Manufacturing Engineering Career Exploration and Employer Expectations - Part 1 1

Manufacturing Engineering
Career Exploration and Employer
Expectations - Part 1
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Bell Work Activity
Directions: Please take out a sheet of paper
and answer the following questions.
1. Why is it necessary to organize workgroups
before starting a project?
2. List 3 traits that you admire in a Leader.
3. How would you feel, if you were told at the
end of a job interview that: “We don’t hire
people that look like you”?
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Warm-up Activity
Career Exploration Terms
a. There are several important terms and
definitions students need to know.
b. Students will now complete the Matching
Definitions handout on Career Exploration.
Students may work in groups.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
What is Teamwork?
Teamwork is the combined effort of a
group working to achieve a common goal.
Completion of the goal can usually be
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Team Operations
Teams operate best when each member fulfills
their role to complete what is necessary to
accomplish the overall team goal.
Team Leaders are often needed to motivate,
monitor and help resolve issues.
Team Members are required to fulfill their
specific role while supporting other team
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Team Operations
and Problem Solving
 Teams are used effectively in many industries. Emergency
room teams are used in hospitals around the country.
 Lets take an overview of typical department operations:
 Triage - prioritizing patients
 Resuscitation - patients with life threatening injuries / issues
 Major / Minor Section - patients with non-life threatening issues
 Pediatrics Area - treatment of children
 Psychiatric Area - for patients with mental health issues
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Characteristics of Good Leaders
Leadership can be defined as the ability to
influence others to reach goals.
Great leaders possess many traits but one
common theme is to win the respect of
their followers and peers.
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Work Expectations of Employers
Hiring Standards: the goal of the hiring
process is to properly match qualified people
with available positions in the company
Performance Standards: in the workplace
each employee is expected to perform their
tasks in a timely, productive and efficient
manner; Employee performance is evaluated
regularly to drive improvement
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Equal Employment Opportunity
Law in the Workplace
A historical review of the workplace in the
United States will show that we have had great
difficulty treating certain groups equally in
regards to hiring, pay and benefits.
As society’s attitude changed, several laws and
Supreme Court decisions have been passed to
reflect a new attitude toward Equal Employment
Opportunity in the workplace.
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Safety and Health in the
 In our modern society, most employees work in
relatively comfortable environments, free from
constant threat of dangerous injuries and death. But
this was not always the case.
 The American workplace has evolved in the past 150
years to greatly improve the safety, health and welfare
of employees.
 Driven by organized workers, several laws were
passed to mandate safer work environments; The
Occupational Safety and Heath Agency (OSHA) was
created to enforce safe practices in the workplace.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.