PLAN/LAR 567:Bibliography On reserve in Fine Arts Library Chermayeff, Serge and Alexander, Christopher, Community and Privacy, Towards an architecture of Humanism, 1963 Chow, Renee Y., Suburban Space, The Fabric of Dwelling, University of California Press, 2002 Gause, Manuel, The Metapolis Dictionary of Advanced Architecture,, , ACTAR 2003 Gebhard, David, Schindler, William Stout Architectural Books, 1997 Forster, Wolfgang, Housing in the 20th and 21st centuries, Prestel, 2006 Heider, Katharina, Doppelhauser Und Reihenhauser, Verlags-Anstalt, Muncih, 2006 Jones, Tom, Pettus, William, Pyatok, Michael, Good Neighbors: Affordable Family Housing, McGraw-Hill, 1997 Greater London Council. Dept. of Architecture and Civic Design ,An introduction to Housing Layout : a GLC study , London 1978 Hertzberger, Herman, Buildings and Projects, 1959-1986, Arnulf Luchinger, 1987 Martinez, Andres, Dwelling on the Roof, Editiorial Gustavo Gilli, 2005 McIntosh, Duncan, The Modern Courtyard House, Architectural Association #9, London, 1960 Polizoides, Stephanos, etal, Courtyard Housing in Los Angeles, A Typological Analysis, University of California Press, 1982 Sarkis, Hashim, Le Corbusier’s Venice Hospital and Mat Building Revival, Prestel, 2001 Schittich, Christian, editior, In Detail: Semi-Detached and Terraced Houses, Birkhauser, 2006 Schittich, Christian, editior, In Detail: High-Density Housing, Birkhauser, 2004 Schramm, Helmut, Low-Rise–High Density, Springer Wien, 2005 Siza, Alvaro, La Malagueria a Evora, Edicom, 2000