Lesson Plan Course Title: Principles of Information Technology Session Title: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Lesson Duration: 1 Week Performance Objective: Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to format a text document containing research information to display appropriate characteristics of the MLA style. Specific Objectives: Identify the purpose of the Modern Language Association Identify the steps to apply MLA format Identify characteristics of MLA style format for research papers Identify functions of word processing software tools associated with research paper format Apply basic MLA format to text documents Format internal quotations of a research paper according to MLA standards Develop a works cited section of a research paper according to MLA standards Preparation TEKS Correlations: 130.272 (7) The student applies word-processing technology. The student is expected to (A) identify the terminology associated with word-processing software and its functions; (C) edit a variety of text documents using functions such as pagination, appropriate white space, tab settings, and font style, size, and color; (E) apply formatting techniques to a multipage research paper using approved publication standards such as American Psychological Association and Modern Language Association; Instructor/Trainer References: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, seventh edition Instructional Aids: Formatting Research Paper using MLA Presentation Formatting Research Paper using MLA Notes Organizer Activity #1 - #3 Instruction Sheet Activity #1 Text File IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 1 Activity #1 Answer Key Activity #2 Answer Key Activity #3 Answer Key Activity #4 Instruction Sheet Activity #4 Text File Activity #4 Answer Key Activity #4 Grading Rubric Materials Needed: Copies of Organizer, Instruction Sheets, and Exam Electronic text files provided to students Equipment Needed: Computer and projector for presentation Computers for individual student use with word processing software Learner Have students browse through printed documents such as newspapers or magazines to find 2 articles. One article should be about a topic that is questionable as to the truth of the content, and the second should have content that is very believable. Be sure to have research articles available. Note: The objective of this exercise is to have students realize how quotations and documented research of experts can sway a reader’s opinion of the topic or support the level of believability of the information provided. Introduction MI Introduction (LSI Quadrant I): ASK, “Have you ever been reading an article and wondered to yourself if what you were reading was really the truth?” ASK, “What was it about the article that made you question its authenticity?” Ask a few of the students to stand up and read part of the unbelievable document they found. Ask them to name at least one thing that makes IT seem unbelievable. Optional: Have a student make a list on the board of the unbelievable qualities of the documents. ASK, “Have you ever been reading an article and believed the content even though it was a controversial issue?” ASK, “What was it about the article that made you believe its authenticity?” IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 2 Ask a few of the students to stand up and read part of the believable document they found. Ask them to name at least one thing that makes it seem believable. Optional: Have a student make a list on the board of the believable qualities of the documents. Note: The objective of this exercise is to have them realize how quotations and documented research of experts can sway a reader’s opinion of the topic. Outline MI Outline (LSI Quadrant II): Instructor Notes: I. Students identify the purpose of the Modern Language Association (slide 4) II. Students identify the steps to apply MLA format to a research paper (slide 7) III. Identify characteristics of MLA style (slides 932) IV. Identify functions of the tools of word processing software associated with research paper format (slides 9-32) Explain the MLA purpose, publications, and steps to the formatting process of a research paper, using the presentation provided. Speaker notes are provided in the presentation to aid the instructor with the content of each slide. Hand out the Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Notes Organizer (1) per student to aid them in note taking during your presentation. Encourage the students to peruse the images on each slide that give a specific example of each formatting technique. Activity #1: Also listed in guided practice below V. Apply basic MLA format to text documents Provide feedback to students Provide each student with an electronic copy of the Activity #1 text file along with the instruction sheet for Activity #1. After students complete activity, provide them with a copy of the answer key. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 3 Activity #2: Also listed in guided practice below VI. Format internal quotations of a research paper according to MLA standards Provide feedback to students Activity #3: Also listed in guided practice below VII. Develop a works cited section of a research paper according to MLA standards Provide feedback to students Activity #4: Also listed in independent practice below Students will apply basic MLA format to the text document, format internal quotations, and develop a works cited section of a research paper. Students will complete the review activity listed below in the Summary section. Students will complete the exam activity listed below in the Evaluation section. Provide each student with a copy of the instruction sheet for Activity #2. After students complete activity, provide them with a copy of the answer key. Provide each student with a copy of the instruction sheet for Activity #3. After students complete activity, provide them with a copy of the answer key. Provide each student with an electronic copy of the Activity #4 text file and a copy of the instruction sheet for Activity #4. Grading rubric provided in lesson documents. Place the students in pairs or groups of three for this activity. Students will do this individually. Answer key provided in lesson documents. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 4 Application MI Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III): Note to instructor: The statistics presented in this research paper are completely fictional and were only produced for the purpose of teaching MLA format, not to present factual information or sway anyone’s opinion on any of the topics presented. Activity #1: Students will open the text file of Activity #1 (unformatted text of a research paper) and apply basic MLA formatting techniques (font style & size, margins, line spacing, and title block), then save as Activity 1. When finished, they will compare their work to the answer key provided, make needed corrections, and resave. Activity #2: Students will open the file they named Activity 1 and apply MLA style formatting for the internal quotations, then save as Activity 2. When finished, they will compare their work to the answer key provided, make needed corrections, and resave. Activity #3: Students will open the file they named Activity 2 and apply MLA style formatting for the works cited section, then save as Activity 3. When finished, they will compare their work to the answer key provided, make needed corrections, and resave. MI Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III): Note to instructor: The statistics presented in this research paper are completely fictional and were only produced for the purpose of teaching MLA format, not to present factual information or sway anyone’s opinion on any of the topics presented. Activity #4: Students will open the text file of Activity #4 (unformatted text of a research paper) and apply basic MLA formatting techniques (font style & size, margins, line spacing, and title block), apply MLA style formatting for the internal quotations, and apply MLA style formatting for the works cited section of the research paper. When finished, they will evaluate their own work, make corrections, and then print a copy for the instructor to grade. Summary MI Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV): In pairs, have students ask questions of each other from the lesson note organizers they filled out at the beginning of the lesson. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 5 Evaluation MI Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III): MI Discussion comments during introduction activity Observation of note-taking during presentation of lesson Guided practice activities – making corrections to documents Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV): Activity #4: Application of all the steps to apply MLA style format to a research paper. (Grading rubric provided) Extension MI Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV): Enrichment #1: Have students obtain an essay that they wrote for English class and apply basic MLA format to the document. Enrichment #2: Instruct the students to use that same essay, locate 3 sources of information on this topic, and quote the sources within the text of the essay. Enrichment #3: Instruct the students to use that same essay and develop a works cited section for the three sources they used for internal quotations. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 6 Icon MI Verbal/ Linguistic Logical/ Mathematical Visual/Spatial Musical/ Rhythmic Bodily/ Kinesthetic Intrapersonal Interpersonal Naturalist Existentialist Teaching Strategies Personal Development Strategies Lecture, discussion, journal writing, cooperative learning, word origins Reading, highlighting, outlining, teaching others, reciting information Problem solving, number games, critical thinking, classifying and organizing, Socratic questioning Mind-mapping, reflective time, graphic organizers, color-coding systems, drawings, designs, video, DVD, charts, maps Use music, compose songs or raps, use musical language or metaphors Organizing material logically, explaining things sequentially, finding patterns, developing systems, outlining, charting, graphing, analyzing information Developing graphic organizers, mindmapping, charting, graphing, organizing with color, mental imagery (drawing in the mind’s eye) Use manipulatives, hand signals, pantomime, real life situations, puzzles and board games, activities, roleplaying, action problems Reflective teaching, interviews, reflective listening, KW L charts Cooperative learning, roleplaying, group brainstorming, cross-cultural interactions Natural objects as manipulatives and as background for learning Socratic questions, real life situations, global problems/questions Creating rhythms out of words, creating rhythms with instruments, playing an instrument, putting words to existing songs Moving while learning, pacing while reciting, acting out scripts of material, designing games, moving fingers under words while reading Reflecting on personal meaning of information, studying in quiet settings, imagining experiments, visualizing information, journaling Studying in a group, discussing information, using flash cards with other, teaching others Connecting with nature, forming study groups with like-minded people Considering personal relationship to larger context IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 7 NAME DATE Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Notes Organizer 1. The initials MLA represent what? 2. The purpose of MLA is to promote , criticism, and research. 3. MLA publishes two different manuals. What are their names? a. b. 4. Of the two items listed above, which is used by high school students and undergraduate students? Apply Basic Formatting a. Choose Font Style and Size: if not given, select b. Indent the c. size line of each paragraph by -- align the text d. Set Page Margins: Top, Bottom, Left, & Right should be e. Set line spacing to f. Leave g. The first space after the period at the end of a sentence lines of the report are called the Block These five lines contain what information? Line #1: Line #2: Line #3: Line #4: Line #5: h. Line #5 should be , not , , or font size change. Should also use case and not all caps. i. The header should contain , , , and should be aligned. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 8 NAME DATE Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Notes Organizer Format the Quotations 5. A quotation is anything copied for word from a the beginning and end of quotations. Add at the . Place of the quote followed by ending mark. Place page number of quote the parentheses. 6. The title of books and magazines should be _. 7. Titles of articles inside a book or magazine should be 8. If a quote takes up more than and indenting it from the preceded by a . lines, it should be set apart by beginning it on a margin by the ending punctuation should . It should have quotation marks, and be moved to outside the parentheses. The quotation should be . 9. If quoting a short piece of a poem or lines of lyrics, place them in lines by a at marks and separate the mark. 10. If quoting a long piece of a poem (more than lines), use the same format as a quote. 11. If the author of the quote isn’t presented in the text preceding the quote, then add the author’s inside the parentheses, before the 12. Each picture, graphic, image, etc. is considered a . . each figure should appear with the abbreviation Fig. Following Fig. should be a space and an Arabic number (1, 2, 3 . . .) 13. These numbers should be sequential as the images appear in the report. After the number is a period, then a space, then a of what the image is about. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 9 NAME DATE Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Notes Organizer Format the Works Cited Section 14. Begin the works cited section on the the top of next page. page. Hold and press Enter to go to 15. The title should be the words and should be centered. 16. Each entry begins on a a. and at the Set the paragraph format to margin. indent. To format hanging indent, click the dialog box button. Under the Indentation section, locate the option. Click on the drop down arrow under the Special section and choose then click OK. 17. The entries of the works cited section should be in order. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 10 Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Instructions for Activity #1, #2 and #3 Activity #1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Open the text file named MLA Act_1. Save this to your student folder as Your Name MLA Activity 1. Look at your MLA Notes Organizer. Follow the steps listed under the Apply Basic Formatting Section. Save your changes. Print your document. Compare your document with the answer key provided. Make any necessary changes and resave. Activity #2 1. Open the text file named MLA Act_1. 2. Save this to your student folder as Your Name MLA Activity 2 3. Look at your MLA Notes Organizer. Follow the steps listed under the Format the Quotations section. 4. Quote #1: Locate the 1st sentence of the 2nd paragraph that contains the following quote: non-profit entity that regulates the industry that creates and markets video games This quote was taken from page 4 of a book written by Jonathon Brown. 5. Quote #2: Navigate to page 2 of the report. Find the paragraph that reads as follows: pediatric psychologist, Dr. Jennifer Johnson, when young children play the games that are rated for older children they may act out what they see on screen because they have difficulty distinguishing reality from fantasy. This quote was taken from page 57 of an article written by Dr. Jennifer Johnson. 6. Quote #3: remain on page 2 of the report. Find the paragraph that reads as follows: video games reduce violent and aggressive acts . . . to act out in an aggressive or violent manner. This quote was taken from a magazine article on page 17 and was written by Simeon Roberts. 7. Quote #4: Locate the 3rd sentence of the next paragraph. Find the section that reads as follows: According to clinical psychologist, Laura Swanson, there are too many variables that can skew the outcome of the study results to be able to conduct research on this topic that would render valid or reliable results. This was taken from a page 46 of a book written by Laura Swanson. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 11 Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Instructions for Activity #1, #2 and #3 8. Quote #5: Locate the 1st sentence in the next paragraph. Find the portion that reads as follows: In one game study conducted by Dr. Richard Little, researchers chose two video games, one with an over 17 rating because of blood, gore and violence, and one with an E rating. This quote was taken from page 32 of a book written by Dr. Richard Little. 9. Quote #6: Navigate to page 4. Notice the italicized lines of text. These are lines from a poem. Use the correct format to quote several lines of a poem. This quote was taken from page 27 of a book by Donald Stephenson. 10. Save your changes. 11. Read through the document and locate the names of books, magazines or articles within those publications and correctly format them. 12. Print your document. 13. Compare your document with the answer key provided. 14. Make any necessary changes and resave. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 12 Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Instructions for Activity #1, #2 and #3 Activity #3 1. Open the text file named MLA Act_1. 2. Save this to your student folder as Your Name MLA Activity 3. 3. Look back at the PowerPoint presentation your instructor showed at the beginning of this lesson. Follow the steps listed under the Format the Works Cited Section (slides #23-#30). 4. The resource items for the works cited page are listed below: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAGAZINES BOOKS Magazine name: Entertainment Weekly Book name: Rating Systems and What Article Title: The Influence of Video Games They Mean on Today’s Teens Town of publication: San Angelo Page numbers of article: 16-18 Printed date: 2008 Author: Simeon Roberts Jr. Author: Jonathon Brown Issue: September 14, 2009 Format: Printed version Format: Printed version Name of Publisher: Vaudeville Publishers Magazine name: Just for Kids Article Title: Children Learn What They See Page numbers of article: 53-54, 61, 63 Author: Jennifer Johnson Issue: May 3, 2009 Format: Printed version Book name: When Data Becomes Unreliable Town of publication: Chicago Printed date: 2008 Author: Richard Little Format: Viewed electronically through Hampton Electronic Database Library Name of Publisher: Zebra Books POEM Book name: RESEARCH SIMPLIFIED Book name: The Darker Side of Poetry Town of publication: Charleston Town of publication: Miami Printed date: 2010 Printed date: 2003 Author: Laura Swanson & Marion Compton Author: Donald Stephenson Format: CD-ROM Poem Name: The Murderous Roar Name of Publisher: Seasons Group Publishing Editor: Leslie Divers Translator: Derek Dugan Format: Printed version Name of Publisher: AVON BOOKS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Save your changes. 