Lesson Plan —Unit Two Goods and Services

Lesson Plan —Unit Two Goods and Services
Course Title: Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance
Session Title: Lesson Thirteen -Prices in a Private Enterprise System
Performance Objective:
• Upon completion of this lesson, the student will explain how prices are
determined in a private enterprise system.
Specific Objectives:
• Describe how supply and demand affect prices of products and services.
• Describe how America’s private enterprise economy works.
• Discuss how the selling price of a product is calculated.
• Explain the reasons why price is an important marketing tool.
• Demonstrate how the economic concept of elasticity of demand relates to pricing
• Describe the three primary ways in which government influences prices.
• Describe three common pricing objectives for businesses.
• Explain how businesses establish a price range for a product.
• Identify the three components that must be considered when determining the
selling price.
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to
the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
• 130.112(c)(14)(A)
explain the principles of supply and demand
• 130.112(c)(3)(C)
summarize the characteristics of the private enterprise system
• 130.112(c)(14)(B)
describe the functions of prices in markets such as supply and demand
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
110.42(b)(6)(A) – Vocabulary Development
…expand vocabulary through wide reading, listening, and discussing
110.42(b)(6)(B) – Vocabulary Development
… rely on context to determine meanings of words and phrases such as figurative
language, idioms, multiple meaning words, and technical vocabulary
110.42(b)(7)(F) – Reading/comprehension
…identify main ideas and their supporting details
110.42(b)(7)(G) – Reading/comprehension
…summarize texts
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110.42(b)(7)(J) – Reading/comprehension
…read silently with comprehension for a sustained period of time
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
Mathematical Models with Applications
111.36(c)(1)(A) – Knowledge and Skills
…compare and analyze various methods for solving a real-life problem.
111.36(c)(1)(B) – Knowledge and Skills
…use multiple approaches (algebraic, graphical, and geometric methods) to solve
problems from a variety of disciplines
111.36(c)(1)(C) – Knowledge and Skills
…select a method to solve a problem, defend the method, and justify the
reasonableness of the results
111.36(c)(6)(A) – Knowledge and Skills
…analyze methods of payment available in retail purchases and compare relative
advantages and disadvantages of each option.
111.36(c)(7)(A) – Knowledge and Skills
…analyze types of savings options involving simple and compound interest and
compare relative advantages of these options.
Accommodations for Learning Differences:
It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons
may be modified to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to
the files found on the Special Populations page of this website.
1. Intro to Business, Dlabay Burrow Klendl, South-Western Cengage Learning
2. Introduction to Business, Brown Clow, Glencoe McGraw-Hill
3. Marketing, Burrow, South-Western Cengage Learning
4. Online Resources: globaledge.msu.edu, worldnetdaily.com/news/article
Instructional Aids:
1. “Prices in a Private Enterprise System” PowerPoint Presentation
2. Customer Service GAP Assignment #1
3. Customer Service GAP Assignment #1 Rubric
4. Ethics and Pricing Assignment #2
5. Ethics and Pricing Assignment #2 Rubric
6. Price Line Assignment #3
7. Price Line Assignment#3 Rubric
9. PRICE ELASTICITY Assignment Rubric
10. Internet
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Materials Needed:
1. Construction paper
2. Scissors and glue
3. Poster board
4. Newspapers
Equipment Needed:
1. Computers for students to complete projects
2. Projector for PPT
Learner Preparation:
1. Ask students how much they are willing to spend on lunch at their favorite
restaurant. Then ask students if they would still go to the restaurant if it raised
prices by 20%. Elasticity is how consumers respond to increased prices.
2. Ask students what the objective is for the “Monopoly” game. Then ask students
why the U.S. government prohibits monopolies.
3. Ask students to comparison shop to determine the price charged for a bottle of
coke at three different types of stores. Then ask students why there is such a
variation in price for the same product. Explain how limited supply, convenience,
and consumer demand make a big difference in the prices being charged by the
three businesses.
Lesson Plan
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
1. Ask students why clothing stores periodically mark down prices on clothing. Then
explain how clothing is a good that can become obsolete quickly. The store must
move the merchandise, so there is a plan of markdowns to clear the
2. Ask students why the price of a new automobile may be considerably higher than
the price advertised on a television commercial. Explain how all of the extras on
the sticker price can add thousands of dollars to the price of the new car.
