the Backhaul market, price reductions in response to the LLCC also impacted BES 100 rentals from January 2010. BES 100 rental prices reduced from January 2009. Overall volumes for backhaul products remained relatively flat through the year with a small reduction in BES offset by an increase in EBD. Market: Alternative Interface Symmetric Broadband Origination (up to and including 1Gbit) Definition Alternative Interface Symmetric Broadband Origination (AISBO) services include the following Ethernet services: • • • • • • Wholesale Extension Services (WES) Backhaul Extension Services (BES) Backhaul Network Services (BNS) Openreach Network Backhaul Services (ONBS) Ethernet Backhaul Direct (EBD) Ethernet Access Direct (EAD) Market: Wholesale Local Access Definition Ofcom concluded in the Leased Lines Market Review (LLMR)1 that BT has SMP in the wholesale AISBO market (UK excluding Hull) and, as such, it is appropriate that regulation be imposed on all bandwidths that fall within this market. These products are covered by the Undertakings obligations and as such are managed out of Openreach. Key Regulatory Changes WES and BES are specifically covered by the Undertakings, and as such are managed out of Openreach. BNS, ONBS, EAD and EBD are products which have been developed since the Undertakings were agreed but are also covered by these obligations and must also be managed out of Openreach. All these products, with the exception of AISBO circuits above 1Gbit/s, fall within a currently regulated market and continue to be subject to a cost orientation pricing regime as specified by the relevant Significant Market Power (SMP) conditions in the Business Connectivity Market Review (BCMR) published 8 December 2008. There have been some key regulatory changes affecting these products in the 2009/10 period. Ofcom published the Leased line Charge Control Statement on 3 July 2009 in which they introduced RPI-7% charge controls for low bandwidth AISBO services. These controls will take effect from 1 October 2009 through to 30 September 2012. Ofcom determined in December 2004 that BT has significant market power in the market for "wholesale local access in the UK excluding the Hull Area". Local Access can be defined as those network elements that comprise metallic loop access networks or 'cable' access networks, between end user premises and the facility at which those access networks connect to other communications infrastructure. In practice, this is generally a Main Distribution Frame (for a metallic loop access network) or a cable head-end (for a 'cable' access network). Key Regulatory Changes Ofcom concluded its Financial Framework Review and published the Statement “A new pricing framework for Openreach” on 22 May 2009. Ofcom determined that price controls will apply from 22 May 2009 through to 31 March 2011 affecting new connection, rental, cease and transfer charges as well as MPF and SMPF ancillary services and Co-Mingling services. Ofcom also reset the starting charges for MPF and SMPF rental, MPF transfer, MPF new provide and SMPF connection. All price changes for 2009/10 were implemented in line with the price control. In 2009/10 the MPF and SMPF connections services include cessation volumes which were excluded in 2008/09. Including cease volumes in the 2008/9 results increases service volumes to 885,535 for MPF (average price £29.74) and 2,787,578 for SMPF (average price £28.45). On 22 July 2009, Carphone Warehouse lodged an appeal with the Competition Appeal tribunal contesting Ofcom’s Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) Charge Control Statement of 22 May 2009. If successful, this could affect both future year LLU prices and LLU prices in 2010/11. Key Market Changes There has been continued growth in LLU lines in the last 12 months. The MPF rental base continues to grow as CPs migrate their subscribers from WLR & SMPF. Key Market Changes Demand for access services has shown continued volume growth for both WES and EAD products. This was driven by increased demand from mobile operators and other migration from TDM products to high speed Ethernet connectivity. Rental and connection prices for EAD and WES services (10Mbit/s and 100Mbit/s) were reduced in response to the Leased Line Charge Control Statement (LLCC) issued by Ofcom. These reductions took effect in mid January 2010. In addition, WES 1Gbit/s Opt 1 rental prices were reduced in July 2009. Openreach grew its share of a growing market. 1. Ofcom, Review of the retail leased lines, symmetric broadband origination and wholesale trunk segments markets, June 2004. 37 There is a year on year increase in the average External SMPF rental base but these volumes were reducing on a month by month basis throughout 2009/10. The rental base as at 31 March 2010 was lower than it was as at 31 March 2009 as CPs such as Sky and TalkTalk continue to migrate customers from SMPF to MPF. SMPF New connections (excluding ceases) also declined due to the same reason. CPs are keen to maximise their return on investment in PoP infrastructure in exchanges hence continue to acquire new customers and migrate existing customers to MPF. The number of new LLU Room Builds increased from prior year as CPs extended their footprint across UK exchanges. Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.3 - Wholesale analogue exchange line services (Annex 11) Market summary Purpose of statement: to provide more detail on financial performance and first order tests of compliance with cost orientation and d non-discrimination obligations Wholesale analogue exchange line services Summary 2010 2009 (re-presented) Internal Sales £m External Sales £m Roundings £m 1,857 2,077 563 470 2 Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC For the year ended 31 March 2010 Service Wholesale basic analogue internal service rentals Wholesale basic analogue external service rentals Wholesale premium analogue internal service rentals Wholesale premium analogue external service rentals Turnover (note 1) £m 2,420 2,549 Operating costs £m 1,128 1,270 Depreciation £m Holding (gain)/loss Supp. Dep. Other adjs. £m £m £m 670 634 (2,357) 136 185 144 532 139 Total CCA operating Roundings costs £m £m - 158 2,323 Return £m MCE £m 2,262 226 7,937 7,517 Cost orientation Non-discrimination Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m 1,382 - 320 - 1,382 320 13,728,813 lines 3,176,807 lines 16,905,620 100.68 100.68 90.37 90.28 55.62 55.54 113.72 113.61 1.11 1.12 397 - 185 - 397 185 3,609,219 lines 1,684,192 lines 5,293,411 110.00 110.00 87.90 87.90 54.59 54.59 110.65 110.65 1.25 1.25 Volume Unit (b) Average price £ FAC (see Unaudited App 1.2) LRIC Floor £ £ Average price/FAC £ Wholesale basic analogue internal service connections 42 - - 42 562,789 conns 73.94 43.24 39.33 61.72 1.71 Wholesale premium analogue internal service connections Wholesale premium analogue external service connections 30 - 53 - 30 53 408,693 conns 717,579 conns 1,126,272 72.94 73.71 43.23 43.23 39.33 39.33 61.69 61.69 1.69 1.71 6 - 5 - 6 5 2.22 2.27 11.42 11.77 9.76 10.09 23.78 24.28 0.19 0.19 Wholesale premium analogue internal service takeovers Wholesale premium analogue external service transfers Roundings - - - 2,594,413 tover 2,162,809 transfer 4,757,222 - 1,857 563 - 2,420 1,540 - 287 - 1,540 287 15,299,864 lines 2,851,585 lines 18,151,449 100.68 100.68 126.94 128.55 73.46 74.98 144.43 148.87 0.79 0.78 437 - 157 - 437 157 3,975,802 lines 1,430,527 lines 5,406,329 110.00 110.00 121.20 121.49 71.17 71.46 139.05 140.09 0.91 0.91 Re-presented for the year ended 31 March 2009 Service Wholesale residential analogue internal service rentals Wholesale residential analogue external service rentals Wholesale business analogue internal service rentals Wholesale business analogue external service rentals Wholesale residential analogue internal service connections 59 - - 59 671,894 conns 88.00 61.62 58.74 78.40 1.43 Wholesale business analogue internal service connections Wholesale business analogue external service connections 34 - 22 - 34 22 389,356 conns 250,078 conns 639,434 88.00 88.00 62.64 62.25 59.72 59.34 80.37 80.03 1.40 1.41 7 - 4 - 7 4 3,632,011 tover 1,790,593 transfer 5,422,604 2.00 2.00 5.51 6.77 6.15 7.35 12.44 14.63 0.36 0.30 Wholesale business analogue internal service takeovers Wholesale business analogue external service transfers Roundings 2,077 470 2 2 2 2,549 (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptors. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 38 Return on MCE 28.5 % 3.0 % Return excl. reval. adjs. (h) £m 1,105 Return on MCE excl. reval. adjs. (h) 13.9 % Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.4 - Wholesale ISDN2 exchange line services (Annex 11) Market summary Purpose of statement: to provide more detail on financial performance and first order tests of compliance with cost orientation andd non-discrimination obligations Wholesale ISDN2 exchange line services Summary 2010 2009 (re-presented) Internal Sales £m External Sales £m Roundings £m 92 110 59 53 (1) Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC Turnover (note 1) £m 151 162 Operating costs £m 53 53 Depreciation £m Holding (gain)/loss Supp. Dep. Other adjs. £m £m £m 30 31 (65) 3 4 3 16 4 Total CCA operating Roundings costs £m £m - 38 94 Return £m MCE £m 113 68 268 277 Cost orientation Non-discrimination Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m 86 - 51 - 86 51 783,623 channels 461,968 channels 1,245,591 110.00 110.00 71.01 70.99 51.06 51.05 110.18 110.14 1.55 1.55 Wholesale ISDN2 internal service connections Wholesale ISDN2 external service connections 7 - 7 - 7 7 56,587 channels 56,452 channels 113,039 116.49 116.49 49.85 67.93 44.52 60.12 427.82 306.22 2.34 1.71 Wholesale ISDN2 internal service takovers Wholesale ISDN2 external service transfers 0 - 1 - 0 1 11,301 channels 112,056 channels 123,357 5.65 5.65 18.43 18.42 16.26 16.26 42.88 42.87 0.31 0.31 (1) - - (1) 92 59 - 151 For the year ended 31 March 2010 Service Wholesale ISDN2 internal service rentals Wholesale ISDN2 external service rentals Roundings Volume Unit (b) Average price £ FAC (see Unaudited App 1.2) LRIC Floor £ £ Average price/FAC £ Re-presented for the year ended 31 March 2009 Service Wholesale business ISDN2 internal service rentals Wholesale business ISDN2 external service rentals 99 - 44 - 99 44 898,103 channels 400,915 channels 1,299,018 110.00 110.00 87.68 88.12 60.39 60.82 117.08 118.24 1.25 1.25 Wholesale business ISDN2 internal service connections Wholesale business ISDN2 external service connections 11 - 8 - 11 8 95,271 channels 64,558 channels 159,829 116.49 116.49 39.41 57.30 37.53 55.10 51.39 170.60 2.96 2.03 0 - 1 - 0 1 30,906 channels 161,424 channels 192,330 5.65 5.65 26.56 4.91 25.72 5.16 132.95 10.61 0.21 1.15 Wholesale business ISDN2 internal service takovers Wholesale business ISDN2 external service transfers Roundings 110 - (1) (1) 53 (1) 162 (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptors. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 39 Return on MCE 41.7 % 24.6 % Return excl. reval. adjs. (h) £m 79 Return on MCE excl. reval. adjs. (h) 29.6 % Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.5 - Wholesale business ISDN30 exchange line services (Annex 12) Market summary Purpose of statement: to provide more detail on financial performance and first order tests of compliance with non discrimination obligations Wholesale business ISDN30 exchange line services Summary Internal Sales £m External Sales £m Roundings £m 217 262 103 88 (2) 2010 2009 Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges For the year ended 31 March 2010 Service Wholesale business ISDN30 internal service connections Wholesale business ISDN30 external service connections Wholesale business ISDN30 internal service rentals Wholesale business ISDN30 external service rentals Wholesale business ISDN30 internal service takeovers Wholesale business ISDN30 external service transfer Roundings Turnover (note 1) £m 320 348 Operating costs £m 80 78 Depreciation £m Holding (gain)/loss Supp. Dep. Other adjs. £m £m £m 52 52 (40) (3) 0 0 Non-discrimination Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m 5 - 4 - 5 4 112,003 conns 88,882 channels 200,885 40.71 40.71 212 - 98 - 212 98 1,504,990 channels 697,521 channels 2,202,511 141.00 141.00 0 - 1 - 0 1 100,764 channels 219,489 channels 320,253 4.36 4.36 - Volume Unit (b) Average price £ - - 217 103 - 320 - 8 - 5 - 8 5 185,029 conns 111,848 channels 296,877 40.71 40.71 253 - 82 - 253 82 1,793,063 channels 584,239 channels 2,377,302 141.00 141.00 1 - 1 - 1 1 134,235 channels 168,027 channels 302,262 4.36 4.36 For the year ended 31 March 2009 Service Wholesale business ISDN30 internal service connections Wholesale business ISDN30 external service connections Wholesale business ISDN30 internal service rentals Wholesale business ISDN30 external service rentals Wholesale business ISDN30 internal service takeovers Wholesale business ISDN30 external service transfer Roundings 262 - (2) (2) 88 (2) 348 (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptors. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 40 18 (3) Total CCA operating Roundings costs £m £m - 110 124 Return £m MCE £m 210 224 302 301 Return on MCE 69.7 % 74.3 % Return excl. reval. adjs. (h) £m 187 Return on MCE excl. reval. adjs. (h) 62.1 % Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.6 - TISBO (up to and including 8Mbit/s)(Annex 11) Market summary Purpose of statement: to provide more detail on financial performance and first order tests of compliance with cost orientation andd non-discrimination obligations Traditional interface symmetric broadband origination (up to and including 8Mbit/s) Summary 2010 2009 Internal Sales £m External Sales £m Roundings £m 338 340 316 294 (1) Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC For the year ended 31 March 2010 Service Internal Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s - connection External Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s - connection Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s - link Main link fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total Internal Turnover (note 1) £m 654 633 Operating costs £m 350 361 Depreciation £m Holding (gain)/loss Supp. Dep. £m £m 198 214 Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m 1 - 1 - 1 1 22 - - 22 Volume Unit (b) Average price per price list Proportion included in calculation £ 1 411 540 8 Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s - distribution Terminating segment charge per year Enhanced maintenance per kilometre charge per year Total Internal 6 - - 6 3,183,600 km Terminating segment charge per year Enhanced maintenance per kilometre charge per year Total External - 2 - 2 1,275,891 km Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s - trunk Trunk segment charge per year Enhanced maintenance per kilometre charge per year Total Internal 12 - - 12 2,301,387 km 5 - 5 922,327 km 39 - - 39 92,621 le 8 FAC (see Unaudited App 1.2) LRIC Floor £ £ Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Average price/FAC £ 499.94 499.94 1,530.24 1,530.24 1,407.32 1,407.32 2,615.78 2,615.78 0.33 0.33 158.22 140.73 260.16 0.71 99.90 63.95 1.00 0.20 99.90 12.54 112.44 158.22 140.73 260.16 0.71 1.76 0.02 1.78 4.30 2.90 13.29 0.41 1.76 0.02 1.78 4.30 2.90 13.29 0.41 70,941 links - - 19.8 % 8.1 % 99.90 12.54 112.44 1.76 0.02 8 1,227 1,123 1.00 0.20 1.76 0.02 - 243 93 MCE £m 99.90 63.95 198,256 links - Average price £ 1,181 circuits 1,008 circuits 2,189 8 Local end fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total External 89 (10) Return £m Return on MCE Cost orientation - Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s - local end Local end fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total Internal (8) (13) Non-discrimination Main link fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total External Trunk segment charge per year Enhanced maintenance per kilometre charge per year Total External (218) (13) Other adjs. £m Total CCA operating Roundings costs £m £m 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.25 0.02 1.00 1.00 5.25 0.02 5.27 4.30 2.90 13.28 1.22 5.25 0.02 1.00 1.00 5.25 0.02 5.27 4.30 2.90 13.28 1.22 409.41 63.95 0.90 0.73 370.38 46.51 416.89 396.36 348.39 708.72 1.05 409.41 63.95 1.00 0.80 409.41 51.41 460.82 379.57 307.32 617.30 1.21 16,821 le 41 Return excl. reval. adjs. (h) £m 108 Return on MCE excl. reval. adjs. (h) 8.8 % Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.6 - TISBO (up to and including 8Mbit/s)(continued) Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC Cost orientation Non-discrimination Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - connection Internal Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - connection External Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - connection 13 - 14 - 13 14 7,402 circuits 8,240 circuits 15,642 Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - link Main link fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total internal 40 - - 40 85,682 links For the year ended 31 March 2010 Main link fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total External Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - distribution Terminating segment charge per year Enhanced maintenance per kilometre charge per year Total Internal - 42 26 - - - 26 42 Volume Unit (b) Proportion included in calculation £ - 27 - 27 565,044 km 5 - - 5 14,216 le 75 - - 75 109,543 le Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - local end CLZ Local end fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total External CLZ - 2 - 2 3,737 le Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - local end non CLZ Local end fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total External non CLZ - 40 - 40 51,689 le £ £ Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Average price/FAC £ 1,695.04 1,695.04 2,012.98 2,012.98 1,867.67 1,867.67 3,090.67 3,090.67 0.84 0.84 411.61 132.30 1.00 0.40 411.61 53.41 465.02 255.63 221.22 453.38 1.82 411.61 132.30 1.00 0.40 411.61 53.41 465.02 255.63 221.22 453.38 1.82 45.50 1.48 1.00 1.00 45.50 1.48 46.98 49.89 38.38 114.74 0.94 45.50 1.48 1.00 1.00 45.50 1.48 46.98 49.89 38.38 114.74 0.94 758.88 444.90 1,023.00 0.89 891,043 km Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - local end CLZ Local end fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total Internal CLZ Average FAC (see Unaudited App 1.2) LRIC Floor price £ 55,799 links Terminating segment charge per year Enhanced maintenance per kilometre charge per year Total External Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - local end non CLZ Local end fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total Internal non CLZ Average price per price list 355.40 131.64 0.87 0.40 308.53 53.09 361.62 692.06 132.97 0.88 0.55 609.41 73.28 682.69 355.40 131.64 1.00 0.46 355.40 61.16 416.56 692.06 132.97 1.00 0.63 692.06 83.22 775.28 Weighted average price for CLZ/non CLZ // Nationally averaged cost 678.38 42 Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.6 - TISBO (up to and including 8Mbit/s)(continued) Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC Cost orientation Non-discrimination Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m 12 - - 12 - 0 - 0 External Radio Backhaul Service - sub 2 Mbit/s rentals - 17 - 17 Internal Radio Backhaul Service - 2 Mbit/s connection External Radio Backhaul Service - 2 Mbit/s connection 10 - 20 - 10 20 Internal Radio Backhaul Service - 2 Mbit/s rentals External Radio Backhaul Service - 2 Mbit/s rentals 41 - 95 - 41 95 For the year ended 31 March 2010 Internal SDSL External Radio Backhaul Service - sub 2 Mbit/s connection Volume Unit (b) Average price per price list £ (u2) 210 circuits (u3) 7,348 circuits 15,022 circuits (u3) (u3) Average FAC (see Unaudited price App 1.2) LRIC Floor £ £ £ Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Average price/FAC £ (s2) 187.05 142.40 328.14 n/a 499.94 1,569.76 1,441.36 2,685.24 0.32 (s3) 497.82 410.43 815.72 n/a 1,355.56 1,355.56 2,018.58 2,018.58 1,872.20 1,872.20 3,102.82 3,102.82 0.67 0.67 (s3) (s3) 1,629.50 1,629.50 1,080.62 1,080.62 2,446.69 2,446.69 n/a n/a External Netstream 16 LL 2Mbit/s connection - 0 - 0 1,328.99 2,003.71 1,859.37 3,077.15 0.66 External Netstream 16 LL 2Mbit/s rentals non CLZ - 25 - 25 (u4) (s4) n/a n/a n/a n/a External Netstream 16 LL 2Mbit/s rentals CLZ - 0 - 0 (u4) (s4) n/a n/a n/a n/a Support Service Internal Protected Path Variants and Resilience External Protected Path Variants and Resilience 5 - 4 - 5 4 (u5) (u5) (s5) (s5) Equipment depreciation - - - - 10 - 19 - 10 19 (un) (un) (un) (un) Estimated matched cost of £10.5m (*) Estimated matched cost of £18.9m (*) 5 - 3 - 5 3 (un) (un) (un) (un) Estimated matched cost of £3.1m (*) Estimated matched cost of £2.0m (*) Internal Third Party Customer Infrastructure External Third Party Customer Infrastructure Internal Excess construction charges External Excess construction charges Roundings 338 - - 0 316 - 654 138 circuits Proportion included in calculation Estimated total cost of £0.2m Estimated total cost of £0.1m Estimated equipment depreciation of £41m (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptors. (sx) This service comprises a number of individual prices as indicated by the value of x. (ux) This service comprises a number of individual volumetrics as indicated by the value of x. (un) This service comprises a large number of volumetrics and prices. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. (*) These are capital costs and therefore not included in the market total for operating costs. 43 Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.6 - TISBO (up to and including 8Mbit/s)(continued) Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC For the year ended 31 March 2009 Service Internal Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s - connection External Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s - connection Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s - link Main link fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total Internal Main link fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total External Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s - transmission Terminating segment charge per year Enhanced maintenance per kilometre charge per year Total Internal Terminating segment charge per year Enhanced maintenance per kilometre charge per year Total External Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s - local end Local end fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total Internal Local end fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total External Non-discrimination Cost orientation Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m 1 - 1 - 1 1 14 - - 14 - 6 - 6 10 - - 10 - 28 - 4 - 5 - - - 4 28 5 Volume Unit (b) Average price per price list Proportion included in calculation £ Average FAC (see Unaudited price App 1.2) LRIC Floor £ 1,302 circuits 1,745 circuits 3,047 £ £ Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Average price/FAC £ 499.94 499.94 1,391.77 1,391.77 1,264.66 1,264.66 2,316.77 2,316.77 0.36 0.36 60.57 40.31 1.00 0.18 60.57 7.18 67.75 176.58 165.21 252.87 0.38 60.57 40.31 1.00 0.18 60.57 7.18 67.75 176.58 165.21 252.87 0.38 207,463 links 82,916 links 1.69 0.01 1.00 1.00 1.69 0.01 1.70 4.29 3.17 11.65 0.40 1.69 0.01 1.00 1.00 1.69 0.01 1.70 4.29 3.17 11.65 0.40 5,686,147 km 2,635,215 km 289.67 40.31 0.77 0.63 222.76 25.47 248.23 401.34 321.93 535.65 0.62 289.67 40.31 1.00 0.82 289.67 33.13 322.80 569.82 471.99 783.38 0.57 112,310 le 15,011 le 44 Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.6 - TISBO (up to and including 8Mbit/s)(continued) Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC Non-discrimination Cost orientation Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - connection Internal Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - connection External Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - connection 12 - 17 - 12 17 7,094 circuits 10,079 circuits 17,173 Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - link Main link fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total internal 42 - - 42 90,486 links For the year ended 31 March 2009 Main link fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total External Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - distribution Terminating segment charge per year Enhanced maintenance per kilometre charge per year Total Internal - 41 25 - - - 25 41 Volume Unit (b) Proportion included in calculation £ - 27 - 27 576,264 km 6 - - 6 17,226 le 89 - - 89 149,315 le Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - local end CLZ Local end fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total External CLZ - 1 - 1 3,018 le Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - local end non CLZ Local end fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total External non CLZ - 43 - 43 55,496 le £ £ Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Average price/FAC £ 1,695.04 1,695.04 1,828.23 1,828.23 1,646.12 1,646.12 2,829.98 2,829.98 0.93 0.93 410.00 131.79 1.00 0.40 410.00 52.99 462.99 358.70 319.01 595.41 1.29 410.00 131.79 1.00 0.40 410.00 52.99 462.99 358.70 319.01 595.41 1.29 45.34 1.48 1.00 1.00 45.34 1.48 46.82 49.16 41.37 96.56 0.95 45.34 1.48 1.00 1.00 45.34 1.48 46.82 49.16 41.37 96.56 0.95 1,009.28 688.12 1,338.41 0.61 878,479 km Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - local end CLZ Local end fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total Internal CLZ Average FAC (see Unaudited price App 1.2) LRIC Floor £ 53,751 links Terminating segment charge per year Enhanced maintenance per kilometre charge per year Total External Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - local end non CLZ Local end fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total Internal non CLZ Average price per price list 392.38 131.08 0.77 0.38 301.74 49.43 351.17 691.92 132.49 0.77 0.48 532.09 63.84 595.93 392.38 131.08 1.00 0.49 392.38 64.28 456.66 691.92 132.49 1.00 0.63 691.92 83.03 774.95 Weighted average price for CLZ/non CLZ // Nationally averaged cost 619.47 45 Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.6 - TISBO (up to and including 8Mbit/s)(continued) Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC Non-discrimination Cost orientation Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m 13 - - 13 - 0 - 0 External Radio Backhaul Service - sub 2 Mbit/s rentals - 13 - 13 Internal Radio Backhaul Service - 2 Mbit/s connection External Radio Backhaul Service - 2 Mbit/s connection 29 - 53 - 29 53 Internal Radio Backhaul Service - 2 Mbit/s rentals External Radio Backhaul Service - 2 Mbit/s rentals 26 - 65 - 26 65 Support Service Internal Third Party Customer Infrastructure External Third Party Customer Infrastructure 12 - 25 - 5 - 4 12 - 5 For the year ended 31 March 2009 Internal SDSL External Radio Backhaul Service - sub 2 Mbit/s connection Internal Protected Path Variants and Resilience External Protected Path Variants and Resilience Internal Excess construction charges External Excess construction charges Roundings 340 Volume Unit (b) Average price per price list £ (u2) 228 circuits (u3) Proportion included in calculation Average FAC (see Unaudited App 1.2) LRIC Floor price £ £ Unaudited LRIC Ceiling £ Average price/FAC £ (s2) 301.75 226.17 480.48 n/a 499.94 1,550.51 1,400.61 2,558.80 0.32 (s3) 802.17 685.03 1,133.57 n/a 3,582.66 3,582.66 1,662.26 1,662.26 1,493.34 1,493.34 2,487.57 2,487.57 2.16 2.16 (u3) (u3) (s3) (s3) 1,888.99 1,888.99 1,425.67 1,425.67 2,756.08 2,756.08 n/a n/a 12 25 (u1) (u1) (s1) (s1) - 5 4 (u5) (u5) (s5) (s5) - 12 5 (u1) (u1) (s1) (s1) - (1) (1) 294 (1) 633 8,049 circuits 14,717 circuits (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptors. (sx) This service comprises a number of individual prices as indicated by the value of x. (ux) This service comprises a number of individual volumetrics as indicated by the value of x. (s) Costs associated with support services are included within the above reported services and hence not disclosed separately. 