Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Digital & Interactive Media
Session Title: Photography
Lesson Duration: 6 hours
Performance Objective:
Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to use a digital camera to take
photos and enhance them using image manipulation software.
Specific Objectives:
 Identify digital camera features
 Identify types of composition techniques
 Capture still-shot images using a digital camera
 Transfer still-shot images to memory device
 Enhance photographs by using digital manipulation software
TEKS Correlations (130.278):
(7) The student demonstrates appropriate use of digital photography equipment and techniques.
The student is expected to
(A) demonstrate proper use of safety procedures while using digital photography
(B) capture still-shot images using digital photography equipment incorporating various
photo composition techniques such as lighting, perspective, candid versus posed, rule of
thirds, and level of horizon
(C) transfer still shot images from equipment to the computer
(D) demonstrate photographic enhancement techniques such as feathering, layering,
masking, and color enhancement using appropriate digital manipulation software
References: Content Developer Knowledge
Instructional Aids:
• Photography Presentation
• Photography Notes Organizer
• Activity #1 - #3 Instruction Sheet
• Photography Test
• Photography Test Answer Key
Materials Needed:
• Copies of notes organizer, instruction sheets, and test
IT: Digital & Interactive Media: Photography Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
Equipment Needed:
• Computer and projector for presentation
• Digital camera(s) for student use
• Computers with presentation software for individual student use
• Computer with digital graphics manipulation software for individual student use
Have students look through photographs at home and bring one they think is good. Also, have
them bring in one they think is bad. In this case, bad means a bad shot, but not necessarily bad
Note: The objective of this exercise is to get the students to think about what makes a good
photo shot and what things could make the shot a bad image capture.
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
For a group activity, have students share with the class the good/bad photos they
Have another student record a list of “good” and “bad” reasons for photos.
SAY: “Sometimes, we take pictures thinking that the shot will look as good on the
printout or on the computer screen as it does in real life, but that often turns out not
to be true.”
SAY: “Many things can cause the picture to come out in a manner we didn’t intend
when we snapped the shot. Today’s lesson will be to introduce you to various
techniques that can help you to improve the photos you take.”
Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
Instructor Notes:
Students identify proper use of digital camera
devices and basic features (slide #4)
Use a computer and
projector to display the
presentation: Photography.
Students identify types of photo composition
techniques (slides #5-11)
Hand out the Photography
Notes Organizer—1 per
student—to aid them in note
taking during your
Students will capture still-shot images using
Demonstrate how to operate
IT: Digital & Interactive Media: Photography Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
a digital camera
the specific digital cameras
available for student use.
Activity #1: (Also listed in guided practice below)
Students will use a digital camera to take
still-shot images that accurately represent the
composition techniques learned.
Students transfer images to computer
Activity #2: (Also listed in guided practice below)
Students will transfer images to a computer,
name them according to composition
technique, and import them into a
presentation/photo album.
Students enhance photographs by using
digital manipulation software
Hand out the Activity #1-#3
Instruction sheet—1 per
student—and review the
instructions for Activity #1
with the students.
Demonstrate how to connect
a camera to the computer,
transfer images from the
memory card to computer,
and rename files.
Have students refer back to
the Activity #1 - #3 instruction
sheet, and review the
instructions with the students
for Activity #2.
Demonstrate how to use
image management software
to create layers & photo
Activity #3: (Also listed in independent practice
Students use software to enhance the
photographs taken in Activity #1.
Have students refer back to
the Activity #1 - #3 instruction
sheet, and review the
instructions with the students
for Activity #3.
Students will complete the review activity listed
below in the Summary section.
Place the students in pairs or
groups of three for this
Students will complete the exam activity listed below
in the Evaluation section.
Have the students do this
Use the answer key provided
in the lesson documents.
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
IT: Digital & Interactive Media: Photography Plan
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Activity #1:
Students will use a digital camera to take still-shot images that accurately
represent the composition techniques learned.
Activity #2:
Students will use cables or other necessary devices to transfer images from a
digital camera to a computer or student folder. Students will rename the photos
according to the composition technique represented. Students will import
pictures into a presentation.
