NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: __60-15____ ==================================================================== SUBJECT: New Board Policies MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: October 2015 INITIATED BY: Dr. Diane Holben COMMITTEE: Education/Community/Policy Committee RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of new Board Policy #1251: Community Relations – Non-discrimination on the Basis of Disability, Board Policy #5153 – Students – Non-discrimination on the Basis of Disability, and Board Policy #5131.9 – Students – Suicide Awareness and Prevention. ==================================================================== BACKGROUND: Three new policies are being presented for the Board’s review and approval process. The policies are as follows: Board Policy #1251: Community Relations – Non-discrimination on the Basis of Disability Board Policy #5153 – Students – Non-discrimination on the Basis of Disability Board Policy #5131.9 – Students – Suicide Awareness and Prevention Date Prepared: 10/7/2015 NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT School Board Policy 1251(a) COMMUNITY Reference: Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability The board prohibits unlawful discrimination against community members on the basis of disability with regard to the district’s services, programs and activities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (“Section 504”). The board designates the following individual to coordinate the district’s efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under the ADA and Section 504 as they pertain to community members: ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (Community Members) Director of School/Community Engagement North Penn School District 401 East Hancock Street Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone: (215) 853-1020 Email: Grievance Procedures The board adopts the following grievance procedures for the purpose of ensuring that complaints alleging that a community member was discriminated against in violation of the ADA and/or Section 504 are resolved in a prompt and equitable manner. Step 1: Reporting A community member who believes that conduct that constitutes a violation of this policy has occurred is encouraged to immediately submit a complaint, or otherwise report the conduct, to the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (Community Members). District employees and contractors who are aware of conduct that constitutes discrimination against a community member on the basis of disability shall immediately report the conduct to the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (Community Members). The complaint should be in writing and contain information about the alleged conduct such as name, address, phone number of the person filing the complaint and location, date and description of the problem. When an oral complaint is made, the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (Community Members) shall reduce the complaint to writing. CONTINUED 1251(b) Step 2: Review Complaint/Conduct Investigation Within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of a complaint, the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (Community Members) or her/his designee will review the complaint with the grievant to discuss its content as well as possible resolutions. To the extent deemed necessary by the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (Community Members) or her/his designee, an investigation of the allegations contained within the complaint shall occur. Step 3: Written Response Within thirty (30) days of receipt of a complaint or upon the conclusion of an investigation as referenced in Step 2, the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (Community Members) or her/his designee shall provide a written response to the grievant that explains the position of the district with regard to the complaint. Step 4: District Action To the extent that the Written Response prepared by the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (Community Members) or her/his designee in Step 3 indicates that conduct in violation of this policy has, in fact, occurred, the district shall take any and all action which is necessary to ensure that said conduct ceases and does not recur. Appeal Procedure In the event that a grievant is not satisfied with the Written Response and/or District Action described in Steps 3 and 4 of this Grievance Procedure, she/he may file an appeal with the Superintendent of Schools within fifteen (15) calendar days. Within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of an appeal, the Superintendent of Schools shall respond in writing with a final resolution of the complaint. Policy: Adopted: November 19, 2015 NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT School Board Policy 5153a) STUDENTS Reference: Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability The board prohibits unlawful discrimination against students on the basis of disability with regard to the district’s services, programs and activities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (“Section 504”). The board designates the following individual to coordinate the district’s efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under the ADA and Section 504 as they pertain to students: ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (Students) Director of Special Education and Student Services North Penn School District 401 East Hancock Street Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone: (215) 853-1060 Email: Grievance Procedures The board adopts the following grievance procedures for the purpose of ensuring that complaints