Riverview School District #407 Report Card Carnation Elementary School Student Name: Marcela Alvarez Teacher: Vanessa Hair School Year: 2012-13 Grade Level: Kindergarten ATTENDANCE ADDITIONAL PROGRAMS 1 Present Absent Tardy 1 67 7 0 2 0 0 0 2 Individual Education Program (IEP) Title 1, Learning Assistance Program (LAP) English Language Learner (ELL) ACADEMIC STANDARDS SCORING GUIDE 4 Demonstrates Deep Command of Knowledge & Skills 3 Demonstrates Sufficient Command of Knowledge & Skills 2 Demonstrates Partial Command of Knowledge & Skills 1 Demonstrates Minimal Command of Knowledge & Skills Other Marks + = Slightly Above - = Slightly Below Transfer of learning to With help, partial more complex content & The standard/learning Simpler content, details, X = Introduced thinking, including target: content, details, vocabulary, procedures, understanding of some processes, & skills, of the simpler & more deeper conceptual vocabulary, concepts NA = Not Addressed understanding & procedures, processes, including foundational complex content, details, knowledge & concepts, vocabulary, concepts, MC = Modified applications that go & skills (simple & complex) explicitly explicitly taught in class procedures, processes, beyond what is explicitly Curriculum taught in class & skills taught in class CITIZENSHIP and WORK STUDY HABITS SCORING GUIDE 4 Exceeds Expectations 3 Meets Expectations 2 Working Toward Expectations 1 Below Expectations Student consistently & independently exceeds expectations Student frequently meets expectations with minimal assistance Student occasionally meets expectations & requires moderate assistance & redirection Student rarely meets expectations & requires considerable assistance & redirection CITIZENSHIP and WORK STUDY HABITS 1 Demonstrates effort toward quality Follows school & classroom rules Seeks help appropriately & is a self-directed learner Demonstrates effective organizational skills Marcela Alvarez 2 1 2 Uses time wisely & completes assignments on time Completes homework on time Evaluates work & sets goals Kindergarten 1 ACADEMIC STANDARDS SCORING GUIDE 4 3 2 1 + Demonstrates Deep Demonstrates Sufficient Demonstrates Partial Demonstrates Minimal Command of Knowledge Command of Knowledge Command of Knowledge Command of Knowledge X & Skills & Skills & Skills & Skills NA READING WRITING 1 Key Ideas & Details: asks/answers questions, makes connections, retells familiar stories, identifies the main topic, and identifies character, setting, events, & ideas using details Craft & Structure: asks/ answers questions about unknown words, recognizes common types of text, identifies front cover, back cover, & title page, names/defines role of the author/illustrator Integration of Knowledge & Ideas: describes the relationship between illustrations & the story/text, identifies reasons an author gives to support points, compares/contrasts the experiences of characters & two texts on the same topic Range of Reading & Complexity of Text: engages actively in group reading activities with purpose & understanding Print Concepts: follows words left to right, top to bottom, & page by page, recognizes that words are represented by letters & are separated by spaces, recognizes & names all upper/lowercase letters Phonological Awareness: counts, pronounces, blends, & segments syllables, recognizes & produces rhyming words, blends/segments onsets & rimes, isolates initial, medial vowel, & final sounds, adds or substitutes sounds to make new words Phonics & Word Recognition: understands letter-sound correspondences, associates long/short vowel sounds with common spellings, reads sight words, finds differences in similarly spelled words Fluency: reads emergent-reader texts with purpose & understanding Marcela Alvarez = Slightly Above = Slightly Below = Introduced = Not Addressed 2 1 2 1 2 Text Types & Purposes: uses drawings, dictations, & writing to compose opinion, informative, explanatory, & narrative pieces including ideas & organization at grade level Production & Distribution of Writing: responds to questions/suggestions, adds detail, uses technology to produce, publish, & collaborate with others Research to Build & Present Knowledge: participates in shared research & writing projects, recalls information from experiences/sources to answer a question LANGUAGE Conventions of Standard English: uses correct formation of many letters, grade level appropriate grammar, punctuation, capitalization, & spelling Vocabulary Acquisition & Use: clarifies the meaning of unknown & multiple-meaning words/phrases using new meanings of familiar words, inflections, & affixes, understands word relationships, uses new words/phrases SPEAKING AND LISTENING 1 2 Comprehension & Collaboration: participates in collaborative conversations, follows rules, converses through multiple exchanges, asks/answers questions to seek help, get information, request clarification, & confirm understanding Presentation of Knowledge & Ideas: describes familiar ideas with details, drawings or other visuals, speaks audibly & expresses ideas clearly Kindergarten 2 ACADEMIC STANDARDS SCORING GUIDE 4 3 2 1 + Demonstrates Deep Demonstrates Sufficient Demonstrates