46 (s) Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.7 - TISBO (above 8Mbit/s up to and including 45Mbit/s)(Annex 11) Market summary Purpose of statement: to provide more detail on financial performance and first order tests of compliance with cost orientation andd non-discrimination obligations Traditional interface symmetric broadband origination (above 8Mbit/s up to and including 45Mbit/s) Summary 2010 2009 Internal Sales £m External Sales £m Roundings £m 32 39 15 18 (1) Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC Turnover (note 1) £m 47 56 Operating costs £m 25 36 Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m Service Internal Partial and Private Circuits 34/45Mbit/s - connection External Partial and Private Circuits 34/45Mbit/s - connection 0 - 0 - 0 0 Partial and Private Circuits 34/45Mbit/s - link Main link fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total Internal 7 - - 7 Partial and Private Circuits 34/45Mbit/s - distribution Terminating segment charge per year Enhanced maintenance per kilometre charge per year Total Internal (20) (2) (2) (4) 9 (1) Average price per price list Proportion included in calculation 4 - 4 - 4 17 - - 17 Volume Unit (b) £ Average price £ 20 circuits 160 circuits 180 9 (9) 141 192 6.6 % 3.8 % 2,872.36 195.90 1.00 0.51 2,872.36 100.19 2,972.55 2,773.42 2,210.10 4,531.72 1.07 2,872.36 195.90 1.00 0.51 2,872.36 100.19 2,972.55 2,773.42 2,210.10 4,531.72 1.07 2,216 links 1,181 links 450.99 2.22 1.00 1.00 450.99 2.22 453.21 389.14 303.58 833.88 1.16 450.99 2.22 1.00 1.00 450.99 2.22 453.21 389.14 303.58 833.88 1.16 2,378.47 82.96 2,461.43 6,542.44 3,110.69 8,391.77 0.38 2,744.12 95.71 2,839.83 5,579.60 3,218.80 7,864.94 0.51 n/a n/a n/a n/a 37,129 km 6 12,929 km 8 - - 8 3,312 le Local end fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total External - 3 - 3 1,187 le Netstream 16 LL 45Mbit/s rentals - 0 - 0 (u4) (s4) Support Service Internal Protected Path Variants and Resilience External Protected Path Variants and Resilience 1 - 2 - 1 2 (u4) (u4) (s4) (s4) 2,744.12 195.90 2,744.12 195.90 - - - - (1) 32 15 - 47 Average price/FAC £ 0.81 0.81 - - £ 3,031.82 3,031.82 6 - £ Unaudited LRIC Ceiling 1,837.61 1,837.61 - (1) FAC (see Unaudited App 1.2) LRIC Floor 1,978.15 1,978.15 Partial and Private Circuits 34/45Mbit/s - local end Local end fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total Internal Roundings MCE £m 1,593.44 1,593.44 Terminating segment charge per year Enhanced maintenance per kilometre charge per year Total External Equipment depreciation 38 65 Return £m Return on MCE Cost orientation External Sales Main link fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total External 26 32 Other adjs. £m Total CCA operating Roundings costs £m £m Non-discrimination Internal Sales For the year ended 31 March 2010 Depreciation £m Holding (gain)/loss Supp. Dep. £m £m 0.87 0.42 1.00 0.49 Estimated total cost of £0.6m Estimated total cost of £1.0m Estimated equipment depreciation of £6.8m (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptors. (sx) This service comprises a number of individual prices as indicated by the value of x. (ux) This service comprises a number of individual volumetrics as indicated by the value of x. (un) This service comprises a large number of volumetrics and prices. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 47 Return excl. reval. adjs. (h) £m Return on MCE excl. reval. adjs. (h) (3) (2.4)% Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.7 - TISBO (above 8Mbit/s up to and including 45Mbit/s)(continued) Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC Non-discrimination Cost orientation Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m Service Internal Partial and Private Circuits 34/45Mbit/s - connection External Partial and Private Circuits 34/45Mbit/s - connection 0 - 0 - 0 0 Partial and Private Circuits 34/45Mbit/s - link Main link fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total Internal 9 - - 9 For the year ended 31 March 2009 Main link fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total External Partial and Private Circuits 34/45Mbit/s - distribution Terminating segment charge per year Enhanced maintenance per kilometre charge per year Total Internal Terminating segment charge per year Enhanced maintenance per kilometre charge per year Total External Partial and Private Circuits 34/45Mbit/s - local end Local end fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total Internal - 4 - 4 18 - - 18 - 10 7 - - - 7 10 Volume Unit (b) 2 - 2 - 2 2 (u4) (u4) - - (1) (1) 18 (1) 56 1,494.80 1,494.80 1,346.79 1,346.79 2,202.45 2,202.45 1.07 1.07 4,226.50 3,422.71 6,814.32 0.70 1.00 0.47 2,862.02 92.68 2,954.70 4,226.50 3,422.71 6,814.32 0.70 449.37 2.21 1.00 1.00 449.37 2.21 451.58 417.94 361.16 743.32 1.08 449.37 2.21 1.00 1.00 449.37 2.21 451.58 417.94 361.16 743.32 1.08 3,165.79 195.20 0.77 0.40 2,434.49 78.84 2,513.33 7,039.04 4,947.26 10,552.47 0.36 3,165.79 195.20 1.00 0.53 3,165.79 102.52 3,268.31 10,624.90 7,740.08 15,949.73 0.31 4,093 le Support Service Internal Protected Path Variants and Resilience External Protected Path Variants and Resilience 1,593.44 1,593.44 2,862.02 195.20 14,964 km 1,396 le Average price/FAC £ 2,862.02 92.68 2,954.70 40,755 km 5 £ 1.00 0.47 1,368 links - £ Unaudited LRIC Ceiling 2,862.02 195.20 3,099 links 5 Average FAC (see Unaudited App 1.2) LRIC Floor price £ 42 circuits 247 circuits 289 - 39 Proportion included in calculation £ Local end fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total External Roundings Average price per price list (s4) (s4) (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptors. (sx) This service comprises a number of individual prices as indicated by the value of x. (ux) This service comprises a number of individual volumetrics as indicated by the value of x. (s) Costs associated with support services are included within the above reported services and hence not disclosed separately. 48 (s) Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.8 - TISBO (above 45Mbit/s up to and including 155Mbit/s)(Annex 11) Market summary Purpose of statement: to provide more detail on financial performance and first order tests of compliance with cost orientation andd non-discrimination obligations Traditional interface symmetric broadband origination (above 45Mbit/s up to and including 155Mbit/s) Summary 2010 2009 Internal Sales £m External Sales £m Roundings £m 79 99 19 5 - Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC For the year ended 31 March 2010 Service Internal Partial and Private Circuits 140/155Mbit/s - connection External Partial and Private Circuits 140/155Mbit/s - connection Partial and Private Circuits 140/155Mbit/s - link Main link fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total Internal Main link fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total External Partial and Private Circuits 140/155Mbit/s - distribution Terminating segment charge per year Enhanced maintenance per kilometre charge per year Total Internal Turnover (note 1) £m 98 104 Operating costs £m 19 36 Depreciation £m Holding (gain)/loss Supp. Dep. £m £m 26 26 (16) (1) Other adjs. £m (3) (3) 8 0 Average price per price list Proportion included in calculation Total CCA operating Roundings costs £m £m - MCE £m 64 46 135 211 47.8 % 22.3 % Cost orientation Non-discrimination Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m 0 - 0 - 0 0 28 - - 28 - 1 - 1 31 - - 31 Volume Unit (b) £ - 1 1,000 km 10 - - 10 809 le £ Average price/FAC £ 1,804.72 1,804.72 1,980.00 1,980.00 1,839.39 1,839.39 3,033.94 3,033.94 0.91 0.91 10,408.45 159.13 10,567.58 9,036.54 7,166.09 15,923.38 1.17 10,408.45 379.26 1.00 0.42 10,408.45 159.13 10,567.58 9,036.54 7,166.09 15,923.38 1.17 1,177.73 5.32 1.00 1.00 1,177.73 5.32 1,183.05 490.16 368.02 1,176.19 2.41 1,177.73 5.32 1.00 1.00 1,177.73 5.32 1,183.05 490.16 368.02 1,176.19 2.41 26,556 km 1 £ Unaudited LRIC Ceiling 1.00 0.42 93 links - FAC (see Unaudited App 1.2) LRIC Floor 10,408.45 379.26 2,627 links Partial and Private Circuits 140/155Mbit/s - local end Local end fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total Internal Average price £ 8 circuits 23 circuits 31 Terminating segment charge per year Enhanced maintenance per kilometre charge per year Total External 14,397.82 379.26 0.88 0.51 12,619.81 192.94 12,812.75 12,066.53 7,951.21 15,051.86 1.06 14,397.82 379.26 1.00 0.58 14,397.82 220.12 14,617.94 14,501.69 10,045.65 19,263.06 1.01 10,000.00 2,083.00 1,935.81 3,190.61 4.80 n/a n/a n/a n/a Local end fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total External - 2 - 2 Netstream 16 LL 155Mbit/s connection - 0 - 0 Netstream 16 LL 155Mbit/s rentals - 14 - 14 (u4) (s4) 10 - 1 - 10 1 (u4) (u4) (s4) (s4) Equipment depreciation - - - - Roundings - - - - 79 19 - 98 Support Service Internal Protected Path Variants and Resilience External Protected Path Variants and Resilience 34 58 Return £m Return on MCE 107 le 2 circuits Estimated total cost of £2.2m Estimated total cost of £0.2m Estimated equipment depreciation of £0.2m (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptors. (sx) This service comprises a number of individual prices as indicated by the value of x. (ux) This service comprises a number of individual volumetrics as indicated by the value of x. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 49 Return excl. reval. adjs. (h) £m 54 Return on MCE excl. reval. adjs. (h) 39.7 % Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.8 - TISBO (above 45Mbit/s up to and including 155Mbit/s)(continued) Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC For the year ended 31 March 2009 Service Internal Partial and Private Circuits 140/155Mbit/s - connection External Partial and Private Circuits 140/155Mbit/s - connection Partial and Private Circuits 140/155Mbit/s - link Main link fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total Internal Main link fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total External Partial and Private Circuits 140/155Mbit/s - distribution Terminating segment charge per year Enhanced maintenance per kilometre charge per year Total Internal Non-discrimination Cost orientation Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m 0 - 0 - 0 0 34 - - 34 3,242 links - 1 - 1 98 links Volume Unit (b) 10,391.84 378.65 - - 39 - 1 - 1 1,155 km 16 - - 16 1,365 le Support Service Internal Protected Path Variants and Resilience External Protected Path Variants and Resilience Roundings - 2 - 2 10 - 1 - 10 1 - - - 99 5 - 1.00 0.40 1.00 0.40 £ Unaudited LRIC Ceiling £ Average price/FAC £ 1,804.72 1,804.72 1,494.80 1,494.80 1,346.79 1,346.79 2,202.45 2,202.45 1.21 1.21 10,391.84 152.60 10,544.44 13,820.43 11,604.60 24,586.17 0.76 10,391.84 152.60 10,544.44 13,820.43 11,604.60 24,586.17 0.76 1,214.91 5.40 1.00 1.00 1,214.91 5.40 1,220.31 556.05 500.10 1,101.25 2.19 1,214.91 5.40 1.00 1.00 1,214.91 5.40 1,220.31 556.05 500.10 1,101.25 2.19 31,750 km Partial and Private Circuits 140/155Mbit/s - local end Local end fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total Internal Average FAC (see Unaudited App 1.2) LRIC Floor price £ 3 circuits 32 circuits 35 10,391.84 378.65 39 Proportion included in calculation £ Terminating segment charge per year Enhanced maintenance per kilometre charge per year Total External Local end fixed charge per year Enhanced maintenance fixed charge per year Total External Average price per price list 15,394.02 378.65 0.77 0.46 11,838.00 173.83 12,011.83 10,917.46 8,743.32 15,083.46 1.10 15,394.02 378.65 1.00 0.60 15,394.02 226.05 15,620.07 18,507.46 15,124.23 26,727.86 0.84 103 le (s4) (s4) (u4) (u4) 104 (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptors. (sx) This service comprises a number of individual prices as indicated by the value of x. (ux) This service comprises a number of individual volumetrics as indicated by the value of x. (s) Costs associated with support services are included within the above reported services and hence not disclosed separately. 50 (s) Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.9 - AISBO (up to and including 1Gbit/s)(Annex 11) Market summary Purpose of statement: to provide more detail on financial performance and first order tests of compliance with cost orientation andd non-discrimination obligations Alternative interface symmetric broadband origination (up to and including 1Gbit/s) Summary 2010 2009 Internal Sales £m External Sales £m Roundings £m 281 279 208 212 3 Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC For the year ended 31 March 2010 Turnover (note 1) £m Operating costs £m 176 103 489 494 Depreciation £m Holding (gain)/loss £m 145 94 (217) (13) Supp. Dep. Other adjs. £m £m 6 2 95 (17) Total CCA operating Roundings costs £m £m - 205 169 Return £m MCE £m 284 325 1,120 873 Cost orientation Non-discrimination Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover Volume Unit (b) Average price FAC (see Unaudited App 1.2) LRIC Floor Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Average price/FAC £m £m £m £m Service Internal Wholesale extension services 10Mbit/s rental External Wholesale extension services 10Mbit/s rental 75 - 39 - 75 39 36,532 le 19,418 le 55,950 2,040.50 2,005.61 1,675.41 1,675.41 620.22 620.22 2,239.13 2,239.13 1.22 1.20 Internal Wholesale extension services 100Mbit/s rental External Wholesale extension services 100Mbit/s rental 58 - 28 - 58 28 24,992 le 12,213 le 37,205 2,313.46 2,273.25 1,719.82 1,719.82 648.31 648.31 2,318.70 2,318.70 1.35 1.32 Internal Wholesale extension services 1000Mbit/s rental External Wholesale extension services 1000Mbit/s rental 24 - 8 - 24 8 4,117 le 1,518 le 5,635 5,819.71 5,554.59 2,097.62 2,097.62 905.70 905.70 3,027.96 3,027.96 2.77 2.65 Internal Wholesale extension services other bandwidth rental External Wholesale extension services other bandwidth rental 13 - 2 - 13 2 16,808 le 351 le 17,159 746.63 6,815.20 1,731.71 1,731.71 652.42 652.42 2,296.66 2,296.66 0.43 3.94 Internal Wholesale extension services 10Mbit/s connection External Wholesale extension services 10Mbit/s connection 8 - 5 - 8 5 6,914 le 4,587 le 11,501 1,097.39 995.98 3,322.59 3,322.59 2,919.80 2,919.80 6,462.39 6,462.39 0.33 0.30 Internal Wholesale extension services 100Mbit/s connection External Wholesale extension services 100Mbit/s connection 13 - 6 - 13 6 10,196 le 5,115 le 15,311 1,239.42 1,099.81 3,224.47 3,224.47 2,829.91 2,829.91 6,165.69 6,165.69 0.38 0.34 Internal Wholesale extension services 1000Mbit/s connection External Wholesale extension services 1000Mbit/s connection 9 - 2 - 9 2 1,598 le 754 le 2,352 5,557.25 2,201.10 9,267.84 9,267.84 8,090.94 8,090.94 16,410.49 16,410.49 0.60 0.24 <1 - <1 - <1 <1 (t) (t) (u) (u) (u) (u) (u) (u) n/a n/a Internal Wholesale extension services other bandwidth connection (t) External Wholesale extension services other bandwidth connection (t) £ (t) (t) £ £ £ External Backhaul extension services 100Mbit/s rental - 8 - 8 5,272 le 1,582.63 1,633.96 678.04 1,730.62 0.97 External Backhaul extension services 1000Mbit/s rental - 17 - 17 4,106 le 4,198.81 1,934.86 884.78 2,239.47 2.17 External Backhaul extension services other bandwidth rental (t) - <1 - <1 (t) (t) (u) (u) (u) n/a 51 Return on MCE 25.4 % 37.3 % Return excl. reval. adjs. (h) £m 152 Return on MCE excl. reval. adjs. (h) 13.5 % Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.9 - AISBO (up to and including 1Gbit/s)(continued) Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC For the year ended 31 March 2010 Cost orientation Non-discrimination Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover Volume Unit (b) Average FAC (see Unaudited App 1.2) LRIC Floor price Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Average price/FAC £m £m £m £m External Backhaul extension services 100Mbit/s connection (t) - <1 - <1 External Backhaul extension services 1000Mbit/s connection - 2 - 2 1,192 le External Backhaul extension services other bandwidth connection - 2 - 2 (u1) External Backhaul network services all bandwidth connection (t) - <1 - <1 (t) (u) (u) (u) n/a External Backhaul network services all bandwidth rental - 6 - 6 876 circuits 6,335.60 1,693.44 677.27 2,815.35 3.74 Internal Ethernet Access Direct connection External Ethernet Access Direct connection 2 - 1 - 2 1 816 circuits 589 circuits 1,405 2,372.36 2,065.72 <1 - <1 - <1 <1 962.58 962.58 1.26 1.23 Internal Ethernet Access Direct rental (t) External Ethernet Access Direct rental (t) (t) (t) (t) (t) £ £ £ £ (t) (u) (u) (u) n/a 2,013.52 14,439.10 12,551.86 26,860.72 0.14 (s1) 10,445.50 9,019.28 18,010.39 n/a (t) (t) External Ethernet Backhaul Direct connection - 1 - 1 302 circuits 4,575.00 External Ethernet Backhaul Direct rental - 6 - 6 759 circuits 7,782.00 Internal Other Ethernet connection External Other Ethernet connection 2 - 1 - 2 1 257 circuits 566 circuits 823 8,297.79 2,545.33 Internal Other Ethernet rental External Other Ethernet rental (t) 1 - <1 - 1 <1 583 circuits (t) 2,120.20 (t) Internal Main link rental charges External Main link rental charges 64 - 61 - 64 61 - - - - 12 - 11 - 12 11 - 2 - 2 208 - 489 Support Service Equipment depreciation Internal Excess construction charges External Excess construction charges Roundings 281 159,835 fibre km 154,497 fibre km 314,332 (u) 400.95 393.91 319.04 319.04 204.71 204.71 Estimated equipment depreciation of £3.3m (u1) (u1) (s1) Estimated matched cost of £8.0m (*) (s1) Estimated matched cost of £7.0m (*) (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptors. (sx) This service comprises a number of individual prices as indicated by the value of x. (ux) This service comprises a number of individual volumetrics as indicated by the value of x. (t) Turnover for this service is <£1m and hence shown within roundings as agreed with Ofcom. Where turnover is immaterial, no volumes or pricees are shown. (u) Costs associated with these services are immaterial and included within the above reported AISBO services and hence not disclosed separaately. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. (*) These are capital costs and therefore not included in the market total for operating costs. 52 Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.9 - AISBO (up to and including 1Gbit/s)(continued) Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC For the year ended 31 March 2009 Non-discrimination Cost orientation Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover Volume Unit (b) Average FAC (see Unaudited App 1.2) LRIC Floor price Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Average price/FAC £m £m £m £m Service Internal Wholesale extension services 10Mbit/s rental External Wholesale extension services 10Mbit/s rental 72 - 29 - 72 29 48,703 le 14,214 le 62,917 1,472.86 2,039.89 1,368.82 1,368.82 588.87 588.87 1,789.80 1,789.80 1.08 1.49 Internal Wholesale extension services 100Mbit/s rental External Wholesale extension services 100Mbit/s rental 65 - 21 - 65 21 24,084 le 7,820 le 31,904 2,714.70 2,656.36 1,365.22 1,365.22 585.38 585.38 1,781.55 1,781.55 1.99 1.95 Internal Wholesale extension services 1000Mbit/s rental External Wholesale extension services 1000Mbit/s rental 25 - 6 - 25 6 3,211 le 846 le 4,057 7,887.93 7,568.75 1,382.65 1,382.65 600.00 600.00 1,821.56 1,821.56 5.70 5.47 3 - 2 - 3 2 162 le 345 le 507 18,322.06 6,201.16 2,620.05 2,620.05 1,773.30 1,773.30 4,658.92 4,658.92 6.99 2.37 Internal Wholesale extension services 10Mbit/s connection External Wholesale extension services 10Mbit/s connection 10 - 6 - 10 6 7,841 le 5,037 le 12,878 1,267.48 1,232.97 1,651.86 1,651.86 1,555.80 1,555.80 2,628.55 2,628.55 0.77 0.75 Internal Wholesale extension services 100Mbit/s connection External Wholesale extension services 100Mbit/s connection 11 - 8 - 11 8 5,332 le 3,745 le 9,077 2,085.25 2,186.14 1,593.23 1,593.23 1,497.30 1,497.30 2,454.37 2,454.37 1.31 1.37 Internal Wholesale extension services 1000Mbit/s connection External Wholesale extension services 1000Mbit/s connection 5 - 2 - 5 2 951 le 502 le 1,453 4,758.46 4,578.42 5,778.98 5,778.98 5,430.87 5,430.87 8,899.04 8,899.04 0.82 0.79 Internal Wholesale extension services other bandwidth connection External Wholesale extension services other bandwidth connection 0 - 0 - 0 0 16 le 29 le 45 4,762.50 4,500.00 3,383.86 3,383.86 3,219.51 3,219.51 6,184.48 6,184.48 1.41 1.33 Internal Wholesale extension services other bandwidth rental External Wholesale extension services other bandwidth rental £ 53 £ £ £ Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.9 - AISBO (up to and including 1Gbit/s)(continued) Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC Non-discrimination Cost orientation Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m - 16 - 16 External Backhaul extension services 1000Mbit/s rental - 30 - External Backhaul extension services other bandwidth rental - 2 - External Backhaul extension services 100Mbit/s connection - 2 External Backhaul extension services 1000Mbit/s connection - External Backhaul extension services other bandwidth connection For the year ended 31 March 2009 Volume Unit (b) Average FAC (see Unaudited App 1.2) LRIC Floor price £ £ Unaudited LRIC Ceiling £ Average price/FAC £ 6,080 le 2,687.33 1,239.00 586.87 1,620.75 2.17 30 6,695 le 4,473.48 1,256.25 601.31 1,660.32 3.56 2 4,099 le 503.23 1,249.92 597.46 1,645.76 0.40 - 2 649 le 2,369.80 1,007.87 997.04 1,703.56 2.35 8 - 8 1,555 le 5,199.15 3,589.53 3,552.26 6,025.57 1.45 - 1 - 1 965 le 1,478.28 1,500.93 1,485.29 2,521.56 0.98 External Backhaul network services all bandwidth connection - 2 - 2 141 circuits 17,124.77 47,622.13 48,855.69 60,115.26 0.36 External Backhaul network services all bandwidth rental - 5 - 5 920 circuits 5,691.35 2,440.54 739.48 4,239.74 2.33 Internal Main link rental charges External Main link rental charges 75 - 63 - 75 63 516.11 513.25 183.50 183.50 116.44 116.44 582.75 582.75 2.81 2.80 Support Service Internal Excess construction charges External Excess construction charges 13 - 9 - 13 9 External Backhaul extension services 100Mbit/s rental Roundings 279 - 3 3 212 3 494 144,634 fibre km 123,010 fibre km 267,644 (u3) (u3) (s3) (s3) (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptors. (sx) This service comprises a number of individual prices as indicated by the value of x. (ux) This service comprises a number of individual volumetrics as indicated by the value of x. (s) Costs associated with support services are included within the above reported services and hence not disclosed separately. 54 (s) Section 7 - Review of Access Markets Section 7.10 - Wholesale local access (Annex 11) Market summary Purpose of statement: to provide more detail on financial performance and first order tests of compliance with cost orientation and non-discrrimination obligations Wholesale local access Summary 2010 2009 Internal Sales £m External Sales £m Roundings £m - 439 349 1 Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC For the year ended 31 March 2010 Turnover (note 1) £m 439 350 Operating costs Depreciation £m £m 267 281 Holding (gain)/loss Supp. Dep. Other adjs. £m £m £m 97 70 (236) 18 23 16 48 15 Non-discrimination Total CCA operating Roundings costs £m £m - 199 400 Return £m MCE £m 240 (50) 950 627 Cost orientation Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m Volume Unit (b) Average price £ FAC (see Unaudited App 1.2) LRIC Floor £ £ Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Average price/FAC £ Service External MPF Connections - 58 - 58 1,857,350 lines 31.39 29.52 27.23 41.39 External MPF Rentals - 188 - 188 2,198,228 lines 85.46 85.49 52.09 104.28 1.00 External MPF Room Build - 7 - 7 11,723.66 400.34 359.43 745.41 29.28 External MPF Hostel Rentals - 52 - 52 10,091 hostels 5,190.52 4,217.41 3,603.80 6,008.06 1.23 External MPF Tie Cables - 13 - 13 26,373 cables 476.89 335.21 314.92 426.69 1.42 External SMPF Connections - 59 - 59 2,259,796 conns 26.06 25.63 23.70 32.65 1.02 External SMPF Rentals - 62 - 62 3,945,687 lines 15.60 13.50 11.46 20.41 1.16 Roundings - - - - - 439 - 439 £m £m £m £m 0.61 For the year ended 31 March 2009 632 rooms 1.06 Service External MPF Connections - 26 - 26 705,982 lines 37.31 60.92 57.18 73.89 External MPF Rentals - 119 - 119 1,469,385 lines 81.16 120.04 69.29 134.58 0.68 External MPF Room Build - 7 - 7 564 rooms 11,693.78 923.10 94.09 555.44 12.67 External MPF Hostel Rentals - 47 - 47 9,291 hostels 5,076.04 4,442.22 3,871.28 5,648.97 1.14 External MPF Tie Cables - 14 - 14 26,207 cables 532.92 1,663.80 764.60 1,700.48 0.32 External SMPF Connections - 79 - 79 2,103,101 conns 37.71 50.13 46.86 63.83 0.75 External SMPF Rentals - 57 - 57 3,668,025 lines 15.60 14.59 12.64 18.08 1.07 Roundings - - 1 1 - 349 1 350 (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptors. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 55 Return on MCE 25.4 % (8.0)% Return excl. reval. adjs. (h) £m 130 Return on MCE excl. reval. adjs. (h) 13.7 % Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets Section 8 Review of Other Wholesale Markets 56 Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets Section 8.1 - Financial Performance in Other Wholesale Markets (Annex 8) For the year ended 31 March 2010 Call origination on FPN networks Local-tandem conveyance and transit on FPN networks Single transit on FPN networks Technical areas (Interconnect Circuits) Fixed call termination Wholesale trunk segments Technical areas (Point of Handover) Wholesale Broadband Access Total Other Wholesale Markets For the year ended 31 March 2009 Call origination on FPN networks Local-tandem conveyance and transit on FPN networks Single transit on FPN networks Technical areas (Interconnect Circuits) Fixed call termination Wholesale trunk segments Technical areas (Point of Handover) Wholesale Broadband Access Total Other Wholesale Markets Internal Turnover £m 150 57 0 19 68 141 0 570 1,005 Internal Turnover £m 155 58 0 22 71 207 0 628 1,141 External Turnover £m 52 28 4 40 102 23 12 405 666 External Turnover £m 65 30 5 46 108 50 6 420 730 Roundings Turnover £m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Roundings Turnover £m 1 (1) 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Total Turnover £m 202 85 4 59 170 164 12 975 1,671 Total Turnover £m 221 87 5 68 179 257 6 1,049 1,872 CCA HCA Costs Adjustments £m £m 178 (28) 45 (19) 4 0 47 (7) 139 (31) 55 (40) 12 (2) 805 (48) 1,285 HCA Costs £m 224 58 8 55 184 75 2 672 1,278 (h) See Section 4 - Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 57 (175) CCA Adjustments £m (7) (5) 0 (2) (7) (15) 0 (33) (69) Roundings £m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Roundings £m 1 1 0 6 0 4 1 2 15 Total CCA Operating costs £m 150 26 4 40 108 15 10 757 1,110 Total CCA Operating costs £m 218 54 8 59 177 64 3 641 1,224 Return £m 52 59 0 19 62 149 2 218 Mean Capital Employed £m 372 142 11 77 388 247 22 1,301 Return on MCE % 14.4 % 41.8 % (1.0)% 23.9 % 15.8 % 60.5 % 7.1 % 16.8 % 561 2,560 21.9 % Mean Capital Employed £m 491 142 30 101 491 270 7 1,173 Return on MCE % 0.6 % 22.7 % (9.3)% 10.7 % 0.4 % 71.3 % 47.5 % 34.8 % 2,705 24.0 % Return £m 3 33 (3) 9 2 193 3 408 648 Return excl. reval. adj. (h) £m 17 38 0 11 23 108 1 178 376 ROCE excl. reval. adj. (h) % 4.6 % 27.0 % (1.0)% 14.7 % 5.9 % 43.7 % 2.3 % 13.7 % 14.7 % Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets Section 8.2 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets (Annex 10 & 14) Section 8.2.1 - Market Group Level Review (Annex 10) Section 8.2.1 – Market Group Level Review (Annex 10) Overall the markets for calls (call origination, call termination, local to tandem conveyance and single transit) continue to show a decline in revenue, due to reducing volumes. Substitution of fixed PSTN calls continues with migration to broadband, mobile, LLU operators and other alternatives. As volumes reduce there is a consequential reduction in the revenue for interconnect circuits, the fixed links that carry calls traffic between the networks of different operators. The Network Charge Controls were by updated by Ofcom and the new controls took effect on 1 October 2009, the mid point of 2009/10. The details of the changes to the RPI – X formulae are given in Section 8.2.2. SMP status was removed from the Local to Tandem Conveyance market, and this service will become part of Wholesale Residual in future years. Single Transit retains SMP status but Ofcom has determined that a price control is no longer needed as a remedy. Costs and mean capital employed for the calls markets in total have reduced due to a combination of ageing PSTN assets approaching the end of their planned lives, and the changes to cost allocation referred to in Section 4.2.4. Wholesale trunk segments are bought by Communications Providers in combination with partial private circuits in the TISBO markets. Revenue and returns have fallen significantly in the year due to significant price reductions introduced in connection with the new Leased Lines Charge Controls which took effect on 1 October 2009. This was part of a general re-alignment of PPC and Trunk prices to move them more into line with costs. Points of Handover charges relate to the cost of providing interconnection between operators’ networks for TISBO services. Revenue has increased in 2009/10 following changes to the structure and pricing of Point of Handover services via the Business Connectivity Market Review and Leased Line Charge Control determinations. Revenue and returns for the broadband market taken as a whole (Wholesale Broadband Access) have fallen, partly due to price reductions in the de-regulated part of the market and partly due to additional network costs. The Wholesale Broadband market shows returns declining significantly. The main reasons are due to a combination of lower revenues due to competition conditions and higher costs as a result of continued roll-out of 21CN services. 