Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Welding
Session Title: Success in the Welding Shop
Performance Objective:
Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to successfully
participate in a welding shop environment and interview for a position in a shop.
Specific Objectives:
Identify appropriate attire in the welding shop
Compare/contrast appropriate behaviors for a worker
Discern the impact their attire and behaviors have on the shop
Determine the impact their attire and behaviors have on employers
Compile information for a job application at a welding shop
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to
the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
 130.323(c)(1)(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)(H)(I)
…describe how teams function;
…use teamwork to solve problems;
…distinguish team roles such as team leaders and team members;
…identify characteristics of good leaders;
…identify employers' work expectations;
…discuss Equal Employment Opportunity law in the workplace;
…use time-management techniques to develop work schedules;
…describe how teams measure results; and
…develop a method to reward team performance.
 130.323(c)(2)(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)
…explore academic knowledge and skills required for postsecondary education;
…identify employers' expectations to foster positive customer satisfaction;
…demonstrate the skills required in the workplace such as interviewing skills,
flexibility, willingness to learn new skills and acquire knowledge, self-discipline, selfworth, positive attitude, and integrity in a work situation;
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…evaluate personal career goals;
…communicate effectively with others in the workplace to clarify objectives; and
…demonstrate skills related to health and safety in the workplace, as specified by
appropriate government regulations.
 130.323(c)(3)(A)(B)(C)
…demonstrate effective communication skills with individuals from varied cultures
such as fellow workers, management, and customers;
…demonstrate mathematical skills to estimate costs;
…demonstrate technical writing skills related to work orders;
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
110.42(16) – Listening/speaking/purposes
 110.42(16)(D)
…use effective verbal and nonverbal strategies in presenting oral messages.
Career Preparation:
 127.13(c)(2)(E)
…exhibit productive work habits, ethical practices, and a positive attitude.
GTAW Student Material booklet Mid-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium (1984)
Modern Welding (2004)
Welding Principles and Applications (1999)
Instructional Aids:
1. Success Plan PowerPoint Presentation
2. Handout: Golden Rules
3. Handout: Welder’s Dress
4. Handout: Characteristics of Workers Fill-in
5. Handout: Job Application 1
6. Handout: Job Application 2
7. Test
8. Answer Key
Materials Needed:
Class copies of job applications
Worker Characteristics worksheet
Class copies of test
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Equipment Needed:
Computer & monitor to support PowerPoint
The student should provide writing instrument for note-taking.
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
It is often said that appearances can be deceiving and that first impressions are
the most important because that moment someone sees you for the first time,
they form an opinion of you. As you go out into the workforce and seek
employment, it will be necessary to create the best possible environment for your
employability. Two ways to do that are to make good impressions on your
perspective employer and to support those impressions with a solid work ethic
proving that the first good impressions were correct. Let’s look at ways to make
you the best possible employee that will ultimately be a success in the welding
Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
I. Worker Characteristics
A. Pass out the Worker Characteristics worksheet
B. Students should complete approximately ten listings in the BAD
characteristics column (this will serve as a Guided Practice activity)
C. As a group, discuss the responses students placed in the BAD column
(Instructor may opt to add some characteristics to their list)
1. Poor punctuality
2. Lack of interest shown in the work
3. Unrealistic salary demands
4. Unwillingness to follow instructions
5. Inability to get along with co-workers
D. The instructor will then begin explaining the items for the GOOD
column (students should fill in information on their worksheet in the GOOD
column);Items should include, but are not limited to:
1. Taking pride in work
2. Following instructions well
3. Punctuality
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4. Honesty
5. Dependability
6. Positive attitude
7. Putting in a day’s work for a day’s pay
8. Safety conscious
9. Willingness to start at ground level to earn way up
10. Showing initiative
11. Not using drugs or alcohol before or on the job (even in the
hangover stage, judgment is impaired and safety is jeopardized)
E. Show a transparency of the “Golden Rules” sheet and let students see
how some of the rules would apply to the welding shop.
II. Appearance
A. Instructor can easily illustrate a sloppy appearance and attitude by
“simulating” a poor first impression going in for a job interview. Instructor
should un-tuck and crumple a worn out work shirt, wear a cap backwards,
slump in the chair, chew gum, and say some kind of slang-type term to
introduce himself to the perspective employer.
