Lesson Plan-Diversity at Work Course Title: Business Information Management II Session Title: Diversity at Work Performance Objective: Upon completion of this lesson, students will understand diversity in the workplace. Specific Objectives: Students will learn to accommodate cultural diversity of customers. Students will learn strategies for handling conflicts in a culturally diverse workplace. Students will learn how to be tolerant of different kinds of diversity. Preparation TEKS: 130.115.c.1.C&D – monitor a business project; minimize a business project‟s errors 130.115.c.2.B-D demonstrate use of content, technical concepts, and vocabulary when analyzing information and following directions; record information needed to present a report on a given topic or problem; write internal and external business correspondence that conveys information effectively using correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization 130.115.c.3.B – organize information to use in written and oral communication 130.115.c.4.A – Use informational texts, Internet websites, and technical materials to review and apply information sources for occupational tasks 130.115.c.5.A-C – prepare oral presentations to provide information for specific purposes and audiences; identify support materials that will enhance an oral presentation; prepare support materials that will enhance an oral presentation 130.115.c.7.B&E – employ verbal skills when obtaining and conveying information; use academic skills to facilitate effective written and oral communication 130.115.c.9.A&B – apply factors and strategies for communicating with a diverse workforce; demonstrate the ability to communicate and resolve conflicts within a diverse workforce English: 110.33.b.1.A&C – determine the meaning of grade-level technical academic English words in multiple content areas (e.g., science, mathematics, social studies, the arts) derived from Latin, Greek or other linguistic roots and affixes; infer word meanings through the identification and analysis of analogies and other word relationships. 110.33.b.12.B-D – evaluate the interactions of different techniques (e.g., layout, pictures, typeface in print media, images, text, sound in electronic journalism) used in multi-layered media; evaluate the objectivity of coverage of the same event in various types of media; evaluate changes in formality and tone across various media for different audiences and purposes. 110.31.b.15.B – organized and accurately conveyed information, and reader-friendly formatting techniques. Accommodations for Learning Differences: It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to 1 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. the files found on the Special Populations page of this website. Teacher Preparation: References: 1. www.hodu.com/cultural-bus.shtml 2. www.toyota.com/about/diversity/21stCenturyDivStrategy.pdf 3. http://mindtools.com/CommSkll/ActiveListening.htm 4. www.people-communicating.com/listening~exercises.html 5. http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/dl/free/0070876940/91744/Active_Listening.pdf 6. http://www.ode.state.oh.us/GD/Templates/Pages/ODE/ODEDetail.aspx?page=3&To picRelationID=1812&ContentID=92853&Content=93808 7. http://www.thetimes100.co.uk/case-study--supply-chain-from-manufacturing-to-shelf-6-370-2.php 8. http://pubs.cas.psu.edu/freepubs/pdfs/ui335.pdf Instructional Aids: 1. “Diversity at Work” PowerPoint presentation 2. “Corporate Diversity Strategy” Assignment #1 3. “Corporate Diversity Strategy” Rubric 4. “Active Listening” Assignment #2 5. “Active Listening” Rubric 6. “Logistics” Assignment #3 7. “Logistics” Rubric Materials Needed: 1. Construction paper to cut into strips 2. Glue 3. Markers Equipment Needed: 1. Computers for students to complete assignments. 2. Projector for PowerPoint. Learner Preparation: 1. Ask students if they know what the term diversity means. Discuss the definition. 2. On the board or document camera write down “School” and “Work” as column headings. 3. Have students provide suggestions of types of diversity found at school and at work. There will be some similar responses as well as different types of diversity for both school and work. Lesson Plan Introduction (LSI Quadrant I) 1. Create a handout of business product scenarios from the Hodu.com web site. Assign students in pairs or groups, depending upon the size of the class, to one of the scenarios. Have them provide a paragraph response discussing the scenario, whether it was a culture or a language barrier, the negative consequences to the company, and what could have been done differently. Student groups can then present their summaries to the class. 2. Using the Active Listening Exercises from the people-communicating.com web site, divide students into pairs to complete at least 2 of the exercises. Then have them prepare a two-column table explaining what was easy and what was difficult about 2 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. completing the exercises. Important Terms for this Lesson: Tolerance – sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own Culture – an integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning, the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or group Diversity - the inclusion of different types of people (as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization Logistics – moving products from one place to another in the most efficient way possible Supply chain - a set of three or more companies directly linked by one or more of the upstream and downstream flows of products, services, finances and information from a source to a customer Outline Outline (LSI Quadrant II) Instructors can use the PowerPoint presentation, slides, handouts, and the internet in conjunction with the following outline. MI Outline Notes to Instructor I. Types of Diversity The workplace today is A. Cultural-different ethnic much different than in the backgrounds past due to globalization. B. Age-„baby boomers‟ and „gen Ask students how many x‟ in the same workplace of them have a job. On C. Gender-males and females in the board tally how many traditional and non-traditional of them would say that Occupations there are two or more generations in their workplace. Also tally how many races may be represented by the employees or supervisors they work with. Also, record how many have females as supervisors. II. Communication Barriers A. Language Because there is so B. Cultural Differences much diversity at work C. Poverty today, many employees D. Trust, Fear may not have as much in common with fellow employees as in the past. Ask students what the benefits may be in being 3 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. surrounded