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Activity #3:
Students will use image software to enhance the still-shot images/photographs
taken with a camera; then they will create a single document of a collage of the
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Have students in pairs ask questions of each other from the lesson note organizers
they filled out at the beginning of the lesson.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
Discussion comments during introduction activity
Observation of note-taking during lesson presentation
Guided practice activities
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
Activity #3: Students create a collage of photographs taken
TEST: Questions over Photography
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
IT: Digital & Interactive Media: Photography Plan
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Enrichment #1: Have the students create a desktop publishing booklet with the
photographs and titles of the composition technique it represents.
Enrichment #2: Have the students use the Internet to locate 4 photos that
represent more than one composition technique at a time (e.g. side light &
posed). Students should create a photo album presentation then create a
textbox on the slide that explains how that photo represents both techniques.
Teaching Strategies
Personal Development
Lecture, discussion, journal
writing, cooperative learning,
word origins
Reading, highlighting, outlining,
teaching others, reciting information
Problem solving, number
games, critical thinking,
classifying and organizing,
Socratic questioning
Mind-mapping, reflective
time, graphic organizers,
color-coding systems,
drawings, designs, video,
DVD, charts, maps
Use music, compose songs
or raps, use musical
language or metaphors
Organizing material logically, explaining
things sequentially, finding patterns,
developing systems, outlining, charting,
graphing, analyzing information
Developing graphic organizers, mindmapping, charting, graphing, organizing
with color, mental imagery (drawing in
the mind’s eye)
Use manipulatives, hand
signals, pantomime, real life
situations, puzzles and board
games, activities, roleplaying, action problems
Reflective teaching,
interviews, reflective listening,
KWL charts
Cooperative learning, roleplaying, group brainstorming,
cross-cultural interactions
Natural objects as
manipulatives and as
background for learning
Socratic questions, real life
situations, global
Creating rhythms out of words, creating
rhythms with instruments, playing an
instrument, putting words to existing
Moving while learning, pacing while
reciting, acting out scripts of material,
designing games, moving fingers under
words while reading
Reflecting on personal meaning of
information, studying in quiet settings,
imagining experiments, visualizing
information, journaling
Studying in a group, discussing
information, using flash cards with
other, teaching others
Connecting with nature, forming study
groups with like-minded people
Considering personal relationship to
larger context
IT: Digital & Interactive Media: Photography Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
Notes Organizer
Digital Camera Features
1. ___________________ – replace or recharge as needed.
2. Power On/Off switch – switch camera off when not in use to ________________
battery life.
3. Lens – keep clean from dust/fingerprints clean with _________ _________ .
4. _________________ Screen – keep clean from dust/fingerprints; clean with soft
5. Memory – _________ card or internal _________.
6. Strap – for ________________ purposes.
Composition Techniques
7. Rule of Thirds – Viewing area of picture is divided into a _________ grid (using
imaginary lines).
Main subject is positioned in viewing area at one of the four
Main subject should appear to be moving toward _________ square of grid.
8. Front Light – Light source falls on the _________ of the subject. Shadow of the
subject will appear ________________ the subject.
9. Side Light – Light source falls on side of subject. Shadow of the subject will
appear to the _______________ of the subject.
10. Back Light – Light source falls on the _________ of the subject. This usually
darkens the subject’s features and puts them in _________ . Shouldn’t be used
unless wanting to ______________ the subject’s features purposely for
_________________ .
IT: Digital & Interactive Media: Photography Plan
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013
11. Flat Light – Outdoors, Cloudy/overcast, No obvious _________ .
12. Dark Background/Flash – Dimly lit room, Outside at _________ .
13. Camera Flash helps to capture _________ .
14. Background focus – Objects in background are in sharp focus. Objects in
foreground are _________ .
15. Foreground focus – Objects in foreground are in _________ focus. Objects in
background are blurry.
16. Perspective Low – Camera position is _________ but low to the ground.
17. Perspective High – Camera position is level but ___________ above the
18. Perspective Down – Camera position is ____________ down while positioned
high above the ground.
19. Perspective Up – Camera position is tilted up while positioned near
____________ level.
20. Subject Awareness – Posed – Subject is ____________ that picture is being
taken. Subject arranges self or expression ____________ for the picture.
