Lesson Plan Course Title: E-tailing /Retailing Unit 8, Lesson 1 Session Title: The Sales Process: The Approach Performance Objective: After completing this lesson, the student will be able to determine the appropriate approach to use in various retail settings and effectively determine the needs and wants of a customer. Approximate Time: When taught as written, this lesson should take approximately 3 days to complete on a 7 period day schedule if all activities are completed. Specific Objectives: • • • The student will explain the three steps in the approach stage. The student will identify the three types of retail approaches. The student will demonstrate effective observation, listening, and questioning techniques to determine the needs and wants of customers. TERMS Approach -First in-person contact that the salesperson makes with the customer. Pre-approach -Tasks that are performed before any contact is made with the customer. Prospect -A potential customer. Prospecting -Searching for potential customers. Service approach -The method in which the salesperson asks the customer for assistance or help. Greeting approach -A salesperson’s friendly welcome to the store or department to a customer. Merchandise approach -A method that focuses the customer’s attention on the product. Preparation TEKS Correlations: This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed. 130.345 C (22) The student knows the selling process. (A) Illustrate the importance of product and service knowledge when presenting sales demonstrations; (B) Prepare and deliver a sales presentation. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 1 130.345 C (8) The student communicates interpersonal skills, reports findings to others, and integrates listening, reading, speaking, writing, and nonverbal communication skills effectively. (B) Communicate effectively in a retail setting. (C) Observe audience reaction and adjust response strategies. Adjust presentation such as pace, tone, vocabulary, and body language to suite the audience. (D) Use effective verbal and nonverbal response strategies to adjust the message in response to audience's facial expressions and body language. Interdisciplinary Correlations: English: 110.31 (b)(22)(B) …evaluate the relevance of information to the topic and determine the reliability, validity, and accuracy of sources (including Internet sources) by examining their authority and objectivity… 110.31 (b)(23)(D) …use a variety of evaluative tools (e.g., self-made rubrics, peer reviews, teacher and expert evaluations) to examine the quality of the research… 110.32 (b)(24)(B) ….follow and give complex oral instructions to perform specific tasks, answer questions, solve problems, and complete processes… Occupational Correlation (O*Net - http://www.onetonline.org/) Retail Salesperson 11-2021.00 Similar Job Titles: Sales Associate, Sales Consultant, Customer Assistant, Clerk, Sales Representative, Design Consultant Tasks: Greet customers and ascertain what each customer wants or needs. (Soft) Skills: Deductive reasoning; Written comprehension; Problem sensitivity; Originality. Teacher Preparation: Teacher will review the terms in the outline, presentation slides and websites to become familiar with lesson. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 2 Teacher should locate and evaluate various resources and websites before the lesson. References: Marketing Dynamics, First Edition, Clark, Sobel, Basteri, Goodheart-Wilcox Publishing Company Instructional Aids: RE8.1-AP presentation Marketing Dynamics, First Edition Props (products) that students can use during a role-play (optional) Magazine ads Materials Needed: RE8.1 Presentation RE8.1 The Sales Process: The Approach vocabulary scramble handout RE8.1 Role play situation cards Magazine ads Equipment Needed: Computer with presentation program, Internet access & projector Magazine ads with pictures of customers Props for role play (optional) Learner Preparation: Before class, teachers should search the internet for examples of movies that portray salespeople, both good and bad, on how a salesperson approaches the customer. Search the internet for top five selling movies about selling, etc. Find web tools that will edit the portion of the movie/clip you want to view or use screenshot software to record the clips. Introduction Introduction (LSI Quadrant I): Begin class by showing one good clip and one bad clip you have found. Based on the movie clips shown, begin a discussion on their observation of the salesperson. Direct the discussion on how the salesperson (actor) approached the customer. Ask: How many of you or your parents have hosted a party at your house? Say: The approach stage of the sale is very similar to greeting guests into your home for a party. You are the host/hostess of the party. Your store/department and the approach welcomes the customer and makes them feel at ease. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 3 Outline Outline (LSI Quadrant II): Instructors can use the presentation program/software slides, handouts, and websites in conjunction with the following outline. MI Outline I. The approach – The first stage of the selling process. Notes to Instructor A. The pre-approach -Tasks performed before contact is made with customer. 1. Primarily used in industrial sales settings. 2. In retail selling most customers walk into a retail store or business establishment. 3. The process of looking for customers is called prospecting. 4. Some service companies look for customers in online databases, customer referrals, and through sign-ups at consumer shows. Use presentation program as aid. Ask students if they have ever filled out a sweepstakes form at the mall or other consumer show. That form is a way for sales people to generate sales leads –prospect for new customers. B. The approach -Initial contact with the potential customer. Establishes a rapport with the customer. 