B. Allow the students to indicate what is wrong with this situation and why
the employer would be unwilling to hire this individual
C. Discuss appropriate attire for going on a job interview with a company
in need of welding services
D. Appearance is also an important part of participating in the school
welding shop because of safety
E. Show the transparency “Welder’s Dress”
1. Add additional information specific to your campus
2. Specialized protective clothing (show examples if used)
3. Specific attributes and reasons for them
III. Impact
A. Using ideas expressed in previous discussions, ask the students to
consider how the two ideas of work attributes and appearance fuse
together to create a total package impact on other students and the
instructor in the school welding shop
B. Apply the same concept to that of an employer/employee situation
1. Ask “What would an employer think of…” questions
a. What would an employer think of you wearing cuffed or
frayed jeans in the welding shop?
b. What would an employer think of you arriving late to work
three days in a row?
c. What would your employer think if you wanted him to
accept your ideas, but you were never willing to follow
through on a project?
IV. Job Application
A. Show the students a transparency of Job Application 1
B. Discuss any terminology on the form they do not understand
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C. Explain the importance of filling out the application accurately and
V. Independent Practice (Job Application 2)
VI. Test
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Worker Characteristics worksheet is a Guided Practice activity that will require
some student work, student feedback to the instructor, then further information
added to the worksheet during the lecture.
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Students are to complete Job Application 2 independently. This can be
completed in class if time allows, however, students may need to finish it as
homework to get all necessary information.
Tell the students to assume that they have just completed their high school
diplomas for graduation and are seeking employment. There may be some terms
that you will have to explain, such as professional fields, compensation, and visa.
Be certain to emphasize the extreme difference between the two job applications
and why employers would choose to use each one.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Check for mastery/understanding by orally reviewing the students on the
information. Answer any questions the class may have. Ask individual students to
contribute one fact or principle he learned during the lesson. Make a list of these
on the board or overhead. Show PowerPoint presentation to review some key
points of a successful person in the shop.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
Instructor should monitor student understanding throughout the lesson. If further
explanation is needed on a given topic, instructor should elaborate or re-teach
that portion of the lesson.
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Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
Mastery of at least 70% of objective test.
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
For those students who need remediation, a re-teach and review session will
reinforce the topics of concern. The remediation will need to be tailored to the
individual needs of the student.
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Characteristics of a Bad Worker
Characteristics of a Good Worker
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Golden Rules
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Welders Dress
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Success in the Welding Shop Test - Name: ______________
1. How would you enhance your personal appearance for a job interview?
2. If asked by an employer what you hope to be doing in three years, what would you
3. What would be an appropriate question in an interview?
A. “Why do you want to work for our company?”
B. What is your strongest characteristic?
4. If you were an employer, what would you think of someone interviewing for a position
with your company who never looked at you during the interview? He kept looking
around the room and at the floor.
5. What are five characteristics that make a successful worker?
6. What are five clothing items that are important safety features for a welder and why?
7. How do appearance and attitude work together?
8. What can you do to be a more successful part of this welding shop?
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Success in the Welding Shop Test KEY
1. How would you enhance your personal appearance for a job interview?
Subjective answers will vary by student
2. If asked by an employer what you hope to be doing in three years, what would you answer?
Subjective answers will vary by student
3. What would be an appropriate question in an interview?
A. “Why do you want to work for our company?”
Subjective answers will vary by student
B. What is your strongest characteristic?
Subjective answers will vary by student
4. If you were an employer, what would you think of someone interviewing for a position with
your company who never looked at you during the interview? He kept looking around the room
and at the floor.
Subjective answers will vary by student
5. What are five characteristics that make a successful worker?
Answer could include any of the attitude or appearance characteristics discussed on the
PowerPoint and in the notes including any other material added by the instructor during group
discussion time.
6. What are five clothing items that are important safety features for a welder and why?
Examples: Appropriate head covering, long sleeve shirt, work clothes, buttoned collar, no cuffs,
no frayed edges, no jewelry, gloves, helmet, cape/apron, overalls, covered pockets on pants.
7. How do appearance and attitude work together?
A first impression is important to begin a work relationship. Being well-groomed and looking as if
you take some pride in your appearance help make a good impression. Taking pride in oneself
and in one’s work make for a healthy work atmosphere for all involved from worker, to
management, to customer. Having poor appearance seems to filter into having a poor attitude in
the workplace
8. What can you do to be a more successful part of this welding shop?
Subjective answers will vary by student
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