Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
February 22, 2011
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards
Ms. Oviatt announced the Board held a Work Study tonight from 5:00-6:50 PM on the
preliminary budget, legislative conference, and classified employees’ week. She also noted the
two student representatives were excused for this Board meeting as they are on mid-winter
break. The Board and student representatives, along with the superintendent, will be attending
the WSSDA Legislative Conference in Olympia on February 27th and 28th.
Ms. Oviatt congratulated Austin Koons, Cody Paxman, Carlos Toledano, and Nick Decker on
advancing to the state wrestling tournament. She also noted that the Cedarcrest Boys’ Basketball
team is also going to the state tournament for the first time since 1956. They will play against
Franklin-Pierce in Stanwood on Friday at 5:45 PM.
Ms. Oviatt thanked Leanne Christiansen for the wonderful Letter to the Editor in the River
Current News regarding Board appreciation.
She mentioned the Riverview Education Foundation’s Auction will be held on March 5 th, as well
as the CHS Senior Class Casino Night fundraiser.
Mr. Bawden asked the Board if members wanted to attend the April 21st WSSDA Regional
Meeting in Burien.
Mrs. Van Noy announced she would not be at the March 8th or 22nd Board meetings as she has
United Way obligations. She said she is still trying to get an appointment for the Legislative
Conference in Olympia with Sam Reed and Brad Owen.
Mr. Pflugrath said he attended the Career and Technical Education Engineering Advisory
Committee meeting at a very interesting machine shop for extremely large products in South
Mr. Edwards noted that he and Mr. Pflugrath attended the Audit Exit Conference and he was
very proud of the excellent audit outcome, mentioning the auditor said we are “so good
compared to other districts.”
Mr. Edwards congratulated Jared Klingenberg for his full school scholarship to the University of
Idaho and to Brenna Eldredge and Jessica Beam for their intent to run cross country and track for
Everett Community College next year. Also, he noted that third baseman, Tommy Edwards, will
be starting for Green River Community College.
Motion 11-14: To approve the February 22, 2011, Consent Agenda as presented. (Pflugrath and
Van Noy) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for February 8, 2011
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 179675 through 179823 in the amount of $150,567.55, and direct
deposits of $7,726.78; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 179824 through 179832 in the amount
of $588,934.88, and direct deposits of $200.82; ASB Fund Warrant No. 179833 through 179850
in the amount of $8,564.77, and direct deposits of $368.33; and Private Purpose Trust Fund
Warrant No. 179851 through 179853 in the amount of $222.09, and direct deposits of $895.50.
Total payroll for February 15, 2011, was $27,503.88, which includes direct deposits of
Approval of Personnel Actions
Approval of Service Contracts
Approval of Budget Status Reports
Strategic Plan Status
Goal 2: Provide a financial process, business practices, and safe facilities to support the
improvement of student learning.
Objective 2A: Ensure the financial integrity of the district.
Task 6: Provide annual financial reports to the School Board. Mr. Adamo noted the
annual F-196 Year End Financial report was presented in November to the Board and the
audited financial statements should be available shortly.
Task 7: Update on an annual basis the web-published “citizens” budget which includes
an analysis that demonstrates the district’s commitment to student learning. Mr. Adamo
showed the district webpage for the “citizens” budget with current financial information.
He noted that it also showed that 92% of spending is either directly or indirectly spent on
student learning.
Strategic Plan Status, Cont.
Goal 3: Provide Human Resources and Communication practices to improve student
Objective 3B: Continue to implement the district’s Communications Plan.
Task 1: Create communications plan based on external audit results. Dr. Smith reported
the 2008-10 two-year plan was rolled over to 2010-12 after reviewing the
communication’s audit results. He has put the audit results into a 5-year plan, folding in
all the recommendations. However, he does not recommend the hiring of a full-time
communication’s director as noted in the plan. The focus for next year will be on
designing an internal stakeholder survey for next fall, modifying the Staff E-Letter for
external use, and also working on retooling the district website.