Important Terms for this Lesson:
• price-actual amount customers pay and the methods of increasing the value of
the product to the customers
• elasticity of demand-describes the relationship between changes in a product’s
price and the demand for that product
• inelastic demand-market situation in which a price decrease will decrease total
• elastic demand-market situation in which a price decrease will increase total
• selling price-the price charged for a product or service
• product cost-includes the cost of parts and raw materials (or the price paid to a
supplier for finished products), labor, transportation, insurance, and an amount
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for damaged, lost, or stolen products
gross margin-the difference between the cost of the product and the selling price
operating expenses-all costs associated with business operations
net profit-the difference between the selling price and all costs and operating
expenses associated with the product sold
markup-am amount added to the cost of a product to determine the selling price
markdown-a reduction from the original selling price
market price-point where supply and demand are equal
skimming price-very high price designed to emphasize the quality or uniqueness
of the product
penetration price-very low price designed to increase the quantity sold of a
product by emphasizing the value
non-price competition-when business decide to emphasize factors of their
marketing mix other than price
one-price policy-all customers pay the same price
flexible pricing policy-allows customers to negotiate the price within a price range
price lines-distinct categories of prices based on differences in product quality
and features
FOB pricing-identifies the location from which the buyer pays the transportation
costs and takes title to the products purchased
zone pricing-different product or transportation costs are set for specific areas
(zones) of the seller’s market
discounts and allowances-reductions in a price given to the customer in
exchange for performing certain marketing activities or accepting something
other than what would normally be expected in the exchange
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Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
Instructors can use the PowerPoint presentation, slides, handouts, current events, the
Internet, and note pages in conjunction with the following outline.
I. Value and Price
A. Pricing Factors
1. supply and demand
2. uniqueness
3. age
4. season
5. complexity
6. convenience
B. Price for a Product-money a customer must
pay for a product or service
1. includes product costs, operating
expenses and a profit
2. markup- amount added to the cost of a
product to set the selling price equal to
the expected gross margin
3. markdown-a reduction from the original
selling price
II. Price as a Marketing Tool
A. Satisfaction about a purchase is often times
directly related to price
B. price determines how much money a
business will make to cover the costs of
designing, producing, and marketing its
products or services
C. Importance of Price
1. satisfactory price-consumer views the
purchase as a value
2. price-money that a customer must pay for
a product or service (with a lot deeper
3. price is one of the four elements of the
marketing mix
4. price is the actual cost and the methods
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Notes to Instructor
The age of a product
can either decrease
or increase the price.
Rare antiques and
fine wines go up in
price with age while
vehicles and
equipment decrease
in price due to age.
The markup for most
clothing stores is at
least 200%. Explain
to students why it is
worth waiting for the
50% markdown.
Clothing stores must
move their
When people pay
high prices, they
expect high quality
and excellent
service. For some
people price is
related to quality. An
expensive meal must
meet the high
expectations of the
of increasing the value of the product to
the customers
5. pricing-establishing and communicating
the value of products and services to
prospective customers
D. Price Adjustability
1. price can be changed more quickly than
other marketing decisions
2. can be as simple as changing a price
sticker or marking out an old price
III. Price as an Economic Concept
A. people have unlimited wants and needs
that they try to satisfy with the limited
resources that available to society
B. price allocates available resources among
C. economic utility-value added through
changes in form, time, place, or
D. elasticity of demand-describe the
relationship between changes in a
product’s price and the demand for that
1. based on the number of good
substitutes for a product
2. based on the willingness of consumers
to go without a product if the price rises
too much
E. inelastic demand-a price decrease will
decrease total revenue
F. elastic demand-a price decrease will
increase total revenue
Some stores seem
to always be having
the “sale of the
year.” Pricing is one
element of the
marketing mix that
can be adjusted
frequently to
increase the traffic
flow of customers.
Adults are no
different than kids—
we always want
more than we can
Some products are
more desirable than
others. Spending
money on a vacation
is much more
attractive than
spending money for
funeral pre-planning.
Spending money for
a new automobile is
much more fun than
spending money on
the insurance to
protect the
Utility also refers to
usability to the
consumer. A bolt of
cloth is not nearly as
valuable to the
consumer as the suit
that was made from
the cloth.
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IV. Setting Price Objectives
A. Maximize Profits
B. Increase Sales
C. Maintain an Image
V. Determining a Price Range
A. Maximum Price
B. Minimum Price
C. Breakeven Analysis-breakeven point is the
quantity of a product that must be sold for
total revenues to match total costs at a
specific price
D. Information to Calculate Breakeven Point
1. Fixed Costs
2. Variable Costs
3. Total Costs
4. Product Price
5. Total Revenue
E. Calculating a Selling Price
1. product cost-cost of producing or buying
the product
2. gross margin-difference between the
cost of the product and the selling price
3. operating expenses-all costs associated
with actual business operations
4. net profit-difference between the selling
price and all costs and operating
expenses associated with the product
5. markup-an amount added to the cost of
a product to determine the selling price
6. markdown-reduction from the original
selling price
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Individuals take the
risk of operating a
business to make a
profit. Pricing
strategies are
sometimes based
upon the image that
the business desires
to maintain.
