Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Web Technologies
Session Title: Website Publishing/Going Live!
Lesson Duration:
Estimated 90 Minutes and will vary from instructor to instructor
Performance Objective:
Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to identify appropriate web servers
for hosting websites and use FTP clients to upload a website to a server so that it may be
viewed online.
Specific Objectives:
 Students will
 be able to choose an appropriate domain name and determine availability
 know how to select web servers for hosting website,
 understand the difference in personal web servers and commercial web
servers, know the purpose of each server, and
 know the difference in shared and dedicated web servers
 be able to explain the required protocol for uploading files to a web server
 use FTP software for uploading website files to their web server
 understand how to protect and secure their website files
TEKS Correlations:
 (5)(A) demonstrate appropriate use of navigation of network resources for information
acquisition and sharing;
 (10)(A) compare the advantages and disadvantages of running a personal server versus
using a server provider
 (10)(B) explain how to use advanced communication protocols
 (10)(G) simulate the administration of web servers, including uploading and managing
 (10)(H) collect and analyze usage statistics
 (10)(I) maintain documentation of the server environment such as specifications,
passwords, and software versions
 (10)(J) understand server backup and restoration of software features;
 (10)(K) propose security measures to protect web servers from electronic threats such
as unauthorized access and negative intentions
Content developer knowledge
IT: Web Technologies: Website Publishing /Going Live Lesson Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Instructional Aids:
 Website Publishing/Going Live Presentation
Materials Needed:
 Students should be provided with a printout of the presentation
 Printouts of the Domain Name & Web Hosting Activity
 Printout of the FTP Simulation Activity
 Printout of the Lesson Quiz
Equipment Needed:
 Students will need to use computers with Internet access during the presentation and for
the lesson activities.
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
Ask, "Why do you think it is important for a business or organization to have
their own domain name.?" Discuss this with them.
Say, "When a business or organization has its own top level domain
name, its website has more credibility and makes the organization
look more professional."
Discuss the role of website designers. Not only do they need to design and
build a website, but they must also be able to publish the website online for
public interaction.
Have students open their web browser and go to a website. Point out the
different parts of the domain name including the protocol and the top level
domain ending (.com, .net, .org, .edu etc).
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Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
Instructor Notes:
Domain name registration
A. Choosing a domain name
i. Student practice
B. Selecting a register
i. Student practice
Website hosting
A. Types of servers
i. Personal web servers
ii. Commercial web servers
1. Free servers
2. Shared servers
3. Dedicated servers
B. Selecting a commercial web host
i. What to consider
ii. Student practice
Transferring files
A. Required access information
B. Using an FTP client
Protecting your site / security
A. Password security
B. IP blocking
C. Backing up data
Student independent practice
A. Selecting domain names
B. Selecting register & hosting service
C. FTP client simulation activity
Students will need to have
their web browsers open
during the presentation.
They will be asked to look
up domain names, domain
registers, and FTP hosting
FTP means File Transfer
Protocol. Have students do
a web search for a good
FTP client.
Following the two activities,
discuss with students what
they found and what their
choices were.
Lesson quiz
Have each student give one
of the domain names they
came up with in the Domain
Name Activity.
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Students should follow along during the presentation. They will be asked to
1. choose an available domain name for a sample organization
2. locate a domain name register and check the price for registration
3. look up a web hosting company and check the lowest cost for a shared
IT: Web Technologies: Website Publishing /Going Live Lesson Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Following the lesson, students should complete the Domain Name Activity, Web Hosting
Activity, and the FTP Client Simulation Activity.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Provide students with a copy of the presentation and have them complete the three
activities with the lesson.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
The instructor should check the information the students come up with, particularly the
domain names. They should be appropriate for the organizations assigned. Discuss with
students why they feel they name is appropriate. If the name selected by the student
does not appropriately represent the organization, direct the student to select a new
name and assist him/her in identifying a domain name.
The instructor should also make sure the web hosting companies the students are
selecting are reputable. There is a good chance that whatever companies the students
use in this lesson are what they will use outside of class for any sites they choose to
publish. Discuss with them while they are searching, why they selected the company
they did, and not another company.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
Students should submit their Independent Practice activities for evaluation. They should
also complete the lesson quiz, checking their general knowledge of the information
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
After completing this exercise, students should have a general understanding of how to
select a domain name, register it, and publish a website. If appropriate, have students
work with a school organization or local business in developing a website and helping
them get it published. You will most likely have to guide them through the process as
this lesson only provides a simulation of the process.
