Lesson Plan


Lesson Plan

Course Title: Computer Maintenance

Session Title: FireWire Ports

Lesson Duration: Will vary from instructor to instructor

Performance Objective:

Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to recognize FireWire ports and the types of cables and connections available for today’s computers.

Specific Objectives:

▪ Introduction to FireWire

▪ The student gains knowledge of terms associated with the lesson and defines them.

▪ Discuss the history of FireWire ports.

▪ Explain what FireWire is used for on a computer.

▪ Identify various types of FireWire ports.

▪ Identify various types of FireWire cables.

▪ Describe how data is sent.

▪ Define FireWire speed and how speed changes.

▪ Outline how many devices can be connected to it.


TEKS Correlations:

This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.

§130.273(c). Computer Maintenance

(1) The student demonstrates the necessary skills for career development, employability, and successful completion of course outcomes. The student is expected to:

( C ) employ effective reading and writing skills;

( D ) employ effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills;

( 3 ) The student applies academic skills to the requirements of computer technologies. The student is expected to:

( A ) demonstrate effective verbal and written communication skills with individuals from varied cultures such as

( D ) interpret appropriate documentation such as schematics, drawings, charts, diagrams, technical manuals, and bulletins

( 4 ) The student acquires an understanding of computer technologies. The student is expected to:

( A ) explain the fundamentals of microprocessor theory;

( B ) define the use of Boolean logic in computer technologies;

( C ) explain the theories of magnetism, electricity, and electronics as related to computer technologies;

IT: Computer Maintenance: FireWire Ports Plan

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( D ) explain proper troubleshooting techniques as related to computer hardware;

( E ) differentiate among digital, analog, and input and output electronics theory;

( F ) explain the relationships relative to data-communications theory;

( G ) describe the architecture of various computer systems;

( H ) describe the function of computer components such as central processing units, storage devices, and peripheral devices;

( 5 ) The student knows the proper function and application of the tools, equipment, and materials used in computer technologies. The student is expected to:

( B ) employ available reference documentation such as tools, materials, and Internet sources to access information as needed


References: www.howstuffworks.com

Instructional Aids:

FireWire Ports PowerPoint Presentation

FireWire Ports PowerPoint Presentation – Handouts

I/O Quiz

I/O Quiz Key

Materials Needed:

FireWire Ports and various types of cables (not all are needed)

Equipment Needed:

A projection system to display the PowerPoint Presentation


Students should read the appropriate curriculum material for FireWire Ports, depending on the text/curriculum being used for the course. This lesson can be taught with only the PowerPoint presentation, and the equipment outlined above.


MI Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):

SAY: FireWire ports are becoming more common on PCs.

ASK: Does anyone know the speeds of FireWire? [1394a is 400 Mbs, and 1394b is 800 Mbs]

ASK: Does anyone know what types of devices use FireWire? [digital cameras, camcorders]

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Outline (LSI Quadrant II):

I. Introduction to FireWire

II. Explain what FireWire is used for on a computer.

III. Define the types of FireWire cables.

IV. Describe how data is sent.

V. How fast is FireWire and how does the speed change?

VI. How many devices can be connected to it?


Instructor Notes:

Note: Instructors can use the

PowerPoint slides, handouts, and note pages in conjunction with the following outline.

Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):

1. The teacher demonstrates how to connect and disconnect a FireWire device.

2. Ask for one or two volunteers from the class to come to the front to demonstrate how to connect and use a FireWire device.

3. The teacher provides guidance for these students when warranted.

Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):

Students work in pairs on lab assignment, demonstrating their skills in identifying and discussing the various SCSI elements:

• Lab: FireWire Identification (no handout needed)


MI Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):

Q: How many FireWire devices can you have per chain?

A: 63

Q: What is the speed of FireWire?

A: 1394a – 400Mbs, and 1394b – 800Mbs

Q: Is FireWire a peer-to-peer or host-to-peer technology?

A: Peer-to-peer because they do not have to have a computer to communicate. Can be daisy chained.




Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):

Monitor student progress during independent practice and provide independent reteach/redirection as needed.

Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):

Use the I/O Port Quiz as a Unit Quiz and I/O Port Quiz Key (Quiz covers Serial,

Parallel, USB, FireWire, and SCSI) after all components have been covered.


