RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 CARNATION, WA 98014 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting April 24, 2012 District Office – Conference Room A/B CALL TO ORDER Mr. Bawden, Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Cherry Valley Elementary students. MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Fletcher Student Representatives: Mr. Koons, Ms. Leslie MEMBERS ABSENT Ms. Oviatt CHERRY VALLEY ELEMENTARY STUDENT PRESENTATION Carrie Bellecourt, Cherry Valley 1st grade teacher, and ASB officers spoke about their current food drive for Hopelink. Kolby Nelson, President, and Brooke Benson, Vice President, presented a PowerPoint on the ASB’s planning, developing and implementing a food drive for the local Hopelink. They set a goal of 500 lbs. and reached that the first week, so changed it to 800 lbs. and reached 809 lbs. in three weeks. Grade levels competed against each other and flyers were sent out on what was needed. The students thanked the Board for the opportunity to present their project. After several questions of the students, the Board thanked the staff, parents and students for coming. PUBLIC HEARING Capital Projects Fund Budget Extension Mr. Adamo explained the budget extension authorizes the amount we can expend by adopting a resolution which will be brought to the Board at the next meeting. Issues and opportunities increased the need for expanding the expenditure of reserve funds in the Capital Projects Fund. The previous bond resolution was modified to enlarge the acceptable use of funds for the Educational Service Center purchase as well as the building of the maintenance/concessions building on the Tolt site and 11 other items. This resolution will allow budget capacity for expenditure of these items. COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Mr. Bawden announced Ms. Oviatt was excused from tonight’s meeting as she was on vacation. He also noted the Board held a Work Study before this meeting on facility use fees. He mentioned the CHS Robotics Team left for St. Louis today for Nationals and wished them well. He met with the Honors Program Review Consultant to talk about the programs. He reminded board members to review their calendars for all the items added through June. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC, Cont. Mrs. Van Noy spoke of an excellent National School Board Association (NSBA) conference in Boston, attended by Mr. Edwards, Ms. Fletcher and herself. There were many excellent sessions and she thoroughly enjoyed speakers Sal Khan and Geoffrey Canada. Mr. Edwards felt the NSBA conference was beyond amazing, with a lot of focus on technology. He was proud of the CHS Robotics Team that presented at Rotary last week before their trip. Ms. Fletcher said she met with Mike Vidos to be brought up to speed on the Strategic Plan. She also learned a lot at the conference. Mr. Robertson mentioned on May 18th, the annual WASA Metro Community Service Recognition will be held at the Puget Sound Educational Service District. This year’s recipient is Kelley Houser, who is in the audience tonight. The Board congratulated her. Hearing of Public Kim Lisk and Kelley Houser, CHS PTSA Co-Presidents, spoke on behalf of the CHS PTSA members. They asked the school board to reconsider their vote on handing out diplomas at graduation this year. They felt the principals are very invested in their students and should do this honor. They researched 17 other high schools on graduation. With no disrespect, they are asking the board to be part of graduation but have the principals hand the diplomas to the students and the school board shake their hands. Student Representative Report Mr. Koons and Ms. Leslie reported on Cedarcrest High School events. ASB officers and representatives received their T-shirts with “I ♥ Cedarcrest.” This Friday is the gratitude assembly run by RAK. ASB just finished their annual “Pennies for Patients” fundraiser, which benefits people with leukemia and lymphoma disease. FFA is sending teams to complete in the State Competition. The teams include dairy food, food sciences, rituals, and farm business management. They are also hosting the CHS Plant Sale this week and next week. DECA officer elections will begin soon and their last event is the Car Show at Safeway on June 2nd. FBLA had multiple teams and individuals place at the State Conference this past week. CHS student, Zach Mabe, has qualified to compete in the business law division at Nationals in San Antonio at the end of June. NHS will hold the last blood drive of the year on May 25th. Other volunteer opportunities are being offered as the year is winding down. TSA is sending 10 students to TSA Nationals in Nashville, Tennessee, representing CHS in fashion design, photography, on demand video, and future technology teacher. RAK has their upcoming gratitude assembly on Friday and this is also RAK Kindness Week. RAK is asking for donations of food, clothing and personal products for Hopelink. VSMA is headed to Vancouver, Washington, for this year’s State Competition and Conference. They will have 5 students competing in speed taping, anatomy, practical diagnosis, and general written