alleging that a student was discriminated against in violation of the ADA and/or Section 504 are resolved in a prompt and equitable manner. Step 1: Reporting A student or her/his parent/guardian who believes that conduct that constitutes a violation of this policy has occurred is encouraged to immediately submit a complaint, or otherwise report the conduct, to the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (Students). District employees and contractors who are aware of conduct that constitutes discrimination against a student on the basis of disability shall immediately report the conduct to the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (Students). The complaint should be in writing and contain information about the alleged conduct such as name, address, phone number of the person filing the complaint and location, date and description of the problem. When an oral complaint is made, the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (Students) shall reduce the complaint to writing. CONTINUED 5153(b) Step 2: Review Complaint/Conduct Investigation Within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of a complaint, the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (Students) or her/his designee will review the complaint with the grievant to discuss its content as well as possible resolutions. To the extent deemed necessary by the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (Students) or her/his designee, an investigation of the allegations contained within the complaint shall occur. Step 3: Written Response Within thirty (30) days of receipt of a complaint or upon the conclusion of an investigation as referenced in Step 2, the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (Students) or her/his designee shall provide a written response to the grievant that explains the position of the district with regard to the complaint. Step 4: District Action To the extent that the Written Response prepared by the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (Students) or her/his designee in Step 3 indicates that conduct in violation of this policy has, in fact, occurred, the district shall take any and all action which is necessary to ensure that said conduct ceases and does not recur. Appeal Procedure In the event that a grievant is not satisfied with the Written Response and/or District Action described in Steps 3 and 4 of this Grievance Procedure, she/he may file an appeal with the Superintendent of Schools within fifteen (15) calendar days. Within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of an appeal, the Superintendent of Schools shall respond in writing with a final resolution of the complaint. Policy: Adopted:November 19, 2015 NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT School Board Policy 5131.9(a) STUDENTS Reference: Suicide Awareness and Prevention Statement The board acknowledges the district’s commitment to maintaining a safe school environment; to protect the health, safety and welfare of its students; to promote healthy development; and to safeguard against the threat or attempt of suicide among school-aged youth. The impact of students’ mental health on their academic performance and the effect of mental health issues and suicide on students and the entire school community are significant. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety and welfare of students, the district will work to educate school personnel and students on the actions and resources necessary to prevent suicide and promote mental wellbeing. Protocols for Administering Awareness and Prevention Education Staff Development All school personnel, including, but not limited to, administrators, teachers, paraprofessionals, support staff, coaches, bus drivers, custodians, and cafeteria workers, shall receive information regarding the district’s protocols for suicide awareness and prevention. Education will be provided for all school personnel about the importance of suicide prevention and recognition of suicide risk factors, as well as strategies to enhance protective factors, resilience, and school connectedness. Additionally, all school personnel will be educated about the warnings signs and risk factors for youth depression and suicide. Professional staff in all school buildings serving students in grades six (6) through twelve (12) shall participate in four (4) hours of youth suicide awareness and prevention training every five (5) years. Education for Students Students shall receive age-appropriate lessons in their classrooms through health education or other appropriate curricula on the importance of safe and healthy choices, as well as help seeking strategies for self and/or others. Lessons shall contain information on comprehensive health and wellness, including emotional, behavioral and social skills development. Students shall be taught not to make promises of confidence when they are concerned about a peer or significant other. These lessons may be taught by health and physical education teachers, community service providers, classroom teachers or student services staff. Students who are in need of intervention shall be referred in accordance with the school entity’s referral procedures for screening and recommendations. CONTINUED 5131.9 (b) Student education may include, but is not limited to, the following: 4. Information about suicide prevention. Resources are available on the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s website– 2. Help-seeking approaches amongst students, promoting a climate that encourages peer referral and emphasizes school connectedness. 3. Increasing students’ ability to recognize if they or their peers are at risk for suicide. 