Lesson Plan Course Title: Principles of Information Technology Session Title: Basic Internet Functions Lesson Duration: Length will vary dependent upon instructor. Performance Objective: Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to access and properly use the Internet. Specific Objectives: The students will be able to • • • • define Internet and terms related to the Internet. list the different types of search engines and web browsers. access the internet using the proper methods. dissect the components of a Uniform Resource Locator. Preparation TEKS Correlations: 130.272 • • • • (1)(C) employ effective reading and writing skills; (3)(C) demonstrate effective Internet search strategies, including keywords and Boolean logic using various available engines; (3)(D) dissect and identify components of a Uniform Resource Locator; and (3)(E) demonstrate ability to effectively test acquired information from the Internet for accuracy, relevance, and validity. Instructor/Trainer References: • Education World o http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/hunt/ans062.shtml • ItrainOnline o http://www.itrainonline.org/itrainonline/english/index.shtml • Basic Bee o www.basicbee.com • California State University o http://www.calst atela.edu/ • Crossword Puzzle Maker o http://www.armoredpenguin.com/crossword/bin/crossword.cgi Instructional Aids: • Presentation • Let’s See What You Can Find--Word Search • Let’s See What You Can Find--Answer KEY • Find Me: All About the Internet--Crossword • • • • • Find Me: All About the Internet--Crossword KEY All About The Internet All About The Internet KEY Internet Test Internet Test KEY Materials Needed: • Printout of handouts • Paper for notes Equipment Needed: • Projector • Computer with Internet access Learner Introduction MI Introduction (LSI Quadrant I): Ask the students if they have ever done any research. If they have, ask the students what they used to do their research. Inform the students that the Internet has not been around for a long time, and before then, people had to do thorough research in a library to find the information they needed. Tell the students that today we will discuss the basic functions of the Internet. Say that most people use the Internet daily without knowing the true functions of its different parts. Outline MI Outline (LSI Quadrant II): • Instructor Notes: Lesson Overview a. Deliver the presentation When necessary, connect to the Internet to show students what you are explaining. Also, make sure that students take thorough notes during this presentation. They will need to know specific definitions. • Let’s See What You Can Find -- Internet Search a. The first three questions should be done as a class so that students can get an idea of how to search. Break the students into groups of two. Allow the students to use the Internet to find the information located on the handout. IT: Principles of Information Technology: Basic Internet Functions Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 2 They can use any search engine. • Word Search a. The students will find the terms that they have taken notes on in the word search Split the students into groups of 4. The first students to get them correct can receive extra points on the assignment. Do not allow students to use the internet—only notes. • All About the Internet a. The students will take this to become more knowledgeable of the test. This will be an independent assignment. Students can use the Internet and notes to get the correct answers After the assignment, review each section. Give the students the correct answers and explain why they are correct. Do not allow students to use notes on the test. • Test a. The students will take the test on the information that they have learned Application MI Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III): The teacher will interactively deliver the presentation and give students information about the Internet. When necessary, the teacher will guide the students to the Internet so that they can click and follow with the presentation. MI Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III): The students will complete the All About the Internet Assignment. The students can use the Internet and notes, but they must work alone. This will prepare the students for the test. Summary MI Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV): IT: Principles of Information Technology: Basic Internet Functions Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 3 After completing the assignments, the students should understand the basic Internet functions. Students should be able to actively use the Internet. With the information learned, the students will understand the different parts of the Internet. Evaluation MI Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III): As the students complete the Internet search in groups, the teacher will walk around and make sure that students are properly using the Internet. MI Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV): After the students have completed the Internet searches and the All About the Internet assignment, the teacher will give the students a test on the information that they have learned. This will test the information that they have learned through the presentation and the activities. The students will be required to select correct answers and provide answers for open-ended questions. Extension MI Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV): Once the students have learned the basic function of the Internet, the students can reflect on what they have learned in order to properly use it. Students should be able to identify the different parts of the Internet screens. With this information; students can do basic research and eventually learn about doing proper research and