www.ijecs.in International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN: 2319-7242

International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN: 2319-7242
Volume 3 Issue 5 may, 2014 Page No. 6255-6259
A survey on phishing detection and prevention
Archit Shukla 1, Lalit Gehlod 2
Institute of Engineering & Techology ,M.E. in CS,
DAVV,Indore, India
Institute of Engineering & Techology ,Dept. of CS,
DAVV,Indore, India
Abstract : The first and greatest casualty of fraud is faith. According to [7] just over two-thirds (68%) of fraud victims say they are less
willing to have faith on others after their fraud experience and 63% are less willing to make future investments. As far as, people with
criminal intentions are concerned, identity theft is a conventional idea. A con man in police uniform, not cause many victims to become
suspicious and they will comply with whatever they are told. Similarly, phishing is a form of online identity theft that aims to steal
sensitive information from users such as online banking passwords and credit card information. This paper focuses on the phishing
attacks which includes study of different contributions of recent research on phishing detection and prevention techniques. In addition of
that based on the review, a new model for detection and prevention of phishing attacks is given in this paper.
Keywords: phishing, information thief, machine learning
, XSS, prevention model
1. Introduction
Since Web-based fraud caused by unidentified theft,
phishing attacks, malware, and other threats, costs
organizations millions of dollars every year. Web fraud
also negatively impacts users' perceptions of
businesses. In fact, 34% of victims reported avoiding
certain merchants and 17% switched their primary bank as
the result of a fraud event [8]. Reducing online fraud not
only benefit consumers, but also helps businesses slash
fraud recovery costs, avoid reputation damage, and
prevents customer churns. Unfortunately, lots of Web
fraud detection solutions require modifying the
application. This additional development and testing can
dramatically lengthen deployment processes. Threat Radar
Fraud Prevention enables organizations to rapidly
provision and manage fraud detection solutions without
needing to update Web applications. With Threat Radar
Fraud Prevention, the Secure Sphere Web Application
Firewall (WAF) can transparently identify and stop
fraudulent transaction. It also provides powerful
monitoring and enforcement capabilities, allowing
business to centrally manage WAF and fraud policies
information, logon credentials, and unique information in
general. This attack method, commonly known as
"phishing," is most commonly initiated by sending out
emails with links to spoofed websites that steal
information. Author present a method for detecting these
attacks, which in its most general form is an application of
machine learning on a feature set designed to highlight
user-targeted deception in electronic communication. This
method is applicable, with slight modifications, to
detection of phishing websites, or the emails used to direct
victims to these sites [10]. Author evaluate this method on
a set of approximately 860 such phishing email, and 6950
non-phishing email, and correctly identify over 96% of the
phishing emails will only mis-classifying on the order of
0.1% of the legitimate emails.
People Aware,Concerned and Affected By
Phishing Attacks Online
Fig 1.
Each month, more attacks are launched with the aim of
making web users believe that they are communicating
with a faithed entity for the purpose of stealing account
Archit Shukla, IJECS Volume 3. Issue 5 May, 2014 Page No.6255-6259
Page 6255
Incident Reported
Phishing Reported Between Octomber 2004 to
june 2005
Fig 2
The name of the (electronic) street is Phishing; the process
of tricking or socially engineering an organization's
customer into imparting their confidential information for
the wrong purpose. Riding on the back of mass-mailings
such as Spams, or using bots to automatically target
victim, any e business may find Phishers masquerading as
them and targeting their customer information.While the
security failures within SMTP are indeed a popular exploit
vector for Phishers, there is an increasing array of
communication channels available for malicious message
delivery.As show in Fig1 that how many peoples are aware
,concerned and affected by phishing attacks.Similarly Fig
2 shows that phishing attacks are increasing .As with most
criminal enterprises, if there is sufficient money to be
made through phishing, the other message delivery avenue
will be sought even if the holes in SMTP are eventually
closed (although this is unlikely to happen within the next
3-5 years). With the high fear-factor associated with
possible phishing scams, organizations that take a
proactive stance in protecting their customers‟ personal
information are likely to benefit from higher levels of faith
and confidence in their services.
website. For example: a bank website URL may be changed
from "bankof123.com" to "bancof123.com".
• Hosts File Poisoning.: - When a user types a URL to visit a
website it must first be translated into an IP address before it's
transmitted over the Internet.
• Data Theft: - Unsecured PCs often contain subsets of
sensitive information stored elsewhere on secured servers.
Manly PCs are used to access such servers and can be more
easily compromised.
