Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution
Enforcement II
Unit IV
methods can
be used to deal
with difficult
Prior Student
2 to 4 hours
Law enforcement officers must communicate with a wide variety of people,
often under difficult circumstances. Learning how to resolve conflict in a
respectful manner is an essential tool for effective officers to have.
The students will be able to:
1. Examine anger management techniques used in law enforcement.
2. Distinguish between passive, aggressive, and assertive behavior.
3. Discuss strategies for dealing with difficult people.
4. Examine factors that contribute to a person’s hostility.
Before class do an Internet search for the following: video anger
management rage on plane. Preview it and then select an appropriate clip.
Show the video clip. Ask students to remember a time when they lost their
temper. Have them write a short reflection about the experience. Use the
Individual Work Rubric for assessment.
Key Points
I. Anger Management
A. Myths about anger
1. Getting angry is the only way to accomplish tasks
2. It’s only natural to respond that way
3. Strongly confronting angry people will back them down
4. Intimidation wins respect
5. Verbal or physical venting will have calming effects
6. Anger is a bad emotion
7. There is only one way to deal with anger
8. Anger can’t be helped
9. Not getting angry means that they got away with it
10. Ignore anger and it will go away
B. Controlling yourself
1. Breathe
2. Relax
3. Maintain a healthy attitude
4. Use positive self-talk
C. Anger Management Techniques
1. “Think before you speak” is the most effective
2. Recognize stress (it usually underlies anger)
3. Respond instead of reacting
a) Do not say things you will later regret
b) Do not make promises that you cannot keep or threats
that you cannot enforce
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4. Communicate assertively
5. Get some exercise
a) Physical activity provides an outlet for emotions and
stimulates brain chemicals that help relieve stress
6. Use humor when appropriate
a) Laughter is the best medicine
b) Laughter helps release chemicals in the brain that
create a more positive mood
c) Do not be sarcastic
7. Practice relaxation skills
a) Take a hot bath
b) Listen to relaxing music
c) Work on your favorite hobby
d) Do anything that takes your mind off your stress
8. Know when to seek help
a) Learn what anger is
b) Identify what triggers your anger
c) Recognize signs of becoming angry
d) Learn to respond in a controlled, healthy way
e) Explore underlying feelings such as sadness or
9. Work at problem-solving
a) If something is making you angry, look for solutions to
that problem
b) For example, if your spouse is always late for dinner, try
moving dinner to a later time
10. Learn better ways to communicate
II. Passive, Assertive, and Aggressive
A. Passive
1. Acting in a way that does not meet one’s own needs and
fuels feelings of frustration and anger
2. Saying “yes” when wanting to say “no”
3. Expressing outwardly a submissive, indecisive and/or
helpless attitude while inwardly feeling conflict, tension,
and/or stress
B. Assertive
1. Standing up for your rights without infringing on others
2. Recognizing and respecting the equality, rights, and truths of
other people
3. Expressing beliefs, feelings, and preferences in a way which
is direct, honest, and appropriate, and shows a high degree
of respect
C. Aggressive
1. When someone stands up for their rights without regard for
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2. Self-expression which demands, attacks, or humiliates other
people, generally in a way which shows lack of respect for
III. Dealing with Difficult People
A. Six Types of Difficult People
1. Arrogant
a) Claims to know it all
b) Needs no help from anyone
c) Feels others are less qualified
2. Whining
a) Always sees the negative side of things
b) Always complaining
3. Demanding
a) Wants things done faster, neater, and more thoroughly
b) Issues threats if demands are not met
4. Uncooperative
a) Fails to meet obligations
b) Ignores multiple requests, deadlines, or threats for
5. Inconsistent
a) Says one thing and does another
b) Claims to never have been committed to doing it in the
first place
6. Lackadaisical
a) Does not seem to care about anything
b) Does not care about the quality of work
B. Six Strategies for Dealing with Difficult People
1. Avoid labeling or judging others
a) We subconsciously judge others prior to communication
b) We tend to “expect” certain behavior
2. Step back before you speak
a) Think before you speak
b) Try to separate the behavior from the person
3. Stop wishing they were different and change your thinking
and behavior
4. Use a learning mindset approach
a) Keep an open mind
b) Listen to what is being said and remain open to other
5. Acknowledgement vs. argument
a) Do not give into an initial reaction to argue or defend
b) Acknowledge their perspective and offer to collaborate
c) Position yourself as a partner
6. Avoid being difficult yourself
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IV. Factors Contributing to Hostility
A. Prejudice
B. Favoritism
C. Rejection
D. Insensitivity
E. Criticism
F. Inadequate training
G. Withdrawal of earned benefits
H. Unreasonable demands
I. Broken promises
J. Poor communication
K. Unmanaged anger
Anger Management Role Play. Have students create scenarios involving
an officer and a victim, suspect, or witness that is difficult to deal with. Then
partner the students and have them act out the scenarios with the officer,
using anger management techniques. Then as a class discuss the
students’ experiences practicing the anger management techniques. Use
the Individual Work Rubric and the Discussion Rubric for assessment.