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Teaching Strategies
Personal Development
Lecture, discussion, journal
writing, cooperative learning,
word origins
Reading, highlighting, outlining,
teaching others, reciting information
Problem solving, number
games, critical thinking,
classifying and organizing,
Socratic questioning
Mind-mapping, reflective
time, graphic organizers,
color-coding systems,
drawings, designs, video,
DVD, charts, maps
Use music, compose songs
or raps, use musical
language or metaphors
Organizing material logically, explaining
things sequentially, finding patterns,
developing systems, outlining, charting,
graphing, analyzing information
Developing graphic organizers, mindmapping, charting, graphing, organizing
with color, mental imagery (drawing in
the mind’s eye)
Use manipulatives, hand
signals, pantomime, real life
situations, puzzles and board
games, activities, roleplaying, action problems
Reflective teaching,
interviews, reflective listening,
KWL charts
Cooperative learning, roleplaying, group brainstorming,
cross-cultural interactions
Natural objects as
manipulatives and as
background for learning
Socratic questions, real life
situations, global
Creating rhythms out of words, creating
rhythms with instruments, playing an
instrument, putting words to existing
Moving while learning, pacing while
reciting, acting out scripts of material,
designing games, moving fingers under
words while reading
Reflecting on personal meaning of
information, studying in quiet settings,
imagining experiments, visualizing
information, journaling
Studying in a group, discussing
information, using flash cards with
other, teaching others
Connecting with nature, forming study
groups with like-minded people
Considering personal relationship to
larger context
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Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Choosing A Domain Name
Look over the business and club names and descriptions below. You should identify an
appropriate top level domain name for each. You will not find a domain name that is an
exact match to the organization name, so you should come up with a variation of the
name that is easy to remember and easily associated with the organization.
Use your favorite search engine to locate a domain search tool that will identify
available domain names. For the business website, you should only use the .com or
.net domains. For the club website, you may use the .com, .net, or the .org domains. Be
prepared to discuss your domain name choices with your class.
1. Business Website
Business Name: Yummy Bakery
Sells cakes, cookies, doughnuts, and other baked goods
Business Location: Atown, Texas
Owner: Bea Baker
Domain: http://___________________________________________ (.com or .net)
2. Business Website
Business Name: Wags Grooming
Provides dog grooming services
Business Location: Canine, TX
Owner: Dobie Clean
Domain: http://___________________________________________ (.com or .net)
3. Organization Website
Organization Name: Midtown Sports League
Provides team sports opportunities for children, such as football, baseball,
basketball, & tennis
Domain:http://___________________________________________ (.com, .net, or .org)
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Website Hosting Activity
For this activity, you will look at three potential website hosting companies and compare
their services. Fill in the chart and then answer the questions below.
Your website requires the following minimum services from the hosting company to go
online as it is, but it is expected to grow significantly in the future so your server choice
should allow for the growth without changing plans.
Server space - 50GB
Bandwidth - 10GB
Control panel for managing server settings.
Hosting Company A
Company Name:
Hosting Company B
Company Name:
Hosting Company C
Company Name:
Hosting Company Website:
Hosting Company Website:
Hosting Company Website:
Storage Space:
Storage Space:
Storage Space:
Monthly Cost:
Monthly Cost:
Monthly Cost:
Server Side Scripting:
Server Side Scripting:
Server Side Scripting:
Control Panel:
Control Panel:
Control Panel:
Which hosting company would you select for your website?
Why did you choose this company of the other two? Be specific.
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Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
FTP Simulation
Once you have selected a domain name and your website hosting company, you are
now ready to upload your files to your new web server. When you sign up for website
hosting, the hosting company will send you an email with all the important information
you need to know to access your website and to point your domain name to the server
where your files are stored. You must keep this information. The sample letter below is
similar to what you might receive.
Dear Student,
Thank you for choosing ACME Web Hosting for your website. Your
hosting account www.yourdomain.com has been created. Your
username and password for your control panel and ftp are shown
Username: html
Password: 12345
From your control panel, you may set up additional FTP accounts,
email accounts, sub domains, install scripts, and much more. Follow
the instructions below to access your control panel, FTP, and website.
To access your control panel:
To upload files to your site, use the following ftp address with your
FTP Client.
Port: 21
Directory: www
The name servers for your site are listed below. The domain name
register will need this information to point your domain name to our
Primary Name Server: dns844.mydomain.com
Secondary Name Server: dns854.mydomain.com
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Use the information in your letter when you log in to the FTP client you are using. Some
web design software has a built-in FTP client. If that is the case with the software you
are using, simply enter the FTP information from the letter you received into the
appropriate section for remote information. Make sure that you password protect this
account for added security.
Server Statistics
Look over the server statistics shown below.
