Practicum in
Unit VI
Skills at the
How do effective
skills in the
workplace assist
in accomplishing
common goals
and objectives
with peers and
with the public?
Prior Student
Previous career
and technical
courses in the
LPSCS cluster
Estimated Time
1 hour
Interpersonal skills are important for workers in Law, Public Safety,
Corrections, and Security so they can learn to collaborate with others to
accomplish goals and objectives.
The students will be able to:
1. Maintain effective working relationships in order to accomplish
objectives and tasks
2. Demonstrate effective working relationships using interpersonal skills
3. Use positive interpersonal skills to work cooperatively with others
4. Demonstrate respect for individuals such as those from different
cultures, genders, and backgrounds
5. Demonstrate sensitivity to and value for diversity
Begin by asking students how we can communicate without speaking. Make
a list on the board. Proceed to the alphabetical line activity below:
Alphabetical Line: Have the students get in an alphabetical, single-file line
(use their last names). The catch is that they must complete this task without
talking to each other or making any noise. They may use non-verbal
communication, but no sound. They have five minutes to complete the task.
After time is up, have the students discuss their methods of completing the
task. Which were the most effective? Which were the least effective? Use
the Discussion Rubric for assessment.
Key Points
I. Positive personal traits
A. Good relationships at work can help you enjoy your work and do it
more effectively
B. Assess your own traits as a starting point to developing good work
C. Important personal qualities
1. Responsibility – dependability, punctuality, and positive
2. Self-esteem – confidence
3. Sociability
a. Be friendly and enthusiastic
b. Respect others
c. Have a sense of humor, be able to laugh at yourself
d. Be courteous
1) Greet coworkers
2) Address people by their names when possible
3) Be aware of your surroundings so you don’t talk so
loudly as to disturb others
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4. Self-management – self-control and tact
5. Integrity and honesty – loyalty and trustworthiness
6. Appropriate dress
D. Self-awareness means that you are aware of your strengths and
your weaknesses, which will help you develop the personal traits
that need improvement
II. Being an effective coworker
A. Working effectively with others is part of doing your job well
B. Essential traits for being an effective coworker:
1. Respect others – show that you value your coworkers with your
actions and words
a. Tolerate differences
b. Respect privacy – i.e., treat others’ email, faxes, phone
calls, etc. as you would treat private mail
2. Understanding others
a. Show interest in your coworkers by asking about their
b. Empathize
c. Be open to suggestions and change
d. Pay attention to body language and facial expressions
that can express emotions
3. Communication skills
a. How well you listen is as important as what you say
b. Failure to convey information clearly can cause problems
c. Speak up if you need help
III. Negative traits and habits to avoid
A. Arrogance – conveys that you feel superior to others
B. Prejudice – a negative attitude toward a certain group of people
C. Jealousy – can be damaging in the workplace
D. Negative attitude and complaining
E. Revealing too much about your private life
F. Gossiping – wastes time and can result in rumors
G. Interrupting private conversations
IV. Valuing diversity
A. Today’s workforce is becoming more diverse, with people from
different countries, cultures, backgrounds, and generations
B. The workplace can benefit from the ideas and perspectives of many
different people
1. Working with people who are different from us makes us less
likely to rely on old assumptions that might be wrong
2. Opens us up to considering new ideas and points of view
3. Leads to new discoveries
C. Respecting differences (culture, religion, age, gender, viewpoint)
1. Aids in communication
2. Shows that you are part of a community of workers with
common needs and goals
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3. Helps employees relate to each other and be more
accommodating to others; this spills over to the people they
D. To take advantage of a diverse workforce, look beyond stereotypes
1. Cultural differences – people from different ethnic backgrounds
have different customs; what is polite in one culture may be
rude in another. Cultural blunders happen, even when you
have the best intentions. Learn by reading and observing, and
apologize, even if you are unintentionally impolite.
