Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Concepts of Engineering and Technology
Session Title: Leadership - Class Officer Elections (Part 2)
Performance Objective:
Upon completion of this lesson/assignment the student will be able to demonstrate they know
what would make a good “XYZ” class officer by applying Roberts Rules of Order when it comes
to electing officers and electing the best qualified candidates for each of the five (5) open class
officer positions.
Specific Objectives:
 Prepare and deliver at least 1 small speech and run for a class office of their choice
 Demonstrate to peers why they would make a good “XYZ” class officer
 Apply Roberts Rules of Order and speak for and against the person running for office
 Assess and vote for the best qualified candidate for each of the five class offices
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the
activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
Concepts of Engineering and Technology:
130.362 (c)(2)(A)
...use clear and concise written, verbal, and visual communication techniques;
130.362 (c)(5)(A)(B)(C)
...describe and demonstrate how teams function;
...identify characteristics of good team leaders and team members;
...work in a team face-to-face or in a virtual environment to solve problems;
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Interdisciplinary Correlations:
…expand vocabulary through wide reading, listening, and discussing;
…rely on context to determine meanings of words and phrases such as figurative
language, idioms, multiple meaning words, and technical vocabulary;
…establish a purpose for reading such as to discover, interpret, and enjoy;
…use study strategies such as skimming and scanning, note taking, outlining, and using
study-guide questions to better understand texts;
…read silently with comprehension for a sustained period of time;
Teacher Preparation:
The teacher reviews Leadership Styles and Roberts Rules of Order to be prepared to guide the
election process.
- Robert M. Galford and Regina Fazio Maruca online leadership assessment
- http://psychology.about.com/od/leadership/a/leadstyles.htm
- http://www.yourleadershiplegacy.com/index.html
Instructional Aids:
1. Class Officer Elections PowerPoint presentation
2. Helpful if you include who’s running for each position in the PowerPoint
Materials Needed:
1. Paper and writing utensils should students decide they want to do a silent vote
2. Print Class Officer Elections PowerPoint slide “I think I would make a great_____&
explain why. slide for each student (next to the last slide in PowerPoint presentation)
Equipment Needed:
1. Computer
2. Data projector for PowerPoint
Learner Preparation:
Students reflect on what they learned about Leadership Styles and how they affect them from
previous lesson. Using what they learned, they will elect class officers who must be good
leaders so that their class functions smoothly and efficiently.
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Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
SAY: Today we will be electing class officers based on of the Leadership Styles activity we did
yesterday. We will be doing our elections following Roberts Rules of Order for voting.
ASK: Does anyone know what that is, or means?
ANSWER: That means when we discuss the person(s) running for office we only
discuss one person at a time. Raise your hand and you may be called on to speak FOR
that person, next person who is called on must speak AGAINST. If we don’t have
anyone to speak against, then discussion is ended for that candidate and we move on
the next person. At the end of discussion we will then have a vote.
ASK: Does anyone know the difference between an Open and Silent vote?
ANSWER: Open means we raise our hands when we want to vote for a person. You
can only vote once. If we were voting on, for example milk versus orange juice at the
next class meeting, you’d actually vote either for, against, or abstain.
ASK: Does anyone know what the three different votes mean?
ANSWER: For = yes let’s do it, Against = no I don’t want this, Abstain = I prefer to not
vote on this (maybe you were the person who brought up the idea originally and don’t
want to sway others) but be forewarned an Abstain counts as an Against. I sometimes
call this the politically correct No.
ASK: Does anyone know what a Silent vote means and why it would be used instead of an
Open Vote?
ANSWER: Maybe there is a tie and you don’t want your friends to know who you voted
for because you feel your friend is not the best person for the position. Then we do
Silent vote. Everyone gets a piece of paper and writes down what their vote is. Class
President which is me, your teacher, will count the votes with the help of class officers
already elected.
Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
Instructors use the PowerPoint presentation in conjunction with the following outline.
Notes to Instructor
I. Review leadership styles from “What Type of
Leader Am I?” lesson from the previous day
Review leadership
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II. Students will complete the “I think I would make a
great_____ and explain why.” Slide from the Class
Officer Elections PowerPoint presentation
Discuss the class
offices being run for
today and their duties.
Have students
complete the
PowerPoint slide.
Remind students to
think of the duties that
are required for each
office when answering
“why” they believe they
would be a good
candidate for the
III. Students will give a small speech on why they
would make a good “XYZ” class officer
A. Vice-President
B. Secretary
C. Treasurer
D. Reporter
E. Sergeant-at-Arms
The teacher should list
who is running for
what position(s). Start
with Vice-President
and proceed through
remaining four offices.
Students seeking each
position will get up and
give a small speech on
why others should vote
for them.
IV. Students will follow Roberts Rules of Order when
electing class officers
A. Discuss only the person running for office
B. Raise your hand to speak FOR the person
C. Next person called on must speak AGAINST
the person running for office
D. If no one speaks against, discussion is ended
for the candidate and we move to next person
E. At the end of discussion we will have a vote
We will only vote for
one position at a time.