58 Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets Key Market Changes Section 8.2.2 – Market Level Financial Review of Other Wholesale SMP Markets (Annex (Annex 14) 14) Section 8.2.2 - Market Level Financial of Other Wholesale SMP Markets Market: Call Origination on Fixed PublicReview Narrowband Networks The last FRIACO customer ceased their service during 2009 and FRIACO was subsequently withdrawn from new supply in October 2009. Call origination has declined steadily throughout the year driven by several factors: Definition The conveyance of a call originating on a customer’s exchange line from the remote concentrator to and over the local exchange. “Call Origination Services” are defined as any and all of the following specific services provided by the Dominant Provider: • call origination (including operator assistance and emergency intermediate services); and • call origination (including emergency intermediate services). • The ongoing migration of call origination minutes from fixed public narrowband networks to mobile networks. • The substitution impact of VOIP (Voice Over IP) calls is growing and will potentially have a greater impact in the future as Broadband Service Providers move towards double and triple play offerings in a move to consolidate market share and grow revenue. • Growth in Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) lines has eroded call origination volumes with major players marketing double play offerings to their customer base, where voice services are provided alongside high speed data. Key Regulatory Changes Market: Local-Tandem Conveyance and Transit on Fixed Public Narrowband Networks In 2009/10 Ofcom carried out a review of the Fixed Narrowband Services Wholesale Market and a review of the Network Charge Controls. Ofcom concluded that BT still has SMP in the call origination market going forward. Ofcom also determined that due to decline in the market BT no longer has an obligation to supply FRIACO. As of 1 October 2009 the price control on both DLE FRIACO and Single Tandem FRIACO fell away. Definition The Determination on PPP (Product Management, Policy and Planning) was implemented by Ofcom on 1 July 2004. The interconnect costs are pooled with the costs of providing end to end calls for BT’s retail activities and the costs are recovered over all calls on an equivalent basis. Each physical call crossing BT’s network is charged PPP only once. As PPP is incurred on all calls in markets where BT has SMP, it is relevant for the Call Origination market. The charge controls for these services are as follows: Local-tandem conveyance (LTC) and local-tandem transit (LTT) are services that convey traffic between a local and a tandem exchange. A tandem exchange is a telephone exchange whose primary function to switch traffic between telephone exchanges in a Public Electronic Communications Network (PECN). Local-tandem conveyance (LTC) is the service that an originating or terminating operator provides to convey calls between a local exchange and a tandem exchange. New NCC Local-tandem transit (LTT) is a service a transit operator provides to convey calls between a local exchange and a tandem exchange when a call originates and terminates on networks other than its own. (1 Oct 2005 – 30 Sept 2009) (1 Oct 2009 – 30 Sept 2013) Key Regulatory Changes RPI - 3.75% RPI + 2.75% In 2009/10 Ofcom carried out a review of the Fixed Narrowband Services Wholesale Market and a review of the Network Charge Controls. Ofcom concluded that LTC and LTT are in a separate market to that containing Single Transit. The final Statement confirmed Ofcom’s view that the market for LTC and LTT is effectively competitive and therefore SMP no longer applies. As a result of this from 1 October 2009 the price control is no longer necessary. This means that the market is not bound by the RPI-X formula beyond 30 September 2009. Until 30 September 2009 the price control applicable for this market is RPI-0% Service Previous NCC Call Origination DLE FRIACO RPI - 8% Not applicable Single Tandem FRIACO RPI - 8.5% Not applicable Product Management, Policy and Planning (PPP) RPI + 0.75% RPI + 1.50% The Determination on PPP (Product Management, Policy and Planning) was implemented by Ofcom on 1 July 2004. The interconnect costs are pooled with the costs of providing end to end calls for BT’s retail activities and the costs are recovered over all calls on an equivalent basis. Each call crossing BT’s network is charged PPP only once. Given that PPP (Product Management, Policy and Planning) is only 59 Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets incurred on all calls in markets where BT has SMP, it is not relevant for the LTC and LTT market beyond 30 September 2009. Until that point the price control applicable for PPP is RPI+0.75%. Key Market Changes The reduction in turnover is due to the decline in Local-tandem conveyance volumes explained below. activities and the costs are recovered over all calls on an equivalent basis. Each call crossing BT’s network is charged PPP only once. As PPP is incurred on all calls in markets where BT has SMP, it is relevant for the Single Transit market. To 30 September 2009 the price control applicable for PPP is RPI+0.75%. From 1 October 2009 to 30 September 2013 the price control has been changed to RPI+1.50%. Key Market Changes Overall the fixed line calls market is shrinking. The contraction of the fixed market is driven by substitution of broadband and mobile. Volumes of transit calls declined during the financial year ended 31 March 2010 primarily due to direct connects between other operators. Local-tandem conveyance has declined steadily throughout the year driven by the following main factors: • The ongoing migration of local-tandem conveyance minutes from fixed public narrowband networks to mobile networks. • The substitution impact of VOIP (Voice Over IP) calls is growing and will potentially have a greater impact in the future as Broadband Service Providers move towards double and triple play offerings in a move to consolidate market share and grow revenue. • Similarly growth in Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) lines is beginning to erode local-tandem conveyance volumes with major players marketing double play offerings to their customer base, where voice services are provided alongside high speed data. Market: Technical Areas (Interconnect Circuits) Definition Ofcom has the ability to apply remedies to technical areas as part of the overall obligation that addresses SMP in a particular market. Interconnect Circuits have been identified as an appropriate technical area for the purpose of imposing appropriate regulatory remedies. Interconnect Circuits link the exchanges of two interconnecting Communication Providers (CPs) in order to enable traffic to pass between their networks. BT provides the following types of Interconnect Circuits: Market: Single Transit on Fixed Public Narrowband Networks Definition Single transit is the service an operator provides when a call originates and terminates on networks other than its own and the originating and terminating operators are directly connected at the same transit operator’s tandem exchange. The call is therefore transited through a single tandem exchange. While Inter-tandem conveyance (ITC) and Inter-tandem transit (ITT) are essentially transmission services, single transit is a connection service that connects two operators who are not directly connected. Due to the terms of competition being different in single transit, the 2009/10 market review confirmed that single transit is in a separate market to ITT/ITC. Key Regulatory Changes In 2009/10 Ofcom carried out a review of the Fixed Narrowband Services Wholesale Market and a review of the Network Charge Controls. Ofcom concluded that Single Transit is in a separate market to that containing LTC and LTT. The final Statement confirmed Ofcom’s view that the market for Single Transit is not effectively competitive and that the finding of SMP still applies. However, given the nature of the market no price control remedy is needed. This means that the market is not bound by the RPIX formula beyond 30 September 2009. Until 30 September 2009 the price control applicable to this market is RPI-11.5%. The Determination on PPP (Product Management, Policy and Planning) was implemented by Ofcom on 1 July 2004. The interconnect costs are pooled with the costs of providing end to end calls for BT’s retail 60 • Customer-Sited Interconnect (CSI): BT provides a point of interconnection at the site of the interconnecting CP by extending its network using a 2Mbit/s circuit; • In-Span Interconnect (ISI): BT and the other CP build out their networks to a handover point located between their switches. The handover point is normally close to the BT exchange and therefore most of the build is the responsibility of the interconnecting CP; • Interconnection Extension Circuit (IEC): IECs allow an interconnecting CP with an existing ISI to extend this point of interconnection to a new building. In order to do this, BT provides a 2Mbit/s circuit between the two buildings. An IEC is subject to the same per km charge as a CSI but has a reduced fixed charge; and • Virtual Interconnect Circuit (VIC): VIC is an operationally efficient alternative to physical interconnect at Digital Local Exchanges (DLE) allowing CPs to continue to benefit from Local Exchange Segment (LES) rates whilst physically connecting to the Next Generation Switch (NGS). VIC is an important part of BT’s commitment to maintaining commercial stability as the company moves its interconnect services onto the new 21CN platform. Ofcom determined that Interconnect Circuits should properly be considered as a Technical Area as set out by the Commission. Key Regulatory Changes In 2009/10 Ofcom carried out a review of the Fixed Narrowband Services Wholesale Market and a review of the Network Charge Controls. Ofcom concluded that BT still has SMP in the Technical Area for Interconnect Circuits going forward. The price control applicable to this Technical Area is RPI-5.25% up Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets to 30 September 2009. From 1 October 2009 the price control changed to RPI+3.75%. These controls will run until 30 September 2013. market going forward. The price control applicable to this market is RPI-5% up to 30 September 2009. From 1 October 2009 the price control changed to RPI+3.75%. Key Market Changes The Determination on PPP (Product Management, Policy and Planning) was implemented by Ofcom on 1 July 2004. The interconnect costs are pooled with the costs of providing end to end calls for BT’s retail activities and the costs are recovered over all calls on an equivalent basis. Each physical call crossing BT’s network is charged PPP only once. As PPP is incurred on all calls in markets where BT has SMP, it is relevant for the Fixed Call Termination market. The price control applicable for PPP is RPI+0.75% up to 30 September 2009. From 1 October 2009 the price control for PPP changed to RPI+1.50%. Overall the fixed line calls market is shrinking. The contraction of the fixed market is driven by substitution of broadband and mobile. Interconnect Circuit volumes have declined slowly throughout the year driven by several factors: • • • • the migration of narrowband data dial traffic to broadband services; and the ongoing migration from fixed public narrowband networks to mobile networks. CPs building direct interconnection with other CPs and by-passing BT. CPs building their own 21CN networks and considering requirements for NGN inter-connects with the BT network. • CPs rationalising their existing interconnections with BT. • CPs moving to Wholesale Calls packages – removing the requirement for Interconnect Circuits The charge controls for these services are summarised as follows: The substitution impact of VOIP (Voice Over IP) calls is growing and will potentially have a greater impact in the future as Broadband Service Providers move towards double and triple play offerings in a move to consolidate market share and grow revenue. Service Previous NCC New NCC (1 Oct 2005 – 30 Sept 2009) (1 Oct 2009 – 30 Sept 2013) Call Termination RPI - 5% RPI + 3.75% Product Management, Policy and Planning (PPP) RPI + 0.75% RPI + 1.50% Market: Fixed Call Termination Key Market Changes Definition Overall the fixed line calls market is shrinking. The contraction of the fixed market is driven by substitution of broadband and mobile. The Review of fixed geographic call termination markets was concerned with the wholesale conveyance service fixed geographic call termination only. The economic market is defined as fixed geographic call termination on each individual Public Electronic Communications Network (PECN). This definition is slightly narrower than that recommended by the European Commission, which could be adjudged to include non-geographic call termination services as well. The difference is deemed justifiable in that non-geographic call termination markets are subject to different payment arrangements that are not purely ‘calling party pays’ and, moreover, they are competitive in the UK. After discussions with Ofcom it was agreed that due to the material changes that would be required for the financial year ended 31 March 2005 the definition would be amended to include non-geographic as well as geographic calls for the Current Cost Financial Statements 2005. All PECNs that terminate fixed geographic calls have SMP in the provision of call termination services when providing such services to all other PECNs. Ofcom therefore designated that each relevant PECN has SMP. Key Regulatory Changes In 2009/10 Ofcom carried out a review of the Fixed Narrowband Services Wholesale Market and a review of the Network Charge Controls. Ofcom concluded that BT still has SMP in the call termination 61 Call termination has declined steadily throughout the year driven by several factors; • The ongoing migration of call termination minutes from fixed public narrowband networks to mobile networks. • The substitution impact of VOIP (Voice Over IP) calls is growing and will potentially have a greater impact in the future as Broadband Service Providers move towards double and triple play offerings in a move to consolidate market share and grow revenue. • Similarly growth in Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) lines is beginning to erode call termination volumes with major players marketing double play offerings to their customer base, where voice services are provided alongside high speed data. Market: Wholesale Trunk Segments Definition This market covers the provision of trunk segments across core transmission networks. These trunk services are often used to provide a link between origination services where a communications provider does not have available network to its nearest point of connection. As in the case of symmetric Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets broadband origination services, trunk segment services may be used to provide a wide range of downstream retail services. The particular services provided are the same as described above for symmetric broadband origination. No stand alone trunk segment services were sold to third parties, although such a service may be requested at some point in the future. Basket Value of X Sub Caps TI-Trunk (all bandwidths – rental). 3.25 RPI - 0% sub-cap on sub-basket of TISBO terminating segments. RPI + 5% sub-cap on each charge (excluding POH charges). RPI - 0% sub-cap on each charge (POH charges only). POC end and third party end equipment charges. RPI - 0 No charge can increase more than 5% in nominal terms. All relevant ancillary services used in the provision of TI services in scope of the TI Basket. RPI - 0 None. LLU backhaul consists of LLU backhaul trunk and LLU backhaul link. LLU backhaul trunk is similar to the trunk segment of a leased line and is hence a substitute for trunk segments. Therefore, LLU backhaul trunk segments are considered to be part of the wholesale trunk segment market. Additionally, LLU backhaul services, RBS backhaul circuits and Netstream 16 Longline may, in particular circumstances, involve some trunk segment services as part of the overall service. This would correspond to intra core transmission on the BT network. This element for RBS and Netstream circuits is included in the relevant TISBO market. OFCOM concluded that a national market exists for trunk segments and that BT has SMP in the national market for wholesale trunk segments. SDSL based circuits fall into the market for low bandwidth traditional interface symmetric broadband origination. Core conveyance relating to these services is carried across BT’s Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) network, rather than its SDH network. OFCOM therefore considered that its SMP finding is equally applicable to trunk segments conveyed across the ATM network as well as the SDH network. Key Regulatory Changes In December 2008 Ofcom published its Final Statement on the Business Connectivity Market Review. Ofcom found BT to continue to have SMP in the market for trunk segments at all bandwidths. Ofcom increased regulation in the Trunk market by imposing a charge control and requiring prices to be notified at 90 days. Ofcom also changed the definition of trunk segments from one based on links between two BT SDH Tier 1 nodes to one based on routes between defined major urban areas. This new methodology was backdated to 8 December 2008 and impacts upon prices for 2009/10. Ofcom also imposed additional Service Level Agreement/Service Level Guarantee requirements from December 2008. Following a separate Consultation, Ofcom published on 2 September 2009 its Statement on the Leased Lines Charge Controls. Ofcom imposed the following RPI – X% charge control on Trunk services as a remedy to its finding of SMP for BT (note that there is a single overall TI basket comprising connection and rental for low bandwidth, high bandwidth and very high bandwidth TISBO services as well as rental for Trunk services): In addition, Ofcom determined starting charges for Terminating and trunk segments. They also required the introduction of separate Point of Handover rental charges to replace the current local end uplift factor included in the rental price of external local ends. To balance the introduction of the new separate Point of Handover charges, Ofcom required a corresponding reduction to external local end prices. The values of X in the charge control apply to BT’s prices after these adjustments have been made. On 2 September 2009, Cable & Wireless lodged an appeal with the Competition Appeal Tribunal contesting certain parts of Ofcom’s Leased Line Charge Control Statement. If successful, this could affect both future year wholesale line prices and prices for wholesale leased lines in 2010/11. Key Market Changes There is significant competition on major trunk routes. Prices have been reduced significantly during the year. Customers continue to rationalise their networks which has resulted in a fall in the average trunk distance per circuit. All of these factors have contributed to a material reduction in revenue. Market: Technical Areas (Point of Handover) Definition Point of Handover (PoH) is a Technical Area associated with the Traditional Interface Symmetric Broadband Origination (TISBO) market, rather than a market in itself. It is a necessary technical function to enable network interconnection, in order to allow the provision of wholesale products in the TISBO market. In all TISBO markets where BT has SMP (see below), we are required to provide PoH services in two varieties: Customer Sited Handover (CSH) and In-Span Handover, including ISH Extension. When 62 Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets providing CSH, BT delivers TISBO services to the premises of its wholesale customers. When providing ISH, BT and the wholesale customer connect their networks at a notional mid-point. Key Regulatory Changes In December 2008 Ofcom published its Final Statement on the Business Connectivity Market Review. Ofcom found BT to continue to have SMP in the following markets: • Low bandwidth TISBO up to and including 8Mb; • High bandwidth TISBO above 8Mb and including 34/45 Mbit/s (excluding the CELA); • Very high bandwidth TISBO above 34/45 Mbit/s and including 155Mbit/s (excluding the CELA); and • Trunk segments at all bandwidths. Ofcom increased regulation in the Trunk market by imposing a charge control and requiring prices to be notified at 90 days. It also changed the definition of trunk segments from one based on links between two BT SDH Tier 1 nodes to one based on routes between defined major urban areas. This new methodology was backdated to 8 December 2008 and impacts upon prices for 2009/10. Ofcom also imposed more stringent Service Level Agreement/Service Level Guarantee requirements which will impact future years. Following a separate Consultation, Ofcom published on 2 September 2009 its Statement on the Leased Lines Charge Controls. Ofcom imposed the following RPI – X% charge control on TISBO services as a remedy to its finding of SMP for BT (note that there is a single overall TI basket comprising connection and rental for low bandwidth, high bandwidth and very high bandwidth TISBO services as well as rental for Trunk services): Basket Value of X Sub Caps Low bandwidth connection and rental 3.25 RPI - 0% sub-cap on subbasket of TISBO terminating segments. Very high bandwidth connection and rental In addition, Ofcom determined starting charges for Terminating and trunk segments. They also required the introduction of separate Point of Handover rental charges to replace the current local end uplift factor included in the rental price of external local ends. To balance the introduction of the new separate Point of Handover charges, Ofcom required a corresponding reduction to external local end prices. The values of X in the charge control apply to BT’s prices after these adjustments have been made. On 2 September 2009 Cable & Wireless lodged an appeal with the Competition Appeal Tribunal contesting certain parts of Ofcom’s Statement. Depending on the outcome of the appeal there may be a varying effect on BT’s pricing. Key Market Changes There are new services published within this market in 2009/10 which capture the revenues associated with the new Point of Handover rental charges introduced from October 2009. Other changes reflected in the market include customers looking to rationalise their networks, i.e. reduce the number of sites and consequently points of handover, and instead increase the bandwidth to remaining sites. There were price changes in this market in March 2010 to implement the LLCC obligations. Market: Wholesale Broadband Access Definition Wholesale Broadband Access relates to asymmetric broadband access and any backhaul as necessary to allow interconnection with other Communications Providers which provides an always-on capability, allows both voice and data service to be used simultaneously and provides data at speeds greater than a dial-up connection. This market includes both business and residential customers in the UK. Wholesale Broadband Access is split into three markets based on an analysis leading up to the May 2008 final statement on the WBA Market Review: RPI + 5% sub-cap on each charge (excluding POH charges). High bandwidth connection and rental These controls run from 1 October 2009 to 30 September 2012. • Market 1 - those geographic areas covered by exchanges where BT was the only operator; • Market 2 - those geographic areas covered by exchanges where there were 2 or 3 operators, and exchanges where there were 4 or more operators where the exchange served less than 10,000 homes and businesses; and • Market 3 - those geographic areas covered by exchanges where there were 4 or more operators and where the exchange served 10,000 or more homes and businesses. RPI - 0% sub-cap on each charge (POH charges only). POC end and third party end equipment charges. RPI - 0 No charge can increase more than 5% in nominal terms. Key Regulatory Changes All relevant ancillary services used in the provision of TI services in scope of the TI Basket. RPI - 0 None BT Wholesale continues to have regulatory and EoI obligations in relation to the supply of wholesale broadband access products in Markets 1 & 2. 63 Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets The floors pricing commitment agreed with Ofcom in November 2006 expired on 31 December 2008. The ceilings price commitment agreed with Ofcom is not due to expire until 31 December 2010. Looking forward, Ofcom is conducting a review of the Wholesale Broadband Access Market. This is due to be concluded in the Autumn 2010. Ofcom have also proposed 12-month transitional arrangements in the exchanges moving to Market 3 which delays the impact of de-regulation. Ofcom is also proposing to introduce price regulation, with a cost orientation obligation in Market 2 and a charge control in Market 1. There will be a separate consultation on the charge control in the autumn 2010. The outcome of this statement and the proposed price regulation will impact future years. Key Market Changes Broadband revenue has fallen year on year, mainly as a result of lower prices in the now deregulated Market 3, where there are 4 or more principal operators. Overall the broadband market has seen a small fall in DSL broadband users, driven by competition from LLU operators and maybe migration to alternative suppliers. Operating costs and capital employed have risen for the broadband market as a whole. Extra capital costs and the associated depreciation are driven by the continued roll out of new services such as Wholesale Broadband Connect, BT’s higher bandwidth service delivered over the 21CN network, and by the change to cost allocation referred to in Section 4.2.2. 64 Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets Section 8.3 - Call origination on fixed public narrowband networks (Annex 13) Market summary Purpose of statement: to provide more detail on financial performance and first order tests of compliance with cost orientation and non-discrimin nation obligations where a cost gradient applies Call origination on fixed public narrowband networks Summary Internal Sales £m External Sales £m Roundings £m 150 155 52 65 1 2010 2009 Turnover (note 1) £m 202 221 Operating costs Depreciation £m £m 120 155 58 69 Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC Holding (gain)/loss Supp. Dep. Other adjs. £m £m £m (52) (6) (3) (4) 27 3 1 150 218 Return £m MCE £m 52 3 372 491 Return on MCE 14.4 % 0.6 % Non- discrimination Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover Day Evening Weekend £m £m £m £m Service Internal Wholesale call originating local exchange segment PSTN and ISDN (excl OA) External Wholesale call originating local exchange segment PSTN and ISDN (excl OA) 3 - 33 - 3 33 720 10,879 640 2,541 491 1,965 Internal Wholesale call originating local exchange segment (incl Operator Assistance) External Wholesale call originating local exchange segment (incl Operator Assistance) 124 - 8 - 124 8 34,402 2,224 17,136 781 13,575 763 Return excl. reval. adjs. (h) £m 17 Return on MCE excl. reval. adjs. (h) 4.6 % Cost orientation Average NCC rates - pence per minute (ppm) NCC tra ffic - millions of minutes (mm) For the year ended 31 March 2010 Total CCA operating Roundings costs £m £m 24 hours Day Evening Weekend Weighted Average Unaudited FAC LRIC Floor Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Average price/FAC ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 1,851 15,385 0.255 0.255 0.117 0.117 0.092 0.092 0.164 0.211 0.201 0.201 0.163 0.163 0.415 0.415 0.82 1.05 65,113 3,768 0.264 0.264 0.121 0.121 0.095 0.095 0.191 0.200 0.201 0.201 0.163 0.163 0.417 0.417 0.95 1.00 12 - - 12 4,198 516 316 5,030 0.264 0.121 0.095 0.239 0.208 0.168 0.428 1.15 Internal Wholesale call origination local exchange Stick 3 - - 3 1,699 1,013 759 3,471 0.131 0.060 0.047 0.092 0.134 0.099 0.293 0.69 Internal Wholesale call origination local exchange Stick (ISDN) 0 - - 0 152 13 10 175 0.131 0.060 0.047 0.121 0.141 0.104 0.308 0.86 Internal Wholesale PPP External Wholesale PPP 9 - 11 - 9 11 46,686 60,470 20,648 24,991 16,099 19,722 83,433 105,183 0.014 0.014 0.006 0.006 0.005 0.005 0.010 0.010 0.019 0.019 0.018 0.018 0.033 0.033 0.54 0.55 (1) - - (1) 150 52 - 202 Internal Wholesale call originating local exchange segment (ISDN) (incl OA) Roundings 65 Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets Section 8.3 - Call origination on fixed public narrowband networks (continued) Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC Non- discrimination Cost orientation NCC tra ffic - millions of minutes (mm) For the year ended 31 March 2009 Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover Day Evening Weekend £m £m £m £m Service Internal Wholesale call originating local exchange segment PSTN and ISDN (excl OA) External Wholesale call originating local exchange segment PSTN and ISDN (excl OA) 7 - 47 - 7 47 1,634 14,713 1,531 4,889 1,180 3,741 Internal Wholesale call originating local exchange segment (incl Operator Assistance) External Wholesale call originating local exchange segment (incl Operator Assistance) 125 - 7 - 125 7 34,422 2,104 17,654 847 Average NCC rates - pence per minute (ppm) 24 hours Day Evening Weekend Weighted Average Unaudited FAC LRIC Floor Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Average price/FAC ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 4,345 23,343 0.254 0.254 0.116 0.116 0.092 0.092 0.161 0.199 0.233 0.233 0.192 0.192 0.408 0.408 0.69 0.86 13,866 771 65,942 3,722 0.263 0.263 0.120 0.120 0.095 0.095 0.189 0.196 0.231 0.231 0.192 0.192 0.410 0.410 0.82 0.85 13 - - 13 4,639 599 370 5,608 0.263 0.120 0.095 0.237 0.251 0.206 0.444 0.94 Internal Wholesale call origination local exchange Stick (o) 3 - - 3 1,804 1,103 830 3,737 0.133 0.061 0.048 0.093 0.156 0.121 0.285 0.60 Internal Wholesale call origination local exchange Stick (ISDN) (o) 0 - - 0 212 20 14 246 0.133 0.061 0.048 0.122 0.179 0.138 0.327 0.68 Internal Wholesale PPP External Wholesale PPP 7 - 11 - 7 11 42,169 66,226 19,182 28,664 14,847 22,583 76,198 117,473 0.013 0.013 0.006 0.006 0.005 0.005 0.010 0.010 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.047 0.047 0.65 0.65 Roundings - - 1 1 65 1 221 Internal Wholesale call originating local exchange segment (ISDN) (incl OA) 155 (o) Retail sticks previously reported as Internal sales services only provided internally. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 66 Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets Section 8.4 - Local-tandem conveyance and transit on fixed public narrowband networks (Annex 13) Market summary Purpose of statement: to provide more detail on financial performance and first order tests of compliance with cost orientation and non-discrimination obligations where a cost gradient applies Local-tandem conveyance and transit on fixed public narrowband networks Summary Internal Sales £m External Sales £m Roundings £m 57 58 28 30 (1) 2010 2009 Turnover (note 1) £m 85 87 Operating costs Depreciation £m £m 29 37 Holding (gain)/loss Supp. Dep. Other adjs. £m £m £m 16 21 Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC (32) (3) 0 (1) 13 (1) Total CCA operating Roundings costs £m £m 1 26 54 Return £m MCE £m 59 33 142 142 Return on MCE 41.8 % 22.7 % Non- discrimination Return excl. reval. adjs. (h) £m 38 Return on MCE excl. reval. adjs. (h) 27.0 % Cost orientation NCC traffic - millions of minutes (mm) Average NCC rates - pence per minute (ppm) Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m 47 - 28 - 47 28 Internal Wholesale local-tandem conveyance segment (ISDN) 5 - - 5 3,768 476 286 4,530 0.116 0.053 0.042 0.105 0.055 0.044 0.130 1.90 Internal Wholesale local-tandem transmission stick 6 - - 6 15,746 7,421 5,799 28,966 0.027 0.012 0.010 0.020 0.039 0.031 0.103 0.51 Internal Wholesale local-tandem transmission stick (ISDN) 0 - - 0 1,566 177 125 1,868 0.027 0.012 0.010 0.024 0.039 0.031 0.103 0.63 (1) - - (1) 57 28 - 85 Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover Unaudited FAC LRIC Floor Unaudited LRIC Ceiling £m £m £m £m 46 - 30 - 46 30 Internal Wholesale local-tandem conveyance segment (ISDN) 5 - - 5 4,046 541 328 4,915 0.116 0.053 0.042 0.104 0.061 0.050 0.113 1.71 Internal Wholesale local-tandem transmission stick (o) 6 - - 6 15,456 7,745 6,053 29,254 0.027 0.012 0.010 0.020 0.042 0.036 0.086 0.46 Internal Wholesale local-tandem transmission stick (ISDN) (o) 1 - - 1 2,137 256 176 2,569 0.027 0.012 0.010 0.024 0.042 0.036 0.086 0.58 Roundings - - (1) (1) 58 30 (1) 87 For the year ended 31 March 2010 Service Internal Wholesale local-tandem conveyance segment External Wholesale local-tandem conveyance segment Roundings For the year ended 31 March 2009 Service Internal Wholesale local-tandem conveyance segment External Wholesale local-tandem conveyance segment Day 29,626 18,504 Day 29,069 19,602 (o) Retail sticks previously reported as Internal sales services only provided internally. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 67 Evening 14,410 7,261 Evening 14,318 8,146 Weekend 24 hours 11,272 5,691 55,308 31,456 Weekend 24 hours 11,084 6,372 54,471 34,120 Day Evening Weekend Weighted Average Unaudited FAC LRIC Floor ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 0.116 0.116 0.053 0.053 0.042 0.042 0.085 0.088 0.055 0.055 0.044 0.044 0.130 0.130 Day Evening Weekend Weighted Average ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 0.116 0.116 0.053 0.053 0.042 0.042 0.084 0.087 0.061 0.061 0.050 0.050 0.113 0.113 Average price/FAC 1.54 1.60 Average price/FAC 1.38 1.43 Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets Section 8.5 - Single transit on fixed public narrowband networks (Annex 13) Market summary Purpose of statement: to provide more detail on financial performance and first order tests of compliance with cost orientation and non-discrimination obligations where a cost grad dient applies Single transit on fixed public narrowband networks Summary 2010 2009 Internal Sales £m External Sales £m Roundings £m 0 0 4 5 - Turnover (note 1) £m 4 5 Operating costs Depreciation £m £m 2 5 2 3 Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC Holding (gain)/loss Supp. Dep. Other adjs. £m £m £m 0 0 0 0 0 0 Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m Service Internal Wholesale single transit segment PSTN & ISDN External Wholesale single transit segment PSTN & ISDN 0 - 4 - 0 4 Roundings - - - - 0 4 - 4 Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover For the year ended 31 March 2009 - 4 8 Return £m MCE £m 0 (3) 11 30 Return on MCE (1.0)% (9.3)% £m £m £m £m Service Internal Wholesale single transit segment PSTN & ISDN External Wholesale single transit segment PSTN & ISDN 0 - 5 - 0 5 Roundings - - - - 0 5 - 5 Day 175 13,237 Day 1,575 15,216 (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 68 Evening 99 5,952 Evening 379 7,002 Weekend 24 hours 56 4,780 330 23,969 Weekend 24 hours 287 5,696 Return excl. reval. adjs. (h) £m 0 Return on MCE excl. reval. adjs. (h) (1.0)% Cost orientation Non- discrimination NCC traffic - millions of minutes (mm) For the year ended 31 March 2010 Total CCA operating Roundings costs £m £m 2,241 27,914 Average NCC rates - pence per minute (ppm) Day Evening Weekend Weighted Average Unaudited FAC LRIC Floor Unaudited LRIC Ceiling ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 0.024 0.024 0.011 0.011 0.009 0.009 0.018 0.018 0.023 0.023 0.017 0.017 0.039 0.039 Unaudited FAC LRIC Floor Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Day Evening Weekend Weighted Average ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 0.024 0.024 0.011 0.011 0.009 0.009 0.020 0.018 0.040 0.040 0.030 0.030 0.067 0.067 Average price/FAC 0.76 0.77 Average price/FAC 0.50 0.44 Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets Section 8.6 - Technical areas (Interconnect Circuits)(Annex 11) Market summary Purpose of statement: to provide more detail on financial performance and first order tests of compliance with cost orientatio on and non-discrimination obligations Technical areas (Interconnect Circuits) Summary Internal Sales £m 2010 2009 19 22 External Sales Roundings £m £m 40 46 Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC Operating costs £m Depreciation £m 59 68 33 33 14 22 External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m - 2 8 5 - 2 8 5 In Span Interconnect with Interconnect Extension Circuit (end to end circuit) External Wholesale IEC connections External Wholesale IEC rentals External Wholesale IEC rentals - per km - 0 8 8 - In Span Interconnect External Wholesale intra-building circuits connections External Wholesale intra-building circuits rentals External Wholesale ISI rentals - 3 3 0 External Nominated ISI - per km - External Wholesale rearrangements - 4 0 6 40 59 MCE £m 19 9 77 101 Volume Unit (b) Average price (v) FAC (see Unaudited App 1.2) LRIC Floor Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Average price/FAC £ £ £ £ 970 circuits 6,748 circuits 204,127 km 1,790.74 1,196.52 22.80 6,130.81 639.54 5.56 5376.74 470.85 4.10 9744.08 896.53 14.06 0.29 1.87 4.10 0 8 8 451 circuits 13,862 circuits 345,025 km 968.57 585.84 22.80 3,805.39 451.30 11.47 3186.49 379.86 8.04 5530.09 767.50 32.34 0.25 1.30 1.99 - 3 3 0 3,842 circuits 34,320 circuits 7,954 100m 808.36 92.88 0.00 3,278.01 136.26 248.09 2709.29 114.35 207.68 4581.44 245.08 436.79 0.25 0.68 0.00 2 - 2 29,900 100m 1 - 1 10 - - 10 Internal Wholesale standard CSI rentals - per km 6 - - 6 Internal Wholesale intra-building circuits rentals 2 - - 2 1 - - 1 19 40 - 59 Roundings (1) (2) Return £m Cost orientation Service Customer Sited Interconnect (end to end circuit) External Wholesale standard CSI connection (v) External Wholesale standard CSI rental - fixed (v) External Wholesale standard CSI rentals - per km (v) Internal Wholesale standard CSI rental - fixed (10) 0 Non- discrimination Internal Sales For the year ended 31 March 2010 - Turnover (note 1) £m Total CCA Holding operating (gain)/loss Supp. Dep. Other adjs. Roundings costs £m £m £m £m £m 68.75 62.98 40.41 210.99 1.09 2,906 circuits 412.87 1,201.05 1122.48 2173.31 0.34 9,134 circuits 1,103.64 503.28 356.50 651.45 2.19 22.80 5.56 4.10 14.06 4.10 92.88 89.07 74.75 160.21 1.04 276,152 km 18,278 circuits (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptors. (v) Revenue shared by BT and OCPs will cause different average charges for the year to occur. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 69 Return on MCE 23.9 % 10.7 % Return excl. reval. adjs. (h) £m Return on MCE excl. reval. adjs. (h) 11 14.7 % Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets Section 8.6 - Technical areas (Interconnect Circuits)(continued) Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC Non- discrimination Cost orientation Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m 0 - 2 - 0 2 263 circuits 1,872 circuits 2,135 1,000.56 1,000.56 1,652.91 1,652.91 1,508.38 1,508.38 2,584.47 2,584.47 0.61 0.61 14 - 8 - 14 8 12,800 circuits 6,941 circuits 19,741 1,124.16 1,124.16 576.64 576.64 505.08 505.08 805.39 805.39 1.95 1.95 Internal Wholesale standard CSI rentals - per km (v) External Wholesale standard CSI rentals - per km (v) 8 - 4 - 8 4 22.80 22.80 5.69 5.69 4.91 4.91 12.81 12.81 4.01 4.01 External Wholesale ISI rentals - - - - 7,954 100m 0.00 354.61 383.39 558.82 0.00 External Nominated ISI - per km - 3 - 3 48,360 100m 68.75 36.14 29.28 105.70 1.90 External Wholesale IEC connections - 0 - 0 257 circuits 160.21 264.66 241.52 413.83 0.61 External Wholesale IEC rentals - fixed - 8 - 8 15,499 circuits 492.96 450.99 378.20 617.68 1.09 External Wholesale IEC rentals - per km - 9 - 9 22.80 11.59 11.93 30.12 1.97 Internal Wholesale intra-building circuits connections (v) External Wholesale intra-building circuits connections (v) 0 - 2 - 0 2 40 circuits 2,612 circuits 2,652 813.88 813.88 6,845.66 6,845.66 5,241.93 5,241.93 9,892.66 9,892.66 0.12 0.12 Internal Wholesale intra-building circuits rentals (v) External Wholesale intra-building circuits rentals (v) 0 - 6 - 0 6 985 circuits 64,377 circuits 65,362 93.60 93.60 148.75 148.75 146.29 146.29 268.37 268.37 0.63 0.63 External Wholesale rearrangements - 4 - 4 10,724 circuits 415.74 686.80 626.75 1,073.87 0.61 Roundings - - - - 22 46 - 68 For the year ended 31 March 2009 Service Internal Wholesale standard CSI connection (v) External Wholesale standard CSI connection (v) Internal Wholesale standard CSI rental - fixed (v) External Wholesale standard CSI rental - fixed (v) Volume Unit (b) Average price (v) FAC (see Unaudited App 1.2) LRIC Floor £ 336,640 km 180,945 km 517,585 392,766 km £ (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptors. (v) Revenue shared by BT and OCPs will cause different average charges for the year to occur. 70 £ Average price/FAC £ Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets Section 8.7 - Fixed call termination (Annex 13) Market summary Purpose of statement: to provide more detail on financial performance and first order tests of compliance with cost orientation and non-discrimination obligations where a cost grad dient applies Fixed call termination Summary Internal Sales £m External Sales £m Roundings £m 68 71 102 108 - 2010 2009 Turnover (note 1) £m 170 179 Operating costs Depreciation £m £m 83 116 56 68 Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC Holding (gain)/loss Supp. Dep. Other adjs. £m £m £m (55) (5) (4) (5) 28 3 Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m 61 - 101 - 61 101 20,034 33,443 8,918 14,234 6,881 10,984 Internal Wholesale call termination local exchange segment (ISDN) 4 - - 4 1,718 191 Internal Wholesale call termination local exchange stick 3 - - 3 1,699 Internal Wholesale call termination local exchange stick (ISDN) 0 - - 0 152 For the year ended 31 March 2010 Roundings Day Evening 388 491 15.8 % 0.4 % Cost orientation 0.083 0.083 0.171 0.172 0.190 0.190 0.154 0.154 0.388 0.388 0.90 0.91 135 2,044 0.230 0.105 0.083 0.209 0.197 0.158 0.398 1.06 1,013 759 3,471 0.131 0.060 0.047 0.092 0.134 0.099 0.293 0.69 13 10 175 0.131 0.060 0.047 0.121 0.141 0.104 0.308 0.86 Unaudited FAC LRIC Floor Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Turnover £m £m £m £m 62 - 108 - 62 108 20,152 35,480 9,462 15,614 7,310 12,003 Internal Wholesale call termination local exchange segment (ISDN) 6 - - 6 2,348 276 Internal Wholesale call termination local exchange stick (o) 3 - - 3 1,804 Internal Wholesale call termination local exchange stick (ISDN) (o) 0 - - 0 212 - (o) Retail sticks previously reported as Internal sales services only provided internally. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 71 Average price/FAC 0.105 0.105 Roundings 179 Unaudited LRIC Ceiling 0.230 0.230 External Sales - Unaudited FAC LRIC Floor 35,833 58,661 Internal Sales - Weighted Average ppm 1 - Weekend ppm 170 108 Evening ppm - - Day ppm - 71 5.9 % ppm 1 Day 23 ppm 102 Roundings 62 2 Return on MCE excl. reval. adjs. (h) ppm - For the year ended 31 March 2009 108 177 MCE £m Return excl. reval. adjs. (h) £m Average NCC rates - pence per minute (ppm) Weekend 24 hours 68 Service Internal Wholesale call termination local exchange segment External Wholesale call termination local exchange segment - Return £m Return on MCE Non- discrimination NCC traffic - millions of minutes (mm) Service Internal Wholesale call termination local exchange segment External Wholesale call termination local exchange segment Total CCA operating Roundings costs £m £m Evening Weekend 24 hours Day Evening Weekend Weighted Average Average price/FAC ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 36,924 63,097 0.229 0.229 0.105 0.105 0.083 0.083 0.168 0.171 0.221 0.221 0.181 0.181 0.373 0.373 0.76 0.77 190 2,814 0.229 0.105 0.083 0.207 0.238 0.194 0.404 0.87 1,103 830 3,737 0.130 0.060 0.047 0.091 0.156 0.121 0.285 0.58 20 14 246 0.130 0.060 0.047 0.120 0.179 0.138 0.327 0.67 Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets Section 8.8 - Wholesale trunk segments (Annex 11) Market summary Purpose of statement: to provide more detail on financial performance and first order tests of compliance with cost orientation andd non-discrimination obligations Wholesale trunk segments Summary 2010 2009 Internal Sales £m External Sales £m Roundings £m 141 207 23 50 - Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC For the year ended 31 March 2010 Service Partial and Private circuits 2Mbit/s - trunk Trunk charge per year Enhanced maintenance per km charge per year Total Internal Turnover (note 1) £m Operating costs £m 24 30 164 257 Depreciation £m Holding (gain)/loss Supp. Dep. Other adjs. £m £m £m 31 45 (63) (5) (3) (7) 26 (3) Roundings £m Total CCA operating costs £m 4 15 64 Return £m MCE £m 149 193 247 270 Cost orientation Non- discrimination Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m 75 - - 75 Volume Unit (b) Average price £ FAC (see Unaudited App 1.2) LRIC Floor £ £ Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Average price/FAC £ 1,057,728 km 69.53 1.48 71.01 26.00 20.37 56.36 2.73 26.00 20.37 56.36 2.73 Trunk charge per year Enhanced maintenance per km charge per year Total External - 16 - 16 225,159 km 69.53 1.48 71.01 Partial and Private circuits 34/45Mbit/s - trunk Trunk charge per year Enhanced maintenance per km charge per year Total Internal 31 - - 31 57,177 km 541.92 2.22 544.14 216.48 163.36 433.90 2.51 216.48 163.36 433.90 2.51 259.53 186.92 626.89 1.01 Trunk charge per year Enhanced maintenance per km charge per year Total External - 6 - 6 11,824 km 541.92 2.22 544.14 Partial and Private circuits 140/155Mbit/s - trunk Trunk charge per year Enhanced maintenance per km charge per year Total Internal 14 - - 14 51,724 km 256.45 5.32 261.77 259.53 186.92 626.89 1.01 1,135.67 811.91 3,103.55 0.84 Trunk charge per year Enhanced maintenance per km charge per year Total External Internal Partial and Private circuits 622Mbit/s - trunk Support Service Internal Protected Path Variants and Resilience External Protected Path Variants and Resilience Roundings - 0 - 0 1,880 km 256.45 5.32 261.77 16 - - 16 17,145 km 958.50 4 - 1 - 4 1 (u3) (u3) 1 - - 1 141 23 - 164 (s3) (s3) (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptors. (sx) This service comprises a number of individual prices as indicated by the value of x. (ux) This service comprises a number of individual volumetrics as indicated by the value of x. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 72 Estimated total cost £1.1m Estimated total cost £0.3m Return on MCE 60.5 % 71.3 % Return excl. reval. adjs. (h) £m 108 Return on MCE excl. reval. adjs. (h) 43.7 % Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets Section 8.8 - Wholesale trunk segments (continued) Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC Non- discrimination Cost orientation Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover For the year ended 31 March 2009 £m £m £m £m Service Internal Partial and Private circuits 2Mbit/s - trunk External Partial and Private circuits 2Mbit/s - trunk 135 - 38 - 135 38 1,316,568 km 372,658 km 1,689,226 102.24 102.24 25.79 25.79 22.09 22.09 44.14 44.14 3.96 3.96 Internal Partial and Private circuits 34/45Mbit/s - trunk External Partial and Private circuits 34/45Mbit/s - trunk 33 - 9 - 33 9 58,922 km 16,916 km 75,838 552.16 552.16 274.29 274.29 238.77 238.77 473.95 473.95 2.01 2.01 Internal Partial and Private circuits 140/155Mbit/s - trunk External Partial and Private circuits 140/155Mbit/s - trunk 18 - 1 - 18 1 70,389 km 2,110 km 72,499 260.00 260.00 212.75 212.75 168.66 168.66 413.35 413.35 1.22 1.22 Internal Partial and Private circuits 622Mbit/s - trunk 17 - - 17 17,853 km 927.51 776.90 621.68 1,768.56 1.19 4 - 2 - 4 2 (u3) (u3) Support Service Internal Protected Path Variants and Resilience External Protected Path Variants and Resilience Roundings - - - - 207 50 - 257 Volume Unit (b) Average price £ (s3) (s3) (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptors. (sx) This service comprises a number of individual prices as indicated by the value of x. (ux) This service comprises a number of individual volumetrics as indicated by the value of x. (s) Costs associated with support services are included within the above reported services and hence not disclosed separately. 73 FAC (see Unaudited App 1.2) LRIC Floor £ £ Average price/FAC £ (s) Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets Section 8.9 - Technical areas (Point of Handover)(Annex 11) Market summary Purpose of statement: to provide more detail on financial performance and first order tests of compliance with cost orientation and non-discrrimination obligations Technical Areas (Point of Handover) Summary 2010 2009 Internal Sales £m External Sales £m Roundings £m - 12 6 - Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC For the year ended 31 March 2010 Turnover (note 1) £m Operating costs Depreciation £m £m 5 0 12 6 Holding (gain)/loss Supp. Dep. Other adjs. £m £m £m 7 2 (2) 0 (1) 0 1 0 Total CCA operating Roundings costs £m £m 1 10 3 Return £m MCE £m 2 3 22 7 Cost orientation Non- discrimination Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m Service External Customer Sited Handover connection - 0 - 0 External Customer Sited Handover rental - 2 - 2 External In Span Handover connection - 3 - 3 External In Span Handover rental - 0 - 0 External 3rd Party POH Rental 64Kbit/s - 1 - 1 External 3rd Party POH Rental 2Mbit/s non CLZ - 5 - External 3rd Party POH Rental 2Mbit/s CLZ - 0 External 3rd Party POH Rental 34/45Mbit/s - 1 External 3rd Party POH Rental 155Mbit/s - Roundings Volume Unit (b) Average price £ 130 conns 4,866 lines 1,463.86 FAC (see Unaudited App 1.2) LRIC Floor £ £ Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Average price/FAC £ 710.72 649.62 850.39 2.06 792.53 0.65 428.69 662.36 605.42 44,749.17 22,670.95 20,722.11 27,126.44 1.97 541.13 1,401.70 1,281.21 1,677.18 0.39 16,821 le 50.07 40.41 36.26 69.02 1.24 5 59,164 le 85.12 110.83 65.22 149.42 0.77 - 0 3,737 le 85.12 113.91 62.52 147.59 0.75 - 1 1,437 le 430.58 837.69 406.43 1,074.31 0.51 0 - 0 137 le 801.08 1,563.28 1,067.46 2,038.51 0.51 - - - - - 12 - 12 57 conns 483 lines (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptors. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 74 Return on MCE 7.1 % 47.5 % Return excl. reval. adjs. (h) £m 1 Return on MCE excl. reval. adjs. (h) 2.3 % Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets Section 8.9 - Technical areas (Point of Handover)(continued) Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges with each other and with FAC For the year ended 31 March 2009 Non- discrimination Cost orientation Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover Volume Unit (b) £m £m £m £m Service External Customer Sited Handover connection - 0 - 0 External Customer Sited Handover rental - 4 - 4 External In Span Handover connection - 2 - 2 109 conns External In Span Handover rental - 0 - 0 453 lines Roundings - - - - - 6 - 6 276 conns 4,943 lines (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptors. 75 Average FAC (see Unaudited price App 1.2) LRIC Floor Unaudited LRIC Ceiling Average price/FAC 1,591.23 589.94 508.71 701.29 2.70 768.17 352.96 304.36 419.58 2.18 22,420.45 18,839.79 16,245.83 22,395.89 1.19 533.41 274.27 236.51 326.05 1.94 Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets Section 8.10 - Wholesale Broadband Access (Annex 12) Market summary Purpose of statement: to provide more detail on financial performance and first order tests of compliance with non discrimination obligationns Wholesale Broadband Access * Summary Internal Sales £m External Sales £m Roundings £m 570 628 405 420 1 2010 2009 Turnover (note 1) £m Operating costs Depreciation £m £m 469 402 975 1,049 Holding (gain)/loss Supp. Dep. Other adjs. £m £m £m 336 270 (65) (4) (2) (30) Non- discrimination Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges Wholesale Broadband Access Market 1 - BT only operator Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m 14 - 7 - 14 7 121 - 101 - 121 101 Internal BT only Datastream end user access connection External BT only Datastream end user access connection 0 - 0 - 0 0 Internal BT only Datastream end user access rental External BT only Datastream end user access rental 1 - 14 - 1 14 9,115 lines 164,473 lines 35 - 39 - 35 39 216,104 circuits 237,453 circuits 163.32 163.32 Volume Unit (b) Average price For the year ended 31 March 2010 Service Internal BT only IPstream end user access connection External BT only IPstream end user access connection Internal BT only IPstream end user access rental External BT only IPstream end user access rental Internal BT only backhaul circuits (excluding Virtual Paths) (m) External BT only backhaul circuits (excluding Virtual Paths) (m) Roundings - Volume Unit (b) Average price £ 388,043 conns 187,918 conns 1,444,378 lines 1,228,398 lines 693 conns 11,138 conns - - - 171 161 - 332 Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m 8 - 4 - 8 4 70 - 40 - 70 40 Internal 2-3 operators Datastream end user access connection External 2-3 operators Datastream end user access connection 0 - 0 - 0 0 Internal 2-3 operators Datastream end user access rental External 2-3 operators Datastream end user access rental 1 - 13 - 1 13 7,174 lines 151,936 lines 21 - 19 - 21 19 127,854 circuits 115,935 circuits Total geographic revenue for Wholesale Broadband Access Market 1 (excludes non geographic revenues - see below) 19 1 36.16 36.09 83.80 82.42 36.01 35.92 86.47 86.47 Wholesale Broadband Access Market 2 - 2 to 3 principal operators For the year ended 31 March 2010 Service Internal 2-3 operators IPstream end user access connection External 2-3 operators IPstream end user access connection Internal 2-3 operators IPstream end user access rental External 2-3 operators IPstream end user access rental Internal 2-3 operators backhaul circuits (excluding Virtual Paths) (m) External 2-3 operators backhaul circuits (excluding Virtual Paths) (m) Roundings Total geographic revenue for Wholesale Broadband Access Market 2 (excludes non geographic revenues - see below) 100 - - - 76 - 176 £ 219,324 conns 102,272 conns 36.11 36.06 834,687 lines 475,424 lines 84.14 83.54 556 conns 9,044 conns 35.93 35.81 86.47 86.47 163.32 163.32 76 Roundings £m 2 Total CCA operating costs £m 757 641 Return £m MCE £m 218 408 1,301 1,173 Return on MCE 16.8 % 34.8 % Return excl. reval. adjs. (h) £m 178 Return on MCE excl. reval. adjs. (h) 13.7 % Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets Section 8.10 - Wholesale Broadband Access (continued) Wholesale Broadband Access Market 3 (4 or more principal operators) and non geographic Non- discrimination Internal Sales External Sales Roundings For the year ended 31 March 2010 £m £m £m £m Service Market 3 (excluding non-geographical) 177 73 - 250 0 - 4 - 0 4 Ancillary charges (migration, cessation, re-grades) 69 18 - 87 (u2) (s2) Internal Broadband conveyance in the UK External Broadband conveyance in the UK 53 - 73 - 53 73 (u6) (u6) (s6) (s6) Internal Virtual Paths handover (k) External Virtual Paths handover (k) Roundings WBA Total - Turnover - - - 299 168 - 467 570 405 0 975 Volume Unit (b) Average price £ (u5) 436 pipes 3,452 pipes (s5) 571.93 1,103.14 * The market summary for the Wholesale Broadband Access Market includes geographical sub markets 1, 2 and 3. (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptors. (k) This service comprises a number of individual prices. (m) Backhaul circuits represents the elements of IPStream Centrals and Datastream Virtual Paths which fall into the wholesale broadband access market . (sx) This service comprises a number of individual prices as indicated by the value of x. (ux) This service comprises a number of individual volumetrics as indicated by the value of x. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 77 Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets Section 8.10 - Wholesale Broadband Access (continued) Non- discrimination Note 1: Comparison of average internal and external charges Wholesale Broadband Access Market 1 - BT only operator Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m 13 - 8 - 13 8 101 - 107 - 101 107 Internal BT only Datastream end user access connection External BT only Datastream end user access connection 0 - 1 - 0 1 Internal BT only Datastream end user access rental External BT only Datastream end user access rental 1 - 17 - 1 17 7,753 lines 210,684 lines 81.42 81.42 16 - 17 - 16 17 171,696 circuits 188,084 circuits 92.44 92.44 Volume Unit (b) Average price For the year ended 31 March 2009 Service Internal BT only IPstream end user access connection External BT only IPstream end user access connection Internal BT only IPstream end user access rental External BT only IPstream end user access rental Internal BT only backhaul circuits (excluding Virtual Paths) (m) External BT only backhaul circuits (excluding Virtual Paths) (m) Roundings Volume Unit (b) Average price £ 370,360 conns 225,846 conns 1,181,917 lines 1,243,388 lines 1,046 conns 29,088 conns 34.86 34.86 85.45 86.29 34.86 34.86 - - - - 131 150 - 281 Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover £m £m £m £m 8 - 4 - 8 4 65 - 47 - 65 47 Internal 2-3 operators Datastream end user access connection External 2-3 operators Datastream end user access connection 0 - 1 - 0 1 Internal 2-3 operators Datastream end user access rental External 2-3 operators Datastream end user access rental 1 - 18 - 1 18 7,403 lines 222,413 lines 81.42 81.42 10 - 11 - 10 11 112,313 circuits 118,800 circuits 92.44 92.44 - - 1 1 84 81 1 166 Total geographic revenue for Wholesale Broadband Access Market 1 (excludes non geographic revenues - see below) Wholesale Broadband Access Market 2 - 2 to 3 principal operators For the year ended 31 March 2009 Service Internal 2-3 operators IPstream end user access connection External 2-3 operators IPstream end user access connection Internal 2-3 operators IPstream end user access rental External 2-3 operators IPstream end user access rental Internal 2-3 operators backhaul circuits (excluding Virtual Paths) (m) External 2-3 operators backhaul circuits (excluding Virtual Paths) (m) Roundings Total geographic revenue for Wholesale Broadband Access Market 2 (excludes non geographic revenues - see below) £ 237,577 conns 111,829 conns 34.86 34.86 761,849 lines 547,863 lines 85.89 86.00 1,075 conns 30,727 conns 34.86 34.86 78 Section 8 - Review of Other Wholesale Markets Section 8.10 - Wholesale Broadband Access (continued) Wholesale Broadband Access Market 3 (4 or more principal operators) and non geographic Non- discrimination Internal Sales External Sales Roundings Turnover For the year ended 31 March 2009 £m £m £m £m Service Market 3 (excluding non-geographical) 253 97 - 350 1 - 3 - 1 3 38 11 - 49 (u2) (s2) 121 - 78 - 121 78 (u6) (u6) (s6) (s6) Internal Virtual Paths handover (k) External Virtual Paths handover (k) Ancillary charges (migration, cessation, re-grades) Internal Broadband conveyance in the UK External Broadband conveyance in the UK Roundings WBA Total - - - - 413 189 - 602 628 420 1 1,049 Volume Unit (b) Average price £ (u5) 1,485 pipes 2,419 pipes (s5) 817.26 1,115.86 * The market summary for the Wholesale Broadband Access Market includes geographical sub markets 1, 2 and 3. (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptions. (k) This service comprises a number of individual prices. (m) Backhaul circuits represents the elements of IPStream Centrals and Datastream Virtual Paths which fall into the Wholesale Broadband Access Markeet. (sx) This service comprises a number of individual prices as indicated by the value of x. (ux) This service comprises a number of individual volumetrics as indicated by the value of x. 79 Section 9 - Reconciliation Statements Section 9 - Reconciliation Statements Section 9 Reconciliation Statements 80 Section 9 - Reconciliation Statements Section 9.1 - BT Reconciliation Statements Section 9.1.1 - BT Reconciliation Statement 2010 (Annex 19) Consolidated profit and loss account For the year ended 31 March 2010 Markets Turnover £m Operating Costs £m HCA Return Holding or Profit gain/(loss) before and other taxation adjustments £m £m Access markets 4,618 3,342 1,276 2,354 Other Wholesale markets 1,671 1,285 386 161 Sub total markets 6,289 4,627 1,662 2,515 Supplementary depreciation £m (205) CCA Return or Profit before Taxation £m CCA adjs. excl. reval. adj. (h) £m CCA Return or Profit before Taxation excl. reval. adj. (h) £m 3,425 536 1,812 561 (10) 376 (191) 3,986 526 2,188 (1) 227 14 146 - 74 - 74 (1) 301 14 220 14 Residual activities Wholesale residual activities 2,799 2,667 132 96 Retail residual activities 17,291 17,217 74 - Sub total residual activities 20,090 19,884 206 96 Adjustments Access Wholesale Retail - - - - - - - - Sub total adjustments - - - - - - - - Total BT Markets 26,379 24,511 1,868 2,611 4,287 540 2,408 Adjustments Elimination of inter-market turnover and costs Other Operating Income Profits on disposal of property, plant and equipment Share of post tax profits of associates and joint ventures Loss on disposal of associate Net short term interest Long term interest payable (5,520) - (5,520) 305 75 54 (12) (297) - As In the Annual Report 20,859 19,116 (861) 1,007 (h) See Section 4 - Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 81 (192) Section 9 - Reconciliation Statements Section 9.1.2 - BT Reconciliation Statement 2009 (Restated)(Annex 19) Consolidated profit and loss account Restated for the year ended 31 March 2009 Markets Turnover £m Operating Costs £m HCA Return Holding or Profit gain/(loss) before and other taxation adjustments £m £m Access markets 4,696 3,376 1,320 Other Wholesale markets 1,872 1,293 579 Sub total markets 6,568 4,669 1,899 Supplementary depreciation £m CCA Return or Profit before Taxation £m (252) (145) 923 20 49 648 (232) (96) 1,571 Residual activities 3,255 2,959 10 3 309 Retail residual activities (l) Wholesale residual activities 17,706 19,169 (1,463) 296 683 - (780) Sub total residual activities 20,961 22,128 (1,167) 693 3 (471) Adjustments Access Wholesale Retail (l) 2 2 - 3 1 - (1) 1 - - 1 - 1 - Sub total adjustments 4 4 - - 1 1 Total BT Markets 27,533 26,801 732 461 Adjustments Elimination of inter-market turnover and costs Other Operating Income Profits on disposal of property, plant and equipment Share of post tax profits of associates and joint ventures Share Based Payments (e) Net short term interest Long term interest payable (6,143) - (6,143) 287 52 75 110 246 - (110) (866) As In the Annual Report 21,390 21,428 (244) (e) Restated to reflect changes in BT's Annual Report. (l) Retail Residual has been re-presented to reflect the removal of Retail Markets reporting obligations. 