4. Addressing problems that can lead to suicide, such as depression and other mental health issues, anger, and drug use. Methods of Prevention and Intervention In compliance with state regulations and in support of the school’s suicide prevention methods, information received in confidence from a student may be revealed to the student’s parents or guardians, the building principal or other appropriate authority when the health, welfare or safety of the student or other persons is at risk. Any school personnel who has identified a student with one or more risk factors, or warning signs, or who has an indication that a student may be contemplating suicide, shall refer the student for further assessment and intervention to the applicable Child Study Team. The district shall create an emotional or mental health safety plan to support a student and the student’s family if the student has been identified as being at increased risk of suicide. For students with disabilities who are identified as being at-risk for suicide or who attempt suicide, the appropriate team shall be notified and shall address the student’s needs in accordance with applicable law, regulations and Board policy. If a student is identified as being at-risk for suicide or attempts suicide and requires special education services or accommodations, the Director of Special Education or her/his designee shall be notified and shall take action to address the student’s needs in accordance with applicable law, regulations and Board policy. Methods of Responding Any school personnel who are made aware of any threat or witnesses any attempt towards selfharm that is written, drawn, spoken, or threatened shall immediately notify the principal or designee. Any threat in any form shall be treated as real and dealt with immediately. No student should be left alone, nor confidences promised. In cases of life-threatening situations, a student’s confidentiality will be waived. The district’s crisis response procedures shall be implemented. If an expressed suicide thought or intention is made known to any school personnel during an afterschool program and the principal or designee are not available, call 1-800-SUICIDE, or 1800-273-TALK for help. Thereafter, immediately inform the principal of the incident and actions taken. 5131.9(c) Reporting Procedures The first school personnel on the scene of a suicide or suicide attempt must follow the district’s crisis response procedures, and shall immediately notify the principal or designee. Recommended Resources A comprehensive set of resources for youth suicide awareness and prevention is accessible through the Department at PA Youth Suicide Prevention Initiative - Suicide Prevention Resource Center - American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Policy: Adopted: November 19, 2015 NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: __61-15____ ==================================================================== SUBJECT: Amended Board Policies MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: October 2015 INITIATED BY: Dr. Diane Holben COMMITTEE: Education/Community/Policy Committee RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of amended Board Policy #4160: Personnel – Professional and Support – Employment Complaints – Discrimination and Board Policy #6162 – Instruction – Elementary and Secondary – School Volunteers. ==================================================================== BACKGROUND: Two amended policies are being presented for the Board’s review and approval process. The policies are as follows: Board Policy #4160: Personnel – Professional and Support – Employment Complaints Discrimination Board Policy #6162: Instruction – Elementary and Secondary – School Volunteers [Note: Changes to the amended policies are indicated in the following manner: additions in italics and bold; deletions with a strikethrough.] Date Prepared: 10/7/2015 NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT School Board Policy 4160 PERSONNEL Reference: Board Policy #4316 and Administrative Regulation #4160 Professional and Support Employment Complaints – Discrimination The North Penn School District is an equal opportunity employer. The board prohibits unlawful discrimination against and/or harassment of district employees and job applicants on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, national origin, ancestry, religious creed, age, marital status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition, veteran status, gender, [or] sexual orientation or any other characteristic protected by law, at any district site and/or activity. The board also prohibits retaliation against any district employee who files a complaint or testifies in the complaint process. Any district employee who engages in unlawful discrimination or harassment shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Any district employee who permits unlawful discrimination or harassment may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. A district employee shall be deemed to have permitted unlawful discrimination or harassment if he/she fails to report an observed incident of discrimination and/or harassment, whether or not the victim complains. The superintendent or designee shall regularly publicize, within the district and in the community, the district’s nondiscrimination policy and the availability of complaint procedures. The board designates the following position as District Compliance Officer: [Manager]Director of Human Resources North Penn School District Human Resources Department 401 E. Hancock Street Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 Phone: (215) 853-1040 Email: An employee may, in addition to filing a discrimination complaint with the