After they give a
speech, the
candidates will leave
the room and we will
have discussions for
each one. There will
be only FOR and then
AGAINST then we
move onto the next
V. Students will be able to elect the best officer for
each of the five (5) open positions.
Students will get one
vote for each position.
If there is a tie or a
request, you may use
Silent vote instead of
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Open vote. Do this for
all five positions until
they are all filled.
Copy and paste Multiple Intelligences Graphic in appropriate place in left column.
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
The teacher will go through the Class Officer Elections PowerPoint presentation and work with
students as they elect officers for each position, making sure they are following Roberts Rules
of Order when it comes to voting. If the teacher feels they are just voting for “friends” to be
“cool”, call for silent vote so that no one knows who voted for whom.
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Each student will discuss FOR and the AGAINST for each candidate. They will elect each class
officer by casting one vote for the person they want to fulfill the duties for each position.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Question: Should our newly elected class officers select one leadership style and stick with it?
Answer: No, because different types of leadership styles are needed depending on the situation
and all are important and have a place and use in our lives.
Question: Can a class officer be fired, or removed from office?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Why?
Answer: For not fulfilling the duties of their office.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
Did everyone run for at least one position and give a speech? Did all students have input or
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participate in the discussion at least once? Has the class used Roberts Rules of Order?
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
Pop quiz. Election of class officers.
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
“Google” more about leadership styles and/or good leaders in history (for advanced students).
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Pop Quiz – Class Officer Elections
1. What does it mean to be a leader?
2. Name five (5) characteristics of a successful leader.
3. Are class officers leaders?
4. Are students allowed to be elected President of the class?
5. Name three (3) duties of the class Vice-President.
6. Name three (3) duties of the class Secretary.
7. Name three (3) duties of the class Treasurer.
8. Name three (3) duties of the class Reporter.
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9. Name three (3) duties of the class Sergeant-at-Arms.
10. What would cause you to be fired from your class officer position?
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Pop Quiz Key – Class Officer Elections
1. What does it mean to be a leader?
A leader is the person who directs a team to successfully complete a goal through a
series of tasks.
2. Name five (5) characteristics of a successful leader.
1) Motivating
2) Encouraging
3) Smart
4) Professional
5) Visionary
6) Flexible
7) Objective
8) Fair
3. Are class officers leaders?
4. Are students allowed to be elected President of the class?
No, that is reserved for the teacher.
5. Name three (3) duties of the class Vice-President.
1) Assist the president (teacher) as needed
2) Serve as president (teacher) when there is a substitute teacher
3) Make sure other officers are doing his/her duties
6. Name three (3) duties of the class Secretary.
1) Count and record member votes
2) Read the day’s objectives
3) Make sure someone who is tardy signs in on the tardy log
7. Name three (3) duties of the class Treasurer.
1) Keep track of equipment and make sure it is taken care of, like checking
equipment in and out
2) May use class keys to open cabinets
3) Returns keys to President (teacher)
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8. Name three (3) duties of the class Reporter.
1) Take photos
2) Write articles
3) Ask teacher to post to the class/school web site
9. Name three (3) duties of the class Sergeant-at-Arms.
1) Make sure room is ready for instruction
2) Call for clean up 3-4 minutes before the end of class
3) Make sure classmates clean up trash, return chairs, etc.
10. What would cause you to be fired from your class officer position?
Not fulfilling your office duties would cause you to be fired by your teacher and/or
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Name: __________________________________________________________________ Class & Period #: __________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________________ What Type Leader Am I? Class Officer Platform Statements (Self Nominations – you MUST run for at least 1 position) Take the 30 question online Leadership Assessment: http://www.yourleadershiplegacy.com/assessment/assessment.php What are your scores? Ambassador = ________ / Advocate= ________ / People Mover = ________ / Truth‐Seeker = ________ / Creative Builder= ________ / Experienced Guide = ________ What do you think these scores say about you? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ I think I would make a great “XYZ” and explain why you would be good for this leadership position. Officer Choice #1: ___________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Officer Choice #2: ___________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ *Yes you may type up your choice #1 & #2 if you wish to. Print it out and attach to this handout when you turn it
Duties: are to Assist the president as needed (Teachers Asst.); serve as president in the
absence of the president (when we have a sub); make sure other officers are doing their
Duties: are to count and record member votes; read the days Objective(s); if someone
is tardy they make sure that they sign in on the tardy log.
Duties: are to keep track of equipment and make sure it is taken care of (like checking
out and in head phones); only person other than President who gets to use the class
keys to open cabinets; President keeps the keys.
Duties: are to take photos and write up a short article about what your class is doing or
has learned at the end of every month. Mrs. Baxter will post on these on her website
and email out to all CHS staff.
Duties: are to make sure the room is ready for instruction; call for clean up 3-4 minutes
before the end of class; make sure classmates clean up trash, return chairs, etc…
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