Task 2: Review/implement “best practice” of public schools’ communications systems.
Dr. Smith noted we are continuing to follow the plan. One area that is not mentioned in
our plan is to address expanding social media in the district.
Second Reading, Revised Policies 2015 Program Compliance; 2020 Program Evaluation; 2030
Curriculum Development; 2055 Interscholastic Activities; 4035 Complaints Concerning Staff or
Programs; 5005 Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action; 5080 Military Leave; 6580
Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying; 6590 Sexual Harassment
Motion 11-15: To approve Policies 2015, 2020, 2030, 2055, 4035, 5005, 5080, 6580 and 6590
for Second Reading. (Van Noy and Pflugrath) Unanimous.
First Reading, Revised Policy 3020, Nonresident Students
Motion 11-16: To approve Policy 3020 for First Reading. (Van Noy and Edwards) Discussion
followed on clarifying language for employee’s children and other non-resident children before
Second Reading. Unanimous.
Construction Report
Mr. Robertson presented the Construction Report, along with Mr. Adamo.
Tolt Middle School/Transportation Department
Storm Drainage, Parking and Paving Improvements
This project includes:
Installation of storm drainage and paving improvements to the main (west) parking lot
Grade and repave area between B, C, D, and E buildings
Add paved parking and storm drainage at existing gravel parking lot
Expand existing paving for additional parking north of baseball field
Grind existing asphalt paving and apply new asphalt overlay at bus garage and access
road adjacent to City Park.
Project design is in progress by the architect/engineer design team; the SEPA checklist
development is in progress by Heery International.
Construction Report, Cont.
Carnation Elementary School Modernization
Northwest Construction and its subcontractors took advantage of the mid-winter break to
make punch-list corrections.
Commissioning of the building HVAC system is approximately 90% complete and is
expected to be completed by the end of February.
Cedarcrest High School Baseball/Softball Fields and Miscellaneous Improvements
Following the completion of the ten grandstand roof columns on the football field, the
cantilevered structural steel beams and pan deck roofing have been completed.
Installation of new bleacher footings and piers has been completed for the additional 400
seats on the visitor side of the football field.
Installation of fencing at the JV dugouts and varsity/JV bullpens is nearing completion
Installation of infield skin mix has been completed at the varsity/JV softball fields.
Construction of the west parking area is ongoing.
City of Duvall has approved foundation and plumbing plans for the concession booth and
restrooms at the baseball/softball fields. CDK Construction is expected to begin
excavating within the next two weeks.
CDK is proceeding with concrete and asphalt paving surrounding the varsity softball
Cherry Valley Elementary Additions and Modernization
Construction of the east access road to 3rd Avenue NE has been temporarily suspended
pending suitable weather conditions.
Interior painting at the cafeteria/kitchen addition is complete except for interior
Installation of acoustical ceiling tile is complete at the addition.
Exterior stucco siding installation is in progress at the addition.
Remodeling and modernization at Classrooms 11-14 and 22-24 is ongoing
Extended Day Portable has new walkway with railings, built up to go over pooling of
Administrative offices being relocated to finish work on new offices.
Riverview Learning Center
Framing, roofing and installation of new curbs and sidewalks are complete.
Rough-in of HVAC, plumbing, fire suppression, and electrical systems are ongoing.
Exterior masonry and siding installation is in-progress.
Installation of windows and exterior doors is complete.
Interior dehumidifying is in progress in preparation of insulation and drywall.
One issue arose regarding the theft of copper tubing from the interior rooms, which has
been rectified with the finishing of the building doors and windows.
Superintendent Report
Mr. Robertson reported the following:
The Board and Superintendent are invited to preview the new Brightwater
Environmental Education & Community Center on March 10th at 3:00 PM. Mr.
Bawden and possibly other Board members were interested.
He thanked Mr. Pflugrath and Mr. Edwards for attending the Audit Exit Conference
and for their kind comments.
He mentioned the great article by a parent in the River Current News on the 2011
Math Competition with Cedarcrest Math Team taking 6th place.
