Lesson Plan-Creating and Managing a Business Project-Part 1 Course Title: Business Information Management II (BIM II) Session Title: Creating and Managing a Business Project-Part 1 Performance Objective: Upon completion of this lesson, the student will understand the steps involved in working with a group to create a business project and conduct the first phase known as Project Definition. Specific Objectives: Students will understand how to initiate a business project. Students will understand the importance of teamwork in working on a project. Students will understand the importance of the processes involved in project management. Preparation TEKS: 130.115.c.1.A&B – implement a project; manage a project team 130.115.c.2.B&D – demonstrate use of content, technical concepts, and vocabulary when analyzing information and following directions; write internal and external business correspondence that conveys information effectively using correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization 130.115.c.3.B – organize information to use in written and oral communication 130.115.c.5.A-C – prepare oral presentations to provide information for specific purposes and audiences; identify support materials that will enhance an oral presentation; prepare support materials that will enhance an oral presentation English: 110.33.b.1.A&C – determine the meaning of grade-level technical academic English words in multiple content areas (e.g., science, mathematics, social studies, the arts) derived from Latin, Greek or other linguistic roots and affixes; infer word meanings through the identification and analysis of analogies and other word relationships. 110.33.b.12.B-D – evaluate the interactions of different techniques (e.g., layout, pictures, typeface in print media, images, text, sound in electronic journalism) used in multi-layered media; evaluate the objectivity of coverage of the same event in various types of media; evaluate changes in formality and tone across various media for different audiences and purposes. Accommodations for Learning Differences: It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special Populations page of this website. Teacher Preparation: References: 1. http://www.businessballs.com/project.htm 2. http://www.hp.com/hpinfo/socialinnovation/us/education/mission_proj_mgmt.html?jumpi d=reg_R1002_USEN Instructional Aids: 1 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 1. “Creating and Managing a Business Project” PowerPoint Presentation 2. Creating and Managing a Business Project Assignment Sheet 3. Sample Completed Project Definition Sheet found at http://www.hp.com/hpinfo/socialinnovation/us/education/mission_proj_mgmt.html?jumpi d=reg_R1002_USEN on page 21. 4. Blank Project Definition Sheet (at end of this lesson plan). 5. Stakeholder Analysis Worksheet (at end of this lesson plan). 6. Independent Practice Assignment #1 - Team Name and Logo 7. Team Name and Logo Rubric 8. Independent Practice Assignment #2 – “Project Objective and Criteria” 9. Project Assignment Objective and Criteria Rubric 10. Independent Practice Assignment #3 – Stakeholder Analysis 11. Stakeholder Analysis Rubric 12. Independent Practice Assignment #4 – Publisher Documents 13. Publisher Documents Rubric 14. Internet Materials Needed: 1. Blank Project Definition Sheet 2. Poster Boards or Binders in which to place documents Equipment Needed: 1. Computers for students to complete projects 2. Projector for PowerPoint Learner Preparation: 1. Ask students if they dread having to do a project for school. Do they have trouble meeting deadlines? If there was a way they could accomplish these tasks in as little time as possible and therefore make better grades, would they do it? 2. Next, ask students about different types of business projects they can think of that are part of any business such as: moving an office, opening a new division, laying off employees, putting on a retirement reception, or rolling out a new product. 3. Have them discuss in pairs the types of steps required in conducting one of these projects (general steps here such as how long it will take to plan, obtaining resources, securing a location, getting approvals, …). 4. Have each pair mention a different step that the teacher can type on a blank document and show on a projector so all students can view all the steps involved. Lesson Plan Introduction (LSI Quadrant I) 1. Ask students in pairs to decide on one project that involves their school such as: planning a band trip, putting on a wrestling competition at their school, planning a fundraiser event or any other project . Then ask them to decide on a business they are familiar with (in their neighborhood, community, or in the news) and a project that company may have recently gone through such as the ones that were discussed earlier (#2 above), a new restaurant that opened in the area, or a store that recently closed its doors, or any other “project” they can think of. 2. Then have the students each create a two-column table on their computer listing each of the projects at the top. Then each row should contain the steps involved in implementing those projects. 2 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 3. When all the pairs are through, the teacher can put a list of project management steps either on the computer or on a document camera and explain to students that, no matter what the project is or where it occurs (in a business or a school), there are processes or phases that are common to implementing any project. 