6. Print your document. 7. Compare your document with the answer key provided. 8. Make any necessary changes and resave. 9. Submit your final paper to the instructor for grading. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 13 VIDEO GAMES DO NOT SPAWN VIOLENCE As we hear about shooting sprees at local high schools, people immediately begin to lay blame for the event on the video gaming industry. Critics then use these events to raise their voices against the violence that is portrayed in many of the popular video games. Critics proceed to try to ban the sale of these video games without having any real proof of their accusations. Video games do not contribute to youth violence because there is an excellent rating system in p lace, the simulated violence provides an outlet for aggression, and the research that critics use is flawed. Just like movies, video games receive a content rating by the ESRB, Entertainment So ftware Rating Board which is a non-profit entity that regulates the industry that creates and markets video games. Video games receive a rating that suggests age appropriateness for the game and content descriptors which indicate attributes of the game that triggered the rating. This is an excellent rating system. If video games are correctly identified using this system, and purchasers of the games adhere to the system, then only those people who are mentally mature enough to be exposed to violence without being influenced by it will be exposed to the higher levels of violence. For example, when the game Mortal Kombat came out, my teenage brother purchased the game and was playing it while I was watching. When my mother saw the scene where a person in the game fell into a pit and was impaled on spikes with a lot of blood surrounding him, she was upset that I was watching this and felt that I was too young to watch such a scene. I was only 8 years old. So when she looked at the content rating of the game, she banned the game from being played while any children were able to view the screen. If all parents would pay this much attention to the games their children are playing, then younger, more easily influenced children would not be exposed to violence that their young minds are not able to properly process. According to an article in Just for Kids medical magazine, pediatric psychologist, Dr. Jennifer Johnson, when young children play the games that are rated for older children they may act out what they see on screen because they have difficulty distinguishing reality from fantasy. However, when video game users are adhering to the ESRB rating system, then teenagers and young adults can play the video games without being influenced by what is acted out on screen. Teenagers and young adults have the capability to understand that the video game is just a fantasy world and that the behaviors portrayed by the characters in the game are not the same behaviors that should be displayed in the real world. Sometimes, when people get angry they can go play a video game to release their aggression through the fantasy type world and get over their anger without committing violent acts in reality. In a recent article entitled, The Influence of Video Games on Today’s Teens, advocates of video games argued that video games reduce violent and aggressive acts because it allows the user to release the feelings of frustrated through the simulations, therefore helping the user to no longer have the desire to act out in an aggressive or violent manner. Video game advocates contend that a majority of the research on the topic is deeply flawed and that no causal relationship has been found between video games and social violence. It’s difficult to determine if violent video games increase violent behavior in research settings. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 14 According to clinical psychologist, Laura Swanson, there are too many variables that can skew the outcome of the study results to be able to conduct research on this topic that would render valid or reliable results. Some of the issues that I see are the already existing aggressive tendencies of the research subjects, the current emotional mindset of the subjects, the level of individual interest in the game used in the research study and other life factors that could induce stress. In one game study conducted by Dr. Richard Little, researchers chose two video games, one with an over 17 rating because of blood, gore and violence and one with an E rating. An E rating is considered safe for everyone, somewhat like a rated G movie is considered safe for general audiences. Each study participant was between the ages of 18-19 and placed inside a room with only a television, video game console and a chair. They played the given game for 2 hours. Before the two hours were up the teenagers playing the E rated game were bored and just wanted their time to be over. They were not interested in the game and considered it an unpleasant experience. The other group of teenagers was excited over the new game because they had just learned the basics of navigating the various levels and had a high interest in the game. The players were given a questionnaire afterwards that asked them if they wanted to strike anyone. Players of the violent game reported that they were excited and in a good mood and none of them reported that they were in an aggressive mood. Several players of the E rated game remarked that they wanted to punch the person who designed the game. Now, we know they really didn’t mean that – but as researchers, the comments had to be recorded. Therefore, this research showed that violence was provoked in the players of the E rated game more than in the players of the more violent game. This is flawed research. If we look at the music industry, we can see the same controversy. Music albums that have explicit lyrics have a parental warning on the cover. The hostility represented in the lyrics can incite people to violence, especially those on illegal drugs or drinking a lot of alcohol. If you recall the Steven Donaldson murder case, he had read a poem by Donald Stephenson, notice the play on names. Because of the similarities in the names, Steven believed that the poem had been written just for him and was giving him Divine Instructions. Here is a piece of that poem: On the outside so beautiful, who could ask for more? Your smile so lovely, but rotten at the core. You cheated, you stole, You’re hearts blacker than coal. My love you tossed away, like rubble or trash My heart you broke, shattered like glass. Now murder eats at me, it’s all I have heard Like ants crawling, on the carcass of a dead baby bird. Steven Donaldson was chanting these lines as he murdered his ex-girlfriend, her new boyfriend, her sister and her mother. These lyrics had a huge impact on him and he was in his late twenties. Not everyone has the emotional stability to keep themselves from being influenced by darker subjects. During Donaldson’s trial it was proven that he had a history of mental illness. Should there be a law that mentally ill people can’t listen to certain music or play certain video games? I don’t think that’s the answer either. In any public setting, you can look around you and watch the interactions of individuals an d be witness to various different acts of aggression. You can let your mind wander and try to discern what it was that caused that person to believe that their behavior in that situation was socially acceptable. You might even wonder if they saw that kind of behavior in a movie or perhaps a IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 15 video game. It’s people who are wondering along these types of thoughts who decide to voice their negative opinions of video games when they have no valid proof on which to make these accusations. If they really stopped to gather the facts they would find that, the United States has an excellent rating system for video games. People should consider these ratings before they allow their children to play these games. People should not jump to conclusions about video games without being able to provide proof. Valid proof however, is not available because the research studies that have been attempted are flawed. If there is no valid proof that video games cause violent behavior then people should not make a rush to jud gment about something they don’t really understand. In this country, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty. We need to take this stance on this issue as well. We should believe that video games do not spawn violence in today’s youth. We should believe this until it can be proven otherwise with impeccable research studies. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 16 Walters 17 Rhonda Walters Mr. Instructor Principles of IT November 14, 2009 Video Games Do Not Spawn Violence As we hear about shooting sprees at local high schools, people immediately begin to lay blame for the event on the video gaming industry. Critics then use these events to raise their voices against the violence that is portrayed in many of the popular video games. Critics proceed to try to ban the sale of these video games without having any real proof of their accusations. Video games do not contribute to youth violence because there is an excellent rating system in place, the simulated violence provides an outlet for aggression, and the research that critics use is flawed. Just like movies, video games receive a content rating by the ESRB, Entertainment Software Rating Board, which is a non-profit entity that regulates the industry that creates and markets video games. Video games receive a rating that suggests age appropriateness for the game and content descriptors which indicate attributes of the game that triggered the rating. This is an excellent rating system. If video games are correctly identified using this system, and purchasers of the games adhere to the system, then only those people who are mentally mature enough to be exposed to violence without being influenced by it will be exposed to the higher levels of violence. For example, when the game Mortal Kombat came out, my teenage brother purchased the game and was playing it while I was watching. When my mother saw the scene where a person in the game fell into a pit and was impaled on spikes with a lot of blood surrounding him, she was upset that I was watching this and felt that I was too young to IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 17 Walters 18 watch such a scene. I was only 8 years old. So when she looked at the content rating of the game, she banned the game from being played while any children were able to view the screen. If all parents would pay this much attention to the games their children are playing, then younger, more easily influenced children would not be exposed to violence that their young minds are not able to properly process. According to an article in Just for Kids medical magazine, pediatric psychologist, Dr. Jennifer Johnson, when young children play the games that are rated for older children they may act out what they see on screen because they have difficulty distinguishing reality from fantasy. However, when video game users are adhering to the ESRB rating system, then teenagers and young adults can play the video games without being influenced by what is acted out on screen. Teenagers and young adults have the capability to understand that the video game is just a fantasy world and that the behaviors portrayed by the characters in the game are not the same behaviors that should be displayed in the real world. Sometimes, when people get angry they can go play a video game to release their aggression through the fantasy type world and get over their anger without committing violent acts in reality. In a recent article entitled, The Influence of Video Games on Today’s Teens, advocates of video games argued that video games reduce violent and aggressive acts because it allows the user to release the feelings of frustrat ion through the simulations, therefore helping the user to no longer have the desire to act out in an aggressive or violent manner. Video game advocates contend that a majority of the research on the topic is deeply flawed and that no causal relationship has been found between video games and social violence. It’s difficult to determine if violent video games increase violent behavior in research settings. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 18 Walters 19 According to clinical psychologist, Laura Swanson, there are too many variables that can skew the outcome of the study results to be able to conduct research on this topic that would render valid or reliable results. Some of the issues that I see are the already existing aggressive tendencies of the research subjects, the current emotional mindset of the su bjects, the level of individual interest in the game used in the research study and other life factors that could induce stress. In one game study conducted by Dr. Richard Little, researchers chose two video games, one with an over 17 rating because of blood, gore and violence, and one with an E rating. An E rating is considered safe for everyone, somewhat like a rated G movie is considered safe for general audiences. Each study participant was between the ages of 18-19 and placed inside a room with only a television, video game console and a chair. They played the given game for 2 hours. Before the two hours were up the teenagers playing the E rated game were bored and just wanted their time to be over. They were not interested in the game and considered it an unpleasant experience. The other group of teenagers was excited over the new game because they had just learned the basics of navigating the various levels and had a high interest in the game. The players were given a questionnaire afterwards that asked them if they wanted to strike anyone. Players of the violent game reported that they were excited and in a good mood and none of them reported that they were in an aggressive mood. Several players of the E rated game remarked that they wanted to punch the person who designed the game. Now, we know they really didn’t mean that – but as researchers, the comments had to be recorded. Therefore, this research showed that violence was provoked in the players of the E rated game more than in the players of the more violent game. This is flawed research. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 19 Walters 20 If we look at the music industry, we can see the same controversy. Music albums that have explicit lyrics have a parental warning on the cover. The hostility represented in the lyrics can incite people to violence, especially those on illegal drugs or drinking a lot of alcohol. If you recall the Steven Donaldson murder case, he had read a poem by Donald Stephenson ; notice the play on names. Because of the similarities in the names, Steven believed that the poem had been written just for him and was giving him Divine Instructions. Here is a piece of that poem: On the outside so beautiful, who could ask for more? core. You cheated, you stole, Your smile so lovely, but rotten at the You’re hearts blacker than coal. My love you tossed away, like rubble or trash My heart you broke, shattered like glass. Now murder eats at me, it’s all I have heard Like ants crawling, on the carcass of a dead baby bird. Steven Donaldson was chanting these lines as he murdered his ex-girlfriend, her new boyfriend, her sister and her mother. These lyrics had a huge impact on him and he was in his late twenties. Not everyone has the emotional stability to keep themselves from being influenced by darker subjects. During Donaldson’s trial it was proven that he had a history of mental illness. Should there be a law that mentally ill people can’t listen to certain music or play certain video games? I don’t think that’s the answer either. In any public setting, you can look around you and watch the interactions of individuals and be witness to various different acts of aggression. You can let your mind wander and try to discern what it was that caused that person to believe that their behavior in that situation was socially acceptable. You might even wonder if they saw that kind of behavior in a movie or perhaps a video game. It’s people who are wondering along these types of thoughts who decide to voice their negative opinions of video games when they have no valid proof on which to make these accusations. If they really stopped to gather the facts, they would find that the United IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 20 Walters 21 States has an excellent rating system for video games. People should consider these ratings before they allow their children to play these games. People should not jump to conclusions about video games without being able to provide proof. Valid proof, however, is not available because the research studies that have been attempted are flawed. If there is no valid proof that video games cause violent behavior then people should not make a rush to judgment about something they don’t really understand. In this country, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty. We need to take this stance on this issue as well. We should believe that video games do not spawn violence in today’s youth. We should believe this until it can be proven otherwise with impeccable research studies. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 21 Walters 22 Rhonda Walters Mr. Instructor Principles of IT November 14, 2009 Video Games Do Not Spawn Violence As we hear about shooting sprees at local high schools, people immediately begin to lay blame for the event on the video gaming industry. Critics then use these events to raise their voices against the violence that is portrayed in many of the popular video games. Critics proceed to try to ban the sale of these video games without having any real proof of their accusations. Video games do not contribute to youth violence because there is an excellent rating system in place, the simulated violence provides an outlet for aggression, and the research that critics use is flawed. Just like movies, video games receive a content rating by the ESRB, Entertainment Software Rating Board which is a “non-profit entity that regulates the industry that creates and markets video games” (Brown 4). Video games receive a rating that suggests age appropriateness for the game and content descriptors which indicate attributes o f the game that triggered the rating. This is an excellent rating system. If video games are correctly identified using this system, and purchasers of the games adhere to the system, then only those people who are mentally mature enough to be exposed to violence without being influenced by it will be exposed to the higher levels of violence. For example, when the game Mortal Kombat came out, my teenage brother purchased the game and was playing it while I was watching. When my mother saw the scene where a person in the game fell into a pit and was impaled on spikes with a lot of IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 22 Walters 23 blood surrounding him, she was upset that I was watching this and felt that I was too young to watch such a scene. I was only 8 years old. So when she