Mr. Robertson thanked the Board for permitting him to attend the AASA National
Conference in Denver on February 17-19, 2011. Some of the headline speakers were
Diane Ravitch, research professor and author; Michael Fullan, an international leader
on educational change; and Darrell Scott, founder of Rachel’s Challenge. This year’s
convention ranked among the best AASA conferences over the past twenty five years.
In 2013 the AASA and National School Board Conferences will be held jointly.
Thank you to Greg Bawden and Dan Pflugrath for attending or judging the Cedarcrest
High School Engineering Fair on February 12th. It was once again a very successful
event with the opportunity for the CHS students to show their talents in the science
and engineering fields. It was also gratifying to see the number of judges from our
community share their expertise with our students.
As a reminder, this is a busy week at Cedarcrest High School beginning Thursday,
February 24, at 6:30 PM with 8th Grade Parent Orientation Night in the theatre. The
boys’ basketball team qualified for their first state basketball tournament since 1956
and will begin the playoffs in Stanwood on Friday, February 25th against Franklin
Pierce. On Saturday, February 26, the Cedarcrest Music Department, supported by
RHYTHM and a grant from the WASC Arts in Education Program, is holding a
Benefit Concert to raise money to purchase musical instruments.
Legislative Report
Mr. Edwards, Legislative Representative, thanked the Board for contacting their legislators. He
noted all appointments are set for the Legislative Conference this weekend. Mr. Edwards asked
the Board if they would sign a petition stating the following and the Board all agreed to:
“We, as members of the Washington State School Directors’ Association and elected
members of local school boards, strongly oppose any legislative action which weakens or
eliminates WSSDA as an independent state agency funded by local school districts and
representing the needs of local communities and their students.”
Mr. Edwards reported that eleven bills passed out of the House Education Committee on
February 17th. He highlighted a few:
SHB 1330 – high school assessments: The original bill included changes to math and
science assessments. The amendment would require students in the graduating classes of
2013 and 2014 to meet the state standard in math using only one end-of-course
Legislative Report, Cont.
SHB 1412 – math assessments: The bill would require students to take only one math
assessment in 2013 and 2014.
SHB 1510 – kindergarten readiness: The amended bill would allow parents or legal
guardians to opt out of the readiness assessment and allows for a “bias” review on the
assessment process.
Some of the following bills were amended and passed out of committee on February 21st:
SHB 1232 - would suspend I-732 and teacher COLAs. An amendment would require
that COLAs in the 2013-15 and 2015-17 biennia would be brought current and provided
for in four payments. In addition, another amendment would make the bonus provided to
National Board Certified teachers in high poverty schools subject to amounts
appropriated in the budget.
2SHB 1443 – would implement recommendations by the Quality Education Council.
The bill also would replace the current 150-hour seat time requirement and would have
school districts adopt a policy that defines a high school credit to meet state and local
graduation requirements. An amendment passed that would clarify that the high school
credit could be based on a seat-time definition, demonstrated competencies, or some
combination that is clearly explained in the policy.
2SHB 1593 – would create an alternative route to principal certification. Rep. Santos
offered several amendments, including making mentoring required for at least one full
school year and that provisional certificate holders would demonstrate some progress
toward completing an alternative route program to maintain their certificate. A similar
bill, SB 5667, had a public hearing on Monday in the Senate Early Learning and K-12
Education Committee, with a mix of support and opposition.
Public testimony on SSB 5639 was heard today in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.
This is Gov. Gregoire’s proposal to restructure the education system by creating a
department of education.
Also on the docket was SB 5829, which was introduced on February 18 by Senator
McAuliffe. This 30-page bill would give school districts “flexibility to implement
reductions in compensation” and to allow school districts to have limited authority to
waive the hour and day requirements found in the state’s basic education definition.
Mr. Edwards asked for the Board to email him with ideas on what’s going good in the district so
he can speak about Riverview at the Legislative Committee Meeting.
There being no further business, Ms. Oviatt adjourned the February 22, 2011, School Board
meeting at 8:20 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.