Conflict Resolution Exam and Key
Discussion Rubric
Individual Work Rubric
Presentation Rubric
Conflict Resolution computer-based presentation
Computers with computer-based presentation software
Poster boards and markers
Virginia Commonwealth University
Do an Internet search for the following:
 American Police Beat
 Six Strategies for dealing with difficult people Berenbaum
 Anger Management Group Fiore and Novick
 Inner Health Studios, Coping Skills, and Relaxation Resources
 Mayo Clinic anger management
 Reference for Business Workplace Anger
 Great Self Confidence David Rogers
 BBC News health 659672
Accommodations for Learning Differences
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For reinforcement, students will research different techniques used in
anger management and discuss how each would be beneficial in law
enforcement. They will also identify one difficult person that they deal or
have dealt with from the six types listed in this lesson. Students will then
create a plan based on what they learned to help them better deal with that
difficult person. Use the Individual Work Rubric for assessment.
For enrichment, students will create a public awareness campaign on
conflict resolution for students at the school, for the workplace, or for the
general public. The campaign must include a two minute public service
announcement completed using computer-based presentation software
and a poster. The poster must depict ways to resolve conflict using one of
the above categories. Use the Individual Work Rubric and the Presentation
Rubric for assessment.
State Education Standards
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career and Technical Education
§130.294. Law Enforcement II (One to Two Credits).
The student recognizes the importance of using anger
management techniques to resolve conflicts and reduce
anger. The student is expected to:
examine anger management techniques used in law
distinguish between passive, aggressive, and
assertive behavior;
discuss strategies for dealing with difficult people; and
examine factors that contribute to a person's hostility.
College and Career Readiness Standards
English/Language Arts Standards
III. Speaking
A. Understand the elements of communication both in informal group
discussions and formal presentations (e.g., accuracy, relevance,
rhetorical features, organization of information).
1. Understand how style and content of spoken language
varies in different contexts and influences the listener’s
2. Adjust presentation (delivery, vocabulary, length) to
particular audiences and purposes.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Name________________________________ Date__________________________
Conflict Resolution Exam
1. _____ Which of the following is not a myth about anger?
A. Getting angry is the only way to get things done
B. There are many ways to deal with anger
C. Strongly confronting angry people will back them down
D. Ignore it and it will go away
2. _____ “Controlling yourself” includes which of the following techniques?
A. Holding your breathe
B. Negative self-talk
C. Counting to three
D. Relaxing
3. _____ Which of the following is one of the most effective anger management
A. Think before you speak
B. Get some exercise
C. Respond rather than react
D. Use humor
4. _____ Which of the following is a sign of when to seek help?
A. Knowing what anger is
B. Determining what triggers your anger
C. Responding in a passive-aggressive manner
D. Exploring underlying feelings
5. _____ Learning better ways to communicate is a useful technique for anger
A. True
B. False
6. _____ While outwardly submissive, indecisive, and helpless, inside there may be inner
conflict, tension, stress, and an inability to meet one’s own needs fueling feelings
of frustration and anger. This defines which type of behavior?
A. Aggressive
B. Passive-aggressive
C. Passive
D. Assertive
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7. _____ This type of behavior involves expressing, beliefs, feelings, and preferences in a
way which is direct, honest, and appropriate and shows a high degree of
A. Passive
B. Assertive
C. Aggressive
D. Passive-aggressive
8. _____ Behavior that demands self-expression, attacks, or humiliates other people,
generally in a way which shows lack of respect for others is which of the
A. Aggressive
B. Assertive
C. Passive
D. Passive-Aggressive
9. _____ Which of the following is not one of the six types of difficult people?
A. Uncooperative
B. Consistent
C. Lackadaisical
D. Whining
10. _____ Which of the following is a strategy for dealing with difficult people?
A. Stop wishing they were different
B. Argue and don’t acknowledge them
C. Judge others prior to communication
D. Listen to what is being said without keeping an open mind
11. _____ List 5 factors that contribute to hostility.
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Conflict Resolution Exam Key
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. A
11. Possible answers include:
Inadequate training
Withdrawal of earned benefits
Unreasonable demands
Broken promises
Poor communication
Unmanaged anger
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Discussion Rubric
4 pts.
3 pts.
2 pts. Needs Some
1 pt. Needs Much
Participates in group discussion
Encourages others to join the
Keeps the discussion progressing
to achieve goals
Shares thoughts actively while
offering helpful recommendations to
Gives credit to others for their ideas
Respects the opinions of others
Involves others by asking questions
or requesting input
Expresses thoughts and ideas
clearly and effectively
Total Points (32 pts.)
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Individual Work Rubric
4 pts.
3 pts.
2 pts. Needs Some
1 pt. Needs Much
Follows directions
Student completed the work as directed,
following the directions given, in order and to the
level of quality indicated
Time management
Student used time wisely and remained on task
100% of the time
Student kept notes and materials in a neat,
legible, and organized manner. Information was
readily retrieved
Evidence of learning
Student documented information in his or her
own words and can accurately answer questions
related to the information retrieved
*Research/Gathering information (if relevant)
Student used a variety of methods and sources
to gather information. Student took notes while
gathering information
Total Points (20 pts.)
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Presentation Rubric
4 pts.
3 pts.
2 pts. Needs Some
1 pt. Needs Much
 Topic discussed completely and in-depth
 Includes properly cited sources (if used)
 Integrates a variety of multimedia effects to
create a professional presentation (transition
and graphics) or appropriate visual aid used
 Title slide, table of contents, bibliography are
included, using acceptable format
 Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and
capitalization are correct
 Image and font size are legible to the entire
Oral Presentation
 Communicates with enthusiasm and eye
 Voice delivery and projection are dynamic
and audible
Audience Interaction
 Presentation holds audience’s attention and
relates a clear message
 Clearly and effectively communicates the
content throughout the presentation
Total Points (20 pts.)
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