Lesson Plan Manufacturing Engineering Career Exploration Jobs

Manufacturing Engineering
Career Exploration Jobs
Lesson Plan
Performance Objectives
After completing this lesson, students will be able to discuss methods of goal setting, the necessary skills
required to successfully complete a postsecondary education program, and the importance of these concepts.
Specific Objectives
 Identify principles and methods of goal setting
 Discuss methods of maintaining motivation while in pursuit of personal and career goals
 Explain the importance of creating a transition plan for postsecondary education
 Define the skills required to successfully complete a postsecondary education program
 Describe the benefits of successfully completing a postsecondary education program
 Goals- the object that one strives to attain
 Values- key principles that serve as a guiding force for your personal and professional life, for
example, your sense of right and wrong
 Sacrifice- the surrendering of something highly valued for the sake of something considered to have a
greater value or claim
 Capable- to have the skills and qualifications to do things well
 Motive- the reason for a certain course of action
 Passion- a high level of enthusiasm for an object or goal
 Attainable- capable of being accomplished
 Baby Boomers- the approximately 76 million children born in the United States from the late 1940s
through the early 1960s, ultimately having a huge impact on the U. S. workforce, and contributing
greatly to the expansion and growth of the economy and labor force.
When taught as written, this lesson should take approximately 180 minutes.
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TEKS Correlations
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result
in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
Manufacturing Engineering 130.329 (c)
o (2) The student explores the employability characteristics of a successful worker in the global
economy. The student is expected to:
(A) explore advanced knowledge and skills required for postsecondary education;
(B) identify employers' expectations to foster positive customer satisfaction;
(C) demonstrate the skills required in the workplace such as interviewing skills, flexibility,
willingness to learn new skills and acquire knowledge, self-discipline, self-worth, positive
attitude, and integrity in a work situation;
(D) evaluate personal career goals;
(E) communicate effectively with others in the workplace to clarify objectives.
Interdisciplinary Correlations
English Language Arts and Reading, English I 110.31 (b) (1) - Reading/Vocabulary Development. Students understand new vocabulary and use it
when reading and writing.
110.31 (b) (11) - Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Procedural Texts. Students
understand how to glean and use information in procedural texts and documents.
Algebra I 111.32 (b)
o (1) Foundations for functions. The student understands that a function represents
dependence of one quantity on another and can be described in a variety of ways. The
student is expected to:
(E) interpret and make decisions, predictions, and critical judgments from functional
World Geography Studies 113.43 (c)
o (19) Science, technology, and society. The student understands the impact of technology and
human modifications on the physical environment. The student is expected to:
(A) evaluate the significance of major technological innovations in the areas of transportation
and energy that have been used to modify the physical environment;
(B) analyze ways technological innovations such as air conditioning and desalinization have
have allowed humans to adapt to places; and
(C) examine the environmental, economic, and social impacts of advances in technology on
agriculture and natural resources.
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113.43 (c)
o (20) Science, technology, and society. The student understands how current technology
affects human interaction. The student is expected to:
(A) describe the impact of new information technologies such as the Internet, Global
Positioning System (GPS), or Geography Information Systems (GIS; and
(B) examine the economic, environmental, and social effects of technology such as medical
advancements or changing trade patterns on societies at different levels of development.
Occupational Correlation (O*Net – www.onetonline.org/)
Job Title: Manufacturing Engineering Technologists
O*Net Number: 17-3029.06
Similar Job Titles: Manufacturing Production Technicians, Industrial Engineering Technologists
 Plan, estimate, or schedule production work
 Ensure adherence to safety rules and practices
 Monitor or measure manufacturing processes to identify ways to reduce losses, decrease time
requirements, or improve quality
Soft Skills
Complex Problem Solving/ Quality Control Analysis/ Operation Monitoring/ Critical Thinking
Accommodations for Learning Differences
It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified to
accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special
Populations page of this website.
 Review and become familiar with the terminology, website links, and the slide presentation.
 Have materials, slide presentation, and websites ready to go prior to the start of the lesson.
 http://websters.yourdictionary.com
 http://www.thefreedictionary.com
 http://www.bls.gov/emp/ep_chart_001.htm
Instructional Aids
 Career Exploration Jobs slide presentation and notes
 Career Exploration Jobs Matching Terms and Definitions handout for each student
 Career Exploration Jobs Matching Terms and Definitions Answer Key
 Warm-up Activity (slide 3)
 Career Exploration Jobs Quiz for each student
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Career Exploration Jobs Quiz Answer Key
The main purpose of this lesson is to help students understand the importance of setting goals, methods for
staying motivated while pursuing goals, and the skills required for successfully completing a postsecondary
education program.
Ask: Why are goals important?
Ask: What are the primary benefits of completing a postsecondary education program?
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Introduction and start of lesson
A. Bell Work Activity
B. Warm-up Activity
Personal and career goals
A. Defining goals
B. Goal setting
C. Why passion is important
D. Measuring success
Preparing for postsecondary education
A. Transitioning into a postsecondary
B. Benefits of completing a
postsecondary education program
Administer quiz at end of lesson
Begin the Career Exploration
Jobs slide presentation.