district, file a complaint with either the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC). To file a valid complaint directly with EEOC and/or PHRC, the employee must file his/her complaint within 180 days of the alleged discriminatory act(s). Policy: Adopted: October 23, 2008 Amended: November 19, 2015 NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT School Board Policy 6162(a) INSTRUCTION Reference: Administrative Regulation #4160 Elementary and Secondary School Volunteers The board recognizes that community volunteers can make valuable contributions to the educational program. The use of community volunteers is endorsed by the board, subject to legal requirements and administrative procedures. The board authorizes the selection and use of parents, community members, and others as volunteers to assist and supplement regular district staff. The board defines a North Penn School District Volunteer as an adult individual who provides a service to students, staff or school/district operations without compensation. Examples of volunteer activities include chaperoning field trips, assisting at classroom or school events, reading in classrooms, shelving books in the library and office support with photocopying. A volunteer is not considered an employee of the school district. A volunteer shall receive no wages or other consideration which has a monetary value for the performance of volunteer services. The volunteer position is not a right, but rather a privilege that is conferred by the board and the administration. As such, any volunteer position or volunteer may be eliminated at any time. Volunteers do not assume the responsibilities of school district staff but may, under the direction of the school principal(s), teachers, or coaches, provide assistance in an approved and appropriate school level activity such as tutoring, demonstrating, chaperoning, monitoring, speaking, reading, athletic activities and similarly appropriate activities. Volunteers shall report all incidents of suspected child abuse in accordance with board policy and administrative regulations. Clearance/Certification Requirements Effective immediately, [new volunteers] a North Penn School District Volunteer who will be responsible for a child’s welfare or will have direct volunteer contact with children on a regular and repeated basis must submit the following clearances/certifications to the district for review prior to commencing or continuing his/her [their] volunteer service: • PA Child Abuse History Clearance; • PA State Police Criminal Background Check; and • Either a North Penn School District Volunteer Affirmation or a Report of Federal Criminal History Record (fingerprinting) A prospective North Penn School District Volunteer who will have direct contact with students for ten (10) or more hours per week is also required to submit the results of a tuberculin (TB) skin test prior to beginning volunteer service. CONTINUED 6162(b) When the district, in its sole discretion and in accordance with law, determines that the nature of a volunteer position requires that an applicant for that position must submit [Upon review of the submitted] clearance/certification materials, the district will make a determination as to whether the applicant [an individual] is properly qualified to serve[ as a volunteer]. Volunteers who are required to [must] obtain and submit [updated] clearances/certifications must provide updated clearances/certifications to the district every [36] 60 months. [Effective July 1, 2015, the only individuals who will be authorized to serve as volunteers are those whose background clearances have been submitted, reviewed and approved by the district and anyone who has been approved by the superintendent to serve as a Provisional Volunteer.] Provisional Volunteers The board authorizes the superintendent to approve, on a case-by-case basis, individuals to serve as provisional volunteers without requiring them to submit background clearances pursuant to this Policy. However, the superintendent may only approve provisional volunteers to the extent permitted by law.[ An individual may not be approved as a provisional volunteer if that individual’s service as a volunteer will include being responsible for the welfare of a child, providing for the care, supervision, guidance or control of children or having routine interaction with children.] Provisional volunteers who enter a district school as part of their volunteer service shall be required to submit to all security protocols required of other school visitors and shall be accompanied by district staff at all times. Policy: Adopted: October 18, 1971 Amended: July 15, 1976 Reviewed: September 19, 1991 Amended: March 19, 2015 Amended: November 19, 2015 NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: __62-15 ___ ============================================================================= SUBJECT: 2015-16 ASSIGNMENTS - EXTRA DUTY MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: October 2015 INITIATED BY: Dr. Diane Holben COMMITTEE: Board Leadership RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of additions and changes to extra duty assignments for the 2015-16 school year. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: GROUP EXPERIENCE SALARY 3 D $ 3, 675.00 4 4 4 4 3 6 6 4 4 5 3 A A D B D D D D C F G $ 3, 695.00 $ 3, 695.00 $ 4, 350.00 $ 3, 236.00 $ 3, 675.00 $ 7, 714.00 $ 7, 714.00 $ 4, 350.00 $ 4, 128.00 $ 6, 469.00 $ 4, 338.00 3 D $ 3, 675.00 5 G $ 6, 684.00 3 B $ 3, 236.00 3 6 4 4 1 (½) 1 (½) 1 (½) 1 (½) A G C D A A A A $ 3, 024.00 $ 8, 370.00 $ 4, 128.00 $ 4, 350.00 $ 505.50 $ 505.50 $ 505.50 $ 505.50 RECOMMENDATIONS NPHS DATE PREPARED: 10/6/2015 Brendan Ledwith, Assistant Coach – Girls’ Volleyball Glenn Westerlund, Jr., Assistant Coach – Boys Basketball Patrick Brett, Assistant Coach – Boys Basketball Jennifer Carangi, Assistant Coach – Girls Basketball Renee Womack , Assistant Coach – Girls Basketball Donald Stadnycki, Head Coach – Bowling Jeff Faikish, Head Coach –Boys Swimming Matthew Weiser, Head Coach – Girls Swimming Jason Grubb, Assistant Coach – Boys Swimming Kyle Goldbacher, Assistant Coach – Diving Jay Jones, Head Coach – Boys Winter Track Ronald Jaros, Assistant Coach – Boys Winter Track Jonathan Fluck, Assistant Coach – Boys Winter Track James B. Crawford, Jr., Head Coach – Girls Winter Track Brian Pellechia, Assistant Coach – Girls Winter Track Brandon Turner, Assistant Coach – Girls Winter Track Robert Shettsline, Head Coach – Wrestling Zachary Fryling, Assistant Coach – Wrestling William Robbins, Assistant Coach – Wrestling Amy Millar, Dance Team Erin Bradley, Dance Team Brian Haley, Model UN James Bowen, Model UN INTRAMURALS Pennbrook Pennfield UNITS EXPERIENCE STIPEND Jesse Clancy, Volunteer Corp Renee DiDomizio, Art Club Anne Pearcey, Art Club Cheryl Doyle, Baking Club Louann Moos, Baking Club Jesse Clancy, Running Club David Allen, Running Club Carol Ward, Talent Show Tim Schindele, Talent Show Scott McGowan, Talent Show Shari Cassel, Reading Olympics Nick Lorenzo, TV Club Nicole Pickersgill, Dance Team Matthew Olinik, Ultimate Frisbee Jessica Koffel, Ultimate Frisbee Matthew Olinik, Games Club Nicole Pickersgill, Ski & Board Club Jessica Koffel, Ski & Board Club Denise Helsel, Adventure Club Nicole Pickersgill, Adventure Club Chris Lucas, March Madness Matthew Weiser, Volleyball Club Jessica Koffel, Dodgeball Club Matthew Olinik, Dodgeball Club Christopher Lucas, Newspaper 2.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 6+ 6+ 6+ 1 1 5 0 6+ 5 1 6+ 4 1 2 0 3 6+ 2 6+ 2 2 0 2 2 2 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 582.50 233.00 233.00 210.00 210.00 456.00 210.00 233.00 228.00 210.00 466.00 466.00 210.00 420.00 210.00 223.00 582.50 446.00 233.00 223.00 223.00 210.00 223.00 223.00 223.00 David Orehowsky, Bucks-Mont Honors Band David DiValentino, Bucks-Mont Honors Band Amy Duberville, Ski Club Susan Young, Ski Club John Galuchie, Ski Club Jennifer Dillon, Reading Olympics Elaine Miller, Reading Olympics Jacob Shoemaker, Co-ed Volleyball Alex Hoffman, Co-ed Volleyball Jerry Kerzmann, Cross Country Club Nanette Velayos, Art Club Alex Hoffman, Chess Club Rena Clayton, Thespians Club 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 6+ 6+ 3 6+ 5 6+ 1 0 2 4 3 2 6+ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 233.00 233.00 223.00 466.00 228.00 233.00 210.00 210.00 223.00 456.00 669.00 446.00 233.00 NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: 63-15 ============================================================================= SUBJECT: Hatfield Elementary School Additions and Renovations MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: October 2015 INITIATED BY: Thomas Schneider COMMITTEE: Support Services RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of Change Order GC-7 to Lobar, Inc. for the Hatfield Elementary School Additions and Renovations project for unsuitable soil, at a change of contract amount of $45,155.25. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: The following Change Order was found necessary and is recommended for approval for the Hatfield Elementary School Additions and Renovations Project: Lobar, Inc. Change Order #GC-7 $45,155.25 The Administration has reviewed and recommends approval of this change order. Please see attached Bonnett Architectural, Inc. summary and explanation. Revised Contract Amount: Original contract amount: Previously approved change orders: Amount of this change order GC-: Revised contract amount: Lobar, Inc. $7,441,000.00 $ 60,973.37 $ 45,155.25 $7,547,128.62 These change orders plus previous change orders equate to a contract increase of 1.43%. These changes orders equate to a total project increase of 0.78%. G:\Shared Folder\Board Meeting Documents\2015 Agendas\October 15, 2015\Informational Sheets\IS_Hatfield_Lobar_CO8_2015Oct.docx 63-15.docx Hatfield Elementary School Additions and Renovations September 18, 2015 Lobar, Inc. Change Order No. GC-7 Summary: COR 40 Unsuitable Soils at Parking Lot While conducting site work, the contractor uncovered a layer of unsuitable soil below the existing parking lot that had to be replaced in order to continue with the construction of the new parking lots. Additional cost as documented in Lobar, Inc. Change Request 040 dated 9/2/15in the amount of $45,155.25 Change Order GC-7 Total: $45,155.25 G:\Shared Folder\Board Meeting Documents\2015 Agendas\October 15, 2015\Informational Sheets\IS_Hatfield_Lobar_CO8_2015Oct.docx 63-15.docx NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: 64-15 ============================================================================= SUBJECT: Hatfield Elementary School Additions and Renovations MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: October 2015 INITIATED BY: Thomas Schneider COMMITTEE: Support Services RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of deduct Change Order PC-2 to J. R. Reynolds, Inc. for the Hatfield Elementary School Additions and Renovations project, at a change of contract amount of ($17,542.00) for changes during construction and unused allowances. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: The following Change Order was found necessary and is recommended for approval for the Hatfield Elementary School Additions and Renovations Project: J. R Reynolds, Inc. Deduct Change Order #PC-2 The Administration has reviewed and recommends approval of this change order. Please see attached Bonnett Architectural, Inc. summary and explanation. Revised Contract Amount: Original contract amount: Previously approved change orders: Amount of this change order GC-: Revised contract amount: J. R. Reynolds, Inc. $913,200.00 $ 2,711.00 ($ 17,542.00) $898,369.00 These change orders plus previous change orders equate to a contract increase of -1.62%. These changes orders equate to a total project increase of 0.78%. G:\Shared Folder\Board Meeting Documents\2015 Agendas\October 15, 2015\Informational Sheets\IS_Hatfield_Reynolds_CO2_2015Oct.docx 64-15.docx ($17,542.00) Hatfield Elementary School Additions and Renovations September 18, 2015 Jay R. Reynolds, Inc. Change Order No. PC-2 Summary: COR 02 Added Gas Regulator at Generator Add gas regulator on the gas line serving the emergency generator in accordance with Jay R. Reynolds, Inc. proposal dated 6/15/15. $3,014.00 COR 03 Pressure and Temperature Gage Modification Relocate pressure and temperature gauges on the water heater and the storage tank as directed. Costs are in accordance with Jay R. Reynolds, Inc. proposal dated 8/19/15. $645.00 Quantity Allowance Credit Credit for plumbing contract quantity allowance values not used on the project. -$21,201.00 Change Order PC-2 Total: CREDIT -$17,542.00 G:\Shared Folder\Board Meeting Documents\2015 Agendas\October 15, 2015\Informational Sheets\IS_Hatfield_Reynolds_CO2_2015Oct.docx 64-15.docx NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: _65-15_ ============================================================================= SUBJECT: Hatfield Elementary Additions and Renovations PlanCon Part H “Project Financing” MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: October 2015 INITIATED BY: Thomas W. Schneider COMMITTEE: Support Services RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval to submit PlanCon Part H documents to the Pennsylvania Department of Education for the Hatfield Elementary Additions and Renovations Project. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: As one of the final steps in the PlanCon process, and before we can begin to receive reimbursement from PDE, the school district must submit PlanCon Part H, titled “Project Financing,” documents to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE). Those documents are being prepared for the Hatfield Additions and Renovations and will soon be ready to submit to PDE. Once PlanCon Part H is approved, reimbursement on the projects can commence, so long as money is available from the State. Board action approving the submission of PlanCon Part H documents is recommended at this time. G:\Shared Folder\Board Meeting Documents\2015 Agendas\October 15, 2015\Informational Sheets\IS -Hatfield Plan Con H. -65-15.docx NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: _66-15_ ============================================================================= SUBJECT: Montgomery Elementary School Renovations and Additions PlanCon Part D “Project Accounting Based on Estimates” PlanCon Part E “Design Development” MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: October 2015 INITIATED BY: Thomas W. Schneider COMMITTEE: Support Services RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval to submit PlanCon Part D “Project Accounting Based on Estimates” documents to the Pennsylvania Department of Education for the Montgomery Elementary School Renovations and Additions Project. Recommend approval, to submit PlanCon Part E “Design Development” documents and drawings to the Pennsylvania Department of Education for the Montgomery Elementary School Renovations and Additions Project. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: As a part of the process for construction of the Montgomery Elementary School Renovations and Additions, we are required to submit PlanCon documents to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE). We are now required to submit PlanCon Part D entitled “Project Accounting Based on Estimates” and PlanCon Part E entitled “Design Development”. PlanCon Part E documents and drawings are the design development documents and drawings for the construction of renovations and additions at Montgomery Elementary School. The concepts presented in these documents and drawings are the culmination of efforts by the building staff, Principal, Support Services Committee, the Administration and the Board of School Directors. Changes in these documents and drawings can be made up until specifications are put out to bid. Approval of the submission of the PlanCon Part E documents and drawings will allow for the Department of Education to review with us, in detail, the proposed design development drawings so that required changes can be made before going to bid. In accordance with the plan and schedule for renovations at Montgomery Elementary School action by the Board of School Directors approving the submission of PlanCon Part D and E are required at this time. G:\Shared Folder\Board Meeting Documents\2015 Agendas\October 15, 2015\Informational Sheets\IS - MO_PlanCon_PartsD _2015Oct15 (3).doc 66-15.doc NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: 67-15 ============================================================================= SUBJECT: Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement Lansdale Borough MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: October 2015 INITIATED BY: Tom Schneider COMMITTEE: Support Services RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of the Intergovernmental Agreement with Lansdale Borough for services to their new Municipal Complex. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: Since the spring of 2015, North Penn has discussed the possibility to provide maintenance support, maintenance services, equipment rental, and building operation management support for the Lansdale Municipal Complex to Lansdale Borough. North Penn will invoice Lansdale monthly for labor, mileage, equipment rental parts and materials purchased at the rates and charges as described in attachment “A”. Lansdale agrees to promptly remit payment of such invoices to North Penn. The Support Services Committee and Administration recommends approval of this agreement. G:\Shared Folder\Board Meeting Documents\2015 Agendas\October 15, 2015\Informational Sheets\IS_Lansdale_ICA_2015Oct.docx 67-15.docx INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT AND NOW this _______ day of ____________, 2015, by and between the NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT, 401 East Hancock Street, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 (hereinafter “North Penn”) and the Lansdale Borough, One Vine Street, Lansdale, PA 19446 (hereinafter “Lansdale”) each intending to be legally bound hereby, enter into an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement. W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, North Penn employs skilled tradesmen of differing trades, custodians and grounds personnel who are experienced in the operation, maintenance and preventative maintenance of buildings and building systems; WHEREAS, Lansdale has requested that North Penn provide maintenance support, maintenance services, trade labor, custodial services, equipment rental, and building operation management support; WHEREAS, North Penn is agreeable to such arrangement. NOW, THEREFORE, INTENDING TO BE LEGALLY BOUND HEREBY, the parties agree as follows: 1. OBLIGATIONS A. Upon action approving this Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement by both North Penn and Lansdale, North Penn shall provide maintenance support, maintenance services, equipment rental, and building operation management support for the Lansdale Municipal Complex and possibly additional properties owned and operated by Lansdale. B. North Penn will invoice Lansdale monthly for labor, mileage, equipment rental, parts, and materials purchased at the rates and charges as described in attachment “A”. Lansdale agrees to promptly remit payment of such invoices to North Penn. C. This Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement, the services provided and rates charged shall be negotiated annually to determine if services are to remain in place, modified or terminated by either party. D. This Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement shall expire on June 30, 2016, unless extended by mutual agreement. E. Either party may terminate this Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement by providing written notice to the other party at least sixty (60) calendar days prior to the intended termination date. NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Date: _____________ By:_____________________________ Date: _____________ By:_____________________________ LANSDALE BOROUGH Date: _____________ By: ___________________________ Date: _____________ By:_____________________________ Attachment “A” Effective through June 30, 2016 Trades Trade Maintenance* Grounds Custodian (Day) Custodian (Evening) Custodian (5 hour) Rate $/hr $ 40.00 $ 25.00 $ 30.00 $ 25.00 $ 23.00 Travel $/Mile $ Work Order Setup Fee (Municipal Complex) $1,200.00 Management Fee $55.00 Equipment Rental Floor Scrubber (swing machine) Burnisher Floor Scrubber (stand up) Carpet Extractor Wet/Dry Vacuum Square Scrub Per Day Parts and Material Mark-up 0.00% $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.575 32.00 40.00 45.00 36.00 27.00 27.00 *Trade Maintenance includes Carpenters, Electricians, HVAC and Refrigeration and Plumbers NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: 68-15 ============================================================================= SUBJECT: Energy (Electricity) Transaction Confirmation MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: October 2015 INITIATED BY: Tom Schneider COMMITTEE: Support Services RECOMMENDATION: Recommend ratification of the electricity transaction with Direct Energy Business for electricity supply for all current North Penn School District accounts, as listed. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: On September 18, 2015 electricity supply was locked with Direct Energy Business for the quantities and months listed below: Electricity Procurement • 50% of the electricity for winter 2015/20016 – November 2015 to March 2016 at $0.05456kWh The Administration and the Support Services Committee have reviewed and recommend ratification of these transactions. G:\Shared Folder\Board Meeting Documents\2015 Agendas\October 15, 2015\Informational Sheets\IS_NatGas_Power_DE_2015Oct.docx 68-15.docx NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: 69-15 ============================================================================= SUBJECT: Energy (Natural Gas) Transaction Confirmation MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: October 2015 INITIATED BY: Tom Schneider COMMITTEE: Support Services RECOMMENDATION: Recommend ratification of the natural gas transaction with Direct Energy Business for natural gas supply for all current North Penn School District accounts, as listed. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: On September 18, 2015 natural gas supply was locked with Direct Energy Business for the quantities and months listed below: Natural Gas Procurement • 50% of the natural gas for winter 2015/2016 – October 2015 to March 2016 at $2.89/MMBTU The Administration and the Support Services Committee have reviewed and recommend ratification of these transactions. G:\Shared Folder\Board Meeting Documents\2015 Agendas\October 15, 2015\Informational Sheets\IS_NatGas_DE_2015Oct.docx 69-15.docx NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: 70-15 ============================================================================= SUBJECT: Energy (Natural Gas Basis) Transaction Confirmation MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: October 2015 INITIATED BY: Tom Schneider COMMITTEE: Support Services RECOMMENDATION: Recommend ratification of the natural gas basis transaction with UGI Energy Services, LLC for natural gas basis for all current North Penn School District accounts, as listed. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: On September 29, 2015 natural gas basis (fixed cost of natural gas procurement) was locked with UGI Energy Services, LLC for the period listed below: Natural Gas Basis Procurement • Natural Gas basis for 2016 to 2018 – June 2016 to July 2018 at $0.518/MMBTU The Administration and the Support Services Committee have reviewed and recommend ratification of these transactions. G:\Shared Folder\Board Meeting Documents\2015 Agendas\October 15, 2015\Informational Sheets\IS_NatGas_Basis_UGI_2015Oct.docx 70-15.docx NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT Lansdale, PA 19446-3960 INFORMATIONAL SHEETS ITEM NUMBER: 71-15 ============================================================================= SUBJECT: Hatfield Elementary School Additions and Renovations MONTH/YEAR PRESENTED TO BOARD: October 2015 INITIATED BY: Thomas Schneider COMMITTEE: Support Services RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of Change Order GC-8 to Lobar, Inc. for the Hatfield Elementary School Additions and Renovations project, at a change of contract amount of $0.00 for various changes during construction. ============================================================================= BACKGROUND: The following Change Order was found necessary and is recommended for approval for the Hatfield Elementary School Additions and Renovations Project: Lobar, Inc. Change Order #GC-8 $0.00 The Administration has reviewed and recommends approval of this change order. Please see attached Bonnett Architectural, Inc. summary and explanation. Revised Contract Amount: Original contract amount: Previously approved change orders: Amount of this change order GC-: Revised contract amount: Lobar, Inc. $7,441,000.00 $ 106,128.62 $ 0.00 $7,547,128.62 These change orders plus previous change orders equate to a contract increase of 1.43%. These changes orders equate to a total project increase of 0.78%. G:\Shared Folder\Board Meeting Documents\2015 Agendas\October 15, 2015\Informational Sheets\IS_Hatfield_Lobar_CO8_2015Oct.docx 71-15.docx Hatfield Elementary School Additions and Renovations September 18, 2015 Lobar, Inc. Change Order No. GC-8 Summary: COR 23.2 Property Line Fence Owner request to add a six foot high PVC privacy fence at Lot #1 property line. Additional cost as documented in Lobar, Inc. Change Request 023.2 dated 9/2/15in the amount of $7,799.40. COR 30.1 Miscellaneous Gypsum Wallboard Repairs Includes T&M Ticket work for KCI CO 3 repairing walls at closets; KCI CO 4 to provide gypsum wallboard and framing to separate Mechanical Room 209 from catwalk; KCI CO 5 for additional bracing of partitions; KCI CO 6 for leveling out of existing window sills on second floor; KCI CO 7 for additional framing at existing roll down security screens in corridors and KCI CO 9 for additional framing in library to make conditions flush. Additional cost as documented in Lobar, Inc. Change Request 030.1 dated 8/11/15 in the amount of $9,339.75. COR 32 Stair Tower Wall Extensions Upon removal of existing ceilings in Stair Towers 2 and 3, it was discovered that that existing walls were not carried up to the roof deck. In order for the stair towers to meet code, the existing walls were extended up to the roof deck. Additional cost as documented in Lobar, Inc. Change Request 032 dated 7/10/15 in the amount of $2,210.25 COR 33 Key Switch Control for Elevator Owner requested change to provide key switch control of elevator in lieu of push button operation. Additional cost as documented in Lobar, Inc. Change Request 033 dated 8/26/15 in the amount of $2,325.05 COR 35 Additional Pipe Bollards Provide eight pipe bollards to be located at the new gas and fire services as required by the Township. Additional cost as documented in Lobar, Inc. Change Request 035 dated 8/28/15 in the amount of $4,356.14 COR 38 Kitchen Partition and Door Provide ceramic tile partition, wood door, hardware and HM frame in accordance with Bonnett Associates, Inc. drawing SK-A102.1 dated 8/12/15. Partition and door required by Department of Health. Additional cost as documented in Lobar, Inc. Change Request 038 dated 9/2/15 in the amount of $5,206.56 Change Order GC-8 Subtotal: 31,237.15 Deletion Material Allowances to offset CO GC-08 as follows: G1 Bulk Rock Excavation G2 Trench Rock Excavation G3 Earth Excavation G4 Imported Structural Fill G5 Self Leveling Underlayment G7 Brick Repair Work Patch Brick G9 Replace Lightweight Roof Deck G10 Structural Steel G15 Gypsum Wallboard Laminate $3000.00 $5,000.00 $1,600.00 $2,400.00 $6,625.00 $4,500.00 $2,850.00 $3,962.15 $1,300.00 G1 remaining: $0 G2 remaining: $0 G3 remaining: $0 G4 remaining: $0 G5 remaining: $0 G7 remaining: $4,500 G9 remaining: $0 G10 remaining: $4,037.85 G15 remaining: $1,300 Total Material Allowances Used for Change Order No. GC-8: Total General Contractor Material Allowance Balance: Change Order GC-8 Total: $31,237.15 $36,802.98 $0 G:\Shared Folder\Board Meeting Documents\2015 Agendas\October 15, 2015\Informational Sheets\IS_Hatfield_Lobar_CO8_2015Oct.docx 71-15.docx