Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
January 11, 2011
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Ms. Oviatt, Board President, called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards
Student Representatives: Ms. Bawden
Ms. Oviatt stated the Board meeting was moved up tonight from 7:00 PM to 6:00 PM, due to
snowy weather predictions. This was advertised on the Riverview website’s front page.
Ms. Oviatt reminded Board members of Cedarcrest’s Senior Projects on Friday, January 21st.
She also noted the Board held a breakfast work study on Friday, January 7, 2011, at the Raging
River Café in Fall City.
Ms. Oviatt noted the current agenda item for recognition of National Board Certified Teachers
has been postponed to the January 25, 2011 Board meeting, due to weather conditions this
Mrs. Van Noy mentioned she and Ms. Oviatt would be attending a Board Leadership meeting
with the superintendent on January 21st at 7:00 AM. Mrs. Van Noy would also be attending a
WSSDA Board Meeting in Olympia on January 21st and 22nd.
Mrs. Van Noy mentioned Mr. Robertson, Mike Vidos, and she attended Greg Bawden’s moving
up ceremony to Battalion Chief at the Duvall Fire Station on January 10th. Everyone spoke very
highly of Greg’s work.
Mr. Bawden announced he would not be at the January 25th Board meeting or Work Study as he
will be out of the state for work.
Mr. Edwards noted he attended his second WSSDA Legislative Committee meeting on Saturday,
January 8th and will report later on legislative updates.
Mr. Pflugrath reminded the Board of the upcoming Cedarcrest High School Science Fair on
Saturday, February 12th, and that Cedarcrest is looking for judges. He has volunteered to judge.
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 11-01: To amend the January 11, 2011 Agenda by adding one item under REPORTS,
Legislative Update. (Edwards and Van Noy) Unanimous.
Motion 11-02: To approve the January 11, 2011 Consent Agenda as presented. (Van Noy and
Bawden) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for December 14, 2010 and Board Work
Study Minutes for December 14, 2010
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 178999 through 179074 in the amount of $106,055.13, No. 179104
through 179182 in the amount of $168,724.74 and direct deposits of $12,515.77; Capital Projects
Fund Warrant No. 179075 through 179083 in the amount of $534,459.39, No. 179183 through
179189 in the amount of $591,993.06, and direct deposits of $1,529.78; ASB Fund Warrant No.
179084 through No. 179098 in the amount of $9,426.36, No. 179190 through 179194 in the
amount of $2,232.89, and direct deposits of $303.28; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant
No. 179099 through 179100 in the amount of $1,559.82, No. 179195 through 179202 in the
amount of $4,472.49, and direct deposits of $9,608.10. Total payroll for December 15, 2010 and
December 29, 2010 was $1,931,942.50, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 178998 and
No. 179203 through 179280 in the amount of $639,057.23, and direct deposits of $961,023.91.
Approval of Personnel Actions
Approval of Service Contracts
National Board Certified Teacher Recognition
This item was postponed until January 25, 2011 meeting.
Board Leadership Initiatives Progress Report
The Board agreed to change the completion dates on Initiative 3 and 4 to reflect February 28,
2011. They also agreed to hold a work study on January 18th from 5:30-7:00 PM on Initiatives
#1, #6, and #7. Ms. Oviatt reported research is being done on Initiative #4 through WSSDA.
Second Reading, Policy 4055, Release of Information Concerning Sexual and Kidnapping
Motion 11-03:
To approve Policy 4055 for Second Reading.
(Edwards and Bawden)
Board Agenda Topics
The Board changed the Board Leadership meetings with the Superintendent to the 3 rd Friday of
each month, beginning at 7:00 AM. However, for February, the meeting will be held on
February 15th, as Mr. Robertson will be attending the AASA Conference.
First Reading Policy 4020, Use of Tobacco and Nicotine Substances
Motion 11-04: To approve Policy 4020 for First Reading. (Edwards and Van Noy) Unanimous.
Enrollment Report
Mr. Robertson reported enrollment is down 4.11 FTE students for January. The overall loss of
40.45 FTE from budget will reflect a $200,000 loss in anticipated revenue.
Superintendent Report
1. Since returning from the winter break, Mr. Robertson has participated in the following
meetings: the weekly construction meeting for the Riverview Learning Center, CHS
Fields/Seating/Parking, Carnation Elementary and Cherry Valley Elementary; architectural
design meetings for TMS and Transportation paving projects; City of Carnation staff; OSPI
video conference on the Governor’s proposed budget; Center for Collaborative Support; and
the ceremony for Greg Bawden’s promotion to Battalion Chief.
2. Mr. Robertson reported we have received the draft property survey results for the districtowned property east of the CHS stadium and north and east of Eagle Rock Multi-Age.
Although the survey information is being analyzed further, it appears that the property will
be suitable for a future construction site to accommodate future growth in the district. As a
reminder, we would need to increase enrollment by at least 400 additional students and
would need additional revenue to staff and operate an additional school. With the sizable
cuts by the legislature over the past two years and the December Special Session, the state
has cut the Riverview School District by over $2,000,000. It also appears that the legislature
is intending to further reduce education funding in the session that began yesterday.
3. The Riverview Education Foundation met last evening to select the successful grant
recipients for 2011. They will attend the January 25th board meeting to have the Board
approve the successful grants for 2011.
4. We received good news at our January 5th meeting with the staff at the City of Carnation. It
appears that our plans to repave the parking lots and driveways at the Transportation and
Maintenance departments and Tolt Middle School can be accomplished during summer
vacation. We also intend to pave and expand the number of parking spaces at the present
gravel parking area at the TMS fields and stadium for school and community events. This
project is again part of the bond issue that the voters supported in 2007.
Legislative Report
Mr. Edwards, Board Legislative Representative, passed out a list of Standing Committees and
members for the House and Senate. He noted Senator Andy Hill, from our area, is on every
education committee.
He also noted that the House Education Committee Chair is
Representative Santos from Seattle.
Mr. Edwards noted after Governor Gregoire came out with her statement on education proposals,
Jonelle Adams, WSSDA Executive Director, wrote “As these proposals are considered, WSSDA
will work to ensure that the local citizens’ voice in our education system is supported and
encouraged.” He encouraged Board Members to frequently visit the WSSDA website to review
Marie Sullivan’s Legislative Update. This provides up-to-date legislative information for talking
with our legislators.
He also noted, as a WSSDA Legislative Committee Member, he will have access to a website
that tracks education bills in order to stay up to date on proposals.
Ms. Oviatt recessed the January 11, 2011 Board Meeting at 6:45 PM for thirty minutes in order
for the Board to tour the newly remodeled classrooms at Carnation Elementary School.
Ms. Oviatt called the meeting back to order at 7:10 PM. There being no further business, Ms.
Oviatt adjourned the January 11, 2011 Board Meeting at 7:10 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.