Northwest Portable Classroom Project Retrofit Guidelines for the Pacific Northwest March 31, 2003 WSUCEEP03_068 Washington State University Extension Energy Program 925 Plum Street SE P.O. Box 43165 Olympia, WA 98504-3165 Disclaimer: These guidelines were prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States government. Neither the United States government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States government or any agency thereof. BUILDING AMERICA EFFICIENT PORTABLE CLASSROOM PROGRAM RETROFIT GUIDELINES FOR THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Purpose: To ensure the most energy-efficient operation of existing portable classrooms by providing efficient and cost-effective envelope, air sealing and control measures. Implementation of these guidelines will help ensure lowest life cycle costs, maintain acceptable indoor air quality and comfort standards while providing a suitable learning environment. These guidelines have been developed with support from the US Department of Energy’s Building America Program partners and the Oregon Office of Energy, the Idaho Energy Division of the Department of Water Resources and Washington State University Energy Program. Additional information is available at: Technical assistance regarding these guidelines is available from: • • • Washington State University Energy Program - Michael McSorley: (360) 956-2008 Idaho Department of Water Resources, Energy Division – Bob Minter: (208) 327-7970 Oregon Office of Energy – Betty Merrill/Justin Klure: (503) 373–1581 Introduction: The decision to retrofit an existing portable classroom with energy-efficient measures is a complex one. While the lack of energy-efficient envelope measures may result in costly utility bills and comfort issues, the cost of installing most measures will likely not be cost-effective. There are specific instances where it makes sense to retrofit: • • • In the event of a portable classroom that is scheduled for removal and demolition, retrofitting the classroom may be extremely cost-effective, in that the cost for retrofit is much less than the cost for disposal. In the event that building components are replaced, they should be replaced with the most energyefficient possible. There are specific measures that are always cost-effective, or are cost effective in most situations. Table 1 lists the potential retrofit measures for portable classrooms, and identifies instances where retrofitting the building component may be appropriate. Details for specific measures are listed below the table. Page 2 of 2 BUILDING AMERICA EFFICIENT PORTABLE CLASSROOM PROGRAM RETROFIT GUIDELINES FOR THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Table 1. Recommended Portable Classroom Retrofit Specifications Component Description Component Nominal RRecommended U-factor value Envelope Measures Ceilings Walls Floors T-Bar Ceiling U-0.033 R30 Rafter U-0.033 R30 4 inch U-0.077 R13 6 inch U-0.053 R19 Joists U-0.041 R30 U-0.371 Glazing Skylights 2,3 Exterior Doors n/a When existing insulation is R-11 or less, or if insulation is replaced When existing insulation is R-11 or less, or if insulation is replaced If siding is removed or insulation is replaced If siding is removed or insulation is replaced If insulation is replaced If glazing is replaced 1 U-0.5 n/a If skylight is replaced U-0.19 n/a If door is replaced Air Sealing Overall building leakage Penetrations in building envelope Ceiling Air Barrier Measured overall building leakage less than or equal to 8 air changes per hour (ACH) at 50 Pascals (Pa), determined by a blower door test. All penetrations caulked or otherwise sealed to limit air leakage (see detail below) In all cases T-bar drop ceiling For all drop T-bar ceilings Roof rafter ceiling A 4-6 mil polyethelene air barrier shall be installed on the warm side of the insulation and caulked at penetrations, overlaps and at the outside edges of the ceiling/roof junction. A 4-6 mil polyethelene air barrier shall be installed under the insulation, stapled to the roof rafters, and sealed with caulk at the edges. Page 3 of 5 As appropriate (see detail below) For roof rafter ceilings, if drywall is removed. BUILDING AMERICA EFFICIENT PORTABLE CLASSROOM PROGRAM RETROFIT GUIDELINES FOR THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Table 1. Recommended Portable Classroom Retrofit Specifications (continued) Mechanical Systems \HVAC control The HVAC system shall be controlled by a 365-day programmable thermostat equipped with an occupancy sensor for ventilation system control. In all cases Ventilation System A mechanical ventilation system must be provided, capable of providing 15cfm per occupant In all cases Lighting All interior ceiling lighting shall be rapid start T-8 fluorescents with electronic ballasts with a CRI of 75. The controls shall be an on-off switch for each bank of lights. 1 NFRC tested U-factor 2 Door frame shall be of thermally improved material(s). 3 Up to 1 ft2 of security glass is allowed in doors. If fixtures are replaced Glazing and skylights As the total square feet of windows is usually small in most portable classrooms (approximately 48 ft.2), it is not cost-effective to replace old windows unless seals have failed, admitting moisture from the exterior. Penetrations through building envelope All penetrations shall be caulked or otherwise sealed to limit air leakage, including the following: • All window and door frames - sealed to the building envelope. If the seal is made on exterior grooved siding, then the groove lines shall be sealed at the door or window frame. • Exterior-wall sole plates and the structural floor - caulked using silicon caulking or approved alternate. • All receptacles, switches or other electric boxes in exterior walls - sealed or fitted with outlet plate gaskets. • HVAC ducts - sealed at interior surfaces where ducts penetrate the building envelope. • Around openings in the building envelope for HVAC and ventilation ducts, and wiring. • All other penetrations in the building envelope. Ceiling air barrier Most of the portable classrooms built after 1990 do not use sheetrock ceilings; rather, they incorporate a Tbar dropped ceiling with tiles. This type of ceiling typically has no air sealing to control air leakage, and represents a major source of heat loss in the classroom. To combat this heat loss, a 4-6 mil polyethelene air barrier shall be installed above the ceiling tiles and below the insulation. All penetrations through this air barrier shall be sealed with silicone caulking; the same shall be done for any overlaps and the perimeter of the air barrier. Portable classrooms that have the ceiling insulation installed in the roof rafters shall have the air barrier installed under the insulation, stapled to the roof rafters, and sealed with caulk at the edges. Page 4 of 5 BUILDING AMERICA EFFICIENT PORTABLE CLASSROOM PROGRAM RETROFIT GUIDELINES FOR THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST HVAC Control Most of the portable classrooms in the Northwest region are controlled by 7 day programmable thermostats. The result of this type of control is that the HVAC system operates throughout the year, even during holidays and vacations. Even new units that were installed during the study exhibited this behavior. In addition, many portable classrooms are controlled by CO2 sensors. The BAIHP study determined that CO2 sensors can be unreliable as a control strategy, since they go out of calibration easily, and many HVAC installers and school maintenance personnel do not have the proper equipment to calibrate them. New low-cost, 365-day programmable thermostats are available, with occupancy sensor control for the ventilation system; they are highly recommended for all portable classrooms, regardless of age. Estimated simple payback for these thermostats is 2-3 years. Page 5 of 5