Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Telecommunications and Networking
Session Title: Broken LAN
Lesson Duration: 180-240 Minutes
[Lesson length is subjective and will vary from instructor to instructor]
Performance Objective:
Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to determine errors in a network
and make the network function, using standard troubleshooting techniques.
Specific Objectives:
 Understand the advantages of using networks
 Understand the function of various network devices
 Troubleshoot an existing non-working network
 Implement a solution after determining the source of the error(s)
 Test the solution to ensure functionality
 Summarize the learning experience from the lab in a formal report
TEKS Correlations: 130.274 (c)
(1) The student demonstrates the necessary skills for career development employability, and
successful completion of course outcomes. The student is expected to:
(C) employ effective reading and writing skills
(E) solve problems and think critically
(F) demonstrate leadership skills and function effectively as a team member
(3) The student relates core academic skills to the requirements of telecommunications and
data network services. The student is expected to:
(D) interpret technical documents such as schematics, drawings, charts, diagrams, technical
manuals, and bulletins
(4) The student acquires an understanding of telecommunications and data network services.
The student is expected to:
(G) define the layers and functions of the Open System Interconnection model
(K) differentiate between local area networks and wide area networks
(5) The student analyzes various types of configurations and upgrading. The student is
expected to:
(A) identify the attributes, purposes, and functions of the various components of
telecommunications and data networks
(C) distinguish between different types of cables used in the telecommunications and data
(G) explain how and when to use the Transport Control Protocol and Internet Protocol
(H) explain how and when to test, validate, and troubleshoot Internet Protocol connectivity;
IT: Telecommunications and Networking: Broken LAN Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
(7) The student develops a network design plan. The student is expected to:
(C) identify common peripheral ports and common network components
(8) The student implements a data network plan. The student is expected to:
(D) employ a systematic approach to identify the extent of a network problem, distinguish
between operator of system error, and select the appropriate steps to correct the error;
(E) analyze networking scenarios and demonstrate awareness of the need to check for
physical and logical indicators of trouble
 Cisco Systems Press: Networking for Home and Small Business by Allan Reid and Jim
 Cisco Systems Press: Working at a Small-to-Medium Business by Allan Reid and Jim
 Cisco Systems Press: Dictionary of Internetworking Terms and Acronyms
Instructional Aids:
 Networking Terms Handout
 Troubleshooting a Broken LAN - Presentation
 Lab Summary Report Form
Equipment Needed:
 Projector for presentation
 (1) switch per group
 (1) router per group
 (3) PC’s with an Operating System and functioning NIC (Networking Interface Card)
 Network cable tester
Students should have preliminary working knowledge of how networks function. Specifically,
students should know the functions of the basic network devices (i.e. router, switch, NIC).
Review of the Networking Terms Worksheet before the beginning of troubleshooting portion of
the lesson is suggested.
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
SAY: Networks are used by large and small organizations.
ASK: What would be a benefit of networking computers, printers, copiers, scanners
SAY: Company resources can be used more efficiently without regard to location.
(Example: Printers can be located in a building independently of a supporting
computer, yet all computers on the same network can have access to it.)
IT: Telecommunications and Networking: Broken LAN Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
SAY: Network Administrators are trained professionals who design, manage and
perform maintenance on networks, both small (LAN’s) and large (WAN’s).
SAY: World Wide organizations depend upon large networks for the success of their
ASK: What would happen to such a company if their company network suddenly
broke down?
SAY: Knowing the basics of how a network functions allows a Network Administrator
to solve problems as they arise.
SAY: Today, we will observe a network which is not functioning due to one or more
errors. Your lab assignment is to use standard troubleshooting techniques to
determine those errors and then implement a solution. After the solution is
complete, you will then test your solution to ensure a correct solution has been
Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
Instructor Notes:
Introduction to Networking
A. Basic Networking Terms
B. Basic Networking Concepts
C. 3 types of Networking cables
1. Straight Thru
2. Crossover
3. Console
II. Lab Setup
A. Connect all equipment with proper
B. Configure router and CPU’s with IP
Addresses, Default Gateway
Address, Network ID and Subnet
III. Input errors into the lab assignment
A. Incorrect or damaged cables
B. Incorrect Network ID
C. Incorrect CPU configurations
IV. Allow students, in groups, to analyze and
determine error(s) in lab
A. Use standard troubleshooting
B. Use cable testers
C. Use CLI commands to test
IT: Telecommunications and Networking: Broken LAN Plan
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V. After student groups have determined and
repaired the error(s), then test the
network to ensure lab is functioning
VI. Students should fill out Lab Reports to
summarize the entire lab experience
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
The teacher must first introduce detailed basic instruction on networking concepts
and terms (utilize presentation). Then, students must be guided in the correct
installation of equipment, as well as the configuration of each network device.