looked at the content rating of the game, she banned the game from being played while any children were able to view the screen. If all parents would pay this much attention to the games their children are playing, then younger, more easily influenced children would not be exposed to violence that their young minds are not able to properly process. According to an article in Just for Kids medical magazine, pediatric psychologist, Dr. Jennifer Johnson, “when young children play the games that are rated for older children they may act out what they see on screen because they have difficulty distinguishing reality from fantasy” (57). However, when video game users are adhering to the ESRB rating system, then teenagers and young adults can play the video games without being influenced by what is acted out on screen. Teenagers and young adults have the capability to understand that the video game is just a fantasy world and that the behaviors portrayed by the characters in the game are not the same behaviors that should be displayed in the real world. Sometimes, when people get angry they can go play a video game to release their aggression through the fantasy type world and get over their anger without committing violent acts in reality. In a recent article entitled, “The Influence of Video Games on Today’s Teens”, advocates of video games argued that “video games reduce violent and aggressive acts because it allows the user to release the feelings of frustration through the simulations, therefore helping the user to no longer have the desire to act out in an aggressive or violent manner” (Roberts 17). Video game advocates contend that a majority of the research on the topic is deeply flawed and that no causal relationship has been found between video games and social violence. It’s difficult to determine if violent video games increase violent behavior in research settings. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 23 Walters 24 According to clinical psychologist, Laura Swanson, “there are too many variables that can skew the outcome of the study results to be able to conduct research on this topic that would render valid or reliable results” (46). Some of the issues that I see are the already existing aggressive tendencies of the research subjects, the current emotional mindset of the subjects, the level of individual interest in the game used in the research study and other life factors that could induce stress. In one game study conducted by Dr. Richard Little, “researchers chose two video games, one with an over 17 rating because of blood, gore and violence, and one with an E rating” (32). An E rating is considered safe for everyone, somewhat like a rated G movie is considered safe for general audiences. Each study participant was between the ages of 18-19 and placed inside a room with only a television, video game console and a chair. They played the given game for 2 hours. Before the two hours were up the teenagers playing the E rated game were bored and just wanted their time to be over. They were not interested in the game and considered it an unpleasant experience. The other group of teenagers was excited over the new game because they had just learned the basics of navigating the various levels and had a high interest in the game. The players were given a questionnaire afterwards that asked them if they wanted to strike anyone. Players of the violent game reported that they were excited and in a good mood and none of them reported that they were in an aggressive mood. Several players of the E rated game remarked that they wanted to punch the person who designed the game. Now, we know they really didn’t mean that – but as researchers, the comments had to be recorded. Therefore, this research showed that violence was provoked in the players of the E rated game more than in the players of the more violent game. This is flawed research. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 24 Walters 25 If we look at the music industry, we can see the same controversy. Music albums that have explicit lyrics have a parental warning on the cover. The hostility represented in the lyrics can incite people to violence, especially those on illegal drugs or drinking a lot of alcohol. If you recall the Steven Donaldson murder case, he had read a poem by Donald Stephenson, notice the play on names. Because of the similarities in the names, Steven believed that the poem had been written just for him and was giving him Divine Instructions. Here is a piece of that poem: On the outside so beautiful, who could ask for more? Your smile so lovely, but rotten at the core. You cheated, you stole, You’re hearts blacker than coal. My love you tossed away, like rubble or trash My heart you broke, shattered like glass. Now murder eats at me, it’s all I have heard Like ants crawling, on the carcass of a dead baby bird. (27) Steven Donaldson was chanting these lines as he murdered his ex-girlfriend, her new boyfriend, her sister and her mother. These lyrics had a huge impact on him and he was in his late twenties. Not everyone has the emotional stability to keep themselves from being influenced by darker subjects. During Donaldson’s trial it was proven that he had a history of mental illness. Should there be a law that mentally ill people can’t listen to certain music or play certain video games? I don’t think that’s the answer either. In any public setting, you can look around you and watch the interactions of individuals and be witness to various different acts of aggression. You can let your mind wander and try to discern what it was that caused that person to believe that their behavior in that situation was IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 25 Walters 26 socially acceptable. You might even wonder if they saw that kind of behavior in a movie or perhaps a video game. It’s people who are wondering along these types of thoughts who decide to voice their negative opinions of video games when they have no valid proof on which to make these accusations. If they really stopped to gather the facts, they would find that the United States has an excellent rating system for video games. People should consider these ratings before they allow their children to play these games. People should not jump to conclusions about video games without being able to provide proof. Valid proof, however, is not available because the research studies that have been attempted are flawed. If there is no valid proof that video games cause violent behavior then people should not make a rush to judgment about something they don’t really understand. In this country, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty. We need to take this stance on this issue as well. We should believe that video games do not spawn violence in today’s youth. We should believe this until it can be proven otherwise with impeccable research studies. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 26 Walters 27 Rhonda Walters Mr. Instructor Principles of IT November 14, 2009 Video Games Do Not Spawn Violence As we hear about shooting sprees at local high schools, people immediately begin to lay blame for the event on the video gaming industry. Critics then use these events to raise their voices against the violence that is portrayed in many of the popular video games. Critics proceed to try to ban the sale of these video games without having any real proof of their accusations. Video games do not contribute to youth violence because there is an excellent rating system in place, the simulated violence provides an outlet for aggression, and the research that critics use is flawed. Just like movies, video games receive a content rating by the ESRB, Entertainment Software Rating Board which is a “non-profit entity that regulates the industry that creates and markets video games” (Brown 4). Video games receive a rating that suggests age appropriateness for the game and content descriptors which indicate attributes o f the game that triggered the rating. This is an excellent rating system. If video games are correctly identified using this system, and purchasers of the games adhere to the system, then only those people who are mentally mature enough to be exposed to violence without being influenced by it will be exposed to the higher levels of violence. For example, when the game Mortal Kombat came out, my teenage brother purchased the game and was playing it while I was watching. When my mother saw the scene where a person in the game fell into a pit and was impaled on spikes with a lot of IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 27 Walters 28 blood surrounding him, she was upset that I was watching this and felt that I was too young to watch such a scene. I was only 8 years old. So when she looked at the content rating of the game, she banned the game from being played while any children were able to view the screen. If all parents would pay this much attention to the games their children are playing, then younger, more easily influenced children would not be exposed to violence that their young minds are not able to properly process. According to an article in Just for Kids medical magazine, pediatric psychologist, Dr. Jennifer Johnson, “when young children play the games that are rated for older children they may act out what they see on screen because they have difficulty distinguishing reality from fantasy” (57). However, when video game users are adhering to the ESRB rating system, then teenagers and young adults can play the video games without being influenced by what is acted out on screen. Teenagers and young adults have the capability to understand that the video game is just a fantasy world and that the behaviors portrayed by the characters in the game are not the same behaviors that should be displayed in the real world. Sometimes, when people get angry they can go play a video game to release their aggression through the fantasy type world and get over their anger without committing violent acts in reality. In a recent article entitled, “The Influence of Video Games on Today’s Teens”, advocates of video games argued that “video games reduce violent and aggressive acts because it allows the user to release the feelings of frustration through the simulations, therefore helping the user to no longer have the desire to act out in an aggressive or violent manner” (Roberts 17). Video game advocates contend that a majority of the research on the topic is deeply flawed and that no causal relationship has been found between video games and social violence. It’s difficult to determine if violent video games increase violent behavior in research settings. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 28 Walters 29 According to clinical psychologist, Laura Swanson, “there are too many variables that can skew the outcome of the study results to be able to conduct research on this topic that would render valid or reliable results” (46). Some of the issues that I see are the already existing aggressive tendencies of the research subjects, the current emotional mindset of the subjects, the level of individual interest in the game used in the research study and other life factors that could induce stress. In one game study conducted by Dr. Richard Little, “researchers chose two video games, one with an over 17 rating because of blood, gore and violence, and one with an E rating” (32). An E rating is considered safe for everyone, somewhat like a rated G movie is considered safe for general audiences. Each study participant was between the ages of 18-19 and placed inside a room with only a television, video game console and a chair. They played the given game for 2 hours. Before the two hours were up the teenagers playing the E rated game were bored and just wanted their time to be over. They were not interested in the game and considered it an unpleasant experience. The other group of teenagers was excited over the new game because they had just learned the basics of navigating the various levels and had a high interest in the game. The players were given a questionnaire afterwards that asked them if they wanted to strike anyone. Players of the violent game reported that they were excited and in a good mood and none of them reported that they were in an aggressive mood. Several players of the E rated game remarked that they wanted to punch the person who designed the game. Now, we know they really didn’t mean that – but as researchers, the comments had to be recorded. Therefore, this research showed that violence was provoked in the players of the E rated game more than in the players of the more violent game. This is flawed research. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 29 Walters 30 If we look at the music industry, we can see the same controversy. Music albums that have explicit lyrics have a parental warning on the cover. The hostility represented in the lyrics can incite people to violence, especially those on illegal drugs or drinking a lot of alcohol. If you recall the Steven Donaldson murder case, he had read a poem by Donald Stephenson, notice the play on names. Because of the similarities in the names, Steven believed that the poem had been written just for him and was giving him Divine Instructions. Here is a piece of that poem: On the outside so beautiful, who could ask for more? Your smile so lovely, but rotten at the core. You cheated, you stole, You’re hearts blacker than coal. My love you tossed away, like rubble or trash My heart you broke, shattered like glass. Now murder eats at me, it’s all I have heard Like ants crawling, on the carcass of a dead baby bird. (27) Steven Donaldson was chanting these lines as he murdered his ex-girlfriend, her new boyfriend, her sister and her mother. These lyrics had a huge impact on him and he was in his late twenties. Not everyone has the emotional stability to keep themselves from being influenced by darker subjects. During Donaldson’s trial it was proven that he had a history of mental illness. Should there be a law that mentally ill people can’t listen to certain music or play certain video games? I don’t think that’s the answer either. In any public setting, you can look around you and watch the interactions of individuals and be witness to various different acts of aggression. You can let your mind wander and try to discern what it was that caused that person to believe that their behavior in that situation was IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 30 Walters 31 socially acceptable. You might even wonder if they saw that kind of behavior in a movie or perhaps a video game. It’s people who are wondering along these types of thoughts who decide to voice their negative opinions of video games when they have no valid proof on which to make these accusations. If they really stopped to gather the facts, they would find that the United States has an excellent rating system for video games. People should consider these ratings before they allow their children to play these games. People should not jump to conclusions about video games without being able to provide proof. Valid proof, however, is not available because the research studies that have been attempted are flawed. If there is no valid proof that video games cause violent behavior then people should not make a rush to judgment about something they don’t really understand. In this country, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty. We need to take this stance on this issue as well. We should believe that video games do not spawn violence in today’s youth. We should believe this until it can be proven otherwise with impeccable research studies. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 31 Walters 32 Works Cited Brown, Jonathon. Rating Systems and What They Mean. San Angelo: Vaudeville Publishers, 2008. Print. Johnson, Jennifer. “Children Learn What They See.” Just for Kids 3 May 2009: 53+. Print. Little, Richard. When Data Becomes Unreliable. Chicago: Zebra Books, 2008. Hampton Electronic Database Library. Roberts, Simeon, Jr. “The Influence of Video Games on Today’s Teens.” Entertainment Weekly 14 Sept. 2009: 16-18. Print. Stephenson, Donald. “The Murderous Roar.” Trans. Derek Dugan. The Darker Side of Poetry. Ed. Leslie Divers. Miami: Avon Books, 2003. 27. Print. Swanson, Laura, and Marion Compton. Research Simplified. Charleston: Seasons Group Publishing, 2010. CD-ROM. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 32 Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Instructions for Activity #4 Complete the following steps: Apply Basic Formatting 1. 2. 3. 4. Open the text file named MLA Act_4. Save this to your student folder as Your Name MLA Activity 4 Look at your MLA Notes Organizer. Follow the steps listed under the Apply Basic Formatting Section. Save your changes. Format the Quotations 5. Look at your MLA Notes Organizer. Follow the steps listed under the Format the Quotations section. 1. Quote #1: Locate the 2nd paragraph, on the first page. Find the text that reads as follows: written by Otto Mortimer as this ( following this text is a long quote): a process in which heat produced by humans, such as . . . a lot of it is just cycled back towards the earth’s surface, where we live. This quote was taken from page 44 of a magazine article written by Otto Mortimer. 2. Quote #2: navigate to page 2 of the report. Find the paragraph that contains the text: According to a world-renown scientist, Rudolph Mezmer, . . . he claims that (following this text is a quote): The existing hole in the ozone layer . . . size to be 11 million square miles. This quote was taken from page 4 of an article written by Rudolph Mezmer. 3. Quote #3: remain on page 2 of the report. Find the paragraph that reads: In this agreement, countries agreed to (following this text is a quote): phase out the use of chemicals that erode the ozone layer. This quote was taken from a book on page 15 and was written by Cyndi Lemur. 4. Quote #4: Navigate to page 3. Find the section that reads: Physicist, John Montgomery, claims that (following this text is a quote): the levels of ozone layer erosion chemicals have steadily decreased since the enacting of the Montreal Protocol This was taken from a page 12 of a book written by John Montgomery. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 33 Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Instructions for Activity #4 5. Quote #5: Navigate to page 4. Find the section that reads: According to Mr. Farwell, ( following this text is a quote): In 1995, production of R-12 ceased. It is our intention to phase out the production of R22 by the year 2020. This quote was taken from page 78 of a book written by Max Farwell. 