Advisor Registration Form   Elizabeth City State University | Division of Student Affairs   Department of Student Life 

Elizabeth City State University | Division of Student Affairs Department of Student Life Advisor Registration Form Internal Use Only Date Filed: This form is required at the beginning of each academic year (within 2 weeks) or with each new advisor to the Office of Student Life. Please type or print legibly. _________ – _________ Academic Year ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Club or Organization Chapter Name It is important that advisors understand the responsibilities and requirements involved before making a commitment to a student group. Those responsibilities include: 1. Assist officers in understanding their duties, administering programs and plans, organizing projects, and making appropriate transitions. 2. See that the continuity of the organization is preserved through a constitution, minutes, files, and traditions. 3. Encourage use of parliamentary procedures and ensure that meetings are conducted in an orderly, efficient manner. Advisors must be present at the organizations elections to assure that Robert’s Rules of Order are followed. 4. Attend all meetings and events. 5. Be a resource for the students (i.e. understanding university policies, regulations, and services). 6. Be generally available to assist the organization. I have reviewed the Student Clubs and Organizations Manual and agree to support and abide by the policies defined therein, particularly as they pertain to the duties of an advisor. I have agreed to serve in the capacity of advisor for the academic year listed above. My signature indicates that I agree to the above terms. __________________________________ ___________________________________ _______________ Print Name Signature Date Revised (1/30/2015) Advisor Responsibilities & Requirement Advisor Registration The term of office should be understood by both the advisor and the organization. The procedure is that each year when new officers are elected, the advisors should also be selected. After the advisor agrees to serve, the advisor must sign the “Advisor Registration Form”. This form is required to be submitted at the beginning of each academic year and/or any changes of advisors through the year. Why Should You Be an Advisor? An important part of any student organization is the advisor. Every student organization must have a minimum of two advisors officially recognized by the university. One advisor must be an Elizabeth City State University employee who is a full‐time faculty or staff member. The selection of advisors provides a perspective of the group members, his/her experience and position with the University helps provide the ability to serve as consultant and evaluator. A faculty or staff member who agrees to serve as an advisor to a student organization accepts, thereby, the responsibility for encouraging the organization in meeting its aims and purposes in accordance with the University policy. Responsibilities of an Advisor A Faculty/Staff Advisor should be aware of the following:  All University policies and regulations as they relate to student organizations;  The activities, projects, and programs of the organization; and  At least one (1) advisor is required to be present at all activities sponsored by the organization. If an advisor is not present, the event will be shut down. The ideal relationship between advisors and the student organization would be a partnership providing the basis for good decision making. Role of the Advisor The advisor of an organization can serve in a number of roles. They can include:  Serve as a role model;  Serve as a sounding board for new ideas;  Possess knowledge of policies which may affect the organization’s programs;  Connect the organization with various campus resources;  Understand the rules and regulations pertaining to the organization;  Encourage effective communication and interpersonal relationship skills;  Mediate group and individual conflicts when called upon to do so;  Provide continuity from year to year as student leadership changes. Terms of Service for an Advisor Organizations choose advisors for one academic year. At the end of this time, an organization may decide to 1 Revised (1/30/2015) reappoint the advisor with his/her approval or select a new advisor. However, an organization is free to choose to have an advisor for an indefinite term of service (an exception to this involves the advisors to certain major status organizations which have the advising responsibility written into the advisor’s position description). The term of office should be understood by both the advisor and the organization. The procedure is that each year when new officers are elected, the advisor(s) should also be selected. After the advisor agrees to serve, they must sign the Advisor Registration Form which must be submitted to the Office of Student Life by the 2nd week of the Fall Semester. Club/Organization Responsibility to an Advisor When issues arise, the opinions of the advisors should be sought and given proper consideration. Although advisors are not responsible for policy making, they make recommendations and should expect that these will be considered. The following are also responsibilities:  Informing advisors of ALL activities for the year.  Informing advisors of ALL meetings in advance.  Informing the advisor concerning any situations that may cause problems for the organization or its members.  Present advisor with all correspondence to review and sign off on.  Keep the advisor updated on the finances of the club/organization.  Recognizing that the advisor should not be committed to any type of obligation unless he/she agree to the commitment.  Build positive relationships with the advisor. 2 Revised (1/30/2015) 