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Students will work in groups (of no more than 3) in order to complete the lab. At the
teacher’s discretion, each student in the group may be assigned a specific task to
ensure all students’ participation in the lab.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Q: What were your initial ideas on determining the issue involved with the error(s) in
your lab?
Q: Once the issue had been determined, what were your steps, in order, to solve the
Q: If this were a company depending on a network to be profitable, what are the
consequences of the network breaking down? Give specific, real company
examples of your ideas.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
Students should be evaluated at periodic intervals during the lab to ensure
completion within the time allotment.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
Students will be evaluated on their Lab Report Form, which must be typed and
printed with correct spelling, grammar, and format (as per the teacher’s instructions).
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Teaching Strategies
Personal Development
Lecture, discussion, journal
writing, cooperative learning,
word origins
Reading, highlighting, outlining,
teaching others, reciting information
Problem solving, number
games, critical thinking,
classifying and organizing,
Socratic questioning
Mind-mapping, reflective
time, graphic organizers,
color-coding systems,
drawings, designs, video,
DVD, charts, maps
Use music, compose songs
or raps, use musical
language or metaphors
Organizing material logically, explaining
things sequentially, finding patterns,
developing systems, outlining, charting,
graphing, analyzing information
Developing graphic organizers, mindmapping, charting, graphing, organizing
with color, mental imagery (drawing in
the mind’s eye)
Use manipulatives, hand
signals, pantomime, real life
situations, puzzles and board
games, activities, roleplaying, action problems
Reflective teaching,
interviews, reflective listening,
KWL charts
Cooperative learning, roleplaying, group brainstorming,
cross-cultural interactions
Natural objects as
manipulatives and as
background for learning
Socratic questions, real life
situations, global
Creating rhythms out of words, creating
rhythms with instruments, playing an
instrument, putting words to existing
Moving while learning, pacing while
reciting, acting out scripts of material,
designing games, moving fingers under
words while reading
Reflecting on personal meaning of
information, studying in quiet settings,
imagining experiments, visualizing
information, journaling
Studying in a group, discussing
information, using flash cards with
other, teaching others
Connecting with nature, forming study
groups with like minded people
Considering personal relationship to
larger context
IT: Telecommunications and Networking: Broken LAN Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Networking Terms Worksheet
Straight-Through Cable- An Ethernet cable used in networks which connect unlike
devices (ex: PC to Switch, PC to Hub)
Cross Connect Cable- An Ethernet cable used in networks which connect like devices
(ex: PC to PC, Hub to Hub)
Console Cable- An Ethernet cable used in networks which connect a PC to a console
port of a router or switch and allows configuration to take place
Router- A network device which routs IP packets through the Internet based on the
network IP address
Switch- A network device which routs network frames to their specific MAC destination
NIC (Network Internet Card) - An adapter card which, when inserted into a computer
or laptop, allows an Internet connection to that device
Packet- A packet is a unit of information which is routed through the Internet by routers
Frame- A frame is a container of data within a packet which is reviewed and sorted to
individual hosts on a network by a switch
Peer to Peer Network- The simplest form of a network where a host acts as, both,
client and server on the network
Client-Server Network- A network where there is a central control of all network
services (server) to network hosts (clients)
IT: Telecommunications and Networking: Broken LAN Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Classroom Lab Report Form
Name ________________________________________ Date ___________________
Students should fill out the lab report in its entirety. All blanks should have an
answer. If an individual question does not apply to the lab being taken, then “N/A”
should be written into that space.
Lab Name: ____________________________________________________________
Partners in Lab: ________________________________________________________
Initial Lab Instructions:
Procedures followed during lab:
Conclusions based on the lab:
IT: Telecommunications and Networking: Broken LAN Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.