• DNS-Based Phishing ("Pharming"): - Pharming is the term
given to hosts file modification or Domain Name System
(DNS) based phishing. With a pharming scheme, intruders
tamper with a company's host file or domain name system so
that requests for URLs or name service return a bogus address
and subsequent communications are directed to a fake site.
• Content-Injection Phishing: -Describe the situation where
hackers replace part of the content of a legitimate site with
false content designed to mislead or misdirect the user into
giving up their confidential information to the hacker.
• Phishing through Search Engines: - Some phishing scams
involve search engines where the user is directed to products
sites which may offer low cost products or services.
• Phone Phishing: -In the phone phishing, phisher makes
phone calls to the user and asks the user to dial a number.
• Malware Phishing: -Phishing scams involving malware
require it to be run on the user‟s computer. Models Provided
for detection and prevention..
• 2.Literature Survey
A Types of phishing attacks
• Deceptive Phishing: - The term "phishing" originally
referred to accounting theft using instant messaging but the
most common broadcast method today is a deceptive email
message. The message about the need to verify account
information, system failure requiring users to re-enter their
information, fictitious account charges, undesirable account
changes, new free services requiring quick actions, and many
other scams are broadcast to a wide group of recipients with the
hope that the unwary will respond by clicking a link to or
signing onto a bogus site where their confidential information
can be collected.
• Malware-Based Phishing: - It refers to scams that involve
running malicious software on users PCs. Malware can be
introduced as an email attachment, as a downloadable file from
a Screen logger are particular varieties of malware that track
keyboard input web site, or by exploiting known security
• System Reconfiguration: - Attacks modify settings on a
user's PC for malicious purposes. For example: URLs in a
favorite file might be modified to direct users to look same
Archit Shukla, IJECS Volume 3. Issue 5 May, 2014 Page No.6255-6259
Page 6256
A. Protecting user against phishing using Antiphishing: This paper presents a novel browser extension, AntiPhish, that
aim to prevent users against spoofed web site-based phishing
attack. To this end, AntiPhish tracks the sensitive information
of a user and generates warnings whenever the user attempts to
give away this information to a web site that is considered
unfaithed. The most effective solution to phishing is training
users not to blindly follow links to web sites where they have to
enter sensitive information such as passwords. However,
expecting that all users will understand the phishing threat and
surf accordingly is unrealistic. There will always be user that is
tricked into visiting a phishing web site. Therefore, it is
important for researchers and industry to provide solutions for
the phishing threat. Most proposed phishing solutions are based
on the crawling of websites to identify “clones” and the
maintenance of black lists of phishing websites. Such solutions,
however, require the antiphishing organizations to be much
faster than the attackers [6].
B. Learning to Detect Phishing Emails: -Author present a
method for detecting these attacks, which in the most general
form is an application of machine learning on a feature set
designed to highlight user-targeted deception in electronic
communication. This method is applicable, with slight
modification, to detect phishing websites, or the emails used to
direct victims to these sites. Author evaluate this method on a
set of approximately 860 such phishing emails, and 6950 nonphishing emails, and correctly identify over 96% of the
phishing emails will only mis-classifying on the order of 0.1%
of the legitimate emails. Author conclude with thoughts on the
future for such techniques to specifically identify deception,
especially with respect to the evolutionary nature of the attacks
and information available [3].
C. Phishing detection system for e-banking using fuzzy
data mining: - Detecting and identifying any phishing websites
in real-time, particularly for e-banking services, is really a
complex and dynamic problem involving many factors and
criteria. Because of the subjective consideration and the
ambiguities involved in the detection, of fuzzy data mining
techniques can be an effective tool in assessing and identifying
phishing websites for e-banking since it offers a more natural
way of dealing with quality factors rather than exact values. In
this paper, Author present a novel approach to overcome the
„fuzziness‟ in the e-banking phishing website assessment and
propose an intelligent resilient and effective model for
detecting e-banking phishing websites. The proposed model is
based on fuzzy logics combined with data mining algorithms to
characterize the e-banking phishing website factors and to
investigate its techniques by classifying the phishing types and
defining six e-banking phishing website attack criteria‟s with a
layered structure [9].
D. Collaborative Detection of Fast Flux Phishing Domains:
- Author propose two approaches to correlate evidence from
multiple DNS servers and multiple suspect FF domain. Realworld experiment show that our correlation approaches speedup FF domain detection, based on an analytical model that
present to quantify the number of DNS queries needed to
confirm a FF domain. Author also show how our correlation
schemes can be implemented on a large scale by using a
decentralized publish-subscribe correlation model called
LARSID, that is more scalable than a fully centralized
architecture. In conclusion, FF domains are extremely difficult
to detect in a timely and accurate manner, due to the use of a
screen of proxies to shield the FF Mothership. Author present a
theoretical model to analyze the FF detection problem by
quantifying the number of DNS queries needed to retrieve a
certain number of unique IP addresses [11].