Ask students to
survey the manager
of a store where they
shop. Ask the
manager how and
when markdowns
are determined. Do
the markdowns
increase customer
traffic to the store?
What is the best
promotion to
advertise the sale
VI. Pricing Based on Market Conditions
A. Competitive Environment
B. Product Life Cycle
1. types of competition change during
product life cycles
2. skimming price-high price designed to
emphasize the quality or uniqueness of
the product
3. penetration price-a very low price
designed to increase the quantity sold of
a product by emphasizing the value
4. Consumer Purchase Classificationsprovide an example of different levels of
price competition
a. staple convenience goods and pricebased shopping goods illustrate
intensive price competition
b. customers see few product differences
C. Non-Price Competition
1. de-emphasizes price
2. carefully study the needs of a target
3. find out things customer find
dissatisfying about the competition
4. develop a better, more satisfying
marketing mix
When a product is at
the end of its life
cycle, the price
should decrease
dramatically. A good
example of this
concept involves
computers that
become obsolete or
new televisions that
replace the previous
greatest models.
IV. Pricing Strategies
A. Price Flexibility
1. one-price policy-all customers pay the
same price
2. flexible pricing policy-allows customers
to negotiate the price within a price
B. Price Lines-distinct categories of prices
based on differences in product quality and
C. Geographic Pricing
1. FOB Pricing-identifies the location from
which the buyer pays the transportation
costs and takes title to the products
2. zone pricing-different product or
transportation costs are set for specific
areas (zones) of t he seller’s market
D. Discounts and Allowances-reductions in a
dealerships have
price lines for
different types of
vehicles. The GM
dealership has the
Buick and Cadillac
price lines.
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Dollar Stores have
become increasingly
popular because
consumers do not
feel a need to spend
large sums of money
on staple
convenience goods
like toothpaste and
toilet paper.
FOB pricing affects
the final price of a
product. FOB
dictates whether the
producer or the final
consumer pays the
cost of shipping the
price given to the customer in exchange for
performing certain marketing activities or
accepting something other than what
would normally be expected in the
1. quantity discount
2. seasonal discount
3. cash discount
4. trade discount
5. trade-in allowance
6. advertising allowance
7. coupon
8. rebate
E. Added Value-changing the customer’s
perception of value by making additions to
the purchase
Individuals and
businesses are
constantly looking for
discounts to improve
profit margin.
Incentives are given
for paying on time,
paying with cash,
and trading in used
When individuals
shop for a new
automobile, the
dealership will give
them a trade-in
allowance for their
old automobile.
Consumers should
look up the blue
book value of their
used vehicle before
shopping for the new
car to make sure that
the dealership is
giving them a fair
Copy and paste Multiple Intelligences Graphic in appropriate place in left column.
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III): Give students a list that contains the categories of
retail stores in sections C, D, and E. Then give students five minutes to write the name
of a store for each category. This activity is a good ice breaker for the lesson about
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
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Customer Service GAP Assignment: A customer service gap is the difference
between customers’ expectations of a service and the actual service they
receive. Ask students to recall the last time they purchased a service. Did the
performance meet their expectations? Was the price charged directly related to
the quality of service provided? What improvements could the business
implement to improve the service? Then ask students to prepare a PowerPoint
presentation to explain the experience and suggestions for improvements.
Ethics and Pricing Assignment: Ticket scalping is prohibited in many states,
yet individuals scalp tickets to attend highly demanded events. Ask students to
conduct research to determine the meaning of ticket scalping and then research
the policy of ticket scalping for a chosen state. Students must prepare a onepage report about ticket scalping, free market economy, and supply and demand.
3. Price Line Assignment: Ask students to select a product or service that has two
to three price lines. Then have students create a table with one column for the
name of he product or service and one column for each price line. In each price
line column, students must list the features that correspond to the price. Then
students will prepare a poster that reflects your findings.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Q: What are three factors considered when determining prices?
A: Pricing factors include supply and demand, uniqueness, age, season, complexity,
and convenience for the product.
Q: What is gross margin?
A: Gross margin is the markup or amount added to the cost of a product.
