Lesson Plan – Business Reporting Course Title: Business Information Management II Session Title: Business Reporting Performance Objective: Upon completion of this lesson, students will understand the importance of using a variety of reports in business as well as their appropriate use in business. Specific Objectives: Students will compare and contrast reports used in school and reports used in business. Students will examine the different types of reports used by businesses. Students will collaborate with each other in preparing business reports. Preparation TEKS: 130.115.c.2.A-D – employ verbal skills when obtaining and conveying information; demonstrate use of content, technical concepts, and vocabulary when analyzing information and following directions; record information needed to present a report on a given topic or problem; write internal and external business correspondence that conveys information effectively using correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization 130.115.c.3.B – organize information to use in written and oral communication 130.115.c.4.A-B – use informational texts, Internet websites, and technical materials to review and apply information sources for occupational tasks; evaluate the reliability of information from informational texts, Internet websites, and technical materials and resources 130.115.c.7.B;E – employ verbal skills when obtaining and conveying information; use academic skills to facilitate effective written and oral communication English: 110.33.b.1.A – determine the meaning of grade-level technical academic English words in multiple content areas (e.g., science, mathematics, social studies, the arts) derived from Latin, Greek or other linguistic roots and affixes. 110.33(b)(1)(C) – infer word meanings through the identification and analysis of analogies and other word relationships. 110.33(b)(12)(B) – Reading/Media Literacy …evaluate the interactions of different techniques (e.g., layout, pictures, typeface in print media, images, text, sound in electronic journalism) used in multi-layered media. 110.33.b.12.C – evaluate the objectivity of coverage of the same event in various types of media. 110.33.b.12.D – evaluate changes in formality and tone across various media for different audiences and purposes. 110.31.b.15.B – organized and accurately conveyed information, and reader-friendly formatting techniques. Accommodations for Learning Differences: It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to 1 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. the files found on the Special Populations page of this website. Teacher Preparation: References: 1. http://www.ehow.com/list_7577612_types-business-reports.html 2. http://www.websukat.com/.../Business-Communication/13.Internal-and-ExternalBusiness-Communication–Writing-Business-Reports.pdf 3. http://www.freeppts.net/powerpoint/powerpoint-presentation-907002.html 4. http://wikipedia.org 5. http://inventors.about.com/od/licensingmarketing/f/Marketing_eleme.htm 6. http://www.purplefly.co.za/feasibility-study.html 7. http://sampleproposal.net/category/sample-feasibility-study/ 8. http://www.iowacentral.edu/business/BCD/contests/MarketingPlan.doc 9. Business Computer Information Systems II, Prentice Hall 10. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/726/1/ Instructional Aids: 1. “Business Reporting” PowerPoint presentation 2. “Marketing Plan” Assignment #1 3. “Marketing Plan” Rubric 4. “Computer Proposal” Assignment #2 5. “Computer Proposal” Rubric 6. “Feasibility Study” Assignment #3 7. “Feasibility Study” Rubric Materials Needed: 1. Poster board and tape for exercise where students match up parts of reports. Equipment Needed: 1. Computers for students to complete assignments. 2. Projector for PowerPoint. Learner Preparation: 1. Draw columns on a board or document camera with the words type, audience, and purpose as the headings. Ask students about the different reports that have had to prepare in high school. List the type on the board. Ask for whom the report was prepared (subject or teacher). Have students volunteer what the purpose was for each of the reports. 2. Then ask students the same questions but about different reports used in business. Again, record their responses. Lesson Plan Introduction (LSI Quadrant I) 1. Print or obtain (from the Internet) a variety of sample business reports. They can include memos, business plans, sales proposals, etc. Divide the students into pairs and distribute the sample reports. 2. Have a student in each pair type the following headings into a table (if done in Word), or Spreadsheet (if done in Excel): report type, purpose, audience, and frequency. As a pair, the students should determine the information to be typed under their column headings in the table. 2 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Important Terms for this Lesson: Report – a written document containing information regarding business matters; can take on many forms Memo – a short document used to communicate within a company Proposal – a written offer from a seller to a prospective buyer (or someone who is acting as an agent to a seller) Feasibility Study – an evaluation of a proposal designed to determine the difficulty in carrying out a designated task Marketing plan – a plan for a company’s marketing activities which contains analysis of target market, competitors, product/service description, pricing strategies, and promotional (advertising) activities. Outline Outline (LSI Quadrant II) Instructors can use the PowerPoint presentation, slides, handouts, and the Internet in conjunction with the following outline. MI Outline Notes to Instructor I. Purpose of Reports in Discuss the concept of Business reports with students and A. Provide information that there is much more to B. Analyze data reports than the ones they C. Persuade an audience prepare in school. Businesses can review information and make decisions based on information that employees include in reports. II. Types of Reports A. Informational 1. provide factual information 2. usually no recommendations B. Analytical 1. presents statistical data 2. includes recommendations III. Informational Reports A. Memos 1. usually shorter length 2. informs internally B. Annual Report Show students examples of different types of reports using the referenced web sites or other sites and mention that reports do not have to be tedious 20-page monotonous reports. Many business reports