Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Advanced Welding
Session Title: Under Water Welding
45 minutes
[Lesson length is subjective and will vary from instructor to instructor]
Performance Objective:
The learner will understand the basics of underwater welding.
Specific Objectives:
Upon completion of this lesson, the learner will be able to:
1. Identify the equipment for underwater welding
2. Describe the underwater welding process
3. List the reasons for welding underwater.
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to
the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
Advanced Welding:
 130.324(c)(3)(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)(H)(I)
…differentiate effective communication skills with individuals from varied cultures
such as fellow workers, management, and customers;
…demonstrate mathematical skills to estimate costs;
…determine the impact of inaccurate readings of measuring devices on cost
…justify the selection of a tool to make accurate measurements;
…compute measurements such as area, surface area, volume, and perimeter;
…calculate problems using whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, and
…use a calculator to perform advanced computations;
…apply right triangle relationships using the Pythagorean Theorem; and
…defend the choice of a mathematical solution using estimation.
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
110.42(6) – Reading/word identification/vocabulary development
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 110.42(6)(A)
…expand vocabulary development through wide reading, listening, and discussing;
• Instructor knowledge
• American Welding Society (AWS)
• Underwater Diver Magazine
Instructional Aids:
1. Underwater Welding Basics PowerPoint
2. Underwater Welding Basics PowerPoint Slides
3. Underwater Welding Basics PowerPoint Notes
4. Underwater Welding Basics PowerPoint Handouts
Materials Needed:
• Paper and Pen/Pencil
Equipment Needed:
• Computer for PPT presentation.
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
SAY: “We have explored various aspects of welding in class, but there are types
of welding that some of you may not have thought of”
ASK: “What do you think the benefits and risks would be of welding
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underwater?" Discuss with students.
Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
Instructor Notes:
• Do Introduction.
• Show PowerPoint and discuss.
• Review material
• Assign students in groups to research and interview
someone who works in underwater welding.
• Students present what they have learned in class.
Students can present orally,
with handouts, or in any
other fashion, or invite the
person in as a guest
Students take notes during PowerPoint.
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Students research independently.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Group critiques each other’s presentations.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
Teacher monitors individual/group progress as students work on activities. Teacher
provides help/direction as needed.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
Instructor will give a grade for participation and presentation (50%) each.
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Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
Knowledge of underwater welding will come in handy if the student is looking for a new
and different job in welding and is also interested in diving.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Underwater Welding Quiz
1. Which two are the most often used reasons for welding under water?
a. It saves time and it can be cheaper.
b. It saves time and forms better welds.
c. It is recommended by the AWS.
d. The beads are stronger.
2. There are three ways to weld underwater. Which is NOT one of them?
a. Build a pit, near where the welding will occur and take the water out.
b. The wet underwater method.
c. Use electronic robot arms on your submarine.
d. Prepare an enclosure filled with helium under pressure and have the welder
fitted with protective equipment.
3. True of False
In order to weld underwater, it is also important to learn how to scuba
4. Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of underwater welding?
a. Underwater hazards
b. Dangerous gases
c. Electronic shock
d. Hypothermia
5. The new process for underwater welding which is used by both commercial and
military is called:
b. TIG‐ under water
c. Friction Stud Welding
d. Non‐commercial scuba welding
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Underwater Welding Quiz Key
1. Which two are the most often used reasons for welding under water?
a. It saves time and it can be cheaper.
b. It saves time and forms better welds.
c. It is recommended by the AWS.
d. The beads are stronger.
2. There are three ways to weld underwater. Which is NOT one of them?
a. Build a pit, near where the welding will occur and take the water out.
b. The wet underwater method.
c. Use electronic robot arms on your submarine.
d. Prepare an enclosure filled with helium under pressure and have the welder
fitted with protective equipment.
3. True of False. In order to weld underwater, it is also important to learn how to scuba
4. Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of underwater welding?
a. Underwater hazards
b. Dangerous gases
c. Electronic shock
d. Hypothermia
5. The new process for underwater welding which is used by both commercial and
military is called:
b. TIG‐ under water
c. Friction Stud Welding
d. Non‐commercial scuba welding
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.