Have students work on the
Bell Work Activity.
(slide 2)
Warm-up Activity: Using
Career Exploration Jobs
Matching Definitions
handout, students (in pairs)
will teach each other the
terms and definitions. They
may do computer-based
research to look up the
(slide 3)
Discuss concepts of goal
(slides 4-7)
Each slide is meant to
be discussed. Have some
background knowledge and
challenge the students
to make contributions to the
Discuss the value of
mentorship. Ensure students
understand they have to
develop the ability to speak
up for themselves as they
pursue their goals.
Spend time clarifying the
difference between
academic and non-academic
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Discuss the Bureau of Labor
data on education and
earnings; research additional
data if needed. Select and
discuss some of the
definitions from the
matching definitions
handout. (slides 8-12)
Use answer key to grade the
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Multiple Intelligences Guide
Guided Practice
The teacher and students search the Internet to find different sources to gain more insight into:
 People who have successfully accomplished challenging goals
 Technology based postsecondary education programs (one, two, and four-year programs)
Discuss some of the teacher’s personal or professional goals that he or she has successfully accomplished.
Independent Practice
 Students list three short-term goals they would like to accomplish in the next three months.
 Students go online to research and identify five technology-based postsecondary education programs
they find interesting.
Students will review the terms from the Warm-up Activity and key points from the Career Exploration Jobs
slide presentation.
Informal Assessment
Teacher will assess student learning with oral questions and answers. Students will discuss terms and
definitions and key points from the Career Exploration Jobs slide presentation.
Formal Assessment
Teacher will administer the Career Exploration Jobs Quiz.
Students will create a slide presentation and give a classroom presentation on the fastest growing technologybased careers and the postsecondary education and training required for them.
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Manufacturing Engineering
Career Exploration Jobs
Matching Terms and Definitions
Directions- Match the terms in Section 1 with the definitions in Section 2
Section 1
A. Goals
Section 2
B. Values
1. _____ the surrendering of something highly valued for the
sake of something considered to have a greater value or
C. Sacrifice
2. _____ the reason for a certain course of action
D. Capable
3. _____ capable of being accomplished
E. Motive
4. _____ the object that one strives to attain
F. Passion
5. _____ a high level of enthusiasm for an object or goal
G. Attainable
6. _____ key principles that serve as a guiding force for your
personal and professional life, for example, your sense of
right and wrong
H. Baby Boomers
7. _____ the approximately 76 million children born in the
United States from the late 1940s through the early 1960s,
ultimately having a huge impact on the U.S. workforce and
contributing greatly to the expansion and growth of the
economy and labor force
8. _____ having the skills and qualifications to do things well
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Manufacturing Engineering
Career Exploration Jobs
Matching Terms and Definitions
Answer Key
1. C. Sacrifice- the surrendering of something highly valued for the sake of something considered to have
a greater value or claim
2. E. Motive- the reason for a certain course of action
3. G. Attainable- capable of being accomplished
4. A. Goals- the object that one strives to attain
5. F. Passion- a high level of enthusiasm for an object or goal
6. B. Values- key principles that serve as a guiding force for your personal and professional life, for
example, your sense of right and wrong
7. H. Baby Boomers- the approximately 76 million children born in the United States from the late 1940s
through the early 1960s; ultimately having a huge impact on the U.S. workforce and contributing
greatly to the expansion and growth of the economy and labor force
8. D. Capable- having the skills and qualifications to do things well
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Manufacturing Engineering
Career Exploration Jobs
1. In understanding your ____________________, you will be better equipped to set goals that are
important to you and be ______________________________ to work toward achieving them.
2. Ensure that you are _____________________________ of achieving your goals by developing a
________________________________________________________ and giving your best effort.
3. Identify three universal values: _________________________, _________________________,
and ________________________.
4. It is important to ____________________ that are ____________________ to you as a person.
5. List four non-academic skills that will help you successfully navigate through postsecondary
education programs:
6. A shortage of _________________________ is projected in the coming years due to the
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Manufacturing Engineering
Career Exploration Jobs
Quiz Answer Key
1. In understanding your values, you will be better equipped to set goals that are important to you
and be motivated to work toward achieving them.
2. Ensure that you are capable of achieving your goals by developing a strong skill set and giving your
best effort.
3. Identify three universal values: do no harm, keep it simple, honesty is the best policy, we are all in
this together, stay balanced
4. It is important to set goals that are meaningful to you as a person.
5. List four non-academic skills that will help you successfully navigate through postsecondary
education programs:
Organizational skills
Communication skills
Socializing skills (outside of your cultural peer group)
Conflict resolution skills
Strong computer skills
Achievement skills (strong desire to achieve)
Marketing skills (the ability to market and promote your ideas and goals)
6. A shortage of skilled workers is projected in the coming years due to the pending retirement of
Baby Boomers.
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