are also completed collaboratively as well as opposed to one person. These types of reports provide data and are meant to inform. The teacher should print different reports and cut up into different sections (look for 3 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 1. provides data 2. informs investors C. Expense Report 1. informs internally 2. employee expenses D. Marketing Plan 1. informs internally 2. marketing details IV. Analytical Reports A. Feasibility Study 1. analyzes potential 2. makes recommendations B. Sales Proposal 1. requests funding 2. makes recommendations V. Checking Source Reliability A. Is information current? B. Is author biased? C. Is information credible? D. Is information comparable to other sources? samples with section or paragraph headings). After showing examples and explaining the differences between several reports, divide students into groups and distribute the cut up reports to each group. Have them piece the reports back together and affix (tape) in the correct order on the correct report. This will not only teach the kinds of reports but also how to organize them. When writing business reports, the most current information may be business journals or the Internet. Select a web site and answer the reliability questions with students so they can determine if a source is reliable. Then have them choose their own site and do the same. Copy and Paste Multiple Intelligences Graphic in appropriate place in left column. Application Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III): Using the PowerPoint presentation, the teacher will explain the impact that reports can have on a business. The teacher should show students how to search effectively on the Internet for samples of reports that students can use as examples. Then have students respond with web sites that they think provide good examples for high school students to follow. Put these sites on the board for students to refer back to as needed. Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III): Marketing Plan Assignment #1: 4 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Students will use a product or service of their choosing, or create one of their own, and prepare a Marketing Plan for that product or service. Use the following sections: 1) target market – who is your buyer? 2) competitors – who is your competition? 3) description of your product or service 4) pricing strategy – how much will you charge? 5) where and how will you sell – Internet, store location 6) promotional strategy(advertising) – radio, TV, Internet ads, billboards The plan should be in proper report form with appropriate section or paragraph headings. A cover page can be created from scratch or one can be obtained from using the Insert tab (Office 2007 or higher). A Table of Contents should also be included using the References tab (Office 2007 or higher). Use the web site above as an example. Include graphics where appropriate. Computer Proposal Assignment #2 You work at a company which uses outdated computer equipment and you feel your department could benefit from new technology. You write a proposal to your supervisor including your rationale (reasons for this request) as your opening paragraph, a section describing what you would like to purchase, the potential benefits to the employees, as well as to the company and its customers, of this purchase, and the costs. Include a SmartArt graphic and a table if appropriate to enhance your proposal. Feasibility Study Assignment #3 In pairs, students will prepare a Feasibility Study to determine the best location to open a new business. This can be any type of appropriate business such as a restaurant, a hotel, an electronics store, a retail store for your favorite product, or any other idea approved by your teacher. The study should include: 1) an introduction justifying the need 2) a survey created using the Developer tab (Office 2007 or higher) 3) a section explaining staffing needs at the new location 4) a section detailing equipment and materials needed for the new store 5) an estimate of costs, and benefits of the new location 6) traffic flow patterns The study should contain a Table of Contents, paragraph headings, and at least one table displaying appropriate information. Students will use the Review tab and email their sections to each other for comments (suggestions for improvement and formatting). Use the above web site for examples. Students may use Google tools to create a task list and calendar so they can pace the progress of their work. Summary Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV): Q: Why are reports in business important? A: They provide information that is essential to a business’ success. Q: What type of report is a Marketing Plan? A: A Marketing Plan is an informational report which is a guideline on how to proceed 5 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. with promotional strategies of a product or service. Q: What type of report is a Feasibility Study? A: A Feasibility Study is an analytical report because it provides data and makes a recommendation. Evaluation Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III): 1. Instructor will observe students during Independent Practice. 2. Instructor will assist students as needed. Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrants III and IV): Use the assigned rubrics to evaluate the four Independent Practice Assignments. Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV): 1. Students will interview a business member in their local community about the various types of business reports his/her company prepares. The students will create a table listing these reports and the purpose for each. 2. Students can approach a local business (not a chain) and tell them they are creating either a feasibility study for an additional location for their business or a marketing plan for their product or service. They should ask appropriate questions which will help them with their reports. When they have completed their report, they should submit it to that business and ask for their comments. Return the report to class and present the comments to the class. 6 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Business Information Management II - Business Reporting Independent Practice Assignments: Marketing Plan Assignment #1 Students will use a product or service of their choosing, or create one of their own, and prepare a Marketing Plan for that product or service. Use the following sections: 1) target market – who is your buyer? 