BM-1 4/21/16 18140 NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Board of School Directors Action Meeting April 21, 2016 The One Thousand forty-ninth meeting of the Board of School Directors of the North Penn School District was held on Thursday, April 21, 2016. The following members were present: Theresa Prykowski Edward Diasio Frank O'Donnell John Schilling Timothy Kerr Suzan Leonard Carolyn Murphy Josephine Charnock Also present were the following persons: Curtis R. Dietrich Diane Holben Deborah McKay Thomas Schneider Christine Liberaski Cheryl McCue Elizabeth Santoro Stephen Skrocki, Board Secretary Jack Dooley, Esquire, Board Solicitor The meeting was called to order by Josephine Charnock at 7:30 p.m. Josephine Charnock reminded those in attendance that the meeting was being videotaped by the school district for the community cable channel. Josephine Charnock requested that members of the audience wishing to address the board should come to the microphone, state their name and address, sign the audience of citizens log book, and limit their questions and comments to permit time for all those who wished to speak to the board. Executive Session – Josephine Charnock The Board met in Executive Session tonight from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, to discuss matters of personnel and litigation. Proclamations were awarded to the students that participated in the Girls 2016 PTFCA State Indoor Championship for Track and Field. During the Audience of Citizens William Patchell of Lansdale, PA., spoke to the Board on the topic of Coaches/pay and concussions; Representative Todd Stephens spoke to the Board on the topic of state funding. A motion was made by John Schilling, seconded by Edward Diasio, to approve the minutes from the March 17th, 2016, Action Meeting and the April 12th, 2016, Work session meeting, as circulated. —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes – BM-2 4/21/16 18141 Committee reports were presented as follows: Safe Schools – Josephine Charnock The Safe Schools Committee has not met since the last Board Meeting. The next meeting of the Safe Schools Committee is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. Monday May 9th prior to the ECP meeting at the ESC. The next meeting of the Safe Schools Committee is scheduled for May 9th, 2016. Personnel – Josephine Charnock The Personnel Committee met in Executive Session on April 5, 2016, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. to discuss matters of personnel, negotiations, and potential litigation. Support Services – John Schilling The Support Services Committee met on March 29, 2016. Items discussed included PF sidewalk request; service and repair contracts; Pennbrook Basin; Demand Response; and the Capital Projects update. The next meeting of the committee will be Monday, April 25th, 2016 at 6:00 PM at the ESC. Education-Community-Policy – Suzan Leonard The ECP Committee met on April 21, 2016. Items discussed included the summer programs in the district; textbook adoptions, and a new Board Policy. Our next Committee meeting will be May 9, 2016. Finance – Frank O’Donnell The Finance Committee met on March 29, 2016. Items discussed included the 2016-17 School Nutrition Services Budget; the 2016-17 Extended School Care Budget; the 2016-17 NMTCC Budget; Meritorious Budget Award Plaque Presentation; Bidding Presentation; 2016-17 Budget Update; Workers’ Comp Draft policy; and the 2016-17 Health Care Rates. The next Finance Committee meeting will be held on Monday, April 25, 2016. BM-3 4/21/2016 18142 North Penn Educational Foundations – Carolyn Murphy The Foundation met in April. Items discussed included the On-line annual auction that began on April 25th; the Financial Review recently compiled by an outside accounting firm; grants that are presently being accepted; and the upcoming Annual Golf Outing on August 15th at Pinecrest. The next NPSD Educational Foundation meeting will be held in May. North Montco Technical Career Center – Timothy Kerr The NMTCC met in April. Items discussed included the budget and the upcoming roofing project. They will meet on May 16, 2016. Montgomery County Intermediate Unit – Carolyn Murphy No report. A motion was made by Edward Diasio, seconded by Frank O'Donnell, to approve the 2016-17 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the North Penn Board of School Directors and the North Penn Education Association, per Item # BA -5(A- DD), affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 18146 (A-DD) . —This motion was carried six (6) ayes (Suzan Leonard, Carolyn Murphy, Edward Diasio, Timothy Kerr, Frank O'Donnell, Josephine Charnock) – and two (2) nays—opposed Theresa Prykowski and John Schilling – Polled Vote (Absent-Vincent Sherpinsky) A motion was made by Theresa Prykowski, seconded by Timothy Kerr, to approve an expulsion for student #042116-14 whose name is on file in the Office of the Superintendent, Students, parents, guardians have waived their rights to an expulsion hearing. —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes – A motion was made by Theresa Prykowski, seconded by Timothy Kerr, to approve a Settlement Agreement for student #421161; further recommend approval of Agreements for Tuition in lieu of Free and Appropriate Education for students #421162 and #421163 whose names are on file in the Office of the Superintendent. —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes – A motion was made by Carolyn Murphy, seconded by Theresa Prykowski, to approve the designated Act 80 days for 2016-17, per Item # 23-16, affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see page 18147. —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes – A motion was made by John Schilling, seconded by Suzan Leonard, to approve the Summer Literacy Program to be held at Oak Park Elementary School, per Item # 24-16, affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see page 18148. —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes – BM-4 4/21/2016 18143 A motion was made by Theresa Prykowski, seconded by John Schilling, to approve eight (8) Summer School Programs for 2016 as listed, per Item # 25-16 (A-E), affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 18149 (A-E). —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes – A motion was made by Suzan Leonard, seconded by Timothy Kerr, to approve the North Montco Technical Career Center 2016-17 Budget, per Item # BA -6 (A-NN), affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 18150 (A-NN). —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes – A motion was made by Frank O'Donnell, seconded by Theresa Prykowski, to approve School Nutrition Services meal pricing as listed, effective July 1, 2016, per Item # 37-16, affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see page 18151. —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes – A motion was made by Frank O'Donnell, seconded by Carolyn Murphy, to approve the Nutrition Services Budget for the 2016-17 school year per Item # 39-16 (A-G), affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 18152 (A-G). —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes – A motion was made by John Schilling, seconded by Frank O'Donnell, to approve the 2016-17 Extended School Care