E. A Prior-based Transfer Learning Method for the
Phishing Detection: - In this paper, Author present a prioritybased transfers learning method for our statistical machine
learning classifier which based on the logistic regression to
detect the phishing sites that relies on our selected features of
the URLs. Because of the mismatched distribution of the
features in different phishing domain, Author employ multiple
models for different regions. But it is impossible for us to
collect enough data from a new region to rebuild the detection
model and adjust the existing model by the transfer learning
algorithm to solve these problems. Our URL-based method in
phishing detection is an appropriate solution. To fulfill the
detection requirements of features‟ mismatched, so proposed a
transfer learning method to generate an adaptive model for the
new detection scenario since it is impossible to train a new
model with a limited training sample [12].
Cross-Site Scripting (also known as XSS) Is one of the most
common application-layer web attacks. XSS vulnerabilities
target scripts embedded in a page which are executed on the
client-side (in the user‟s web browser) rather than on the
server-side. XSS in itself is a threat which is brought about by
the internet security weaknesses of client-side scripting
languages such as HTML and JavaScript. The concept of XSS
is to manipulate client-side scripts of a web application to
execute in the manner desired by the malicious user. Such a
manipulation can embed a script in a page which can be
executed every time the page is loaded, or whenever an
associated event is performed.
XSS is the most common security vulnerability in software
today. This should not be the case as XSS is easy to find and
easy to fix. XSS vulnerabilities can have consequences such as
tampering and sensitive data theft.
Key Concepts of XSS
XSS is a Web-based attack performed on vulnerable Web
applications, In XSS attacks, the victim is the user and not the
application .In XSS attacks, malicious content is delivered to
users using JavaScript.
Explaining Cross-Site Scripting
An XSS vulnerability arises when Web applications take data
from users and dynamically include it in Web pages without
first properly validating the data. XSS vulnerabilities allow an
attacker to execute arbitrary commands and display arbitrary
content in a victim user's browser. A successful XSS attack
leads to an attacker controlling the victim‟s browser or account
on the vulnerable Web application. Although XSS is enabled
by vulnerable pages in a Web application, the victims of an
XSS attack are the application's users, not the application itself.
The potency of an XSS vulnerability lies in the fact that the
Archit Shukla, IJECS Volume 3. Issue 5 May, 2014 Page No.6255-6259
Page 6257
malicious code executes in the context of the victim's session,
allowing the attacker to bypass normal security restrictions.
Impact of Cross-Site Scripting
When attackers succeed in exploiting XSS vulnerabilities, they
can gain access to account credentials. They can also spread
Web worms or access the user‟s computer and view the user‟s
browser history or control the browser remotely. After gaining
control of the victim‟s system, attackers can also analyze and
use other intranet applications.
By exploiting XSS vulnerabilities, an attacker can
perform malicious actions, such as:
Hijack an account, Spread Web worms, Access
browser history and clipboard contents, Control the
browser remotely, Scan and exploit intranet
appliances and applications, Identifying Cross-Site
Scripting Vulnerabilities, XSS vulnerabilities may
occur if: Input coming into Web applications is not
validated. Output to the browser is not HTML
For example, the HTML snippet:
<title>Example document: %(title)</title>
is intended to illustrate a template snippet that, if the
variable title has value Cross-Site Scripting, results in
the following HTML to be emitted to the browser:
<title>Example document: XSS Doc</title>
Table (1) XSS Examples
In recent year‟s uses of internet are rapidly increases, the
number of internet users are also increasing in the same
manner. On the other hand internet user now becomes more
aware about the internet based frauds and scams. But the
numbers of phishing attacks are increases as the internet users
are increases and awareness about phishing is increases. To
detect and prevent the phishing attacks, the browsers currently
usage SSL/TLS, but these techniques is not much effective and
still allows web spoofing, i.e. misleading users by
impersonation or misrepresentation of identity or of
credentials. Indeed, there is an alarming increase in the amount
of real-life web-spoofing attacks, usually using simple
techniques. Often, the swindlers lure the user to the spoofed
web site, e.g. impersonating as financial institution, by sending
her spoofed E-mail messages that link into the spoofed websites; this is often called a phishing attack. The goal of the
attackers is often to obtain user-ID's (Identity), passwords/PIN
(Personal Identification Number) and other personal and
financial information, and abuse it e.g. for identity theft. Thus,
the significant improvement in detection of spoofed sites is
5.Proposed Model
Fig 3
The description of the above Fig 3 is given below.