82 (92) 1,101 Section 9 - Reconciliation Statements Section 9.1.3 - BT Reconciliation Statement MCE (Annex 20) Mean capital employed of BT Markets Consolidated mean capital employed For the year ended 31 March 2010 Shareholders’ funds as in the 2010 Annual Report CCA adjustments 2010 2009 £m (2,650) 3,736 1,086 £m 142 1,316 1,458 (1,432) (1,489) Adjustments Goodwill Retirement benefit asset Derivative financial instruments - assets Deferred tax liabilities Deferred tax assets Current tax liabilities Long term loans and other borrowings: Due in less than one year Due in more than one year Derivative financial instruments - liabilities Other payables Minority interests Retirement benefit obligations - - (1,677) (2,693) 1,456 1,728 (2,196) (1,103) 320 1 3,260 9,522 693 804 24 7,864 640 12,365 764 794 27 3,973 Closing CCA capital employed at 31 March 19,724 16,465 Opening CCA capital employed at 1 April 16,465 17,870 Average CCA capital employed 18,095 17,168 Daily averaging adjustment Total CCA mean capital employed 1,096 19,191 2010 2009 Re-presented (l) £m 11,121 2,705 Access markets Other Wholesale markets £m 12,080 2,560 Sub total BT Markets 14,640 13,826 Residual activities Wholesale residual activity Retail residual activity (l) 1,135 3,416 736 2,585 Sub total residual activities 4,551 3,321 Roundings and other adjustments Wholesale markets Retail markets & activities (l) - - Sub total roundings and other adjustments - - 19,191 17,147 Total CCA mean capital employed (l) Retail Residual has been re-presented to reflect the removal of Retail Markets reporting obligations. (21) 17,147 83 Section 10 - Openreach Information Section 10 - Openreach Information Section 10 Openreach Information 84 Section 10 - Openreach Information Section 10.1 - Openreach P&L Statement 2010 For the year ended 31 March 2010 Operating Costs Provision/Maintenance Network Support General Support General Management Finance and Billing Accommodation Bad Debts Other Costs Depreciation - Land & Building - Access - Switch and Transmission - Other related Sub total Depreciation Sub total HCA operating costs CCA adjustments Holding (gain)/loss Supplementary depreciation Other adjustments Roundings Total CCA Operating Costs Business ISDN30 exchange line services Wholesale local access Sub Total full SMP services (excluding AISBO) Alternative interface symmetric broadband origination (up to and including 1Gbit/s) Sub Total: Openreach full SMP services (including AISBO) Other Openreach Markets & Activiities (with no SMP reporting obligations) Total: Openreach Services - by regulated market HCA Operating Costs Charges from Other BT Wholesale Markets ISDN2 exchange line services Openreach Services (by regulated market) Turnover (No Discounts) Internal Sales -service(s) which are also available externally -service(s) provided internally only - e-PPCs - Internal LLU equivalent - Other External sales Roundings Total Turnover Analogue exchange line services Full service provision £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m 1,857 n/a 92 n/a 217 n/a n/a n/a 2,166 0 281 n/a 2,447 0 563 2,420 59 151 103 320 439 439 1,164 0 3,330 208 489 1,372 0 3,819 n/a 0 756 375 350 0 (1) 1,480 2,447 0 756 375 350 1,372 (1) 5,299 n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a 0 n/a 0 170 211 259 326 16 192 2 (48) 6 6 11 16 1 14 (1) 9 7 18 24 1 21 0 65 31 62 66 3 43 (3) 250 255 350 432 21 270 2 (52) 8 20 47 75 3 21 2 258 275 397 507 24 291 2 (50) 210 69 164 218 11 209 1 (59) 18 465 72 115 670 2 15 6 7 30 2 14 27 9 52 13 50 6 28 97 35 544 111 159 849 1 53 49 42 145 36 597 160 201 994 21 79 235 117 452 57 676 395 318 1,446 1,798 83 132 364 2,377 321 2,698 1,275 3,973 (2,357) 185 532 (65) 4 16 (40) 18 (236) 23 48 (2,698) 212 614 (217) 6 95 (2,915) 218 709 38 110 199 0 505 240 2,825 158 113 284 0 710 3,109 (521) (11) 198 (3,436) 207 907 941 0 1,651 539 3,648 Return 2,262 Return on mean capital employed 28.5 % 41.7 % 69.7 % 25.4 % 29.8% 25.4 % 29.4 % 20.3 % 27.6 % CCA adjustments excl. reval. adj. (h) Holding (gain)/loss Supplementary depreciation Other adjustments Roundings Total CCA Operating Costs excl. reval. adj. (552) 186 (117) 1,315 (14) 5 (2) 72 (4) 0 5 133 (64) 23 (14) 309 (634) 214 (128) 0 1,829 (10) 5 21 337 (644) 219 (107) 0 2,166 (25) (10) 20 1,260 (669) 209 (87) 0 3,426 Return excl. reval adj. 1,105 79 187 130 1,501 152 1,653 220 1,873 Return on mean capital employed excl. reval adj. 13.9 % 15.6 % 8.3 % 14.2 % 29.6 % 210 205 468 344 561 725 35 500 3 (109) 62.1 % 13.7 % 15.9% 13.5 % (h) See Section 4 - Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 85 Section 10 - Openreach Information Section 10.2 - Openreach P&L Statement 2009 (Re-presented) Re-presented for the year ended 31 March 2009 Analogue exchange line services ISDN2 exchange line services Business ISDN30 exchange line services Wholesale local access Sub Total full SMP services (excluding AISBO) Alternative interface symmetric broadband origination (up to and including 1Gbit/s) Sub Total: Openreach full SMP services (including AISBO) Other Openreach Markets & Activiities (with no SMP reporting obligations) Total: Openreach Services - by regulated market Full service provision £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m Turnover (No Discounts) Internal Sales -service(s) which are also available externally -service(s) provided internally only - e-PPCs - Internal LLU equivalent - Other External sales Roundings 2,077 n/a 470 2 110 n/a 53 (1) 262 n/a 88 (2) n/a n/a 349 1 2,449 0 0 0 0 960 0 279 n/a 212 3 2,728 0 0 0 0 1,172 3 0 n/a 775 327 359 n/a 0 2,728 0 775 327 359 1,172 3 Total Turnover 2,549 162 348 350 3,409 494 3,903 1,461 5,364 n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a 0 n/a 0 231 230 339 284 19 173 (6) 10 7 12 11 1 12 - 9 9 21 19 1 19 - 78 30 83 48 4 40 (2) 328 276 455 362 25 244 0 (8) 4 24 34 31 1 9 - 332 300 489 393 26 253 0 (8) 189 91 209 223 11 192 (73) 14 452 66 102 634 1 18 7 5 31 1 16 25 10 52 11 31 7 21 70 27 517 105 138 787 46 38 10 94 27 563 143 148 881 21 75 230 115 441 48 638 373 263 1,322 2,469 (13) 197 2,666 1,283 3,949 154 163 169 155 (13) 2 (17) Openreach Services (by regulated market) HCA Operating Costs Charges from Other BT Wholesale Markets Operating Costs Provision/Maintenance Network Support General Support General Management Finance and Billing Accommodation Bad Debts Other Costs Depreciation - Land & Building - Access - Switch and Transmission - Other related Sub total Depreciation CCA adjustments Holding (gain)/loss Sub total HCA operating costs Supplementary depreciation Other adjustments CCA adjustments Holding (gain)/loss Roundings Supplementary depreciation Total CCA Operating Costs Other adjustments Return Roundings Total CCA Operating Return on mean capitalCosts employed Return Return on mean capital employed 136 1,904 144 139 3 3 4 84 (3) 130 18 154 351 (3) 400 (3) 0 16 2,941 (3) 2,323 136 144 94 139 3 3124 4 226 68 224 3.0 %2,323 24.6 % 226 3.0 % 16 15 (50) 163 155 18 15 468 94 74.3 % 124 (8.0)% 400 5.4% 68 224 (50) 24.6 % 74.3 % (8.0)% 2 (17) 325 0 2,941 37.3 % 468 5.4% 141 165 138 (29) (28) (14) 521 391 698 616 37 445 0 (81) 112 137 124 169 0 3,110 8 1,220 8 4,330 325 793 241 1,034 37.3 % 86 8.3 % 10.1 % 8.6 % Section 10 - Openreach Information Section 10.3 - Openreach MCE Statement 2010 Full service provision ISDN2 exchange line services Business ISDN30 exchange line services Wholesale local access Sub Total full SMP services (excluding AISBO) Alternative interface symmetric broadband origination (up to and including 1Gbit/s) Sub Total: Openreach full SMP services (including AISBO) Other Openreach Markets & Activiities (with no SMP reporting obligations) Total: Openreach Services - by regulated market Openreach Services (by regulated market) Analogue exchange line services For the year ended 31 March 2010 £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m 153 3,667 3 3,266 195 310 385 16 102 92 27 9 21 17 12 95 65 10 70 28 125 405 313 15 18 98 311 4,186 98 3,736 247 407 532 16 378 374 n/a 246 125 327 4,186 476 4,110 247 653 657 237 159 363 912 29 758 488 564 4,345 839 5,022 276 1,411 1,145 n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a 0 n/a 0 7,979 267 297 974 9,517 1,139 10,656 2,946 13,602 Non-current Assets Tangible fixed assets Land & Buildings Access-Copper Access- Fibre Access - Duct Switch and Transmission - Switch - Transmission Other Investments Total Non-current Assets Current Assets: Stocks Debtors - Internal - External n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a 0 34 34 285 86 18 3 38 1 52 10 393 100 58 1 451 101 2 82 453 183 Total Current Assets 371 21 39 62 493 59 552 118 670 Liabilities falling due w ithin one year - Internal - External n/a (382) n/a (17) n/a (29) n/a (79) 0 (507) n/a (75) 0 (582) n/a (368) 0 (950) Total Liabilities falling due w ithin one year (382) (17) (29) (79) (507) (75) (582) (368) (950) (11) 4 10 (17) (14) (16) (30) (250) (280) 271 307 957 Net Current Assets/Liabilities Total Assets less Current Liabilities Provisions for liabilities and charges Roundings Mean capital employed 7,968 (31) 0 7,937 (3) 0 268 (5) 0 302 (7) 0 950 9,503 (46) 0 9,457 1,123 (3) 0 1,120 2,696 10,626 (49) (41) 0 2,655 0 10,577 87 13,322 (90) 0 13,232 Section 10 - Openreach Information Section 10.4 - Openreach MCE Statement 2009 (Re-presented) Full service provision ISDN2 exchange line services Business ISDN30 exchange line services Wholesale local access Sub Total full SMP services (excluding AISBO) Alternative interface symmetric broadband origination (up to and including 1Gbit/s) Sub Total: Openreach full SMP services (including AISBO) Other Openreach Markets & Activiities (with no SMP reporting obligations) Total: Openreach Services - by regulated market Openreach Services (by regulated market) Analogue exchange line services Re-presented for the year ended 31 March 2009 £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m 157 3,764 2 2,801 237 302 485 16 103 75 32 9 45 13 9 114 58 12 69 15 124 284 166 26 12 84 310 4,160 116 3,100 307 392 629 8 340 286 n/a 172 65 318 4,160 456 3,386 307 564 694 185 99 325 735 39 929 411 503 4,259 781 4,121 346 1,493 1,105 n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a 0 n/a 0 7,748 280 290 696 9,014 871 9,885 2,723 12,608 Non-current Assets Tangible fixed assets Land & Buildings Access - Copper Access - Fibre Access - Duct Switch and Transmission - Switch - Transmission Other Investments Total Non-current Assets Current Assets: Stocks Debtors - Internal - External n/a n/a n/a - 0 n/a 0 39 39 301 135 19 4 42 3 42 16 404 158 59 3 463 161 28 101 491 262 Total Current Assets 436 23 45 58 562 62 624 168 792 Liabilities falling due within one year - Internal - External n/a (623) n/a (22) n/a (29) n/a (120) 0 (794) n/a (59) 0 (853) n/a (406) 0 (1,259) Total Liabilities falling due within one year (623) (22) (29) (120) (794) (59) (853) (406) (1,259) Net Current Assets/Liabilities (187) 1 16 (62) (232) 3 (229) (238) (467) 281 306 634 Total Assets less Current Liabilities Provisions for liabilities and charges Roundings Mean capital employed 7,561 (39) (3) (4) (5) 7,517 (1) 277 (1) 301 (10) 3 627 8,782 (56) (4) 8,722 874 (1) 873 88 9,656 (57) (4) 9,595 2,485 (33) 4 2,456 12,141 (90) 0 12,051 Section 10 - Openreach Information Section 10.5 - Reconciliation of Openreach P&L Statement 2010 For the year ended 31 March 2010 HCA Notes (per 10.7) Regulatory entity (as per Section 10.1) Reconciliation differences: Use of BT Operate assets Northern Ireland (revenues and returns not subject to BT Undertakings) Other trading differences Total reconciliation differences As per published Annual Report CCA (a) Turnover Operating Cost Return CCA adjustments Return £m £m £m £m £m 3,973 1,326 5,299 (b) (c) (d) CCA (a) (135) (135) 5,164 179 (112) 20 87 4,060 (179) (23) (20) (222) 1,104 (h) See Section 4 - Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. 89 2,322 3,648 CCA Return adjustments excl. excl. reval. reval.adj. adj. (h) (h) £m £m 547 1,873 Section 10 - Openreach Information Section 10.6 - Reconciliation of Openreach P&L Statement 2009 For the year ended 31 March 2009 Notes (per 10.7) Regulatory entity (as per Section 10.1) HCA Operating Turnover Cost £m £m Return £m 5,364 3,957 1,407 - 199 (199) (91) (52) 56 (42) 52 (189) Reconciliation differences: Use of BT Operate assets Northern Ireland (revenues and returns not included in Openreach management structure) Other trading differences Total reconciliation differences As per published Annual Report (b) (c) (d) (133) (133) 5,231 4,013 1,218 90 CCA (a) CCA adjustments Return £m £m (373) 1,034 Section 10 - Openreach Information Section 10.7 10.7 -- Openreach Openreach Notes Notes Section 1. Openreach Statements As noted within the ‘Regulation in the UK section’ of these accounts, on the 22 September 2005, BT offered certain undertakings to Ofcom in lieu of a reference under the Enterprise Act 2002 (“the Undertakings”). In accordance with section 5.31 of the Undertakings, with effect from the start of BT’s 2006/07 financial year, BT’s Regulatory Financial Statements need to separately present the financial results of Openreach and include a reconciliation of Openreach’s revenue, operating profit (and other items agreed between BT and Ofcom) with the financial information about Openreach as shown in BT Group plc’s Annual Report. The form, content and basis of preparation of the financial results of Openreach follow, to the fullest extent possible, those used in the preparation of the Current Cost Financial Statements. The Primary Accounting Documents outline the methodologies used to present the financial results of Openreach within the Current Cost Financial Statements for 2009/10 (‘Openreach regulatory statement’). The reconciliation of that statement to the Openreach segmental financial information as shown in BT Group plc’s Annual Report is shown for the Profit and Loss Account above. BT’s Current Cost Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with the Final Statements and Notifications imposed on BT by Ofcom, where Ofcom has defined certain markets where BT is deemed to have Significant Market Power (SMP) in the UK. However, the products sold by Openreach do not align directly with these definitions of these economic markets. The Primary Accounting Documents, dated 28 July 2010, detail how we have disaggregated the SMP definitions in order to show the Openreach regulatory statement and reconciliation of that to the Openreach financial information as shown in BT Group plc’s Annual Report. For the sake of clarity of presentation, within the Openreach regulatory statement, separate columns are contained for each ‘Full Openreach market’ and the remaining ‘Part Openreach market’ activities have been consolidated into a single column. The Openreach information includes comparative information for the year ended 31 March 2009 published on 13 August 2009 prepared in accordance with the Primary Accounting Documents dated 13 August 2009. 2. Access Markets Openreach Level Review To assess the underlying performance of Openreach's markets on a like for like basis each year it is necessary to adjust for a number of significant one off items which impact the operating profit in one year and not in another. The return shown in these statements for total Openreach before these items was 27.6% for the financial year 2009/10 and 8.6% for the financial year 2008/09 including non-SMP activity and 29.8% in 2009/10 and 5.4% for 2008/09 excluding non-SMP results and Openreach Ethernet services (AISBO market). If adjustments are made to these markets, for comparability purposes, the return is £714m for 2009/10 and £760m for 2008/09 resulting in a ROCE of 7.7% and 8.9% respectively. The adjustments are as follows: • Wholesale Local Access Co-location activity has been excluded. BT charges customers upfront for the cost of equipment and the installation of its exchanges. Turnover is recognised and received in the year of connection but the capitalised costs are depreciated over the life of the 91 asset. The non-matched element between revenue and costs of these items distorts the reported return in the local access market. • Remove the Current Cost Accounting (CCA) Holding Gains and losses from each year, as these items are the change in valuation driven by price effects in the year and can swing significantly in amount and direction from year to year. • Remove Other CCA adjustments, as these items are principally due to methodology changes, where any changes resulting from change or modification to the valuation methodology are taken through the Profit and Loss account. The specific adjustments are not, in general, expected to recur. 3. Reconciling Differences The reconciling differences between the Openreach regulatory statement and the Openreach segmental financial information reported in BT Group plc’s Annual Report fall into the following main categories: (a) Basis of preparation under Current Cost Accounting (‘CCA’) BT Group plc’s Annual Report has been prepared under the historical cost convention (‘HCA’), modified for the revaluation of certain financial assets and liabilities at fair value. As directed by Ofcom through the Explanatory Statement and Notification, BT’s Current Cost Financial Statements have been prepared on a CCA basis, in accordance with the Primary Accounting Documents and the Detailed Valuation Methods, all of which are annually updated. As such, a reconciliation entry has been made to exclude the aggregated CCA adjustments included within the Openreach regulatory statement. (b) Rental charge to Openreach for use of assets owned by BT Operate Within the Openreach segmental financial information reported in BT Group plc’s Annual Report, the results of BT Wholesale include a charge for an appropriate return on capital where assets are owned by BT Operate (e.g. for line cards, electronics and network features) but are used by Openreach. The Openreach regulatory statements do not include this charge, as the basis for attribution of costs and assets to products in the regulatory accounts is actual costs and assets. (c) Results relating to Northern Ireland operations The Current Cost Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with the Final Statements and Notifications imposed on BT where Ofcom has defined certain markets in which BT is deemed to have Significant Market Power (SMP) in the UK. This definition includes BT’s Northern Ireland operations. The Openreach segmental financial information reported in BT Group plc’s Annual Report excludes BT’s operations in Northern Ireland. Accordingly, the results of the access network element of BT’s Northern Ireland operations form part of the reconciliation. (d) Other Trading Differences The Openreach segmental financial information reported in BT Group plc's Annual Report reflect the internal charges between BT's lines of business rather than the allocation of actual costs and capital employed as shown in the Current Cost Financial Statements. The other trading differences reflect the total of these timing differences across the year. Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1 Other Information 92 Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.1 - Network Activity Statements (Annex 15) Appendix 1.1.1 - Network Activity Statement - Consolidated 2010 For the year ended 31 March 2010 Network Activity Statement - Consolidated (this is a consolidation of all markets where there are cost accounting obligations) Fully Allocated Cost (£m) (h) HCA operating cost Supplementary depreciation Holding (gain)/loss and other CCA adjustments Total CCA operating costs CCA mean capital employed Applicable rate of return on capital % Capital costs Total of operating costs and capital costs relating to current year Volume (b) Average costs per min/unit on a current cost basis relating to current year SMP Cost Accounting components Local exchange concentrator Local exchange processor Main exchange switching Remote - local transmission link Remote - local transmission length (c) Local - tandem transmission link Local - tandem transmission length (c) Product management policy & planning Interconnect local end rental 2Mbit Interconnect 2Mbit connection Interconnect extension circuits (IEC) 2Mbit link Customer Sited Interconnect cct (CSI) 2Mbit link Interconnect extension circuits (IEC) 2Mbit per km Customer Sited Interconnect cct (CSI) 2Mbit per km In Span Interconnect circuits (ISI) transmission Nominated In Span I/Connect cct (ISI) transmission Intra Building Circuit (IBC) connection Intra Building Circuit (IBC) rental PC rental 2Mbit link per km distribution PC rental 2Mbit link per km trunk PC rental 34Mbit link per km distribution PC rental 34Mbit link per km trunk PC rental 140Mbit link per km distribution PC rental 140Mbit link per km trunk PC rental 622Mbit link per km trunk Point of Handover electronics PC rental 64Kbit link PC rental 2Mbit link PC rental 34Mbit link PC rental 140Mbit link PC rental 64Kbit link per km transmission 64Kbit PC link connection cct provision 64Kbit PC link connection cct rearrangements 2Mbit and above PC link connection cct provision PC rental 64Kbit link local end PC rental 34Mbit link local end PC rental 140Mbit link local end PC rental 2Mbit local end copper PC rental 2Mbit local end fibre PPC support services Netstream equipment Low Tisbo equipment depreciation High Tisbo equipment depreciation 78 86 20 48 33 25 9 38 3 6 3 3 2 2 2 1 16 9 68 25 13 9 11 9 10 5 41 25 3 8 19 2 1 63 28 16 10 18 123 4 7 38 7 (4) (4) 0 (3) 4 (1) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (4) (2) (1) (1) (1) 0 0 (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) 1 0 0 0 0 (1) (1) 0 (1) 0 (2) 0 0 10 9 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 84 91 20 46 40 24 11 38 3 6 3 3 2 2 2 1 16 9 69 25 12 8 11 10 11 4 40 24 2 7 22 2 1 63 28 16 10 18 127 4 5 38 7 156 162 54 62 309 28 84 1 8 2 5 7 14 9 3 8 12 6 279 111 50 42 56 51 66 7 57 67 8 20 149 0 0 14 51 65 29 25 434 22 14 0 0 (a) This component is attributed on a % basis so no volume or unit cost is derivable. (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptions. (c) Unit of length is 10 kilometres. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation. 93 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 17 18 6 7 34 3 9 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 31 12 5 5 6 6 7 1 6 7 1 2 16 0 0 1 6 7 3 3 48 2 2 0 0 101 109 26 53 74 27 20 38 4 6 4 4 3 3 2 2 17 10 100 37 17 13 17 16 18 5 46 31 3 9 38 2 1 64 34 23 13 21 175 6 7 38 7 194,979 191,003 161,496 158,295 280,486 87,614 352,158 196,777 15,882 621 13,862 15,882 345,025 480,279 7,954 29,900 5,263 73,208 2,176,325 1,649,596 50,065 69,019 37,544 62,150 17,145 6,697,643 335,231 219,341 3,397 2,910 9,729,372 2,399 580 38,363 113,977 4,803 1,132 40,378 241,785 (a) (a) (a) (a) mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm circuits circuits circuits circuits km km 100m 100m circuits circuits km km km km km km km eq links links links links km circuits circuits circuits le le le le le 0.052p 0.056p 0.016p 0.033p 0.026p 0.031p 0.006p 0.019p £241.23 £10,422.64 £273.00 £220.01 £11.47 £5.56 £248.09 £62.98 £3,253.45 £124.48 £45.80 £22.63 £359.18 £198.46 £473.69 £247.47 £1,064.32 £0.79 £137.44 £144.16 £1,183.43 £3,370.23 £3.95 £1,042.55 £1,014.09 £1,683.66 £297.25 £4,941.61 £11,677.25 £517.63 £722.52 (a) (a) (a) (a) Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.1.1 - Network Activity Statement - Consolidated 2010 (continued) For the year ended 31 March 2010 Network Activity Statement - Consolidated (this is a consolidation of all markets where there are cost accounting obligations) Fully Allocated Cost (£m) (h) HCA operating cost Supplementary depreciation Holding (gain)/loss and other CCA adjustments Total CCA operating costs CCA mean capital employed Applicable rate of return on capital % Capital costs Total of operating costs and capital costs relating to current year Volume (b) Average costs per unit on a current cost basis relating to current year SMP Cost Accounting components Very High Tisbo equipment depreciation Low Tisbo ECC equipment depreciation AISBO ECC equipment depreciation Wholesale & LAN extension services electronics Wholesale & LAN extension services fibre etc Wholesale & LAN extension services BNS Backhaul extension services electronics Backhaul extension services fibre etc Wholesale & LAN extension services BNS electronics Ethernet main links SG & A private circuits SG & A partial private circuits National OA non chargeable Emergency OA (999) non chargeable SDSL connections Wholesale Access specific Routeing & records MDF Hardware jumpering Software jumpering E side copper capital E side copper current D side copper capital D side copper current Local exchanges general frames capital Local exchanges general frames current PSTN line test equipment Dropwire capital & PSTN NTE Business PSTN drop maintenance Residential PSTN drop maintenance ISDN2 drop maintenance PSTN line cards ISDN2 line cards Pair gain ISDN2 NTE Broadband line testing systems DSLAM capital/maintenance ADSL connections External WLR SG & A Internal WLR SG & A SG & A other access Local Loop Unbundling room build Local Loop Unbundling hostel rentals Local Loop Unbundling hostel rentals power & vent Local Loop Unbundling tie cables 0 3 3 70 116 1 12 10 9 23 32 74 1 8 0 30 22 249 4 122 80 634 228 83 69 10 370 24 98 4 141 20 1 8 41 283 12 4 2 18 0 18 13 12 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 168 0 8 0 0 29 0 0 0 (7) (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (123) 0 (613) 0 0 0 0 (44) 0 0 0 16 3 0 0 0 (6) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (11) 0 3 3 70 124 1 12 10 9 30 32 74 1 8 0 30 22 249 4 16 80 189 228 91 69 10 355 24 98 4 150 22 1 8 41 277 12 4 2 18 0 18 13 4 0 0 0 135 541 4 23 46 17 293 8 3 1 2 0 69 5 15 1 758 11 6,475 27 38 17 31 1,127 2 7 1 300 48 13 10 108 524 9 1 1 1 0 51 62 59 (a) This component is attributed on a % basis so no volume or unit cost is derivable. (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptions. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation. 