4. As the teacher is explaining this, students can see how their table compares to the steps the teacher is presenting. Important Terms for this Lesson: project definition – what the project is, brainstorming, who is on the project team, what are the objectives, what will it look like when it is completed (also called completion criteria) project planning – task breakdown, schedule, research project execution – actual work involved, changes to objectives if needed, prepare presentations, complete all documentation project analysis – what went well or not so well, retrospect on team and individual regarding project stakeholder – a person or group who has an interest in something Outline Outline (LSI Quadrant II) Instructors can use the PowerPoint presentation, slides, handouts, and the Internet in conjunction with the following outline. MI Outline Notes to Instructor I. Project Management A. A set of processes and skills which can achieve positive results. B. Composed of 4 phases 1. definition 2. planning 3. execution 4. analysis II. Project Definition A. What is our project? B. What is the main objective for our project? C. How will we know when it is done? D. What will it look like when it is completed? III. Project Planning A. Who will be on our project team? B. What tasks need to be completed? C. What does our task timeline look like? IV. Who are Stakeholders? A. People who have a “stake” or interest in the project. 3 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. As you are going through the outline, you can simultaneously compare these steps to a sample project (such as the Pancake Breakfast fundraiser on the HP website listed above) so students see a visual stepby-step comparison of how these guidelines apply to real-world projects. Discuss who stakeholders are in B. Individuals who may make a contribution of time or money to the project. V. Project Execution A. Are the tasks being completed on schedule? B. Do we need to change our objective? C. Are the presentations prepared D. Any other documentation to be prepared VI. Project Analysis A. Review success of project 1. What went well 2. What didn‟t go so well B. Project retrospective – team member contribution C. Individual retrospective a project and make a list on the board of who the stakeholders would be for the Pancake Breakfast project. Ask students what benefits there are for actually planning a project step-bystep as opposed to creating one „on the fly‟ using sticky notes. Point out that the same is true of many activities, including schoolwork. There are benefits to looking ahead“begin with the end in mind”-when you plan any project. VII. Benefits of Project Management A. Less risk involved B. Projects completed on time C. Projects completed within budget D. Attention to details Discuss the concept of risk (what can go wrong), provide examples, and ask students to provide examples as well. Copy and Paste Multiple Intelligences Graphic in appropriate place in left column. Application Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III): Using the PowerPoint presentation, the teacher will explain what a business project is and provide examples of different types of business projects. The teacher will explain the different phases of business project management and will ask for examples as the various phases are introduced and explained. The teacher will also go 4 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. through a real-world project management exercise (the Pancake Breakfast) to visually represent the steps involved in accomplishing all phases of managing a project. Because the students will be performing many activities in pairs or group, it may be beneficial for the students to complete the Howard Gardner self-calculating Multiple Intelligences Test at the businessballs.com web site. It is an Excel format and has different questions for students of different ages to answer. Upon completion, it will provide students with a graph letting them know their potential strengths in a teamwork situation. Then the teacher will have students either pair up or get in groups of three or four, depending upon how many students are in the class. The teacher will provide a list of projects from which the groups can choose (also listed on the HP website) and they will complete the Project Definition phase. That will be completed on the blank handout. The remainder of the phases will be conducted in additional lessons. Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III): Independent Practice Assignment #1 – Team Name and Logo Each team for this business project should create a name and logo. The name and logo should be able to attract attention and still be professional. Any Microsoft Office application can be used. These items will need to be included on each of the following documents so there is a consistent theme. Independent Practice Assignment #2 - Project Objective and Criteria Using the examples you have seen and that you have completed in your group, decide on your own business project idea. It can be a project that is a real-world project such as the implementation of a new product that you have heard of or the opening of a new business in the area. It can also be planning a school-related event. Determine what your objective will be for the business. This means you must provide an approximate date for completion, what people or groups of people will be involved in this process and what do you need to do to get it done (not individual, detailed tasks, but general steps of the total process). Re-create the handout on the computer (using skills learned in BIM I such as creating a table, or create a form using the Developer tab in Office 2007)) and fill in the blanks with your responses. The assignment will be evaluated using the related rubric. Independent Practice Assignment #3 – Stakeholder Analysis Students will create a document in Microsoft Word that details information regarding the stakeholders of the project. In groups, students will complete the “Stakeholder Analysis” form which students can either create or the instructor can upload it to a shared drive so students can access the form. This will help students focus on everyone who will be involved with a project, from every angle. The assignment will be evaluated using the