Lecture 19

Lecture 19
Questions about the group project?
Next Tuesday (Nov. 18) is a project work day
Groups must meet during class time
Reminder: Mid-project report (including peer
review forms) is due next Thursday, November
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Chapter 13 – Rapid evaluation methods
Design walkthoughs and reviews
UX inspection
Heuristic evaluation
RITE method
In-class exercise
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Rapid evaluation techniques
Aimed almost exclusively at collecting
qualitative data
Finding UX problems to fix
Seldom, if ever, includes quantitative
Heavy dependency on practical techniques
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Rapid evaluation techniques
Everything is less formal
Less protocol and fewer rules
Much more variability in process
Almost every evaluation “session” different
Tailored to prevailing conditions
This flexibility means more spontaneous
Something experienced practitioners do best
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Rapid evaluation methods
not used in “pure form”
Practitioners adapt and combine techniques to
suit their own:
Type of product or system being developed
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Design walk-throughs and reviews
Early stages of a project
Have only
Your conceptual design
Scenarios, storyboards
Maybe some screen sketches or wireframes
Not enough for interacting with customers or
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Design walkthrough
Easy and quick evaluation method
Can be used at almost any stage
Especially effective early, before prototype
Audience can include
Design team, UX analysts
Subject-matter experts, customer representatives
Potential users
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Design walkthrough
Goal is to explore design on behalf of users
No interaction, so you (evaluators on the design
team) do the driving
Leader tells stories about users and usage,
intentions and actions, and expected outcomes.
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Rapid evaluation beyond
early stages
Uses interactive prototype
Including paper prototypes
Most of rapid evaluation techniques are
variations of
Inspection techniques
Quasi-empirical testing
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
UX inspection
Especially good for early stages and early
design iterations
Appropriate for existing system that has not
undergone previous evaluation
For when you cannot afford or cannot do labbased testing
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
UX inspection
Also called “expert evaluation” or “expert
inspection” or “heuristic evaluation (HE)”
But heuristic evaluation is actually one specific
kind of inspection (Nielsen)
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
UX inspection
Reminder: Cannot “inspect the user
But inspect design for user experience issues
An analytical evaluation method
The primary rapid evaluation technique
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
UX inspection
Studies show inspection can be very effective
at finding UX problems
Caution: Not always a complete substitute for
user-based evaluation
There will always be some UX problems that
show up in real live user-based interaction that
you will not see in any inspection
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
How many inspectors are needed?
Complex question with lots of theoretical
discussion (see textbook, end of Chapter 14)
Practical answer is “a few” (2 or 3)
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
What kind of inspectors
are needed?
UX experts are good
“Dual experts” are even better
UX expertise plus subject-matter knowledge
Can also get this skill set by pairing up UX
expert with work domain expert
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Heuristic evaluation
Is one kind of UX inspection method
A heuristic is a simplified, abstracted design
Drive inspection with small number (about 10)
of heuristics
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Heuristic evaluation
Example heuristic: “Visibility of System Status”
The system should always keep users informed
about what is going on through appropriate
feedback within reasonable time.
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Heuristic evaluation
Another example heuristic: “Match Between
System and The Real World”
The system should speak the users’ language, with
words, phrases, and concepts familiar to the user
rather than system-oriented terms. Follow realworld conventions, making information appear in a
natural and logical order.
Full listing of heuristics in textbook, link on
course webpage
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Heuristic evaluation
Select small team (usually 2 or 3, could be up
to 5)
Select appropriate set of heuristics
Each inspector browses through each part of
interaction design
Asking (to self) the heuristic questions
Assessing compliance
Noting where heuristics are supported and where
violated, along with context (e.g., screenshots)
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Heuristic evaluation
Inspectors get together as a team
Discuss, compare, and merge problem lists
Brainstorm suggested solutions
Decide on recommendations
Write report (see textbook for details)
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Practical approach to UX inspection
Definitely for UX experts
Driven by experience
Not heuristics or guidelines
But in-depth knowledge of design guidelines is
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Practical UX inspection
Driving perspective is usage
Focus on
Work activities
Work context
Helps include an empirical flavor
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Practical UX inspection
Task-based expert UX inspection
Goal is to evaluate design on behalf of users
Simulate user’s view of usage
But see it with expert’s eye
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Use a co-discovery or team
approach in UX inspection
This is one activity where two heads almost
always better than one
Play off each other
Mutual sounding boards
Give-and-take interplay
Constant flow of think-aloud comments
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Co-discovery in UX inspection
Include customer representative or user for
global view and work flow
Explore design systematically to include
important features, tasks, activities
Follow up on clues; be a UX detective
Gather large numbers of problem notes
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Emotional impact inspection
Look for fun, aesthetics, innovation,
Include packaging and out-of-the-box
Try to envision long-term experience
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
The RITE UX Evaluation Method
Rapid Iterative Testing and Evaluation (Wixon
et al.)
