Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
October 26, 2010
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Mr. Bawden, Board President called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance, led by Stillwater Elementary Students.
Mr. Bawden, Ms. Oviatt, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards
Student Representatives: Ms. Bawden, Mr. Koons
Jennifer Santamaria and five of her 5th grade students: Karlie Fox, Trent Bonebrake, Bella Rae,
Devon Munger, and Mason Dunbar shared a movie they are making about how to conduct a
scientific investigation. They briefly discussed the science process which includes a testable
question, prediction, materials, procedure, variables, data, and conclusion. They used Flip
cameras to make the movie but found out that they were not compatible with Windows Movie
Maker for editing. The Board thanked the students, parents, and staff for the very informative
Mr. Bawden noted the Board held a Roundtable last week at Cedarcrest High School with the
Career and Technical Education staff. The Roundtable tonight was with Emergency Service
providers, and the last Roundtable will be on November 2nd with the local Community Colleges.
On November 5th, the Board will hold a Breakfast Work Study at the Raging River Café at 7:00
AM on Board Initiatives.
Mrs. Van Noy reported Ms. Oviatt and she attended the Cascadia Community College’s 10th
anniversary celebration. Tomorrow, they will attend a breakfast at Lake Washington Technical
Mr. Pflugrath said he enjoyed going to the Homecoming Football game and appreciated all the
staff working to manage the event. He also has been invited to the local Cedarcrest advisory
meeting on November 3rd for Career and Technical Education.
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 10-83: To amend the October 26, 2010 Consent Agenda by revising Item C. Approval
of Personnel Actions and Item D. Approval of Service Contracts to reflect current changes.
(Edwards and Van Noy) Unanimous.
Student Representative Report
Glynis Bawden reviewed part of the Student Representative Report as follows:
 ASB members have been reviewing opinions on Homecoming, everything from the
theme to the DJ’s music.
 Brainstorming has begun on future assemblies. Many representatives want to bring back
the holiday trees from a few years ago.
 The sophomore class is holding a Powder Puff football game as a fundraiser on
November 10 at CHS, with girls playing flag football and boys cheerleading.
 FFA: members recently returned from the FFA National Conference in Indianapolis.
 DECA: members have already been active hosting a laser tag event at CHS and many are
currently attending a leadership event.
 FBLA: Six officers and Ms. Bielstein will be heading to Washington, DC, from
November 17-21 to attend the FBLA National Fall Leadership Conference. FBLA
members will attend the November 5 West Central Region Fall Conference in
Marysville. The Pack Shack FBLA student store is doing well and is now on the CHS
website, as well as the entire catalog being sent out through Constant Contact last week.
Sales were strong during homecoming week. Members will soon selling food after
school and have spoken with Kaye Wetli and PTSA to make sure all nutritional
guidelines are followed and that the store will not compete with other groups after school.
 NHS: Invitations have been sent out to prospective members and the new officers have
held the first couple official meetings. The club is encouraging members to join the new
Facebook page as an efficient way to communicate service opportunities.
 TSA: 56 members so far this year! They recently joined with DECA to host a laser tag
social/team building event at CHS. On November 9 the officers and a couple of members
will be traveling to TSA state leadership training at the Microsoft campus. Training will
be given in part by two other CHS TSA members who are also are state president
(Lindsey Bottman) and vice president (Nikki Peck).
Austin Koons continued with the Student Representative Report:
RAK: Last Friday RAK had a club luncheon at Ixtapa. While there, they paid for a
family’s meal which made the family speechless. So far they have done a garbage
cleanup and some of their members volunteered on Make-a-Difference Day. Currently
the club is in the process of ordering tie-dye shirts and preparing for the personal
products drive in November.
 VSMA: Sports Medicine officers will be elected on this Thursday. Currently the club is
accepting t-shirt designs and hoping to schedule some fundraisers for the year.
 Football: The football team plays on Thursday this week. This will be senior night. After
losing to Lakewood last Friday, Cedarcrest is currently ranked 3rd in their conference. If
the team beats Granite Falls on Thursday, CHS will travel up North to begin play-offs. If
the team loses on Thursday, this Saturday CHS will host a tie breaker to determine what
team moves on to play-offs.