by these differences and how they can help overcome these barriers. III. Diversity Strategies A. Know your own culture 1. understand your own behaviors that may be related to your culture 2. understand your own similarities and differences to other people from other cultures B. Develop listening skills 1. listen to understand 2. provide feedback after you listen C. Utilize non-verbal communications 1. facial expressions (a smile goes a long way) 2. gestures IV. Tips for Effective Listening A. Pay attention by making eye contact B. Show that you are listening with your posture C. Provide feedback to clarify statements D. Postpone judgment by not interrupting E. Respond appropriately by showing respect to the speaker Discuss with students things that are similar and different among people. Cut strips of paper in different colors and distribute six to each student (number can be changed depending on number of students). Have students write a similarity to others in the room on one end and a difference from others in the room on the other end. These can be hair color, eye color, birth order, … Do this for all six strips. Then have them visit with others in the room and choose two of their strips and glue them end-to-end with other student‟s strips that match with their strips. Soon they will see a chain emerge of their similarities and differences. The teacher can have students play the Gossip game by giving a student a sentence perhaps relating to a skill they are working on in class or a business-related sentence. The student whispers it to the next student and so on until the last student says it out loud to the class. 4 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. V. Conflict Resolution Strategies A. Stick to the facts B. Sensitivity training C. Keep discussions professional D. Recognize miscommunications E. Personal comments not on work time F. Encourage the value of diversity The class can see how the sentence changed and write on the board suggestions for making the listening more effective. Provide students with a conflict situation and have them discuss, in pairs, how to resolve the situation. They can present their situation and their resolutions to the class. Copy and Paste Multiple Intelligences Graphic in appropriate place in left column. Application Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III): Using the PowerPoint presentation, the teacher will explain the importance of understanding cultural diversity in the workplace. Divide the students into groups and have them select one of the nine principles of Toyota‟s Diversity Strategy (use the above web site reference). They can create a PowerPoint to include the following points: explanation of the principle, summary of the main points, and benefits of the principle to Toyota, its employees, and customers. Go to the McGraw web site to the Active Listening Exercises. Divide the students into either pairs or groups of three (since there are three questions to answer for the scenario). Have the groups respond to Vignette #1 using the three types of responses mentioned. Students can present their summaries to the class. Discuss with students the concept of logistics and supply-chain management, i.e., how a product gets from point A to point B using the Kellogg‟s example from the times100.co.uk web site. Provide students, in pairs, with a strip of paper that has a product name on it and have the student prepare a document (a bulleted list, table, or outline) that identifies the same steps: Primary sector, Secondary sector, Tertiary sector, and consumers. Also discuss with students how cultural diversity applies to logistics and supply-chain management as it relates to their 5 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. products, i.e., how many products are multi-national, that is, their components are sometimes from foreign countries and are transported to other countries as well. Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III): Corporate Diversity Strategy Assignment #1 Each student can select a corporation and create a PowerPoint utilizing all nine of Toyota‟s Diversity Strategies and applying them to that corporation. They should use the company name as a slide master and create effects and timings as well. Active Listening Assignment #2 Students can be in pairs for this assignment but each will complete the assignment on his or her own. Using the McGraw-Hill Active Listening Exercises, students will prepare a table summarizing each of the remaining three vignettes (the first was done in Guided Practice). The table should by clearly labeled with column headings and thoroughly answer all three questions for each vignette. Logistics Assignment #3 Students will select a product and prepare a SmartArt diagram outlining the steps involved in supply chain management as it pertains to that product. Then they will each prepare a short report detailing each of the steps. Use the Kellogg‟s example as a guide. The report should also address how the cultural diversity related to the product‟s manufacturing or distribution is addressed, for example, whether or not their components are from foreign countries or how the products are shipped worldwide. Also, create an advertisement for the product that is translated into another language using Word‟s translation feature or using another source to translate. Summary Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV): Q: Why is the workplace so much more diverse than in the past? A: Due to advances in technology, the world seems to have become “smaller” due to globalization. Many businesses have employees and customers internationally. Q: Why is understanding diversity important to a business? A: If employees understand the different types of diversity within their business, they are happier and more productive as employees. This increased morale expands to creating satisfied customers. Understanding the diversity of customers also helps companies know what products and services they will like as well. Q: What kinds of diversity exist in a business? A: Ethnic, language, gender, and age are the main types, but there are many other differences including religion. Q: What are three ways to handle conflicts at work which may result from diversity issues? A: Employees should practice sensitivity training, discussions should revolve around facts more than emotions, and benefits of diversity should be stressed. Evaluation Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III): 1. Instructor will observe students during Independent Practice. 2. Instructor will assist students as needed. 6 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrants III and IV): Use the assigned rubrics to evaluate the four Independent Practice Assignments. Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV): 1. Invite a speaker from a local business to discuss their diversity initiatives or strategies with students as well as how that business has benefitted from having a diversified workforce. The class can create a poster together with each student including one of the comments from the speaker. 2. Invite a speaker from LULAC, NAACP, or SBA to speak to students about business opportunities for various types of diversities whether they be ethnic, age, or genderrelated. Have students each write a summary of the speaker‟s presentation. 7 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Business Information Management II – Diversity at Work Independent Practice Assignments Corporate Diversity Strategy Assignment #1 Each student can select a corporation and create a PowerPoint utilizing all nine of Toyota‟s Diversity Strategies and applying them to that corporation. They should use the company name as a slide master and create effects and timings as well. Active Listening Assignment #2 Students can be in pairs for this assignment, but each will complete the assignment on his or her own. Using the McGraw-Hill Active Listening Exercises, students will prepare a table summarizing each of the remaining three vignettes (the first was done in Guided Practice). The table should by clearly labeled with column headings and questions thoroughly answered for each vignette. Appearance should be professional and pleasing. Logistics Assignment #3 Students will select a product and prepare a SmartArt diagram outlining the steps involved in supply chain management as it pertains to that product. Then they will each prepare a short report detailing each of the steps. Use the Kellogg‟s example as a guide. The report should also address how the cultural diversity related to the product‟s manufacturing or distribution is addressed, for example, whether or not their components are from foreign countries or how the products are shipped worldwide. Also, create an advertisement for the product that is translated into another language using Word‟s translation feature or using another source to translate. . 8 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Business Information Management II – Verbal Communication in Business Corporate Diversity Strategy Rubric Assignment #1 Student Name: __________________________________ CATEGORY 20 Required Elements Presentation includes all nine strategies, slide master and timings. Appearance Exceptional use of design principles-balance of white space, text, and graphics 15 Presentation missing slide master or timings. Mechanics No grammar or punctuation errors 1-2 grammar or punctuation errors Comprehension of Material Excellent grasp of each strategy as applied to the corporation selected 1-2 of the strategies were not applied successfully 3-4 of the strategies missed the mark Slide Transitions Slide transitions and effects were appropriate and enhanced the presentation Transitions and effects were appropriate but did not add to the quality of the presentation Some transitions and/or effects were missing from the presentation Adequate use of design principles 10 Presentation missing 1-2 of the strategies, slide master, and timings. Presentation appears ordinary and lacks several design principles 3-4 grammar or punctuation errors Total Score ________ Maximum 100 Points 9 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 5 or less Presentation missing 3 or more strategies, slide master, and timings. Presentation appears unprofessional and utilizes no principles of design More than 4 grammar or punctuation errors Examples used were not original, shows no understanding of material Transitions and effects either not present or totally inappropriate and unprofessional Business Information Management II – Verbal Communication in Business Active Listening Assignment Rubric Assignment #2 Student Name: __________________________________ CATEGORY 20 Required Elements Table contains column headings and cells contain thorough information for all three vignettes Appearance Appearance is professional and formatting is pleasing to the eye 15 Table missing column headings and information is adequate for three vignettes Appearance is neat, formatting is adequate Mechanics No grammar or punctuation errors 1-2 grammar or punctuation errors Sufficiency of Information Excellent amount of information provided in answers to all of the vignettes Examples related to topic All answers show excellent understanding of topic Adequate amount of information provided to answer questions Answers show adequate comprehension of topic 10 Table contains little information 5 or less Information not presented in table form and information incomplete Appearance is slightly unprofessional with only occasional formatting 3-4 grammar or punctuation errors Appearance is unprofessional and unattractive Little information provided in each answer 1-2 answers show little understanding of topic Total Score ________ Maximum 100 Points 10 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. More than 4 grammar or punctuation errors Answers are sketchy at best More than 2 answers show little to no understanding of topic Business Information Management II – Verbal Communication in Business Logistics Rubric Assignment #3 Student Name: __________________________________ CATEGORY 20 Required Elements Both SmartArt, report, and advertisement are complete 15 Both SmartArt, report, and advertisement are present but adequate SmartArt Appearance Report Appearance Mechanics Examples related to topic SmartArt is creative and professional in appearance Report appears neat and professional with all sections organized No grammar or punctuation errors in either document All examples match the appropriate step in the supply chain, multicultural issues addressed 5 or less SmartArt, report, and advertisement are missing entirely SmartArt is neat but ordinary in appearance 10 SmartArt, report, or advertisement are missing, information presented in another format SmartArt contains too little information Report is neat but slightly disorganized Report not formatted properly Report not present 1-2 grammar or punctuation errors total in both documents Supply chain and multicultural issues addressed but not thoroughly 3-4 grammar or punctuation errors in both documents Either supply chain steps or multicultural implications not discussed or mentioned More than 4 grammar or punctuation errors Assignment shows little to no understanding of topic Total Score ________ Maximum 100 Points 11 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. SmartArt not present