tests. -2- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC, Cont. Student Representative Report, Cont. The CHS Robotic Team is headed to the International Competition today in St. Louis, Missouri, and we wish them luck at their first International Competition. The Music Department is very busy with the spring musical “Grease” which runs on April 27, 28, May 3, 4, and 5th. The theatre, music, and art departments have teamed together to make this possible. Drum major auditions and officer elections will take place in the next few weeks. RHYTHM has raised over $8,000 in donations and matching funds to purchase the new grand piano on the CHS stage. Boys’ Baseball has three games left and is currently 10-4. Girls’ Fastpitch is 9-1 after beating South Whidbey tonight by 5-4. Karly Gidlof got the winning run with a double hit, steal for third, and a run to home plate. They have 2 more weeks of regular season games. Boys’ Soccer currently has a record of 8-3, having just beaten South Whidbey 3-1 on Monday. Golf: The boys finished 4th last week in their 3rd match. The girls played today at Suncadia. Track and Field’s next meet is Thursday at Kings High School. There is an invite this Saturday for boys at Shoreline and for girls at Lake Washington. This is the last regular conference meet before conference and districts which are both hosted by Cedarcrest. The District-wide Art Show is at Cedarcrest from 6:00-10:00 PM on April 27 and 28th. CONSENT AGENDA Motion 12-22: To approve the April 24, 2012, Consent Agenda as presented. (Van Noy and Edwards) Unanimous Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for April 10, 2012, and Board Work Study Minutes for April 10, 2012 Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 184704 through 184823 in the amount of $249,624.26, and direct deposits of $15,989.68; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 184824 through 184836 in the amount of $341,908.80; ASB Fund Warrant No. 184837 through 184857 in the amount of $21,394.48, and direct deposits of $301.08; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 184858 through 184860 in the amount of $838.38, and direct deposits of $1,470.57. Total payroll for April 13, 2012, was $39,689.36, which includes direct deposits of $32,216.22. Approval of Personnel Actions Approval of Service Contracts Approval of Budget Status Reports Approval of Donations The Board thanked Cherry Valley, Stillwater and Tolt PTSAs, as well as Riverview Education Foundation for their generous donations. -3- CONSENT AGENDA, Cont. Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Joan Turchin to Edufest Conference for Gifted and Talented Teachers in Boise, Idaho, July 22-27, 2012 Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Kellie Halverson to International Science and Engineering Fair in Pittsburgh, PA, May 12-13, 2012 Approval of $1,000 stipend to Coach Barstaad from CHS Baseball Booster Club OLD BUSINESS 2012-13 Budget Development Mr. Robertson complimented Mr. Adamo on the draft General Fund budget that is two months ahead of schedule. The state lawsuit made a huge difference on the legislators, resulting in no K12 budget reductions. Mr. Adamo explained the 2012-13 figures are, for the most part, firm figures. Revenues are budgeted at $28,981,934 and expenditures at $29,241,826. Even though there appears to be a deficit, this is a balanced budget because included in the expenditures is an enabling budget item to expend designated carryover of $260,621. Mr. Adamo then explained the highlights in creating this budget: Recover expense or revenue deviations to the current fiscal year budget (2011-12) 2012 Levy Lid Rollback Adjustment Adjustment of state Alternative Learning Experience program funding Classified staffing health insurance utilization REA allocations expenses Increase certificated staff overload expenses Additional 84 student FTE revenue from the state Expense changes: Contractual salary and benefit adjustments Staffing Adjustments Building and grounds utility adjustment Program funding adjustments Property and Liability Insurance premiums adjustments Restore prior year reductions Revenue changes: 2013 Levy lid changes Increase in Transportation operating revenue Project additional 30 student FTE revenue from the state -4- Strategic Plan Status Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students Objective 1D: Refine current interventions for all students to support student learning. Task 2: Implement AIMSweb screening for reading for all students in fall, winter, and spring at each elementary site. Task 3: Revise processes in student assistance teams to review school-wide screening data in reading. Dr. Heikkila presented information from elementary principals’ survey and Carnation Elementary Survey on AIMSweb screening in reading. The principal consensus was to continue using AIMSweb in 2012-13, as a great tool for student information based on data. Carnation teachers felt the best thing about moving to an RTI (Response To Intervention) Model this year has been AIMSweb Progress Monitoring of struggling students. Also, having a block instruction schedule (60 minutes of core instruction in literacy and math + 30 minutes intervention