Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Advance Welding
Session Title: Welding Team Members
Performance Objective:
After completing this lesson, the students will be able to describe the importance of teamwork,
team roles, leadership and team performance and perform on a team by completing a team
assignment to the satisfaction of the teacher.
Specific Objectives:
 List and explain employers’ work expectations.
 Develop a work schedule using time management techniques.
 Explain measurement of a team’s task results.
 Describe what makes a good team.
 Describe basic qualities of a leader.
 Describe how to measure and reward team performance.
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the
activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
Advanced Welding:
…analyze how effective teams function;
…apply teamwork to solve advanced problems;
…distinguish team roles such as team leaders and team members;
…evaluate characteristics of good leaders;
…use employers' work expectations to measure project success;
…evaluate team performance in using time-management techniques to develop work
…develop a method to reward team performance.
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
Career Preparation I:
…identify and practice effective interpersonal and team-building skills with coworkers,
managers, and customers;
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…develop effective leadership skills through participation in activities such as career and
technical student organizations.
English Language Arts and Reading, English I:
110.31(b)(26) - Listening and Speaking/Teamwork.
United States History Studies Since Reconstruction:
…describe qualities of effective leadership;
…use a problem-solving process to identify a problem, gather information, list and
consider options, consider advantages and disadvantages, choose and implement a
solution, and evaluate the effectiveness of the solution;
…use a decision-making process to identify a situation that requires a decision, gather
information, identify options, predict consequences, and take action to implement a
Occupational Correlation: (reference: O*Net – www.onetonline.org)
Job Title: Welders, Cutters, and Welder Fitters 51-4121.06
Similar Job Titles: Welder, Welder-Fitter, Fabricator, Maintenance Welder, Mig Welder, Sub Arc
 Operate safety equipment and use safe work habits.
 Weld components in flat, vertical, or overhead positions.
 Ignite torches or start power supplies and strike arcs by touching electrodes to metals
being welded, completing electrical circuits.
 Clamp, hold, tack-weld, heat-bend, grind or bolt component parts to obtain required
configurations and positions for welding.
Soft Skills: Critical Thinking; Active Listening; Monitoring
Teacher Preparation:
The teacher should review the Welding Team Members presentation and notes. The teacher
should search for teamwork activities on the internet to use with their students that cover
expectations; teamwork in the classroom; team members; team building; and career planner.
The teacher should reproduce the Welding Team Members and Welding Team Work handouts
for each student.
1. American Welding Society
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Instructional Aids:
1. Welding Team Members presentation and notes
2. Welding Team Members handout
3. Welding Team Work answer key
Materials Needed:
1. Welding Team Members handout for each student
2. Welding Team Work handout for each student
3. Pencil
4. Notebook
Equipment Needed:
1. Computer
2. Data Projector
Learner Preparation:
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
SAY: Today we are going to discuss careers and team work in the welding industry.
ASK: Have you thought about a career in welding?
SAY: When you work in any company you become a member of a team.
ASK: What characteristics does a team need to be successful at a given task?
(ANSWER: Accept all reasonable answers.)
Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
Instructors can use the PowerPoint presentation, slides, handouts, and note pages in
conjunction with the following outline.
Notes to Instructor
I. Introduction to Welding Team
A. Title
(slide 1)
B. Description
(slide 2)
C. Team Members
(slide 3)
D. Welding Assistant
(slide 4)
E. Welder
(slide 5)
F. Welding Supervisor
(slide 6)
G. Welding Inspector
(slide 7)
H. Welding Technologist (slide 8)
I. Welding Engineer
(slide 9)
Distribute the Welding
Team Members and
Welding Team Work
handouts. Begin
Welding Team
Members presentation.
Slides 1-9
The students will write
the career information
from these slides on
the handouts.
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II. Team Functions
A. Subtitle
B. Explanation
C. Team Functions
D. Team Characteristics
E. Stages of Team Development
F. Types of Team Members
G. Leadership Characteristics
(slide 10)
(slide 11)
(slides 12-13)
(slide 14)
(slides 15-16)
(slide 17)
(slide 18-19)
Read the functions of
a team to the students.
