Paw Town of Clayton, Delaware P aw ee Gr ng p ri nS Bran 1 t u Br a ch Q R 13 nc h vi de n Cree ce Q R k Duc 15 k k Cree Map 2. State Investment Strategies and Agricultural Preservation Districts Duck Creek Pond Area of Dispute Out of Play Q R NE W KE C A ST L NT E Level 1 Q R 300 1 Q R Level 2 Level 3 6 Level 4 COUNT Y NOTE: Please refer to the Chapter "Directing Growth" in the State Strategies Document for definitions of the four investment Levels Agricultural PDRs mo COUNT Y 15 Q R a n ch Br Mi ns Gree KC Growth Zone t u 13 Town of Clayton Town of Smyrna eek Wheatleys Pond 6 Q R Agricultural Districts Co Q R e Lak Cr P ro Roads Parcel Boundaries ll Streams and Rivers 15 Lakes and Ponds Q R 300 City of Smyrna ¶ 0 600 1,200 2,400 3,600 4,800 Feet Adopted by the Clayton Town Council 06/27/2005; Certified by the Office of State Planning Coordination 06/28/2005. Sources: State Investment Strategies - Delaware Office of State Planning Coordination, September 2004. Agricultural Districts and PDRs - Delaware Department of Agriculture, February 2004. Roads - Delaware Department of Transportation centerline file 2001. Created from Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quads 1997. National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) - is based upon the content of USGS Digital Line Graph (DLG) hydrography data integrated with reach-related information from the EPA Reach File Version 3 (RF3), 2004. Municipal Boundaries - Delaware Office of State Planning Coordination, December 2004. Note: This map is provided by the Institute for Public Administration (IPA) solely for display and reference purposes and is subject to change without notice. No claims, either real or assumed, as to the absolute accuracy or precision of any data contained herein are madeby the IPA, nor will the IPA be held responsible for any use of this document for purposes other than which it was intended.