94 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 10.9 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.4 11.0 11.0 10.1 10.1 11.0 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 0 0 0 15 60 0 3 5 2 32 1 0 0 0 0 7 1 1 0 77 1 654 3 4 2 3 114 0 1 0 30 5 1 1 11 58 1 0 0 0 0 5 6 6 0 3 3 85 184 1 15 15 11 62 33 74 1 8 0 37 23 250 4 93 81 843 231 95 71 13 469 24 99 4 180 27 2 9 52 335 13 4 2 18 0 23 19 10 (a) (a) (a) 37,012 116,230 876 4,451 9,876 1 316,108 (a) (a) 55,125 93,631 1,976 6,596,446 1,816,070 13,114,617 11,769,545 26,152,110 29,607,602 26,152,110 29,607,602 39,515,018 39,288,658 25,379,230 25,031,937 5,293,410 19,115,731 1,245,591 22,199,030 1,245,591 307,437 1,245,591 14,178,794 8,034,887 2,036,072 (a) (a) (a) 632 10,091 10,091 26,373 le le circuits le le circuits fibre km mm mm conns trans lines lines lines lines lines lines lines lines lines lines lines lines lines channels lines channels eq channels lines lines conns rooms hostels hostels cables (a) (a) (a) £2,285.39 £1,583.42 £1,595.96 £3,244.72 £1,549.65 £11,034,494.00 £199.23 (a) (a) 0.003p 0.008p £5.19 £5.62 £12.37 £19.10 £0.35 £3.51 £2.73 £32.23 £7.78 £2.41 £1.79 £0.53 £18.71 £4.58 £5.16 £3.56 £8.13 £21.18 £6.52 £7.02 £3.69 £41.66 £6.17 (a) (a) (a) £254.37 £2,284.35 £1,899.25 £328.66 Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.1.1 - Network Activity Statement - Consolidated 2010 (continued) For the year ended 31 March 2010 Network Activity Statement - Consolidated (this is a consolidation of all markets where there are cost accounting obligations) Fully Allocated Cost (£m) (h) HCA operating cost Supplementary depreciation Holding (gain)/loss and other CCA adjustments Total CCA operating costs CCA mean capital employed Applicable rate of return on capital % Total of operating costs and capital costs relating to current year Capital costs Volume (b) Average costs per unit on a current cost basis relating to current year SMP Cost Accounting components Local Loop Unbundling systems development Directories Service assurance Retail Service assurance Global services Service Centres - Provision Sales product management Service Centres - Assurance Combi Card voice Combi Card broadband Access Cards (ISDN2 services) Core/Metro (voice) Border gateway & signalling firewall MSAN-POSI Voice Link Access Cards (other services) MSAN-METRO Connectivity Link Core/Metro connectivity Edge Ethernet ports iNode (call set up and features) ATM customer interface 2Mbit ATM customer interface 34Mbit ATM customer interface > 155Mbit ATM network interface ATM network switching Inter ATM transmissions ISDN30 connections ISDN30 access ISDN30 line cards Internal LLU Tie Cables Broadband backhaul circuits (excl Virtual Paths) Special Fault Investigation MSAN-BRAS Broadband Link Core/Metro (broadband) Access Cards (ISDN30 services) Geographic broadband adjustments SMP Accounting Separation components Residual components Roundings Total 17 40 0 0 100 27 50 47 20 1 13 0 5 8 50 107 30 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 40 0 0 100 27 50 47 20 1 13 0 5 8 50 107 30 16 40 (6) 2 0 (3) (6) 3 140 55 2 29 1 14 19 118 239 66 47 10.1 10.1 11.0 11.0 10.1 11.0 10.1 10.1 11.0 10.1 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 4 (1) 0 0 0 (1) 0 14 6 0 3 0 2 2 13 26 7 5 21 39 0 0 100 26 50 61 26 1 16 0 7 10 63 133 37 21 (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) 410 2,446 (2) 7,294 (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) 22,199,030 8,034,887 1,245,591 371,275 194,866 194,979 (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) lines lines channels mm mm mm (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) £2.77 £3.22 £0.57 0.004p 0.000p 0.003p (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (5) 4 (2) 192 7 412 967 106 518 n/a (20) 2,430 664 68 2,498 n/a n/a (3) 8 8 n/a n/a 15,779 1,651 8,405 4 (732) 6,754 (a) This component is attributed on a % basis so no volume or unit cost is derivable. (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptions. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation. (n) Accounting Separation components require no costs to be disclosed. 95 n/a Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.1.2 - Network Activity Statement - Consolidated 2009 For the year ended 31 March 2009 Network Activity Statement - Consolidated (this is a consolidation of all markets where there are cost accounting obligations) Fully Allocated Cost (£m) HCA operating cost Supplementary depreciation Holding (gain)/loss and other CCA adjustments Total CCA operating costs CCA mean capital employed Applicable rate of return on capital % Capital costs Total of operating costs and capital costs relating to current year Volume (b) Average costs per min/unit on a current cost basis relating to current year SMP Cost Accounting components Local exchange concentrator Local exchange processor Main exchange switching Remote - local transmission link Remote - local transmission length (c) Local - tandem transmission link Local - tandem transmission length (c) Product management policy & planning Interconnect local end rental 2Mbit Interconnect 2Mbit connection Interconnect extension circuits (IEC) 2Mbit link Customer Sited Interconnect cct (CSI) 2Mbit link Interconnect extension circuits (IEC) 2Mbit per km Customer Sited Interconnect cct (CSI) 2Mbit per km In Span Interconnect circuits (ISI) transmission Nominated In Span I/Connect cct (ISI) transmission Intra Building Circuit (IBC) connection Intra Building Circuit (IBC) rental PC rental 2Mbit link per km distribution PC rental 2Mbit link per km trunk PC rental 34Mbit link per km distribution PC rental 34Mbit link per km trunk PC rental 140Mbit link per km distribution PC rental 140Mbit link per km trunk PC rental 622Mbit link per km trunk Point of Handover electronics PC rental 64Kbit link PC rental 2Mbit link PC rental 34Mbit link PC rental 140Mbit link PC rental 64Kbit link per km transmission 64Kbit PC link connection cct provision 64Kbit PC link connection cct rearrangements 2Mbit and above PC link connection cct provision PC rental 64Kbit link local end PC rental 34Mbit link local end PC rental 140Mbit link local end PC rental 2Mbit local end copper PC rental 2Mbit local end fibre PPC support services 92 106 24 64 44 34 13 32 5 11 6 5 4 2 3 1 12 10 68 37 18 16 15 12 11 4 53 31 6 12 24 3 1 59 33 29 15 31 158 0 (4) (4) 0 (4) 2 (2) 1 0 0 0 (1) (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 (5) (4) (2) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (3) (3) (1) (1) 0 0 0 0 0 (1) (2) 0 (2) 0 7 5 0 0 (16) 0 (5) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (7) (3) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2) 0 1 1 0 0 (7) 0 0 0 0 (2) 0 0 (12) 0 95 107 24 60 30 32 9 32 5 11 5 4 4 2 3 1 12 10 56 30 15 13 13 9 8 3 51 29 5 11 17 3 1 59 33 26 13 31 144 0 159 165 55 50 304 22 88 (3) 10 0 6 9 15 10 3 8 12 6 212 128 52 52 54 51 55 8 53 57 12 23 144 (1) 0 7 45 77 36 27 421 7 (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptions. (c) Unit of length is 10 kilometres. 96 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 18 19 6 6 35 3 10 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 1 24 15 6 6 6 6 6 1 6 7 1 3 16 0 0 1 5 9 4 3 48 1 113 126 30 66 65 35 19 32 6 11 6 5 6 3 3 2 13 11 80 45 21 19 19 15 14 4 57 36 6 14 33 3 1 60 38 35 17 34 192 1 213,758 209,859 163,660 172,868 307,195 89,148 357,177 205,752 18,365 6,632 15,499 19,741 392,766 517,585 7,954 48,360 2,652 65,362 1,907,808 1,945,530 55,719 75,838 35,498 76,688 17,853 9,118,959 356,180 193,710 4,467 3,499 8,633,799 3,275 743 40,263 102,012 4,544 1,235 32,869 214,500 18,501 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm circuits circuits circuits circuits km km 100m 100m circuits circuits km km km km km km km eq links links links links km circuits circuits circuits le le le le le circuits 0.053p 0.060p 0.019p 0.038p 0.021p 0.039p 0.005p 0.015p £287.34 £1,652.91 £386.61 £255.95 £11.59 £5.69 £354.61 £36.14 £5,187.34 £148.75 £42.03 £22.81 £372.00 £243.87 £510.54 £197.86 £776.90 £0.45 £157.18 £178.83 £1,527.30 £3,830.74 £3.86 £979.52 £938.03 £1,494.80 £374.88 £7,502.13 £13,588.01 £1,030.30 £898.72 £44.20 Appendix 1 - Other Information Appenidix 1.1.2 - Network Activity Statement - Consolidated 2009 (continued) For the year ended 31 March 2009 Network Activity Statement - Consolidated (this is a consolidation of all markets where there are cost accounting obligations) Fully Allocated Cost (£m) HCA operating cost Supplementary depreciation Holding (gain)/loss and other CCA adjustments Total CCA operating costs CCA mean capital employed Applicable rate of return on capital % Capital costs Total of operating costs and capital costs relating to current year Volume (b) Average costs per unit on a current cost basis relating to current year SMP Cost Accounting components Wholesale & LAN extension services electronics Wholesale & LAN extension services fibre etc Wholesale & LAN extension services BNS Backhaul extension services electronics Backhaul extension services fibre etc Wholesale & LAN extension services BNS electronics Ethernet main links SG & A private circuits SG & A partial private circuits National OA non chargeable Emergency OA (999) non chargeable SDSL connections Wholesale Access specific Routeing & records MDF Hardware jumpering Software jumpering E side copper capital E side copper current D side copper capital D side copper current Local exchanges general frames capital Local exchanges general frames current PSTN line test equipment Dropwire capital & PSTN NTE Business PSTN drop maintenance Residential PSTN drop maintenance ISDN2 drop maintenance PSTN line cards ISDN2 line cards Pair gain ISDN2 NTE Broadband line testing systems DSLAM capital/maintenance ADSL connections External WLR SG & A Internal WLR SG & A SG & A other access Local Loop Unbundling room build Local Loop Unbundling hostel rentals Local Loop Unbundling hostel rentals power & vent Local Loop Unbundling tie cables Local Loop Unbundling systems development 38 90 1 8 14 6 25 31 72 2 9 0 14 46 220 8 100 85 683 281 84 68 10 335 30 124 4 161 21 0 9 37 258 33 3 6 28 0 18 13 14 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 116 0 8 0 0 26 0 0 0 (8) (1) 0 0 0 (20) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 (16) 0 0 (2) 0 (14) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 174 0 108 0 (2) 0 0 7 0 0 0 11 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 38 74 1 8 12 6 14 31 72 2 9 0 14 46 220 8 296 85 907 281 90 68 10 368 30 124 4 164 22 0 9 37 242 33 3 6 28 0 18 13 36 2 88 429 8 18 66 10 238 1 (5) 1 3 0 102 1 11 0 734 9 5,723 29 33 9 27 1,131 1 5 0 321 75 3 13 94 454 0 0 0 (4) 0 51 57 71 20 (a) This component is attributed on a % basis so no volume or unit cost is derivable. (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptions. 97 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 11.4 11.4 11.4 10.0 10.0 11.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10 49 1 2 8 1 27 0 (1) 0 0 0 10 0 1 0 73 1 572 3 3 1 3 113 0 1 0 32 8 0 1 11 52 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 7 2 48 123 2 10 20 7 41 31 71 2 9 0 24 46 221 8 369 86 1,479 284 93 69 13 481 30 125 4 196 30 0 10 48 294 33 3 6 28 0 23 19 43 4 30,367 99,593 920 9,791 16,902 141 268,639 (a) (a) 62,516 93,303 3,109 6,944,278 2,149,453 6,687,225 8,329,942 27,159,871 29,094,532 27,159,871 29,094,532 56,514,141 56,320,621 27,016,310 25,689,590 5,406,329 19,633,755 1,299,018 23,557,777 1,299,018 483,659 1,299,018 13,333,480 8,196,070 2,196,211 (a) (a) (a) 564 9,291 9,291 26,207 (a) le le circuits le le circuits fibre km mm mm conns trans lines lines lines lines lines lines lines lines lines lines lines lines lines channels lines channels eq channels lines lines conns rooms hostels hostels cables £1,589.08 £1,241.50 £2,307.29 £978.90 £1,112.05 £47,622.13 £156.40 (a) (a) 0.003p 0.010p £14.56 £3.45 £21.37 £33.12 £0.97 £13.62 £2.95 £54.48 £9.75 £1.64 £1.23 £0.48 £18.74 £5.55 £6.35 £2.88 £8.33 £22.75 £1.27 £7.36 £3.60 £35.84 £15.18 (a) (a) (a) £789.84 £2,431.59 £1,976.36 £1,659.64 (a) Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.1.2 - Network Activity Statement - Consolidated 2009 (continued) For the year ended 31 March 2009 Network Activity Statement - Consolidated (this is a consolidation of all markets where there are cost accounting obligations) Fully Allocated Cost (£m) HCA operating cost Supplementary depreciation Holding (gain)/loss and other CCA adjustments Total CCA operating costs CCA mean capital employed Applicable rate of return on capital % Total of operating costs and capital costs relating to current year Capital costs Volume (b) Average costs per unit on a current cost basis relating to current year SMP Cost Accounting components Directories Service assurance Retail Service assurance Global services Service Centres - Provision Sales product management Service Centres - Assurance Combi Card voice Combi Card broadband Access Cards (ISDN services) Core/Metro (voice) Border gateway & signalling firewall MSAN - POSI (dense) link voice MSAN - POSI (non dense) link voice Access Cards (other services) MSAN-Metro connectivity (dense) MSAN-Metro connectivity (non dense) Core/Metro connectivity Edge Ethernet ports iNode (call set up and features) 33 10 0 44 37 16 36 13 1 35 0 9 10 6 26 0 47 20 10 ATM customer interface 2Mbit ATM customer interface 34Mbit ATM customer interface > 155Mbit ATM network interface ATM network switching Inter ATM transmissions ISDN30 connections ISDN30 access ISDN30 line cards Broadband backhaul circuits (excl Virtual Paths) MSAN - BRAS (dense) link broadband MSAN - BRAS (non dense) link broadband Core/Metro (broadband) Geographic broadband adjustments (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) SMP Accounting Separation components Residual components Roundings Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 10 0 44 37 16 36 13 1 35 0 9 10 6 26 0 47 20 10 (6) 0 0 (5) (3) 0 137 47 6 160 0 42 43 23 179 2 204 87 66 11.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 11.4 10.0 10.0 11.4 10.0 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 (1) 0 0 (1) 0 0 14 5 1 18 0 5 5 3 20 0 23 10 8 32 10 0 43 37 16 50 18 2 53 0 14 15 9 46 0 70 30 18 (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) 23,557,777 8,196,070 1,299,018 406,932 218,810 53,440 160,319 (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) lines lines channels mm mm mm mm (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) £2.10 £2.20 £1.44 0.013p 0.000p 0.026p 0.009p (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) 309 (13) (11) 285 835 90 375 n/a n/a 2,876 (1) (11) 2,864 484 52 2,916 n/a n/a (1) (1) (3) (5) 2 (1) n/a n/a 222 7,946 14,562 1,536 9,482 (1) 7,632 92 (a) This component is attributed on a % basis so no volume or unit cost is derivable. (b) See glossary for volume unit descriptions. (n) Accounting Separation components require no costs to be disclosed. 98 Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.2 - Calculation of FAC based on component costs and usage factors (Annex 16) Appendix 1.2.1 - Calculation of FAC based on component costs and usage factors 2010 For the year ended 31 March 2010 Components Unit (d) E side copper capital £/line £ £ £ 3.51 £ 3.67 £ 3.67 £ 3.49 £ £ £ £ £ 3.49 £ £ 1.75 1.75 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ SMPF Rentals SMPF Connections MPF Tie Cables MPF Room Build MPF Rentals MPF Connections £ MPF Hostel Rentals Wholesale local access Wholesale ISDN2 external service transfers Wholesale ISDN2 internal service takovers Wholesale ISDN2 external service rentals Wholesale ISDN2 internal service rentals Wholesale ISDN2 external service connections Wholesale ISDN2 internal service connections Wholesale premium analogue external service transfers Wholesale ISDN2 exchange line services Wholesale premium analogue internal service takeovers Wholesale premium analogue external service rentals Wholesale premium analogue internal service rentals Wholesale basic analogue external service rentals Wholesale basic analogue internal service rentals Wholesale premium analogue external service connections Wholesale premium analogue internal service connections Fully Allocated Cost (£) (h) Wholesale basic analogue internal service connections Average cost per unit (from annex 15) Wholesale analogue exchange line services £ 3.51 E side copper current £/line 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 1.60 1.60 3.55 D side copper capital £/line 32.23 33.69 33.69 32.02 32.02 16.04 16.04 32.23 D side copper current £/line 7.78 7.78 7.78 7.78 7.78 4.55 4.55 10.11 2.33 Local exchanges general frames capital £/line 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 1.20 1.20 4.81 2.41 Local exchanges general frames current £/line 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 0.90 0.90 3.59 1.79 PSTN line test equipment £/line 0.53 0.61 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.42 0.42 £/line 18.71 18.71 18.71 18.71 18.71 9.35 9.35 4.58 4.58 5.16 5.16 Dropwire capital & PSTN NTE Business PSTN drop maintenance £/line 4.58 Residential PSTN drop maintenance £/line 5.16 £/line 8.13 8.13 8.13 8.13 8.13 Pair gain £/eq 6.52 0.08 0.08 0.13 0.13 Routeing & records £/line 12.37 12.26 12.26 12.26 MDF Hardware jumpering £/line 19.10 19.10 19.10 19.10 Software jumpering £/line 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 Wholesale Access specific £/trans 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 ISDN2 drop maintenance £/channel 3.56 3.56 3.56 ISDN2 line cards £/channel 21.18 21.18 21.18 ISDN2 NTE £/channel 7.02 7.02 7.02 Combi Card voice £/line 2.77 Access Cards (ISDN2 services) £/channel 0.57 0.57 0.57 5.62 Broadband line testing systems £/lineline 3.69 DSLAM capital/maintenance £/lineline 41.66 ADSL connections £/lineconn Local Loop Unbundling room build £/linerooms Local Loop Unbundling hostel rentals £/hostel rental 2,284.35 Local Loop Unbundling hostel rentals power & vent £/hostel rental 1,899.25 Local Loop Unbundling tie cables £/linecables Local Loop Unbundling systems development (q) % £21m Directories (q) % £39m Service assurance Retail (q) % Service assurance Global services (q) % Service Centres - Provision (q) % £100m 5.86 5.86 5.86 Sales product management (q) % £26m 0.05 0.04 0.04 Service Centres - Assurance (q) % £50m External WLR SG & A (q) % £4m Internal WLR SG & A (q) % £2m 2.77 18.71 5.16 PSTN line cards 2.77 0.82 2.77 9.18 9.36 9.55 9.55 0.35 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.32 5.62 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.81 23.08 22.07 0.31 0.26 2.77 2.16 2.17 1.48 6.17 1.01 254.37 254.37 2,284.35 1,899.25 328.66 328.66 0.73 1.76 - Fully Allocated Costs (£) 1.76 1.76 1.76 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 0.60 9.31 5.99 0.76 0.61 27.20 5.06 0.15 0.62 0.73 1.22 0.01 5.80 5.80 15.39 15.71 1.00 0.99 0.95 0.93 1.92 1.92 71.01 70.99 15.38 15.38 4.65 5.56 0.06 0.05 0.43 0.45 131.10 0.61 1.53 0.09 1.19 29.33 11.74 43.24 43.23 43.23 90.37 90.28 87.90 87.90 11.42 11.77 49.85 67.93 (d) ppm = pence per minute; £/2Mbit cct = £ per 2 Mbit/s circuit; £/km = £ per kilometre; £/100m = £ per 100 metres; £/trans = £ per transaction; £/circuit = £ per circuit; £/ hostel rental = £ per hostel rental; % = % utilisation; £/line = £ per line; £/room = £ per room; £/cable = £ per cable; £/link = £ per link; £/eq = £ per equipment unitss; £/le = £ per local end; £/conn = £ per connection; £/channel = £ per channel; £/fibre km = £ per fibre km. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. (q) This is the total cost not unit cost for this component. 99 18.43 18.42 29.52 85.49 400.34 4,217.41 335.21 25.63 13.50 Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.2.1 - Calculation of FAC based on component costs and usage factors 2010 (continued) For the year ended 31 March 2010 £ 3.51 4.55 4.55 £ £ £ £ £ 4.55 1.15 £ 7.68 SDSL £ Netstream 16 LL 2Mbit/s connection £ Radio Backhaul Service - 2 Mbit/s rentals £ Radio Backhaul Service - 2 Mbit/s connection Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s connection £ Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - local end Radio Backhaul Service - sub 2 Mbit/s rentals £ Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s distribution Radio Backhaul Service - sub 2 Mbit/s connection £ Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - link Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s external local end £/line £ Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s internal local end E side copper capital £ Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s trunk Unit (d) Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s distribution Components Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s - link Fully Allocated Cost (£) (h) Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s connection Average cost per unit (from annex 15) Traditional interface symmetric broadband origination (up to and including 8Mbit/s) £ 3.51 E side copper current £/line 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 0.24 1.58 3.55 D side copper capital £/line 32.23 41.75 41.75 41.75 10.52 70.38 32.23 10.11 D side copper current £/line 7.78 7.78 7.78 7.78 0.67 4.50 Local exchanges general frames capital £/line 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 0.61 4.06 4.81 Local exchanges general frames current £/line 1.79 3.59 Dropwire capital & PSTN NTE £/line 18.71 18.71 Residential PSTN drop maintenance £/line 5.16 5.16 Routeing & records £/line 12.37 12.37 MDF Hardware jumpering £/line 19.10 18.35 Software jumpering £/line 0.35 64Kbit PC link connection cct provision (y) £/circuit PC rental 64Kbit link £/link 1,287.73 0.02 1,287.73 137.44 1,287.73 137.44 PC rental 64Kbit link per km transmission £/km PC rental 64Kbit link local end £/le 2Mbit and above PC link connection cct provision £/circuit PC rental 2Mbit link £/link 144.16 PC rental 2Mbit link per km distribution £/km 45.80 PC rental 2Mbit local end copper £/le 517.63 69.11 57.19 PC rental 2Mbit local end fibre £/le 722.52 573.56 759.44 PC rental 2Mbit link per km trunk £/km 3.95 137.44 3.95 3.95 297.25 3.95 310.04 257.99 198.43 1,683.66 1,686.01 1,682.01 144.16 1,681.70 144.16 45.80 45.80 22.63 22.63 Broadband line testing systems £/line 3.69 2.74 DSLAM capital/maintenance £/line 41.66 41.03 SDSL connections £/conn 5.19 5.19 Combi Card broadband £/line 3.22 3.22 5.60 Service Centres - Provision (q) % £100m Sales product management (q) % £26m Service Centres - Assurance (q) % £50m SG & A private circuits (q) % £33m 94.43 11.71 0.19 0.19 SG & A partial private circuits (q) % £74m 148.08 9.07 0.16 0.16 3.73 0.66 27.10 62.36 282.03 98.78 134.68 14.81 0.57 54.85 192.29 20.08 3.52 48.17 336.57 435.50 12.47 SG & A other access (q) % £18m MSAN-METRO Connectivity Link (q) % £63m 42.04 42.04 Core/Metro connectivity (q) % £133m 28.99 28.99 Edge Ethernet ports (q) % £37m 5.55 5.55 Fully Allocated Costs (£) 322.01 1,530.24 158.22 4.30 4.30 396.36 379.57 1,569.76 497.82 2,012.98 255.63 (d) ppm = pence per minute; £/2Mbit cct = £ per 2 Mbit/s circuit; £/km = £ per kilometre; £/100m = £ per 1000 metres; £/trans = £ per transaction; £/circuit = £ per circuit; £/ hostel rental = £ per hostel rental; % = % utilisation; £/line = £ per line; £/room = £ per room; £/cabl e = £ per cable; £/link = £ per link; £/eq = £ per equipment units; m. £/le = £ per local end; £/conn = £ per connection; £/channel = £ per channel; £/fibre km = £ per fibre km (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. (q) This is the total cost not unit cost for this component. (y) Unit costs calculated as a weighted average of the 64Kbit PC link connection cct provision & 64Kbit PC link connection cct rearrangements. 100 49.89 758.88 2,018.58 1,629.50 2,003.71 187.05 Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.2.1 - Calculation of FAC based on component costs and usage factors 2010 (continued) For the year ended 31 March 2010 £/circuit 1,683.66 PC rental 34Mbit link £/links 1,183.43 PC rental 34Mbit link per km distribution £/km PC rental 34Mbit link local end £/le 4,941.61 PC rental 140Mbit link £/links 3,370.23 PC rental 140Mbit link per km distribution £/km PC rental 140Mbit link local end £/le PC rental 2Mbit link per km trunk £/km 22.63 PC rental 34Mbit link per km trunk £/km 198.46 PC rental 140Mbit link per km trunk £/km 247.47 PC rental 622Mbit link per km trunk £/km 1,064.32 Sales product management (q) % Partial and Private Circuits 140/155Mbit/s external local end £ £ £ £ £ £ 1,687.29 1,684.81 £ £ £ £ 1,784.00 1,183.43 359.18 359.18 5,613.97 3,431.49 3,319.09 473.69 473.69 11,677.25 11,795.85 11,818.55 22.63 198.46 247.47 1,064.32 £26m 84.29 10.92 260.81 203.87 19.04 Access Cards (other services) (q) % £10m MSAN-METRO Connectivity Link (q) % £63m 714.60 2,942.46 Core/Metro connectivity (q) % £133m 492.89 2,029.54 Edge Ethernet ports (q) % £37m 94.34 388.44 1,978.15 2,773.42 389.14 6,542.44 10.69 6.53 1.37 490.16 12,066.53 14,501.69 2,083.00 26.00 216.48 3.86 32.53 £74m 747.73 11.49 1.43 12.61 69.38 £33m % 1,400.38 1.94 287.63 % SG & A partial private circuits (q) 180.74 299.00 78.19 214.52 SG & A private circuits (q) Fully Allocated Costs (£) £ Partial and Private circuits 622Mbit/s trunk Partial and Private Circuits 140/155Mbit/s internal local end £ Partial and Private circuits 140/155Mbit/s trunk Partial and Private Circuits 140/155Mbit/s distribution £ Partial and Private circuits 34/45Mbit/s trunk Partial and Private Circuits 140/155Mbit/s link £ Wholesale trunk segments Partial and Private circuits 2Mbit/s - trunk Partial and Private Circuits 140/155Mbit/s connection £ Netstream 16 LL 155Mbit/s connection Partial and Private Circuits 34/45Mbit/s external local end 2Mbit and above PC link connection cct provision Partial and Private Circuits 34/45Mbit/s internal local end Unit (d) Partial and Private Circuits 34/45Mbit/s distribution Components Partial and Private Circuits 34/45Mbit/s link Fully Allocated Cost (£) (h) Partial and Private Circuits 34/45Mbit/s connection Average cost per unit (from annex 15) Traditional interface symmetric Traditional interface symmetric broadband broadband origination (above 8Mbit/s up origination (above 45Mbit/s up to and including to and including 45Mbit/s) 155Mbit/s) 270.68 2,683.14 71.35 747.73 5,579.60 1,980.00 9,036.54 (d) ppm = pence per minute; £/2Mbit cct = £ per 2 Mbit/s circuit; £/km = £ per kilometre; £/100m = £ per 100 metres; £/trans = £ per transacction; £/circuit = £ per circuit; m = £ per room; £/cable = £ per cable; £/link = £ per linkk; £/eq = £ per equipment units; £/ hostel rental = £ per hostel rental; % = % utilisation; £/line = £ per line; £/room £/le = £ per local end; £/conn = £ per connection; £/channel = £ per channel; £/fibrre km = £ per fibre km. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. (q) This is the total cost not unit cost for this component. 101 259.53 1,135.67 Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.2.1 - Calculation of FAC based on component costs and usage factors 2010 (continued) For the year ended 31 March 2010 Components Unit (d) ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm Local exchange concentrator ppm 0.052 0.052 0.052 0.052 Local exchange processor ppm 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.056 Remote - local transmission link ppm 0.033 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.027 Remote - local transmission length ppm (per 10km) 0.026 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 National OA non chargeable ppm 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.008 0.008 ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 0.056 0.027 0.027 0.038 0.038 0.015 0.015 ppm 0.031 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.017 ppm 0.004 Border gateway & signalling firewall ppm 0.000 MSAN-POSI Voice Link ppm 0.003 Edge Ethernet ports (q) % £37m iNode (call set up and features) (q) % £21m Fully Allocated Costs (ppm) ppm Wholesale call termination local exchange stick (ISDN) Retail Sticks Wholesale call termination local exchange stick Wholesale call termination local exchange segment (ISDN) 0.052 Local - tandem transmission link Core/Metro (voice) ppm 0.056 0.008 0.006 Call Termination basket ppm ppm 0.052 0.052 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.007 0.010 0.007 0.010 0.003 0.004 0.003 0.004 0.008 0.007 0.010 0.007 0.010 0.023 0.190 0.197 0.134 0.141 0.001 0.016 0.019 Fixed call termination 0.052 0.001 ppm ppm (per 10km) ppm 0.052 ppm ppm Wholesale single transit segment PSTN & ISDN Wholesale local-tandem transmission stick (ISDN) Single Transit Basket (ae) Main exchange switching Product management policy & planning Single transit on fixed public narrowband networks Wholesale call termination local exchange segment Retail Sticks Wholesale local-tandem transmission stick Wholesale local-tandem conveyance segment (ISDN) Local-tandem conveyance basket Emergency OA (999) non chargeable Local - tandem transmission length 0.008 0.052 Wholesale call origination local exchange Stick (ISDN) Retail Sticks Wholesale call origination local exchange Stick PPP Basket Wholesale PPP Wholesale call originating local exchange segment (ISDN) (incl OA) Wholesale call originating local exchange segment (incl Operator Assistance) Fully Allocated Cost (£) (h) Wholesale call originating local exchange segment PSTN and ISDN (excl OA) Average cost per unit (from annex 15) Call Origination Basket (ad) Local-tandem conveyance and transit on fixed public narrowband networks Wholesale local-tandem conveyance segment Call origination on fixed public narrowband networks 0.011 0.019 0.008 0.007 0.010 0.007 0.010 0.004 0.003 0.004 0.003 0.004 0.008 0.007 0.010 0.007 0.010 0.201 0.201 0.208 0.134 0.141 0.019 0.004 0.055 (d) ppm = pence per minute; £/2Mbit cct = £ per 2 Mbit/s circuit; £/km = £ per kilometre; £/100 0m = £ per 100 metres; £/trans = £ per transaction; £/circuit = £ per circuit; £/ hostel rental = £ per hostel rental; % = % utilisation; £/line = £ per line; £/room = £ perr room; £/cable = £ per cable; £/link = £ per link; £/eq = £ per equipment units; £/le = £ per local end; £/conn = £ per connection; £/channel = £ per channel; £/fibre km = £ per fibre km. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. (q) This is the total cost not unit cost for this component. (ad) Does not include the service Wholesale Call originating local exchange segment (ISDN) (e excl. Operator Assistance) due to immaterial volumes. (ae) Does not include the service Wholesale Single transit segment (ISDN) due to immaterial vvolumes. 