finding reliable sources. IT: Principles of Information Technology: Basic Internet Functions Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 4 Icon MI Verbal/ Linguistic Logical/ Mathematical Visual/Spatial Musical/ Rhythmic Bodily/ Kinesthetic Intrapersonal Interpersonal Naturalist Existentialist Teaching Strategies Personal Development Strategies Lecture, discussion, journal writing, cooperative learning, word origins Reading, highlighting, outlining, teaching others, reciting information Problem solving, number games, critical thinking, classifying and organizing, Socratic questioning Mind-mapping, reflective time, graphic organizers, color-coding systems, drawings, designs, video, DVD, charts, maps Use music, compose songs or raps, use musical language or metaphors Organizing material logically, explaining things sequentially, finding patterns, developing systems, outlining, charting, graphing, analyzing information Developing graphic organizers, mindmapping, charting, graphing, organizing with color, mental imagery (drawing in the mind’s eye) Use manipulatives, hand signals, pantomime, real life situations, puzzles and board games, activities, roleplaying, action problems Reflective teaching, interviews, reflective listening, KWL charts Cooperative learning, roleplaying, group brainstorming, cross-cultural interactions Natural objects as manipulatives and as background for learning Socratic questions, real life situations, global problems/questions Creating rhythms out of words, creating rhythms with instruments, playing an instrument, putting words to existing songs Moving while learning, pacing while reciting, acting out scripts of material, designing games, moving fingers under words while reading Reflecting on personal meaning of information, studying in quiet settings, imagining experiments, visualizing information, journaling Studying in a group, discussing information, using flash cards with other, teaching others Connecting with nature, forming study groups with like-minded people Considering personal relationship to larger context IT: Principles of Information Technology: Basic Internet Functions Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 5 Name: ______________________ Date: _____________________ Period: ________________ Let’s See What You Can Find!! Use the Internet to find the information listed below. You should provide the answers and the search engines that you used to find the information. 1. When was Abraham Lincoln born? February 12, 1890 February 12, 1809 February 22, 1900 2. How many U.S. presidents were there before Lincoln? 5 15 25 3. Who was Lincoln's opponent in the U.S. Senate race? Stephen A. Douglas Robert E. Lee George B. McClellan 4. What document freed all slaves living in Confederate states? Gettysburg Address Emancipation Proclamation Dred Scott Decision 5. In what year was Lincoln elected president of the United States? 1830 1850 1860 6. Aerobic exercise is any activity that makes your muscles? hurt use oxygen grow 7. Exercise burns extra calories. Extra calories that your body doesn't used are stored as muscles blood fat 8. During exercise, your body releases endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals that make you feel happy strong tired 9. Being able to move your arms freely without feeling tightness or pain is called flexibility strength aerobics 10. Exercise is important because it keeps your body working hard alive strong Below, list the search engines used to find the correct answers. IT: Principles of Information Technology: Basic Internet Functions Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 6 Name: ______________________ Date: _____________________ Period: ________________ Let’s See What You Can Find!! Use the word bank below to complete the word search. Lantern Festival Poo Woo dinner ancestors old year new moon new year full moon dirt wealth happiness dogs dragon 11. The Chinese New Year’s celebration begins on the day of the ______________________ and ends on the day of the ____________________________. 12. New Year is a time for Chinese families to honor their ___________________________. 13. Oranges and tangerines are believed to be symbols of __________________________. 14. At midnight on New Year’s Eve, doors and windows are opened so the ________________ can go out. 15. The __________________________________ is held on the 15th day of the celebration. Below, list the search engines used to find the correct answers. IT: Principles of Information Technology: Basic Internet Functions Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 7 Let’s See What You Can Find Answer Key 1. When was Abraham Lincoln born? February 12, 1890 February 12, 1809 February 22, 1900 2. How many U.S. presidents were there before Lincoln? 5 15 25 3. Who was Lincoln's opponent in the U.S. Senate race? Stephen A. Douglas Robert E. Lee George B. McClellan 4. What document freed all slaves living in Confederate states? Gettysburg Address Emancipation Proclamation Dred Scott Decision 5. In what year was Lincoln elected president of the United States? 1830 1850 1860 6. Aerobic exercise is any activity that makes your muscles? hurt use oxygen grow 7. Exercise burns extra calories. Extra calories that your body doesn't used are stored as muscles blood fat 8. During exercise, your body releases endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals that make you feel happy strong tired 9. Being able to move your arms freely without feeling tightness or pain is called flexibility strength aerobics 10. Exercise is important because it keeps your body working hard alive strong 11. The Chinese New Year celebration begins on the day of the NEW MOON/NEW YEAR and ends on the day of the FULL MOON. 12. New Year is a time for Chinese families to honor their ANCESTORS. 