Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Research in IT Solutions
Session Title: Conquering Your IT Job Interview
Lesson Duration: Lesson length is subjective and will vary from instructor to instructor.
Performance Objective:
Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to illustrate interview skills
necessary for successful job placement.
Specific Objectives:
The student will
• demonstrate the ability to conduct company research in preparation for the interview
• learn ways to control anxiety and make a great first impression
• evaluate clothing to determine the appropriate dress for an interview
• illustrate the ability to respond to behavioral and traditional interview questions
• explain why it is important to follow up after an interview
TEKS Correlations: 130.280
(1) The student demonstrates the necessary skills for career development, maintenance of
employability, and successful completion of course outcomes. The student is expected
(D) employ effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills.
(2) The student identifies various employment opportunities in the information technology
field. The student is expected to
(C) illustrate interview skills for successful job placement.
There are many books on job interviews. The local library should have many resources
available for mastering the interview process.
You might also use your favorite search engine to look for videos of both good and bad
interviews. These would be valuable learning tools as you try to hone your own interview
Instructional Aids:
IT: Research in IT Solutions: Conquering Your IT Job Interview
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved
Conquering Your IT Job Interview Presentation
Company Research Activity Sheet
Tips to Overcome Interview Anxiety Handout
Job Interview Role-Play Scenarios
Responding to Interview Questions Handout
Materials Needed:
Equipment Needed:
Computer with Internet access and projector for the presentation
Computers for students to conduct company research
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
Ask, "Do any of you have a job?"
Ask, "Can anyone who has gone through a job interview share his/her
If no one has experience with either, be prepared to share a brief story about your
first job interview.
After this short discussion, show the presentation and tell the students that they will
be doing an Internet search for "job interview taboo videos". Pick a student to share
the video with the class. After the video, have a classroom discussion about what
went well and what could have been improved upon during the interview.
Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
After the introduction, ask the students what
they thought about the interviewees in the
video they watched.
Allow students to respond, and make sure
they discuss the fact that responses and
behaviors like texting and answering phone
calls should never take place during an
Instructor Notes:
The content of the
presentation will focus on
everything from dressing for
the interview to responding to
questions during the
interview. Students will focus
on the things done
incorrectly, but ask them how
confident the interviewee
seemed and how he/she was
dressed. Your goal here is to
strongly acknowledge the
IT: Research in IT Solutions: Conquering Your IT Job Interview Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Ask students why they think interviews are
conducted in the first place and allow them to
a. The interview is meant to determine
whether or not the applicant is a good
fit for the job
b. The interviewer wants to know if the
person has the skills and personality
to do the job
c. The interviewee wants to know if the
company is a fit as well. He/she will
market himself/herself for the position
if interested.
Tell students that successful interviews could
result in an offer of work. This is a contract
between two parties. Because of this, it is
very important to do your research to prepare
for the interview.
Access the 7-11 Careers Internet.
Demonstrate how to find out about the
following for employees working at the
company you have chosen:
a. Leadership values
b. Benefits
c. Mission & Vision
d. Culture
poor behaviors exhibited but
also point out the good things
noticed during the interview.
Go to slide 3 of the
presentation and discuss the
definition of an interview.
Next, go to slide 4 to discuss
the goal of each person
during the interview.
Go to slide 5 of the
presentation and discuss
ways to research the
Go to slide 6 and discuss the
detailed information that can
be found on a company's
website. They will find the
company's mission and
values and be able to glean a
little bit about the culture and
heartbeat of the company.
Go to slide 7 of the
presentation. Have students
go to the company website
they have chosen and click
on the job opportunity links.
This activity is to help
students understand how to
search a company website
for information. Links contain
leadership and value
information. They will need to
select the “about us” link
across the top to show them
the mission, vision, and
culture information.
IT: Research in IT Solutions: Conquering Your IT Job Interview Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Divide students into groups of 4-5 depending
on class size, and have each group log into a
Hand out the Company Research Group
Activity. Have the students decide on one
company to research for this activity. No two
groups can use the same company.
Ask students to recall a time when they had
something big coming up (test, presentation,
etc.) and ask them how they felt. Also ask
them how they overcame that anxiety. Allow
students to share some examples.
Tell students that it is acceptable to be
nervous or anxious before an interview, but
stress that they must be able to relax and
remain composed. This will help them make
a great first impression.
Close this section of the lesson by passing
out the Tips to Overcome Interview Anxiety
Discuss the importance of dressing
appropriately for an interview.
Discuss the "dos and don’ts" of dress for
men and women.
Discuss additional hygiene tips for interviews.
Show students a series of clothing types. The
students will need to determine if the clothing
shown on the slides is appropriate or
inappropriate for a job interview.
After all of the slides are shown, ask the
students if they have any questions, and
respond appropriately.
Students will need to use
some of the search methods
discussed on slides 6 & 7 to
complete the activity. Walk
around and offer assistance if
needed during the activity.
Have the groups share their
findings for each company
with the entire class. Close
by stressing that it is
important to do your research
and that this will help them
be prepared for the interview.