Budget per Item # BA-38-16 (A-F), affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 18153 (A-F). —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes – A motion was made by Suzan Leonard, seconded by John Schilling, to approve the changes to the Keystone Examination and Keystone Proficiency Programs sections of the 2016-17 Program of Studies for Grades 7-8 to reflect the requirements imposed by PA Senate Bill 880, per Item # 27-16 (A-C), affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 18154 (A-C). —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes – A motion was made by Edward Diasio, seconded by John Schilling, to approve the changes to the Keystone Examination and Keystone Proficiency Programs sections of the 2016-17 Program of Studies for Grades 9-12 to reflect the requirements imposed by PA Senate Bill 880, per Item # 28-16 (A-C), affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 18155 (A-C). —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes – A motion was made by Timothy Kerr, seconded by Edward Diasio, to approve authorizing the 2016 Service and Repair contracts to be advertised for bid, per Item # 29-16 (A-B), affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 18156 (A-B). —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes – A motion was made by John Schilling, seconded by Edward Diasio, to approve renewing the demand response contract with EnerNoc for a three year term commencing June 1, 2016 and continuing to May 31, 2019, per Item # 30-16 (A-B), affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 18157 (A-B). —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes – BM-5 4/21/2016 18144 A motion was made by Edward Diasio, seconded by John Schilling, to approve the Montgomery Township, Department of Planning and Zoning, Consultant Escrow Fee Agreement to cover expenses for the construction phase review and inspections of the Montgomery Elementary Renovations and Additions project, per Item # 31-16 (A-B), affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 18158 (A-B). —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes A motion was made by Carolyn Murphy, seconded by Timothy Kerr, to approve the award of the general construction low bidder’s contract for the Canopy Bird Protection at North Wales Elementary School Project, per Item # 32-16, affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see page 18159. —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes A motion was made by Frank O'Donnell, seconded by Timothy Kerr, to approve the award of the general construction low bidder’s contract for the Security Upgrades at North Penn High School and the Educational Services Center Project, per Item # 33-16, affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see page 18160. —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes A motion was made by John Schilling, seconded by Edward Diasio, to approve the award of the abatement work low bidder’s contract for the Asbestos Removal and Related Work at Penndale Middle School, per Item # 34-16, affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see page 18161. —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes A motion was made by John Schilling, seconded by Carolyn Murphy, to approve the adoption of the proposed elementary and middle school boundary realignments as described, per Item # 35-16 (A-D), affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 18162 (A-D). —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes A motion was made by Timothy Kerr, seconded by Carolyn Murphy, to approve the award of the synthetic turf work low bidder’s base bid contract for the Synthetic Turf Athletic Field Replacement Project at the North Penn High School, per Item # 36-16, affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see page 18163. —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes A motion was made by John Schilling, seconded by Theresa Prykowski, to approve acceptance of the following gifts to the district as listed: SCHOOL/BUILDING Knapp Elementary DONOR Owens Family 110 East 7th Street Lansdale, PA 19446 GIFT Beginner Model Flute AMOUNT $350.00 —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes A motion was made by Edward Diasio, seconded by John Schilling, to approve Personnel, per Item # BA-9 (A-H), affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 18164 (A-H); Additions to the North Penn School District Substitute Lists 2015-16, per Item # BA-10 (A-B), affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 18165 (A-B); Degree Improvement Report – April, 2016, per Item # BA -11, affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages BM-6 4/21/2016 18145 18166; 2015-16 Extra Duty Assignments, per Item # 26-16 (A-B), affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 18167 (A-B). —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes A motion was made by Carolyn Murphy, seconded by John Schilling, to approve student travel, per Item #BA-12, affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see page 18168. —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes A motion was made by Timothy Kerr, seconded by Edward Diasio, to approve Contracts per Item # BA13 (A- B) copies of which are on file in the Office of Business Administration, affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 18169 (A-B). —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes A motion was made by Timothy Kerr, seconded by Edward Diasio, to approve Alternative Placements per Item # BA- 14 copies of which are on file in the Office of Special Education, affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see page 18170 . —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes The treasurer’s report for the month of March 2016 was reviewed by Stephen Skrocki, Director of Business Administration, and ordered filed for audit. Said treasurer’s report is affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes. See pages 18171 (A-J). A motion was made by Frank O'Donnell, seconded by Timothy Kerr, to approve the Ratification of disbursements for the month of March 2016 in the amount of $26,392,098.74, affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 18172 (A-VVV). —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes A motion was made by Frank O'Donnell, seconded by Edward Diasio, to approve the February 2016 Budget Transfers in the amount of $680,371.54, per Item #BA-15 (A-C), affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 18173 (A-C). —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes A motion was made by John Schilling, seconded by Theresa Prykowski, to approve the Temporary and Permanent Easement agreements to permit the construction and maintenance of certain storm water basin facilities on the Pennbrook Middle School property in order to benefit Upper Gwynedd Township and its residents, per Item # BA-16 (A-S), affixed hereto and made an official part of these minutes; see pages 18174 (A-S). —This motion was carried unanimously eight (8) ayes There being no further business to come before the board, the same was adjourned upon motion by John Schilling, seconded by Vincent Sherpinsky, and unanimously carried at 8:38 pm. SUSAN KRAUSE, ASST. SECRETARY JOSEPHINE CHARNOCK, VICE- PRESIDENT