time) has helped better meet the needs of struggling learners. Dr. Heikkila also shared AIMSweb charts for Grade 2 at Carnation Elementary showing improvement between fall and winter. Objective 1H: Research and create a process and timeline for approval and implementation of the new legislative mandated (E2SSB) teacher and principal evaluation systems. Task 2: Provide update on progress and any changes to timeline. Janet Gavigan advised the Evaluation Committee has met five times, with two more meetings scheduled this year. Scott Poirier from WEA trained the Evaluation Committee in January on the Teacher and Principal Evaluation Process (TPEP) being implemented across the state, as well as the current status of the law, information on the instructional frameworks, and other pertinent information important to the process. In February, the Committee discussed three frameworks being used in the state and decided on the Danielson Model. The Committee then looked at TPEP sites for samples, created a draft of preliminary rubrics, pre-and-post observation conference documents, and wrote out a purpose statement. At the last meeting, the Committee reviewed the latest state legislation signed on March 9, updated the draft of the evaluation rubric, reviewed all documents created to date, drafted a reflections document, created the outline of the evaluation process, and began to write measures of evidence, artifacts, and student growth data samples. The phase in of the TPEP will begin in 2013-14. Goal 2: Provide a financial process, business practices, and safe facilities to support the improvement of student learning. Objective 2A: Provide a financial process that strengthens student learning despite state funding uncertainties. Task 5: Provide annual audited financial statement to the School Board. Mr. Adamo explained that as part of the audit process, there is an exit conference scheduled with the auditor on May 10th, that includes Ms. Oviatt and Mr. Bawden. After this, the state audit will be sent out and presented to the Board at a regularly scheduled meeting. Objective 2B: Develop and implement a process for future capital projects based on current resources. Task 4: Assist the School Board in prioritizing the desired capital improvement projects and establish an implementation schedule. Mr. Adamo reported the list is completed and the district is moving ahead. -5- Strategic Plan Status, Cont. Objective 2C: Monitor and exercise the Comprehensive Safety Plan. Task 3: Ensure that each school’s emergency disaster container is property supplied. Mr. Adamo reported this task is complete with the assistance of Amanda Landis. This has been a 3-year project that included establishing a list of mandatory minimum inventory disaster supplies, implementing the inventory, and stocking and organizing the supplies in each container. The ongoing steps will be to keep the inventory current and rotated, and to stay on top of the maintenance of containers. Change Orders for Cherry Valley Elementary School Motion 12-23: To approve Cherry Valley Elementary Change Order #17 in the amount of $48,948, and Change Order #18 in the amount of $43,051. (Bawden and Fletcher) Unanimous. Second Reading Policies 2035 Electronic Resources, 3005 Compulsory Attendance; 3008 In-District Attendance Area Boundaries; 3010 In-District Attendance Area Transfers; 3015 Release of Resident Students; 3020 Nonresident Students; and 3110 Nondiscrimination Motion 12-24: To approve Policies 2035, 3005, 3008, 3010, 3015, 3020, and 3110 for Second Reading. (Edwards and Van Noy) Unanimous. NEW BUSINESS REPORTS NSBA Conference Report Board members that attended the conference in Boston requested 20 minutes to present their information at the Work Study on May 8th, inviting Dr. Smith and Mr. Censullo to hear about the technology innovations. The Board also added a Work Study on Highly Capable Programs with the consultant on June 19th at 5:00 PM. Superintendent Report Mr. Robertson reported as follows: 1. Since the last board meeting, I have attended the Cherry Valley Elementary School Literacy High Tea, monthly REA/Superintendent meeting, Board Leadership meeting, and the PSE agreement meeting. 2. Last week, I participated in the lengthy screening process for the next Carnation Elementary School principal and contacted successful candidates which will be interviewed tomorrow. The screening process involved two teachers, another administrator and me. The fourteenmember interview team consists of parents, classified and certified employees, building administration and district office administration. We have five excellent, experienced candidates to interview. -6- Superintendent Report, Cont. 3. A similar screening and interview process will be used to fill the Tolt Middle School principal position. Interviews are scheduled for May 23. 4. The audit exit conference has been scheduled for May 10th. Lori Oviatt and Greg Bawden will represent the school board at the meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mr. Bawden adjourned the April 24, 2012, School Board Meeting at 9:00 PM. __________________________________ Board President __________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -7-