102 0.055 0.039 0.039 Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.2.1 - Calculation of FAC based on component costs and usage factors 2010 (continued) For the year ended 31 March 2010 Technical areas (Interconnect Circuits) Technical Areas (Point of Handover) Interconnect Specific Basket Components Unit (d) Interconnect local end rental 2Mbit £ £ £/2Mbit cct 241.23 241.23 Customer Sited Interconnect cct (CSI) 2Mbit link £/2Mbit cct 220.01 220.01 Customer Sited Interconnect cct (CSI) 2Mbit per km £/km Interconnect 2Mbit connection £/2Mbit cct 5.56 10,422.64 Intra Building Circuit (IBC) rental £/2Mbit cct 124.48 Intra Building Circuit (IBC) connection £/2Mbit cct 3,253.45 Interconnect extension circuits (IEC) 2Mbit link £/2Mbit cct 273.00 Interconnect extension circuits (IEC) 2Mbit per km £/km In Span Interconnect circuits (ISI) transmission £/100m 248.09 Nominated In Span I/Connect cct (ISI) transmission £/100m 62.98 Point of Handover electronics £/eq 0.79 E side copper capital £/line 3.51 £ £ £ £/line 2.73 D side copper capital £/line 32.23 D side copper current £/line 7.78 Local exchanges general frames capital £/line PC rental 64Kbit link local end £/le PC rental 34Mbit link local end £/le 4,941.61 PC rental 140Mbit link local end £/le 11,677.25 PC rental 2Mbit local end copper £/le 517.63 PC rental 2Mbit local end fibre £/le 722.52 SG & A partial private circuits (q) % £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ External 3rd Party POH Rental 155Mbit/s External 3rd Party POH Rental 34/45Mbit/s External 3rd Party POH Rental 2Mbit/s CLZ External 3rd Party POH Rental 2Mbit/s non CLZ External 3rd Party POH Rental 64Kbit/s In Span Handover rental In Span Handover connection Customer Sited Handover rental Customer Sited Handover connection Internal Wholesale intra-building circuits rentals Internal Wholesale standard CSI rental - fixed External Wholesale rearrangements External Nominated ISI - per km £ Internal Wholesale standard CSI rentals - per km Internal Interconnect External Wholesale ISI rentals External Wholesale intra-building circuits connections External Wholesale intra-building circuits rentals In span Interconnect £ 241.23 220.01 5.56 2,857.76 5.56 466.06 136.26 1,201.05 136.26 3,253.45 136.26 3,253.45 89.07 3,253.45 273.00 11.47 E side copper current External Wholesale IEC rentals - per km External Wholesale IEC rentals - fixed External Wholesale IEC connections External Wholesale standard CSI rental - fixed External Wholesale standard CSI connection Average cost per unit (from annex 15) Fully Allocated Cost (£) (h) In Span Interconnect with Interconnect Extension Circuit (end to end circuit) External Wholesale standard CSI rentals - per km Customer Sited Interconnect (end to end circuit) 11.47 248.09 62.98 710.72 662.36 22,670.95 1,401.70 2.41 36.52 297.25 1,359.27 £74m MSAN-METRO Connectivity Link (q) % £63m Edge Ethernet ports (q) % £37m Fully Allocated Costs (£) 733.12 10.47 42.04 42.04 19.60 6,130.81 85.88 639.54 5.56 3,805.39 86.15 99.56 3.89 14.21 14.35 104.57 204.01 40.41 110.83 113.91 837.69 1,563.28 42.04 24.56 451.30 11.47 3,278.01 136.26 248.09 62.98 1,201.05 (d) ppm = pence per minute; £/2Mbit cct = £ per 2 Mbit/s circuit; £/km = £ per kilom metre; £/100m = £ per 100 metres; £/trans = £ per transaction; £/circuit = £ per circuit; £/ hostel rental = £ per hostel rental; % = % utilisation; £/line = £ per line; £/ro oom = £ per room; £/cable = £ per cable; £/link = £ per link; £/eq = £ per equipment units; £/le = £ per local end; £/conn = £ per connection; £/channel = £ per channel; £/fibre km = £ per fibre km. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. (q) This is the total cost not unit cost for this component. 103 503.28 5.56 89.07 710.72 662.36 22,670.95 1,401.70 Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.2.1 - Calculation of FAC based on component costs and usage factors 2010 (continued) For the year ended 31 March 2010 Components £ Unit (d) Wholesale & LAN extension services electronics £/le 2,285.39 Wholesale & LAN extension services fibre etc £/le 1,583.42 £ £ £ £ £ 2,209.61 2,285.39 1,571.37 1,582.74 1,632.63 £ £ 8,296.02 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Main link rental charges Backhaul network services all bandwidth rental Backhaul network services all bandwidth connection Backhaul extension services other bandwidth connection Backhaul extension services 1000Mbit/s connection £ £ (r) 1,586.32 Wholesale & LAN extension services BNS £/circuit 1,595.96 Backhaul extension services electronics £/le 3,244.72 Backhaul extension services fibre etc £/le Wholesale & LAN extension services BNS electronics £/circuit Ethernet main links £/fibre km Sales product management (q) % £26m Service Centres - Provision (q) % £100m Service Centres - Assurance (q) % £50m 59.17 59.17 59.17 59.17 58.05 58.05 (r) Access Cards (other services) (q) % £10m 2.85 28.49 284.87 67.51 28.49 284.86 (r) MSAN-METRO Connectivity Link (q) % £63m Core/Metro connectivity (q) % £133m Edge Ethernet ports (q) % £37m Fully Allocated Costs (£) Backhaul extension services 100Mbit/s connection Backhaul extension services other bandwidth rental Backhaul extension services 1000Mbit/s rental Backhaul extension services 100Mbit/s rental Wholesale extension services other bandwidth connection Wholesale extension services 1000Mbit/s connection Wholesale extension services 100Mbit/s connection Wholesale extension services 10Mbit/s connection Wholesale extension services 1000Mbit/s rental Wholesale extension services 100Mbit/s rental Wholesale extension services 10Mbit/s rental Average cost per unit (from annex 15) Fully Allocated Cost (£) (h) Wholesale extension services other bandwidth rental Alternative interface symmetric broadband origination (up to and including 1Gbit/s) 1,595.96 (r) 11,744.07 10,445.50 1,537.57 1,565.76 1,549.65 (r) (r) 11,034,494.00 199.23 199.23 42.02 49.42 120.95 18.71 22.42 25.62 95.12 (r) 1,090.56 913.46 876.70 (r) 9.85 26.19 (r) (r) 12.53 (r) 2,682.50 (r) 39.43 2.47 58.05 117.34 1,675.41 1,719.82 2,097.62 1,731.71 3,322.59 3,224.47 9,267.84 (d) ppm = pence per minute; £/2Mbit cct = £ per 2 Mbit/s circuit; £/km = £ per kilometre; £/1 00m = £ per 100 metres; £/trans = £ per transaction; £/circuit = £ per circuit; £/ hostel rental = £ per hostel rental; % = % utilisation; £/line = £ per line; £/room = £ peer room; £/cable = £ per cable; £/link = £ per link; £/eq = £ per equipment units; £/le = £ per local end; £/conn = £ per connection; £/channel = £ per channel; £/fibre km = £ per fibre km. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. (q) This is the total cost not unit cost for this component. (r) De-minimus services with turnover of less than £1m. 104 (r) 1,633.96 1,934.86 (r) (r) 14,439.10 10,445.50 (r) 1,693.44 319.04 Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.2.2 - Calculation of FAC based on component costs and usage factors 2009 (Re-presented) Re-presented for the year ended 31 March 2009 Unit (d) £ £ £ £ £ £ Wholesale business ISDN2 external service rentals 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 1.91 1.91 £/line 54.48 58.22 58.22 53.94 53.94 26.57 26.57 9.75 6.64 £ £/line 9.75 13.48 Wholesale business ISDN2 internal service rentals Wholesale business ISDN2 external service transfers Wholesale business ISDN2 internal service takovers Wholesale business ISDN2 external service connections Wholesale business analogue external service rentals Wholesale business analogue internal service rentals Wholesale business ISDN2 internal service connections £ £/line 9.75 13.48 £ D side copper capital 9.75 14.55 £ E side copper current £/line 14.55 £ Wholesale ISDN2 exchange line services E side copper capital D side copper current 13.62 £ Wholesale business analogue external service transfers £ Wholesale business analogue internal service takeovers £ Wholesale business analogue external service connections £ Wholesale business analogue internal service connections Wholesale residential analogue external service rentals Com pone nts Wholesale residential analogue internal service rentals Fully Alloca te d Cost (£) Wholesale residential analogue internal service connections Average cost per unit (from annex 15) Wholesale analogue exchange line services 6.64 9.75 6.33 6.33 Local exchanges general frames capital £/line 1.64 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66 0.82 0.82 Local exchanges general frames current £/line 1.23 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 0.61 0.61 PSTN line test equipment £/line 0.48 0.55 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.38 0.38 Dropwire capital & PSTN NTE £/line 18.74 18.74 18.74 18.74 18.74 9.37 9.37 Business PSTN drop maintenance £/line 5.55 5.55 5.55 Residential PSTN drop maintenance £/line 6.35 6.35 6.35 PSTN line cards £/line 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 Pair gain £/eq 1.27 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.04 Routeing & records 16.03 16.03 17.57 16.88 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 £/line 21.37 21.37 21.37 21.37 MDF Hardware jumpering £/line 33.12 33.12 33.36 33.12 Software jumpering £/line 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 W holesale Access specific £/trans 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 ISDN2 drop maintenance £/channel 2.88 2.88 2.88 ISDN2 line cards £/channel 22.75 22.75 22.75 ISDN2 NTE £/channel 7.36 7.36 7.36 Combi Card voice £/line 2.10 1.44 1.44 Access Cards (ISDN services) Directories £/channel (q) Service assurance Retail (q) Service assurance Global services Service Centres - Provision Sales product management Service Centres - Assurance External W LR SG & A Internal W LR SG & A (q) (q) (q) (q) (q) (q) £32m £10m 0.05 1.38 1.38 0.55 0.03 £0m £43m 2.29 £37m 0.37 % £16m % £3m % £6m 0.14 0.01 % % Fully Alloca te d Costs (£) 2.10 3.45 2.10 2.10 1.38 1.38 1.44 % % % 2.10 3.45 0.97 0.47 2.59 0.08 0.19 0.00 0.17 0.03 0.00 0.04 2.90 1.48 1.89 2.33 0.55 1.86 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.58 1.66 0.77 0.19 0.02 0.00 0.00 3.35 3.29 11.82 2.44 0.25 1.04 0.74 0.26 0.36 0.24 17.85 0.81 0.22 0.03 11.79 61.62 126.94 128.55 62.64 62.25 5.51 6.77 121.20 121.49 39.41 57.30 26.56 (d) ppm = pence per minute; £/2Mbit cct = £ per 2 Mbit/s circuit; £/km = £ per kilometre; £/100m = £ per 100 metres; £/trans = £ per transaction; £/circuit = £ per ci rcuit; £/ hostel rental = £ per hostel rental; % = % utilisation; £/line = £ per line; £/room = £ per room; £/cable = £ per cable; £/link = £ per link; £/eq = £ per equipmennt units; £/le = £ per local end; £/conn = £ per connection; £/channel = £ per channel; £/fibre km = £ per fibre km. (q) This is the total cost not unit cost for this component. 105 4.91 87.68 88.12 Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.2.2 - Calculation of FAC based on component costs and usage factors 2009 (Re-presented)(continued) Re-presented for the year ended 31 March 2009 Components Unit (d) E side copper capital £/line £ £ £ 13.62 £ £ 14.93 14.93 £ £ £ £ £ 14.93 £ £ 25.58 £ £ 25.53 13.62 £ £ £ £ £ £ SMPF Rentals (External) SMPF Connections (External) MPF Tie Cables (External) MPF Hostel Rentals (External) MPF Room Build (External) MPF Rentals (External) SDSL MPF Connections (External) Wholesale local access Radio Backhaul Service - 2 Mbit/s rentals Radio Backhaul Service - 2 Mbit/s connection Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - local end Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s distribution Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s - link Partial and Private Circuits 2Mbit/s connection Radio Backhaul Service - sub 2 Mbit/s rentals Radio Backhaul Service - sub 2 Mbit/s connection Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s external local end Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s internal local end Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s transmission Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s - link Fully Allocated Cost (£) Partial and Private Circuits 64Kbit/s connection Average cost per unit (from annex 15) Traditional interface symmetric broadband origination (up to and including 8Mbit/s) £ 13.62 E side copper current £/line 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 5.44 4.06 3.60 3.60 D side copper capital £/line 54.48 59.73 59.73 59.73 102.34 102.14 54.48 54.48 D side copper current £/line 9.75 9.75 9.75 9.75 18.00 13.43 11.89 11.89 2.14 Local exchanges general frames capital £/line 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 2.80 2.80 4.92 4.92 Local exchanges general frames current £/line 1.23 2.45 3.68 3.68 Dropwire capital & PSTN NTE £/line 18.74 18.74 18.74 Residential PSTN drop maintenance £/line 6.35 6.35 6.35 Routeing & records £/line 21.37 21.37 21.37 MDF Hardware jumpering £/line 33.12 33.12 35.30 36.81 0.97 0.97 0.97 Software jumpering £/line 64Kbit PC link connection cct provision (y) £/circuit PC rental 64Kbit link £/link PC rental 64Kbit link per km transmission £/km PC rental 64Kbit link local end £/le 2Mbit and above PC link connection cct provision £/circuit 0.97 1,192.33 1,192.33 1,192.33 157.18 157.18 3.28 157.18 3.86 3.86 3.86 288.28 374.88 374.88 371.52 1,494.80 1,494.80 1,494.80 178.83 178.83 PC rental 2Mbit link £/link 178.83 PC rental 2Mbit link per km distribution £/km 42.03 PC rental 2Mbit local end copper £/le 1,030.30 121.63 106.76 PC rental 2Mbit local end fibre 640.29 798.23 42.03 42.03 £/le 898.72 PC rental 2Mbit link per km trunk £/km 22.81 Broadband line testing systems £/line 3.60 3.64 DSLAM capital/maintenance £/line 35.84 38.54 ADSL connections £/conn 15.18 SDSL connections £/conn 14.56 Local Loop Unbundling room build £/room Local Loop Unbundling hostel rentals £/hostel rental 2,431.59 Local Loop Unbundling hostel rentals power & vent £/hostel rental 1,976.36 Local Loop Unbundling tie cables £/cable 1,659.64 Combi Card broadband £/line Local Loop Unbundling systems development (q) % £4m Service Centres - Provision (q) % £43m Sales product management (q) % £37m Service Centres - Assurance (q) % £16m 22.81 1.52 1.05 14.56 789.84 789.84 2,431.59 1,976.36 1,659.64 2.20 2.20 0.21 0.05 15.47 58.61 2.32 40.40 2.84 0.00 0.23 19.14 % £31m 51.60 8.25 0.16 SG & A partial private circuits (q) % £71m 132.37 11.15 0.22 24.06 105.94 358.18 180.61 68.10 18.18 0.36 42.00 206.72 30.03 4.45 51.20 167.46 0.15 4.48 0.51 125.98 1.53 0.15 0.21 32.14 3.40 0.45 0.60 0.61 2.80 0.59 0.31 4.82 0.32 0.00 460.71 % £28m MSAN-Metro connectivity (dense) (q) % £46m 63.68 63.68 MSAN-Metro connectivity (non dense) (q) % £0m 0.70 0.70 Core/Metro connectivity (q) % £70m 58.83 58.83 Edge Ethernet ports (q) % £30m 8.45 8.45 358.70 49.16 1,009.28 1,662.26 1,888.99 Fully Allocated Costs (£) 1.51 6.87 SG & A private circuits (q) SG & A other access (q) 0.65 13.40 1,391.77 176.58 4.29 401.34 569.82 1,550.51 802.17 1,828.23 (d) ppm = pence per minute; £/2Mbit cct = £ per 2 Mbit/s circuit; £/km = £ per kilometre; £/100m m = £ per 100 metres; £/trans = £ per transaction; £/circuit = £ per circuit; £/ hostel rental = £ per hostel rental; % = % utilisation; £/line = £ per line; £/room = £ per room; £/cable = £ per cable; £/link = £ per link; £/eq = £ per equipment units; per fibre km. £/le = £ per local end; £/conn = £ per connection; £/channel = £ per channel; £/fibre km = £ p (q) This is the total cost not unit cost for this component. (y) Unit costs calculated as a weighted average of the 64Kbit PC link connection cct provision & 6 64Kbit PC link connection cct rearrangements. 106 301.75 60.92 120.04 923.10 4,442.22 1,663.80 50.13 14.59 Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.2.2 - Calculation of FAC based on component costs and usage factors 2009 (Re-presented)(continued) Re-presented for the year ended 31 March 2009 ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm Unit (d) ppm 0.053 0.053 0.053 0.053 ppm Local exchange processor ppm 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 Remote - local transmission link ppm 0.038 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 Remote - local transmission length ppm (per 10km) 0.021 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 National OA non chargeable ppm 0.003 0.003 0.003 Emergency OA (999) non chargeable ppm 0.010 0.010 0.010 Main exchange switching ppm 0.019 0.017 0.017 Local - tandem transmission link ppm 0.039 0.028 0.028 0.028 0.028 Local - tandem transmission length ppm (per 10km) 0.005 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 ppm 0.053 ppm 0.053 0.053 0.060 0.060 0.031 0.031 0.030 0.030 0.002 0.002 0.000 ppm Wholesale call termination local exchange stick (ISDN) Retail Sticks Wholesale call termination local exchange stick Wholesale single transit segment PSTN & ISDN ppm Call Termination basket Wholesale call termination local exchange segment (ISDN) Single Transit Basket (ae) Fixed call termination Wholesale call termination local exchange segment Single transit on fixed public narrowband networks Wholesale local-tandem transmission stick (ISDN) Wholesale local-tandem transmission stick Retail Sticks Local exchange concentrator 0.053 ppm Local-tandem conveyance basket Wholesale local-tandem conveyance segment (ISDN) Wholesale call origination local exchange Stick (ISDN) Wholesale call origination local exchange Stick Retail Sticks Components 0.010 ppm PPP Basket Wholesale PPP Wholesale call originating local exchange segment (ISDN) (incl OA) Wholesale call originating local exchange segment (incl Operator Assistance) Fully Allocated Cost (£) Wholesale call originating local exchange segment PSTN and ISDN (excl OA) Average cost per unit (from annex 15) Call Origination Basket (ad) Local-tandem conveyan nce and transit on fixed pub blic narrowband networrks Wholesale local-tandem conveyance segment Call origination on fixed public narrowband networks ppm 0.053 0.053 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.014 Product management policy & planning ppm 0.015 Core/Metro (voice) ppm 0.013 0.023 0.021 0.030 0.015 0.020 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.013 0.022 0.030 0.020 Border gateway & signalling firewall ppm 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 MSAN - POSI (dense) link voice ppm 0.026 0.007 0.006 0.009 0.006 0.009 0.006 0.009 0.006 0.009 MSAN - POSI (non dense) link voice ppm 0.009 0.007 0.007 0.009 0.006 0.010 0.007 0.009 0.006 0.010 Edge Ethernet ports % £30m 0.006 0.005 0.008 0.005 0.008 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.007 0.006 0.008 0.005 0.008 iNode (call set up and features) % £18m 0.006 0.005 0.008 0.005 0.008 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.006 0.008 0.005 0.008 0.233 0.231 0.251 0.156 0.179 0.061 0.061 0.042 0.042 0.040 0.221 0.238 0.156 0.179 Fully Allocated Costs (ppm) 0.015 (d) ppm = pence per minute; £/2Mbit cct = £ per 2 Mbit/s circuit; £/km = £ per kilometre; £/100 0m = £ per 100 metres; £/trans = £ per transaction; £/circuit = £ per circuit; £/ hostel rental = £ per hostel rental; % = % utilisation; £/line = £ per line; £/room = £ perr room; £/cable = £ per cable; £/link = £ per link; £/eq = £ per equipment units; £/le = £ per local end; £/conn = £ per connection; £/channel = £ per channel; £/fibre km = £ per fibre km. (q) This is the total cost not unit cost for this component. (ad) Does not include the service Wholesale Call originating local exchange segment (ISDN) (e excl. Operator Assistance) due to immaterial volumes. (ae) Does not include the service Wholesale Single transit segment (ISDN) due to immaterial vvolumes. 107 Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.2.2 - Calculation of FAC based on component costs and usage factors 2009 (Re-presented)(continued) Re-presented for the year ended 31 March 2009 Technical Areas (Point of Handover) Technical areas (Interconnect Circuits) Wholesale trunk segments £ Components Unit (d) £ Interconnect local end rental 2Mbit £/2Mbit cct 287.34 287.34 Customer Sited Interconnect cct (CSI) 2Mbit link £/2Mbit cct 255.95 255.95 Customer Sited Interconnect cct (CSI) 2Mbit per km £/km Interconnect 2Mbit connection £/2Mbit cct 1,652.91 Intra Building Circuit (IBC) rental £/2Mbit cct 148.75 Intra Building Circuit (IBC) connection £/2Mbit cct 5,187.34 Interconnect extension circuits (IEC) 2Mbit link £/2Mbit cct 386.61 Interconnect extension circuits (IEC) 2Mbit per km £/km In Span Interconnect circuits (ISI) transmission £/100m 354.61 Nominated In Span I/Connect cct (ISI) transmission £/100m 36.14 5.69 £ £ £ £ £ £/eq 0.45 PC rental 2Mbit link per km trunk £/km 22.81 PC rental 34Mbit link per km trunk £/km 243.87 PC rental 140Mbit link per km trunk £/km 197.86 PC rental 622Mbit link per km trunk £/km 776.90 SG & A private circuits (q) % £ £ 264.66 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Partial and Private circuits 622Mbit/s - trunk Partial and Private circuits 140/155Mbit/s - trunk Partial and Private circuits 34/45Mbit/s - trunk Partial and Private circuits 2Mbit/s - trunk In Span Handover rental In Span Handover connection Customer Sited Handover rental Customer Sited Handover connection Wholesale rearrangements £ £ 686.80 148.75 5,187.34 386.61 11.59 354.61 36.14 589.94 352.96 18,839.79 274.27 22.81 243.87 197.86 776.90 £31m SG & A partial private circuits (q) % £71m MSAN-Metro connectivity (dense) (q) % £46m 32.99 63.68 MSAN-Metro connectivity (non dense) (q) % £0m 0.36 0.70 Core/Metro connectivity (q) % £70m 1,450.05 Edge Ethernet ports (q) % £30m 208.27 Fully Allocated Costs (£) Wholesale intra-building circuits rentals Wholesale intra-building circuits connections £ 5.69 1,652.91 11.59 Point of Handover electronics Wholesale IEC rentals - per km Wholesale IEC rentals - fixed Wholesale IEC connections Nominated ISI - per km Wholesale ISI rentals Wholesale standard CSI rentals - per km Wholesale standard CSI rental - fixed Fully Allocated Cost (£) Wholesale standard CSI connection Average cost per unit (from annex 15) Interconnect Specific Basket 1,652.91 576.64 5.69 354.61 36.14 264.66 450.99 11.59 6,845.66 148.75 686.80 (d) ppm = pence per minute; £/2Mbit cct = £ per 2 Mbit/s circuit; £/km = £ per kilom metre; £/100m = £ per 100 metres; £/trans = £ per transaction; £/circuit = £ per circuit; £/ hostel rental = £ per hostel rental; % = % utilisation; £/line = £ per line; £/ro oom = £ per room; £/cable = £ per cable; £/link = £ per link; £/eq = £ per equipment units; £/le = £ per local end; £/conn = £ per connection; £/channel = £ per channel; £/fibre km = £ per fibre km. (q) This is the total cost not unit cost for this component. 108 589.94 352.96 18,839.79 274.27 1.72 16.85 13.66 1.26 13.57 1.23 25.79 274.29 212.75 776.90 Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.2.2 - Calculation of FAC based on component costs and usage factors 2009 (Re-presented)(continued) Re-presented for the year ended 31 March 2009 PC rental 34Mbit link £/link 1,527.30 PC rental 140Mbit link £/link 3,830.74 PC rental 34Mbit link per km distribution £/km 372.00 PC rental 140Mbit link per km distribution £/km 510.54 PC rental 34Mbit link local end £/le 7,502.13 PC rental 140Mbit link local end £/le 13,588.01 Wholesale & LAN extension services electronics £/le 1,589.08 Wholesale & LAN extension services fibre etc £/le 1,241.50 Wholesale & LAN extension services BNS £/circuit 2,307.29 Backhaul extension services electronics £/le £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Main link rental charges Backhaul network services all bandwidth rental Backhaul network services all bandwidth connection Backhaul extension services other bandwidth connection Backhaul extension services 1000Mbit/s connection Backhaul extension services 100Mbit/s connection Backhaul extension services other bandwidth rental Backhaul extension services 1000Mbit/s rental Backhaul extension services 100Mbit/s rental Wholesale extension services other bandwidth connection Wholesale extension services 1000Mbit/s connection Wholesale extension services 100Mbit/s connection Wholesale extension services 10Mbit/s connection Wholesale extension services other bandwidth rental Wholesale extension services 1000Mbit/s rental £ Wholesale extension services 100Mbit/s rental £ Alternative interface symmetric broadband origination (up to and including 1Gbit/s) Wholesale extension services 10Mbit/s rental Partial and Private Circuits 140/155Mbit/s - distribution Partial and Private Circuits 140/155Mbit/s - link £ Partial and Private Circuits 140/155Mbit/s - connection £ Partial and Private Circuits 140/155Mbit/s - external local end £ Partial and Private Circuits 34/45Mbit/s - distribution 1,494.80 Partial and Private Circuits 34/45Mbit/s - link 1,494.80 Traditional interface symmetric broadband origination (above 45Mbit/s up to and including 155Mbit/s) Partial and Private Circuits 140/155Mbit/s - internal local end £/circuit Partial and Private Circuits 34/45Mbit/s - external local end Unit (d) 2Mbit and above PC link connection cct provision Partial and Private Circuits 34/45Mbit/s - internal local end Components Partial and Private Circuits 34/45Mbit/s - connection Fully Allocated Cost (£) Average cost per unit (from annex 15) Traditional interface symmetric broadband origination (above 8Mbit/s up to and including 45Mbit/s) £ 1,494.80 1,527.30 3,830.74 372.00 510.54 5,769.14 7,502.13 10,449.18 13,588.01 1,536.32 1,589.08 1,241.50 1,241.50 1,241.50 5,768.52 2,086.30 1,241.50 2,307.29 978.90 3,553.51 1,482.64 978.90 Backhaul extension services fibre etc £/le Wholesale & LAN extension services BNS electronics £/circuit Ethernet main links £/fibre km 1,112.05 1,112.05 1,112.05 1,112.05 Sales product management (q) % £37m SG & A private circuits (q) % £31m 154.40 9.89 306.48 26.05 47,622.13 47,622.13 156.40 156.40 10.00 16.74 168.95 2,021.82 638.47 18.44 134.55 10.33 3.60 4.14 1,082.73 115.54 4.15 10.46 1,297.56 3.23 7.19 14.13 28.97 36.02 18.29 27.04 468.28 4919.45 SG & A partial private circuits (q) % £71m Service Centres - Provision (q) % £43m Service Centres - Assurance (q) % £16m Access Cards (other services) (q) % £9m MSAN-Metro connectivity (dense) (q) % £46m 1,082.58 4,457.69 26.43 MSAN-Metro connectivity (non dense) (q) % £0m 11.91 49.06 0.67 Core/Metro connectivity (q) % £70m 1,000.18 4,118.40 Edge Ethernet ports (q) % £30m 143.65 591.52 Fully Allocated Costs (£) 1,100.95 1,494.80 4,226.50 1,100.95 417.94 7,039.04 10,624.90 1,494.80 13,820.43 76.89 76.89 76.89 76.91 76.87 29.34 29.34 29.34 29.34 29.34 29.34 29.34 29.34 17.49 17.49 30.78 189.59 17.49 30.78 17.49 556.05 10,917.46 18,507.46 1,368.82 1,365.22 1,382.65 (d) ppm = pence per minute; £/2Mbit cct = £ per 2 Mbit/s circuit; £/km = £ per kilomettre; £/100m = £ per 100 metres; £/trans = £ per transaction; £/circuit = £ per circuit; £/ hostel rental = £ per hostel rental; % = % utilisation; £/line = £ per line; £/room m = £ per room; £/cable = £ per cable; £/link = £ per link; £/eq = £ per equipment units; £/le = £ per local end; £/conn = £ per connection; £/channel = £ per channel; £/fib bre km = £ per fibre km. (q) This is the total cost not unit cost for this component. 