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IT: Web Technologies: Website Publishing /Going Live Lesson Plan
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1. The assigned password is too simple. Write out a new password that would
add security to the account:
2. During which hours does the website have the most activity each day?
3. What day of the week does the site get the most visitors?
4. What is the highest usage of daily bandwidth during the week?
5. What is the total amount of bandwidth used during the week?
6. If we were going to take the website offline for maintenance on the server, which day
would be most appropriate for the work?
7. What is the minimum amount of monthly bandwidth this website requires?
8. Which day of the week received the most hits?
9. What type of client do you need to upload a website to make it public?
10. What does FTP stand for?
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FTP Simulation - KEY
1. The assigned password is too simple. Write out a new password that would
add security to the account:
Students should create a 7-10 digit password consisting of a random set of
characters with letters, numbers, and symbols. Should not spell out any words.
2. During which hours does the website have the most activity each day?
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
3. What day of the week does the site get the most visitors?
Wednesday (Note, Tuesday is shown with higher bandwidth, but Wednesday has
more hits and page views).
4. What is the highest usage of daily bandwidth during the week?
486.14 MB
5. What is the total amount of bandwidth used during the week?
2008.14 MB (or 2GB)
6. If we were going to take the website offline for maintenance on the server, which day
would be most appropriate for the work?
Sunday is the slowest day for the website.
7. What is the minimum amount of monthly bandwidth this website requires?
10 GB is the best answer, but anything between 8 and 15 would be acceptable.
8. Which day of the week received the most hits?
Thursday received the most hits
9. What type of client do you need to upload a website and make it public?
10. What does FTP stand for?
File Transfer Protocol
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Website Hosting Lesson Quiz
1. What is a domain name?
a. A name that is related to the business or topic the site represents
b. FTP
c. The user name and password
d. None of the above
2. How much should you expect to pay for annual domain hosting?
a. $10 per year
b. $40 per year
c. $60 per year
d. $80 per year
3. Which is NOT a characteristic of a good domain name?
a. Short
b. Includes numbers
c. Easily associated with the company it represents
d. A common top level domain, .com, .net, or .org
4. A hosting service that hosts multiple sites on a single server at a lower cost to
clients is called __________ hosting.
a. free
b. dedicated
c. shared
d. personal
5. A web hosting service that does not charge for hosting but places ads on the
sites that it hosts is called _________ hosting.
a. free
b. dedicated
c. shared
d. personal
6. The more expensive end-of-hosting sevices, but offers the most customization of
the server:
a. free hosting
b. dedicated hosting
c. shared hosting
d. personal hosting
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Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
7. A program used to transfer files from your computer to your web server:
a. FTP server
b. your web software
c. the computer registry
d. FTP client
8. A program running on a web server that allows other computers to connect to it
and transfer files to the server:
a. FTP Server
b. your web software
c. shared hosting
d. FTP Client
9. Which of the following information is NOT needed to connect your computer to
your web server to transfer files?
a. FTP address
b. File transfer size
c. Account or username
d. Password
10. A good password should have which of the following characteristics?
a. More than 7 characters in length
b. Consists of letters, numbers, and symbols
c. Be a random combination of letters, numbers and symbols
d. All of the above
IT: Web Technologies: Website Publishing /Going Live Lesson Plan
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Website Hosting Lesson Quiz - KEY
1. What is a domain name?
a. a name that is related to the business or topic the site represents
b. FTP
c. the user name and password
d. none of the above
1. How much should you expect to pay for annual domain hosting?
a. $10 per year
b. $40 per year
c. $60 per year
d. $80 per year
2. Which is NOT a characteristic of a good domain name?
a. Short
b. Includes numbers
c. Easily associated with the compny it represents
d. A common top level domain, .com, .net, or .org
3. A hosting service that hosts multiple sites on a single server at a lower cost to
clients is called __________ hosting.
a. free
b. dedicated
c. shared
d. personal
4. A web hosting service that does not charge for hosting but places ads on the
sites that it hosts is called _________ hosting.
a. free
b. dedicated
c. shared
d. personal
5. The more expensive end-of-hosting sevices, but offers the most customization of
the server:
a. free hosting
b. dedicated hosting
c. shared hosting
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d. personal hosting
6. A program used to transfer files from your computer to your web server.
a. FTP Server
b. your web software
c. the computer registry
d. FTP Client
7. A program running on a web server that allows other computers to connect to it
and transfer files to the server:
a. FTP server
b. your web software
c. shared hosting
d. FTP client
8. Which of the following information is NOT needed to connect your computer to
your web server to transfer files.
a. FTP address
b. File transfer size
c. Account or username
d. Password
9. A good password should have which of the following characteristics?
a. More than 7 characters in length
b. Consists of letters, numbers, and symbols
c. Be a random combination of letters, numbers and symbols
d. All of the above
IT: Web Technologies: Website Publishing /Going Live Lesson Plan
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