Q: What is a markdown?
A: Markdown is a reduction from the original selling price.
Q: How flexible is the price for a product?
A: Price can be changed more quickly than other marketing decisions.
Q: What are four forms of economic utility?
A: Four forms of economic utility include form, time, place, and possession.
Q: What is an inelastic demand?
A: Inelastic demand means that when prices are reduced, individuals are not
stimulated to purchase more; the price decrease will decrease total revenue.
Q: What is elastic demand?
A: Elastic demand means that lowered prices will increase total sales.
Q: How do prices charged by a business create an image?
A: Some people associate high prices with superior quality or service.
Q: What is breakeven point?
A: Breakeven point is the quantity of a product that must be sold for total revenues to
match total costs at a specific price.
Q: What are operating expenses?
A: Operating expenses are all costs associated with actual business operations.
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What is an example of non-price competition?
Offering superior service is an example of non-price competition.
What does FOB involve?
FOB determines if the shipper or buyer will pay shipping costs.
What is a rebate?
A rebate is a discount coupon that can be mailed in after the purchase to receive a
Ask students to select two products or services that consumers can purchase. Then
have students record three prices for each product or service—a low, average, and
high price. Survey 20 people and ask them (1) if they would buy the items at the
different price levels and (2) how many of the items they would buy at one time at
the different price levels. Create a table to show the elasticity of demand for each
item based upon survey results.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
1. Instructor will observe students during Independent Practice.
2. Instructor will assist students as needed.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
Assigned Rubrics will be used to assess assignments 1, 2, and 3 for Independent
Practice (LSI Quadrant III).
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
1. Many restaurants have gone to $1 menus during tight economic times. Students
work for a movie theater. How can the theater use a similar pricing strategy to
help increase its business. Ask the student to write two paragraphs to explain
your movie theater strategy.
2. Divide the class into groups of two students. Each team is opening a clothing
boutique that sells designer clothing and accessories. The shop will be located in
an upscale neighborhood. The team must write a price objective for the clothes
they sell and give an example of what prices would be charged for several
articles of clothing.
3. Ask students to research the price of a ticket for a college football game for
different universities. Then ask students to explain why they think the price of the
football ticket varies based upon the team, location, etc.
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Prices in a Private Enterprise System
Independent Practice Assignment Sheet
Customer Service GAP Assignment #1: A customer service gap is the difference
between customers’ expectations of a service and the actual service they
receive. Recall the last time they purchased a service. Did the performance meet
your expectations? Was the price charged directly related to the quality of service
provided? What improvements could the business implement to improve the
service? Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to explain the experience and
suggestions for improvements.
Ethics and Pricing Assignment #2: Ticket scalping is prohibited in many states, yet
individuals scalp tickets to attend highly demanded events. Conduct research to
determine the meaning of ticket scalping and then research the policy of ticket
scalping for a chosen state. Prepare a one-page report about ticket scalping, free
market economy, and supply and demand.
Price Line Assignment #3: Select a product or service that has two to three price
lines. Create a table with one column for the name of he product or service and
one column for each price line. In each price line column, list the features that
correspond to the price. Prepare a poster that reflects your findings.
Ask students to select two products or services that consumers can purchase. Then
have students record three prices for each product or service—a low, average, and
high price. Survey 20 people and ask them (1) if they would buy the items at the
different price levels and (2) how many of the items they would buy at one time at
the different price levels. Create a table to show the elasticity of demand for each
item based upon survey results.
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Prices in a Private Enterprise System
Customer Service Gap PowerPoint Assignment #1 Rubric
Student Name:
5 or less
Covers topic in-depth
with details and
examples. Subject
knowledge is
Includes essential
knowledge about the
topic. Subject
knowledge appears
to be good.
Includes essential
information about
the topic but there
are 1-2 factual
Content is minimal
OR there are several
factual errors.
Content is well
organized using
headings or bulleted
lists to group related
Uses headings or
bulleted lists to
organize, but the
overall organization
of topics appears
Content is logically
organized for the
most part.
There was no clear
or logical
structure, just lots of
Makes excellent use
of font, color,
graphics, effects, etc.
to enhance the
Makes good use of
font, color, graphics,
effects, etc. to
enhance to
Makes use of font,
color, graphics,
effects, etc. but
occasionally these
detract from the
Use of font, color,
graphics, effects etc.
but these often
distract from the
presentation content.
Product shows a
large amount of
original thought.
Ideas are creative
and inventive.
Product shows
some original
thought. Work
shows new ideas
and insights.