21. Subject Awareness – Candid – Subject is _______aware that picture is being
taken. The subject appears in a natural setting.
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Instructions for Activity #1 - #3
Activity #1: Digital Camera Photographs
1. Using a digital camera, locate objects/subjects to create settings that represent
the composition techniques listed below:
a. Rule of Thirds (2 pictures)
b. Front Light
c. Back Light
d. Flat Light
e. Dark Background
f. Selective Focus (2 pictures)
g. Perspective (2 pictures; can be any of the four)
h. Posed
i. Candid
Activity #2: Transfer Images to student folder
2. Create a folder named Photography in your student course folder.
3. Using a computer and the accessories provided by the instructor, transfer the
images taken from the list above to the Photography folder created in the
previous step.
4. Rename each of the photographs according to the composition technique it
5. Open presentation software and save the presentation as Photography to your
student folder.
6. Choose a background design provided in the design templates.
7. Create a title slide having a title, your first and last name, course name, instructor
name, and date.
8. Insert a slide. Layout: title and 2 content. Title should be rule of thirds. Insert the
2 pictures that you took that represent the rule of thirds.
9. Insert another slide. Layout is title and content. Title should be Front Light.
Insert the picture you took that represents front light.
10. Continue in this manner until you have inserted all the pictures from the list
11. The Rule of Thirds slide, Selective Focus slide, and the Perspective slide should
have two pictures on them. All other slides should have only one picture.
12. Create a THE END slide.
13. Save changes.
14. Submit an electronic copy to your instructor.
See Rubric Below for grading details.
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Photo Presentation Grading Rubric
Presentation Design Template is used
Title slide exists
Title slide contains a title & date
Title slide contains student first & last name
Title slide contains course & instructor name
Slide #2: contains text “Rule of Thirds”
Slide #2: contains 2 pictures that represent Rule of Thirds
Slide #3: contains text “Front Light”
Slide #3: contains 1 picture that represents Front Light
Slide #4: contains text “Back Light”
Slide #4: contains 1 picture that represents Back Light
Slide #5: contains text “Flat Light”
Slide #5: contains 1 picture that represents Flat Light
Slide #6: contains text “Dark Background”
Slide #6: contains 1 picture that represents Dark Background
Slide #7: contains text “Selective Focus”
Slide #7: contains 2 pictures that represent Selective Focus
Slide #8: contains text “Perspective”
Slide #8: contains 2 pictures that represent Perspective
Slide #9: contains text “Posed”
Slide #9: contains 1 picture that represents Posed
Slide #10: contains text “Candid”
Slide #10: contains 1 picture that represents Candid
Slide #11: contains text “My Favorite Photo”
Slide #11: contains text explanation of why this is the favorite
Last slide has text “The End”
Total Possible
IT: Digital & Interactive Media: Photography Plan
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Activity #3: Photo Collage
1. Use image management software; create a document size 8.5” x 11”.
2. Save this document to your student folder as Collage.
3. Choose 6 photos from the list in Activity #1. Insert these 6 photos into the
4. Resize, move, rotate, or skew the photos to create a collage effect.
5. Create layer effects/filters to feather the edges, change color effect, or
demonstrate other techniques learned.
6. Create a text object of a creative title with large font for the collage.
7. Import a seventh picture inside the lettering of the text.
8. Save your changes.
9. Print your document in color or submit electronically to your instructor.
10. Close the document.
See Rubric below for grading details.
Collage Grading Rubric
Image size is 8.5”x11”
Included 6 different photos
Photos are from Activity #1
6 photos have a photo effect or filter applied (7 pts each)
Photos are arranged and resized to create a collage effect
Title of collage is displayed as a large font
Title of collage is descriptive/creative of content
A 7th picture is imported inside the lettering of the text object
Total Possible
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Photography TEST
Instructions: Read each question below. Decide which option best answers the
question, and write the letter that precedes that answer in the blank to the left of
A candid photo is when
A. The subject is aware that the photo is being taken.
B. Camera position is tilted down while positioned high above the ground.
C. The subject is NOT aware that the photo is being taken.
D. Camera position is level but low to the ground.
A perspective (up or down) photo is when
A. The camera is tilted up or down at an angle for a dramatic effect.
B. The subject is aware that the photo is being taken.
C. Camera position is level but low to the ground.
D. The light source is not obvious so that only the foreground is in focus.
Front light occurs when
A. The light source falls on the back of the subject so that shadow appears on
the front of the subject.