Student Representative Report Cont.
Cross country: Both the boys’ and girls’ teams were league champions at the conference
meet last Saturday. This coming Saturday, October 30, is the District meet at South
Whidbey where both teams have a good chance of making it to state. If they qualify, this
will be the 4th year in a row the girls qualified and the first year for the boys.
Girls’ Soccer: The girls won their senior night last Saturday and play tomorrow at
Whatcom Community College against Squalicum. They are currently ranked 4 th and if
they win on Saturday, they will begin Districts.
Volleyball: Tonight is senior night for the volleyball team against Sultan. This is their last
game of the season. If they win tonight they will end their season 4-10 which is an
improvement from last year!
Motion 10-84: To approve the October 26, 2010 Consent Agenda as amended. (Oviatt and
Edwards) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for October 12, 2010
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 178215 through 178311 in the amount of $305,724.85, No. 178380 in
the amount of $1,316.34, No. 178382 in the amount of $128.18, and direct deposits of
$11,392.88; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 178212 through 178214 in the amount of
$172,141.26, No. 178312 through 178348 in the amount of $2,784,026.04, and direct deposits of
$61.35; ASB Fund Warrant No. 178349 through 178377 in the amount of $17,566.15, No.
178381 in the amount of $30.09, No. 178383 in the amount of $4.85, and direct deposits of
$297.57; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 178378 through 178379 in the amount of
$516.30, and direct deposits of $1,055.00. Total payroll for October 15, 2010 was $32,050.04,
which includes General Fund Warrant No. 178211 in the amount of $244.59, and direct deposits
of $25,168.80.
Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended
Approval of Service Contracts, as amended
The Board noted the generous contract of $1.00 per year for a grand piano for Cedarcrest High
School Music Program.
Approval of Donations
The Board acknowledged the generous donation from Tolt Middle School PTSA.
Construction Update
Sean Ryan, Heery International, updated the Board on Construction projects.
Construction Update, Cont.
Carnation Elementary Modernization
In the 1980’s wing classrooms, drywall installation has been completed and painting is
ongoing. Casework installation is ongoing in the classrooms and faculty lounge. Light
fixture installation is ongoing. Plumbing fixtures installation is nearing completion.
Carpet installation for the 1980’s wing will be completed in the beginning of November.
Based on the structural engineer’s on-site observations, the roofing structure for the
kitchen is being replaced. Mr. Ryan said he should have preliminary costs on this by the
next update.
Cedarcrest High School Baseball Field and Miscellaneous Improvements
Excavation of the new storm water detention pond has been completed.
Fence posts at the softball field have been installed.
The concrete block walls for the dugouts for the baseball field have been installed.
Installation of the concrete block walls for the softball field dugouts has started.
Fill and grading for the baseball field has been completed.
Installation of the new irrigation lines is ongoing at the crib block wall.
Installation of the new sub-drainage lines has started.
CDK has started work on placing the remaining baseball bleacher footings.
Fire line installation is nearing completion.
Cherry Valley Elementary Additions and Modernization
Grading of the east access road to Third Avenue NE is ongoing. The contractor is
preparing to pour curbs to allow for the road paving activities to follow.
Framing for the cafeteria addition is ongoing.
Classroom remodeling of the 1980 wing is ongoing, with interior framing, enlargement of
existing window openings, HVAC, and electrical system upgrades.
Riverview Learning Center
50th Street is now open for use.
Installation of the underground utilities has been completed.
The building slab has been installed
Framing of the building is expected to start in the coming month.
Installation of the on-site walkway sidewalks and curbs is ongoing.
Grading of the new parking lot and fire loop has been completed.
F-196 2009-2010 Year End Fiscal Report (Appendix B)
Mr. Adamo reported that the actual 2009-2010 General Fund ending fund balance was within
$2600 from the projected ending fund balance. The district is right on track for the 2010-11
projected ending fund balance. He noted the F196 Year End Report is the Financial Statement
for all of the district funds. However, the Statement is unaudited. The State Auditor will start
our audit for 2009-10 in mid-November.
Levy Rollback Resolution
Mr. Adamo explained the 2011 General Fund Educational Programs Maintenance and
Operations Excess Levy cannot exceed limitations imposed by RCW 84.52.0531, and any
amount of such excess levy authorized by the voters must be reduced. This Resolution reduces
the collection for the 2011 tax year by $13,000.