A quasi-empirical method
A kind of abridged version of user-based testing
Fast collaborative test-and-fix cycle
Pick low-hanging fruit
Relatively low cost
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
The RITE UX Evaluation Method
Whole team participates
Key feature is fast turnaround
UX problems analyzed right after evaluation
with a few users
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
The RITE UX Evaluation Method
Whole project team decides on changes
Changes implemented immediately
Maybe use another iteration of testing and
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
The RITE method: Preparation
Select UX practitioner to be facilitator
To direct session
Identify characteristics needed in participants
Decide tasks for participants to perform
Critical tasks, set of tasks every user must be able
to perform
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
The RITE method: Preparation
Construct test script based on those tasks
Decide how to collect qualitative user behavior
Recruit participants (Chapter 14)
One to three participants
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
The RITE method: Data collection
Gather entire project team and any other
relevant project stakeholders
Observation room of UX lab
Around table in conference room
Introduce everyone
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
The RITE method: Data collection
Set stage
Explain process
Explain expected outcomes
Conduct evaluation session
One user participant at a time
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
The RITE method: Data collection
Make sure everyone knows
Participant is helping evaluate system
Team is not evaluating participant
Have participant perform small number of
selected tasks
All project stakeholders observe silently
Have participants think aloud as they work
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
The RITE method: Data collection
Work together with participants to find UX
Identify critical incidents
Discover ways design should be improved
Take thorough notes on problem indicators
Example: task blocking and user errors
Note severity of each problem
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
The RITE method: Data analysis
Give list of UX problems and their causes to
everyone on team
Whole development team
Identify obvious problems to be fixed first
Example: wording or labeling
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
The RITE method: Data analysis
Whole development team determines
Other problems that reasonably can be fixed
Problems needing more discussion
Problems requiring more data (from more
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
The RITE method: Data analysis
Whole development team
Set aside problems you cannot afford to fix right
Decide on feasible solutions for problems to be
Implement fixes for selected problems
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Immediate follow-up
evaluation session
Bring in new participants
Use modified design
Have them perform tasks associated with the
fixed problems
Can determine effectiveness of changes
Did fix work?
Did fix introduction new problems?
Did fix uncover any hidden problems?
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
More about quasi-empirical UX
evaluation methods
Empirical because you take data using
But get away from formal protocols and
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Quasi-empirical methods
No formal predefined “benchmark tasks”
For tasks, draw on
Usage scenarios
Essential use cases, step-by-step task interaction
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Quasi-empirical methods
Cut corners as much as possible
No quantitative data collected
Single paramount mission is to identify UX
problems that can be fixed efficiently
Can occur almost anywhere
UX lab space
Conference room
In the field
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Quasi-empirical methods
Forget controlled conditions
Interrupt and intervene at opportune moments
Elicit thinking aloud
Ask for explanations and specifics
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
Quasi-empirical methods
Defined by freedom given to practitioners:
To innovate, to make it up as they go
To be flexible about goals and approaches
To make impromptu changes of pace, direction,
Jump on issues as they arise
Milk them to get most information about
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
In-class Exercise
Get into the smart fridge design groups
Spend about 10-15 minutes making a list of key
tasks for evaluation (about 4 tasks). Give short
scenarios of what the tasks are to accomplish.
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
In-class Exercise
Each team will evaluate the other team's design
Each team picks one person to represent the
design to the other team that will evaluate their
The design representative becomes part of the
evaluating team for this evaluation exercise
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
In-class Exercise
The design representative will lead the
evaluation team in a design walkthrough using
the key task scenarios
The design representative is in charge of the
entire design (sketches, prototypes, etc.) for the
evaluating team
Choose your design representative now
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
In-class Exercise
The design representative will inform the
evaluation team via the key taskscenarios
The product or system goals
Target users
Any aspects of the design that need special
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
In-class Exercise
The design representative will serve as a
resource person during the evaluation, to
answers questions about the design and to
help keep the evaluation on track, but will not
influence the evaluation outcome.
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
In-class Exercise
The evaluators can put themselves in the place
of users to appreciate the usage and design,
and anticipate problems.
Since there probably isn't enough design or
prototype to go on, make it up as you go, so
that this turns out to be a useful exercise.
Success will depend on how creative you can
be. If you really interpret this whole exercise as
a broad design endeavor, there will be a lot to
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
In-class Exercise
You can evaluate the ecological aspects with
some walkthroughs emphasizing some key
workflows to get feedback on feasibility and
You can evaluate the interaction design for
users to make settings via a display panel, etc.
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction
In-class Exercise
Bottom line
Design representative does walk-through
Evaluation team observes, ask questions, takes lots
of notes
Especially want notes on potential UX problems
Compile the task descriptions (from the design
representative) and the inspection notes (from
everyone else) into a PDF document and email
to the instructor.
November 13, 2014
CS 350 - Computer/Human Interaction