Slides 10-19
The students need to
write the team
functions in their notes
and discuss them with
the class.
III. Measuring Team Results
A. Subtitle
B. Teamwork
C. Measurement
D. Rewards for Team Members
E. Team Results
F. Rewards for Team Performance
(slide 20)
(slide 21)
(slide 22)
(slide 23)
(slide 24)
(slide 25)
View the slides on
team rewards. Have
the students discuss
their thoughts about
how to reward team
IV. Time Management and Work Schedules
A. Subtitle
(slide 26)
B. Time-management Techniques (slide 27)
C. Work Schedules
(slide 28)
While viewing the
slides on Time
Management, have the
students add ways to
have the team stay on
V. Employer Expectations
A. Subtitle
(slide 29)
B. Basic Expectations for Employers (slide 30)
C. Basic Expectations in
Welding Industries
(slide 31)
Slides 21-23
Have students add
expectations to the list.
VI. Reference
Slide 32
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Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
The teacher will lead the students in the discussion on teamwork.
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
The students will write the career information from slides on the handouts. The students will
answer the questions on the Welding Team Work review handout.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Question: Which career that we have discussed sounds like the one you would choose to do?
Answer: The careers are those listed in the slide presentation.
Question: What type of reward would you think would be best for a team?
Answer: Accept any reasonable answer.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
The Welding Team Work handout will be taken up and checked. This could also be a grade.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
The students will turn in the review for a grade after the presentation is done.
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
Research other careers in the welding industry. Make a poster or report on your findings.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Name __________________________________________Date_______________ Period ____
Welding Team Members
Welding Assistant Description of career: _______________________________________________________________ Education: ______________________________
Wage: _____________________________
Welder Description of career: _______________________________________________________________ Education: ______________________________
Wage: _____________________________
Welding Supervisor Description of career: _______________________________________________________________ Education: ______________________________
Wage: _____________________________
Welding Inspector Description of career: _______________________________________________________________ Education: ______________________________
Wage: _____________________________
Welding Technologist Description of career: _______________________________________________________________ Education: ______________________________
Wage: _____________________________
Welding Engineer Description of career: _______________________________________________________________ Education: ______________________________
Wage: _____________________________
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
4. _________________________________________________________
__________________________________________Date_______________ Period ____
Welding Team Work
A. List three (3) of the careers in the welding industry.
1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________
B. List four (4) expectations for an employee.
1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________
C. List five (5) time management techniques.
1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________
D. List four (4) things that can be measured in a team setting.
1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________
E. What is a work schedule?
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Name ____________________________________________Date_______________ Period ____
Welding Team Work Answer Key
A. List the three (3) Careers in the welding industry.
1. Welding Assistant
2. Welding Inspector
3. Welding Technologist
4. Welder
5. Welding Supervisor
6. Welding Engineer
B. List four (4) expectations for an employee.
1. Communication skills both verbal and written
2. Basic mathematics skills
3. Clean business appearance
4. Thinking and problem solving abilities
5. Honesty
6. Dependability and reliability
7. Interpersonal skills
8. Competent tool and machine operator
9. Understand manufacturing operations
10. Follows directions
11. Meets deadlines
12. Physically fit
C. List five (5) time management techniques.
1. Find out where you are wasting time.
2. Set goals to remove wasted time.
3. List tasks that have to be done
4. Use some kind of tool to help you manage time (i.e., date book, planner, computer software,
or calendar).
5. Prioritize your task.
6. Set routines and stick to them
D. List four (4) things that can be measured in a team setting.
1. Was the task the team given done on time?
2. Did the team perform the expected goals?
3. Did all of the participants play a part in completing the task?
4. Did the team reach a productive solution?
5. Did all team members involved agree on the solution?
6. Did the solution meet the needs of the client?
E. What is a work schedule?
A work schedule is the time an employee will work.___________________________________
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