Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Principles of Business Management, Finance, and Marketing
Session Title: Money, Money, Money
Performance Objective (LSI Quadrant 1- Why are we doing this?):
To gain a better basic understanding of our US currency: its types, its functions, and its sources.
Approximate Time:
1-2 days
Specific Objectives (LSI Quadrant 1- Why are we doing this?):
SWBAT (Student Will Be Able To)
 To identify different types of currency  To list the functions of currency  To identify and describe different sources of income TERMS
Currency - tokens used as money in a country.
Paper Money - legal documents such as banknotes (currency), checks, drafts, and other bills of
exchange, postal orders, promissory notes, etc. that represent money in a more or less liquid form.
Coins - a piece of metal stamped and issued by the authority of a government for use as money.
Bank Notes - a promissory note, payable on demand, issued by an authorized bank and intended
to circulate as money.
Bond - a debt instrument issued for a period of more than one year with the purpose of raising
capital by borrowing.
Capital - cash or goods used to generate income either by investing in a business or a different
income property.
Government Bonds - a bond sold by the US government.
Treasury Notes - a negotiable debt obligation issued by the US government and backed by its full
faith and credit, having a maturity between 1 and 7 years.
Medium of Exchange - any item that is widely accepted in exchange for the goods and services
offered to consumers in a given market.
Unit of Measure - standard unit or system of units by means of which a quantity is accounted for
and expressed.
Store of Value - a commodity, currency, or other type of capital that is tradable and can be stored
for future use.
Wages - compensation for work.
Salaries - wages received on a regular basis, usually weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.
Compensation - something received in return for something else.
Interest - the fee charged by the lender to a borrower for the use of borrowed money.
Rent - payment, usually monthly, for use of space or property.
Dividends - a taxable payment declared by a company’s board of directors and given to its
shareholders out of the company’s current or retained earnings, usually quarterly.
Quarterly - occurring every 3 months.
Capital Gain - the amount by which an asset’s selling price exceeds its initial purchase price.
Transfer Payments - money given by the government to its citizens, such as social security,
unemployment compensation, welfare, and disability payments.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the
activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
The student understands the fundamental principles of money.
The student is expected to:
(B) identify types of currency, including paper money, coins, bank notes, government bonds,
and treasury notes
(C) list functions of money such as medium of exchange, unit of measure, and store of value
(D) describe sources of income such as wages and salaries, interest, rent, dividends, capital
gains, and transfer payments
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
English-English 1
 110.31(b)(1). Reading/Vocabulary Development. Students understand new vocabulary
and use it when reading and writing.
 110.31(b)(11). Reading/Comprehension of informational text/procedural texts. Students
understand how to glean and use information in procedural texts and documents.
Teacher Preparation:
The teacher will review the terms in the outline, presentation slides, and any handouts to become
familiar with the lesson.
Teacher should locate and evaluate various resources and websites before the lesson.
Teacher will have assignments and website information ready to distribute to students.
Occupational Correlation (O*Net – www.onetonline.org/)
Job Title: Investment Underwriter
O*Net Number: 13-2099.03
Reported Job Titles: None listed, but data collection is currently underway.
Tasks: Arrange financing of deals from sources such as financial institutions, agencies, or public
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
or private companies. Intermediate between corporate issuers of new securities and the general
public. Advise clients on aspects of capitalization, such as amounts, sources, or timing.
Soft Skills: Can work autonomously, is responsible and creative.
Instructional Aids:
Lesson 6.2- Money, Money, Money Presentation
Materials Needed:
Lesson 6.2-Money, Money, Money Presentation
Lesson 6.2-Money, Money, Money Worksheet
Lesson 6.2-Money, Money, Money Worksheet Key
Lesson 6.2-Money Quiz (of your choosing from online sources)
Lesson 6.2-Money Quiz Key (of your choosing from online sources)
Equipment/Software Needed:
Word processing program
Learner Preparation:
Ask students if any of them make their own money. If so, what do they do with it once they’ve
earned it?
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I- Why are we doing this lesson?):
To help students gain a better understanding of all the different types of currency out there, how
we use it, and where we can get it.
Can you name all of the different units of US currency that are currently in circulation?
Who came up with this system?
Who provides this money to the people?
Why is money so important?
What would we, as a society, do if no more money was to ever be made?
Why do we have paper money, if it gets old and unusable?
If we didn’t have money, what do you think we would use to pay for things?