13. Oranges and tangerines are believed to be symbols of HAPPINESS. 14. At midnight on New Year’s Eve, doors and windows are opened so the OLD YEAR can go out. 15. The LANTERN FESTIVAL is held on the 15th day of the celebration. IT: Principles of Information Technology: Basic Internet Functions Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 8 Find Me: All About the Internet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Across 5. A program that searches the web for specified keywords and return hits (2 Words) 6. Type these in search engines to get information 9. A suffix at the end of a URL that specifies program 11. A social network used by friends and family on the Internet 12. Popular search engine that switches its homepage on holidays 13. Was used to do research before the invention of the Internet Down 1. The main page of a web site. Pops up when you first start your Internet browser 2. Newer web browser 3. A picture or text that links to another place on the Internet of document 4. WWW 7. An organization or enterprise that proves access to the Internet 8. Started with ARPAnet by the government : A collection of electronic networks of computers 10. A popular search engine. Name is similar to a milk drink IT: Principles of Information Technology: Basic Internet Functions Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 9 Find Me: All About the Internet KEY 1 6 KE Y S E W FA M Z P A R C H E N G I N E L P L R A L L W G A I I E O R D S 7 E N S Y N I 8 I P K T E C E I O N S E B O O K R H O H O W 11 3 Y E X T 10 M O D 9 2 O 4 5 W H N 12 GO O G L O T 13 Across 5. A program that searches the web for specified keywords and return hits. (2 Words) 6. Type these in search engines to get information 9. A suffix at the end of a URL that specifies program 11. A social Network used by friends and family on the Internet 12. Popular Search engine that switches it's homepage on holidays 13. Was used to do research before the invention of the internet E LI B R A R Y Down 1. The main page of a web site. Pops up when you first start your Internet Browser. 2. Newer Web Browser 3. A picture or text that links to another place on the internet of document. 4. WWW 7. An organization or enterprise that proves access to the Internet. 8. Started with ARPAnet by the Government : A collection of electronic network of computers 10. A popular search engine. Name is similar to a milk drink IT: Principles of Information Technology: Basic Internet Functions Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 10 Name: ______________________ Date: _____________________ Period: ________________ All About the Internet Using your notes and the Internet, complete the assignment below. 1. List four search engines a. b. c. d. _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ 2. Below, list five uses of the Internet. a. b. c. d. e. ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ 3. What is a search engine? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 4. List 4 web browsers a. b. c. d. ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ 5. Define the term Internet. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 6. What is the purpose of a homepage? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 7. Pictures and underlined links are examples of what? ____________________________ IT: Principles of Information Technology: Basic Internet Functions Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 11 8. Extensions are used at the end of URLs. List 5 extensions and who uses them. a. b. c. d. e. ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ 9. What is the star on the menu bar that takes you to frequently visited sites called? a. ______________________________ 10. U R L is short for a. _______________________ _____________________ ___________________ 11. Label the parts of this URL: https://www.unt.edu a. b. c. d. https:// www. unt .edu ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ IT: Principles of Information Technology: Basic Internet Functions Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 12 All About the Internet KEY Using your notes and the Internet, complete the assignment below. 1. List four search engines (answers will vary) a. b. c. d. Google Yahoo Bing Ask Jeeves 2. Below, list five uses of the Internet. a. b. c. d. e. Research Socializing Networking Playing games Skyping 3. What is a search engine? a. A program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list called hits 4. List 4 web browsers (answers will vary) a. b. c. d. Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Netscape Navigator 5. Define the term Internet. a. The internet is a system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard communications protocols 6. What is the purpose of a homepage? a. The page that automatically comes up when you start your Web Browser 7. Pictures and underlined links are examples of what? a. Hyperlinks IT: Principles of Information Technology: Basic Internet Functions Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 13 8. Extensions are used at the end of URLs. List 5 extensions and who uses them: a. b. c. d. e. f. .com .edu .mil .org .net .gov COMMERCIAL EDUCATIONAL INSTUTION MILITARY ORGANIZATION Network GOVERNMENT 9. What is the star on the menu bar that takes you to frequently visited sites called? a. Favorites 10. U R L is short for a. Uniformed Resource Locator 11. Label the parts of this URL: https://www.unt.edu a. b. c. d. https:// www. unt .com PROTOCOLS LOCATION OF THE SITE NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION EXTENSIONS/SUFFIX IT: Principles of Information Technology: Basic Internet Functions Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 14 Name: ______________________ Date: _____________________ Period: ________________ Internet Test Answer the following questions by circling the correct answer. 