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MI Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):

Students who have mastered the lab assignments can peer-tutor students

(one-on-one) that are having difficulty with understanding the concepts of

FireWire ports.

Students who have mastered FireWire concepts can help the campus technologist connect FireWire devices in classrooms throughout the building.

Icon MI Teaching Strategies








Lecture, discussion, journal writing, cooperative learning, word origins

Problem-solving, number games, critical thinking, classifying and organizing,

Socratic questioning

Mind-mapping, reflective time, graphic organizers, color-coding systems, drawings, designs, video,

DVD, charts, maps

Use music, compose songs or raps, use musical language or metaphors




Use manipulatives, hand signals, pantomime, real life situations, puzzles and board games, activities, roleplaying, action problems

Reflective teaching, interviews, reflective listening,

KWL charts

Cooperative learning, roleplaying, group brainstorming, cross-cultural interactions




Natural objects as manipulatives and as a background for learning

Socratic questions, real life situations, global problems/questions

Personal Development


Reading, highlighting, outlining, teaching others, reciting information

Organizing material logically, explaining things sequentially, finding patterns, developing systems, outlining, charting, graphing, analyzing information

Developing graphic organizers, mindmapping, charting, graphing, organizing with color, mental imagery (drawing in the mind’s eye)

Creating rhythms out of words, creating rhythms with instruments, playing an instrument, putting words to existing songs

Moving while learning, pacing while reciting, acting out scripts of material, designing games, moving fingers under words while reading

Reflecting on personal meaning of information, studying in quiet settings, imagining experiments, visualizing information, journaling

Studying in a group, discussing information, using flash cards with other, teaching others

Connecting with nature, forming study groups with like minded people

Considering the personal relationship to the larger context

IT: Computer Maintenance: FireWire Ports Plan

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Name ______________________________________ Date _________________

I/O Port Quiz

(Covers Serial, Parallel, USP, FireWire, and SCSI Ports)

1. USB can support up to


connected to the host, either directly or by way of USB hubs.

A. 7

B. 63

C. 127

D. 255

2. A standard USB cable uses a ______________ connector.

A. "A" and "B"

B. “A” and “A”

C. “B” and “B”

D. “A” and “C”

3. USB 2.0 has a maximum data rate of __________.

A. 480 Mbps

B. 800 Mbps

C. 1.5 Mbps

D. 400 Mbps

E. 12 Mbps

4. USB has a maximum cable length of ______________.

A. 3 feet

B. 3 meters

C. 15 feet

D. 5 meters

5. USB 2.0 is host-based, meaning that devices must connect to a computer in order to communicate.

A. True

B. False

6. A Serial port can also be referred to as a _________ port.

A. IEEE 1284

B. IEEE 1394

C. IEEE 1187

D. RS-232

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7. Serial can use what type of connectors? (Choose all that apply)

A. DB-9

B. DB-15

C. DB-25 male

D. DB-25 female

E. RJ-45

F. PS/2

G. Centronics-36

8. Parallel uses what type of connector? (Choose all that apply)

A. DB-9

B. DB-15

C. DB-25 male

D. DB-25 female

E. RJ-45

F. PS/2

G. Centronics-36

9. When used to connect to a printer, a parallel cable uses a ________connector at the printer end.

A. DB-9

B. DB-15

C. DB-25 male

D. DB-25 female

E. RJ-45

F. PS/2

G. Centronics-36

10. A Parallel port can also be referred to as a _________ port.

A. IEEE 1284

B. IEEE 1394

C. IEEE 1187

D. RS-232

11. Maximum cable length of a parallel cable is _____________.

A. 3 feet

B. 3 meters

C. 15 feet

D. 15 meters

12. FireWire is peer-to-peer, meaning that two FireWire devices can talk to each other without going through a computer.

A. True

B. False

IT: Computer Maintenance: FireWire Ports Plan

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13. The official name for the FireWire standard is _____________.

A. IEEE 1284

B. IEEE 1394

C. IEEE 1187

D. RS-232

14. Maximum cable length of a FireWire cable is _____________.

A. 3 feet

B. 3 meters

C. 15 feet

D. 4.5 meters

15. What I/O ports are plug-and-play? (Choose all that apply)

A. Serial

B. Parallel



E. FireWire

16. Three major versions of the SCSI standard are currently on the market. They are

SCSI-1, SCSI-2, and SCSI-3.