Partial Demonstrates Minimal Command of Knowledge Command of Knowledge Command of Knowledge Command of Knowledge X & Skills & Skills & Skills & Skills NA MATHEMATICS SCIENCE 1 2 Mathematical Practices: solves problems, reasons mathematically, constructs arguments, uses models, uses tools strategically, attends to precision, uses structure, recognizes patterns Counting & Cardinality: counts to 100 by 1s and 10s starting at a given number, writes & represents numbers 0 to 20, counts to tell the number of objects, identifies greater than, less than, or equal to groups of objects & written numbers 1 to 10 Operations & Algebraic Thinking: represents & solves addition/subtraction problems within 10, decompose numbers 10 or less into pairs, & adds to a number to make 10 using a variety of concrete strategies, adds/subtracts fluently within 5 Number & Operations in Base Ten: composes/decomposes numbers 11-19 into ten ones & further ones using objects or drawings & records using drawings or equations Measurement & Data: describes & compares measurable attributes of length and weight, classifies & counts objects by category, sorts by the number of objects in categories Geometry: describes objects by shape/position, identifies shapes by name & dimensionality, analyzes & compares 2-D & 3-D shapes by size, orientation, parts, & attributes, models & draws shapes in the world, composes simple shapes to form larger shapes 1 2 Skills: Systems, Inquiry, & Application * Systems: understands that living & non-living things are made up of parts that have names & can be taken apart with or without damage * Inquiry: asks questions, explains how models represent real things, records and reports observations, repeats observations for reliability, reports honestly & accurately * Application: solves simple problems by counting, measuring, classifying, selecting & using common tools/materials, and/or developing two possible solutions Concepts: Physical, Earth & Space, & Life Science * Physical Science: describes position, motion, & the effects of forces on objects, describes motion as a change in position & forces as pushes & pulls * Earth/Space Science: understands that objects in the sky such as clouds change frequently while objects such as the sun follow a pattern * Life Science: understands that living things have basic needs that are met in various ways, identifies the parts & function of plants to classify plants into smaller groups SOCIAL STUDIES 1 2 Skills: * Asks questions about the classroom & school community, states own view points, listens to view points of others & evaluates for fairness, retells & explains personal history Concepts: Civics & History *Civics: applies fairness when making choices, understands the purpose of rules, identifies the people who make & enforce the rules in the classroom & school community *History: creates timelines to show personal events THE ARTS HEALTH 1 2 Concepts: Visual & Theater * Visual: participates in creative art making processes, uses step by step process to produce artwork, develops observational, fine motor, and sensory skills, shares ideas & explains artwork * Theater: participates in creative dramatics, storytelling, puppetry, and/or dramatic play, enacts stories using voice & movement Marcela Alvarez = Slightly Above = Slightly Below = Introduced = Not Addressed 1 2 Concepts: * Recognizes healthy & non-healthy foods & how they help/harm body (importance of breakfast), names the five senses & their functions Kindergarten 3 ACADEMIC STANDARDS SCORING GUIDE 4 3 2 1 + Demonstrates Deep Demonstrates Sufficient Demonstrates Partial Demonstrates Minimal Command of Knowledge Command of Knowledge Command of Knowledge Command of Knowledge X & Skills & Skills & Skills & Skills NA MUSIC TECHNOLOGY 1 2 Integrations, Digital Citizenship, & Operation of Systems * Integration: gathers/organizes information, produces digital products (uses a drawing program), uses digital content (responds to a video), analyzes, shares learning, & works with others to convey ideas (uses document camera and interactive whiteboard) * Digital Citizenship: practices safe, responsible, and respectful sharing of information * Operation of Systems: uses both hands & thumbs (space bar) on keyboard 1 2 Participation: participates & cooperates effectively in class & at programs Skills: echoes pitches, dynamics, beats, & rhythms, explores & discovers pitch, melody, dynamics, tempo, & sound sources with voices, bodies, & instruments, discovers a variety of rhymes, music, & songs, develops singing & playing skills Dance: (Not Graded) learns locomotor and non-locomotor skills, discovers self and general space LIBRARY PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1 Demonstrates skills in listening, participation, & self-management = Slightly Above = Slightly Below = Introduced = Not Addressed 2 1 2 Participation: uses social skills & strategies to attempt and practice a variety of physical activities Skill: Showing mastery of grade level movement skills and concepts Safety: uses knowledge & skills to safely participate in a variety of physical activities TEACHER COMMENTS Semester 1 Semester 2 Marcela Alvarez Kindergarten 4