Career Exploration Module – DAY FIVE Lesson Title Are you prepared to enter the product think tank? Cluster Pathways Marketing Management Essential Question What careers are within the Marketing Management cluster? TEKS Career Portals: 1.A, 2.A, 2.B Prior Student Learning Students should have already been presented the Career Module Introduction Estimated time 50 minutes Objectives - Identify and explore career opportunities within the Marketing management Cluster: (Marketing Manager, Brand Manager, Customer Satisfaction Manager, Product Planner) Materials/Equipment/Handouts Needed - Vocabulary List - Marketing Management slideshow - Handout: Steps to New Product Development - Uncle Fester’s New Product Think Tank Activity - Uncle Fester’s New Product Think Tank Rubric - A collection of unrelated items: straws, Play-Doh, cotton balls, old CD’s, toothpicks, brown paper & plastic bags, buttons, glue, tape, or a variety of craft items Introduction/Engage - Ask students why companies develop new products - Discuss how important creativity plays in product development - Show Marketing Management Slideshow - Play charades, Pictionary or show some optical illusions to stimulate creativity Activities - Uncle Fester’s Inheritance New Product Think Tank Activity – divide students into groups of 3-4 and give them the Product Think Tank Activity handout - Give each group a box of different craft materials; each box should contain different items - Tell each group they are to create a new product with only the items provided and fill out the product specs sheet that is included in the product think tank handout - If time permits, have students present their new product Lesson Closure - Answer any follow-up questions that students may have - Instruct students to complete the vocabulary list for homework - Discuss upcoming career module experiences and expectations Assessment - Verbal responses to questions - Student activity Extension - Invite local small business owners to be the panel of judges of new products Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved Day 5 of 10 Page 1 Accommodations for Learning Differences - Accommodations Manual - Guidelines and Procedures for Adapting Instructional Materials - Sample Curriculum Customizations for Learning Differences - Lesson Plan/Curriculum Modification Checklist - Instructor Format for Curriculum Customization for Learning Differences Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved Day 5 of 10 Page 2 STEPS TO PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Developing new products for a company is a process that takes time and detail. In order to minimize the risks that a company takes to introduce a new product, these steps are critical. 1. Idea Generation a. Observation b. Research c. Creative thinking Did you know.… 66% of new products fail within the first two years. According to Booz & Company ,2014. 2. Idea screening 3. Business analysis 4. Product Design a. Prototype for goods 5. Production 6. Test Marketing Stimulate Creative Thinking Play games o Charades o Picture games o Puzzles o Guessing games Journaling Brainstorming 7. Introduction (commercialization) 8. Evaluation Different points of view Questioning Image streaming Doodling Creative illusions Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved Day 5 of 10 Page 3 PRODUCT THINK TANK UNCLE FESTER’S INHERITANCE ROLE: You are the marketing manager for your Uncle Fester’s Business. TASK: Create a prototype for a new product to be added to the current product mix that will increase sales and keep the business profitable. SITUATION: You have worked for your Uncle Fester as the marketing manager for the past few years. He recently passed away and you have now inherited his business. In the past year, sales have declined and Uncle Fester had been in the process of developing ideas for new products. You have discovered a box of items that he had been working with; however, he did not leave any blueprints or written instructions. You have gathered together a team of the brightest minds in the company to take these items and develop a prototype for a new product. PROCESS: Open up the box together with your team and look at the contents inside. Using only the contents in the box, develop a new product to add to the current product mix. You do not have to use all the contents, but you cannot add anything that is not in the box. Be creative! Once you have created your new product prototype, fill out the product specs sheet. Use the suggested techniques found in the handout titled Steps to Product Development, to help you develop your new product. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved Day 5 of 10 Page 4 PRODUCT THINK TANK PRODUCT SPECS SHEET Team Members: Product Name: Describe in detail what your product will look like and what it will do: Is there a need for this product? Explain: Who will your customers be? Why? Where can customers find and buy your product? How will you get it to them? How will your product be packaged? What will it cost to make this product? What will you sell it for? How will you get the word out to your customers that your product is now available and ready for purchase (advertise)? What is your Slogan & Logo? Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved Day 5 of 10 Page 5 PRODUCT SPECS SHEET -- Page 2 Who did what? Who were the Idea people? Who were the resource people? Who physically built the product? Who were the creative people that came up with name, slogan, etc.? Was there a leader of your team? If so, who? How did he or she get you to work toward your goal? Did anyone sit back and not contribute? Was anyone unwilling to work within the group? Why is your team, as a whole, proud of your product? Explain. What was the inspiration for your product? What would you do differently next time? Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved Day 5 of 10 Page 6 PRODUCT THINK TANK NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Category Chosen product & detailed specs Creativity Teamwork Materials use Overall marketability of product 4 3 2 1 0 Product specs sheet is detailed, thorough rational explanation of product and well thought out Product specs sheet missing less than 2 details, rational explanation of product, and well thought out Product specs sheet is not detailed, broad rational explanation of product and not well thought out Product specs sheet is missing most details, broad or no rational explanation of product and not thought out. No product Product shows exceptional creativity, innovative; meets need not currently met Product shows creativity, somewhat innovative; meets need not currently met Product shows lack of creativity, innovative; does not meet need or product is similar to other products Product lacking any creativity, innovation; similar to product or revision of current product Lacking creativity All team members contributed to development of new product; each member took responsibility based on personal talents, knowledge and ability Most team members contributed to development of new product; most members took responsibility based on personal talents, knowledge and ability Few team members contributed to development of new product; members did not take responsibility based on personal talents, knowledge and ability Team members did not work well together; one or two members took responsibility for product; did not consider personal talents, knowledge and ability of each member Lack of teamwork, team members worked as individuals and not collectively as a team Effective use of all materials, resourceful and not wasteful, maximized use of all materials provided Effective use of most materials, resourceful and not wasteful, maximized use of most materials provided Used some materials, somewhat resourceful/wasteful, used some of materials provided, may have used other materials not provided Little use of materials, not resourceful wasteful with materials, used other materials, not provided Did not use materials provided Overall product meets new product development standards; product adds value to company, creates high demand, brings in customers and increase profits Overall product meets most new product development standards; product adds value to company, creates demand, brings in customers and slightly increases profits Overall product somewhat meets new product development standards; product adds some value to company, creates some demand, may or not bring in customers and may not increase profits Product does not meet new product development standards; product adds little value to company, no demand, no new customers or increase in profits Product not marketable and would not succeed in the marketplace Points Given Total Points: ________ Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved Day 5 of 10 Page 7