1. The Soviet Union’s release of a satellite in outer space sparked the US interest in creating the a. b. c. d. Nuclear bomb Floppy disk Internet Satellite 2. All are examples of search engines except a. b. c. d. Bing Bang Google Yahoo 3. URL is short for a. b. c. d. Uniform Resource Locator Undefined Reference Library Uniform Reframed Lobby Uneducated Resource Locator 4. The military uses this extension on its URL: a. b. c. d. .army .mil .fleet .osama 5. Each time you open a web browser, your _______________ pops up. a. b. c. d. Video game Protocol Home page Hyperlink 6. ___________________ connect you to a different website by clicking on an image or underlined link. a. b. c. d. Hyperlinks Search engines Tool bars Home pages IT: Principles of Information Technology: Basic Internet Functions Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 15 7. Before the __________________ was invented, people actually went to the library to do research. a. b. c. d. Car Library Candy store Internet 8. You can use the Internet to do all of the following except a. b. c. d. Play games Pay bills Facebook Go fishing 9. Use __________________ when searching for information in a search engine. a. b. c. d. Notes Keywords Spy equipment Protocols 10. File, View, Favorites, and Tools are all located on the a. b. c. d. Tool Bar Menu Bar Bar Stool Keyboard True or False: Answer the questions below by placing a T or F beside the question. 11. _____ The Internet is very useful, but it can lead to identity theft, harassment, and useless information. 12. _____ Search engines produce lists called hits. 13. _____ Hot spots should be avoided at all times because of the radiation it provides. 14. _____ The address bar allows you to search for information on the Internet. 15. _____ Internet Explorer is the best and only web browser. Fill in the blank using the correct answers. 16. List two web browsers a. ___________________________________ b. ___________________________________ IT: Principles of Information Technology: Basic Internet Functions Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 16 17. List three search engines a. ___________________________________ b. ___________________________________ c. ___________________________________ 18. List three URL extensions and who uses them. a. ____________________________________________________________ b. ____________________________________________________________ c. ____________________________________________________________ 19. WWW stands for a. ____________________________________________________________ 20. Label the parts of this URL: https://www.unt.edu a. b. c. d. https:// www. unt .com _________________________________ _________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ IT: Principles of Information Technology: Basic Internet Functions Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 17 Internet Test KEY Answer the following questions by circling the correct answer. 1. The Soviet Union’s release of a satellite in outer space sparked the US interest in creating the a. b. c. d. Nuclear bomb Floppy disk Internet Satellite 2. All are examples of search engines except a. Bing b. Bang c. Google d. Yahoo 3. URL is short for a. b. c. d. Uniform Resource Locator Undefined Reference Library Uniform Reframed Lobby Uneducated Resource Locator 4. The military uses this extension on its URL: a. .army b. .mil c. .fleet d. .osama 5. Each time you open a web browser, your _______________ pops up. a. b. c. d. Video Game Protocol Home Page Hyperlink 6. ___________________ connect you to a different website by clicking on an image or underlined link. a. b. c. d. Hyperlinks Search engine Tool bars Home page 7. Before the __________________ was invented, people actually went to the library to do research. a. Car b. Library c. Candy store IT: Principles of Information Technology: Basic Internet Functions Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 18 d. Internet 8. You can use the Internet to do all of the following except a. Play games b. Pay bills c. Facebook d. Go fishing 9. Use __________________ when searching for information in a search engine. a. b. c. d. Notes Keywords Spy equipment Protocols 10. File, View, Favorites, and Tools are all located on the a. Tool Bar b. Menu Bar c. Bar Stool d. Keyboard True or False: Answer the questions below by placing a T or F beside the question. 11. ____T_ The Internet is very useful, but it can lead to identity theft, harassment, and useless information. 12. ___T__ Search engines produce lists called hits. 13. __F___ Hot spots should be avoided at all times because of the radiation it provides. 14. __F___ The address bar allows you to search for information on the Internet. 15. __F___ Internet Explorer is the best and only Web Browser. Fill in the blank using the correct answers. 16. List two web browsers (answers will vary) a. Internet Explorer b. Mozilla Firefox c. Google Chrome d. Netscape Navigator 17. List three search engines – possible answers include a. Google d. Ask Jeeves b. Yahoo e. Dogpile c. Bing f. MSN Search g. Ask.com 18. List three URL extensions and who uses them. a. .com –Commercial b. .edu- Educational Institutions c. .gov- Governernment d. .mil-Military IT: Principles of Information Technology: Basic Internet Functions Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 19 e. .net-Network f. .org-Organization 19. WWW stands for a. World Wide Web 20. Label the parts of this URL: https://www.unt.edu a. b. c. d. https:// www. unt .com ----- PROTOCOL LOCATION OF THE SITE NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION EXTENSIONS/SUFFIX IT: Principles of Information Technology: Basic Internet Functions Plan Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013 20