Phish tank Database: That is an updated database where the
entire phish reported web URLs is stored, proposed system
contains a relational data table which store these web URL
patterns and used to build a data model form algorithm
Universal Database: This database in common for all guests
who use proposed tool, this database contains user feedback
about URLs.
Navigated URL: That is, a user interface where a user
navigated URL information is stored and provides the various
user experiences about the navigated page.
USER Feedback: A user interface provided in the proposed
model to submit feedback for a URL if required to report and
this is taken in databases.
Algorithm selection: This module contains algorithms and
user select an algorithm for consuming phish tank database and
develop a data model for navigation.
Data model: The developed data model is a decision tree
which is grown using a phish tank database and used to
analysis the URL pattern which is found in the database. After
analysis of web URL decision is reached.
6.Conclusion & Future Work
The problem of Phishing does not have a single solution as of
today. Phishing is not just a technical problem and Phishers
would keep coming up with new ways of attacking the users.
Online users should undertake periodic vulnerability analysis to
identify and plug weaknesses that can lead to a successful
Phishing attack. To guard against these threats, user need to be
educated on the dangers of advanced malware and the forms it
can take today. In addition, security teams need advanced
technologies that can detect and stop the advanced threats that
are currently bypassing their conventional defenses. This paper
further endorses the recommendations in support of the fight
against phishing and identity theft as a whole. It did not
discuss the growing trend towards outsourced email.
Communication and log analysis across organizational
boundaries can be challenging. In the longer terms we expect
that other digital payment activity will also be the victim of
attacks. We advise internet banking services to seriously
research these problems before attacks are carried out in the
wild. A control that protects all crucial internet banking activity
and the information involved in this activity is required.
Archit Shukla, IJECS Volume 3. Issue 5 May, 2014 Page No.6255-6259
Page 6258
1. “Phishing: Challenges and Issues in Malaysia” Madihah
Mohd Saudi, Islamic Science University of Malaysia
(USIM), Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia Shaharudin
Ismail, Islamic Science University of Malaysia
(USIM), Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia Emran Mohd
Tamil, University Malaya, Malaysia Mohd Yamani
Idna Idris, University Malaya, Malaysia.
2. “Online Detection and Prevention of Phishing Attacks
Communications Engineering Nanjing 210007, P.R.
China icechj@msn.com Chuanxiong Guo Institute of
Communications Engineering Nanjing 210007, P.R.
China xguo@ieee.org
3. “Learning to Detect Phishing Emails” Ian Fette School
of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, USA icf@cs.cmu.edu Norman
Sadeh School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon
University Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, USA Anthony
Tomasic School of Computer Science Carnegie
Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, USA
4. “A Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques for
Phishing Detection” Saeed Abu-Nimeh1, Dario
Nappa2, Xinlei Wang2, and Suku Nair1 SMU
HACNet Lab Southern Methodist University Dallas,
TX 75275
5. NISR The Phishing Guide Understanding & Preventing
Phishing Attacks
6. “Protecting Users Against Phishing Attacks with
AntiPhish” Engin Kirda and Christopher Kruegel
Technical University of Vienna
7. Canadian Securities Administrators | www.csa-acvm.ca
8. Proactively Stop Web Based Fraud and Fraudlent
Transaction With ThreatRadar Fraud Prevention,
9. Modeling and Preventing Phishing Attacks by Markus
Jakobsson, Phishing detection system for e-banking
using fuzzy data mining by Aburrous, M. ; Dept. of
Comput., Univ. of Bradford, Bradford, UK ; Hossain,
M.A. ; Dahal, K. ; Thabatah, F.
10. Learning to Detect Phishing Emails : Authors AnIan
Fette (Carnegie Mellon University),Norman Sadeh
(Carnegie Mellon University
11. Collaborative Detection of Fast Flux Phishing
Domains Chenfeng Vincent Zhou, Christopher Leckie
and Shanika Karunasekera Department of Computer
Science and Software Engineering, The University of
Melbourne, Australia.
12. A Prior-based Transfer Learning Method for the
Phishing Detection Jianyi Zhang1,2,3, Yangxi Ou2,3,
Dan Li2,3, Yang Xin2,3 1Beijing Electronic Science
and Technology Institute, Beijing, China 2Information
Security Center, Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications, Beijing, China 3Beijing SafeCode Technology
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Page 6259