2. Gender distinctions – have mutual respect for others
regardless of gender; it is illegal to harass or discriminate
against someone because of gender
3. Generational distinctions – young and old people can have
different points of view; bridge differences by listening carefully
to the other person’s viewpoint and finding areas of agreement
1. Perceptions Activity: Pass out two index cards per person. On one, have
students write what career they would each like to pursue after high
school, but do NOT put their names on cards. On the other card, have
them write their name and date of birth (DOB). Ask for a volunteer. Pick
up the DOB cards (keep these separate). Pick up the career cards.
a. First, have the volunteer arrange students in age order. The
volunteer and the students may not speak. The volunteer does
this based on his or her perception. While the volunteer is
arranging the students, arrange the DOB cards in chronological
order. Once the volunteer has arranged the students, have him or
her place him or herself in the line. Using the index cards, place
the students in the proper order. See how close the volunteer was
in placing the students.
b. Next, ask for another volunteer. Have that volunteer give that
career cards to the person he or she believes has that career
goal. Once the volunteer has handed out all the cards, have the
students who have their correct cards sit down. Collect the career
cards from the remaining students. Ask for a volunteer who is
seated and have that student try placing the remaining career
cards with the standing students. Have students with their correct
cards sit down. Repeat until no one is standing.
c. Discuss the perceptions regarding age and career path based on
the way someone looks. Use the Discussion Rubric for
2. Norm Violation Activity: (to be completed outside of class)
a. Assign each student one of the following “rule” violations:
 When studying next to someone in the library, place your
books and other belongings in their area.
 In the library or another appropriate space, find a table
where only one other person is seated. Seat yourself next
to the person and begin studying.
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When talking to another person, stare directly at the
person and do not drop your gaze.
 Carry on a conversation with an acquaintance. During the
conversation, move so that you are standing approximately
one foot apart. If the person moves, adjust your position.
 During the course of a conversation, talk louder than the
other person.
 Carry on a conversation with another person and avoid eye
contact completely.
 On the way from class, find a person walking toward you
alone and make eye contact with the individual and do not
drop your gaze as they walk past.
 Upon entering an elevator, turn and face who is in the
elevator and maintain eye contact with the individual until
either of you exit the elevator.
b. Have students record the following about their assignment. Use
the Writing Rubric for assessment.
 A description of the experience
 What is the norm for this experience?
 What happens if you adhere to this rule?
 What happens if you violate the rule?
 Are there any exceptions to this rule?
c. When students return after the assignment has been completed,
begin a discussion about the norms in social interactions being
broken. Discuss how breaking a communication norm can prohibit
the creation or maintaining of interpersonal relationships. Use the
Discussion Rubric for assessment.
Interpersonal Skills Quiz and Key
Discussion Rubric
Individual Work Rubric
Research Rubric
Writing Rubric
Interpersonal Skills computer-based presentation
Interpersonal Skills Key Terms
Index Cards
9780078748288, Succeeding in the World of Work, Kimbrell, McGraw-Hill,
9780538444026, Working, Bailey, South-Western, 2007.
Accommodations for Learning Differences
For reinforcement, the student will define and illustrate key terms in a
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
journal. Use the Individual Work Rubric for assessment.
For enrichment, the student will comprise a section in a hypothetical
employee manual regarding proper policies concerning diversity issues.
Students will then research agencies and firms, and will compare and
contrast their ideas with established policies found in their research. Use the
Research Rubric for assessment.
State Education Standards
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career and Technical Education
§130.301. Practicum in Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security (Two
to Three Credits).
(3) The student demonstrates leadership and teamwork skills in collaborating
with others to accomplish goals and objectives. The student is expected to:
(E) maintain effective working relationships in order to accomplish
objectives and tasks;
(F) demonstrate effective working relationships using interpersonal
(G) use positive interpersonal skills to work cooperatively with others;
(H) demonstrate respect for individuals such as those from different
cultures, genders, and backgrounds; and
(I) demonstrate sensitivity to and value for diversity.
College and Career Readiness Standards
Cross-disciplinary Standards
I. Key Cognitive Skills
E. Work habits
1. Work independently.
2. Work collaboratively.
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1. Tact – the ability to say and do things in a respectful way
2. Empathize – trying to see things from another’s point of view to gain an understanding of
that person’s situation.