Show the quote on slide 8
and ask students to share
what that means to them.
Go to slides 9 – 12 and
discuss each of these points
with students. Answer any
questions and be sure
students understand why
they need to dress
professionally for the
Go to slides 13 – 17 and
allow students to respond. If
they respond incorrectly,
explain any confusion.
Answers are as follows:
• Yes
• No – no shorts
IT: Research in IT Solutions: Conquering Your IT Job Interview Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Share the remainder of the slides with the
students. Discuss the difference between
behavioral and traditional interview questions
and share the any examples.
Respond to any questions before moving on
to the application and guided portions of the
• No – too dressy
• Yes
• Yes
The remaining slides talk
about question types and
follow-up with the interviewer.
Students may ask if they can
“text” their thank you note to
the employee. Explain that
hand-written notes or emails
are better because not all
people are comfortable with
texting and some jobs even
prevent employees from
having their cell phones with
them at work. This
sometimes includes the
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
After the presentation, students will be divided into groups of 3 for a role-play
exercise. Each group will have an interviewer, and interviewee, and an observer.
The interviewee will be given a company name and information about the company
to which they are applying. The interviewer will be given questions to ask during the
interview. The observer will have a checklist of items that will be used to evaluate the
interviewee. You will need several copies of the sheet to cover all students.
At the end of the role play, the observer will give feedback, and the students will
switch roles. Each person should have a chance to play each role. In cases where
there are uneven numbers of students, adjust as follows:
• 4 students in a group – have two observers
• 2 students in a group – the interviewer asks questions and gives feedback
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
After completing the guided role-play activity, the students will complete the
Responding to Interview Questions Handout. The students will use the information
discussed during the lesson to respond to 5 behavioral questions and 5 traditional
Students will answer the questions on the handout and will be given feedback from
the instructor/facilitator.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
As the students complete all of the activities included in the lesson, they should be
able to illustrate interview skills necessary for successful job placement.
IT: Research in IT Solutions: Conquering Your IT Job Interview Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Ask each student to share one thing he/she learned and will take away from the
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
During the role-play activity, the students will practice the skills they learned from the
lesson. The instructor should walk around to each group, listen in, and share
feedback. At the end of the activity, pull the students back together in a group and
ask the following questions:
"How could you tell if a question was behavioral or traditional?"
"What were some of the challenges you faced in responding to the
"Were there any trends observed during the role-plays?"
"What best practices can you offer each other for improvement?"
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
During the independent practice session, students will respond to a set of
behavioral- and traditional-type questions The responses should be evaluated using
the rubric. Because of the experience level in the class, each set of responses will
differ but the answering methods should be the same.
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
The students should have the skills necessary to dress professionally and respond
appropriately to interview questions. Students should also be able to
share these skills with others in peer groups
apply these skills to real-life situations in the working world
apply the skills learned here to the TEKS lesson on resume writing and
portfolio creation
IT: Research in IT Solutions: Conquering Your IT Job Interview Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Teaching Strategies
Personal Development
Lecture, discussion, journal
writing, cooperative learning,
word origins
Reading, highlighting, outlining,
teaching others, reciting information
Problem solving, number
games, critical thinking,
classifying and organizing,
Socratic questioning
Mind-mapping, reflective
time, graphic organizers,
color-coding systems,
drawings, designs, video,
DVD, charts, maps
Use music, compose songs
or raps, use musical
language or metaphors
Organizing material logically, explaining
things sequentially, finding patterns,
developing systems, outlining, charting,
graphing, analyzing information
Developing graphic organizers, mindmapping, charting, graphing, organizing
with color, mental imagery (drawing in
the mind’s eye)
Use manipulatives, hand
signals, pantomime, real life
situations, puzzles and board
games, activities, roleplaying, action problems
Reflective teaching,
interviews, reflective listening,
KWL charts
Cooperative learning, roleplaying, group brainstorming,
cross-cultural interactions
Natural objects as
manipulatives and as
background for learning
Socratic questions, real life
situations, global
Creating rhythms out of words, creating
rhythms with instruments, playing an
instrument, putting words to existing
Moving while learning, pacing while
reciting, acting out scripts of material,
designing games, moving fingers under
words while reading
Reflecting on personal meaning of
information, studying in quiet settings,
imagining experiments, visualizing
information, journaling
Studying in a group, discussing
information, using flash cards with
other, teaching others
Connecting with nature, forming study
groups with like-minded people
Considering personal relationship to
larger context
IT: Research in IT Solutions: Conquering Your IT Job Interview Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Directions: Pick a company where you would like to interview for a job. Write the name
of that company under Company Choice. Use the Internet to answer the questions.
You should use a variety of locations including the company’s website, social websites,
or unofficial blogs.
Company Choice - ______________________________________________________
1. What is the mission of the company?
2. What benefits do they offer employees?
3. What are the company’s corporate values?
4. What is the company’s dress code?
5. List the starting salary for any position in the company.
6. Is this company considered a good place to work? What are the pros and cons?
IT: Research in IT Solutions: Conquering Your IT Job Interview Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
The following tips will help you prepare for the interview and overcome any anxiety
before the big day.