Motion 10-85: To adopt Resolution 10-16 reducing the Educational Programs Maintenance and
Operations Excess levy for 2011 collection by $13,000. (Oviatt and Edwards) Unanimous.
Strategic Plan Status
Goal 1: Increase the academic achievement of all students.
Objective 1A: Continue implementation of increased Student Learning Protocols and Learning
Targets district-wide.
Task 1: Schedule training opportunities. Dr. Smith reported Student Learning Protocols
and Learning Targets are in year four. He spoke with principals today and all are doing
work in this area, including visitations to other districts, specific training and overall
Objective 1B: Improve K-12 district-wide assessment score averages in reading, writing, math,
and science by spring of 2011.
Task 2: Continue K-12 Measurement of Academic Progress (MAP) online assessment
system to increase student academic progress in mathematics. Create a plan for sharing
timely information with parents and students. Dr. Smith reported teachers have started
doing intentional parent communications and continue to manipulate the data. The
middle school shared information with all parents; the elementary schools are mixed; and
the high school is using the information as a department to determine what’s going on
with the student and where to go for intervention or help.
Task 3: Provide ongoing staff development opportunities for new math curriculum
adoption, and recommend math professional development model. Dr. Smith noted an
excellent meeting was held with all the elementary teachers on October 22 nd. They had a
presentation from Lisa Taylor on technology tools and resources; from Wendy Ward on
the Curriculum-at-a-Glance website; and Dr. Smith outlined his expectations for
implementation of the Math Adoption Committee work. The second part of the inservice
was table talk on professional development needs and any questions about curriculum.
At the end of the day, the elementary staff showed a high level of sophistication in
Student Learning. The secondary level still needs time together as departments to discuss
Strategic Plan Status, Cont.
Goal 2: Provide a financial process, business practices, and safe facilities to support the
improvement of student learning.
Objective 2C: Monitor and exercise the Comprehensive Safety Plan.
Task 2: Define minimum standards for containers (and inventory rotation) of each
school’s disaster container supplies and periodically inspect for compliance. Mr. Adamo
noted the District had hired Amanda Lantis to evaluate all our emergency preparedness
containers. Ms. Lantis helped establish a baseline inventory required for each container.
This inventory was reviewed by the administration and it was decided that the District
would provide the baseline inventory through the General Fund. This would allow
uniformity for all containers. Mr. Adamo shared an Excel spreadsheet that identified
inventory by number of staff and students at each location.
Objective 2D: Implement an annual district policy review process.
Task 1: Develop list of policy documents to review in 2010/2011. Mr. Robertson
reported that Series 2000 Instruction would be reviewed this year.
Superintendent Report
1. Mr. Robertson thanked the School Board for their attendance at last week’s Roundtable with
the Career & Technical Education staff from Cedarcrest High School and Tolt Middle School
and this evening’s Roundtable with Emergency Services Organizations. The last roundtable
will be next Tuesday evening with Community Colleges.
2. Since the October 12th Board meeting, he has participated in the following meetings: weekly
construction meetings for the Riverview Learning Center, Carnation Elementary, Cherry
Valley Elementary and the Cedarcrest Fields/Seating/Parking lots; Board Leadership
meeting, monthly REA Leadership/Superintendent meeting, Arts and Career and Technical
Education Roundtables and a meeting with Cascadia College President, Dr. Eric Murray.
3. On Friday, October 22nd there was no school due to Riverview staff attending training at one
of the following training sessions:
CE, SW & CV teachers – Math Expressions Training
PARADE, ERMA, PAT, elementary teachers – Math Connects Training
Middle School teachers & specialists – Learning Target overview
CHS Language Arts teachers – District Writing Assessment Scoring
K-12 teachers – Lesson Planning Software Training
K-12 teachers – SOAR Version 2
Superintendent Report, Cont.
4. He thanked Lori Oviatt and Danny Edwards for attending the recent Duvall Rotary meeting
to listen to the legislative candidates for District # 45.
There being no further business, Mr. Bawden adjourned the October 26, 2010 School Board
Meeting at 8:35 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.