1. Gets their attention and shows the customer you are aware of their presence. 2. Shows the customer that they are in a professional setting. 3. Shows the salesperson has a genuine interest, care and concern for the customer and their needs. 4. Immediately establishes trust with the Use presentation program as aid. Ask the students to recall the last time they went shopping and what the salesperson said to them when they walked in. Tell them some companies have established guidelines on when Use presentation and video clips as aid. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 4 customer. 5. Makes customer feel comfortable. to greet the customer such as: greet the customer within 40 seconds of walking into the store. C. The three retail approach methods –These are Use presentation the three most common approaches used in retail program as aid. establishments. 1. Service approach -Used only when taking Ask students when orders they walk into a clothing or Example: “May I Help you? “ Used only to take orders at the point of department store and are asked “May purchase. 2. Greeting approach- Can be used anytime I help you”? What is a standard or in combination with the other response? approaches. Example: “How are you doing today?” “Hi”, “Good Most of the time, the customer’s response afternoon”, etc. is “No, I’m just 3. Merchandise approach -Used to direct looking.” Many customers to a specific item or to inquire salespeople make about an item they are looking at. the mistake of using Examples: “Welcome to ABC Apparel. I see you are looking the service approach at our jeans today. Are you looking for yourself or in a retail setting such as a clothing someone else? “ store and lose “Welcome to ABC Apparel! All of our branded control of the sale tees are 25 percent off today.” before it ever starts. Focuses the customer on the merchandise so transition to the next step is seamless. Most retail specialty stores have an item of the week that they direct their customers to as they walk into the store. The merchandise approach is used very effectively in this type of store. D. Determining needs– Next step in the approach is to determine the needs of your customer and find out who they are shopping for, Tell students observing a customer can tell Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 5 what price, etc. To determine customer’s needs first: observe; second, question; and third listen. Observation - observe actions of customer. What is the customer communicating nonverbally? Take note of their dress, speed and direction of movement, facial expressions, companions, behavior toward products around them. Question –Goal of questioning is to learn about customers’ needs and wants. Question types: Yes/No -Requires a yes or no response. Choice –Requests that customer select between two choices. Clarifying -Requests more details about the product. Open-ended -Invites customer to describe wants and needs. Paraphrase -Restate the question in different words than what the customer said. Guidelines for questioning: Dos: Use open ended; Ask questions that begin with who, what, when, where, why, or how; Ask for details; Paraphrase the customer’s request; Ask clarifying questions. Don’ts Do not ask embarrassing questions; Do not make judgmental or critical comments. Listening – When listening: Face the customer; Make eye contact; Give positive feedback; Do not interrupt; Be patient. Do ask questions and paraphrase. Do not allow friends or co-workers to distract you. Work with one customer at a time. Do not perform other tasks. you a lot about their needs. For example, if a woman has a stroller full of young kids, she is probably not going to browse too long in the store. Facial expressions such as smile or a puzzled look can give you clues. When questioning, here are some phrases you could say: Who are you looking for? You or for someone else? What is the occasion? When will you be needing…? Where will you be using…? How: will you be using this? For work or for home use? Is it a formal event or …? What type of software Do you use……? How often do you...? When paraphrasing say: “So you are looking for a computer for your home office.” To emphasize the importance of Good listening skills: see guided practice Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 6 activity telephone. Have students role play using the role play situation cards. Verbal Linguistic Logical Mathematical Visual Spatial Musical Rhythmic Bodily Kinesthetic Intrapersonal Interpersonal Naturalist Existentialist Application Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III): To emphasize the importance of observing, show students pictures of customers in magazine ads in a rapid fire session. Tell students to select a partner. Show about 5 pictures in 2-second intervals and ask to recall what they observed in the pictures about the customer and share that with their partner. What observations were similar and what observations were different? Play a game of telephone to emphasize the importance of listening. Have students sit in a circle. Make up a story and share it with one of the students and ask that students share it with the next student and so on. The story should come full circle. Ask the last student to tell the story out loud. Then re-tell the original story. What does this demonstrate about listening to details? Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III): Choose any or all of the following activities: The Approach: Vocabulary scramble The Approach: Role play scenario The Sales Process: The Approach Vocabulary scramble: Each student should complete the approach terms stage 1. The Approach terms handout builds vocabulary and comprehension. The Approach Role Play situation cards: Cut out the role play situation cards. Gather any props needed and have students pair up and act out the situation on the card. They should choose the appropriate approach and determine needs by observing, asking questions and listening to the customer. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 7 Summary Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV): Question: What is the importance of the approach in a retail setting? Question: What are the three ways to approach a customer? Question: How do you determine the needs of your customer? Evaluation Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III): Instructor should observe the work ethic of individuals involved in class discussions and the independent practice activities. Check progress of individuals in the group activity and provide verbal feedback. Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV): Use the The Sales Process: The Approach Vocabulary scramble KEY to evaluate students’ knowledge of selling terms. Extension Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV): 1. Take a field trip to a local mall and have students observe the salespeople. 2. Arrange for a sales person or sales manager to talk to students about their experience as a salesperson or have a salesperson come in to talk to students. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 8 The Sales Process Vocabulary Scramble Instructions: Unscramble the answer to each clue given and write your answer in the boxes below the scrambled letters. 1. A potential customer. T O S P R C P E ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 2. A method that focuses the customer’s attention on the product. M E P A H R P N I C E A O R __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ H __ A __ C __ S __ D __ 3. Searching for potential customers. G I N S ___ ___ ___ ___ P E R O ___ ___ ___ ___ T P C ___ ___ ___ 4. Tasks that are performed before any contact is made with the customer. H C P P A O R E P R A ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 5. First in-person contact that the salesperson makes with the customer. H C P A O R P A ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 6. The method in which the salesperson asks the customer for assistance or help. I C S E E R V A H C P A O R P ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 7. A salesperson’s friendly welcome to the store or department to a customer. G E P A H R P N I C E A O R T G ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 9 A __ The Sales Process Vocabulary Scramble (KEY) Instructions: Unscramble the answer to each clue given and write your answer in the boxes below the scrambled letters. 1. A potential customer. T P O R S O P S R P C E P C E T 2. A method that focuses the customer’s attention on the product. M E P A H R P N I C E A O R M E R C H A N D I S E A P P H R A O C A S C 3. Searching for potential customers. G P I R N O S S P P E E R C O T T I P N C G 4. Tasks that are performed before any contact is made with the customer. H P C R P E P A A P O P R R E O P A R C A H 5. First in-person contact that the salesperson makes with the customer. H A C P P P A R O O R A P C A H 6. The method in which the salesperson asks the customer for assistance or help. I C S E E R V A H C P A O S E R V I C E A P P R O A 7. A salesperson’s friendly welcome to the store or department to a customer. G G E R P E A E H T R I P N N G I A C P E P A R O O Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 10 R A T C R C P H G H D H The Approach: Role Play Situations Directions: Cut out the following cards. Ask student to volunteer to be the salesperson or customer. Give the student a card and have them act out what is on their card. You may personalize the situations by having them choose names of specific stores. You work in a children’s store specializing in trendy, fun playwear. Items can be quite pricey. You are a salesperson in an electronics store that sells a variety of electronics. You are in the computer department. You are a salesperson for a cell phone provider. You are a salesperson in the cosmetics department. You are a salesperson in an athletic shoe store. You are a mother of 10 year old twins and are looking to purchase some clothes for winter. They want to dress differently and not the same anymore, but you want to keep costs down as low as possible. You are specifically looking for back-to-school clothing. You are an elderly man in your upper 60’s looking to buy your grandson a laptop computer for college. You know nothing about computers so you need the guidance of an experienced salesperson. Your grandson is studying graphic design. You are a 40-something female looking to purchase a cell phone for your elderly mother who is over 70. She has never had a cell phone before and needs something that is simple & easy to use with large big buttons. She won’t use the internet. You need simplicity. You are a 20-something female walking through the cosmetics department talking on your cell phone. You stop to look at the perfumes and make-up as you are talking. You spray some perfume and test some colors on your hand. You have no intention to buy, you are just passing through. You are a teenage male looking for shoes to wear for the track season. You are a cross country track runner so you need a shoe that will weather all conditions. You are not big on brand names and want a shoe that will be durable and stand up to all conditions and last throughout the cross country season. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. 11