1. Treat yourself well
Avoid caffeine and get plenty of sleep the night before the interview.
2. Visualize your success
Take a few minutes to visualize yourself being successful in your interview.
3. Reduce stressors
Reduce any stress that is external to the actual interview, such as wearing
uncomfortable clothing, getting lost, or showing up late. Plan that day in advance.
Choose an outfit that is comfortable and that looks good on you. If you aren't familiar
with the location of the interview, give yourself plenty of time to find it or do a trial run
a day or two before.
4. Do your research
Being well-prepared is a great way to alleviate anxiety. Research your potential
employer. Prepare answers to common questions.
5. Release anxious energy
Anxiety has a way of leaking out even when you think that you have it well-hidden. If
you find yourself fidgeting, try doing something to release anxious energy that no
one will notice, such as wiggling your toes.
6. Take your time
Realize that you don't have to answer questions immediately. Pause before
answering and collect your thoughts. If you worry about drawing a blank during
interviews, a great technique is to take notes as everyone talks. This takes the focus
off of you and allows you to refer to your notes after a question has been asked.
7. Be prepared
Being well-prepared and proactive will take the edge off of interview anxiety. Be sure
to bring everything that you think you might need, such as your resume, cover letter,
business cards, references, licenses, certifications, and a pen and notepad.
8. Congratulate yourself
Regardless of how you felt that the interview went, congratulate yourself afterward
for taking the chance. Do something that you enjoy as a reward, and don't dwell on
the things that might have gone poorly.
IT: Research in IT Solutions: Conquering Your IT Job Interview Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Directions: Create one copy of this scenario sheet for each group participating in the
role-play. Cut the sections along the line and give the appropriate information to the
person acting in the role.
You are interviewing for a job as a cashier at a local fast food restaurant. The company
is known for family values and flexible scheduling for the students. You have experience
working as a food server but have never worked the cash register before.
The applicant is applying for a job as a cashier with your fast food company. Ask the
following questions:
1. Tell me a little about yourself.
2. What experience have you had working in this industry?
3. Sometimes we have to deal with customers who are not very nice. How have you
dealt with difficult customers in the past?
4. Tell me about a time you had to go above and beyond to get a job done.
1. Did the interviewee follow the 50-50 rule?
2. Did the interviewee stay within the 20 second – 2 minute time rule for responding to
3. Did the interviewee give specific examples for the behavioral questions?
4. Did the interviewee share what he/she did during the situation and the outcome for
the behavioral questions?
5. Did the interviewee seem anxious?
IT: Research in IT Solutions: Conquering Your IT Job Interview Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Directions: Respond to each of the interview questions below. Begin by identifying
whether the question is behavioral or traditional.
1. Tell me about a time when you were particularly effective prioritizing tasks and
completing a project on schedule.
Question Type: ______________________________________________________
2. How would someone who knows you well describe you?
Question Type: ______________________________________________________
3. Why should I hire you?
Question Type: ______________________________________________________
IT: Research in IT Solutions: Conquering Your IT Job Interview Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
4. Give an example of an important goal that you set in the past. Talk about your
success in reaching it.
Question Type: ______________________________________________________
5. Give a specific example of a time when you had to address an angry customer.
Question Type: ______________________________________________________
6. Give me an example of a time when you were able to successfully communicate
with another person, even when that individual may not have personally liked you, or
vice versa.
Question Type: ______________________________________________________
IT: Research in IT Solutions: Conquering Your IT Job Interview Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
7. What do you like to do in your spare time?
Question Type: ______________________________________________________
8. Tell me about your greatest strengths and weaknesses.
Question Type: ______________________________________________________
9. Everyone has made some poor decisions or has done something that just did not
turn out right. Has this happened to you? What happened?
Question Type: ______________________________________________________
10. What do you like to do in your spare time?
Question Type: ______________________________________________________
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Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
1. Behavioral
2. Traditional
3. Traditional
4. Behavioral
5. Behavioral
6. Behavioral
7. Traditional
8. Traditional
9. Behavioral
10. Traditional
IT: Research in IT Solutions: Conquering Your IT Job Interview Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Name: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________
question types
Answered all correctly
Answered 7-9 correctly
Answered 5-6 correctly
Answered 3-4 correctly
Responses are straight
forward and answer the
entire question.
Responses are straight
forward and answer
most of the question.
Responses are unclear
and do not fully answer
the question.
Responses are specific,
action-oriented for the
applicant, and have a
Responses are specific
but it is hard to
determine the actions of
the applicant to resolve
the situation.
Responses are
somewhat clear and
adequately answer the
Responses are
somewhat specific but
there is no resolution
No specific situations
used. Response is
general in nature.
Total Score
To calculate the scores, multiply the number of points granted (2-5) by the weight. For example, if the number of points
granted in the “Traditional Questions” category is 5, multiply that by the weight granted for that category, and place the
number in the score column (5*3=15). The maximum total score a student can achieve is 100.
IT: Research in IT Solutions: Conquering Your IT Job Interview Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.