Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Flexible Manufacturing
Session Title: Welding Skills and Inspections
Performance Objective:
After completing this lesson, the student will be able to explain the welding certification process; they will
demonstrate they have the skills to complete two welding assignments and use the basic test to inspect
the welds, recording the results on the Welding Report and Rubrics.
Specific Objectives:
 Recall the basic requirements to become a certified welder.
 Identify four welding positions (flat, horizontal, vertical, and overhead).
 Identify three types of fillet beads (stringer, single, weave).
 Contrast two forms of welding inspections and tests - destructive and non-destructive.
 Name six types of weld inspections (radiographic (x-ray), magnetic particle, fluorescent, ultrasonic,
visible, bending).
 Demonstrate different weld positions and types of welds.
 Safely use the equipment and tools for welding the basic four joints used in welding.
 Demonstrate the simple weld inspections.
 Use the thickness of the material to be welded to set the equipment to the correct current.
 Produce two welding assignments to be inspected visually and bend tested.
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may
result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
Flexible Manufacturing:
…safely use hand and power tools and equipment commonly employed in metal
…properly handle and dispose of environmentally hazardous materials used in metal
…use various welding machines to weld multiple joints;
…inspect welds.
…use mathematics in precision measuring operations;
…interpret blueprints, drawings, charts, and diagrams as related to the sheet
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metal industry
…safely use equipment;
…properly dispose of environmentally hazardous materials used in sheet metal
…construct common sheet metal seams
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
...demonstrate safe practices during laboratory and field investigations, including the appropriate
use of safety showers, eyewash fountains, safety goggles, and fire extinguishers;
...demonstrate an understanding of the use and conservation of resources and the proper disposal
or recycling of materials.
English Language Arts and Reading, English III
… accurate technical information in accessible language;
… appropriate organizational structures supported by facts and details (documented if
Occupational Correlation: (reference: O*Net – www.onetonline.org)
Job Title: Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers 51-4121.00
Similar Job Titles: Welder, Welder-Fitter, Fabricator, Maintenance Welder, Mig Welder, Sub Arc Operator
Operate safety equipment and use safe work habits.
Weld components in flat, vertical, or overhead positions.
Ignite torches or start power supplies and strike arcs by touching electrodes to metals being
welded, completing electrical circuits.
Clamp, hold, tack-weld, heat-bend, grind or bolt component parts to obtain required configurations
and positions for welding.
Soft Skills:
Critical Thinking; Active Listening; and Monitoring
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Teacher Preparation:
The teacher will need to review the Welding Skills and Inspections presentation and may want to research
welding inspection on the internet. The teacher should have the equipment and supplies needed for the
welding assignment; and have some samples of correct and incorrect welds to show. Reproduce the
Welding Skills and Inspections and Welding Report and Rubrics handouts for each student.
1. American Welding Society
• http://www.aws.org
• http://www.bls.gov/ooh/production/welders-cutters-solderers-and-brazers.htm
2. U.S. Department of Labor: Welding Video
Instructional Aids:
1. Welding Skills and Inspections presentation
2. Welding Skills and Inspection handout answer key
3. Welding Report and Rubrics
Materials Needed:
1. Welding Skills and Inspection handout for each student
2. Welding Report and Rubrics handout – 2 for each student
3. Shielded metal arc welding equipment
4. Scrap metal to practice welding and to use for the assignments
Equipment Needed:
1. Computer
2. Data projector
3. Welding equipment
Learner Preparation:
The student should have passed a safety test over the welding equipment and have a parent permission
form turned in.
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
SAY: Have you thought about becoming a welder? Today we are going to look at the skills that are
needed to become a welder.
SHOW: Welds that have passed/not passed the visual and bending inspections.
SAY: Welder wages range from $11.00 to $27.00 per hour, depending on training/certifications.
ASK: Did you know that a welder is paid that much?
(Discuss any answer given.)
Say: The Welding Skills and Inspections presentation will explain welding certification and skills needed to
get a job in the welding industry.
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Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
Instructors can use the presentation, slides, handouts, and note pages in conjunction with the following
Notes to Instructor
I. Welding Skills and Inspections
A. American Welding Society
B. AWS Certification
C. Welding skills
Begin the Welding
Skills and Inspections
Distribute the Welding
Skills and Inspection
handout. The teacher
will present the slides
on the different skills
and inspections.
Students will fill in the
Welding Skills and
Inspection handout
during the
Slides 1-5
Discuss the American
Welding Society and
their skills and
II. Welding Positions
A. Flat
B. Horizontal
C. Vertical
D. Overhead
Slides 6-8
Explain how and why
you have to be able to
weld all the joints in
any position.
