Broadband in Delaware Opportunities and Challenges for Economic Development Troy Mix, AICP Assistant Policy Scientist 20th Annual Delaware Institute for Local Government Leaders Rehoboth Beach Convention Center October 30, 2008 Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Broadband Glossary of Terms ¾ Bandwidth ¾ XML ¾ Wi-Fi ¾ Cookies ¾ MBPS ¾ WiMax ¾ DSL ¾ really going to ¾ BPL ¾ 3G ¾ ISP ¾ Fiber Optic ¾ VOIP ¾ HTTP ¾ these terms, ¾ He’s not ¾ FTP ¾ Hotspots ¾ URL ¾ talk about all ¾ MP3 ¾ VDSL ¾ IP ¾ is he? Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware What’s so “New” About the New Economy? ¾ Need 1: New Skills ¾ Need 2: New Infrastructure Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware The Game Plan I. Broadband: Starting Point and Definitions II. Pop Quiz #1 III. Rural Broadband Issues and Opportunities IV. Pop Quiz #2 Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware What Is Broadband? ¾ Broadband Is… ¾ Fast and Feature Rich ¾ According to FCC, a speed of at least 200 kilobytes per second is necessary to be called “Broadband” ¾ Multi-Platform ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ DSL Cable Wireless Fiber BPL Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Why Talk About Broadband in Delaware? 2007 State New Economy Index Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Broadband Has Been Supersized… Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Starting a Broadband Conversation Sussex Broadband Project ¾ Research Broadband Issues and Initiatives ¾ Map Wi-Fi Hotspots in Sussex ¾ Assess Municipal Broadband Use Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Broadband Quiz: Part 1 Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Question 1. Where Do You Live? A. Sussex County B. Kent County C. New Castle County D. Other Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Question 2. Are You a Regular? A. 1 Including today, how many DILGLs have you attended? B. 2 - 4 C. 5 - 9 D. More than 10 Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Question 3. Internet for Your Home A. Dialup B. DSL At your home, how do you connect to the Internet? C. Cable D. Wireless E. Fiber/T1 F. No Connection G. Don’t Know Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Question 4. Internet for Your Municipal Government A. Dialup B. DSL How does the organization you represent connect to the Internet? C. Cable D. Wireless E. Fiber/T1 F. No Connection G. Don’t Know Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Question 5. Rural Broadband A. 20% What percent of rural households nationwide B. 40% would you guess have a Broadband Internet C. 60% connection in their home? D. 80% Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Question 6. Suburban Broadband What percent of suburban households nationwide would you guess have a Broadband Internet connection in their home? A. 20% B. 40% C. 60% D. 80% Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Rural Broadband: Issues and Opportunities Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Rural Development Issues ¾ Rural Economic Obstacles ¾ Distance ¾ Lack of economies of scale (Market Size) ¾ Perceived lack of dynamism ¾ Persistent Rural Problems ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Out migration of youth Lack of high-paying jobs Poverty Less access to health care and educational options Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware How is Broadband Faring in Rural Areas? Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Why Less Broadband Use in Rural Areas? The “Last-Mile” problem ¾ Low Population Density = Disincentive to Invest But it’s not all about infrastructure… ¾ Low adoption rates in workplace leads to… ¾ Lack of direct personal contact…leads to… ¾ Less demand for Broadband Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Status of Broadband in Delaware ¾ An Unclear Picture ¾ Generally, coverage is good due to cable and telephone company service ¾ Some areas underserved Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Broadband Applications ¾ Business ¾ Telecommuting ¾ Telemedicine ¾ Distance Learning ¾ E-government ¾ Public Safety ¾ Tourism Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Municipal Applications ¾ Public Safety ¾ Serve Information to the Public ¾ Communicate with “In the Field” Employees ¾ “Meter Reading” ¾ GPS Applications Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Tourism ¾ 56% of leisure travelers and 76% of business travelers bring their laptops when traveling ¾ Ocean City, MD created a Wi-Fi network ¾ Free Wi-Fi area ¾ Public safety applications Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Business Applications ¾ Money ¾ Efficiency ¾ Edge ¾ Loyalty Source: Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Broadband Initiatives: Demand Aggregation ¾ Features of Demand Aggregation ¾ Inventory existing Broadband services ¾ Educate businesses and consumers on broadband utility ¾ Build demand for Broadband around specific “killer apps” ¾ Demonstrate demand for enhanced Broadband services to providers Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Broadband Initiatives: Cooperatives ¾ Public-private partnerships (P3s) fund, build, and operate infrastructure ¾ Cooperative members provide “Last Mile” services Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Broadband Initiatives: Community Networks ¾ Wireless Communities Georgia ¾ Has funded wireless networks for economic development, educational access, and government services ¾ Funded towns range significantly in population ¾ Key features of successful networks ¾ Anchor-tenant agreements ¾ Municipal uses of network Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Broadband Quiz: Part 2 Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Question 7. Broadband and Economic Development The provision of Broadband Infrastructure and Service is critical for a region’s economic development? A. Strongly Disagree B. Disagree C. Neither Agree, Nor Disagree D. Agree E. Strongly Agree Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Question 8. National Government Broadband Role The U.S. government should play a larger role in promoting enhanced Broadband services and infrastructure? A. Strongly Disagree B. Disagree C. Neither Agree, Nor Disagree D. Agree E. Strongly Agree Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Question 9. State Government Broadband Role State governments should play a larger role in promoting enhanced Broadband services and infrastructure? A. Strongly Disagree B. Disagree C. Neither Agree, Nor Disagree D. Agree E. Strongly Agree Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Question 10. Local Government Broadband Role Local governments should play a larger role in promoting enhanced Broadband services and infrastructure? A. Strongly Disagree B. Disagree C. Neither Agree, Nor Disagree D. Agree E. Strongly Agree Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Question 11: What are Your Preferred Approaches? In order of preference, rank these approaches for enhancing Broadband in your locality… A. Do Nothing: Telecom companies will do it. B. Aggregate Demand: Inventory services; educate on usefulness; encourage providers to enhance offerings C. Form a Cooperative: P3s build infrastructure; members provide “Last-Mile” services D. Create Local Networks: P3s create local Broadband networks; governments and residents can use service Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware Thank You For Your Attention! For more information contact: Troy Mix Institute for Public Administration University of Delaware 302-831-4926 Institute for Public Administration ◊ University of Delaware