109 76.89 2,620.05 76.89 1,651.86 1,593.23 5,778.98 76.89 3,383.86 1,239.00 1,256.25 1,249.92 1,007.87 3,589.53 1,500.93 47,622.13 2,440.54 183.50 Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.3 - BT Network Services Reconciliation (Annex 17) Appendix 1.3.1 - BT Network Services Reconciliation 2010 Consolidation Statement (a summary of all wholesale markets where there are cost accountin ng obligations) Fully Allocated Cost (£m) (h) Total (from annex 15) Wholesale analogue exchange line services Wholesale ISDN2 exchange line services Non cost accounting, roundings and residual Wholesale local access Components E side copper capital E side copper current D side copper capital D side copper current Local exchanges general frames capital Local exchanges general frames current PSTN line test equipment Dropwire capital & PSTN NTE Business PSTN drop maintenance Residential PSTN drop maintenance PSTN line cards Pair gain Routeing & records MDF Hardware jumpering Software jumpering ADSL connections Wholesale Access specific ISDN2 drop maintenance ISDN2 line cards ISDN2 NTE Directories Service assurance Retail Service assurance Global services Service Centres - Provision Sales product management Service Centres - Assurance External WLR SG & A Internal WLR SG & A Broadband line testing systems DSLAM capital/maintenance Local Loop Unbundling room build Local Loop Unbundling hostel rentals Local Loop Unbundling hostel rentals power & vent Local Loop Unbundling tie cables Local Loop Unbundling systems development Combi Card voice Access Cards (ISDN2 services) 93 81 843 231 95 71 13 469 24 99 180 2 23 250 4 13 37 4 27 9 39 0 0 100 26 50 4 2 52 335 0 23 19 10 21 61 1 81 60 739 172 53 39 13 415 24 87 181 2 21 33 1 2 2 20 6 1 1 1 12 36 1 4 26 9 39 0 0 37 1 22 8 11 71 31 20 15 41 11 1 1 0 1 93 1 2 0 0 4 1 2 1 2 12 3 6 13 6 0 23 19 9 9 62 1 110 1 7 3 20 20 16 (1) 1 0 1 (1) 0 0 123 2 11 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 15 13 13 3 0 39 329 0 0 0 1 12 (1) 0 Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.3.1 - Network Services Reconciliation 2010 (continued) Consolidation Statement (a summary of all wholesale markets where there are cost accounting obligations) Fully Allocated Cost (£m) (h) Total (from annex 15) Call origination on fixed public narrowband networks Local-tandem conveyance and transit on fixed public narrowband networks Single transit on fixed public narrowband networks Non cost accounting, roundings and residual Fixed call termination Components National OA non chargeable Emergency OA (999) non chargeable Local exchange concentrator Local exchange processor Remote - local transmission link Remote - local transmission length (c) Product management policy & planning Main exchange switching Local - tandem transmission link Local - tandem transmission length (c) Core/Metro (voice) Border gateway & signalling firewall MSAN-POSI Voice Link Edge Ethernet ports iNode (call set up and features) 1 8 101 109 53 74 38 26 27 20 16 0 7 37 21 1 8 49 51 26 36 37 7 0 3 0 7 1 0 13 27 20 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 1 0 111 52 54 27 38 7 0 3 0 8 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 10 0 0 1 0 1 35 4 Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.3.1 - Network Services Reconciliation 2010 (continued) Consolidation Statement (a summary of all wholesale markets where there are cost accounting obligations) Traditional interface Traditional interface symmetric Traditional interface symmetric symmetric broadband broadband origination (above broadband origination (above origination (up to and 8Mbit/s up to and including 45Mbit/s up to and including Total (from annex 15) including 8Mbit/s) 45Mbit/s) 155Mbit/s) Fully Allocated Cost (£m) (h) Wholesale trunk segments Non cost accounting, roundings and residual Components E side copper capital E side copper current D side copper capital D side copper current Local exchanges general frames capital Local exchanges general frames current Dropwire capital & PSTN NTE Residential PSTN drop maintenance Routeing & records MDF Hardware jumpering Software jumpering Service Centres - Provision Sales product management Service Centres - Assurance SG & A other access PC rental 2Mbit link per km distribution PC rental 2Mbit link per km trunk PC rental 34Mbit link per km distribution PC rental 34Mbit link per km trunk PC rental 140Mbit link per km distribution PC rental 140Mbit link per km trunk PC rental 622Mbit link per km trunk PC rental 64Kbit link PC rental 2Mbit link PC rental 34Mbit link PC rental 140Mbit link PC rental 64Kbit link per km transmission 64Kbit PC link connection cct provision 64Kbit PC link connection cct rearrangements 2Mbit and above PC link connection cct provision PC rental 64Kbit link local end PC rental 34Mbit link local end PC rental 140Mbit link local end PC rental 2Mbit local end copper PC rental 2Mbit local end fibre PPC support services Low Tisbo equipment depreciation Low Tisbo ECC equipment depreciation Netstream equipment High Tisbo equipment depreciation Very High Tisbo equipment depreciation SG & A private circuits SG & A partial private circuits Broadband line testing systems DSLAM capital/maintenance SDSL connections Combi Card broadband Access Cards (other services) MSAN-METRO Connectivity Link Core/Metro connectivity Edge Ethernet ports (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) 18 100 37 17 13 17 16 18 46 31 3 9 38 2 1 64 34 23 13 21 175 6 38 3 7 7 0 33 74 (ab) (ab) 0 26 10 63 133 (aa) 1 1 10 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 8 29 18 0 14 14 2 13 18 46 32 38 3 1 64 33 4 0 10 0 0 23 12 20 169 1 38 3 6 2 2 1 1 7 24 63 0 0 0 0 9 6 1 1 3 0 1 1 3 2 2 0 8 6 1 112 5 2 (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) 18 0 0 (1) (1) 3 1 0 0 (1) (1) (1) 0 (1) 0 0 1 (1) 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 (ab) (ab) 0 26 2 6 119 (aa) Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.3.1 - Network Services Reconciliation 2010 (continued) Consolidation Statement (a summary of all wholesale markets where there are cost accounting obligations) Fully Allocated Cost (£m) (h) Total (from annex 15) Alternative interface symmetric broadband origination (up to and including 1Gbit/s) Technical areas (Interconnect Circuits) Technical Areas (Point of Handover) AS SMP Components Residual Non cost accounting, roundings and residual Components E side copper capital E side copper current D side copper capital D side copper current Local exchanges general frames capital PC rental 64Kbit link local end PC rental 34Mbit link local end PC rental 140Mbit link local end PC rental 2Mbit local end copper PC rental 2Mbit local end fibre SG & A partial private circuits Interconnect local end rental 2Mbit Interconnect 2Mbit connection Interconnect extension circuits (IEC) 2Mbit link Customer Sited Interconnect cct (CSI) 2Mbit link Interconnect extension circuits (IEC) 2Mbit per km Customer Sited Interconnect cct (CSI) 2Mbit per km In Span Interconnect circuits (ISI) transmission Nominated In Span I/Connect cct (ISI) transmission Intra Building Circuit (IBC) connection Intra Building Circuit (IBC) rental Point of Handover electronics Wholesale & LAN extension services electronics Wholesale & LAN extension services fibre etc Wholesale & LAN extension services BNS Backhaul extension services electronics Backhaul extension services fibre etc Wholesale & LAN extension services BNS electronics Ethernet main links AISBO ECC equipment depreciation Service Centres - Provision Sales product management Service Centres - Assurance Access Cards (other services) MSAN-METRO Connectivity Link Core/Metro connectivity Edge Ethernet ports SMP Accounting Separation components Residual components Roundings TOTAL (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (x) (ag) (ai) (x) (x) (x) 4 6 4 4 3 3 2 2 17 10 5 85 184 1 15 15 11 62 3 (ah) (ah) (ah) (ag) (x) (x) (aa) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 5 1 (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (x) (ag) (ai) (x) (x) (x) 0 0 0 1 (1) 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 (1) 0 (ah) (ah) (ah) (ag) (x) (x) (aa) 4 6 4 3 4 3 2 2 17 9 5 1 80 184 1 14 15 11 63 3 32 8 7 5 37 0 518 518 2,498 2,498 8 8,405 (c) Unit of length is 10 kilometres. (h) See Section 4 Basis of Preparation for the CCA Revaluation Adjustment. (x) Total for this component is shown under the Traditional interface symmetric broadband origination (up to & including 8Mbit/s) market abo ove. (aa) Total for this component is shown under the Fixed call termination market above. (ab) Total for this component is shown under the Wholesale local access market above. (ag) Total for this component is shown under the Traditional interface symmetric broadband origination (above 8Mbit/s up to and including 4 45Mbit/s) market above. (ah) Total for this component is shown under the Wholesale residential analogue exchange line services market above. (ai) Total for this component is shown under the Traditional interface symmetric broadband origination (above 45Mbit/s up to and including 155Mbit/s) market above. 113 Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.3.2 - BT Network Services Reconciliation 2009 (Re-presented) Consolidation Statement (a summary of all wholesale markets where there are cost accountting obligations) Fully Allocated Cost (£m) Total (from annex 15) Wholesale analogue exchange line services Wholesale ISDN2 exchange line services Wholesale local access Non cost accounting, roundings and residual Components E side copper capital E side copper current D side copper capital D side copper current Local exchanges general frames capital Local exchanges general frames current PSTN line test equipment Dropwire capital & PSTN NTE Business PSTN drop maintenance Residential PSTN drop maintenance PSTN line cards Pair gain Routeing & records MDF Hardware jumpering Software jumpering ADSL connections Wholesale Access specific ISDN2 drop maintenance ISDN2 line cards ISDN2 NTE Directories Service assurance Retail Service assurance Global services Service Centres - Provision Sales product management Service Centres - Assurance External WLR SG & A Internal WLR SG & A Broadband line testing systems DSLAM capital/maintenance Local Loop Unbundling room build Local Loop Unbundling hostel rentals Local Loop Unbundling hostel rentals power & vent Local Loop Unbundling tie cables Local Loop Unbundling systems development Combi Card voice Access Cards (ISDN services) 369 86 1,479 284 93 69 13 481 30 125 196 0 46 221 8 33 24 4 30 10 32 10 0 43 37 16 3 6 48 294 0 23 19 43 4 50 2 337 69 1,348 227 39 29 13 441 30 115 196 0 28 43 3 9 2 35 8 1 1 1 12 23 1 4 30 10 20 8 80 25 25 19 27 9 3 3 0 32 9 0 15 20 5 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 15 102 3 14 12 3 1 8 4 0 23 18 43 2 49 0 114 0 6 4 22 28 20 (1) 1 0 1 0 0 0 73 2 19 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 3 7 2 6 40 290 0 0 1 0 2 1 2 Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.3.2 - Network Services reconciliation 2009 (Re-presented)(continued) Consolidation Statement (a summary of all wholesale markets where there are cost accounting obligations) Local-tandem Call origination on fixed conveyance and transit public narrowband on fixed public Total (from annex 15) networks narrowband networks Fully Allocated Cost (£m) Single transit on fixed public narrowband networks Fixed call termination Non cost accounting, roundings and residual Components National OA non chargeable Emergency OA (999) non chargeable Local exchange concentrator Local exchange processor Remote - local transmission link Remote - local transmission length (c) Product management policy & planning Main exchange switching Local - tandem transmission link Local - tandem transmission length (c) Core/Metro (voice) Border gateway & signalling firewall MSAN - POSI (dense) link voice MSAN - POSI (non dense) link voice Edge Ethernet ports iNode (call set up and features) 2 9 113 126 66 65 32 30 35 19 53 0 14 15 30 18 2 9 56 61 33 32 31 23 0 7 7 6 6 2 0 16 35 19 0 0 4 0 0 2 2 4 0 115 56 62 33 32 24 0 7 7 6 6 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 10 0 0 2 0 0 1 10 4 Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.3.2 - Network Services Reconciliation 2009 (Re-presented)(continued) Consolidation Statement (a summary of all wholesale markets where there are cost accounting obligations) Traditional interface Traditional interface symmetric broadband symmetric broadband origination (above 8Mbit/s origination (up to and up to and including Total (from annex 15) including 8Mbit/s) 45Mbit/s) Fully Allocated Cost (£m) Traditional interface symmetric broadband origination (above 45Mbit/s up to and including 155Mbit/s) Non cost accounting, roundings and residual Wholesale trunk segments Components E side copper capital E side copper current D side copper capital D side copper current Local exchanges general frames capital Local exchanges general frames current Dropwire capital & PSTN NTE Residential PSTN drop maintenance Routeing & records MDF Hardware jumpering Software jumpering Service Centres - Provision Sales product management Service Centres - Assurance SG & A other access PC rental 2Mbit link per km distribution PC rental 2Mbit link per km trunk PC rental 34Mbit link per km distribution PC rental 34Mbit link per km trunk PC rental 140Mbit link per km distribution PC rental 140Mbit link per km trunk PC rental 622Mbit link per km trunk PC rental 64Kbit link PC rental 2Mbit link PC rental 34Mbit link PC rental 140Mbit link PC rental 64Kbit link per km transmission 64Kbit PC link connection cct provision 64Kbit PC link connection cct rearrangements 2Mbit and above PC link connection cct provision PC rental 64Kbit link local end PC rental 34Mbit link local end PC rental 140Mbit link local end PC rental 2Mbit local end copper PC rental 2Mbit local end fibre PPC support services SG & A private circuits SG & A partial private circuits Broadband line testing systems DSLAM capital/maintenance SDSL connections Combi Card broadband Access Cards (other services) MSAN-Metro connectivity (dense) MSAN-Metro connectivity (non dense) Core/Metro connectivity Edge Ethernet ports (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) 28 80 45 21 19 19 15 14 57 36 6 14 33 3 1 60 38 35 17 34 192 1 31 71 (ab) (ab) 0 18 9 46 0 70 (aa) 3 1 12 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 80 6 1 1 39 21 18 17 14 14 56 35 7 13 33 3 1 60 38 0 0 34 16 34 193 1 20 59 0 0 0 0 12 0 11 2 2 6 3 1 6 5 0 4 1 15 0 14 2 116 5 3 (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ah) 28 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 1 (1) 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 (1) 0 1 2 (ab) (ab) 0 18 1 5 0 37 (aa) Appendix 1 - Other Information Appendix 1.3.2 - Network Services Reconciliation 2009 (Re-presented)(continued) Consolidation Statement (a summary of all wholesale markets where there are cost accounting obligations) Fully Allocated Cost (£m) Total (from annex 15) Alternative interface symmetric broadband origination (up to and including 1Gbit/s) Technical areas (Interconnect Circuits) Technical Areas (Point of Handover) AS SMP Components Residual Non cost accounting, roundings and residual Components Interconnect local end rental 2Mbit Interconnect 2Mbit connection Interconnect extension circuits (IEC) 2Mbit link Customer Sited Interconnect cct (CSI) 2Mbit link Interconnect extension circuits (IEC) 2Mbit per km Customer Sited Interconnect cct (CSI) 2Mbit per km In Span Interconnect circuits (ISI) transmission Nominated In Span I/Connect cct (ISI) transmission Intra Building Circuit (IBC) connection Intra Building Circuit (IBC) rental Point of Handover electronics Wholesale & LAN extension services electronics Wholesale & LAN extension services fibre etc Wholesale & LAN extension services BNS Backhaul extension services electronics Backhaul extension services fibre etc Wholesale & LAN extension services BNS electronics Ethernet main links Service Centres - Provision Sales product management Service Centres - Assurance Access Cards (other services) MSAN-Metro connectivity (dense) MSAN-Metro connectivity (non dense) Core/Metro connectivity Edge Ethernet ports 6 11 6 5 6 3 3 2 13 11 4 48 123 2 10 20 7 41 (ah) (ah) (ah) (ag) (x) (x) (x) (aa) SMP Accounting Separation components 375 Residual components Roundings TOTAL 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 (1) 1 0 5 0 0 2 1 0 (1) (ah) (ah) (ah) (ag) (x) (x) (x) (aa) 5 11 6 5 5 3 3 2 14 10 4 2 0 4 1 43 123 2 8 19 7 42 9 3 3 2 7 0 375 2,916 2,916 (1) 9,482 (c) Unit of length is 10 kilometres. (x) Total for this component is shown under the Traditional interface symmetric broadband origination (up to & including 8Mbit/s) ma arket above. (aa) Total for this component is shown under the Fixed call termination market above. (ab) Total for this component is shown under the Wholesale local access market above. (ag) Total for this component is shown under the Traditional interface symmetric broadband origination (above 8Mbit/s up to and inccluding 45Mbit/s) market above. (ah) Total for this component is shown under the Wholesale residential analogue exchange line services market above. 117 Appendix 2 - Price Control Statements Appendix 2 - Price Control Statements Appendix 2 Price Control Statements 118 Appendix 2 - Price Control Statements Appendix 2.1 - Price Controls in Wholesale Markets (Annex 24)(Unaudited) Average charges 2009/10 (z) NCC Control NCC Control X factor X factor (j) (j) Average charges 2008/09 (z) % Change % Change % Change % Change (g) Basket Call termination - Internal - External Up to Sep 2009 RPI -5% From Oct 2009 RPI +3.75% Call Origination - Internal (incl Operator Assistance) - External (incl Operator Assistance) - Internal (excl Operator Assistance) - External (excl Operator Assistance) RPI - 3.75% RPI + 2.75% Single Transit - Internal - External RPI - 11.5% Local tandem Conveyance - Internal - External RPI - 0% n/a n/a Product Management, Policy & Planning RPI + 0.75% RPI + 1.50% - Internal - External Day ppm 0.230 0.229 Evening ppm 0.105 0.105 Weekend ppm 0.083 0.083 Day ppm 0.229 0.229 Evening ppm 0.105 0.105 Weekend ppm 0.083 0.083 Day Evening Weekend ppm (f) 0.172 0.172 ppm (f) 0.171 0.171 0.1% 0.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0.8% 0.7% ppm 0.264 0.264 0.255 0.255 ppm 0.121 0.121 0.117 0.117 ppm 0.095 0.095 0.092 0.092 ppm (f) 0.195 0.200 0.164 0.211 ppm 0.263 0.263 0.254 0.254 ppm 0.120 0.120 0.116 0.116 ppm 0.095 0.095 0.092 0.092 ppm (f) 0.193 0.196 0.161 0.199 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.3% 0.3% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.7% 2.3% 1.6% 6.1% ppm 0.024 0.024 ppm 0.011 0.011 ppm 0.009 0.009 ppm (f) 0.017 0.018 ppm 0.024 0.024 ppm 0.011 0.011 ppm 0.009 0.009 ppm (f) 0.020 0.017 0.4% 0.4% 0.9% 0.9% 0.0% 0.0% -11.4% 1.0% ppm 0.116 0.116 ppm 0.053 0.053 ppm 0.042 0.042 ppm (f) 0.086 0.088 ppm 0.116 0.116 ppm 0.053 0.053 ppm 0.042 0.042 ppm (f) 0.086 0.087 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.1% ppm 0.014 0.014 ppm 0.006 0.006 ppm 0.005 0.005 ppm (f) 0.010 0.010 ppm 0.013 0.013 ppm 0.006 0.006 ppm 0.005 0.005 ppm (f) 0.010 0.010 5.4% 5.4% 6.8% 6.8% 4.3% 4.3% 6.0% 6.4% (f) The 24 hour rate is calculated based on the volumes of calls made in the different time bands (day, evening and weekend). The volume of calls made in each of these bands is different for internal and external traffic. Therefore the 24 hour rate will be different. (g) When looking at the year on year change the difference will be distorted by the fact that the volumes will be different between one year and another. The % change shown is based on a combination of both the old and new charge controls. (j) The RPI used for compliance purposes in 2009/10 is -1.57% which is based on the monthly RPI from June 2008 to June 2009. (z) The average charges are an annual weighting for the entire reporting year taking account of all price changes within the period. 119 Appendix 2 - Price Control Statements Appendix 2.1 - Price Controls in Wholesale Markets (Annex 24)(continued) Average charges 2009/10 (z) Average charges 2008/09 (z) cct 982.38 982.38 cct 1,103.64 1,103.64 radial km 22.80 22.80 cct 1,000.56 1,000.56 cct 1,124.16 1,124.16 radial km 22.80 22.80 100m 68.75 100m 68.75 cct 160.21 cct 492.96 radial km 22.80 cct 160.21 cct 492.96 radial km 22.80 Wholesale IBC connections - Internal - External Wholesale IBC rentals - Internal - External cct 808.36 808.36 cct 92.88 92.88 cct 813.88 813.88 cct 93.60 93.60 Wholesale rearrangements - Internal - External cct 412.87 cct 415.74 NCC Control NCC Control X factor X factor (j) (j) % Change (g) Basket Interconnection Circuits Wholesale standard CSI connections - Internal - External Wholesale standard CSI rentals - fixed - Internal - External Wholesale standard CSI rentals - per km - Internal - External Wholesale Nominated ISI - per km - Internal - External Wholesale IEC connections - Internal - External Wholesale IEC rentals - fixed - Internal - External Wholesale IEC rentals - per km - Internal - External Up to Sep From Oct 2009 2009 RPI - 5.25% RPI +3.75% (g) When looking at the year on year change the difference will be distorted by the fact that the volumes will be different between one year and another. The % change shown is based on a combination of both the old and new charge controls. (j) The RPI used for compliance purposes in 2009/10 is -1.57% which is based on the monthly RPI from June 2008 to June 2009. (z) The average charges are an annual weighting for the entire reporting year taking account of all price changes within the period. 120 -1.8% -1.8% -1.8% -1.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -0.7% -0.7% -0.8% -0.8% -0.7% Appendix 2 - Price Control Statements Appendix 2.1 - Price Controls in Wholesale Markets (Annex 24)(continued) LLCC Control X factor (j) LLCC Control X factor (j) Average charges 2009/10 (z) Average charges 2008/09 (z) % Change (g) cct 1,097.49 1,097.49 288.73 288.73 24.38 24.38 640.50 265.49 2,296.43 2,247.13 487.07 550.89 76.35 cct 1,097.49 1,097.49 265.37 265.37 24.26 24.26 640.50 195.55 3,880.37 3,334.37 398.44 518.14 - 0.0% 0.0% 8.8% 8.8% 0.5% 0.5% 0.0% 35.8% -40.8% -32.6% 22.2% 6.3% n/a cct 1,593.44 1,593.44 2,972.55 2,972.55 453.21 453.21 2,461.43 2,839.83 430.58 cct 1,593.44 1,593.44 2,954.70 2,954.70 451.58 451.58 2,513.33 3,268.31 - 0.0% 0.0% 0.6% 0.6% 0.4% 0.4% -2.1% -13.1% n/a cct 1,804.72 1,804.72 10,567.58 10,567.58 1,183.06 1,183.06 12,812.75 14,617.94 801.08 cct 1,804.72 1,804.72 10,544.44 10,544.44 1,220.31 1,220.31 12,011.84 15,620.07 - 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.2% -3.1% -3.1% 6.7% -6.4% n/a cct 2,085.44 2,085.44 23,106.51 484.91 cct 2,009.43 2,009.43 12,005.84 650.79 3.8% 3.8% 92.5% -25.5% Basket Up to Sep Partial Private Circuits 2009 Low Bandwidth RPI - 4% - Internal connections - External connections - Internal links - External links - Internal transmission and distribution - External transmission and distribution - Internal SDSL - External SDSL - Internal sub 2Mbit/s RBS - External sub 2Mbit/s RBS - Internal 2Mbit/s RBS - External 2Mbit/s RBS - Internal local end (i) - External local end (i) - External 3rd party POH From Oct 2009 RPI - 3.5% High Bandwidth - Internal connections - External connections - Internal links - External links - Internal distribution - External distribution - Internal local end (i) - External local end (i) - External 3rd party POH RPI - 6.5% RPI - 3.5% Very High Bandwidth - Internal connections - External connections - Internal links - External links - Internal distribution - External distribution - Internal local end (i) - External local end (i) - External 3rd party POH RPI - 6.5% Equipment - Internal 3rd party infrastructure - External 3rd party infrastructure - External POH connections - External POH rentals RPI - 8.9% RPI - 3.5% RPI - 0% (g) When looking at the year on year change the difference will be distorted by the fact that the volumes will be different between one year and another. The % change shown is based on a combination of both the old and new charge controls. (i) Externally sold PPC local ends includes a premium to pay for the Point of Handover (POH) access. Internally sold private circuits do not require POH access and th erefore do not pay this premium. NB The POH premium was only applicable up to September 2009. (j) The RPI used for compliance purposes in 2009/10 is -1.57% which is based on the monthly RPI from June 2008 to June 2009. (z) The average charges are an annual weighting for the entire reporting year taking account of all price changes within the period. (af) Commentary on the Price Controls in Wholesale Markets is provided in Section 1.1. 121 Glossary Glossary Glossary 122 Glossary Glossary (continued) Glossary 21CN 21st Century Network. CP Communications Provider. Accounting Documents The Primary Accounting Documents, DAM, DVM and R&P. CPS Carrier Pre-Selection. CSH Customer Sited Handover. Accounting Separation Accounting separation requirements arise where there is an obligation to not unduly discriminate and/or there is a reasonable concern that a Dominant Provider may make cross-subsidies, e.g. the means by which a margin squeeze may be funded. CSI Customer Sited Interconnect. Current Cost Accounting ("CCA") adjustments The change to historical costs arising from the revaluation of assets on a current cost basis. In the statements for individual Businesses and activities the adjustments comprise the holding gains or losses arising from changes in asset values, together with the effect on asset values and depreciation of the appropriate allocation of current cost asset values between markets, Technical Areas and Wholesale services. ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. AISBO Alternative Interface Symmetric Broadband Origination. Annual Report BT's Consolidated Group Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March. These are available on the BT website at Cust Customers. ASBO Asymmetric Broadband Orgination. DAM ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode. The Detailed Attribution Methods. This sets out the detailed processes by which revenues and costs are attributed to the markets, Technical Areas and Wholesale services. Baskets Baskets are collections of services not considered to be competitive and for which prices are subject to specific charge controls. DLRIC LRIC plus a share of common costs. DSAC Stand alone cost (SAC) excluding a share of core common costs. BES Backhaul Extension Services. D-side Distribution side. BNS Backhaul Network Services. DSL Digital Subscriber Line. ca Cables. DSLAM Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer. cct Circuits. DVM chann Channels. The Detailed Valuation Methodology. This sets out the methodology by which current cost valuations are obtained. Components Within these Statements, the term components includes both network components and network parts. EAB Equality of Access Board. eq Equipment units. conn Connections. EMP Equivalence Management Platform. Cost accounting Cost accounting obligations are to meet the requirements where there is an obligation in relation to: Price controls. Cost orientation. Cost recovery. E-side Exchange side. FRIACO Flat Rate Internet Access Call Origination. HCA Historic Cost Accounting. 123 Glossary Glossary (continued) Glossary (continued) IEC Interconnection Extension Circuit. MPF Metallic Path Facilities. IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards. ms Million seconds ISH In-Span Handover. n/a Not applicable. ISI In-Span Interconnect. ITC Inter-Tandem Conveyance. Network Charge Control regime ("NCC") The basis on which interconnect charges have been set with effect from 1 October 1997. ITT Inter-Tandem Transit. Ofcom Office of Communications. km Kilometres. le Local ends. Other communications providers Other telecommunication companies operating in the UK, which purchase telecommunication services from BT. Line Lines. PECN Public Electronic Communications Network. lk Links. PIPeR Physical Inventory for Planning and eRecords. LLCS Local Lines Costing Study. PoH Point of Handover. LLMR Leased Lines Market Review. PPC Partial Private Circuit. LLU Local Loop Unbundling. PPM Pence per Minute Long Run Incremental Cost ("LRIC") Defined as the cost caused by the provision of a defined increment of output given that costs can, if necessary, be varied and that some level of output is already produced. PPP Product management, policy and planning. LTC Local-Tandem Conveyance. Primary Accounting Documents Set out the framework within which the Current Cost Financial Statements are prepared. LTT Local-Tandem Transmission. r Rooms. LUS Low User Scheme. RBS Radio Base Station Backhaul. m Metres. Mean capital employed (“MCE”) Mean capital employed is defined as total assets less current liabilities, excluding corporate taxes and dividends payable, and provisions other than those for deferred taxation. The mean is computed from the start and end values for the period, except in the case of short-term investments and borrowings, where daily averages are used in their place. Relationships and Parameters ("R&P") The BT publication "Long Run Incremental Cost Model: Relationships and Parameters" describes in detail how BT has applied the principles contained within the LRIC Methodology section of the Accounting Documents to construct cost volume relationships and to calculate LRIC. The R&P also contains appendices which detail the relationships and parameters used within the model. MEA Modern Equivalent Asset. mm Millions of minutes. Retail cost accounting Cost accounting in Retail markets deals with products and services sold to end users. 124 Glossary Glossary (continued) Glossary (continued) reval. adj. CCA Revaluation Adjustment. See Section 4 - Basis of Preparation. zero A numerical value of <£0.5m and >£(0.5)m. Safeguard Caps Safeguard Caps are a collection of services considered prospectively competitive and for which the rates are subject to specific charge controls. <1 A value of below £1m. SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy. SDSL Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line. Stand alone cost ("SAC") The stand alone cost of an activity or subset of activities is the cost incurred in providing that activity or activities of services by itself. Stand alone cost will include all direct variable, activity specific fixed costs, common fixed costs and joint costs associated with the activity or subset of activities in question. SDSL Synchronous Digital Subscriber Line. SMP Significant Market Power. SMPF Shared Metallic Path Facilities. TDM Time Division Multiplexing. TISBO Traditional Interface Symmetric Broadband Orgination. tover Takeovers. Trans Transactions UBR Universal Broadband Router. VIC Virtual Interconnect Circuit. VOIP Voice Over IP. Usage Factors Usage Factors refer to the usage of any network component, including conveyance components. WES Wholesale Extension Services. Wholesale cost accounting Cost accounting in Wholesale markets deals with products and services sold to Communications Providers. WLR Wholesale Line Rental. - A numerical value of zero. 125 Additional Information Additional Information Additional Information 126 Additional Information Hard copy versions of the published Current Cost Financial Statements, Primary Accounting Documents, Detailed Attribution Methods, Detailed Valuation Methodology and Long Run Incremental Cost Model: Relationships and Parameters can be obtained from: Shareholder Helpline Tel: Freefone 0808 100 4141 Fax: 01903 833371 Textphone: Freefone 0800 169 6907 From outside the UK: Tel: +44 121 415 7178 Fax: +44 1903 833371 Textphone: Freephone +44 121 415 7028 E-mail: Website: The Registrar Equiniti Aspect House Spencer Road Lancing West Sussex BN99 6DA United Kingdom Website: Electronic copies of the above documents are also available from the following website: 127