Uses other people's Uses other people's
ideas (giving them
ideas, but does not
credit), but there is
give them credit.
little evidence of
original thinking.
Well-rehearsed with
smooth delivery that
holds audience
Rehearsed with
fairly smooth
delivery that holds
audience attention
most of the time.
Delivery not smooth, Delivery not smooth
but able to maintain and audience
interest of the
attention often lost
audience most of the
Total Score _______
Maximum 100 Points
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Prices in a Private Enterprise System
Ethics and Pricing Assignment #2 Rubric
Student Name:
5 or less
Information is very
organized with wellconstructed
paragraphs and
Information is
organized with wellconstructed
Information is
organized, but
paragraphs are not
The information
appears to be
disorganized. 8)
Quality of
Information clearly
relates to the main
topic. It includes
several supporting
details and/or
Information clearly
relates to the main
topic. It provides 1-2
supporting details
and/or examples.
Information clearly
Information has little
relates to the main
or nothing to do with
topic. No details
the main topic.
and/or examples are
Amount of
All topics are
addressed and all
questions answered
with at least 2
sentences about
All topics are
addressed and most
questions answered
with at least 2
sentences about
All topics are
One or more topics
addressed, and most were not addressed.
questions answered
with 1 sentence
about each.
All sources
(information and
graphics) are
documented in the
desired format.
All sources
(information and
graphics) are
documented, but a
few are not in the
desired format.
All sources
(information and
graphics) are
documented, but
many are not in the
desired format.
Some sources are
not accurately
Diagrams &
Diagrams and
illustrations are neat,
accurate and add to
the reader's
understanding of the
Diagrams and
illustrations are
accurate and add to
the reader's
understanding of the
Diagrams and
illustrations are neat
and accurate and
sometimes add to
the reader's
understanding of the
Diagrams and
illustrations are not
accurate OR do not
add to the reader's
understanding of the
Total Score _______
Maximum 100 Points
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Prices in a Private Enterprise System
Price Line Poster Assignment#3 Rubric
Student Name:
5 or less
All but 1 of the
required elements
are included on the
Several required
elements were
The poster includes All required elements
all required elements are included on the
as well as additional poster.
Content Accuracy
At least 7 accurate
facts are displayed
on the poster.
5-6 accurate facts
3-4 accurate facts
Less than 3 accurate
are displayed on the are displayed on the facts are displayed
on the poster.
The poster is
attractive in terms of
design, layout, and
The poster is
attractive in terms of
design, layout and
The poster is
acceptably attractive
though it may be a
bit messy.
The poster is
distractingly messy
or very poorly
designed. It is not
Student can
accurately answer all
questions related to
facts in the poster
and processes used
to create the poster.
Student can
accurately answer
most questions
related to facts in the
poster and
processes used to
create the poster.
Student can
accurately answer
about 75% of
questions related to
facts in the poster
and processes used
to create the poster.
Student appears to
have insufficient
knowledge about the
facts or processes
used in the poster.
Most graphics are in
focus and the
content easily
viewed and identified
from 6 ft. away.
Most graphics are in Many graphics are
focus and the
not clear or are too
content is easily
viewed and identified
from 4 ft. away.
Graphics -Clarity Graphics are all in
focus and the
content easily
viewed and identified
from 6 ft. away.
Total Score _______
Maximum 100 Points
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
Prices in a Private Enterprise System
Student Name:
Neatness and
Exceptionally well
designed, neat, and
attractive. Colors
that go well together
are used to make
the graph more
readable. A ruler and
graph paper (or
graphing computer
program) are used.
Neat and relatively
Lines are neatly
attractive. A ruler
drawn but the graph
and graph paper (or appears quite plain.
graphing computer
program) are used to
make the graph
more readable.
Appears messy and
"thrown together" in
a hurry. Lines are
visibly crooked.
Type of Graph
Graph fits the data
well and makes it
easy to interpret.
Graph is adequate
and does not distort
the data, but
interpretation of the
data is somewhat
Graph distorts the
data somewhat and
interpretation of the
data is somewhat
Graph seriously
distorts the data
making interpretation
almost impossible.
Accuracy of
displayed very
Information is within
a few percentage
points of accuracy.
Some information is Information
accurate while other displayed in a
information is
confusing manner.
Neat vivid
Colorful presentation Colorful presentation Confusing
that stays on target that does not
90% of the time.
highlight all
necessary details.
Overall Effort
Extra effort was
Basic amount of
effort used.
Effort seemed to be
5 or less
Project seemed to
be a last-minute
Total Score _______
Maximum 100 Points
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