related rubric. Independent Practice Assignment #4 – Publisher Documents Design two documents in Microsoft Publisher advertising what your project will look like upon implementation. For example, if it is a school event, create a flyer that you might use to publicize the event including images (clipart, Internet) and text with all required information. If it is a business reception for a retiring employee, create a document that might be used as an invitation to the reception. Again, include text and graphics that 5 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. are appropriate for the project. The documents will be evaluated using the assigned rubric. Once all 4 of these assignments are completed, they can be affixed to a poster and displayed. Summary Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV): Q: What is an advantage of understanding all the phases involved in implementing a business project? A: This can insure that projects are completed on time and within budget and details are less likely to be overlooked. Q: What are the four phases of project management? A: Defining, planning, executing, and analyzing. Q: What is a Stakeholder Analysis? A: An evaluation of which the individuals are that will be involved with a project, the contributions they will make to the project, what they expect from the project, and the concerns that they may have about the project that can affect their contribution or investment. Q: What is a major similarity between business projects and school-related projects? A: Both involve the same management processes to achieve success. Evaluation Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III): 1. Instructor will observe students during Independent Practice. 2. Instructor will assist students as needed. Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrants III and IV): Use the assigned rubrics to evaluate the four Independent Practice Assignments (LSI Quadrant III). Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV): 1. Ask students to create their own project for implementation at their school. They will create the idea, determine who will be on the project team, set a deadline, determine the resources needed, and steps that need to be done to implement the project. Get approval from an assistant principal or principal and get his/her feedback as if it would actually be implemented. 2. Ask students to ask someone they know who can come to class and speak about what it takes to complete a business project as well as the technology involved in doing so. 6 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. PROJECT DEFINITION Project Proposal Date Project Title Project Team Name Role Project Dates Start: Completion: Project Objective Statement What will you do, by when, and what (resources) people and things do you need to get it done? Completion Criteria What should the end result of the project look like? How will you know when you’re done? How will you judge the quality of your results? Notes 7 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 8 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Business Information Management II – Creating and Managing a Business Project Independent Practice Assignments Independent Practice Assignment #1 – Team Name and Logo Each team for this business project should create a name and logo. The name and logo should be able to attract attention and still be professional. Any Microsoft Office application can be used. These items will need to be included on each of the following documents so there is a consistent theme. Independent Practice Assignment #2 - Project Objective and Criteria Using the examples you have seen that the teacher has demonstrated and that you have completed in your group, decide on your own business project idea. It can be a project that is a real-world project such as the implementation of a new product that you have heard of or the opening of a new business in the area. It can also be planning a school-related event. Determine what your objective will be for the business. This means to provide an approximate date for completion, what people or groups of people will be involved in this process and what do you need to do to get it done (not individual, detailed tasks, but general steps of the total process), similar to what was done previously in a group. Re-create the handout on the computer (using skills learned in BIM I such as creating a table, or create a form using the Developer tab in Office 2007)) and fill in the blanks with your responses. The assignment will be evaluated using the related rubric. Independent Practice Assignment #3 – Stakeholder Analysis Students will create a document in Microsoft Word that details information regarding the stakeholders of the project. In groups, students will complete the “Stakeholder Analysis” form which students can either create or the instructor can upload it to a shared drive so students can access the form. This will help students focus on everyone who will be involved with a project, from every angle. The assignment will be evaluated using the related rubric. Independent Practice Assignment #4 – Publisher Documents Design two documents in Microsoft Publisher advertising what your project will look like upon implementation. For example, if it is a school event, create a flyer that you might use to publicize the event including images (clipart, Internet) and text with all required information. If it is a business reception for a retiring employee, create a document that might be used as an invitation to the reception. Again, include text and graphics that are appropriate for the project. The documents will be evaluated using the assigned rubric. *Once all 4 of these assignments are completed, they can be affixed to a poster and displayed or placed in a binder. 