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Outline (LSI Quadrant II- What are we doing in this lesson?):
Instructors can use the presentation slides, handouts, and note pages in conjunction with the
following outline.
A. Internet search the word ‘money.’
II. Introduction
B. Introduce
1. ‘Why’ of the lesson
2. Why we are doing this
3. Need to Know Terms
III. Guided Practice
A. Money, Money, Money worksheet
download/handout and
Notes to Instructor
Once they’ve gotten their
lists of possible links,
point out there is a lot of
information out there
about money from all
different kinds of
sources, but that today
we’re going to focus on 3
key pieces of information
about money: its types,
its functions, and its
Use the provided
objective and terms by
method of choice.
Share provided
document with
students. Go through
the instructions with
them and maybe go
through the main part
of the document (the 4
questions) together,
having them record
answers as you
provide them. Or you
can have them search
to find the information
then give them your
answers after they’ve
had time to find on
their own.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
IV. Independent Practice
A. Money themed quizzes of your
Go online and find
quizzes to be taken.
You can either assign
particular quizzes or
let students choose
which quiz(zes) to
V. Summary
A. Restate the objective and 4
questions on worksheet
Restate the lesson
objective and then
have students raise
their hands as to
which quiz(zes) they
chose to do (if you let
them choose) and
what they learned
from the quiz(zes).
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III- How are we going to do this?):
Hand out the money quizzes you found online. Go over directions and then get them started in
the right direction on how to answer the questions. You may try letting them answer on their own
first, then go over the answers together while they record the information; or, go through
everything together as a class as they record the information.
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III- How are we going to do this?):
Students will work on their own (or with partners) on the quiz(zes) of their choice (or the one(s)
assigned to them).
Review (LSI Quadrants I- Why are we doing this lesson? and IV- Extending the lesson):
We are doing this so students will be able to identify different types of currency, to list the functions
of currency, and to identify and describe different sources of income.
To extend the lesson, you can have students bring in different types of currency from around the
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
world to share with the class.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
Walk around and spot check students as they work on their own.
Give deadlines for different stages of the assignment.
Money quizzes (of your choosing)
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III- Why are we doing this?) :
Students will be ‘quizzed’ on their knowledge of terminology from this lesson with a fill in
the blank vocabulary test. Key is provided.
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV- Extending the lesson):
Have students bring in different types of currency from around the world to share with the class.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Money, Money, Money Worksheet SWBAT (Student Will Be Able To) 
Identify types of currency List functions of money Identify and describe sources of income Have a little fun with different quizzes about money Brainstorm the answers to the following questions. Record your answers. 1. What are the different types of US currency? 2. Of the different types of US currency listed, which do you prefer to carry with you? 3. If asked to describe the function of money, how would you do it? (make sure and mention things such as medium of exchange, unit of measure, and store value) 4. What are all the different ways a person can make money? After completing, go online to check your knowledge of money…  How does the US dollar stack up against other forms of currency around the world?  How does the average American spend his/her money?  Can you finish the money‐themed cliché? y  Who is on that? See if you can identify what American is on each form of US currency.  US Money Cities Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. Money, Money, Money SWBAT (Student Will Be Able To) 
Identify types of currency List functions of money Identify and describe sources of income Have a little fun with different quizzes about money Brainstorm the answers to the following questions. Record your answers. 1. What are the different types of US currency? Paper money, coins, bank notes, treasury notes. 2. Of the different types of US currency listed, which do you prefer to carry with you? Answers will vary. 3. If asked to describe the function of money, how would you do it? (make sure and mention things such as medium of exchange, unit of measure, and store value) Answers will vary. Money is used as payment for goods and services. Whatever is deemed by the individual or entity as payment is to be determined by the seller and buyer. A unit of measure is a specific quantity by which standards are measured. For example, in the US, our standard units of measure are penny, nickel, dime, quarter, dollar bill, five‐dollar bill, ten‐dollar bill, twenty‐dollar bill, fifty‐dollar bill, and one hundred‐dollar bill. 4. What are all the different ways a person can make money? Selling something, working for it, inheriting it, receiving it as a gift. After completing, go online to check your knowledge of money…  How does the US dollar stack up against other forms of currency around the world?  How does the average American spend his/her money?  Can you finish the money‐themed cliché?  Who is on that? See if you can identify what American is on each form of US currency.  US Money Cities Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.