3. Stereotype – an oversimplified, distorted belief about a person or group
4. Prejudice – an opinion based on insufficient information; a prejudgment, often based on a
person’s sex, race, or religion
5. Attitude – your basic outlook on life and your way of looking at people and the world
6. Self-esteem – recognition and regard for yourself and your abilities
7. Arrogance – overbearing behavior marked by excessive self-importance
8. Diversity – variety, in which each individual contributes something special
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
_____1. Which of the following are desirable personal traits that help you do your job more
a. Arrogance, prejudice, and negative attitude
b. Reliability, self-esteem, and sociability
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
_____2. Attributes of sociability include
a. Friendly and enthusiastic
b. Courteous and respectful of others
c. Having a sense of humor, even when the joke is on you
d. All of the above
_____3. Good self-awareness means that you
a. Are aware of your own strengths and weaknesses
b. Use your knowledge of yourself to continue developing
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
_____4. Being an effective coworker includes
a. Respecting others
b. Making an effort to understand others
c. Communicating effectively
d. All of the above
_____5. You are showing respect to others if you
a. Are courteous and tolerate differences
b. Express your opinion emphatically without listening to others
c. Talk about people only when they are not present
d. None of the above
_____6. You show understanding of others by
a. Asking about others’ interests
b. Trying to see things from their points of view
c. Being open to suggestions and change
d. All of the above
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_____7. Regarding communication skills, it is important to remember that
a. How well you listen is as important as what you say
b. If you do not communicate clearly, it may cause problems
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
_____8. Valuing diversity means
a. Respecting differences in culture, religion, age, gender, and viewpoint
b. Looking beyond stereotypes
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
_____9. Benefits of diversity include
a. Opening people to considering new ideas; leads to new discoveries
b. The way things have always been done is how they will continue
c. Making groups less likely to rely on old assumptions that might be wrong
d. Both a and c
_____10. In today’s increasingly diverse workforce, you will find all but which of the following?
a. Departments made up of people who look, think, and act alike in most
b. Multiple cultures and generations represented
c. Gender distinctions
d. People from different countries and backgrounds
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1. b
2. d
3. c
4. d
5. a
6. d
7. c
8. c
9. d
10. a
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Discussion Rubric
4 pts.
3 pts.
2 pts. Needs Some
1 pt. Needs Much
Participates in group discussion
Encourages others to join the
Keeps the discussion progressing
to achieve goals
Shares thoughts actively while
offering helpful recommendations to
Gives credit to others for their ideas
Respects the opinions of others
Involves others by asking questions
or requesting input
Expresses thoughts and ideas
clearly and effectively
Total Points (32 pts.)
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Individual Work Rubric
4 pts.
3 pts.
2 pts. Needs Some
1 pt. Needs Much
Follows directions
Student completed the work as directed,
following the directions given, in order and to the
level of quality indicated
Time management
Student used time wisely and remained on task
100% of the time
Student kept notes and materials in a neat,
legible, and organized manner. Information was
readily retrieved
Evidence of learning
Student documented information in his or her
own words and can accurately answer questions
related to the information retrieved
*Research/Gathering information (if relevant)
Student used a variety of methods and sources
to gather information. Student took notes while
gathering information
Total Points (20 pts.)
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Research Rubric
4 pts.
3 pts.
2 pts. Needs Some
1 pt. Needs Much
Student identified and communicated a question
or goal of the research
Research/Gathering information (if relevant)
Student used a variety of methods and sources
to gather information. Student took notes while
gathering information
Student drew insightful conclusions and
observations from the information gathered.
Information is organized in a logical manner
Student communicated the information gathered
and summary or conclusions persuasively.
Student demonstrated skill in the use of media
used to communicate the results of research
Student reflected on the importance of the
research and its potential application
Total Points (20 pts.)
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Writing Rubric
4 pts.
3 pts.
2 pts. Needs Some
1 pt. Needs Much
The writing has all required parts from
introduction to conclusion in smooth
The writing is interesting, supportive,
and complete.
The writing demonstrates that the
writer comprehends the writing
Accurate spelling, grammar, and
The content of paragraphs
emphasizes appropriate points.
The writer shows an understanding of
sentence structure, paragraphing, and
All sources and references are clearly
and accurately documented.
Total Points (28 pts.)
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