9 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Business Information Management II – Creating and Managing a Business Project Team Name and Logo Rubric Assignment #1 Student Name: _____________________________________________ CATEGORY Required Elements 25 Both team name and logo displayed on document and relate well to the project Creativity Team name and logo are attractive, catchy, and attention-getting Team name and logo are original ideas and utilize design elements such as contrast, color, and emphasis Design Elements Content Information in document demonstrates excellent understanding of topic (how to effectively relate a team name and logo to a project idea) 20 Both team name and logo displayed on document but relationship to project is ambiguous Team name and logo are appropriate but average in appearance Team name and logo may be original but appear common or typical and demonstrates several design elements Information demonstrates adequate understanding of topic 15 Either team name or logo on document and relate to project 10 or less Team name or logo on document but does not adequately relate to project Team name or logo moderately creative Team name or logo shows no effort to be creative Team name or logo appears typical and utilizes only 1-2 elements of design Team name or logo appears common or typical and does not utilize any design elements Information shows spotty understanding of topic Does not understand topic or concepts presented Total Score ________ Maximum 100 Points 10 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Business Information Management II – Creating and Managing a Business Project Project Objective and Criteria Rubric Assignment #2 Student Name: _____________________________________________ CATEGORY Required Elements Mechanics Form re-creation Content Time and Effort 20 Table (or form) includes all required information as well as additional information No grammatical or punctuation errors on form Form recreated as shown with additional elements Information in form demonstrates excellent understanding of topic Excellent use of time in class, additional time spent in school or home 15 All required elements are completed 10 Table is complete with the exception of one blank component 1 grammatical or punctuation error 5 or less Greater than one element missing on the table 1-2 grammatical or punctuation errors Form re1 element created exactly missing from as shown re-created form Several grammatical or punctuation errors Several elements missing in recreated form Information demonstrates adequate understanding of topic Information shows spotty understanding of topic Does not understand topic or concepts presented Adequate use of time in class Did not make good use of time in class, little effort shown Very distracted, little work completed Total Score ________ Maximum 100 Points 11 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Business Information Management II – Creating and Managing a Business Project Stakeholder Analysis Rubric Assignment #3 Student Name: _____________________________________________ CATEGORY Required Elements Mechanics Form re-creation Content Time and Effort 20 Table (or form) includes all required information as well as additional information (must include team name/logo) No grammatical or punctuation errors on form Form re-created as shown with additional elements Information in form demonstrates excellent understanding of topic Excellent use of time in class, additional time spent in school or home 15 All required elements are completed, including team name/logo, but no additional information 10 Table is complete with the exception of one blank component, no team name/logo 5 or less Greater than one element missing on the table, no team name/logo 1-2 grammatical or punctuation errors Form re1 element created exactly missing from as shown re-created form Information Information demonstrates shows spotty adequate understanding understanding of topic of topic Several grammatical or punctuation errors Several elements missing in recreated form Does not understand topic or concepts presented Adequate use of time in class Very distracted, little work completed 1 grammatical or punctuation error Did not make good use of time in class, little effort shown Total Score ________ Maximum 100 Points 12 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Business Information Management II – Creating and Managing a Business Project Publisher Advertisements Rubric Assignment #4 Student Name ________________________________________ CATEGORY Publisher Document Choice Required Elements Design Principles/ Attractiveness Time and Effort Oral Presentation 20 Type of documents completely appropriate for business project 2 documents contain graphics and text with all appropriate information as well as additional elements Documents made exceptional use of design principles (white space, text/graphics balance, emphasis) Great deal of effort put into documents, extra time at school or at home Student clearly and enthusiastically states the project and the significance of the document 15 Type of documents adequate for project but not the most appropriate 2 documents contain graphics and text with all appropriate information 10 One document selection is inappropriate for the project 5 or less Both document selection(s) inappropriate or one is missing Only 1 document and had 1-2 missing elements Only 1 document and contained several missing elements Documents used design elements adequately Document lacked appropriate use of 1-2 design elements Document contained little, if any principles of design Time spent wisely in class Time not spent wisely in class Very little time spent at all in class Student presentation may be enthusiastic but either project or document significance not clear Student not enthusiastic and unclear on one of the elements Student not enthusiastic and unclear on both elements. Total Points ____ Maximum 100 Points 13 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.