B. The light source falls on the front of the subject so that shadow appears
behind the subject.
C. Objects in the foreground are in focus and background is blurry.
D. The light source is not obvious so that only the foreground is in focus.
Rule of Thirds means
A. Taking a photo with three subjects.
B. Having the subject at an intersection of imaginary 3x3 gridlines.
C. Taking a photo with three different backgrounds.
D. All of the above.
Selective focus occurs when
A. Objects in the foreground are in focus and background is blurry.
B. Objects in the background are in focus and foreground is blurry.
C. The subject is NOT aware that the photo is being taken.
D. Both A and B.
IT: Digital & Interactive Media: Photography Plan
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This photo represents which of the following techniques?
A. Back light
B. Selective Focus
C. Front light
D. Rule of Thirds
A posed photo is when
A. The subject is NOT aware that the picture is being taken.
B. Taking a photo with three different backgrounds.
C. The subject is aware that the picture is being taken.
D. Both A and C.
A. Darkens the subject’s features and puts them in shadow.
B. The light source is not obvious so that only the foreground is in focus.
C. Shouldn’t be used unless wanting to disguise the subject’s features for
dramatic effect.
D. Both A and C.
This photo represents which of the following techniques?
A. Rule of Thirds
B. Posed
C. Selective Focus
D. Back Light
10. Flat light occurs when
A. It is cloudy or overcast outside.
B. When the room is dimly lit and the camera flash is needed.
C. Only the foreground objects are captured in the snapshot.
D. Darkens the subject’s features and puts them in shadow.
IT: Digital & Interactive Media: Photography Plan
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Photography TEST – ANSWER KEY
Instructions: Read each question below. Decide which option best answers the
question and write the letter that precedes that answer in the blank to the left of
A candid photo is when
A. The subject is aware that the photo is being taken.
B. Camera position is tilted down while positioned high above the ground.
C. The subject is NOT aware that the photo is being taken.
D. Camera position is level but low to the ground.
A perspective (up or down) photo is when
A. The camera is tilted up or down at an angle for a dramatic effect.
B. The subject is aware that the photo is being taken.
C. Camera position is level but low to the ground.
D. The light source is not obvious so that only the foreground is in focus.
Front light occurs when
A. The light source falls on the back of the subject so that shadow appears on
the front of the subject.
B. The light source falls on the front of the subject so that shadow appears
behind the subject.
C. Objects in the foreground are in focus and background is blurry.
D. The light source is not obvious so that only the foreground is in focus.
Rule of Thirds means
A. Taking a photo with three subjects.
B. Having the subject at an intersection of imaginary 3x3 gridlines.
C. Taking a photo with three different backgrounds.
D. All of the above.
Selective focus occurs when
A. Objects in the foreground are in focus and background is blurry.
B. Objects in the background are in focus and foreground is blurry.
C. The subject is NOT aware that the photo is being taken.
D. Both A and B.
IT: Digital & Interactive Media: Photography Plan
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This photo represents which of the following techniques?
A. Back light
B. Selective Focus
C. Front light
D. Rule of Thirds
A posed photo is when
A. The subject is NOT aware that the picture is being taken.
B. Taking a photo with three different backgrounds.
C. The subject is aware that the picture is being taken.
D. Both A and C.
A. Darkens the subject’s features and puts them in shadow.
B. The light source is not obvious so that only the foreground is in focus.
C. Shouldn’t be used unless wanting to disguise the subject’s features for
dramatic effect.
D. Both A and C.
This photo represents which of the following techniques?
A. Rule of Thirds
B. Posed
C. Selective Focus
D. Back Light
10. Flat light occurs when
A. It is cloudy or overcast outside.
B. When the room is dimly lit and the camera flash is needed.
C. Only the foreground objects are captured in the snapshot.
D. Darkens the subject’s features and puts them in shadow.
IT: Digital & Interactive Media: Photography Plan
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