A. True

B. False

17. Wide SCSI-2 allows for 8 devices on the SCSI-2 channel, whereas normal SCSI-

2 (also called narrow SCSI-2) and SCSI-1 only allow 16 devices on the SCSI channel.

A. True

B. False

18. Ultra SCSI-3 and Ultra2 SCSI-3 both use _________ connectors.

A. 50-pin

B. 68-pin

C. 80-pin

D. Centronics-36

19. All versions of SCSI-3 require _________ termination.

A. Passive

B. Active

C. Block

D. No

20. Regular SCSI-2 and Wide SCSI-2 can use __________ termination.

A. Passive

B. Active

C. Block

D. No

IT: Computer Maintenance: FireWire Ports Plan

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.


Name ______________________________________ Date _________________

I/O Port Quiz -


(Covers Serial, Parallel, USP, FireWire, and SCSI Ports)

1. USB can support up to


connected to the host, either directly or by way of USB hubs.

A. 7

B. 63

C. 127

D. 255

2. A standard USB cable uses a ______________ connector.

A. "A" and "B"

B. “A” and “A”

C. “B” and “B”

D. “A” and “C”

3. USB 2.0 has a maximum data rate of __________.

A. 480 Mbps

B. 800 Mbps

C. 1.5 Mbps

D. 400 Mbps

E. 12 Mbps

4. USB has a maximum cable length of ______________.

A. 3 feet

B. 3 meters

C. 15 feet

D. 5 meters

5. USB 2.0 is host-based, meaning that devices must connect to a computer in order to communicate.

A. True

B. False

6. A Serial port can also be referred to as a _________ port.

A. IEEE 1284

B. IEEE 1394

C. IEEE 1187

D. RS-232

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7. Serial can use what type of connectors? (Choose all that apply)

A. DB-9

B. DB-15

C. DB-25 male

D. DB-25 female

E. RJ-45

F. PS/2

G. Centronics-36

8. Parallel uses what type of connector? (Choose all that apply)

A. DB-9

B. DB-15

C. DB-25 male

D. DB-25 female

E. RJ-45

F. PS/2

G. Centronics-36

9. When used to connect to a printer, a parallel cable uses a ________connector at the printer end.

A. DB-9

B. DB-15

C. DB-25 male

D. DB-25 female

E. RJ-45

F. PS/2

G. Centronics-36

10. A Parallel port can also be referred to as a _________ port.

A. IEEE 1284

B. IEEE 1394

C. IEEE 1187

D. RS-232

11. Maximum cable length of a parallel cable is _____________.

A. 3 feet

B. 3 meters

C. 15 feet

D. 15 meters

12. FireWire is peer-to-peer, meaning that two FireWire devices can talk to each other without going through a computer.

A. True

B. False

IT: Computer Maintenance: FireWire Ports Plan

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13. The official name for the FireWire standard is _____________.

A. IEEE 1284

B. IEEE 1394

C. IEEE 1187

D. RS-232

14. Maximum cable length of a FireWire cable is _____________.

A. 3 feet

B. 3 meters

C. 15 feet

D. 4.5 meters

15. What I/O ports are plug-and-play? (Choose all that apply)

A. Serial

B. Parallel



E. FireWire

16. Three major versions of the SCSI standard are currently on the market. They are

SCSI-1, SCSI-2, and SCSI-3.

A. True

B. False

17. Wide SCSI-2 allows for 8 devices on the SCSI-2 channel, whereas normal SCSI-

2 (also called narrow SCSI-2) and SCSI-1 only allow 16 devices on the SCSI channel.

A. True

B. False

18. Ultra SCSI-3 and Ultra2 SCSI-3 both use _________ connectors.

A. 50-pin

B. 68-pin

C. 80-pin

D. Centronics-36

19. All versions of SCSI-3 require _________ termination.

A. Passive

B. Active

C. Block

D. No

20. Regular SCSI-2 and Wide SCSI-2 can use __________ termination.

A. Passive

B. Active

C. Block

D. No

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