6. Save your changes. Read the document and locate the names of books, magazines, or articles within those publications and correctly format them. 7. Navigate to page 3 and correctly label the Ozone chart. Create a Works Cited Section for this research paper using the resource information below: BOOKS Book name: The Montreal Protocol Explained Town of publication: Boston Printed date: 2006 Author: Cyndi Lemur & Dylan Jennings Format: Printed version Name of Publisher: Green Publishing MAGAZINES Magazine name: Discover Article Title: ITS STILL GROWING Page numbers of article: 4-7 Author: Rudolph Mezmer Issue: March 22, 2009 Format: CD-Rom Book name: An Analysis of the Composition of Ozone Depleting Chemicals Town of publication: Chicago Printed date: 2006 Author: John Gerald Montgomery Format: Printed version Name of Publisher: Blastiff Books Magazine name: National Geographic Article Title: What is the Greenhouse Effect All About? Page numbers of article: 27, 39, 44-45 Author: Otto Mortimer Issue: June 5, 2002 Format: Printed version Book name: A COMPARISON OF THE MOST DANGEROUS OZONE DEPLETING CHEMICALS Town of publication: New York Printed date: 2004 Author: Max Farwell III Format: Printed version Name of Publisher: Only Science Publishing 8. Spellcheck your document and save changes. 9. Print your document. 10. Submit your document to instructor for grading. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 34 Going Green – What Does It Mean As we experience an increase in natural disasters, people having been wondering about the cause of this increase. We have heard that it is the greenhouse effect or global warming or the depletion of the ozone layer. Most Americans have heard these phrases and yet many still do not understand what they mean. If we do not understand what they are how are we to reason in our own minds if there is anything that we as individuals can do about them to help stop this insane weat her situations? Today I am going to explain these phrases to you so that you can determine if they are important enough to your livelihood to try to do something to help prevent them from getting worse. I’m also going to inform you of possible solutions that others have suggested might help alleviate this dire situation. The greenhouse effect is described in this article that appeared in National Geographic magazine, written by Otto Mortimer as this: a process in which heat produced by humans, such as running motor equipment, factory equipment, forest fires, and heating of homes, rises into the air, bounces off of the clouds and is sent back down to the surface of the earth. This process repeats itself over and over in a never ending cycle. A portion of the heat is released into the outer atmosphere but a lot of it is just cycled back towards the earth’s surface, where we live. The greenhouse cycling effect has been occurring for centuries, and as technology has brought about an increase in heat-generating equipment, this has caused the temperature at the earth’s surface to steadily increase. Therefore, the result of this is that the air at the surface of the earth is getting hotter and hotter this increase in temperature is called global warming. Another issue that goes hand-in-hand with these is the ozone layer issue. The ozone layer is a thick, protective barrier high in the atmosphere. It keeps the most harmful rays of the sun from reaching earth. This barrier is made of a certain substance. This substance can be altered by different chemicals that are floating around in the air. Several years ago it was discovered that certain chemicals were reacting to the ozone layer material and causing it to dissolve. If enough chemicals react to the ozone in the same place it could wear a hole through the ozone layer and once the hole is made, the harmful rays of the sun can come IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 35 through and cause many problems for all life-forms on earth. According to a world-renown scientist, Rudolph Mezmer, in his article entitled, It’s Still Growing, he claims that The existing hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica was approximately 9 million square miles wide. After today’s measurements we now estimate this size to be 11 million square miles. The existence of this hole caused world-wide speculation of what might happen to the inhabitants of this planet if the entire ozone layer dissolved. Scientists identified the chemicals that were doing the most harm to the ozone material. Then representatives from all over the world met to discuss this topic. An agreement was reached by these representatives which is now called the Montreal Protocol. In this agreement, countries agreed to phase out the use of chemicals that erode the ozone layer. Some manufacturers like those who use plastic foam blowers were upset by this agreement because they did not have an alternative chemical as a substitute. Then when an alternative was discovered, it was less cost-effective. Another culprit of these harmful chemicals is something very common, one you either use or witness being used, on a daily basis. This chemical is used in common asthma inhalers. Experiments have been done to try to find an alternative that works as effectively for this medical purpose, but to date, none has been found. Another chemical that erodes the ozone layer is found in common fire extinguishers. Since the Montreal Protocol was enacted, there has been a substitute found for fire extinguishers. However, there are still older extinguishers that are being used and are releasing the harmful chemicals. Physicist, John Montgomery, claims that the levels of ozone layer erosion chemicals have steadily decreased since the enacting of the Montreal Protocol. The chart below was published in Time magazine to declare that the Montreal Protocol was a success: IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 36 Parts per million Levels of Ozone Depleting Chemicals 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Before Montreal After Montreal Component Name A chart comparing the level of ozone depleting chemicals in the atmosphere both before the Montreal Protocol was enacted and several years after it was enacted. Published in the Feb. 14, 2007 issue of Time Magazine, in an article titled The Success of the Montreal Protocol by Medalin Sykowski. A chemical that has a very strong erosion effect on the ozone layer is called CFC. This chemical has been replaced with HFC. These are less harmful to the ozone layer, but they keep the heat in the air from escaping past the outer atmosphere, which basically means that they cause an increase in the global warming effect. So another alternative needs to be found to replace the HFC chemicals. Another common chemical is used in refrigerators and air conditioners. The chemical used for automobile air conditioners is called R-12 and the chemical used in the air conditioners of residential houses (that’s where you live) is called R-22. They don’t have the dangerous CFC but they have a different chemical that causes erosion of the ozone layer. According to Mr. Farwell, In 1995, production of R-12 ceased. It is our intention to phase out the production of R-22 by the year 2020. However, the alternatives for both of these chemicals are being criticized for their effect on the increase of global warming. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 37 Let us not forget about carbon dioxide. We as humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is also released when we burn gasoline, methane or propane. The carbon dioxide in the air reacts to heat. Without going into the full scientific explanation of how the molecules change and move, which might be confusing, I’ll put it in simple terms by saying that the carbon dioxide helps retain heat close to the earth’s surface which increases the global warming effect. This is where consideration of trees and plants come in to the picture. Trees and plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. We need lots of trees and plants to help remove the carbon dioxide from the air. Since paper is made from trees, we should recycle paper products whenever possible. Unfortunately, there isn’t any natural filter or man-made filter that can rid the atmosphere of the CFCs or HCFCs that we have already released. We just have to wait until they have reacted to other chemicals and depleted themselves on their own. The earth needs time to be able to heal the hole in the ozone layer. We as the earth’s inhabitants need to take measures to help heal that hole and prevent any more from occurring. We need to pay close attention to the products we use and educate ourselves on the chemicals used in these products. We need to practice paper recycling habits. Hopefully, with the whole world working together, we can prevent further global warming and prevent further depletion of the ozone layer. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 38 Martinez 39 Maria Martinez Mr. Instructor Principles of IT April 27, 2009 Going Green – What Does It Mean As we experience an increase in natural disasters, people having been wondering about the cause of this increase. We have heard that it is the greenhouse effect or global warming or the depletion of the ozone layer. Most Americans have heard these phrases and yet many still do not understand what they mean. If we do not understand what they are how are we to reason in our own minds if there is anything that we as individuals can do about them to help stop this insane weather situations? Today I am going to explain these phrases to you so that you can determine if they are important enough to your livelihood to try to do something to help prevent them from getting worse. I’m also going to inform you of possible solutions that others have suggested might help alleviate this dire situation. The greenhouse effect is described in this article that appeared in National Geographic magazine, written by Otto Mortimer as this: a process in which heat produced by humans, such as running motor equipment, factory equipment, forest fires, and heating of homes, rises into the air, bounces off of the clouds and is sent back down to the surface of the earth. This process repeats itself over and over in a never ending cycle. A portion of the heat is released into the outer atmosphere but a lot of it is just cycled back towards the earth’s surface, where we live. (44) IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 39 Martinez 40 The greenhouse cycling effect has been occurring for centuries, and as technology has brought about an increase in heat-generating equipment, this has caused the temperature at the earth’s surface to steadily increase. Therefore, the result of this is that the air at the surface of the earth is getting hotter and hotter this increase in temperature is called global warming. Another issue that goes hand-in-hand with these is the ozone layer issue. The ozone layer is a thick, protective barrier high in the atmosphere. It keeps the most harmful rays of the sun from reaching earth. This barrier is made of a certain substance. This substance can be altered by different chemicals that are floating around in the air. Several years ago it was discovered that certain chemicals were reacting to the ozone layer material and causing it to dissolve. If enough chemicals react to the ozone in the same place it could wear a hole through the ozone layer and once the hole is made, the harmful rays of the sun can come through and cause many problems for all life-forms on earth. According to a world-renown scientist, Rudolph Mezmer, in his article entitled, “It’s Still Growing”, he claims that “The existing hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica was approximately 9 million square miles wide. After today’s measurements we now estimate this size to be 11 million square miles” (4). The existence of this hole caused world-wide speculation of what might happen to the inhabitants of this planet if the entire ozone layer dissolved. Scientists identified the chemicals that were doing the most harm to the ozone material. Then representatives from all over the world met to discuss this topic. An agreement was reached by these representatives which is now called the Montreal Protocol. In this agreement, countries agreed to “phase out the use of chemicals that erode the ozone layer” (Lemur 15). Some manufacturers like those who use plastic foam blowers were upset by this agreement because they did not have an alternative chemical as a substitute. Then when an alternative was discovered, it was less cost-effective. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 40 Martinez 41 Another culprit of these harmful chemicals is something very common, one you either use or witness being used, on a daily basis. This chemical is used in common asthma inhalers. Experiments have been done to try to find an alternative that works as effectively for this medical purpose, but to date, none has been found. Another chemical that erodes the ozone layer is found in common fire extinguishers. Since the Montreal Protocol was enacted, there has been a substitute found for fire extinguishers. However, there are still older extinguishers that are being used and are releasing the harmful chemicals. Physicist, John Montgomery, claims that “the levels of ozone layer erosion chemicals have steadily decreased since the enacting of the Montreal Protocol” (12). The chart below was published in Time magazine to declare that the Montreal Protocol was a success: Parts per million Levels of Ozone Depleting Chemicals 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Before Montreal After Montreal Component Name Fig. 1. A chart comparing the level of ozone depleting chemicals in the atmosphere both before the Montreal Protocol was enacted and several years after it was enacted. Published in the Feb. 14, 2007 issue of Time Magazine, in an article titled “The Success of the Montreal Protocol” by Medalin Sykowski. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 41 Martinez 42 A chemical that has a very strong erosion effect on the ozone layer is called CFC. This chemical has been replaced with HFC. These are less harmful to the ozone layer, but they keep the heat in the air from escaping past the outer atmosphere, which basically means that they cause an increase in the global warming effect. So another alternative needs to be found to replace the HFC chemicals. Another common chemical is used in refrigerators and air conditioners. The chemical used for automobile air conditioners is called R-12 and the chemical used in the air conditioners of residential houses (that’s where you live) is called R-22. They don’t have the dangerous CFC but they have a different chemical that causes erosion of the ozone layer. According to Mr. Farwell, “In 1995, production of R-12 ceased. It is our intention to phase out the production of R-22 by the year 2020” (78). However, the alternatives for both of these chemicals are being criticized for their effect on the increase of global warming. Let us not forget about carbon dioxide. We as humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is also released when we burn gasoline, methane or propane. The carbon dioxide in the air reacts to heat. Without going into the full scienti fic explanation of how the molecules change and move, which might be confusing, I’ll put it in simple terms by saying that the carbon dioxide helps retain heat close to the earth’s surface which increases the global warming effect. This is where consideration of trees and plants come in to the picture. Trees and plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. We need lots of trees and plants to help remove the carbon dioxide from the air. Since paper is made from trees, we should recycle paper products whenever possible. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 42 Martinez 43 Unfortunately, there isn’t any natural filter or man-made filter that can rid the atmosphere of the CFCs or HCFCs that we have already released. We just have to wait until they have reacted to other chemicals and depleted themselves on their own. The earth needs time to be able to heal the hole in the ozone layer. We as the earth’s inhabitants need to take measures to help heal that hole and prevent any more from occurring. We need to pay close attention to the products we use and educate ourselves on the chemicals used in these products. We need to practice paper recycling habits. Hopefully, with the whole world working together, we can prevent further global warming and prevent further depletion of the ozone layer. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 43 Martinez 44 Works Cited Farwell, Max, III. A Comparison of the Most Dangerous Ozone Depleting Chemicals. New York: Only Science Publishing, 2004. Print. Lemur, Cyndi, and Dylan Jennings. The Montreal Protocol Explained. Boston: Green Publishing, 2006. Print. Mezmer, Rudolph. “It’s Still Growing.” Discover 22 Mar 2009: 4-7. CD-ROM. Montgomery, John Gerald. An Analysis of the Composition of Ozone Depleting Chemicals. Chicago: Blastiff Books, 2006. Print. Mortimer, Otto. “What is the Greenhouse Effect All About?” National Geographic 05 June 2002: 27+. Print. IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 44 Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Grading Rubric for Activity #4 Requirements Report is printed; pages placed in sequential order; stapled in upper left corner Line 1 is student’s first and last name Line 2 is instructor name Line 3 is course name Line 4 is date Lines 1-4 are left aligned Line 5 is the title, centered Title is in Title Case Text is Times New Roman, size 12 Title is not bold, underlined, or italic Margins are all 1” Line spacing is double Header is last name and pg number; right aligned Paragraphs are tabbed Body text is left aligned Quote #1 is preceded by a colon Quote #1 starts on new line Quote #1 indented 1” Quote #1 no quotation marks Quote #1: where we live (44). Article title is in quotation marks “It’s Still Growing” Quote #2: “the existing . . . square miles” Quote #2: shows miles” (4). Quote #3: “phase out . . .ozone layer” Quote #3: shows layer” (Lemur 15). Quote #4: “the levels of . . . Montreal Protocol” Quote #4 shows: Protocol” (12). Line above chart has the word Time in italics Line below chart begins with: Fig. 1. 3rd line below chart has the word Time in italics Following text shows article title in quotes “The Success of the Montreal Protocol” Pts 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 45 Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Grading Rubric for Activity #4 Requirements Quote #5: “In 1995, . . . year 2020” Quote #5 shows: year 2020” (78). Works Cited page starts on a new page Title on page is centered and in Title Case Rest of text is left aligned and hanging indent Entries on page are in alpha order Note: the following lines will not wrap at the same place as the report. Pts 2 2 2 2 2 2 Refer to answer key for correct wrapping. Entries below should be graded to format, order, italics, quotes, and punctuation marks. Farwell, Max, III. A Comparison of the Most Dangerous Ozone 5 Depleting Chemicals. New York: Only Science Publishing, 2004. Print. Lemur, Cyndi, and Dylan Jennings. The Montreal Protocol Explained. 5 Boston: Green Publishing, 2006. Print. Mezmer, Rudolph. “It’s Still Growing.” Discover 22 Mar 2009: 4-7. 5 CD-ROM. Montgomery, John Gerald. An Analysis of the Composition of Ozone 5 Depleting Chemicals. Chicago: Blastiff Books, 2006. Print. Mortimer, Otto. “What is the Greenhouse Effect All About?” National 5 Geographic 05 June 2002: 27+. Print. Total Points Possible = 100 Your Score 2 IT: Principles of IT: Formatting a Research Paper Using MLA Style Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved. 46