Engr 101 Assigned: November 9, 2015 Assignment 2 Due: November 13, 2015

Engr 101
Assignment 2
Assigned: November 9, 2015
Due: November 13, 2015
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Work each problem by using MATLAB® as a calculator. Copy and paste your MATLAB® code
and your results below each problem. Turn in the completed sheet.
1. Write an m-file to print the value of y when t goes from 0 to 1 in steps of 0.1 for the equation
given by:
y (t )  2t cos(3t )  sin( t )
2. Write an m-file to input a value for x from the user and print the following:
• If x is in the range 0 ≤ x ≤ 10 print the absolute value of x.
• If x is in the range 0 > x ≥ -10 print x3.
• Otherwise if x is less than 40 but greater than 10 print x!
• Otherwise, print the value of x.
3. Create a new m-file in MATLAB® and copy the code below into it. Name your m-file p3.m.
Run your m-file from the command line and show what it produces. Can you explain this result?
fs = 44100;
T = 1/fs;
f0 = 500;
fmax = fs/2;
terms = fix(fmax/f0);
pts = fix(2/T);
n = 1:pts;
nT = n*T;
w = 2*f0*pi;
saw = zeros(1, length(nT));
for k = 1:terms
saw = saw + 1/(2*k*pi)*sin(k*w*nT);
saw = saw/max(abs(saw));
t = 0:T:(pts - 1)*T;
plot(t, saw);
axis([0 2/f0 -1.5 1.5]);
xlabel('time in seconds');
title('Sawtooth wave in time');