2) competitors – who is your competition 3) description of your product or service 4) pricing strategy – how much will you charge? 5) where and how will you sell – Internet, store location 6) promotional strategy (advertising) – radio, TV, Internet ads, billboards The plan should be in proper report form with appropriate section or paragraph headings. A cover page can be created from scratch or one can be obtained from using the Insert tab (Office 2007 or higher). A Table of Contents should also be included using the References tab (Office 2007 or higher). Use the web site above as an example. Include graphics where appropriate. Computer Proposal Assignment #2 You work at a company which has outdated computer equipment and you feel your department could benefit from new technology. You write a proposal to your supervisor including your rationale (reasons for this request) as your opening paragraph, a section describing what you would like to purchase (possibly with a table comparing different brands of equipment), the potential benefits to the employees, as well as to the company and its customers, of this purchase, and the costs. Include a SmartArt and a table where appropriate to enhance your proposal. Feasibility Study Assignment #3 In pairs, students will prepare a Feasibility Study to determine the best location to open a new business. This can be any type of appropriate business such as a restaurant, a hotel, an electronics store, a retail store for your favorite product, or any other idea approved by your teacher. The study should include: 1) an introduction justifying the need 2) a survey of potential demand for the business created using the Developer tab (Office 2007 or higher) 3) a section explaining staffing needs at the new location 4) a section detailing equipment and materials needed for the new store 5) an estimate of costs, and benefits of the new location 6) traffic flow patterns The study should contain a Table of Contents, paragraph headings, and at least one table displaying appropriate information. Students will use the Review tab and email their sections to each other for comments (suggestions for improvement and formatting). Use the above web site for examples. Students may use Google tools to create a task list and calendar so they can pace the progress of their work. 7 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Business Information Management II – Business Reporting Marketing Plan Rubric Assignment #1 Student Name: __________________________________ CATEGORY Required Elements 20 All sections thoroughly included as well as cover page and table of contents 15 1 marketing section missing but cover page and table of contents included 10 2 marketing sections missing and either cover page or table of contents missing as well Formatting Formatting is exceptional and professional, all sections have headings No grammar or punctuation errors Formatting is neat, 1-2 sections are missing headings 1-2 grammar or punctuation errors Formatting is adequate, but section headings missing 3-4 grammar or punctuation errors Adequate amount of information provided in the marketing sections Plan shows adequate grasp of the topic Little information provided in each section Mechanics Sufficiency of Information Excellent amount of information provided in each section of the plan Examples related Plan shows to project excellent grasp of the topic Plan shows little understanding of concepts. Total Score ________ Maximum 100 Point 8 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 5 or less Cover page, table of contents missing as well as more than 2 marketing sections Paper appears unprofessional and disorganized More than 4 grammar or punctuation errors The sections are sketchy at best Plan shows no understanding of topic. Business Information Management II – Business Reporting Computer Proposal Rubric Assignment #2 Student Name: __________________________________ CATEGORY Required Elements 20 Proposal includes all sections of report, SmartArt, and table Appearance Proposal looks exceptionally professional, SmartArt and table contain appropriate information No grammar or punctuation errors Mechanics ContentCompleteness ContentRelevance Excellent amount of information provided in each section of proposal All sections are clearly related to the topic 15 Proposal includes most sections of report, SmartArt, and table Proposal appears neat, adequate use of SmartArt and table 10 Proposal includes most report sections but missing SmartArt or table Proposal appears ordinary, SmartArt or table also ordinary 5 or less Proposal has missing report sections as well as no SmartArt and table Proposal appears neat with inadequate formatting 1-2 grammar or punctuation errors 3-4 grammar or punctuation errors Adequate amount of information provided in each section of proposal 1 section not related to the topic Little information provided in each section of proposal More than 4 grammar or punctuation errors Information provided is sketchy 2 sections not related to topic Total Score ________ Maximum 100 Points 9 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. More than 2 sections not related to topic Business Information Management II – Business Reporting Feasibility Study Rubric Assignment #3 Student Name: __________________________________ CATEGORY Required Elements Appearance Collaborative Efforts Mechanics Relevance to topic 20 All required elements are present in the study The study appeared extremely professional and was formatting exceptionally well The pair worked extremely well together to produce an exceptional study No grammar or punctuation errors 15 1 element missing from study 10 Study missing 2-3 sections The study appeared neat and formatted adequately The study contains occasional formatting but not throughout the report The pair worked adequately together The pair struggled to work together The pair did not collaborate on project 1-2 grammar or punctuation errors 3-4 grammar or punctuation errors All parts clearly relate to the project 1 part vague in relating to topic 2 parts irrelevant to topic More than 4 grammar or punctuation errors More than 2 parts do not relate to the topic Total Score ________ Maximum 100 Points 10 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 5 or less More than 3 sections missing from study The study did not contain any formatting at all