III. Types of Fillet Beads and Weave Patterns
A. Types of fillet beads
B. Types of weave patterns
Slides 9-13
Discuss the
differences between a
fillet and flat joint.
Explain that a weld
may have to have
multiple passes to
reach the required
strength. Welding in a
weave pattern allows
for a wider bead to fill
in some of the
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thickness of the bead.
IV. Welding Inspections
A. Destructive inspections
B. Non-destructive inspections
C. Classroom inspections
Slides 14-24
Review the need to
inspect a weld. View
the types of
inspections and
explain the types of
inspections that will be
done for grading a
V. Visible Inspection of Welds
A. Weld characteristic
B. Illustrations
C. Chart
Slides 25-29
Welding inspections
are checked by a set
of characteristics.
These are listed,
explained and
illustrated in this
section. Distribute the
Welding Report and
Rubrics handouts –
two for each student.
VI. Welding Assignments / Safety
A. Assignment #1 - welding plate assignment
B. Assignment #2 - single pass joint weld
C. Safety
D. Welding Report and Rubrics handout
Slides 30-32
The students will have
to build up a series of
beads on a ¼” plate,
making the plate ¾”
thick. Then they will
have to weld two
plates in a flat position,
single bead joint. Both
assignments will be
cut in half and
inspected. The bead
will be bent to test for
strength. The student
will need about 5 days
to practice welding.
This may take some
time depending on the
number of welders in
the lab. The teacher
will assign the points
on the Welding Report
and Rubrics handouts
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for Assignment #1 and
VII. Resources
A. http://www.aws.org
B. http://www.bls.gov/ooh/production/welders-cutterssolderers-and-brazers.htm
C. US. Department of Labor: Welding Video
D. www.onetonline.org
Slide 33
Teacher may want to
search the internet for
more resources on
careers in welding
such as
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
The teacher will need to monitor the students when starting the welding processes.
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
The students will practice running beads until they are ready to turn in the assignment. After completing
the two welding assignments, the student should visually inspect the welds. The students will complete
two Welding Report and Rubrics handouts and turn in with the welds.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Question: Why is it necessary to test some welds in a non-destructive test?
Answer: Welds that are critical to the strength of the product have to be tested to check for integrity of the
product. Examples include submarine hulls and pipe line joints.
Question: How could a certification from the American Welding Society help a welder?
Answer: The company hiring the welder knows the types of welds that the new hire can perform. The
employer does not have to get the welder certified and the welder can receive a higher wage.
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Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
The students will be monitored during the welding section. A grade could be assigned for how well the
equipment is used and cleaned up when finished at the end of the class period.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
The Welding Skills and Inspections handouts, the two welding assignments and the Welding Report and
Rubrics handout will be graded. The Welding Report and Rubrics will be the rubrics for the two
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
The students could practice the different welding joints in the flat, horizontal, vertical and overhead
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Name __________________________________________Date_______________ Period ____
Welding Skills and Inspections
Identify the following welding positions
1. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________ 4. _______________
Identify the following fillet beads.
5. _______________
6. _______________
7. _______________
The illustrations of the welds are to be inspected. Write good or poor in the blank to inspect
the bead. Answer the questions at the bottom of the page.
8. _______________
9. _______________
10. _______________
11. _______________ What type of inspection completely destroys the weld while testing?
12. _______________ What inspection uses x-rays to check the weld?
13. _______________ What type of inspection uses sound waves to check welds for flaws?
14. _______________ What type of inspection uses a fluorescent light to check welds?
15. _______________ What is the type of inspection where electricity is passed through the
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Name __________________________________________Date_______________ Period ____
Welding Report and Rubrics
Student Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______________
Welding Assignment: _____________________________ Process: _______________
Brief description of task: __________________________________________________
Inspection Report
Visual Inspection
Uniform Appearance
No Porosity
No Undercut
No Crack
No Splatter
10 to 17 Points
10 to 17 Points
10 to 17 Points
10 to 17 Points
10 to 17 Points
10 to 17 Points
0 to 9 Points
0 to 9 Points
0 to 9 Points
0 to 9 Points
0 to 9 Points
0 to 9 Points
Reason for losing
Total Points
Destructive Test*
No Slag Pocket
No Porosity
No Crack
10 to 30 Points 0 to 9 Points
10 to 30 Points 0 to 9 Points
10 to 30 Points 0 to 9 Points
Total Points
(*) some welds will just be visually inspected if not destructive tested
Comments: ____________________________________________________________
Student Grade: ____________________________ Teacher Initials: _____________
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Answer Key
1. Overhead______
5. Weave_________
2. Horizontal____
3. Flat__________
6. Single________
4. Vertical______
7. Stringer______
Magnetic particle
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.